The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s08e05 Episode Script

Flush to Judgment

- This is so exciting.
- I know.
I don't love Phil,
but I do love
that he made us a new outhouse.
-This fuss is for an outhouse?
I thought it was
a teeth giveaway.
-Guess the hunt's back on,
There's gotta be something
sleeping with its mouth open
-I hope Phil put in a sink.
-With running water.
-Hot and cold.
-Ooh! Don't forget about warm.
-Mm. I love warm water.
-Oh, yeah!
-Thank you all for coming.
I know you're all excited to see
the latest and greatest
in outhouse technology,
as you should be.
But first, let's explore
the long, breathtaking history
of the outhouse.
- It all began--
- No!
Outhouse, now!
Show us the outhouse!
Let me into the outhouse!
Before it's too late.
-Ugh. Fine.
Bathroom barbarians.
I said, "Ta-da."
Am I saying it wrong?
Am I putting the em-phasis
on the wrong syll-able?
- Ta-da!
- Ta-da.
-It's not that, Phil.
It just looks--
Exactly like the old outhouse.
Maybe the new outhouse
is behindthe old outhouse.
-No! This is the new outhouse.
The exterior
may appear unchanged,
but the interior
is an unflinching foray
into outhouse opulence.
-But if it looks the same,
why did you hide it with a leaf?
-Can't argue with
smoke and mirrors.
Even when they're a leaf.
So let's take the toilet tour.
-What do you think you're doing?
-Uh, moving the vine
so we can see the new outhouse?
-Yeah, Phil, let us in already.
I drank a bunch of water
while we waited
to get the most
out of the experience.
-Absolutely not.
The paint is still drying
and it won't be ready for use
until tomorrow morning.
-Then why are we here?
-No idea.
I put that vine up for tomorrow.
You chose
to stand in line today.
Hence this impromptu
soft opening.
-Phil, I gotta go!
Can I please just--
-Coming in hot, old outhouse!
-Yes! Showmanship.
- Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together,
stuck, stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
Oh, no.
I'm screaming.
I must be in trouble!
-Uh, Grug,
that's not you screaming.
-Oh, it's not? Whew.
-But someone is,
which means they're in trouble!
Don't worry.
We'll save you, someone.
-Hope, are you okay?
We heard you screaming.
Oh, it wasn't me.
-Just realized you're Phil,
and nothing will change that?
I feel ya.
Let it out, buddy.
-No, you leaking skull.
I'm screaming about this!
-Is that the outhouse?
-What's left of it.
The rest is over there.
And there and there.
-Why was it behind a leaf?
-What happened?
-Isn't it obvious?
-No, that's why I'm asking.
-Someone destroyed the outhouse.
-Well, I can see that.
Then why did you ask?
I never even got to know you.
-That seat had a heater
for cold mornings.
-Oh, that sounds nice,
but maybe don't put
the toilet seat
on your face, honey.
-It was nice.
And so was the foot massager.
-Foot massager?
-Yes. With three speeds.
Low, medium, and aah.
It's so much easier
to destroy than it is to create.
-We need to find out
who created this mess
so we can destroy them!
Who would intentionally
decimate an outhouse
with soothing,
self-ringing chimes?
-Self-ringing chimes?
Whoever did this is going down.
-We know who did it.
It's obvious.
-Nothing is obvious to me.
-Right. Sorry.
It was the kids.
The children?
The children!
-Of course. They break
everything around here.
-Yes. Any one of them
could have done this.
-Or all of them.
-Looks like it's payback time.
because they're our children.
But this is a teachable moment.
-Exactly, Ugga.
We need to expose
the guilty party,
or parties,
and exile them
into the savage wild.
-Yeah. Not what I said at all.
We need to have
an honest talk with them.
-Great idea, Uggs.
We'll squeeze them
until they squeal.
-Nope. Not even close.
-Bring the children
to the Truth Tree.
It is time for the Truthening.
For justice is at hand.
Yeah! It's payback time.
We're all on the same page.
-This is bad.
-I'll say.
This rock is way
less comfortable than the couch.
-Not the rock, Thunk.
That's the Truth Tree.
Which means this
is the Truthening.
-The what now?
-The Truthening.
It's how my parents figure out
who to blame
when something goes wrong.
-Dawn, do you know what happened
to your mother's hairbrush?
I broke it. I'm really sorry.
-Just tell the truth, Dawn!
-Phil, she just said
she broke it and apologized.
This is over.
-But I only got to ask
one question.
-But why are we here?
-Because someone destroyed
the outhouse.
-And we know it was one,
some, or all of you.
-The outhouse was destroyed?
-And you think one of us did it?
-Yes. Or some or all of you.
-Hey, how'd you guys
get up there so fast?
The judges ask the questions
at the Truthening.
-Cool hammer thingy.
Do I get one?
-Look, I don't know about
this Truthening business.
We just wanna know
what happened.
-Because we're the judges,
and this is the Truthening.
So each one of you
is going to sit there
and tell us exactly
what you did last night.
-Well, I can skip the tree stuff
and just tell you
I didn't do it,
because I didn't.
-No! This is the Truthening.
We must ask you questions
to extract the truth.
Now, traverse to
the Truth Tribunal, Eep.
Is all this really necessary?
Do we need a Truth Tree?
Could we just have
a Truth Chair?
-Ooh or a Truth Pillow?
-Or a Truth Hammock.
-Or a Truth Rainbow.
Truth Tree!
End of discussion. Huh?
This hammer thingy is sweet!
-Give me that.
-Okay. So here's
what happened last night.
- So here's what happened.
- Hmm!
-Not yet.
I have to ask you a question
before you can answer it.
What did you do last night?
Anyway, as I was saying,
we had just left
the outhouse unopening.
Well, that was a bathroom bust.
-Yeah, I still don't understand.
If the outhouse wasn't ready,
why were there spotlights
and music?
-My dad loves to milk a moment.
Sometimes his birthday
lasts until his next birthday.
Guys, check it out.
Mount Volcano is going off!
Who's up for some lava surfing?
-Can't. I was practicing
pillow fight moves,
and, uh, long story short,
Mom's lamp needs some glue.
-Hmm. Guy boy.
You up to tame the flames?
-Sorry, Eepy-kins, but my feet
still hurt from last time.
Think I'm just gonna call it
a night.
-Your loss. Thunk?
-You're asking me
if I wantto go lava surfing
with youon purpose?
That was fun.
Anyway, catch you guys lava.
Good lava swells
are pretty rare,
and this one looked epic.
I wasn't gonna let anything
stop me from riding it.
Not even a Malachi ambush.
I used the only weapon I had,
my board.
But Malachi board-blocked me.
So I took off.
Safe, but no surf.
Unless I found a new board.
Spitfire tree wood
is perfect for lava surfing
'cause it's born to burn.
It's also perfect
for making bonfires
'cause it's born to burn.
And there it was,
by a badgerilla bonfire.
The most beautiful
lava surfboard
these eyes have ever seen.
I had to have it.
That was my first mistake.
I thought I could outrun
the badgerillas
while carrying the board,
no problem.
That was my second mistake.
It looked like
I was going down,
but it turns out
I was going up with Malachi.
Turns out Malachi
didn't want to attack me.
He wanted to attack
some lava waves.
Me and Malachi spent the rest
of the night riding fire.
And that's why
I couldn't have destroyed
the outhouse last night.
-Hang on.
You snuck off this farm
-To go lava surfing.
-with a crowverine?
when you say it like that,
it sounds bad.
-Can I change my answer?
-Dawn, approach the Truth Tree.
-I'd steer clear of lava surfing
stories if I were you.
-Okay, honey,
what did you do last night?
Just tell the truth
and everything will be okay.
Unless you did it.
Then you're in a lot of trouble.
-But I didn't. So I'm not.
Because here's what
I did last night.
After Dad's unleafing
of the new
but looks like
the old outhouse--
-Who's up for some lava surfing?
-No, thanks, Eep.
That sounds dangerous
and reckless.
And I know my parents wouldn't
approve of such risky behavior.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna go fix my mom's lamp.
Because I broke it
and I'm taking responsibility
for my actions
because I'm responsible.
So that's what I did.
I fixed Mom's lamp
and went to bed.
The end.
-You fixed my lamp?
Thank you, sweetie.
-Okay, fine!
You wore me down.
-I didn't fix the lamp.
-I tried,
but then something happened.
I needed glue, so I went
to Dad's lab cave to get some.
Ooh, wow.
Talk about a pigator pen.
Dad needs to
stop being so messy.
I found the glue
and then
I found something else.
You're alive!
I'm Dawn. What's your name?
Nice to meet you, Pssh.
Shy, huh? I understand.
I would be, too, if I were new.
why don't I show you around?
Sounds like a yes to me.
I think.
We don't get many visitors
on the farm.
Everyone's gonna be
so excited to meet you.
Not sure how much you sleep,
or if you sleep,
but you can stay in my hut
until we figure it out.
And don't worry about food.
My mom is an amazing cook.
Except for her beetballs.
If you see those, run.
Or whatever you do to move fast.
You sure are a good listener,
I think you're
gonna like it here.
Where'd you go?
I spent the rest of the night
looking for Pssh,
but I never found him.
I'm sure I'll see him
again though, someday.
-So what you're saying is
my lamp is still broken?
-And my lab is in
complete and utter disarray?
-Pfft. Pssh is a made-up name.
Like Grug.
-So we're all just ignoring
the living blob part?
Dawn, what about the outhouse?
-Oh, didn't have anything
to do with that.
You could have started with that
instead of--
Never mind.
Guy, you're up.
What did you do last night?
-Instead of telling you
what I did last night,
how about I tell you
what I didn't do?
Because what I didn't do
was destroy the outhouse.
-See? Right to the point.
- Works for me.
- No!
Answer the question!
-Yes, Guy. There are no
shortcuts to the truth.
-Except telling the truth.
-Hey, how did you get
my hammer thingy?
-Guy's hiding something!
Which means Guy did it,
which means
he has to leave
the farm right now!
-Maybe we should let him talk
before we blame him
for everything?
-That is Truthening protocol.
-Go on, Guy.
Where were you last night?
-I don't wanna say it out loud.
In front of every one.
-The Truthening
isn't about what youwant, Guy.
It's about what we want.
And that's the truth!
-I can't!
-Say it. Say it!
-Grug, too much.
-Right. Sorry.
Say it.
Say it! Say it!
I was with the punch monkeys.
We were rehearsing my play
about when Eep and I met.
It was a surprise
for our mooniversary.
-Not anymore.
-Yeah, Guy. Way to blow it.
-Aw! Guy baby!
That's so sweet.
But did you say punch monkeys?
Oh, yeah.
And it was going really well
until last night,
during our first dress
And, action.
And cue the fire.
And cue Eep as she encounters
Guy for the first time.
Without a burrito.
Thank you, Eep. Action.
A high-five? Guys.
This is the moment
when each of you
meets the love of your life.
You can't fake that.
You have to live it.
Eep, when you see this strong,
dashing stranger, you're afraid.
But that fear becomes a love
that burns brighter
than that flame.
Guy, when you see Eep,
you go from being lonely
to knowing that you'll
never be alone again.
This moment changes
both of you forever.
For the better.
This is when you learn
that love is real
and within your grasp.
Now show me.
Better. We'll try again
when you wake up.
After that,
the punch monkeys and I
rehearsed through the night,
edging ever closer
to the kind of truth
that can only be found
on the stage.
Sounds bad.
-Ugh. I hate to agree with Grug,
but the whole thing
reeks of self-indulgence.
-Didn't ask for any feedback,
but thanks.
I think your show
sounds interesting.
-Yeah. Bad Interesting. Boo!
-Still not looking for feedback.
-Can we move on
from Guy's failed play?
Thunk, it's your turn.
-Thunk, you're up.
Oh, good.
Because have I got
a story to tell.
-Thanks for doing
all that for me, Guy baby.
So when do I get to see it?
-As soon as I smooth out
the dance number.
-Dance number?
So, uh--
Do I just start or--
-Wait for the question!
What were you doing last night,
-Funny you should ask.
I was catching up
on Mirror Window last night.
There wasn't anything good on.
Seen it. Seen it.
Incredible thing
I've never seen before.
Seen it.
Wait. Wait, what was that?
Oh, it's just rock.
What was that other thing?
A gibbon-narwhal?
-A gibbon-narwhal?
Gibbon-narwhals are extinct.
-Hey, you asked a question.
I'm just answering it.
May I continue?
-Pipe down, Phil.
Go ahead, Thunk.
Where was I?
-Oh, yeah.
Me and that gibbon-narwhal
became fast friends
'cause it turns out
we like the same stuff.
We watched Mirror Window,
we told spooky ghost stories,
we played games.
And of course, we had snacks.
Forbidden snacks.
And you'll never believe
what happened next.
You're right.
Because none of that happened!
-Sounds like a dream, honey.
-Yeah, like the time
I met that talking pie.
And we rode
a flying fork to Pie-ami.
A village made of pies.
Or was that my dream?
-How could it be a dream
if I woke up
in my bed this morning
and there was no sign
that I even met
that gibbon-narwhal?
Oh! I guess it was a dream.
In that case, I was asleep.
Case closed.
how do I get down from here?
Never mind.
-The judges will now confer.
-None of them admitted it.
-They're kids.
They never admit anything.
-You're right.
But there must be justice.
And we all know what that means.
-I don't. But I'm still nodding.
-We've reached a decision.
-Because we're judges,
and that's what judges do.
-That, and bang hammer thingys.
-Since none of you
were forthcoming,
we've decided you should
all bear the burden
of this outhouse outrage.
-So we're holding
all of you responsible.
-But I didn't do anything.
-Not you, Grug.
-But we didn't do
anything either.
-Yeah, I was hanging out with
that gibbon-narwhal, remember?
-Not helping our case, T-Bone.
-You have to believe us.
We didn't do it.
Other girl's right.
None of them
destroyed the outhouse.
I did.
You did?
-Silence! Silence! Ugh! Where is
my hammer thingy?
-You mean this hammer thingy?
Don't worry, Phil, I got this.
-I-I like twists,
but does anybody else think
today has too many twists?
why did you do it? Why?
-Because I wanted
to watch the world burn!
Uh, just kidding.
I actually did it for the teeth.
This fuss is for an outhouse?
- I thought it was
a teeth giveaway.
- Ew.
After Phil's tooth trickery,
Sandy and I headed out
on a mouth scout,
but it was a dental desert
out there.
Nothing but clapped yaps,
locked jaws, and tight lips.
Until we found
a fellow fang filcher
and swiped his prized tooth,
a rare tarantullama fang.
Of course, the tooth game
is never that easy.
The better the tooth,
the harder the fight.
And things can get messy fast.
when you're toothless
and feeling ruthless.
Thank you, Gran,
for sharing the true fate
of my cherished fallen outhouse.
-I guess all that's left for us
is to figure out
what to do to Gran
to hold her responsible.
Yes. Let there be justice!
-How about you do nothing to me
and I'll return the favor?
Uh, that seems fair.
-We're sorry we blamed you,
Even though
it made a lot of sense.
-Yeah, Honestly, I would have
thought the same thing.
-Yeah, we break a lot of stuff.
Like that one mirror
that we smashed.
-No, we don't need to hear
about what else you broke.
La, la la, la, la, la.
Let's go, everyone.
-Wow, Gran, that was some story.
-Yeah. Especially the twist of
Pie-ami Beach
being made of cake.
did I dream that?
There's just one detail
that doesn't add up.
-Oh, yeah? What's that?
-You admitted to doing it,
and you never admit to anything.
-You sure, Sandy?
Alright, I'll tell you
what really happened.
-The twist is--
-Another twist?
Oh, that's officially
twist overkill.
-I didn't do it.
-What? Then who did?
Sandy? But why?
Oh, no, I'm having
the dream again.
-That's no dream. That's Steve.
-Gran, with all due respect,
and there is a lot
of respect due,
the miles you've walked,
the trails you blazed,
the years you lived--
So many years.
Gran, what's going on here?
-Yeah. I thought
gibbon-narwhals were extinct.
Almost extinct.
Steve is one of the last--
hmm, whatever he is--left.
That's why I've been
hiding him on the farm.
Nobody knew. Not even Sandy.
So when she ran into Steve
in the middle of the night,
she did what any normal kid
her age would.
She attacked.
And when Sandy
did what Sandy does,
the outhouse got in the way.
They enjoyed
their fight so much,
they're friends now.
-Wow. So you confessed
to protect Sandy?
-And us?
-And Steve?
-Gran. That was so
nice of you.
-Yeah. Are you okay?
-I'm fine!
And if you wanna
keep your teeth,
you'll keep your yap
shut about it.
And Steve.
Smart move.
Come on, Steve.
Let's find you a new hidey-hole.
That was kind of beautiful.
-It really was.
-I hope no one finds Steve.
-I wish I could find Pssh.
Found him.
-Seriously, no more twists.
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