Grantchester (2014) s08e06 Episode Script

Series 8, Episode 6


You're just another
heartless bureaucrat.
You're like a man possessed.
Geordie, no!
(pills rattling)
You are gonna have to
knock this on the head.
I'm trying.
Well, you try harder!
Why would I ever trust you,
when all you do is
wallow in self-pity?
You need a break from this.
Go be with your family.
CATHY: Will's not there--
he never made it.

(thunder claps)

When you are near me ♪
Fight back!
And touch my hand ♪
Come on!
Come on, fight back!
Come on.
I'm ♪
Trembling so ♪
(grunts, kicks)
(Will moaning and gasping)
Don't understand ♪
MAC (echoing):
Can you hear me, sir?
(echo stops)
Picking a fight with a squaddie.
Hardly your finest choice,
I warrant.
What you doing here?
Looking for God.
You came to the wrong
place for that.
You all right?
Where does it hurt?
Have you tried his mum?
He's not there.
(car door closes)
Oh, what about
the sister?
The one with the voice like
she swallowed a Gobstopper.
Not with her, either.
Little sod.
Buggering off and leaving
the rest of us to worry!
I don't understand.
I don't understand why
he just upped and left?
He's struggling, Cathy.
He's in pain.
Let me get
my hands on him.
I'll show him pain.
Did you check with his mum?
The silly sister?
I've looked everywhere.
What about the morgue?
Oh, it's not
that serious.
Is it?
I checked.
He's not there.
You go out there,
Geordie Keating,
and you do not come back
till you find him.
Find who?
Oh, I didn't know
you was back today.
You look, um
You're blooming.
Find who, George?
I spoke to my son today.
He's a man now.
Last time I saw him, he
was, uh, in his cradle.
You know,
for a long time, I thought
he was better off without me.
Now I wonder whether
(takes deep breath)
I wasn't just
a little bit afraid.
Afraid of what?
Loving him, you know?
'Cause when you love someone,
it hurts all the more when
you lose them, doesn't it?
Perhaps he could come here
for a visit.
I'd love
to meet him.
I'd like to stay,
I really would.
It's just, it's just all
this trouble with the police.
Of course, of course.
I understand.
Thank you for taking
time with me.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Spent my whole life moved
from pillar to post.
No one made me feel
worth a damn, you know?
You are worth something.
I should, uh, I should pack.
Thank you, Leonard.
Seems my little
social experiment
is coming apart at the seams,
as you predicted.
I don't find any joy in that.
This place is done.
Will is God knows where.
Bravo, eh? Well done, me.
Destroying everything
I love, like always.
From my exhibition.
I hope it's done well.
I've been offered
gallery space in London, I
I'm moving there
for a while, so, uh

You're worth something, too.
you've done here.
It's worth something.


(door closes in distance)
(knock at door)
Robbery out at Barton.
Round 'em up, would ya?
Elliot's orders.
There's no one
to round up, Larry.
Let's just get
this over with.
(pills rattling)
Looking for these?
If it's salvation you're after,
there's only one place
you're gonna find it.
PC McKenzie.
Good to meet you, Will.
Though the circumstances
leave a bit to be desired.
Am I under arrest?
What for? Getting the
stuffing knocked out of you?
So, I'm free to go?
whenever you want.
Though I would ask
the question where to.
There's, um, there's
a bathroom in the back,
clean towels,
a razor.
And do me a favor:
reacquaint yourself
with some soap.

(water splashes)
(breathing heavily)
(water splashes)

(dials operator)
Cambridgeshire police, please.

(door opens)
(sighs, pills rattling)
Can I have one?
Are they sweets?
No, they're not sweets.
Now, Jacob Wilson.
(knocks on desk)
Yes, sweetheart?
Ah, pheasant, Sadie.
That one is a keeper.
Did you pay
for them?
That's not what
the shop keep says.
Well, the shop keep
can kiss my arse.
I suspect
he'd rather not.
I'm gonna have
to tell your uncle.
You live with
your Uncle Rob.
I have to tell him.
Don't do that.
Fine-- I'll pay.
But you are apologizing,
with meaning this time.
This is Will.
You look like crap, Will.
We don't need your charity.
It's a cheese
sarnie, Jacob.
Even you can't object
to a cheese sarnie.
(phone ringing in distance)
Ah, Miss Scott.
Ah, Geordie.
You couldn't ask
one of the boys
to go around
the pubs, could you?
Knowing Will, he'll be
drinking off a hangover.
I can do one better than that.
A PC Mackenzie has located
your errant vicar.
A local bobby from a tiny
village outside Colchester.
Call him back.
Tell him
I'm on my way.
And Will doesn't
leave his sight.
And if Elliot asks?
Um, tell him to shove his
desk duty up his proverbial.
I'm not going
to tell him that.
I've found him.
You've found him?
Like Jesus
in the wilderness,
only Colchester--
are you coming?
Tire theft at Joe's Garage.
Do you own a car,
Mr. Finch?
Do you drive, Mr. Finch?
Case closed-- send him
on his way, Larry.
Where the hell are
you going, Mr. Finch?
Take him to the interview room.
With me, Keating.
There's no need
for this, sir.
I'm sick of you and
your den of thieves.
It's fine, Geordie.
Let's just get
this over with.
You being facetious?
No, I just
Put him in a cell, Larry.
This really isn't
necessary, sir.
I didn't say anything.
Now, Larry.
He hasn't done anything.
Do it now.
(yelps): You're
hurting me--
please, let go!
(Elliot grunts)
Put him in a cell, Larry.
(Leonard moaning)
Put him in a cell!
(breathing heavily)

Jesus, Leonard.
I, I'm fine, I'm fine,
Geordie-- just go.
Go and find Will.
(exhales heavily)

(engine stops)
PC Mackenzie?
Call me Mac, please.
So is he, uh
Is he really a vicar?
A vicar?
He's a good one, too.
Piss off--
he's not a vicar.
He's just lost his way recently.
Ah-- happens to the best of us.
Uh, we'll give
you a moment.
Never met a junkie
vicar before.
Hey, just,
hands off the car.
Come on.
On your feet.
Did He send you?
No, just a plain old
earthly telephone call.
Come on, up.
No, I need to find Him.
You need to get home to Bonnie.
What sort of father will I be?
One who's there.
Get off.
Christ, will you get
in the (muted)damn car?
It is better this way-- it is.
You selfish bastard.
You destroy
yourself, Will.
I hope it
makes you happy.
Bonnie? And Ernie?
Your baby?
They deserve so much
better than this.
(door opens and closes)

I thought the only thing Will
and I didn't agree on was God.
I thought, apart from that,
we were pretty much
in agreement on everything.
How stupid am I?
He'll come back,
tail between his legs.
They always do.
I'm so cross with myself, Cath.
It's him you
should be cross with.
After Eddie died, I promised
myself, if I married again,
it would be someone
kind and steady
and stable and
Yeah, yeah, boring.
And then I met Will.
And all the sex.
Oh, all the really good sex--
Not that sorry.
We laugh every day.
He makes me laugh,
and, God, I, I love that.
I love him.
Marriages are hard.
No one tells you that.
What if he doesn't
want me, Cath?
What if he doesn't want
this baby?
Will's a good boy.
He is.
Then why isn't he here, Cath?
(door closes)
(footsteps approaching,
Jacob and Sadie talking)
Sometimes they just need time.
See all sorts in this job.
Don't we just?
He just seems
You his dad, are ya?
But you love him like you were.
You've got a good eye, Mac.
Receding hair,
expanding waistline,
but still got a good eye.
That you have.
I'm not done
with him yet.
He'll come round--
you'll see.
It's the Wilsons.
Is it Uncle Rob?
You stay here.
You stay
with your sister, Jacob.

Mr. Wilson didn't come out
to the fields
like he usually does.
I came to check on him.
You wait here.
(door opens)
Oh, God.
Is there a phone in here?
What am I
gonna tell them?
What am I gonna tell
those poor kids?
Have you read all of this?
The way I see it,
God doesn't like us very much.
You shouldn't say that.
He doesn't love us--
He just leaves us here
to suffer.
(tosses book on table)
Come on, Sadie.
We need to go.
Just a minute.

Do you know these people?
Most of me life, yeah.
Was Rob left-handed,
do you know?
You picked up a pen
with your left hand,
the teacher would
beat you-- why?
The ink
on his left index finger.
Well, maybe he was doing his
accounts, spilt the ink.
Curtis Cooper?
Yes, sir.
When was the last time
you were paid?
MAC (sighs):
What does all
that matter now?
The Wilsons are in debt.
So is everyone else round here.
No wage slip for months.
Maybe you came back to
collect what was owed you,
and maybe things
got out of hand.
I was out there--
saw the kids leave the house.
Even from the other
side of the field,
I could see
they were rushing.
Going fast, they were,
like they was
running from something.

This is a footprint.
There was an argument.
Papers fell.
That's small.
That doesn't belong to an adult.
That belongs to a child.

Come with us.
I can't, Jacob.
I can't do that.
No, I'm telling you.
You're coming with us.
I knew they struggled with him.
I, I should've seen it.
You weren't
to know, Mac.
No, I, I should've seen.
(engine revs)
(drawers opening and closing)
Where would they go?
They've got nowhere.
Where are their parents?
(keys jangle)
Rob's brother
and his wife
died in a car crash.
Where'd they live?
Oh, out towards the coast.

They're going to Cromer.
So what's your plan, Jacob?
Because it strikes me
you don't have much of one.
They pick-me-ups?
Give 'em back.
Why? You take 'em.
Yeah, it doesn't
mean you should.
Well, maybe I should chuck 'em.
No, no!
(engine splutters and slows)
What you doing?
I'm not doing anything.
Keep driving.
We're out of petrol.
Damn it!
(Mrs. Chapman sighs)
This wouldn't have happened
if I'd kept my eye on him.
You're allowed
to retire, Sylvia.
You deserve a rest.
I miss it,
having someone to look after.
I miss being needed.
(wheels squeaking outside)
For pity's sake,
what's that?
What are you doing?!
Very funny.
Not that funny.
You should be resting.
Ankles above your head.
What was that?
Mum roared like a dinosaur
a minute ago.
Oh, my Lord.
You're in labor.
She's in bloody labor.
My friend's dad's in Labour.
(Bonnie gasps)
He's a politician.
Sit down!
It's, it's just a twinge.
Get her ankles above her head--
She's in labor.
I'll get the car.
Don't get the car.
Get the car, Jack!
Ernie took 30 hours
to come.
Second ones, they just
fly out-- trust me.
I am not leaving
without Will.
I'm not leaving till
he's standing right here.
Till I'm certain
he meant the vows
we said to each other
as much as I meant them.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'm not being ridiculous.
I am not leaving
without bloody Will.
(groans loudly)
See? Just like a dinosaur.

How long you been a copper?
20 years.
Oh! Good on ya.
You love it still?
God, I love it.
My wife wanted me to be
something sensible,
like an accountant
or a teacher.
Fat chance.
Fat bloody chance.
She came round in the end?
Ah, she tolerates it.
I retire this week.
Time for slippers
and a pipe?
Not really a slippers
and pipe man, unfortunately.
Yeah, I didn't
think so.
Will you miss it?
Every hour of every day.
More than just
a job, int it?
It's who you are.
Stop, you're too fast!
Just got to go talk
to Will.
All right, then.
Can I have a ciggie?
You're no fun.
You married?
Another on the way.
Do you love them?
Of course.
Well, you can't love 'em
that much if you're here.
What'd you do
that's so bad, anyway?
Killed a man.
Bloody hell.
You really did, didn't you?
What have you done, Jacob?
Killed my aunt and uncle.
What would you know?
(clicks tongue):
Well, I don't know an awful lot,
but I know a good soul
when I meet one.
Why do you take those pills?
To try and find God again.
I thought God
was everywhere.
Give thanks to God,
for His love endures forever.
It's not true, is it?
If His love's forever endured,
we wouldn't suffer.
Have you suffered, Jacob?
It consumes you, doesn't it?
The suffering-- the guilt.
What happened,
Look what I found.

You can't run
forever, Jacob.
(breathing heavily)
How did you get
the bruises?
His back.
Let me see, son.
Was it your uncle?
Was it Rob?

We can't help you
if you don't tell us, Jacob.
Did Uncle Rob get angry
with you sometimes?
Did he get angry with Jacob?
It was June, wasn't it?
She hits him.
Once for each
naughty thing he's done.
Did she hit him this morning?
What for?
Stealing the chocolates?
Jacob only took it
'cause I was hungry.
Uncle Rob sent
us outside.
They were shouting.
Jacob told me
to put my hands like this
and close my eyes
really tight.
And then he went to stop it.
And then there was
no more shouting.
Jacob ran out of the house
and said we had to leave.
(hinges creaking)
(door unlocks)
If this constant persecution
is intended to break my spirit,
then congratulations--
you're well on your way.
You're free to go.
And what does your boss
think about that?
He doesn't know.
Won't you get into
an awful lot of trouble?
Expect so.
Then why are you doing it?
'Cause it's what
Geordie would do.
'Cause it's the right thing.
I could kiss you, Larry.
Don't worry--
I'm not going to.
Good-- 'cause that really
would be an arrestable offense.
You're a true
kindred spirit.
I'm hoping that's a good thing.
It is.
Sure you'll be
all right with him?
I just need to get him home.
I hope you find it in you
to forgive yourself.
What, like you have?
What will happen?
He'll go into custody,
and she'll-- I don't know.
Children's home, I imagine.
You did everything you could.
What if she can't forgive me?
Why don't we go home
and find out?
What if I can't forgive myself?
Now, that I can't help you with.
Go easy on him.
(engine starts)

Whoa, stop, stop the car.
Oh, Christ, Will-- enough.
I'll, uh,
I'll go get your sister.
Let me speak to him.
I'm not sure it'll help.
Let him try, Mac.
Did your aunt lose
her temper a lot?
I imagine
you didn't mind so much
if you were the target.
But if it was Sadie?
Or your uncle?
Leave him be!
Or what?
They were arguing this morning.
They were arguing about you.
Count to a hundred.
(June yelling inside)
It'll all be over,
I promise you.
I'm sick and bloody tired
of you!
You and those wretched children.
You're no man.
You can't even
tell a child
what he should
and shouldn't do.
It's left to me--
I shouldn't have
Shut up! Shut up!
to do it!
Shut up!
Your uncle cut
his right hand, Jacob.
And he used his left hand
to write a confession.
And then he turned
the knife on himself.
(door opens)
It's how you found them.

(breath trembling)
WILL: You wanted to protect
the memory of your uncle,
so you took the confession.
You came here
to tell Mac.
But you couldn't
find the words.
This is not your fault, Jacob.
If she hadn't been angry
at me
That's her fault,
not yours.
I didn't do enough.
You did everything
you could.
You did everything
within your power.
That's all anyone
can ever do.
That's all we can ever do.
I wish I could've stopped it.
I know.
I wish I could make it
all go away.
I know.
I know.
You did everything
you could.
(Jacob sobbing)

You did everything you could.
(Jacob crying)

You off?
I bloody hope so this time.
Where they gonna go?
Well, there's no one, so
You could take 'em.
Well, my wife might have
something to say about that.
You know, the older I get,
the more I realize
it's not just the job
that makes you who you are.
You don't have to be related
to love 'em like your own.


I don't want them.
Right you are.
Get rid of them for me.
Right you are.


(breathing heavily)
Are you okay?
Do you need to sit down?
I ran here.
I don't think I've ever
seen you run anywhere.
Can I just
Can you just let me
say something?
Or else I'll never have
the courage to say it.
You, Daniel Marlowe,
are everything to me.
And to paraphrase
you are my moon
and my stars
You sure that's
You are my
everything, and
And now you've put me off,
and I'm repeating myself.
What I'm trying
to say is
I'll change.
For you.
I'll stay at home,
and I, I'll
I'll never get into
an ounce of trouble again.
So what do you say?
E.E. Cummings--
that poem.
It's by E.E. Cummings.
Just-- if it's a no,
then just, just, just
Say it outright,
and put me
out of my misery.
I was just
looking for you.
the thought
of London wasn't half as
appealing without you.
In fact, it was, um
Do you think you could
ever love me again?
That's not the way love works.
(birds chirping)
(puppies whimpering)
That sly old dog.
Wish me luck.
Good luck.
He's a dead man.
(door opens)
(door closes)
By which I mean,
give us a moment.
We are not
done with you.
Not by a long shot.
I, I, I don't know
where to start.
I do.
That's from me.
And this
is from the baby.
I am so sorry.
I, I am so sorry.
If you've come here to say
goodbye, then make it quick.
Because otherwise, I'll
remember how much I love you.
And I need to hate you
if you're gonna leave.
I'm not gonna leave.
Don't just say that.
I mean it.
I do.
You never leave us again.
I will never leave you
I will never
leave you again.
(voice rising):
Because I bloody love you,
you stupid man!
Wait, why are you shouting?
Why do you think?
Oh, God, no--
what, is it happening?
It's happening.
(laughs, moans)
Here we go.
(puppies barking)
Maternity, this way!
That's right.
Just deep breaths,
nice, deep breaths.
She's got a baby wedged
against her lungs, Geordie.
I haven't taken a deep
breath in months.
Now, watch out--
she will punch you.
Have you got
the flask, Jack?
Flask, check.
JACK: Check.
MRS. CHAPMAN: Tablecloth?
WILL: Tablecloth?
This woman is never
knowingly underprepared.
(puppies yap)
CATHY: You should've left the
puppies in the car, Geordie.
I tried--
they looked upset.
Can we keep them?
Absolutely not.
Is it happening?
WILL: Oh, it's happening.
The miracle of birth.
New life bursting
forth into the world.
I'd appreciate it if you
didn't use the word "bursting."
Absolutely not.
(puppy barks)
No family, no friends,
no children,
and definitely no puppies.
Expectant mothers only.
I believe
that would be me.
Good luck.
Take care.
Good luck.
Love you, Mum.
No-- no, I'm not going
Fathers in the
waiting room,
I'm not going anywhere.

I can't believe
he went in there.
Has it happened?
Ooh! Not yet.
I feel positively
I mean, why would he go in
I don't know, Geordie.
To support his wife?
And child?
Got his whole life
to do that.
Oh, Jack.
What about the ladies, Jack?
Yes, what about
the ladies?
What about the children?
Nice try.
I mean, why did
he go in there?
He knows what he's about
to witness, right?
Is the stork here
with the baby?
What does it do?
Fly through the window?
just breathe.
(breathing deeply)
This is most unorthodox,
Mr. Davenport.
I need to get up.
I need to walk.
This is all
very, very unorthodox.
Oh, Will.
I'm right here.
(Bonnie hissing breaths)
Hey, it's all right,
it's all right.
You're all right.

My son.
Well, would you look at that?
(footsteps approaching)
He's perfect.
Just perfect.
Hello, little chap.
You crying?
(voice breaking):
Why does he look so angry?
He's had a trying few days.
Isn't he the most beautiful
thing you've ever seen?
This is your big brother,
Mr. Ernie Evans.
How do you do?
He's very good at football.
Not so good at
tidying his room.
(all laugh)
What's his name?
What do you think, Ern?
I like that.
I like James.
(door opens)
James George Davenport.
(door closes)
I heard about Leonard.
It was nothing, boss.
No, it wasn't.
It wasn't nothing, Larry--
come with me.
I understand if you're angry.
I just
It felt like
the right thing to do.
Elliot shouldn't
have hit Leonard.
Keep it.
Your mum would be
proud of you, Larry.
I hate to say it, but he's
really rather attractive
when he's not
being a twerp.
Oh, Christ on a bike.
Was it you?
Was it you
who went to the commander?
Don't know
what you're talking about, sir.
Reporting me.
For excessive force.
That wasn't me.
They won't accept
your retirement.
Don't understand.
I'm being transferred.
You get to stay.

(footsteps approaching)
Do I look like a man
who hasn't had
a decent night's
sleep recently?
Do you want
the honest answer?
You're gonna get
maudlin, aren't you?
There were some cross words
that passed between us.
Some dark days.
The darkness always comes
before the dawn.
That it does.
Have you fallen
asleep back there?
(James coos)
And what do you name
this child?
Why are you
asking that?
You know
what it is.
You know that childcare
problem we found ourselves with?
I think I've just
found the solution.
James George,
I baptize thee
in the name
of the Father
and of the Son
(James squawks)
and of the
Holy Ghost.
ALL: Amen.
We have so much hope
for you, James.
We hope that you find wonder
in the world around you.
Catch butterflies,
watch the sunrise,
stay out late
and count the stars.
Not too late,
of course.
We hope that you feel love
and love in return.
We hope you find friendship
and laughter.
We hope that you find
true purpose in life.
Whatever you do,
we'll be proud of you.
We hope that you learn
that the greatest job of all
is helping others.
Life won't always be easy.
But look for the joy.
Look for the love,
and you will find it.
We have so much hope
for you, James.
So much love.

What the
WILL: Dickens!
(Milburn barking)
Jackie Milburn.
Greatest footballer that
ever lived.
You see?
He's learning.
Good sermon.
All that talk of hope.
You don't want
the poor lad growing up
thinking life's
all sunshine and flowers.
Good point.
No use shielding him at his age.
When James is a cop, he'll need
a generous dose of cynicism.
Who said he's gonna be a cop?
After his favorite great-uncle.
The rest are drunks, mind.
It's true.
he wants to do,
as long as he's
happy, I'm happy.
Not gonna be
a vicar, then, is he?
I'm happy.
I am.
Wait till he hits
the terrible twos.
Come back and tell me
you're happy then.
Teenage years?
Oh, absolute bloody nightmare.
So what you're saying is,
it's all downhill from here?
Just one big old downward slope.
Thanks for the
pep talk, Geordie.
Anytime, son--

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