The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s08e06 Episode Script

Caveheart Part 1

-Phil, does it feel like
it's been night
for a really long time?
It feels like daytime,
but it's dark!
I think something's wrong!
-No need to panic, dear.
I'm sure everything is
Ah! Doomed!
The window is blocked by rocks.
So is the door!
-This is the end!
And if Phil Betterman dies,
so too will the world!
Get a grip, Phil!
-You're right. Our hut was
likely buried by an avalanche.
We must wriggle
our way to freedom!
- Seriously?
- Wriggle!
You see? It worked.
The harsh light of day!
It's blinding!
-Phil? Where are you?
I can't see anything!
-Not even your teeth!
-Just follow my voice,
-Just follow your voice and wah?
What does that mean--Wah!
- Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together, stuck,
stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-Uggs. Grugs.
Do you know anything about
the rocks covering our hut?
-You're welcome!
-So it wasyou!
-Of course! Rocks don't just
bury stuff on their own.
unless there's an avalanche.
-Why? Why?Just I mean, why?
-Today is the anniversary
of the day
you invited us
to move in here with you,
so we wanted to do something
nice to show our appreciation.
-By burying us alive?
-We thought you'd like
to sleep in,
so we turned your hut
into a cave!
-And we had the elevator
loaded up with boulders
in case you want more cave!
You're welcome.
-Well, of course, we appreciate
being appreciated,
especially Phil,
but we like getting up early
because we're morning people.
-And you're cave people.
-What does thatmean?
-It means you like caves,
and we don't.
-Which is understandable
because caves don't suit us.
-But they suit youbecause you
and Grug are simple,
like a cave.
-What does thatmean?
-Which part?
-All of it. I wasn't listening.
-Well, I was!
And what I heard is
you think you're better than us.
-Oh, I wouldn't say that
-In those words.To you.
-Why not? It's how you feel,
and it's how you've treated us
ever since we moved
on to the farm.
-And that's bad because
My elevator!
Maybe we arebetter than you.
Because you ruin everything,
including my elevator!
-Oh, so now,
you're gonna blame us
'cause your dumb elevator broke?
-Yes! Because you broke it!
By filling it with boulders!
-Did we, Phil?
-You know, you're right.
We are cave people.
Which is why
we're leaving the farm
and moving back into a cave!
And take your rocks with you!
-But not in my elevator!
Solid scuffle.
-With just the right amount
of heat.
-Top 10 for sure.
-I've seen this fight
more times than I can count,
and I never get tired of it.
The good thing
about our parents fighting
is they're too busy
to stop us
from roller-logging
in the Hwam crater!
-Yeah! I just wish the fights
didn't always end with your
parents threatening to move!
but how many times
have you heard them say that?
-Mm, a lot.
-And how many times
has it happened?
Guy's right.
They just need
some time to cool off,
and they'll be all smiles.
-Hello, children.
Hey, Mom and Dad,
and other Mom and Dad.
We were just, um, not
roller-logging in the crater.
So, you guys look happy.
Did you make up?
-Okay, then why
are you all smiling?
-Because we finally all agreed
on something!
-That bug nugget
s are the perfect food?
Welcome to the BNAPFC,
the Bug Nuggets
Are Perfect Food Club!
-No. The Croods will be
moving off the farm
to live in a cave
first thing tomorrow.
-Not for real, though, right?
-Yes, for real.
-It's the first time
we've all agreed
on anything because we all win!
-Especially us! Because
we're gonna live in a cave,
and never see Phil
and Hope again!
-The woo is mutual. Woo!
This really is for the best.
-Looks like we're finally
gettin' outta this dump!
Of course,
we're taking the teeth.
Just need to remember
where we hid 'em all.
-I can't believe it.
-I know.
You guys are actually leaving.
-Oh, not that.
How could Phil say
bug nuggets
aren'tthe perfect food?
The BNAPFC is in an uproar!
-Thunk! Now's not the time
to think about bug nuggets!
-Oh, you say that
like I have a choice!
Get out of my head, bug nuggets!
I thought I ate you.
I don't know what
I'm gonna do without you.
You have no idea what this place
was like before you got here.
Mom, do you wanna--
-Dad, do you feel like--
Guess it's just
you and me, tree.
Oh, come on!
-Well, life outside the farm
wasn't much better.
Yep. Good times.
Anyway, the adults
can't handle this situation.
They're too immature.
So we have to fix it.
-With glue?
Unless we needglue.
Uh -Tell me why we're
doing this again.
-Because it's fun!
- Phil! Get off!
- I can't see to steer!
-Neither can I!
I don't wanna die!
-Neither do I!
-Well, that was a disaster.
We need a plan B.
-B for bug nuggets? I'm in.
Forget about the bug nuggets!
-I can't! They won't let me!
-Our parents
are never gonna make up!
They have nothing nice
to say to each other!
-Ooh! Maybe they just need--
-What? No! They need help!
- Phew!
- That was a close one, Jebedi.
Now, I've got you all to myself.
-It's perfect! We'll have to
fumigate for the Grug smell,
but other than that,
it's the perfect space
for my new yoga studio.
-Or, much stronger idea,
the Museum of Natural Philstory!
An informative interactive
celebration of Phil Betterman.
-The Museum
of Natural Philstory?
Who is that even for?
-For all humankind.
For now, you and Dawn.
That's a shame.
A shame that Grug
won't be here to see it.
-He would lovea Phil museum.
Ha. Ha ha ha. Ha!
Pardon my ha's,
but Grug isn't exactly
the museum type.
And, impossibly,
he's no Phil fan.
-I can see why you'd think that
because of all the outward
expressions of hostility,
but that's just a mask.
Behind that mask,
Grug thinks you're a genius.
He says you're not just
leading us into tomorrow.
You're building our future.
Hammerhead horseradish!
Grug lives in the past.
He doesn't even understand
the concept of future.
he learned it from you.
-Hm. Well,
I am an irresistible influence
and a gifted teacher.
It would almost be impossible
for him to elude
-the glow of my brilliance.
-Did Grug say anything about me?
-No, but Ugga did. She said, uh,
she said you were tall and--Oh!
She admires you
because you never stop
trying to make perfect happen.
That's why you're
her role model.
- Really?
- Ugga said I was her role model?
-Yep. That's what she said.
-With her mouth.
-I never knew the Croods
felt that way about us.
-Hm Perhaps the Croods
aren't so bad.
-Yeah, we should talk to them.
That's what role models do.
-Another fang fail!
But not a total loss
'cause I poured
slip melon juice on the floor.
When they come back, bam!
Flat on their backs!
And the tooth hunt continues.
-She said I'm her hero?
- Hopesaid that?
-She sure did.
Hope. Our Hope.
The Hope who always looks like
she just tasted something sour.
- That's the Hope.
- Really?
Because I always had the feeling
she was looking down on me.
-That's just 'cause
she's taller than you.
-Ah, ah, ah! That's a rumor!
-Anyway, Hope told me
you were her hero
because you never back down.
No matter
how great the challenge
or how hopeless
the situation seems.
-Wow! That's so nice.
-You know what else is nice?
Tomorrow, we'll be on our way
to a bright new life
in a dark, rocky hole!
And the best part is
the Bettermans
and Guy won't be there!
-Dad, Guy is coming with us.
-What!? Oh, right.
Phil says you're a legend.
-Oh, yeah? Well, he's gonna
eat those words!
-No, Dad! Legend is
a good thing! It's a compliment.
Compliments are also good, Dad.
-I knew that.
Because I'm a legend.
-Yeah, that's what Phil said
because you're the man
Phil wishes he was,
but knows he can never be.
-Phil said that? About me.
-As far as you know.
-Were we wrong
about the Bettermans?
Should we give them
another chance?
-Sure! 'Cause that's
what legends like me do.
We give compliments,
even to Phil.
-Oh, good.
We found you.
-Well, technically,
we found you
But that's of no consequence
because Hope and I
wanted to speak to you.
We regret
this morning's disharmony.
-We feel the same way,
but thank you for saying that.
-Of course!
As your role model,
I think it's important
to set a good example.
-My role model?
-Yes. And I'm so flattered!
-And I'm a genius.
Isn't that right, Grug?
-I wouldn't say that.
-But you did.
-I say a lot of things, Phil,
but I'd remember that one
because, like yousaid,
I'ma legend.
-I neversaid that!
In fact, you're the biggest
buffoon I've ever met!
-Wait, so you didn't say
I was your role model?
-Why would I look up to you?
-Well, I amtaller than you.
-Never proven!
-Time for plan C.
It's time for plan G 'cause Guy.
-But really plan C
'cause alphabet.
And then plan J!
'Cause quicksand!
No teeth in the couch shallows,
so we'll try the couch deeps.
We're gonna need torches
and explosives.
But not too close together.
-I know this will work
because, once, I got trapped
with a tigerangutan in a cave.
It was awkward.
But we knew we had to cooperate
if we wanted to survive.
He used me as a battering ram
to bust us out,
and we parted ways as friends.
- We still keep in touch.
- Okay.
Uh, what does that have to do
with our parents fighting?
Because once we trap
the parents in that cave,
they'll have no choice
but to settle their differences.
-Or destroy each other.
-That probably won't happen.
but how are we going to get
our parents inthe cave?
Goo goo ga ga.
Phil made this beacon shell.
I made it better.
-Great! And how is this gonna
lure our parents into--
Baby? Baby?
Where's the baby!?
-What about my parents?
-All in due chime.
Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle.
Chimes? Chimes!
Get ready to relax me!
- No! Not again!
- Phil?
- Ugga?
- Grug?
Wait, that's me. Hope?
Did you and Hope
trap us in this cave?
-Us? You're the ones
who bury people alive!
- We made the stew.
- Now we let it simmer.
-Wait, there's stew in there?
I love stew!
No! Thunk! There's no stew!
I'm coming for you,
Well, I don't hear them
fighting anymore.
I don't hear anything.
-Oh no.
That's even worse than fighting!
-They're probably just exhausted
from working things out.
Making peace is no picnic.
But, as is true of stew,
it's worth the time and effort.
So there isstew in there!
Outta my way!
-Trust me. After this, your
parents will be best friends
Okay. What's going on here?
Uh I'm not here!
We just decided we'd had enough.
-Enough of what? Stew?
-This is an outrage!
Enough of that!
-Sorry, Guy-boy,
but I don't think
your stew came together.
-Oh! So this was all
just a wild stew chase?
-If you're gonna hold
someone captive,
maybe learn how to tie a knot!
Come on, Phil. We're leaving.
Forgot that was still in there.
Your departure
can't come soon enough.
-Same for yours!
-Departure means leaving!
And we're not leaving.
You are!
-You got that right!
Come on, Grug!
-Let's finish packing!
For what?
-We're taking all the teeth
in this cave,
including yours,
if you don't beat it.
Well, that's that. Today is
our last day on the farm.
-I wish we could stay.
Constantly being hungry,
dirty, and scared is overrated.
- Yeah.
- I'm gonna miss this place.
-Dawn, you're staying here.
-Oh. In that case,
I'm gonna miss you guys.
-No. You're not gonna miss
We're not quitters.
We're fighters.
Well, you guys are fighters.
I'm more of a watcher
and a napper,
but there's too much to lose!
Like couch. And window!
And sitting on the couch
while watching window.
Are you ready
to give all that up?
Because I'm not.
This farm, this family.
It's all we've got.
So let's stand together
and fight for what we love!
Now, who's with me?
EEP, GUY, DAWN: We are!
-Great! So what should we do?
-Wait, Thunk,
you don't have a plan?
-No. Was I supposed to?
-Would've been nice.
-Well, I don't
But Carlos does.
-What about a dinner?
-Yeah. You know, it's the thing
where we eat at night
-I know, but how is dinner
gonna change our parents' minds?
-Because eating puts everyone
in a good mood.
But we're gonna need more than
burnips and bug nuggets
to fix this.
How about ribs?
-Sure, ribs. But also something
to remind the adults
that they're better together
than apart.
Come on, fellow kids!
We got work to do.
Uh, so that was a yes on ribs?
-Gah! Tooth treachery!
We've checked
every hiding spot on the farm,
and there's not
a single fang to be found!
We're all gums!
You're right, Sandy.
We don't need those oldteeth.
A new beginning means new teeth!
You're laying down
some tooth truth!
So, why are we here?
-Yeah. The table.
Tell us the story.
-We just thought,
since the Croods
and Guy are leaving tomorrow,
it would be nice for us to have
one last meal together.
-A final family feast
to share morsels and memories.
-Without fighting?
-Of course. The Bettermans are,
if anything, civil.
-The Croods are sizzle, too.
Especially with meat.
I hope I'm a good cook.
Let's eat!
-Oh, that was delicious.
My compliments
to the che f.
-Belching aside, I agree.
I give that meal five yums.
-Well, that was fun.
See you never, Croods.
-Not if we see you never first!
-Wait! This is our last night
living together ever!
Don't you have anything
you wanna say to each other?
-Fine! But before you go,
wehave something
we wanna say to you!
-Don't you mean
sing to you?
-When did we put a stage there?
Hit it!
- I punch first,
and I don't like to think
- My mind is sublime,
and I invented the sink
- I demand perfection,
and I'm one with my chimes
- I'm a big fan of babies!
But I can't stand rhymes
- Dirt is my jam
and rocks are my air
- Science is my muse
and I invented the chair
- I like my burnips red-hot
and my springs lukewarm
- I'm the mom who's calm
and the eye of the storm
-Ugga, that's me!
-It's all of us, Grug.
-Right, but that's me. Me!
- We're two worlds collided,
a troubled tree house divided
- But we share
the blame and shame
'cause every battle's
- Eye to eye, we don't see
a thousand moons
from harmony
- But it's too
late to separate
'cause we've
tried repeatedly
- We didn't choose to be
an accidental family
- But our opposites just fit
'cause we're complementary
Do we wanna part ways
for the rest of our days?
- Hard no on the go,
the best play is to stay!
- We're better as a "we"
- Only fools could disagree
- Better as a "we "
- And lightning sets us free
- Better as a "we"
- The best "we" in history
- Stuck together
certainly, we're better
As a
-It's so good!
So? What'd you think?
-It was
- Really?
- Yes!
I mean, the singing,
the dancing, the emotion?
- Your father was weeping.
- No, I wasn't!
Okay, I was.
that was the most beautiful song
these ear holes
have ever heared!
-You know, the kids are right.
We didn'tchoose to be
an accidental family.
-But our opposites just fit
because we're com-plement-ary.
-Stuck together? Cer-tain-ly.
-Hm? Hm? What? Oh, right!
We're better as a
-So, does this mean everyone
is staying together on the farm?
-It sure does.
What are we cheering about?
-Who's that guy?
Why! Did! You! Ditch! Me!
-Gran, stop! We've already been
through this, remember?
-We have?
I was on my way to meet you,
but I got buried
in an avalanche, and--
-And then,
I thawed Hwam back to life!
And then you and Hwam
were gonna run off together,
but you realized
you didn't wanna leave us,
and Hwam realized he needed
to see the world.
Oh yeah
- Hwam!
- Aw.
-What are you doing here?
-He came back for me,
Isn't that right, Hwam?
-Sure! I mean, I-I came back.
to see everyone.
Especially you.
-Say "aw" again,
and I'll turn all of you
into skin rugs!
It's good to have you back.
-It's good to be back.
But, unfortunately,
I can't stay for long.
-What? Where are you going?
-What's Caveana?
-According to legend,
it's a paradise on Earth.
In a cave!
A place where like-minded
cave dwellers can live in peace,
safe from the elements
and predators.
And everyone gets
their own cave!
-You get a cave,
and you get a cave
and you get a cave, and--
-Got it. Everyone gets a cave.
-But the real reason
I'm going is because
I think my family
might be there.
-Really? Why?
-Because of this!
-Your family's in there?
No, Thunk!
My family used
to draw this on everything,
so we could always
find each other.
See? That means someone
in my family drew this map.
And now, I'm going to find them.
-Wow. Caveana sounds like
the greatest place ever!
-"Greatest place ever"
is a bit of a stretch
for a bunch of caves.
-Wow, Phil.
You still think
you're too good for caves.
-Of course, I do. Because I am.
-I think what Phil
is tryingto say
is that while caves are fine,
the tree house
is obviously superior.
-Yes. And caves are beneath us.
How about I put you
beneath a pile of dirt?
I knew this wasn't gonna work!
You are who you are,
and we are who we are.
Which is why
we're going to Caveana.
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