S.W.A.T. (2017) s08e10 Episode Script
The Heights
Previously on SWAT
You forget my sister was coming today?
And how long is Nicole
staying this time?
Do you know where I can
find Sergeant David Kay?
- And you are?
- His sister-in-law, Nicole.
You're staying with
Annie and Deacon, right?
Yeah, I'm their nanny. At least for now.
But got to say,
Costa Rica is calling my name.
Oh. I've never been.
Okay, lounging on the beach
every day, parties every night?
All right, you sold me.
When are we going?
Are you for real?
Come on, do me a solid.
First of the month's coming, rent's due.
Save it for the judge.
Man, you people got no heart.
I'm just out here
trying to earn an honest wage.
Maybe you should try doing the same.
- What the hell? Was that gunshots?
- Let's go.
Hey, hey.20-Lincoln 40.
Multiple gunshots at the truck stop
at 2509 Castaic Road.
Let me out of here. Come on!
Dispatch. One-Adam 14.
One dead civilian, Caucasian male.
Three GSWs to the back.
Dispatch. One-Adam 14.
Officer down. Officer down.
Oh, my God. Please don't shoot me.
Where are the keys?
Come close, I kill her!
Please, don't!
I got a kid, okay? I have a kid.
[CHUCKLING]: Hey, relax.
We're-we're half a block away from HQ.
I don't want my boss seeing us.
Who, David?
Deacon's not my boss.
I was talking about Hicks or Hondo.
Mm. So hot.
I don't mean Hondo. I mean this.
It's exciting, sneaking around.
I get why you like
undercover work so much.
Different kind of excitement, but yeah.
Mm, it's giving me inspiration
for a book I'm writing.
- You're writing a book?
- Mm-hmm.
Tempted by My Hotshot Cop.
Ooh. Sounds X-rated.
Yeah, it is. Mm.
Self-published romance
authors can make a fortune.
Other people are doing it.
I figure, why not me?
- Oh.
- Especially now that
I have actual experience to draw from.
Kind of like being someone's muse.
All right,
I really have to get to work.
But I've been thinking.
If we're gonna keep seeing each other,
- I got to tell Deacon about us.
- Oh, no, no.
No way. He cannot find out.
Why not? He won't be mad.
Okay, Deacon is my brother-in-law
and also my boss. And yours, too.
Okay, fine, not your boss.
But you work with him, so it's
kind of like
we have a secret workplace romance
going on, which is
a total turn-on.
So keep your mouth shut.
All right, well,
since you put it that way,
I'm on mute.
There he is. Andre.
- What's up, cuzzo?
- Sorry I'm late.
[CHUCKLES] It's all good.
Come on in.
Man, look at you.
Can't believe how tall you got.
Last time I saw you, you were, like,
- 14 years old, right?
- Aw
And now you're a whole grown-ass man.
So, talk to me.
What made you get on a Greyhound
out of Houston and move back to L.A.?
Had to get up out of there.
Start fresh.
- Okay.
- And I always missed L.A.
And I really appreciate you
letting me crash on short notice.
Come on, man. You're blood.
Never turn your back
on a Harrelson, right?
Ah, that's right.
Speaking of, how is Uncle D?
Oh, my crazy old man.
You should give him a call.
I know he'd love
to see his favorite nephew.
Only nephew.
[LAUGHS] Is Nichelle around?
'Cause I want to meet her.
Nichelle and Viv get back
from their trip on Monday.
But that's why
I'm letting you kick it here
for the next three days, no more.
All good, all good.
Just need a place
to crash for the weekend.
Okay. All right, well, listen.
Food in the fridge,
make yourself at home.
Got a key for you right there.
Maybe we can grab dinner tonight.
Yeah, let's do that.
Harold's Soul Food on Crenshaw, right?
Know you always loved that place.
- That's the one.
Yeah, that's work.
Now I really got to go.
don't you burn this place down.
No promises.
[LAUGHS] Glad you're here, cuz.
- Thank you, man.
- All right.
Two gunmen shot and killed a cop
as well as a truck driver.
One escaped, the other's
holding a sex worker hostage
in a patrol car.
ALFARO: So, when he says he's
willing to kill, we should believe him.
Good news is, perp got shot in the leg.
Which means he's probably losing
blood and in a lot of pain.
And that gives us an advantage.
Any idea who this guy is
or what this is all about?
No, but that doesn't
stop how we operate.
Deacon, Stevens, Miko,
get close enough for extraction.
Go. Powell,
sniper position. Let's do this.
This is Sergeant Harrelson.
I'm with the LAPD.
How's your leg?
You know, it doesn't look
so good, if you ask me.
Shut up.
DEACON: 30-David.
I got a line of sight on the suspect.
No visual on the weapon.
Come on now, man, talk to me.
You don't want to bleed out in there.
Let us get you some help.
Hey, he's got a point, right?
You really want to die?
Either I die in jail
or I die here, on my own terms.
What is all this talk about dying?
No one has got to die, babe.
Deacon, what's going on?
DEACON: Suspect's
talking to the hostage.
Can't make out what he's saying, though.
You don't get it.
We lost everything.
What did you lose?
Whatever it is, it's not
worth dying over, right?
If you don't shut the hell up,
you're gonna die
with me, bitch!
Seems like he's getting agitated.
Hondo, the hostage just pulled
something from her bag.
Hey, loser.
- Help!
HONDO: I think she just maced him.
Deacon, Alfaro, extract the hostage.
20-David to Command.
Shots fired, suspect is down.
We are Code 4 all the way around.
RHD found a second victim
inside the truck.
He and the other victim worked
together for FKO Trucking.
They were a trucker team.
This is their rig.
Gunmen must have been
looking for something.
So they tortured this guy
to find out where it was.
Guess he didn't know the answer.
I just got news from Hicks.
FKO Trucking's LA office got hit
by a gunman 15 minutes ago.
Manager was shot, place was torched.
It's got to be the other gunman
from here, the one that got away.
He's still looking for
whatever they didn't find.
If that's the case, then they're
likely to keep on killing.
Unless someone puts a stop to it.
You manage to speak to anyone at
the trucking company's HQ yet?
FKO's head office
is in Saão Paulo, Brazil.
No one's picking up.
Yeah, well, keep trying.
And issue a BOLO
to Highway Patrol to keep an
eye out for any other FKO trucks.
We need to warn their drivers
any one of them could be targeted next.
Is this our dead suspect?
Yep. Name's Juan Pujols,
20 years old. Arrived from
the D.R. about six months ago.
No family in the U.S., no rap sheet,
no socials, so we don't have
any idea who he's running with.
What about the other gunman?
He got away unseen, so we don't
even have a description to go on.
All right, Deacon's talking
to the sex worker
who was held hostage.
There's a chance Pujols
told her something
before he decided to go out
in a blaze of glory.
Fingers crossed.
You know, there's a cream for that.
You're squirming like
you've got a fungal infection.
I didn't want Hicks to notice
I don't have my badge.
Where is it?
Better figure it out. Getting
a replacement's a nightmare.
It's not even just the
paperwork. They put a BOLO out
to all the law enforcement agencies.
Yeah, I know.
I lost my badge once in Long Beach.
You know, even worse than
getting a replacement
was the amount of grief I took.
You know, other officers
filled my entire locker
with toy badges.
More than once.
That's pretty funny.
Any idea where you left it this time?
Maybe Deacon's house?
You and Nicole were doing it
under Deacon's roof?
Keep it down.
Rumors spread around HQ
like germs in a locker room.
I swear your secret's safe with me.
Come on, give up the goods.
Nicole and I went on a date.
Sleeping over is more than a date.
Are you gonna see her again?
Yeah, probably.
But-but right now I just need
to get my badge back.
I-I texted her five times
and even left voice mails.
She's not responding.
Looks like you're gonna
have to tell Deacon, then.
So you can borrow his
house keys and get it back.
I can't.
Nicole made me promise her
that I wouldn't tell Deacon about us.
For reasons I'd rather not explain.
So, what are you gonna do?
I don't know.
Come on, Martha.
People's lives are in danger.
We really need your help.
Isn't that ironic?
You know how many times I asked you guys
to cut me some slack over the years?
I understand you not wanting
to talk to the police, I do.
But innocent people could be
caught in the cross fire,
same as you were.
Martha, I saw you talking
to Juan in the car.
What did he say to you?
I'm having a hard time recalling.
Did he say who he worked for
or-or what they were
looking for in that truck?
Um, get my charges dropped
and my fines cleared
and maybe my amnesia will be cured.
You tell me what he said,
I will speak to the D.A.
and see what I can do
to get your arrest tossed.
You have my word.
No. I don't accept IOUs from men.
- Learned that one the hard way.
- Martha.
You are the only person
who can help us right now.
Mm. I'm a real sucker, you know that?
He said he couldn't go to jail.
'Cause, like, he'd be killed there.
He said he'd rather
die on his own terms.
He was afraid he'd be killed
if he went to jail?
Yeah, he was freaking out about it.
I think 'cause, like like,
he said they lost something.
Right? "Lost it all."
What did they lose?
W-Who was he afraid of?
You know, this should
really cost you extra.
One of the truckers that got
shot was my last john, right?
He was a nice enough guy,
talked a lot but, you know
What were they hauling in the truck?
Stuff for this pop star.
The Brazilian Taylor Swift,
he called her.
He did mention cocaine.
Cocaine. You're sure
that's what you heard?
So, I don't know how good
your Spanish is, but cocaína
means the same thing to
all my Spanish clients.
I need you to remember our deal.
You have my word.
We'll see.
Yeah, this is Hondo.
Yeah. Andre, that's my cousin.
Why? What's up?
W-Wait a minute, wait a minute,
what are you talking about?
A brick?
Okay, hey, do me a favor,
get him to HQ right now.
I'll take care of it from there.
Thank you.
So, the gunmen were looking
for cocaine in that semitrailer.
That's what this is all about.
Everything okay?
It's my little cousin Andre.
He's staying with me
for the next few days.
He just got into a brawl
in my front yard.
- W-With who?
- I'm not sure.
Some dude showed up and threw
a brick through my window.
And they're telling
me Andre came outside
and then, somehow, one of my
neighbor's cars got damaged.
- It's a whole mess.
Look, uh, Hondo,
with all you've been through
the last couple weeks,
the last thing you need
is a houseguest from hell.
He's family, Deac.
Andre's been through a tough road.
His mom passed when he was 13 years old.
And then his pops
my Uncle Franklin
he remarried pretty quick after
and then moved him out to Houston.
So, you two close?
We were. When he was little,
I was like a big brother to him.
The kid had a lot of potential,
he just never managed
to stick to anything.
When I heard he was moving back to L.A.,
I was hoping time with the Harrelsons
would put him back on solid ground.
Well, it definitely sounds like
he could use the help.
Question is what's that gonna do to you?
CHP is running with our BOLO,
looking for any other FKO trucks
out on the road.
So far, nothing.
We get anywhere with that
Brazilian Taylor Swift clue?
I'm thinking it has to be this woman.
Valentina. She's the
only Brazilian pop star
who comes remotely
close to Taylor Swift.
Don't let the Swifties hear you.
They'll set their cats on you.
ALFARO: She has a
fan base of over 50 million
in South America.
It's not Taylor numbers,
but it's not nothing.
Valentina's Central
American tour just ended.
The trucks were hauling
her stage equipment to L.A.
- ahead of her U.S. tour.
- Someone's using those trucks
to smuggle cocaine into the country
alongside of her equipment.
But according to the sex worker
who was held hostage,
Juan lost the cocaine.
And he was more afraid of the punishment
he'd receive than he was of dying.
So, it must be a large
amount, worth a fortune.
Which means the other gunman's
desperate to find it
and he's already got a jump on us,
so we need to figure out where
Valentina's other tour trucks are.
Uh, her concert at SoFi Stadium
is still three weeks away.
Uh, the trucks and gear
must be in holding somewhere.
Her management company might know.
Hey. Where's your badge?
Must have left it in my locker.
Well, go get it.
Go get it.
You want to tell me
who the hell Nigel Jones is
and why he threw a brick
through my window?
Look, he's just some dude from Houston.
And he followed you
all the way out here?
When I left H-Town,
I didn't tell many people
where I was going.
Couple of days ago,
I hiked up to the Hollywood Sign
and I posted it online.
Tell me you didn't post again
this morning from my home.
Nigel must have seen it.
That buster's just jealous, and crazy.
Andre, you didn't tell me you
have some thug coming after you.
I got a wife and daughter, man.
Why has Nigel got beef with you?
'Cause I chilled with his girl.
You know, I guess
I got that Harrelson charm
with the ladies, you know?
I know you know.
Well, she said they were done.
I found out she was lying,
I cut it off. I swear.
- But he's still tripping.
- So, that's why
- you left Houston so fast?
- Hell no, man.
Look, I ain't scared of old boy.
I came here
to get my life together,
like I told you.
If you want, man, I'll leave.
I'll find somewhere else to stay.
For now, you're gonna
stay right here, at SWAT.
- What? Why?
- Because Nigel Jones
don't sound like no buster to me, man.
He sounds like a hardcore O.G.
I'm gonna do whatever I have to do
to keep him away
from my house and my family.
Valentina's management team told me
her singers and backup dancers
are already here in LA.
They're rehearsing ahead of her arrival.
- Where are they at?
- Santa Clarita Studios.
Well, then, her tour trucks
are probably there, too.
Get Hondo. Roll out.
I'll call the studio and warn 'em.
Let's just hope it's not too late.
We're behind the scenes
rehearsing for Valentina's
upcoming U.S. tour.
And hold.
- Okay, remember, we are
Is anybody else feeling heroic?
Check every single case.
Come here. Take us to the trucks.
MAN: Shut up!
They're already here.
30-David. Active shooter
at our location.
All right, Powell, Miko, Stevens,
breach the front of the rehearsal space.
Deacon, with me around back.
Let's go.
Move, move, move!
Stevens, door.
Hey. Hey. You scream, you die.
24-David. We have eyes.
One armed suspect with hostages.
Looks like he's alone.
BOTH: LAPD! Drop your weapon!
POWELL: Moving!
24-David. One suspect down.
It's not here.
[MUTTERS] Why it's not here?
Deacon, cover!
Suspect down. Hostage secure.
I got you.
Come on.
HONDO: Second suspect down.
GSW to the shoulder.
Hey, Deac. Come here, man.
You got to see this.
DEACON: Los Altos.
The worst of the worst of the
biker clubs on the West Coast.
We're not just dealing
with two random gunmen
chasing down a lost shipment
of drugs, man.
If Los Altos are involved,
things just got a whole lot worse.
- Talk to me.
- Los Altos translates as "the Heights."
They're a biker club that
originated in the Dominican Republic.
Known mainly for drug-running
and prostitution.
West coast leader is
this guy, Dex Martinez.
HICKS: Well,
according to the DEA's intel,
Los Altos recently cut a deal
with the Sinaloa Cartel
to smuggle cocaine into the U.S.
No wonder Juan chose suicide by cop.
I'd choose that too if I lost
cartel drugs.
And we're not talking regular
"cup of joe" cocaine, either.
This stuff is pure Bolivian crystal.
A single kilogram goes for $1.2 million.
If they're using an 18-wheeler
to ship the drugs,
they're likely smuggling
a lot more than one kilo.
Well, the DEA thinks it might
have been their first shipment,
around 20 kilos.
Small amount to test the route
and the partnership.
keys still adds up to $24 million.
And easily doubles once they cut it.
K-9 unit just finished sweeping
the rehearsal studio
as well as the trucks and the equipment.
And they picked up residual traces
of the cocaine in question,
so it was definitely there.
But by the time Los Altos
arrived, it already vanished.
So where the hell did it go?
The only people who have access
to the trucks are Valentina's roadies,
- the crew and the performers.
- Well, maybe
one of 'em discovered the drugs
in one of the cases
and decided Christmas had come early.
Look, I don't know
who you got to talk to,
but I want an inventory
of every single case
that's involved on this tour.
The good news is Los Altos
are likely as stuck as we are
trying to figure out
who has their drugs.
But they got one big advantage.
They're prepared
to kill people to get answers.
Now, we got this guy Carlo in custody.
The tech team's trying to crack
into his phone as we speak.
It might give us contacts of
the other members of Los Altos,
which we could use to
hopefully track 'em.
Breaking into his phone
could take forever.
Not necessarily. I've got an idea.
Let's go talk to him.
Don't think I haven't noticed
you're still missing your badge.
Do I need to put a BOLO out on it?
No, sir.
I just haven't had a chance
to grab it yet.
C-Come on.
Just met your cousin in the kitchen.
Harrelson genes are strong.
So, uh, did he tell you
what the fight was about?
Andre claims that he was messing
with some other guy's girl
- and the guy got jealous.
- You don't believe him?
Deacon, I talked to the other
guy. He was still in holding.
Turns out he wasn't
tripping off of some girl.
He's a loan shark, man.
Andre skipped out of Houston
with unpaid debts.
How much is he in for?
Nine grand, Deac.
Came all the way
from Houston to collect.
So, what are you gonna do?
Andre's not a kid anymore.
He's a grown man.
This doesn't seem like
it's your problem.
I hear you.
But there's a reason loan sharks
are called that.
My phone, so I can call my lawyer.
You shot a cop, Carlo.
There's nothing a lawyer can do for you.
Are you gonna keep violating my rights?
Give me my phone
so I can call my lawyer.
Go ahead.
Give the man his phone.
There you go. But you got one call.
Hey! Give me my phone!
What are you doing?
Saving our tech team
hours' worth of work.
CARLO: That's a violation of my rights!
Not when we have a warrant.
Hey, but don't worry
we'll make sure
your lawyer gets back to you.
We have his number now.
you doing? Give me my phone!
We'll run through Carlos'
texts and his numbers
to see what we can find.
I'll catch up with you.
I still can't get ahold of Nicole.
I got to tell Deacon about my badge.
How are you gonna explain it
to him without fessing up
that you and Nicole
are seeing each other?
I don't know. You have any ideas?
Hey, Deac. You got a sec?
Yeah. What's up?
I, uh [SIGHS] I need your keys.
My keys?
Why in the world would you need my keys?
I think I left something at your house.
At my house?
Well, that's funny, I-I don't I don't
remember inviting you over.
No, you didn't. But I was there.
Last night. With Nicole.
I know.
you and Nicole are grown-ups.
You're free to do sleepovers.
Just not in my house.
I've got four kids.
Next time, take it someplace else.
Absolutely, boss.
So, can I have your keys?
- Let me save you the trip.
- Oh, my God.
- Thank you.
- I found it this morning.
Next time, be more careful with that.
Hey, Deac, can I ask you for a favor?
You mean another favor?
Please don't mention to Nicole
that you know about us dating.
Actually, don't answer that.
Thanks, man. I owe you.
Big time.
Hey, Miko?
Listen, little bit of advice. Um
tread carefully with Nicole.
I know her M.O.
She loves to be in love.
[SIGHS] She goes all in with a guy
and then drops him
the second that she realizes
he's not her fairy-tale prince.
That's good to know.
But don't you worry. Nicole and I
- we have twin flame vibes.
- Ah.
Believe me. [CHUCKLES]
Hey. Where you taking her?
To the courthouse to be arraigned.
And be hit with another fine
I can't afford to pay
because you little Smurfs
keep stopping me
- from doing my job.
- Hey, give us a minute,
- would you?
- Yes, sir.
Every single time I let my guard down,
and trust someone,
the universe slaps me upside the
head to remind me how stupid I am.
I've been busy with this case,
I haven't had a chance
to talk to the D.A. yet. I'm sorry.
You can shove your sorry up your ass.
I will make the call. I promise you.
You can shove that up there, too,
alongside your sorry.
It's just like every other man.
- Nothing but a disappointment.
- All right, come on.
Sir, Carlos' phone's a burner.
No contacts saved, no texts,
but luckily, he didn't
get a chance to erase the
last voice message he received.
My Spanish is rusty,
but it sounds like he's
saying someone screwed up
and put the cocaine in the rabbit case.
- Sir, "rabbit case"? What's that mean?
- HICKS: Well, hell if I know.
I mean, maybe this Valentina's
got rabbits in her act.
I've heard of weirder things.
ALFARO: Sir, the tour manager
did a full inventory like you wanted.
Sure enough, there's one case missing.
Shipping case number 75.
One of Valentina's wardrobe cases.
Case with the rabbits.
That's what the phone message was about.
That's got to be the drugs.
So, where the hell is it
now if it wasn't there
when Los Altos raided the rehearsal?
Wait a minute. I know
I've seen that case before.
Valentina's socials
posted a video before the gunmen
barged into the stage,
a behind-the-scenes look
to promote the U.S. tour.
Uh, look at the time stamp
that was minutes
before Los Altos arrived.
Pause it.
ALFARO: There. That's the case
- with the missing drugs.
- Well, who is she?
I don't remember seeing her
at the scene or afterwards.
Well, whoever she is,
that's her walking out of there
with $24 million
worth of cartel cocaine.
This video's had
millions of views by now.
You got to figure
Los Altos is keeping tabs
on all things Valentina,
and if they've seen that video,
they could be onto this woman, too,
which means we need to find her
before they do.
- What do you got, Miko?
- Her name is Lola Fay.
No criminal history.
She's a session singer. Been singing
background on the Valentina tour.
The tour manager says she asked Lola
to transfer the costumes
from the rolling case to the
dressing room in the rehearsal stage.
So, Lola must have found the
drugs while she was unpacking
and decided today was her lucky day.
So, a crime of opportunity.
More like a crime of stupidity.
She's got to know that someone
will be looking, for those drugs.
HONDO: Which is why we got to find her
before Los Altos tracks her down.
The last address on file is an
apartment in Ladera Heights,
but she gave that up six months ago
when she went on tour with Valentina.
So she could be anywhere right now.
Yeah, but a backup singer
on a huge concert tour
she's got to be active on her socials.
All right, there. Yesterday,
Lola posted that she booked a gig
at the Grass & Grooves Music Festival.
It's tonight.
HONDO: Okay, but she just got her
hands on enough cocaine
to jump-start a whole new life.
We really think she gonna keep that gig?
Maybe not. But right now,
it's the only lead we got.
- Where's the gig at?
- The BMO Stadium, downtown.
That stadium seats 22,000 people.
And it's sold out.
The show opens in four hours.
So, Lola may already be there.
Los Altos could be, too. Let's move.
I got stuck in traffic. I'm sorry
It's not what you think.
I found it.
You find baggies of coke,
Lola, not bricks.
Look, I don't know what you're into,
but, sis, this ain't worth it.
I'm just gonna offload it to somebody,
maybe a producer
or somebody in the neighborhood.
If I can make just a few hundred K,
I can afford studio time.
Record my own album.
How much of that stuff have you sniffed?
'Cause, baby, you're tripping.
Look, I don't know
where you got it from,
- but you need to put it back.
- No.
I am tired of scrounging for gigs,
singing in the shadows.
I've paid my dues.
Now it's my time to shine.
ALFARO: This place is huge.
POWELL: Lola could be anywhere inside.
With trigger-happy suspects,
we got to find her fast.
Deacon, Miko, start on the
lower levels, work your way up.
Stevens, talk to the stadium manager,
get him to lock all the exits.
Powell, you're with me
on the main concourse.
Let's move.
30-David. I got eyes on a Los Altos bike
outside a green room on the lower level.
- Checking it out.
Move, move, move.
Where is she? Where Lola?
She's not here.
30-David. I got eyes on one suspect
and a hostage in the green room.
Tell me Where she went
or I put a bullet in your head.
You come in, I blow her head off!
Bang it.
- Aah!
Drop the weapon!
Right side clear.
One suspect down. Hostage secured.
No sign of Lola.
Get out of here.
Keep moving.
We're looking for this woman.
Anybody seen her?
What about you?
- You seen her?
- Please,
just take whatever you want.
I just bartend here.
I don't want anything that you have.
I want this woman.
I want her and what she stole from me.
- You understand?
- Yes.
- Huh?!
- LAPD! Drop the weapon!
Move in.
24-David, one suspect in
the Founders Club, shots fired.
- Go, go.
- Moving.
24-David. Second suspect down.
20-Squad. Still no sign of Lola.
DEACON: According to her friend,
Lola's heading
to the Field Club. Lower level.
Roger that, Deac. On the way.
You thinking that you can take something
that's not yours and get away? Huh?
Give it to me. Now!
LAPD! Drop it!
25-David. Suspect Dex Martinez
is in the Field Club. We're engaging.
Go, go, go.
All right, stay put.
Help will be on its way soon.
DEACON: Two, two.
- Move, move, move! Move!
- Move, move, move!
Last suspect is on a motorbike.
He's making a break for it.
Cover all the exits.
DEACON: Hondo,
we lost Dex on the lower level.
HONDO: I got eyes on him.
He's headed up the stadium stairs,
section 117.
POWELL: Heading over now.
HONDO: 20-David, headed down
the stairs on the suspect's bike.
On the north side.
24-David. Hondo, I'm looping
back to pick him off.
HONDO: 20-David.
In pursuit of the suspect
in the north corridor.
HONDO: Suspect's
headed for the northeast exit.
- Come on. Come on, come on.
- LAPD. Move, move, move, move.
Let's go.
Clear the way. Get out of the way.
HONDO: I'm on him.
Suspect's circling back
to the Grand Lobby.
ALFARO: That leads
to the floor entrance.
HONDO: Powell, take the lower level.
I'll cut him off.
Don't move. Your ride's over.
Last suspect in custody.
We're code 4.
Nice takedown, Hondo.
When'd you learn to ride a bike?
I might have picked up a thing or two
from our boy Street over the years.
How much longer I got to sit here?
I'm gonna give you one more
chance to be straight with me, Andre.
Who is Nigel
and what's his beef with you?
- I already told you, Hondo.
- Now you're
plain lying to my face, Andre.
I know Nigel's a loan shark.
I know you owe him nine grand.
So cut the BS.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie.
I just didn't want
to make it your problem.
What'd you need the money for?
Tell me you ain't betting
on games like your pops.
Nah, it ain't like that.
I got the money to start a business.
What kind of business?
I'm keeping that under wraps right now.
Are you not gonna tell me what it is?
- See, that sounds shady as hell.
- It ain't shady.
I'm trying to be an entrepreneur,
trying to make something of myself.
Look, it's all gonna
work out, man. Just trust.
Trust is earned, Andre. You know that.
- I don't need this hassle
- Sit your ass down.
I don't need the hassle of a
brick through my window, man.
I cut a deal with Nigel.
Yeah, you heard me.
I ain't gonna press charges.
Neither is my neighbor.
I paid him half the money that you owe
and I agreed to be
the guarantor for the rest.
Nigel's going back to Houston.
He ain't gonna bother you again.
But he is expecting
monthly payments from you,
and so am I.
What's this?
It's a contract.
Soon as you get a job,
you're gonna pay me $200 a month
until your debt is clear.
I already told you. I got a job.
A real job, Andre.
Not some get-rich-quick scheme.
I know you like to dream
big. You always did.
Sign the contract.
It's time for you to get
your feet back on the ground.
So, what do you say we hit up
Harold's soul food later
like we planned?
We'll look over some job
ads over a plate of ribs.
Sounds like a plan.
Thanks, Hondo.
I'm not sure why you're
calling in favors for that woman.
Commander, if she hadn't
helped us today, the death toll
- could have been way worse.
Fair enough.
However, she's a repeat offender.
You're not changing her.
I looked at Martha's record.
Her father abused her
when she was a kid.
Ran away when she was 12,
ended up on the street.
Her boyfriend pimped her out.
She's been assaulted by several johns,
and not one was prosecuted.
A lot of people get a really
unfair shake in life.
Yeah, and sometimes all a
person needs to turn things around
is for someone else
to stand on their word.
I really love your faith
in mankind, Deacon.
I mean that.
But you know she'll be back
before a judge tomorrow.
Yeah. Even so, I made a promise.
I'll have to make a couple calls.
- Thank you, sir.
- Yep.
Hey, hottie. Quick, get in.
Nicole, what are you doing here?
I've been calling you all day.
I'm sorry. I put my
phone on "do not disturb"
when I'm writing, but
- I ran out of inspiration.
- Mm.
Anything I can help you with?
You read my mind. Let's go.
Uh, but not to Deacon's.
[LAUGHS] Let's go back to my place.
- But I warn you
- Oh, no, no, no.
We're going to Vegas.
Flight leaves in 90 minutes.
We should just about make it.
Well, but I didn't pack anything.
- I don't-I don't have any clothes.
- Oh, don't worry.
You won't need any.
Oh, you're so perfect.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Oh, you here for more insults?
'Cause, you know, if that's your kink,
I'm gonna have to start
charging you, babe.
I know the D.A.
I spoke with him
and explained to him that you helped us.
He agreed to drop all charges.
Judge is signing off on it right now.
And the fines?
And the fines. All cleared.
You're free to go.
maybe you're not
such a disappointment after all.
Officer Kay.
And listen, um,
call me
Quid pro quo.
You do me a favor,
now I got to do you one?
That's not what this is at all.
If you or anyone you know
ever needs help
I want you to reach out.
That is not a Get Out of Jail Free card,
by the way.
That is just a helping hand.
Yo, I don't know about you,
but I'm starving.
You ready to eat?
Previously on SWAT
You forget my sister was coming today?
And how long is Nicole
staying this time?
Do you know where I can
find Sergeant David Kay?
- And you are?
- His sister-in-law, Nicole.
You're staying with
Annie and Deacon, right?
Yeah, I'm their nanny. At least for now.
But got to say,
Costa Rica is calling my name.
Oh. I've never been.
Okay, lounging on the beach
every day, parties every night?
All right, you sold me.
When are we going?
Are you for real?
Come on, do me a solid.
First of the month's coming, rent's due.
Save it for the judge.
Man, you people got no heart.
I'm just out here
trying to earn an honest wage.
Maybe you should try doing the same.
- What the hell? Was that gunshots?
- Let's go.
Hey, hey.20-Lincoln 40.
Multiple gunshots at the truck stop
at 2509 Castaic Road.
Let me out of here. Come on!
Dispatch. One-Adam 14.
One dead civilian, Caucasian male.
Three GSWs to the back.
Dispatch. One-Adam 14.
Officer down. Officer down.
Oh, my God. Please don't shoot me.
Where are the keys?
Come close, I kill her!
Please, don't!
I got a kid, okay? I have a kid.
[CHUCKLING]: Hey, relax.
We're-we're half a block away from HQ.
I don't want my boss seeing us.
Who, David?
Deacon's not my boss.
I was talking about Hicks or Hondo.
Mm. So hot.
I don't mean Hondo. I mean this.
It's exciting, sneaking around.
I get why you like
undercover work so much.
Different kind of excitement, but yeah.
Mm, it's giving me inspiration
for a book I'm writing.
- You're writing a book?
- Mm-hmm.
Tempted by My Hotshot Cop.
Ooh. Sounds X-rated.
Yeah, it is. Mm.
Self-published romance
authors can make a fortune.
Other people are doing it.
I figure, why not me?
- Oh.
- Especially now that
I have actual experience to draw from.
Kind of like being someone's muse.
All right,
I really have to get to work.
But I've been thinking.
If we're gonna keep seeing each other,
- I got to tell Deacon about us.
- Oh, no, no.
No way. He cannot find out.
Why not? He won't be mad.
Okay, Deacon is my brother-in-law
and also my boss. And yours, too.
Okay, fine, not your boss.
But you work with him, so it's
kind of like
we have a secret workplace romance
going on, which is
a total turn-on.
So keep your mouth shut.
All right, well,
since you put it that way,
I'm on mute.
There he is. Andre.
- What's up, cuzzo?
- Sorry I'm late.
[CHUCKLES] It's all good.
Come on in.
Man, look at you.
Can't believe how tall you got.
Last time I saw you, you were, like,
- 14 years old, right?
- Aw
And now you're a whole grown-ass man.
So, talk to me.
What made you get on a Greyhound
out of Houston and move back to L.A.?
Had to get up out of there.
Start fresh.
- Okay.
- And I always missed L.A.
And I really appreciate you
letting me crash on short notice.
Come on, man. You're blood.
Never turn your back
on a Harrelson, right?
Ah, that's right.
Speaking of, how is Uncle D?
Oh, my crazy old man.
You should give him a call.
I know he'd love
to see his favorite nephew.
Only nephew.
[LAUGHS] Is Nichelle around?
'Cause I want to meet her.
Nichelle and Viv get back
from their trip on Monday.
But that's why
I'm letting you kick it here
for the next three days, no more.
All good, all good.
Just need a place
to crash for the weekend.
Okay. All right, well, listen.
Food in the fridge,
make yourself at home.
Got a key for you right there.
Maybe we can grab dinner tonight.
Yeah, let's do that.
Harold's Soul Food on Crenshaw, right?
Know you always loved that place.
- That's the one.
Yeah, that's work.
Now I really got to go.
don't you burn this place down.
No promises.
[LAUGHS] Glad you're here, cuz.
- Thank you, man.
- All right.
Two gunmen shot and killed a cop
as well as a truck driver.
One escaped, the other's
holding a sex worker hostage
in a patrol car.
ALFARO: So, when he says he's
willing to kill, we should believe him.
Good news is, perp got shot in the leg.
Which means he's probably losing
blood and in a lot of pain.
And that gives us an advantage.
Any idea who this guy is
or what this is all about?
No, but that doesn't
stop how we operate.
Deacon, Stevens, Miko,
get close enough for extraction.
Go. Powell,
sniper position. Let's do this.
This is Sergeant Harrelson.
I'm with the LAPD.
How's your leg?
You know, it doesn't look
so good, if you ask me.
Shut up.
DEACON: 30-David.
I got a line of sight on the suspect.
No visual on the weapon.
Come on now, man, talk to me.
You don't want to bleed out in there.
Let us get you some help.
Hey, he's got a point, right?
You really want to die?
Either I die in jail
or I die here, on my own terms.
What is all this talk about dying?
No one has got to die, babe.
Deacon, what's going on?
DEACON: Suspect's
talking to the hostage.
Can't make out what he's saying, though.
You don't get it.
We lost everything.
What did you lose?
Whatever it is, it's not
worth dying over, right?
If you don't shut the hell up,
you're gonna die
with me, bitch!
Seems like he's getting agitated.
Hondo, the hostage just pulled
something from her bag.
Hey, loser.
- Help!
HONDO: I think she just maced him.
Deacon, Alfaro, extract the hostage.
20-David to Command.
Shots fired, suspect is down.
We are Code 4 all the way around.
RHD found a second victim
inside the truck.
He and the other victim worked
together for FKO Trucking.
They were a trucker team.
This is their rig.
Gunmen must have been
looking for something.
So they tortured this guy
to find out where it was.
Guess he didn't know the answer.
I just got news from Hicks.
FKO Trucking's LA office got hit
by a gunman 15 minutes ago.
Manager was shot, place was torched.
It's got to be the other gunman
from here, the one that got away.
He's still looking for
whatever they didn't find.
If that's the case, then they're
likely to keep on killing.
Unless someone puts a stop to it.
You manage to speak to anyone at
the trucking company's HQ yet?
FKO's head office
is in Saão Paulo, Brazil.
No one's picking up.
Yeah, well, keep trying.
And issue a BOLO
to Highway Patrol to keep an
eye out for any other FKO trucks.
We need to warn their drivers
any one of them could be targeted next.
Is this our dead suspect?
Yep. Name's Juan Pujols,
20 years old. Arrived from
the D.R. about six months ago.
No family in the U.S., no rap sheet,
no socials, so we don't have
any idea who he's running with.
What about the other gunman?
He got away unseen, so we don't
even have a description to go on.
All right, Deacon's talking
to the sex worker
who was held hostage.
There's a chance Pujols
told her something
before he decided to go out
in a blaze of glory.
Fingers crossed.
You know, there's a cream for that.
You're squirming like
you've got a fungal infection.
I didn't want Hicks to notice
I don't have my badge.
Where is it?
Better figure it out. Getting
a replacement's a nightmare.
It's not even just the
paperwork. They put a BOLO out
to all the law enforcement agencies.
Yeah, I know.
I lost my badge once in Long Beach.
You know, even worse than
getting a replacement
was the amount of grief I took.
You know, other officers
filled my entire locker
with toy badges.
More than once.
That's pretty funny.
Any idea where you left it this time?
Maybe Deacon's house?
You and Nicole were doing it
under Deacon's roof?
Keep it down.
Rumors spread around HQ
like germs in a locker room.
I swear your secret's safe with me.
Come on, give up the goods.
Nicole and I went on a date.
Sleeping over is more than a date.
Are you gonna see her again?
Yeah, probably.
But-but right now I just need
to get my badge back.
I-I texted her five times
and even left voice mails.
She's not responding.
Looks like you're gonna
have to tell Deacon, then.
So you can borrow his
house keys and get it back.
I can't.
Nicole made me promise her
that I wouldn't tell Deacon about us.
For reasons I'd rather not explain.
So, what are you gonna do?
I don't know.
Come on, Martha.
People's lives are in danger.
We really need your help.
Isn't that ironic?
You know how many times I asked you guys
to cut me some slack over the years?
I understand you not wanting
to talk to the police, I do.
But innocent people could be
caught in the cross fire,
same as you were.
Martha, I saw you talking
to Juan in the car.
What did he say to you?
I'm having a hard time recalling.
Did he say who he worked for
or-or what they were
looking for in that truck?
Um, get my charges dropped
and my fines cleared
and maybe my amnesia will be cured.
You tell me what he said,
I will speak to the D.A.
and see what I can do
to get your arrest tossed.
You have my word.
No. I don't accept IOUs from men.
- Learned that one the hard way.
- Martha.
You are the only person
who can help us right now.
Mm. I'm a real sucker, you know that?
He said he couldn't go to jail.
'Cause, like, he'd be killed there.
He said he'd rather
die on his own terms.
He was afraid he'd be killed
if he went to jail?
Yeah, he was freaking out about it.
I think 'cause, like like,
he said they lost something.
Right? "Lost it all."
What did they lose?
W-Who was he afraid of?
You know, this should
really cost you extra.
One of the truckers that got
shot was my last john, right?
He was a nice enough guy,
talked a lot but, you know
What were they hauling in the truck?
Stuff for this pop star.
The Brazilian Taylor Swift,
he called her.
He did mention cocaine.
Cocaine. You're sure
that's what you heard?
So, I don't know how good
your Spanish is, but cocaína
means the same thing to
all my Spanish clients.
I need you to remember our deal.
You have my word.
We'll see.
Yeah, this is Hondo.
Yeah. Andre, that's my cousin.
Why? What's up?
W-Wait a minute, wait a minute,
what are you talking about?
A brick?
Okay, hey, do me a favor,
get him to HQ right now.
I'll take care of it from there.
Thank you.
So, the gunmen were looking
for cocaine in that semitrailer.
That's what this is all about.
Everything okay?
It's my little cousin Andre.
He's staying with me
for the next few days.
He just got into a brawl
in my front yard.
- W-With who?
- I'm not sure.
Some dude showed up and threw
a brick through my window.
And they're telling
me Andre came outside
and then, somehow, one of my
neighbor's cars got damaged.
- It's a whole mess.
Look, uh, Hondo,
with all you've been through
the last couple weeks,
the last thing you need
is a houseguest from hell.
He's family, Deac.
Andre's been through a tough road.
His mom passed when he was 13 years old.
And then his pops
my Uncle Franklin
he remarried pretty quick after
and then moved him out to Houston.
So, you two close?
We were. When he was little,
I was like a big brother to him.
The kid had a lot of potential,
he just never managed
to stick to anything.
When I heard he was moving back to L.A.,
I was hoping time with the Harrelsons
would put him back on solid ground.
Well, it definitely sounds like
he could use the help.
Question is what's that gonna do to you?
CHP is running with our BOLO,
looking for any other FKO trucks
out on the road.
So far, nothing.
We get anywhere with that
Brazilian Taylor Swift clue?
I'm thinking it has to be this woman.
Valentina. She's the
only Brazilian pop star
who comes remotely
close to Taylor Swift.
Don't let the Swifties hear you.
They'll set their cats on you.
ALFARO: She has a
fan base of over 50 million
in South America.
It's not Taylor numbers,
but it's not nothing.
Valentina's Central
American tour just ended.
The trucks were hauling
her stage equipment to L.A.
- ahead of her U.S. tour.
- Someone's using those trucks
to smuggle cocaine into the country
alongside of her equipment.
But according to the sex worker
who was held hostage,
Juan lost the cocaine.
And he was more afraid of the punishment
he'd receive than he was of dying.
So, it must be a large
amount, worth a fortune.
Which means the other gunman's
desperate to find it
and he's already got a jump on us,
so we need to figure out where
Valentina's other tour trucks are.
Uh, her concert at SoFi Stadium
is still three weeks away.
Uh, the trucks and gear
must be in holding somewhere.
Her management company might know.
Hey. Where's your badge?
Must have left it in my locker.
Well, go get it.
Go get it.
You want to tell me
who the hell Nigel Jones is
and why he threw a brick
through my window?
Look, he's just some dude from Houston.
And he followed you
all the way out here?
When I left H-Town,
I didn't tell many people
where I was going.
Couple of days ago,
I hiked up to the Hollywood Sign
and I posted it online.
Tell me you didn't post again
this morning from my home.
Nigel must have seen it.
That buster's just jealous, and crazy.
Andre, you didn't tell me you
have some thug coming after you.
I got a wife and daughter, man.
Why has Nigel got beef with you?
'Cause I chilled with his girl.
You know, I guess
I got that Harrelson charm
with the ladies, you know?
I know you know.
Well, she said they were done.
I found out she was lying,
I cut it off. I swear.
- But he's still tripping.
- So, that's why
- you left Houston so fast?
- Hell no, man.
Look, I ain't scared of old boy.
I came here
to get my life together,
like I told you.
If you want, man, I'll leave.
I'll find somewhere else to stay.
For now, you're gonna
stay right here, at SWAT.
- What? Why?
- Because Nigel Jones
don't sound like no buster to me, man.
He sounds like a hardcore O.G.
I'm gonna do whatever I have to do
to keep him away
from my house and my family.
Valentina's management team told me
her singers and backup dancers
are already here in LA.
They're rehearsing ahead of her arrival.
- Where are they at?
- Santa Clarita Studios.
Well, then, her tour trucks
are probably there, too.
Get Hondo. Roll out.
I'll call the studio and warn 'em.
Let's just hope it's not too late.
We're behind the scenes
rehearsing for Valentina's
upcoming U.S. tour.
And hold.
- Okay, remember, we are
Is anybody else feeling heroic?
Check every single case.
Come here. Take us to the trucks.
MAN: Shut up!
They're already here.
30-David. Active shooter
at our location.
All right, Powell, Miko, Stevens,
breach the front of the rehearsal space.
Deacon, with me around back.
Let's go.
Move, move, move!
Stevens, door.
Hey. Hey. You scream, you die.
24-David. We have eyes.
One armed suspect with hostages.
Looks like he's alone.
BOTH: LAPD! Drop your weapon!
POWELL: Moving!
24-David. One suspect down.
It's not here.
[MUTTERS] Why it's not here?
Deacon, cover!
Suspect down. Hostage secure.
I got you.
Come on.
HONDO: Second suspect down.
GSW to the shoulder.
Hey, Deac. Come here, man.
You got to see this.
DEACON: Los Altos.
The worst of the worst of the
biker clubs on the West Coast.
We're not just dealing
with two random gunmen
chasing down a lost shipment
of drugs, man.
If Los Altos are involved,
things just got a whole lot worse.
- Talk to me.
- Los Altos translates as "the Heights."
They're a biker club that
originated in the Dominican Republic.
Known mainly for drug-running
and prostitution.
West coast leader is
this guy, Dex Martinez.
HICKS: Well,
according to the DEA's intel,
Los Altos recently cut a deal
with the Sinaloa Cartel
to smuggle cocaine into the U.S.
No wonder Juan chose suicide by cop.
I'd choose that too if I lost
cartel drugs.
And we're not talking regular
"cup of joe" cocaine, either.
This stuff is pure Bolivian crystal.
A single kilogram goes for $1.2 million.
If they're using an 18-wheeler
to ship the drugs,
they're likely smuggling
a lot more than one kilo.
Well, the DEA thinks it might
have been their first shipment,
around 20 kilos.
Small amount to test the route
and the partnership.
keys still adds up to $24 million.
And easily doubles once they cut it.
K-9 unit just finished sweeping
the rehearsal studio
as well as the trucks and the equipment.
And they picked up residual traces
of the cocaine in question,
so it was definitely there.
But by the time Los Altos
arrived, it already vanished.
So where the hell did it go?
The only people who have access
to the trucks are Valentina's roadies,
- the crew and the performers.
- Well, maybe
one of 'em discovered the drugs
in one of the cases
and decided Christmas had come early.
Look, I don't know
who you got to talk to,
but I want an inventory
of every single case
that's involved on this tour.
The good news is Los Altos
are likely as stuck as we are
trying to figure out
who has their drugs.
But they got one big advantage.
They're prepared
to kill people to get answers.
Now, we got this guy Carlo in custody.
The tech team's trying to crack
into his phone as we speak.
It might give us contacts of
the other members of Los Altos,
which we could use to
hopefully track 'em.
Breaking into his phone
could take forever.
Not necessarily. I've got an idea.
Let's go talk to him.
Don't think I haven't noticed
you're still missing your badge.
Do I need to put a BOLO out on it?
No, sir.
I just haven't had a chance
to grab it yet.
C-Come on.
Just met your cousin in the kitchen.
Harrelson genes are strong.
So, uh, did he tell you
what the fight was about?
Andre claims that he was messing
with some other guy's girl
- and the guy got jealous.
- You don't believe him?
Deacon, I talked to the other
guy. He was still in holding.
Turns out he wasn't
tripping off of some girl.
He's a loan shark, man.
Andre skipped out of Houston
with unpaid debts.
How much is he in for?
Nine grand, Deac.
Came all the way
from Houston to collect.
So, what are you gonna do?
Andre's not a kid anymore.
He's a grown man.
This doesn't seem like
it's your problem.
I hear you.
But there's a reason loan sharks
are called that.
My phone, so I can call my lawyer.
You shot a cop, Carlo.
There's nothing a lawyer can do for you.
Are you gonna keep violating my rights?
Give me my phone
so I can call my lawyer.
Go ahead.
Give the man his phone.
There you go. But you got one call.
Hey! Give me my phone!
What are you doing?
Saving our tech team
hours' worth of work.
CARLO: That's a violation of my rights!
Not when we have a warrant.
Hey, but don't worry
we'll make sure
your lawyer gets back to you.
We have his number now.
you doing? Give me my phone!
We'll run through Carlos'
texts and his numbers
to see what we can find.
I'll catch up with you.
I still can't get ahold of Nicole.
I got to tell Deacon about my badge.
How are you gonna explain it
to him without fessing up
that you and Nicole
are seeing each other?
I don't know. You have any ideas?
Hey, Deac. You got a sec?
Yeah. What's up?
I, uh [SIGHS] I need your keys.
My keys?
Why in the world would you need my keys?
I think I left something at your house.
At my house?
Well, that's funny, I-I don't I don't
remember inviting you over.
No, you didn't. But I was there.
Last night. With Nicole.
I know.
you and Nicole are grown-ups.
You're free to do sleepovers.
Just not in my house.
I've got four kids.
Next time, take it someplace else.
Absolutely, boss.
So, can I have your keys?
- Let me save you the trip.
- Oh, my God.
- Thank you.
- I found it this morning.
Next time, be more careful with that.
Hey, Deac, can I ask you for a favor?
You mean another favor?
Please don't mention to Nicole
that you know about us dating.
Actually, don't answer that.
Thanks, man. I owe you.
Big time.
Hey, Miko?
Listen, little bit of advice. Um
tread carefully with Nicole.
I know her M.O.
She loves to be in love.
[SIGHS] She goes all in with a guy
and then drops him
the second that she realizes
he's not her fairy-tale prince.
That's good to know.
But don't you worry. Nicole and I
- we have twin flame vibes.
- Ah.
Believe me. [CHUCKLES]
Hey. Where you taking her?
To the courthouse to be arraigned.
And be hit with another fine
I can't afford to pay
because you little Smurfs
keep stopping me
- from doing my job.
- Hey, give us a minute,
- would you?
- Yes, sir.
Every single time I let my guard down,
and trust someone,
the universe slaps me upside the
head to remind me how stupid I am.
I've been busy with this case,
I haven't had a chance
to talk to the D.A. yet. I'm sorry.
You can shove your sorry up your ass.
I will make the call. I promise you.
You can shove that up there, too,
alongside your sorry.
It's just like every other man.
- Nothing but a disappointment.
- All right, come on.
Sir, Carlos' phone's a burner.
No contacts saved, no texts,
but luckily, he didn't
get a chance to erase the
last voice message he received.
My Spanish is rusty,
but it sounds like he's
saying someone screwed up
and put the cocaine in the rabbit case.
- Sir, "rabbit case"? What's that mean?
- HICKS: Well, hell if I know.
I mean, maybe this Valentina's
got rabbits in her act.
I've heard of weirder things.
ALFARO: Sir, the tour manager
did a full inventory like you wanted.
Sure enough, there's one case missing.
Shipping case number 75.
One of Valentina's wardrobe cases.
Case with the rabbits.
That's what the phone message was about.
That's got to be the drugs.
So, where the hell is it
now if it wasn't there
when Los Altos raided the rehearsal?
Wait a minute. I know
I've seen that case before.
Valentina's socials
posted a video before the gunmen
barged into the stage,
a behind-the-scenes look
to promote the U.S. tour.
Uh, look at the time stamp
that was minutes
before Los Altos arrived.
Pause it.
ALFARO: There. That's the case
- with the missing drugs.
- Well, who is she?
I don't remember seeing her
at the scene or afterwards.
Well, whoever she is,
that's her walking out of there
with $24 million
worth of cartel cocaine.
This video's had
millions of views by now.
You got to figure
Los Altos is keeping tabs
on all things Valentina,
and if they've seen that video,
they could be onto this woman, too,
which means we need to find her
before they do.
- What do you got, Miko?
- Her name is Lola Fay.
No criminal history.
She's a session singer. Been singing
background on the Valentina tour.
The tour manager says she asked Lola
to transfer the costumes
from the rolling case to the
dressing room in the rehearsal stage.
So, Lola must have found the
drugs while she was unpacking
and decided today was her lucky day.
So, a crime of opportunity.
More like a crime of stupidity.
She's got to know that someone
will be looking, for those drugs.
HONDO: Which is why we got to find her
before Los Altos tracks her down.
The last address on file is an
apartment in Ladera Heights,
but she gave that up six months ago
when she went on tour with Valentina.
So she could be anywhere right now.
Yeah, but a backup singer
on a huge concert tour
she's got to be active on her socials.
All right, there. Yesterday,
Lola posted that she booked a gig
at the Grass & Grooves Music Festival.
It's tonight.
HONDO: Okay, but she just got her
hands on enough cocaine
to jump-start a whole new life.
We really think she gonna keep that gig?
Maybe not. But right now,
it's the only lead we got.
- Where's the gig at?
- The BMO Stadium, downtown.
That stadium seats 22,000 people.
And it's sold out.
The show opens in four hours.
So, Lola may already be there.
Los Altos could be, too. Let's move.
I got stuck in traffic. I'm sorry
It's not what you think.
I found it.
You find baggies of coke,
Lola, not bricks.
Look, I don't know what you're into,
but, sis, this ain't worth it.
I'm just gonna offload it to somebody,
maybe a producer
or somebody in the neighborhood.
If I can make just a few hundred K,
I can afford studio time.
Record my own album.
How much of that stuff have you sniffed?
'Cause, baby, you're tripping.
Look, I don't know
where you got it from,
- but you need to put it back.
- No.
I am tired of scrounging for gigs,
singing in the shadows.
I've paid my dues.
Now it's my time to shine.
ALFARO: This place is huge.
POWELL: Lola could be anywhere inside.
With trigger-happy suspects,
we got to find her fast.
Deacon, Miko, start on the
lower levels, work your way up.
Stevens, talk to the stadium manager,
get him to lock all the exits.
Powell, you're with me
on the main concourse.
Let's move.
30-David. I got eyes on a Los Altos bike
outside a green room on the lower level.
- Checking it out.
Move, move, move.
Where is she? Where Lola?
She's not here.
30-David. I got eyes on one suspect
and a hostage in the green room.
Tell me Where she went
or I put a bullet in your head.
You come in, I blow her head off!
Bang it.
- Aah!
Drop the weapon!
Right side clear.
One suspect down. Hostage secured.
No sign of Lola.
Get out of here.
Keep moving.
We're looking for this woman.
Anybody seen her?
What about you?
- You seen her?
- Please,
just take whatever you want.
I just bartend here.
I don't want anything that you have.
I want this woman.
I want her and what she stole from me.
- You understand?
- Yes.
- Huh?!
- LAPD! Drop the weapon!
Move in.
24-David, one suspect in
the Founders Club, shots fired.
- Go, go.
- Moving.
24-David. Second suspect down.
20-Squad. Still no sign of Lola.
DEACON: According to her friend,
Lola's heading
to the Field Club. Lower level.
Roger that, Deac. On the way.
You thinking that you can take something
that's not yours and get away? Huh?
Give it to me. Now!
LAPD! Drop it!
25-David. Suspect Dex Martinez
is in the Field Club. We're engaging.
Go, go, go.
All right, stay put.
Help will be on its way soon.
DEACON: Two, two.
- Move, move, move! Move!
- Move, move, move!
Last suspect is on a motorbike.
He's making a break for it.
Cover all the exits.
DEACON: Hondo,
we lost Dex on the lower level.
HONDO: I got eyes on him.
He's headed up the stadium stairs,
section 117.
POWELL: Heading over now.
HONDO: 20-David, headed down
the stairs on the suspect's bike.
On the north side.
24-David. Hondo, I'm looping
back to pick him off.
HONDO: 20-David.
In pursuit of the suspect
in the north corridor.
HONDO: Suspect's
headed for the northeast exit.
- Come on. Come on, come on.
- LAPD. Move, move, move, move.
Let's go.
Clear the way. Get out of the way.
HONDO: I'm on him.
Suspect's circling back
to the Grand Lobby.
ALFARO: That leads
to the floor entrance.
HONDO: Powell, take the lower level.
I'll cut him off.
Don't move. Your ride's over.
Last suspect in custody.
We're code 4.
Nice takedown, Hondo.
When'd you learn to ride a bike?
I might have picked up a thing or two
from our boy Street over the years.
How much longer I got to sit here?
I'm gonna give you one more
chance to be straight with me, Andre.
Who is Nigel
and what's his beef with you?
- I already told you, Hondo.
- Now you're
plain lying to my face, Andre.
I know Nigel's a loan shark.
I know you owe him nine grand.
So cut the BS.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lie.
I just didn't want
to make it your problem.
What'd you need the money for?
Tell me you ain't betting
on games like your pops.
Nah, it ain't like that.
I got the money to start a business.
What kind of business?
I'm keeping that under wraps right now.
Are you not gonna tell me what it is?
- See, that sounds shady as hell.
- It ain't shady.
I'm trying to be an entrepreneur,
trying to make something of myself.
Look, it's all gonna
work out, man. Just trust.
Trust is earned, Andre. You know that.
- I don't need this hassle
- Sit your ass down.
I don't need the hassle of a
brick through my window, man.
I cut a deal with Nigel.
Yeah, you heard me.
I ain't gonna press charges.
Neither is my neighbor.
I paid him half the money that you owe
and I agreed to be
the guarantor for the rest.
Nigel's going back to Houston.
He ain't gonna bother you again.
But he is expecting
monthly payments from you,
and so am I.
What's this?
It's a contract.
Soon as you get a job,
you're gonna pay me $200 a month
until your debt is clear.
I already told you. I got a job.
A real job, Andre.
Not some get-rich-quick scheme.
I know you like to dream
big. You always did.
Sign the contract.
It's time for you to get
your feet back on the ground.
So, what do you say we hit up
Harold's soul food later
like we planned?
We'll look over some job
ads over a plate of ribs.
Sounds like a plan.
Thanks, Hondo.
I'm not sure why you're
calling in favors for that woman.
Commander, if she hadn't
helped us today, the death toll
- could have been way worse.
Fair enough.
However, she's a repeat offender.
You're not changing her.
I looked at Martha's record.
Her father abused her
when she was a kid.
Ran away when she was 12,
ended up on the street.
Her boyfriend pimped her out.
She's been assaulted by several johns,
and not one was prosecuted.
A lot of people get a really
unfair shake in life.
Yeah, and sometimes all a
person needs to turn things around
is for someone else
to stand on their word.
I really love your faith
in mankind, Deacon.
I mean that.
But you know she'll be back
before a judge tomorrow.
Yeah. Even so, I made a promise.
I'll have to make a couple calls.
- Thank you, sir.
- Yep.
Hey, hottie. Quick, get in.
Nicole, what are you doing here?
I've been calling you all day.
I'm sorry. I put my
phone on "do not disturb"
when I'm writing, but
- I ran out of inspiration.
- Mm.
Anything I can help you with?
You read my mind. Let's go.
Uh, but not to Deacon's.
[LAUGHS] Let's go back to my place.
- But I warn you
- Oh, no, no, no.
We're going to Vegas.
Flight leaves in 90 minutes.
We should just about make it.
Well, but I didn't pack anything.
- I don't-I don't have any clothes.
- Oh, don't worry.
You won't need any.
Oh, you're so perfect.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Oh, you here for more insults?
'Cause, you know, if that's your kink,
I'm gonna have to start
charging you, babe.
I know the D.A.
I spoke with him
and explained to him that you helped us.
He agreed to drop all charges.
Judge is signing off on it right now.
And the fines?
And the fines. All cleared.
You're free to go.
maybe you're not
such a disappointment after all.
Officer Kay.
And listen, um,
call me
Quid pro quo.
You do me a favor,
now I got to do you one?
That's not what this is at all.
If you or anyone you know
ever needs help
I want you to reach out.
That is not a Get Out of Jail Free card,
by the way.
That is just a helping hand.
Yo, I don't know about you,
but I'm starving.
You ready to eat?