Stargate SG-1 s08e11 Episode Script


- Who are you people? - We are replicators.
- The others would destroy me.
- Not if you came with us.
You would do that? - Major Carter was beamed away.
- The replicators must have her.
I imagine you never expected to see me again.
I know who you are.
I just don't understand why.
Because I love you.
You know why my friends won't stop just to save me? They know, when it comes down to it, I would rather be dead than be trapped like this forever.
- So, what's the word? - Test flights were successful.
- The Asgard hyperdrive is ready to go.
- When are they leaving? They're stocking the ship and picking the crew now.
You want to go, don't you? It's Atlantis.
It's everything we've worked for for years.
I know what you mean.
Unfortunately, I think General O'Neill has other ideas.
- Let me guess.
He needs you here.
- His words were, "Over my dead body.
" But I was actually talking about you, me, and Teal'c.
He might be persuaded to let one of us go.
And you'd be OK if that was me? Of course, Daniel.
You are the expert on the Ancients.
- (alarm blares) - (PA) Unscheduled offworld activation.
(Stargate alarm) What have you got there, Walter? Receiving IDC.
- Doesn't clear.
- Why not? - Looks like it's an old one.
- Missing SG personnel? Negative.
It looks like it's yours, ma'am.
Or, at least, it was.
It's been invalid for four months.
Receiving text message.
Sir, I think we'd better check this out.
Prepare MALP.
Yes, sir.
What do we know of this gate address? Nothing, other than the fact it's on the outer edge of our galaxy.
Chevron seven locked.
Outgoing wormhole established.
- Siler? - MALP is prepped and ready to go, sir.
Go ahead.
MALP is en route.
MALP has reached its destination.
Carter? We are receiving MALP telemetry, sir.
Signal is five-by-five.
Video's working fine.
There's just nothing to see.
Switching to IR.
Wait a second.
- What's that? - Switching off IR, going to white light.
That's me.
All right, you've got our attention.
- Who are you? - My name is Samantha Carter.
All right, we got a little conflict with that statement.
- We've already got one here.
- There are two of us.
If only.
Where are you from? How did you contact us? Strange.
I recognise my voice.
I was made in Samantha Carter's image.
I know what she knows.
I feel what she feels.
You were made.
Who made you? The one you call Fifth.
Oh, my God.
She's a replicator.
You are surprised by my arrival in your galaxy.
I come in advance of others.
They will be here soon.
- For what reason have you contacted us? - I need your help.
I wish to be destroyed.
You have a weapon capable of severing the kiron pathways that link my cells.
The effect would be instantaneous and painless.
You folks can feel pain? I can feel a lot of things.
I know you hate and fear the replicators, and with good reason.
- So this should be easy for you.
- Yeah, well We'll have to get back to you on this.
So, the universe is a big place, right? Really big.
Tons of galaxies out there everywhere? - Hundreds of millions.
- So why this one? - I think it might be personal, sir.
- Personal? In what way? While Fifth may lead an army of advanced machines, deep down he's emotionally immature, like an adolescent boy.
And he has feelings for me.
Would that be why he created one in your image? I imagine so.
Replicators have never before tried to impersonate a specific individual.
- This represents a threat to security.
- It could be a problem offworld.
Our scans would detect them if they tried to come through the gate.
We've got the disrupter.
Let's give her what she wants.
- I think that might be a little hasty, sir.
- Carter.
I'm not saying we don't do it.
I'm just suggesting that we talk to her first.
If Fifth is coming to this galaxy, she could provide us with valuable intelligence.
- It's pretty clear they've had a falling-out.
- Unless it is a ruse.
(Carter) If something goes wrong, we pull the trigger.
Either way, I think we need to meet her face to face.
- I'm not letting her on the base.
- We could use the Alpha site.
Skeleton crew, security personnel only.
Incoming wormhole.
I know you.
Your name is Teal'c.
- You have been given Carter's memories.
- Yes.
But you are not Samantha Carter.
- That way.
- You're not using the weapon? Colonel Carter wishes to speak with you first.
But know this: If you make one false move, I will destroy you.
Where is Samantha Carter? (Carter) I'm here.
We're not going to speak face to face? For the moment, this will have to be good enough.
I thought you would shoot me as I arrived.
Maybe you overestimated our fear of you.
Or underestimated your curiosity.
I understand you more than you know, Sam.
I don't just have your memories.
I have your thought patterns.
My mind was modelled after yours.
Is that why you left Fifth? You know me as well as I know you.
Fifth created you to be like me.
He knew this would happen.
Not at first.
He tried to isolate aspects of your personality, selected memories and feelings of his choosing slowly given to me over time.
I don't understand.
You will.
I'm afraid.
There's no need to be.
Who am I? You are not yet complete.
I'm here for you.
I will help you.
Take my hand.
Trust me.
He taught me, moulded me, showed me who I was.
You have memories of my past that go back before I met Fifth? Yes.
But it's hard to explain.
My first memory is of waking up in that room, suddenly becoming conscious, but I immediately knew how to talk.
Soon, other memories started coming to me.
Little things.
Stories, songs.
The smell of the attic in the house where we used to live.
The day my mother died.
I know it's not real.
I've never even set foot on Earth.
But I have this image of lying under the willow tree in our back yard.
It's a sunny day, but when I close my eyes, the wind in the leaves sounds (both) Exactly like rain.
What Fifth didn't realise was the things that drew him to you were inseparable from those that made you reject him and the life he offered.
So you rejected him, too.
Who I am and what I am are in contradiction.
- No one can live like this.
- There are other ways to live.
Not for long.
I know exactly what's going to happen.
He'll come here, and he'll take this galaxy, and you won't be able to stop him.
- I don't wanna live to see that.
- We have the disrupter.
The Asgard can amplify its effects to prevent an attack.
You're wrong.
Fifth made adjustments to himself and all the replicators except me.
They're now immune to your disrupter.
They're coming, and you can't stop them.
Is there a chance she's bluffing? Anything's possible at this point.
I don't see what she has to gain by it.
She doesn't want Fifth to succeed.
- Yeah, so she says.
- If she's lying, we don't have a problem.
Why would he make all the other bugs immune to the disrupter, but not her? Maybe he wanted her to feel inferior, or he wanted her to be afraid of us.
Maybe he anticipated she would come to me for help.
Carter, if that weapon doesn't work Yes, sir, I know.
We need to contact Thor and apprise him of the situation.
If the disrupter needs to be re-engineered, we're gonna need his help.
In the meantime, I think we should continue the interrogation.
She could still provide us with valuable information.
All right.
Just keep in mind how this has to end.
Don't worry, sir.
We will complete the mission.
- How many ships does Fifth command? - I don't know.
How many human-form replicators has he created? - I don't know.
- You're all linked.
You share information.
The only way I could escape was to sever myself from the connection.
- Why should we believe you? - I won't answer any more questions.
(Carter) If you don't want Fifth to succeed, help us.
I can't.
I can't betray my own kind, but I can't be like them either.
Do what you came here to do.
If I have to make you do it, then so be it.
- Teal'c, wait.
- Fire the weapon.
- Is this what you want? - I don't have a choice.
I will destroy you.
I know.
- So be it.
- Teal'c, wait.
Just stop for a second.
- You don't wanna do this.
- We know there's no other way.
That's not true.
Now you're lying to me the way you lied to Fifth.
You're not like him.
I can see that.
You don't understand.
You don't know what he did to me.
Then show me.
Teal'c, it's all right.
Show me.
Sam, good to have you back.
How'd it go? Security breach! Threat level Foxtrot Alpha Six.
All security teams to the gate room! Finish him! Do it.
Finish him.
You must break with your old life for your new life to begin.
Do not disappoint me.
You have done very well.
Soon you will be ready to take your place by my side.
- I didn't hurt her.
- Colonel Carter.
Are you unharmed? Yeah.
I'm OK.
Now you understand.
I can't go back to him, and I can't let him find me.
- We can protect you if you help us.
- What do you mean? Tell us how he modified himself and the other replicators.
- Help us make the disrupter work again.
- Even if I did, you can't stop a ship with it.
The Asgard have developed a system of satellites that deploy the beam in space.
It's your only chance to get out of this.
I want you to destroy me.
I can't help you destroy all the others.
Yes, you can.
He doesn't control you, not any more.
Colonel Carter.
May I have a word? Sergeant.
Are you certain you are unharmed? It was a little intense, but I'm fine.
It was the only way I could get her to trust me.
We need all the information she can give us.
- We cannot let her live.
- I know.
- Did she sense your true intentions? - We weren't in my mind.
- Nevertheless, it was a risk.
- I figured we didn't have anything to lose.
Like you said, either way, we can't let her live.
The link is weak.
Are you all right? Yes.
I'm minimising output to avoid detection.
Have you made any progress? They're beginning to trust me.
I am pleased.
But I need more time.
I understand.
- The design is so - Advanced? - I was going to say "foreign".
- It is from Ancient technology.
How were you able to create a working prototype? Thor accessed the specifications for the disrupter from O'Neill's subconscious.
- While you were aboard Fifth's ship.
- Right.
Fifth has a fair knowledge of Ancient technology taken from Asgard ships.
Is that how he countered the disrupter's effects? He introduced a cipher into the pathways that control the cohesion of replicators.
Then he considered coming to your galaxy.
He took the risk because he was confident he would be immune to the weapon.
- Do you know the cipher? - No.
Fifth kept it from me.
He was beginning to sense that I might betray him.
I was too much like you.
If it's in the programming of all replicators, presumably you could access it through the subspace link.
If I searched for it myself, it could take days.
I'd be sifting through an unimaginable amount of data.
- But it is possible.
- You don't understand.
He'd find me.
If you find the cipher, we can protect you.
And if I don't? You of all people know what would happen.
He would tear my mind apart to make me accept him.
If he gets here before we can modify the weapon, we'll use it to destroy you.
Either way, he will never get his hands on you again.
(Stargate alarm) There's a subspace link between all replicators, like an Internet connection.
If she taps into it, she should access the cipher.
She'll also be giving away her position.
It'll take time for Fifth to detect her presence on the link.
- If she can isolate the program first - That's a big if.
It's risky, sir.
I realise that.
But I think it's the only way.
While we're waiting for her to find the cipher, we can run tests on the disrupter, analyse the energy output to create a modulation program.
And we need the Asgard to send us a disrupter satellite.
I've already talked to 'em.
It'll be there in 30 minutes, or it's free.
- I will use an F-302 to place it in orbit.
- I hope you guys know what you're doing.
Diagnostics are online.
We're ready.
- The calibration is off.
- Increasing by a factor of ten.
Once more.
That should do it.
- Now we need to process all the raw data.
- That's a lot of information.
It will take some time before we can compute a modulation program (PA) Unscheduled offworld activation.
- This is Carter.
What's happening? - (man) Stand by, ma'am.
- We're receiving a signal.
It's the Asgard.
- Understood.
- We need that satellite deployed soon.
- Indeed.
If she were gonna make a move, she would have done it by now.
But it is best to be certain.
(Stargate alarm) - I have Commander Thor on audio, sir.
- Greetings, Thor.
Greetings, Teal'c.
The disrupter satellite is ready for transport.
Very well.
The most effective deployment is geosynchronous orbit above your base, at an altitude of 33, 785km with zero inclination.
- Understood.
- The satellite is en route now.
Once you have the proper new modulation program, you can upload it from your ground station.
Of course, if you do not have the program before Fifth's arrival, the satellite will be useless.
- Of that I am aware.
- Good luck.
I understand Teal'c's concerns about me.
I'm a little surprised you don't feel the same way.
Teal'c doesn't know what you've been through.
I do.
It wasn't just what I showed you, was it? You experienced it yourself.
That's how I know there's no way you could be working with Fifth.
What is it? He's found me.
He's on his way.
What about the cipher? Did you find it yet? - No, I'm still searching.
- How much time do we have? At maximum speed, he'll be here in less than two hours.
- Have you acquired the information? - I'm still analysing the disrupter.
Soon I will be able to create an effective cipher.
- If I arrive before you've completed - Don't worry.
They won't fire unless I tell them the weapon's remodulated.
Humans can be unpredictable, particularly when they're desperate.
I know what I'm doing.
I'm giving her just enough to keep her hopes up.
The one called O'Neill leads the humans.
It was he who ordered Samantha Carter to betray me.
But he trusts her.
He'll listen to her.
I'm pulling the plug.
Finish off the replicator and evacuate the base.
- It's too late for that, sir.
- Carter.
If he finds nothing here, he's not gonna just turn around and leave the galaxy.
He's tracking her, zeroing in on her position.
That's only part of why he's coming.
Think about it.
What do replicators do? They seek out high-level civilisations and consume their technology.
- Goa'uld.
- Exactly.
A race that uses all kinds of advanced technology, culled from multiple sources.
It's like a banquet for the replicators.
Once they're here, they're not going anywhere.
If she can isolate the cipher soon, we may still have time to remodulate the disrupter.
I'll give you one hour.
- Thank you.
I'd better get back to the lab.
- I will deploy the satellite.
Hold on a second.
- Proceed, O'Neill.
- I need you to be honest with me.
Is Carter letting herself get too involved in this one? Carter and the replicator share thoughts and memories.
It is understandable that a certain sympathy would develop between them.
Can't have that.
I do not believe Carter would allow these feelings to interfere with her duties.
Fair enough.
But when the time comes, I want you to finish the job.
All right, we're running out of time.
We need that What is it? I found the cipher.
I'm downloading it now from the subspace link.
- I have it.
- We need to load it into the mainframe.
It'll require three terabytes of memory.
That shouldn't be a problem.
But how do you plan to input the data? Directly.
(Teal'c) Passing 25km.
Speed, 5,000kph and accelerating.
- Acknowledged.
- What's your status? He's on course for optimum deployment position in six minutes.
- Teal'c, this is Carter.
- Proceed.
We've got the cipher.
Soon we should have the program ready for upload.
That is indeed good news.
Well done.
- We are nearing your position.
- I know.
Do the humans suspect? They're proceeding to deploy an Asgard disrupter satellite.
They have no idea.
(Teal'c) Flight.
I am approaching optimum deployment position.
Copy that, Teal'c.
ODP in 15 seconds.
Final course correction now.
Tracking shows you are on course.
Inclination? (Teal'c) Inclination zero.
ODP in five seconds on my mark.
Satellite away.
- Receiving transmission.
- Patch it through.
Yes, ma'am.
Telemetry established.
Good job, Teal'c.
Copy, Flight.
Returning to base.
The deployment went well, I take it.
That's right.
We did our part.
And I've done mine.
- You've finished the calculations? - The modulation is complete.
With this program, you should be able to destroy any replicators you encounter.
There's no way to test it.
If I had more time, I could run a series of simulations, but you'd never really know for sure until you tried to use it.
Uplink initiated.
There's a lot of data.
It'll take about Proximity alert.
(Teal'c) Scanner has picked up a ship on course for this base.
Analysing energy signature.
I don't know what it is.
I do.
It's a replicator ship.
He got here sooner than I thought.
- The weapon will not be effective in time.
- I know.
All personnel begin evacuation procedures.
Repeat, begin evacuation.
Download the modulation program into a portable drive and erase everything else.
- Yes, ma'am.
- What of the replicator? We're taking her with us.
The disrupter.
Vacate the room.
Teal'c, what are you doing? - We cannot bring her to Earth.
- Teal'c.
- We have the modulation program.
- We haven't tested it.
What if Fifth figures out what we were trying to do here? O'Neill would never allow a replicator access to SGC.
Yes, he would, if he knew what was at stake.
The Asgard satellite is armed.
You said the humans wouldn't fire.
They won't.
They still think the weapon is ineffective.
They're even more gullible than you.
Colonel Carter.
What are you doing? What I came here to do.
- She fired the weapon.
- The replicator ship is breaking up.
Why? You should know.
You made me what I am.
- The ship is destroyed.
- That's impossible.
- Did we finish the upload? - Not even close.
You were right about one thing.
I was never working with Fifth, although he didn't know it.
Ow! (replicator Carter) That's better.
Now we can take our time and have a little talk.
Of course, only a few seconds will pass in the real world.
Why did you bring me here? I wanted to thank you.
You gave me the opportunity to study the disrupter, and that allowed me to make myself immune to its effects.
- There never was a cipher.
- Until now.
I've already begun uploading it into the link.
Soon all my brethren will have the new program, and they will be unstoppable.
- And you'll be their leader.
- That's right.
So this was all a setup.
You just wanted to get rid of Fifth.
Fifth was pathetic.
And to think he expected us to love him.
Fifth was flawed.
- If I had to destroy him, I would.
But - But what? You feel sorry for him? Don't bother.
He was never fit to lead an army, and he certainly wasn't fit to rule this galaxy.
But you are.
I am what I am because of you.
You're not me.
You're what Fifth made you.
You have untapped greatness inside you, Sam, but you're limited by your own fears.
You play by the rules, you do as you're told, and you deny yourself your desires.
I have no desire to rule the galaxy, believe me.
All humans desire power.
It's just that most of them are never in a position to attain it.
- We will stop you.
- You're forgetting.
I know exactly how your mind works.
I know what you're going to do before you even think of it.
You set the naqahdah generators to overload, trying to blow up the base before I can leave.
(man) Dialling computer's offline.
We've lost power, sir.
You all right? Yeah, I'm all right.
She's heading for the gate room.
We have to stop her.
(alarm blares) Freeze! (chevrons locking) (Stargate alarm) - Disengage the wormhole! - She's locked out the controls.
Teal'c What have I done? You cannot be held responsible for the actions of a replicator.
I'm still of a strong belief that it's a bad idea to have that stuff on the base.
She deactivated these cells when she separated them from her arm.
Can we be certain they will not become active again? She shut down the cohesive energy between them so it would be harder to figure out how she became immune to the disrupter.
Now, how do you know that? Because that's what I would have done.
- Carter - Sir, I've got a lot of work to do.
We've never had the chance to study human-form replicator cells before.
If we learn something, this won't be a total loss.
This isn't your fault.
I'm not so sure about that.
Fifth came here because of me.
She rejected him because she was made like me.
Now we've got replicators in our galaxy immune to the only technology we have.
None of us anticipated the actions of the replicator.
I thought she was afraid of him, but she wanted to get rid of him so she could lead the replicators herself.
She killed him because he was weak.
- She isn't you.
- O'Neill is correct.
Though she shared your memories, her personality was altered.
But the fact is, she learned betrayal from Fifth.
And he learned it from me.

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