Waking the Dead (2000) s08e07 Episode Script

End Game: Part 1

There you go, my darling.
Sleep now.
Go to sleep.
It'll all be all right now.
Hello, Spencer.
No, my main concern was to get my team out.
> I think I achieved that quite successfully.
Hello? > Oh, has she? Do you mind if I call you back? What makes you think you can send that to me? Thank you.
You chose to move to CID.
Last time I checked, they investigate murders.
That's your unfinished business.
Really? She told you that, did she? SHE didn't tell me anything.
What's going on? THE Linda Cummings? The prison officer who killed those rapists and murderers? Yeah, yeah.
Buried them in a field Yes, THAT Linda Cummings.
You forgot to mention she decapitated a prison governor.
So what new horror has she committed? We don't know that she has.
I received this three days ago.
In here.
"Whatever happened to Sandra White? "L x.
" Oh, a kiss, it's a kiss.
Left ring finger .
hence the ring.
Oh, God! It looks like something the cat dragged in.
It's a good analogy.
It's not a dead mouse, so what is this, Grace? An offering? Something that she wants my approval? What? I wouldn't think so.
I think it's more of a gift from one predator to the other.
We're not so different, you know.
You and me? I've met enough killers to know one when I see one.
So she wants me to react to it? Yeah.
Which is the very reason you shouldn't.
We know how clever she is, how manipulative.
See, I know my end game before I make my first move, so every move I make simply brings me closer to my final move.
She's contriving some sort of warped game and she wants you to play.
My first thought entirely, which is why I sent it to This was severed with a double bladed instrument.
Heavy scissors, secateurs, even.
Did you say you received that three days ago? Uh-huh.
Then forwarded it to me.
It's not a cold case, is it? No, Sandra White is listed as a missing person so if this finger is evidence that she was killed Eve? It's possible.
There's an absence of radiating fracture lines.
This wasn't removed from a live body.
So it's a straightforward murder enquiry, which is why I sent it to CID.
Except it was sent to you.
And if she's planning murders on the inside But this is unfinished business.
That's right.
I know that.
What do we know, then, about Sandra White? OK.
Sandra White was released from Padworth Special Hospital at 8.
04pm, February 16th 2007.
Padworth? Isn't Linda Cummings held there? That's right.
They had to step up security in order to house her.
So what did Sandra White do to get put in there in the first place? When she was only 15, she set fire to her home.
Her baby sister died in the blaze.
So she was deemed fit for release by? By her psychiatrist, a Dr Doshan Mohammed.
He signed the release form, as did the Chief Security Officer, Rob Welch.
Sign here.
Sandra was escorted to a taxi by a Penny Cain, the charge nurse for the women's wing.
The cabbie dropped her outside Mayesbury residential care home, a halfway house for rehabilitated patients.
As the cabbie was driving away he noticed Sandra get into another car that was waiting.
How do we know the cabbie wasn't lying? One of the care workers also witnessed her getting into the car.
But neither got a good look at the driver.
Or licence plate or? No.
So she hasn't been seen or heard of since? Until now.
No, no, no.
We have to establish that this belongs to Sandra White first.
Boyd's right.
We must be very circumspect about anything that comes from Linda.
So, can you get an accurate date of death? I'll need to check the nitrogen levels in the amino acids in the bone, which'll take some time.
But, yes, I can get close to date of death.
Today? Today.
I'll leave this with you then.
Don't get too comfortable.
This could be back on your desk tomorrow.
Could you, um pass me those pictures? Grace? Eve? How's it going then - CID? Good.
Yeah, busy.
He needs us more than he thinks he does.
You do know that, don't you, Spence? Yeah.
But he doesn't.
Take care.
You talk to Rob Welch.
Take it easy until we find out if there actually has been a murder.
I'll talk to Dr Mohammed here, and Penny Cain.
Sir? Mm-hm? If Linda's locked away in Padworth I know, I know.
How did she manage to send me the finger? All right? Tea? What's bothering you? Sandra White's disappearance happened before Linda went into Padworth.
So maybe Linda heard about Sandra when she was inside.
Or perhaps Lindakilled Sandra before she went inside.
Do you think Linda might have been the mystery person in the car? The person who picked her up when she got out of the taxi? It's possible, but why wait so long to send me the finger? Whatever her reason, she wants you to be directly involved and that'sthat's troubling.
My advice stay away from Linda Cummings.
That's exactly what I plan to do.
Which is why you're going to talk to her.
Me? Who else? Well, I can't.
You know I can't.
Why not? Don't do this, "I've forgotten.
" What? I'm going on a conference to Copenhagen in an hour.
Postpone it, I need you, you can't.
We've Shh, stop shouting.
Who's this? This is my replacement.
Come in, Jackie.
Replacement? Grace? It's lovely to see you.
And you.
Thank you.
This is Dr Jackie Cochran.
Detective Superintendent Boyd.
Pleased to meet you.
Grace has talked a lot about you.
Why? Well Jackie lectures in criminal psychology at Johns Hopkins.
She's also had 15 years in the Attorney's office in Maryland.
You must've met in New York at one of the many conferences that Grace is always popping off to? Yes.
Have they given you my password and user codes? Yes, I've got all that, thanks.
What? Wait a minute.
What does she know about Linda Cummings? Well, why don't you ask her? What do you know about Linda Cummings? Linda's what we would term a highly organised mission orientated killer.
She has an extremely high IQ with a control mentality.
If we're going to work together, you have to speak in my terms, which is much more simple English than that.
She creates complex games according to her own set of rules where she manipulates others to do her will.
That's good.
I'm leaving you in safe hands.
Do you need me to bring Jackie up to speed? No.
Oh, OK.
I better go and get my things together.
Good luck.
How come? Sorry.
Eh, seat? Tea? Coffee? No, thank you.
I'm good.
How come you're so well informed about Linda Cummings? You're kidding me! Linda, she's a study project.
She's truly exceptional.
Why? Because one in six serial killers are women? I mean, they are, but they do fall into predictable types, like healthcare professionals, or they murder in partnership with a man.
Linda's profile is masculine.
Yeah, there's probably only three cases in history like her.
So you have a certain admiration for her? Don't get me wrong, she's an extremely sick individual.
Actually, from what I've read about your case she's probably fixated on you.
On me? Why? Because you outsmarted her.
For Linda, that's sexy.
Well, it wouldn't surprise me if she has a picture of you on her wall.
You might be about to find out.
Really? Why? I'll tell you in the car.
Have a good flight, Grace.
Um No, I'm taking it.
Dr Cochran.
Detective Superintendent Boyd? I'm Dr Mohammed, Linda's psychiatrist.
I've an interview room where you can talk to Linda.
Just Dr Cochran, I'm here to talk to Penny Cain.
About Linda? About Sandra White.
Well, let me just organise someone to escort you there.
The last time I saw Sandra she was getting into the cab.
So you don't have any idea who might have picked her up outside the care home? No.
It's a mystery.
I mean, her family abandoned her after the incident.
ELECTRIC BUZZER The fire where her baby sister died? Yeah, and Sandra had been in institutions ever since.
Oh, right.
It's not usually this messy.
It's art therapy today.
Sandra loved to paint, you know.
She was really quite gifted.
Some of our artists have exhibited in galleries.
It's not at all what I imagined.
What? You mean no drooling lunatics in straitjackets? No, I mean, for a place that houses so many violently disturbed inmates, it's quite We prefer the term "patients", but don't be lulled, several of them can be quite volatile, so we try to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Is this the ward where Linda is normally housed? Yeah, normally, but she's in seclusion at the moment.
Why is that? She's been playing up.
Dr Mohammed can tell you more about it.
I must ask you not to give Linda anything, not to divulge any personal details about yourself.
And don't be drawn in by anything she might say.
She's very Manipulative.
It's just through that door on the left.
I'll be out here if you need anything.
Well, well.
Your photograph doesn't do you justice.
I've come to talk about Sandra White.
You haven't told him, have you? Your secret's safe with me, Jackie.
As I said, I've come to talk about Sandra White.
Just Sandra? Do you care to elaborate on that? With these prying little eyes? You're going to have to come closer.
A bit closer.
Sandra .
never .
Why are you telling me this? I'm not telling you, I'm telling Peter.
If you want to know more, you're going to have to come and see me.
And, Peter .
I was sorry to hear about Luke.
Such a tragedy.
You've reached Dr Grace Foley's phone.
Please leave a message and I'll get back to you.
Call me when you get off the plane, please.
Wait a second.
What did you tell her about Luke? She didn't say anything.
Linda brought it up.
How could she know that my son was dead? Was there an inquest? Mm-hm.
That's public record then.
That's what Linda does.
She finds a tender spot and pushes at it until she gains control.
There you go, Mr Welch.
Thanks, love.
I already told the other detective, the black one.
Detective Inspector Jordan.
I never knew Sandra White.
But you signed her release forms.
That's me job.
She presents herself at the gate, I sign the form, she signs the book and she's gone.
How do you think Linda Cummings managed to smuggle a rotting finger out of Padworth? Dunno.
Was it sent from there? No.
A post office nearby.
So she's got a mate on the outside.
Or an accomplice on the staff.
I'll be needing a full record of all Linda's correspondence and phone calls, if you don't mind.
Why is Linda in solitary? In seclusion.
She incited one of the more vulnerable patients to self-harm, so we're keeping her isolated until I can trust her to go back on the ward.
Well, why would she do that? Wilfully cause distress? No.
Deliberately put herself in solitary.
Excuse me.
Eve, please tell me it's an old lady who died peacefully in her sleep.
Bad news.
The finger definitely belongs to Sandra White.
It was cut from the corpse within the last few weeks, and she's been dead roughly since the time she disappeared.
We're going to need Sandra White's medical records.
But they're confidential.
I couldn't She's no longer a missing person.
She's now a missing body and probably a murder victim.
I see.
Then I'll get them for you.
Thank you.
She had an engagement ring.
Did you know anything about that? No.
No, I don't.
What was it Linda said? About what? When you told her you were investigating Sandra, she said? Just Sandra? What do you think Linda's trying to tell us with that? I mean, she's clearly implying something.
You have to filter what Linda says.
Have there been any other deaths at Padworth recently? Here they are.
No, there haven't been any patient deaths for six or seven years.
That wasn't my question.
Well, there was Dominic, Dr McCarthy.
But he was a suicide.
When? Two years ago.
Dr Dominic McCarthy was found hanged in his office a month before Sandra's disappearance and he used this.
So why are we suspicious? Apart from Linda.
He left no suicide note.
He has no history of depression.
And the pathologist on the scene raised concerns of unexplained bruising, particularly on the ankles, the left cheek and the back.
Could these be evidence of a struggle? Maybe.
These might be ligature marks.
But at the inquest the coroner ruled that the bruising may have been the result of a fall.
OK, so he could have fallen off his chair after his first attempt, say, and then damaged himself.
The evidence was inconclusive.
They returned an open verdict.
So it could be murder.
Let's rule that in, or rule that out, Eve.
Have any of the furnishings changed since Dr McCarthy left? I've moved things round a bit.
Other than that lamp, the TV and computer, no.
It seemed wrong somehow.
Did you know him? I started after he died.
It was very tragic.
Out of the blue, apparently.
Would you say he was well-liked as a doctor? Yes, as far as I know.
He had the odd professional spat with Dr Mohammed.
Such as? The benefits of medication versus psychotherapy.
That kind of thing.
Nothing serious.
Thank you, Dr Dench.
Well, I'll leave you to it, then.
A hand would be nice.
Right now we have no evidence that any murders have taken place - not McCarthy's or Sandra's.
But we do know Sandra is dead and buried.
And the fact that we have a finger and no body is suspect.
Let's assume Linda Cummings is telling the truth, which means, if we believe her, Sandra never left.
Which means she never signed out.
And that means Rob Welch and Penny Cain are lying.
Rob Welchliar.
Penny Cainliar.
And probably Mohammed too, yeah? Liar.
What connection do these three have to these two? Apart from the fact they knew each other.
I mean, what connection do they have to McCarthy and Sandra's deaths? Rob Welch.
He was first on the scene at McCarthy's suicide.
And he signed Sandra out the night that she disappeared.
I've blown up a copy of Sandra's release signature from Welch, but we can't prove that it's hers.
Why not? Well, first of all, there isn't any signature from her arrival, they throw out old ledgers after five years according to Welch.
She had no bank account, no passport, no driver's licence, nothing I can use for comparison.
Benefit cheques, prescriptions, previous hospital? I do know what I'm doing.
Do you? And I am still looking.
That's good.
Let's focus on Welch, then, yeah? Rob Welch.
He's a former soldier, he's been chief security officer at Padworth for six years, thinks the prisoners are too dangerous to ever be released, no love lost between him and McCarthy and he was pretty damning abut Mohammed too.
OK, doesn't like psychiatrists.
Well, he may not like their methods.
Yeah, I'm with him.
And, when I asked if there was any suspicion regarding McCarthy, he upped and left.
Did he? Mm-hm.
Rob Welch.
HEAVY BREATHING ALARM BLARES The inscription on Sandra's ring reads "From D to S, forever love".
I think we can safely assume that the S stands for Sandra and the D would be? Dominic McCarthy, maybe? Doshan Mohammed.
Or it could be the person who picked up Sandra when she got out of the taxi.
I thought we were assuming Sandra never left.
Yeah, we were.
Now we stick to the facts, not what Linda wants us to believe.
Just a little flip, yeah? Someone got out of the cab and we can't yet know for sure that it wasn't Sandra.
Hello? McCarthy was murdered.
Are you absolutely certain? 'Certain.
' Meet me in the lab in an hour.
There's no history of self-harm.
And I know you're not suicidal.
Where's the blade, Linda? Who gave it to you? All right.
Cuff her.
Doctor! That's against the rules.
She's clearly a danger to herself.
And to others.
And I want her back in seclusion by the morning.
I'm sorry.
That's not like him.
Take these.
Try and get some sleep.
If we're to believe McCarthy hanged himself, he would have had to get up on the chair and kick it away.
But, the only way he could have tied his belt around the beam was standing on the desk.
So why not just step off the desk? Exactly.
So, let's say instead, he pulled over the desk, tied the noose, pushed the desk back, and then got up onto the chair.
It's odd, but not implausible.
That's what I thought.
But now he has a new problem.
Even if he were to balance on the arms of the chair, he still wouldn't be tall enough to get his head through the noose.
Could he have stood on tiptoe? The coroner said he may have fallen.
The minimum height he'd have to have been is 6'1".
And McCarthy was 5'8" in shoes, so even Allowing .
with four inches for tiptoe 6 foot.
It's not just unlikely he hanged himself, it's impossible.
I'll hold the door for you.
Shit! So how the hell did he get up there? I have a theory.
These marks to his ankles are ligature marks.
So his feet were tied.
With something like this.
Were his hands tied as well? No.
Which leads me to believe that he was subdued with a soft object.
Like this cushion.
Which would have muffled screams.
The contusions to his cheek and to his back are consistent with him having been pressed hard against the surface of the desk or the cabinet.
Right, so he was smothered till he was unconscious, then he was put up in the noose to finish him off and then it was made to look like suicide.
I think they did more than that.
The pressure to his ankles was intense enough to cause these abrasions and bruising.
Which are all to the front of the leg.
It's my belief that McCarthy was suspended .
then before discovery, the murderer untied his ankles and lowered him into his final position.
Have you seen Linda's medical file? You had it with you while I was bandaging her arm.
Hello, Doctor.
What's she doing here? Evening rounds.
Why? Who's with Linda? Doctor! This looks like the work of two men.
Or one strong man.
It looks insane to me.
The word "Why?" comes to mind.
Whoever did this needs to inflict suffering.
I doubt killing was the goal, more a consequence.
My guess is they've done it before.
Get hold of McCarthy's successor, Dr Murray Dench.
Pull the files on the male patients that McCarthy treated.
We're looking for someone that fits the profile of someone who would do something like that.
I'll keep going through Sandra's files.
See if I can find anything that directly links McCarthy to Sandra.
'You've reached Dr Grace Foley.
'Please leave a message and I'll get back to you.
' Did Grace leave you the number of her hotel? No.
She didn't.
Sorry, what did you want? Look, Boyd, you realise everything Linda is giving us is turning out to be true? I'm not going to talk to her.
Come on.
How long are we going to dance around this? We need to know who else is involved.
She knows where the skeletons are buried.
Literally, in Sandra's case.
Linda's not giving us clues out of the kindness of her heart, you know.
She's got a motive and it's just that we're not seeing what that motive is.
Yes, and we won't if we play scared.
Grace? Hi, Eve.
I brought you They're lovely.
You shouldn't have.
Thank you.
They're lovely.
When's the operation? A couple of days, I think.
They're checking blood counts and then they'll go ahead.
And depending on what happens, there'll be chemo, or not.
Are you scared? A little.
Do you have any idea where he might be? I'll find out.
Thanks very much.
Mr Boyd.
What a pleasure.
I want to talk to Linda Cummings.
I'll have her brought to the interview room.
I'll do it alone.
No cameras.
She has a right to have someone present.
We both know that she's not going to want that.
But she will have to be in restraints.
Well, that's your choice if you insist.
What's that about? That? That's a relic.
It's a little incongruous, isn't it? Just leave it.
Hello, Peter.
You're looking fit.
You'll have to excuse my appearance, they wouldn't let me pick my own wardrobe.
Who killed McCarthy? So you know he was murdered? Good.
Well, when you've found Sandra's killer, you'll have found McCarthy's.
The two are .
beautifully linked.
Where's Sandra's body? I think it's only fair that you give me something in exchange for my help.
Like what? Nothing much.
I'd like to be allowed back on the ward.
My privileges restored, such as they are.
I'd like my chess set back.
I'm not a pawn you can just play around with.
You were never a pawn.
You're my opponent.
Peter! You can see Sandra from the clock tower.
Annie Laing, aged 21, died 1895.
the patients in the grounds here if nobody came to claim the bodies.
But these graves look new.
They must have moved them when they built the new extension.
How long have these graves been here? The graves? He's probably an inmate.
OK, thanks.
Thank you.
MOBILE RINGS We better get Eve down here, yeah? Hello? 'Boyd?' I'm pretty sure Mohammed doctored his files to justify Sandra's release.
So you think he's covering up? Yes.
There's information you'd expect that's not here.
Like what? For one, many more notes detailing Sandra's path to recovery.
Instead, we get this miraculous transformation in the last four weeks of her stay.
These later notes are sketchy.
I would never have recommended her release based on these.
Oh, and I've found your link to McCarthy.
Dance therapy.
Oh! Hello.
Do you work here? Are you a patient? Could you roll me one of those? Sandra White committed an act of fatal arson.
According to your notes, this was intentional.
She wanted to destroy the home she felt she'd been trapped in.
And kill her sister? In her mind she was protecting her.
From a lifetime of abuse she herself had suffered at the hands of her father.
So murdering her sister was a kindness? In a manner of speaking, yes.
She then tried to burn down the care home she went into.
Was this altruistic too? By that time, the psychopathy had become ingrained.
Arson was just her way of coping during episodes of acute stress.
Yet you saw fit to release this woman back into society? Yes, I found the key to her rehabilitation, to help her trust men.
Dance therapy.
Dance therapy has been proved to be a successful tool for resocialisation.
That's true, but it's very risky in an institution like Padworth.
What would a typical male offender profile be in Padworth? Violent sexual crime? In some cases, yes.
You mixed psychopathic rapists and abused women together in a dance hall? Did you give them alcohol as well? No, there was no alcohol.
'It's easy for you to judge, isn't it? 'Living far away from all the monsters and the lunatics? 'You can play it safe.
You can keep them apart and throw away the key.
' MUSIC ECHOING: "Good Vibrations" by The Beach Boys What they need is a way to connect to something resembling life as we know it.
'Somewhere safe, loving, where they can confront their demons 'and maybe slay a few.
'I was trying to help them be, and meet, ordinary human beings.
' To say, you know, "D'you wanna dance?" As opposed to, "I wonder what your head would look like on a stick?" I can't expect you to understand.
Nor did Dr McCarthy, apparently.
No, he did.
He understood.
He did not.
He filed an official complaint against you.
I mean, what was it, did McCarthy try to block your experiment? Threaten to get you struck off? Is that why he had to go? Professional difference of opinion, it's not a vendetta.
Try pushing him about Sandra's dance partner.
Your notes .
mention that Sandra White formed a particular bond with one of McCarthy's patients.
A David O'Neal.
'Yes, they both shared a similar psychopathology.
'A mistrust of parental figures, retributional urges.
'Such as? 'Sandra was also trying to kill her father during the fire.
' In David's case, he was 12 when his mother died.
But .
he wanted to kill her.
My God.
Sandra and David had a one-on-one therapy session.
Did you allow contact between Sandra White and David O'Neal outside of the dance hall? Once, yes.
I considered it beneficial.
How did Dr McCarthy react to you treating his patient? He filed the complaint and I was forced to abandon the joint therapy.
I don't get it.
You let these two smooch, encouraged physical contact, you even allowed them private time together alone.
They weren't alone.
I was there.
There was a guard Then you suddenly stopped the dance therapy.
But not after McCarthy's death, a month later, just as Sandra, the greatest beneficiary of your treatment, was deemed fit for release.
You have to tell me, Dr Mohammed, you have to tell me why.
I realised it didn't work for all.
I mean, Sandra was a success, but the therapy was unsound.
There's nothing in your records describing your methods as unsound, just pages saying how well Sandra was progressing, so were you lying in your files? Fabricating a case for Sandra's release? Or, did something go wrong? You still don't get it, do you? This is all about Linda worming her way into your mind, blinding you to anything but suspicion.
Whatever it is you think you've discovered, it's because it's what she wants.
Just tell me what happened to Sandra.
She got better.
She left.
Well, we'll soon find out.
Let's get everything on David O'Neal.
Can you see OK? Oh Bye! Who was that? His name's Kemp.
Been here 20 years.
Keeps the grounds trimmed according to the staff.
You've not had any luck, have you? One body in each so far.
Could any be Sandra's? It's unlikely.
I found evidence of plant root attachment to the bone which suggests a shallow grave.
All these bodies are in coffins.
Assuming the body's still intact, I'd expect to find her in the topsoil.
But you don't think she's here, do you? No.
You haven't done them all yet, though, have you? Yeah, but someone cut off her finger which means a recent disturbance.
Look, as you can see, these haven't been touched.
I'm happy to unearth them but I think it's a dead end.
Excuse the pun.
Leave her to me.
You are close to being left here in the dark for your whole sentence.
You must be looking in the wrong place.
There's a witness.
To what? Sandra's burial.
There are no new bodies under those graves.
Who said graves? You get me back on the ward and I'll tell you more.
You'll need my doctor to agree to my return.
Linda claims there's a witness to Sandra's burial.
It's probably a female patient.
At least someone who had access to to this clock tower.
'Wait, wait, Jackie needs a word.
' Put her on.
OK, David O'Neal suffers from acute dissociative identity disorder.
I know what that is.
Multiple personalities, right? He was involved in a hostage situation, he nearly tortured his victim to death.
Mohammed was sailing four sheets to the wind letting him anywhere near Sandra White.
Yeah, but does he have the profile of someone who could string up McCarthy? 'He's definitely in the ball-park.
' Well, why don't you set up a meeting with O'Neal, yeah? 'Yeah, OK.
' OK.
Yeah? What? I'll get my scanning equipment.
Oh, God.
I'm surrounded by lunatics.
I don't know whether they're victims, witnesses, suspects How do you know with that bunch? I can never get hold of Grace.
How many messages does a man have to leave, Grace? Boyd What? What? Hi.
Why didn't you tell me? Well, I just didn't want any fuss.
I brought some grapes.
They seem to be the That's very sweet.
I'm on a special diet and I can't OK.
The chair.
I've been thinking a lot about Linda.
About what you told me.
What? If she'd killed Sandra before we arrested her? Yeah, well, what if it even predates that? I mean, the bodies in the field the murders she committed.
What if they weren't an end in themselves, but they were a test? Whoever solves the riddle, you mean? Yes.
Becomes her perfect adversary.
I mean, just remember, when we arrested her, she didn't seem surprised, she seemed almost pleased.
My signed confession.
As if she was glad to be caught.
What? And put in Padworth psychiatric unit? I don't know about that, Grace.
A bit paranoid, I think.
I just know that I fear what's happening now.
Sandra, McCarthy.
They're moves in a game and I can't imagine what it is.
She's dangerous, Boyd.
I'm asking you as a friend to walk away from this.
What do you mean? What's the alternative? Play the game.
See where it leads.
And do your best to stay in control.
Boyd! We have a possible witness.
Ellen Hamilton, a paranoid schizophrenic with a religious fixation.
She's capable of dangerous outbursts, attacked two coppers in 2004 with a razor blade.
She was found in the hospital chapel the day after Sandra's disappearance.
That's just below the clock tower.
And no-one knew how she got there.
That's great.
Thank you.
You're going to release Linda back onto the ward.
And I want to speak to this patient.
Put them over there, please.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Ellen? Ellen.
Ellen? This is Dr Cochran and Mr Boyd.
They'd like to ask you a few questions.
Ellen? Ellencan you tell us how you came to be in the chapel? What's wrong with her? She's heavily dosed on chlorpromazine, it's an anti-psychotic.
It suppresses the voices in her head.
That's a bit primitive, isn't it? She's a severe case, as you can see.
I doubt you'll get anything today What if she comes off the drug? How long before she's able to talk? I don't recommend Don't make me charge you with obstructing justice.
That wouldn't be good, eh? Mr Boyd! You got what you asked for.
Now it's my turn.
With everyone watching? Is Ellen the witness? Mm-hmm.
How do you know what she saw? She's my lover.
You don't love anybody, you just use people.
Are you jealous? You're making all the right moves, Peter.
'Sit yourself down, David.
' I haven't mentioned, you know, Sandra's death.
It's best not to just yet.
My name is Katrina Howard.
Pleased to meet you.
Sit down.
I'm here to talk to you about Sandra.
Did Does Sandra know anyone on the outside who she might have gone to stay with? Don't think so.
I'm sure I'll hear from her soon, though.
Cos we're in love.
We're engaged.
I got a ring and everything.
A little ring.
Was it like this ring? Yeah, just like that one.
She had one just like that there! It's all right, David.
It's OK.
I'm sorry, David.
I think you need to leave now.
Thank you, David.
Come on, David.
Eve? Eve? Oh, God Oh, hi.
I've worked my way through those two beds.
I'm just doing Right.
Nothing yet.
Did you get anything from David? Not much.
I didn't get a chance to ask about McCarthy.
The ring definitely came from David.
He's got burns on his arm.
Boyd! I think I've got something.
Happy? You know, I was never absolutely certain about McCarthy.
It was just a hunch, really.
What are you talking about? Oh, poor Dr Mohammed.
I do enjoy our sessions.
The reek of guilt, desperation, so many secrets burdening your soul.
Don't worry, Doctor.
It'll be over soon.
Over? By tomorrow night you'll be dead.
Meet Sandra White.
Linda is capable of great empathy.
Your evidence is based solely on the deluded ravings of a paranoid schizophrenic, the manipulative whisperings of a serial killing psychopath.
Keep an eye on him for me.
There are things about this case, they may be difficult for him.
They play the poor victim, but you drop your guard and they'll pull your eyeballs out.
You'll be accusing me of killing McCarthy next.
Linda wanted us to find this.
What has Linda been feeding you? It's just a simple exchange.
Grace's life for Penny's.
No, Linda!
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