The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s08e07 Episode Script

Caveheart Part 2

-So, are we leaving? Or
I don't know what's happening.
- Let's live wild,
the world's our own
We built this wheel
now it's gunna roll
You know a spark
becomes a fire wherever we go
Stuck together, stuck,
stuck together
It's an evolution
for worse or for better
To find some unity
For all humanity
Because we're
stuck together
In one big family tree
-The map says we should
reach Caveana by nightfall.
-Wait. That map talks?
-No, Grug. The map doesn't talk.
Because it's a map.
-Are you sure you wanna do this?
I thought everyone on the farm
was like family.
Phil? Family?
-Our family is right here,
headed back where we belong.
That's right, Sandy.
Caves beat trees every time!
-Especially when
you're with the right people.
-And how are you holding up?
-Fine. Why?
-'Cause you just said
goodbye forever
to your best friend Dawn?
Oh, Guy-boy.
That wasn't goodbye forever.
Because Dawn and I have a plan.
The plan can't fail.
We're gonna redraw the map
to make the trip
to Caveana so awful,
my parents will give up
and head back to the farm.
All you have to do is get
your parents to welcome us home.
And here's a copy
of the original map.
-Why are you giving
mea copy?
-So you can come visit
if the plan fails.
-What? But you said
the plan can't fail!
-Because it can't.
-Ha! Genius! And I know
just where we should go
to bring us
to a screeching halt.
-I thought you might.
-So, Hwam-Slam!
How big is Caveana?
-I wish I knew, Grug Crood,
but I've never been there.
-I hear ya.
So, is it much farther or--
-He's never been there,
meat neck!
No more cave questions!
-Loud and clear!
So, i-is it like one huge cave
or a-a bunch of little cavelets?
I've never been there either!
And who cares how big
or moist it is?
It's a cave and no Bettermans.
What more could you want?
-A bunch of caves
inside a really big cave!
You asked the question!
-So, you won't miss
the Bettermans at all?
-Nope. The truth is
we never really fit together.
We're too different.
sometimes things fit together
-becausethey're different.
-I've tried everything!
Why won't mirror window work?
What did Thunk do to it?!
- Good question!
- Ah!
-And you know
who could answer it?
Thunk! So let's go get him,
and bring him home to do that.
And while we're at it,
we might as well bring
the rest of the Croods
and Guy back, too.
Don't you see, Dawn?
The absence of the Croods
is a gift!
-It means the farm
can reclaim its destiny
as a civilized paradise!
- Phil! Dawn!
- Hm?
-Breakfast is ready!
-Uh, are we expecting
a herd of moomoths?
-What do you mean? It's the same
amount of food I always make.
-Yeah, but it's only us now,
Because you and Dad made
the Croods leave, remember?
-Oh. Right.
-Not to worry!
I'm sure Grug's utilitarian bulk
will make short work
of this feast.
Isn't that right,
you walking sinkhole?
-Uh, Dad? Grug isn't here.
Uh I know!
That was a test.
And you failed! Let's eat!
Map says to go thisway.
-So the map cantalk!
-But my gut is telling me
to go thisway.
And you know what they say.
Always trust your gut.
Unless the map says
your gut is wrong.
So, let's climb that hill.
I can't believe I might
actually see my family again.
-I wonder if your cousin Bwonk
will be there.
I always liked him.
-Yeah. Or Uncle Oof.
He loved you.
Just like the rest of my family.
-Except for your mother.
-What'd you say?
-Oh! I
said I love you like no other.
-Are you sure about this place,
It doesn't look so bad.
-Trust me.
Boo Hoo Bayou is a game-changer.
Use these to cover
your noses and mouths.
Right. So the trees
won't recognize us.
-What? No, no.
That flower is a cryris.
And its scent
will bring you to tears.
-And they'll cry allthe way
back to the farm.
I'm just a guy. Named Guy.
- Does anyone else feel
- funny?
-Funny? No. I just feel--
Hold me!
-No, you hold me!
-You know, nobody cried
like this on the farm.
Except Phil!
-So maybe we should go back?
-No! We!
Those were cryrises.
Their scentwas making us cry.
How in the blue
badgerilla do you know that?
-Gardening with Hope.
Huh. Learned more from her
than I thought.
Don't let go, Hwam.
I'm not ready.
We're not doing that!
-Your idea? I agree!
It's preposterous!
-Yelling because you miss
the Croods
and regret letting them leave?
I feel the same way.
-No. We're yelling
because we're trying to decide
what to do with
Grug and Ugga's hut.
-I think it should be
a yoga studio.
-And I think it should be
something everyonecan enjoy,
like the Museum
of Natural Philstory,
a celebration of my greatness.
Now, dear!
There's no need
to resort to violence,
especially because
you would prevail.
As with any dispute, there's
a better way to settle this.
Or should I say
a Betterman way?
- Rock! Leaf! Sharp rock! Leaf!
Rock! Leaf! Sharp rock!
-Yes! Grug!
Get your girth in gear
and start building my museum,
you mindless mud mass!
-Dad, Grug's not here, remember?
-Oh. Uh, of course!
Because that was a jest!
Naturally, I'll build it myself.
-Hwam, what if your family
isn't at Caveana?
-Oh, they'll be there.
Why else would
my family symbol be on the map?
It's a sign. Ooh!
Maybe my Aunt Hwomp
will be at Caveana!
Remember when she gave you
her favorite club?
-I sure do.
And then, your mom swiped it
and snapped it in two
-What was that?
-I said
I'm happy to be here with you.
-That makes two of us. Mm
-And this makes whatever
comes aftertwo of us.
-Here it comes.
The canyon I sent us to
on the map that we can't cross.
Because it's Can't Cross Canyon!
-We have to cross this canyon
to get to Caveana,
but, according to the map,
this canyon goes on forever.
And I'm not seeing any bridges.
We might have to turn back.
What? Oh no! That's awful!
- Hey, we tried!
- But you can't cross 'em all.
but we cancross this one.
And done!
Yes! It worked!
-Not that I didn'tthink
you could do that,
but how did you do that?!
-I saw Phil do it once.
Guess it just stuck in my
Oh. What's this thing
called again?
-No, that's not it.
Anyway, now we can keep
going to Caveana. Here we go!
-We're losing this battle.
We need your next stop
to be a dead end,
Guy-boy. For real.
-Oh, it will be.
-Too much?
-Not if it works.
-This is nice!
Just the two of us, alone,
spending quality
mother-daughter time together.
How areyou, Dawn?
-Not great, Mom. You know,
because the Croods left.
-Tell me about it.
On the one hand,
it's nice to have the farm
to ourselves again.
On the other hand, Phil doesn't
have an audience anymore,
so now it's all on me.
And it's a lot!
You know how Phil can be.
-You mean Dad?
-I guess I usually vent to Ugga
about this kind of stuff,
but now I can't
because she's gone.
-So, you really miss Ugga?
-You know who else is
driving me a little crazy? Dawn.
-Wait, what?
-She just keeps going on
about the Croods leaving.
I mean, get over it already!
-Mom! The Croods justleft.
Also, I'm Dawn!
-And it isn't just
whatshe's saying.
It's howshe's saying it.
You know how her voice can cut
through anything like an axe
and how she sounds happy
about everything,
even when she's sad or mad?
What isthat?
this is how venting works.
I complain, and you listen.
but you're complaining about me!
-Ugh! This worked
so much better with Ugga.
Anyway, good talk, honey!
You know what I can't wait
to do when we get to Caveana?
Introduce myfamily
to yourfamily.
They're all gonna
love each other!
-Maybe not all.
-What, you mean Grug?
Oh, they're gonna love Grug
as much as I do!
-No, not Grug. Me.
-You? My family couldn't
get enough of you!
-Oh Hwam,
there's something
I never got to tell you
before you were flash frozen.
-Your mom and I
didn't get along.
So, we decided
to settle it with a fight.
-You fought my mom?!
I sure did.
And she was tougher
than a ramaconda!
But, I was too young
and cocky to care.
So, I won.
That didn't change
how she felt about me, though.
Too reckless, too stubborn,
and too angry for her son.
And then, you vanished.
Problem solved.
Until now.
-That doesn't change
how Ifeel about you.
-I'm glad.
But you needed to know that.
Just in case.
Come here.
Whatever we find,
we'll face it together.
You got it, Hwamsicle.
-Enough giggling, Guy.
Tell us where we're going. Now!
-The Fur-bidden Zone.
It's an animals-only area.
No humans allowed.
That's why it's fur-bidden
instead of for-bidden.
Amazing, right?
Also, any human who goes there
is never heard from again.
-And now, we'regoing there?!
-Uh, yes.
But only so we'll turn around
and go back to the farm.
To be honest, I didn't really
think this all the way through,
but I'm sure we'll be fine.
-What is this place?
It looks like a piece
of paradise.
-Because it is.
A paradise for animals!
This is the Fur-bidden Zone.
No humans allowed!
We need to leave now!
-But the map said
this is the way to Caverna.
-Not if we get slashed
and smashed by animals.
Let's turn around
before it's too late!
We can handle a few animals.
-Oh, from inside their stomachs?
No, thanks!
Can we go back to the farm now,
-Too late. I smell evil.
That's the rotten stench of
-Scorpulions, tigerangutans,
and bearacudas! Oh my!
-And you too, Steve?
-You know these animals?
Hoo! Well, that's a relief!
For a second,
I thought we were in trouble.
-We're not outta the woods yet.
We didn't come here
for a fight!
We're just passing through.
-What did she say?
What did she say?!
-My camelmeleon's not great,
but I think she said
this is the Fur-bidden Zone.
No humans allowed.
-Mm-hmm. Just like I said.
-So, we should get out of here?
-Yep. Rules are rules.
-Yeah, but Croods are Croods.
-And rules
are made to be broken.
Just like Malachi.
-So, we're fighting?
Stop fighting!
-Eep's right. I know
a better way to settle this.
Or should I say
a Betterman way?
Rock, leaf,
sharp rock, rock!
Oh, and you played sharp rock!
Rock beats sharp rock! I win!
I told you rock always wins,
unless someone plays leaf.
Rock rules!
-I can't believe it.
Dad won playing rock.
-To be fair, if you play rock
every single time,
eventually you have to win.
That's just math.
Tough luck, feather buster.
Now, step aside, Peekawho,
'cause the map says
Caveana's this way.
-What's she saying now?
-I think she's saying
we didn't needto go through
the Fur-bidden Zone
to get to Caveana.
But the map said
to come this way.
And as far as I know,
maps are never wrong.
-Ooh! Maybe it's wrong
because we changed it.
Fine. We changed the map.
But we had to do something.
I miss the Bettermans,
and so do you.
-I don't!
-Yes, you do!
Because, admit it or not,
you know you're better together.
Think about it!
We've only made it thisfar
because of what Phil
and Hope taught you!
-Honey, we've made it this far
because Caveana is our destiny.
We're cave people.
You can fight it,
or you can make the best of it.
-But, what if fighting it
ismaking the best of it?
I didn't inquire
as to what you think
because, frankly, you don't.
- Dad?
- Hm? Oh, Dawn!
Let me introduce
our new friends!
That's Grugory, that's Uggatha,
Grannifer, Thunkley, Guyrus,
Sandelizabeth, and Penelopeep.
And, of course,
you know Philliam.
-I'm so glad
we're finally doing this.
I hope you like beetballs!
-Oh, Dawn!
Look! We have company for lunch.
Isn't that great?
And after lunch, we're taking
a walk by the lagoon
for a little vent sesh.
No offense, Dawn,
but you're not a great
venting partner.
-Because you were venting
about me!
Uggatha! Grannifer!
For the love of Philliam,
why would you invite
the punch monkeys
into our home?!
-For the same reason
you made these giant,
disturbing stick dolls!
You guys miss the Croods!
-Dawn's right.
-Ah! We miss the Croods!
-But how can we rectify
our egregious mistake?!
-Easy. We go find them
and bring them home.
Because I'mchanging the plan.
-Plan? What plan?
-Who said plan? Not me.
Let's go!
Yes, now!
-This is Caveana?
It is indeed!
a cave unlike any other cave.
-Not the face!
-Who are you?
And where'd you find
those pearly whites?!
-In my mouth
because they're mine.
That's why they call me Smile.
-And they call me Grin!
How many of you are there,
and do you all
have nice teeth?!
We're just not used to
seeing new people.
-Or any people at all.
-No need to apologize.
We get that a lot.
Welcome to Caveana.
-We are pumped to have you here!
Who's ready for the tour?
-Sure. It's just we thought
Caveana would be a bigger deal,
but it looks just like
any other cave.
-We get that a lot, too.
But Caveana's a cave.
As with any cave, it's not
what's on the outside
-It's what's on the inside! Woo!
Follow us!
Dark. Damp.
Smells like feet. Not bad.
But, it's still just
The greatest cave
I've ever seen!
-I know it's not the farm,
but you have to admit,
this lives up to the hype.
It's a cave paradise.
It's a cave-adise!
-It would be
if Dawn was here.
I'm coming for you, Eep!
How do you know
how to do this?!
-Crowverine gliding?
Eep taught me!
-Why did I get an eelgle?!
A bunch of caves
inside a really big cave.
It's even better
than how I saw it in my head
-I know, Grug. I know.
-My family's here,
and I'd love to find them.
Is there anyone
named Bwonk here?
Or Oof? Or Hwomp?
-Those names sound familiar.
Or they're just noises
I've heard.
-How about Bleh?
Pow? Whew? Splat?
-Hey, that sounds like me!
When I eat!
but maybe you've seen this?
Sorry, no.
But don't give up.
This is Caveana.
Everythingis possible here.
-It's just I was so sure
I'd find them here.
I never thought about
notfinding them.
-You know, I came to Caveana
looking for family, too.
Never did find them.
Instead, I found this
loudmouthed lava pepper
eating everything in sight.
-Until this talking tree
put me to sleep
with a bunch of big words.
We couldn't have been
more different.
-And now, we're family.
Like it or not, we can't live
without each other.
-'Cause we're better as a "we."
-Hey! That sounds like you
and the Bettermans!
-It sure does.
-We don't belong here.
We belong with the Bettermans.
Because, like it or not,
we can't live without them.
-I know.
We're in the cave of my dreams,
and all I wanna do is leave!
To be with Phil!
What's wrong with me?
Have I been poisoned?
Gah! Phil says that!
-So, we can go home?
-Go to them.
Go to the Bettermans.
-Yeah! Get outta here!
-You're right. We need to
get back to ourfamily.
Oh, I'm coming for you, window!
-Guess that means
I need to go, too.
-With me. Because I'm not
losing you again.
-They'll be back.
-For sure.
Do you think Phil and Hope
will let us
come back to the farm?
If we ease them into the idea.
I mean,
we can't just drop it on them
like a Phil-valanche--
-Ugh! Hope!
-We're sorry for everything!
We're the ones who are sorry!
-Mm, Phil! I missed you so much!
And I missed you, too,
but could you please stop
crushing my musculature?
We know Caveana
is your new home,
and that life on the farm
wasn't ideal for you,
but if you give it another
chance, we promise you--
-You can skip the hard sell,
Phil. We're in.
-Oh! That was easy.
Pie to celebrate?
Great idea, Hope.
I didn't say that!
-After all this time,
we're finally going
to be together.
Is that you?
I was frozen, Mom!
By an avalanche!
I'm sorry. So sorry!
-Stop that nonsense.
You were the freezee,
not the freezer.
What matters is you're here now.
And strangely young.
Gran. I know we traded barbs
but that's all forgotten
because you brought my son home
to his family.
And now, all of us
can make up for lost time.
-All of us? Gurgle?
Churg? Hwarf?
-Yep. We're all here.
The whole family.
-I can't leave.
-I know. And I can't stay.
-But our time willcome.
I think this is yours.
-It was. Now, it's yours.
To remember me
until we meet again.
See you soon, Fire Moon.
-I'm glad you and Gran
buried the past, Mom.
-I'd like to bury her
past her neck
- What's that, Mom?
- Yep!
Buried the past.
That's what we did alright.
-Best. Home. Ever.
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