S.W.A.T. (2017) s08e13 Episode Script
High Ground
Previously on SWAT
Andre, what's up, cuzzo?
It's my little cousin Andre.
He's staying with me
for the next few days.
He just got in a brawl on my front yard.
Some dude showed up and threw
a brick through my window.
I cut a deal with Nigel.
I paid him half the money that you owe,
and I agreed to be
the guarantor for the rest.
Soon as you get a job,
you're gonna pay me
$200 a month until your debt is clear.
It's time for you to get
your feet back on the ground.
Your brothers and your cousins
- are under investigation by the LAPD.
- What?
HONDO: These are
career-ending accusations.
Where the hell is the evidence?
Gamble went to visit her family,
the next day a police raid on
their stash house came up empty.
Sounds like a whole lot
of speculation to me.
Do I at least get
a chance to defend myself?
You'll get a chance to
respond to the allegations
once the investigation is underway.
I am innocent.
Three-day weekend, baby.
What you got cooking, Powell?
Oh, yeah, it's your girls' trip.
If you call it that one more time
Is Gamble as psyched as you are?
I don't know.
Haven't really had a chance to talk
since she got benched.
It's all kind of impromptu.
I just want to try a hike
I haven't done before.
Hey, if you don't mind
waiting a few hours
till Deac runs me through
inventory, I could tag along.
Hell no. No boys allowed.
See? Girls' trip.
Okay. Hey, hey. I'll get
to the bottom of it.
I-I hear you. I do.
I promise, Mom.
All right. I love you, too.
- How's your mom?
- Ah, she's all right.
She's just a little worried.
My pops pulled five grand
out of their joint account,
and he won't give her
a straight answer on why.
Well, what do you think he's up to?
[SCOFFS] I have no idea.
But I'm gonna find out.
You headed straight out from here?
Picking up Gamble on the way.
Everything that's going on
with the investigation,
it's just good that there's
someone keeping her in the fold.
You still haven't talked to her?
She won't return my texts or calls.
I can't really blame her,
considering how everything went down,
but there's nothing I can really do
until her name's cleared.
How long's that gonna take, exactly?
IA says that things
would go along a lot quicker
if she would just fill out
her statement of defense
and explain her side of things.
She hasn't submitted it yet?
- Why not?
- Your guess is as good as mine.
But if you get a chance,
nudge her.
The sooner we can get this team
back to full capacity,
the better.
Now go. Have some fun out there.
- We will. See you Tuesday.
- Yeah.
- Nice, huh?
- Yeah.
You sure we're coming back
tomorrow afternoon, right?
'Cause I only brought
a sleeping bag and a few granola bars.
Mid-afternoon at the latest.
22 miles round trip.
I got a tent, I got a cooking pot,
dehydrated chicken and rice
Brought your raincoat, right?
I'm kidding. Forecast says sunny skies.
[SIGHS] Good one.
You're right.
This place really is beautiful.
What'd you say the name
of that trail was again?
It's not so much a trail
as it is an urban legend.
Locals call it Condor Highway.
It's a back route to the summit
of Thunder Ridge.
Most scenic views in the San Gabriels.
Well, you just get us there,
and I'll enjoy the view.
We got company. Hey!
- Afternoon, ladies.
- POWELL: How are the trails looking?
Uh, they've been better.
- You ever hear of Condor Highway?
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
Whatever you do, avoid it.
The area's washed out
before Tomahawk Pass.
There's no way around,
unless you want the detour from hell.
Uh, not for amateurs.
I'd stick with Oak Trail.
It's, uh, much more comfortable
and just as pretty.
Sure. Thanks.
Amateurs, huh?
Condor Highway.
You bet your ass.
DEACON: All right.
Inventory looks good.
- Well done.
- Thanks.
I'm gonna take off for the weekend.
You ready for your big interview?
Yeah, I'm actually ready
to take off myself.
Matthew's got a, uh,
baseball game in Reseda.
He's batting cleanup.
Just hoping your friend gets here soon.
Oh, Evan Frost isn't my friend exactly.
He's my sister's boss.
But he's a big deal.
Practically owns every mall
between here and Laguna.
Diana said he's looking
for a new security firm
for the Beverly Shores Mall on the DL.
Yep. You realize you've given me
this entire rundown already, right?
- I just want you to get the contract.
- I know.
And I appreciate you putting
your Alfaro hustle to work
to get me this meeting, but if you think
that there is a finder's fee
in it for you,
you can keep dreaming.
I wasn't thinking about that, Deac.
But I wouldn't object
if you threw me an extra shift
at your security company.
All right, I'll keep you
in the rotation.
Thanks again for setting it up.
POWELL: We're making great time.
You haven't even broken a sweat.
GAMBLE: If you want to do
small talk all day, it's cool, but
I have a feeling
you've been itching to ask
how I'm holding up
with the investigation.
Look, I didn't want to pry.
I know it's been a lot for you.
It's out of my control.
Still stings, though,
Hondo not doing more to have my back.
Uh-uh, Hondo's got your back.
He wants you on the team.
I mean, couldn't you be
doing more on your end?
Like submitting a statement of defense?
Like that'd change anything.
Hicks and the deputy chief know
I didn't tell my brothers
about the raid.
If it were me, I'd be
fighting tooth and nail
to get back on the team.
Yeah, well, maybe me
and you are different.
POWELL: Didn't that guy say
this area was washed out
- before Tomahawk Pass?
- Yeah.
Why'd he lie to us?
What kind of animal was that?
That's not an animal. Come on.
Hold on.
Looks like she took a bad fall.
Can you move your leg?
POWELL: Okay. Nothing's broken.
Oh, plea-please. My-my baby.
I can't get a signal.
Let me get to higher ground.
Okay. What's your name?
CC, I'm Zoe. We're gonna
get you help, okay?
Come on, get through.
There's an illegal weed farm
at the bottom of the hill.
I just saw two gunmen.
GARY: Hands over your heads.
I told you to avoid the area.
Come on.
Come on, CC. Let's go.
She's hurt pretty bad. Her baby.
She needs a doctor.
That's not what she needs.
What have we here?
The girls are cops.
Get here now.
Let's go. Down the hill.
Bitch! Aah. Aah!
Go! Go!
GAMBLE: Let her go!
We're LAPD! There's no way
out of this for you.
They're behind the tree!
Gamble, he's got backup.
We're outgunned.
- We can take 'em.
- No, we got to bail.
Let's go!
Go! Go!
Don't let them out of here alive!
Hey, hold up. Hold up.
- Think we lost them?
- I'd say so.
We just ran a mile straight.
We can't go back to the car,
but I saw an old fire road on the map
that wasn't too far away.
If we can find it,
we can get down to the highway
and call for backup.
We are six miles deep
into this mountain.
By the time we get all the way
down there and back,
do you really think
that CC girl's gonna be okay?
What choice do we have?
We have no phone, we have no supplies.
- We got a gun.
- We have one gun
with two rounds, Gamble.
Those guys are trying to kill us.
They're three morons
growing weed in the sticks,
who think they're drug lords.
We're SWAT officers.
She's pregnant, she's hurt.
We rescue her, we find the fire road,
and we get out of here.
I don't know.
I think it would be better
if we came back with help.
We are the help, Powell.
She could be dead
by the time we come back.
Okay, but we rescue her
without alerting anyone.
And if anything goes south,
we bail immediately. Yes?
Hondo. All right.
So how'd you find me?
Ronnie said you were using
his warehouse to store boxes.
Ronnie got a big mouth.
That's why I asked him.
- Yeah.
- "Group"?
No, son. Gro Up.
Protein powder.
30 grams of quality protein in
every scoop, and no clumping.
So you get a smooth shake every time.
- You know,
muscle regeneration
is important at our age.
- Our age?
What, are you practicing a sales
pitch for an old folks' home?
I figured I would start out
with, uh, selling it
to the guys down at the garage
and then branch out
from there. You want one?
No, I'm good, thanks. Come on.
On the house. Tell your guys
down there at SWAT.
"Manufactured by Pure Bell."
That sounds familiar.
How much of this stuff did you buy?
- 800.
- Pop.
You spent five grand on a bunch
of bargain bin supplements?
Mom thinks you got a gambling problem,
but this might be worse.
Hey, Uncle D, check out
HONDO: Andre.
[SCOFFS] I should've known.
Sorry I bailed a few weeks ago.
I'm just not cut out,
for a nine-to-five.
But once we get 300 monthly subscribers,
we'll be raking it in.
I'll pay you back, I swear.
Pop, your nephew here tell you
that he got me on the hook
for nine grand with a loan shark
because he skipped town?
DANIEL: Ain't nobody skip town.
Andre's right here, he's just trying
to figure it out. That's all, son.
I guess he also didn't tell you
that I put together a payment plan
while he "figures things out."
$200 a month until the loan's repaid.
Okay, $200 a month.
Here you go.
His first installment.
I don't want your damn money, Pop.
Let me tell you something, kid,
you and me, we're blood. That should
mean something to you,
but clearly it doesn't.
Mark my words.
This snake oil racket's only gonna
drag you deeper and deeper into debt.
DANIEL: Hondo. Hondo.
Look here.
Andre is just trying to do right.
He just needs a little bit of time.
That's not what that boy needs.
Look, if you want to invest
every spare dollar
you got with him, then go ahead,
but if you think for a second that
you're gonna see any kind of return,
then you're a bigger fool than he is.
I think the farm is close.
Looks like the path
keeps going down that hill.
I don't know, I feel
like we should have seen
some sign of life by now.
We should check it out.
Maybe there's a sat phone inside.
Some way to contact someone for help?
Okay, let's make it quick.
LAPD. Anyone here?
This must be the bunkhouse.
It's in Chinese.
Wonder how many workers they have here.
They're not workers, they're slaves.
Do not hurt me, please.
We're the police.
- What's your name?
- Tia.
GAMBLE: We're looking
for a pregnant woman.
She's hurt. Her name's CC.
Yeah, I know her.
Do you know where we can find her?
The main house.
Can you bring us?
Let's go.
Mr. Frost?
David Kay. It's nice to meet you.
Evan Frost. Sorry I'm late.
Hope I'm not keeping you from anything.
You know, in another life,
I'd have made a hell of a cop.
Well, L. A.
is glad you became a developer.
In fact, so are my kids.
They tell me that your malls have
the best playgrounds, so, yeah.
Care for a quick tour?
Why quick?
Oh, no, I was just eager
to start the weekend.
My son has a baseball game.
Oh, I see.
Well, if this is inconvenient
No, not inconvenient at all.
Just, if you don't mind,
I'd like to get down to business,
discuss your security needs.
I understand you're
looking for a new firm
for the Beverly Shores Mall.
Actually, I'd like
to rethink the way we do
security across the entire retail space.
No more mall cops.
Well, our employees are mostly former
military and police officers.
Well, that's just
what we're looking for.
Guys we have now, you wouldn't
believe the turnover rate.
They're clueless.
They walk around
like they're on vacation,
like their mere presence stops theft.
Well, actually, sometimes it does.
Well, I just don't want a bunch of guys
standing around, polishing their badges
while those of us with real jobs
work our butts off.
Working security is a real job.
Well, sure, but come on.
We all know it's a bit of a cakewalk.
Have you ever worked security,
Mr. Frost?
You know, maybe the reason
that your current employees
are having turnover issues
is that you're not paying them
competitive wages.
Now, I understand cutting costs, I do.
But security is not the place
to do that.
Are you calling me cheap?
That's not what I said.
[SCOFFS] I didn't come all this way
to be lectured by some arrogant cop.
Well, then maybe
we're not the right fit for your mall.
Okay, then.
I'll see my way out.
You clearly have better places
to be anyway.
POWELL: Can you see?
Watch your step.
Where's the main house?
Not around here.
Over here! I found the cops!
She's giving us up.
Come, come, come, come, come.
Get over here.
Come on.
- Quiet.
- Stop it.
Get back.
I don't think they heard her.
There's no callouses.
She doesn't work in the fields.
They probably give her better
treatment to keep the others in line.
Your bosses can't save you now.
Those men are not my bosses.
Minh is my boss.
Who's Minh?
You will see.
What about CC?
She used to work in the fields,
but Gary like her too much.
So now he keeps her at the house.
Gary, is he the one who's after her?
Where's the house?
Doesn't matter, Powell.
We can't trust anything she says.
What should we do with her?
Restrain her to that tree.
Take your belt off.
I said take your belt off.
GAMBLE: See that?
Do you think she's got
a key to the house?
Still two rounds.
POWELL: He left his post.
Let's go.
GAMBLE: Hurry.
I think he's coming.
Get in, come on.
There's a CB radio.
We got to find CC.
We're running out of time.
Switching to the emergency band.
This is Officer Zoe Powell, LAPD SWAT.
I'm with Officer Devin Gamble.
We found an illegal grow farm
on Brule Mountain.
There are men trying to kill us.
The head guy here
we think his name is Minh.
If you get this message, please
contact Sergeant Harrelson.
- Shh.
Minh just landed.
He'll be here any minute.
Find the cops
and take care of them, do you hear me?
CC, hey.
Can you hear me?
I think she's been drugged.
Let's go.
I got her. Come on, let's go.
Come on.
I got you.
You were right. There's a fire
road accessible from the farm.
We got to move.
Ooh, change of plans.
Let's go, let's go.
- You good? Come on.
Come on, let's take cover.
Tell me the product is ready.
Almost, Mr. Minh.
Uh, we thought you were arriving
later this afternoon.
I am here now.
Look what we got here.
Found her tied to a tree.
The cops, I-I tried to fight them!
They're coming this way.
Cops are here?
Don't worry, it's just two girls.
Uh, they have no phones, no nothing.
We're-we're tracking them down.
Mr. Minh.
Please. I-I try to run away.
I didn't tell them about you
or what you do.
You need to leave
before they come. I-I beg you,
Mr. Minh, go now!
Next will be you.
Find the cops.
Let's keep moving.
That's got to be Minh.
What do you want to bet he's cartel?
Let's hope my message got to HQ.
Hopefully, backup's on the way.
Maybe it isn't.
We cannot leave.
Today, after Minh takes product,
they kill them all.
Kill who?
The women who work on the farm?
How many women are there?
Nine. Where did you hear this?
I hear Gary say Minh want
nothing left behind.
He want to destroy everything.
- Destroy all the evidence?
- The people, too.
Where are the women now?
In the cabin. They make bales there.
Can you show us the way?
Let's go.
When did you last hear from Powell?
Right before they took off this morning.
Someone sent a recording of Powell?
Yeah, a radio hobbyist in Pasadena
picked up a call
on an emergency frequency.
Hicks said that the lab's
trying to enhance it now.
Miko, you really have
no idea where they went hiking?
Just that Powell wanted to try
a hike she hasn't done before.
Wait, she's got a TrailHound account,
Yeah. But she only logs her hikes
after the fact.
There's no way to trace her location.
If we knew the hikes she's already done,
we could narrow it down.
Why don't you try and hack her account?
Lab sent over the recording.
Techs did their best,
we still can't make out a location.
LAPD SWAT grow farm on
trying to kill us
guy's name is Minh
Sergeant Harrelson
Our best guess is
that they stumbled across
an illegal grow operation.
Now, I got a call in
to Miller at the DEA
to see if the name Minh gets a hit.
DEACON: All right, a CB
signal's range is typically 30 miles.
That covers all this wilderness
from Pasadena
up to Mount Gleason.
That's a huge search area.
- Even if we know where they are,
it'll be difficult to find them
before nightfall.
Nightfall's not what I'm worried about.
[SIGHS] I'll be right back.
What's so urgent it couldn't wait?
Look, I know you got a lot going on.
But just hear me out real quick.
Now, I know you think
that Andre is doomed to fail
No, Pop. I know he is.
The company behind that
protein powder, Pure Bell?
It's under investigation for fraud.
They make money
by making new salesmen buy in.
It's a pyramid scheme.
And the FTC's about to shut it all down.
That product's about to be recalled.
Like drinking powdered sock.
So, then why you been wasting
your time and your money?
Listen, Andre lost his mother
at 13 years of age.
It threw him off course.
Look, I know he had it rough as a kid,
but that can't be an excuse
the rest of his life, Pop.
I figured if I could
give him some guidance,
help him to learn enough about sales,
maybe he could get a real job.
Son, the boy just needs
someone in his life
who believes in him.
I got to get back inside.
All right.
GAMBLE: Those women
have no idea what's coming.
Minh take bales first.
After, they bring women
down the mountain,
then kill them there.
We need to set a trap.
Even if we get past the guards,
how do we get ten women
safely away from here?
Fire road.
First we need to get over to that shed.
We can use it to ambush them.
Okay. Let's do it.
[SIGHS] No luck hacking into
Powell's TrailHound account.
I tried every password I can think of.
I put Cyber Division on it.
What's this?
DEACON: Well, these are the grow farms
that have been busted
over the last couple years
in this part of the San Gabriels.
The illegal weed industry,
it's exploding.
I-I don't get it. Weed's legal now.
True. But with legalization comes
taxes and regulations.
People always looking
for a cheaper way to do things.
Well, unfortunately, criminals
are looking to exploit just that.
The drug cartels
have inserted themselves
directly into the supply chain.
ALFARO: But most of
these grow ops were busted
with less than $50K of product.
Not recently. In December,
the Forest Service raided a compound.
They found $2 million in illegal weed.
And just last month,
the DEA raided a large-scale
operation right here.
They seized over $4 million
in cash and cannabis.
That one was backed by a Mexican cartel.
It is getting dangerous out there.
Tell me about it.
Meet Le Tran Minh.
He's the head of the
Khoi Ling Syndicate,
an all-around force of terror.
A one-time fighter pilot,
until he got busted
for flying opioids
back and forth to Laos.
He fled Southeast Asia,
he's been a fugitive ever since.
Building a drug empire?
HICKS: Well, the DEA thinks
he's operated
in North America for two years.
He's based outside of Vancouver.
Some of his handiwork.
He sets up a farm for one,
two years tops.
He only shows up to take the product.
And then he destroys any sign
that the farm ever existed.
People included.
He kills his entire workforce?
HICKS: Well, it's part of the reason
why he's been able to stay
under the radar.
No witnesses to tie him to anything.
And apparently, he likes to be there
to make sure the mass executions
are carried out properly.
I better check in with Cyber.
My sister heard your meeting
with Frost didn't go so well.
Well, she heard right.
Look, thanks again, but guys like Frost?
They're not exactly my cup of tea.
Rude. Cocky.
Always looking for an angle.
Okay. But why take your
company's name out of contention?
That could've been good money, Deac.
Who cares if he's rude?
If I were you, I would call his office,
and say you want the job.
Diana's the assistant
to his VP of operations.
Listen. Someday you'll realize this,
but money isn't everything.
Integrity matters.
Frost? He's all flash, no substance.
You know, Frost's money,
it's as good as any other client's.
And hustlers,
they have good ideas sometimes.
If you think I'm talking about you
Hey, I know you think
I'm a hustler, Deac.
And maybe I am.
But that's because I never
had anything growing up.
Same goes for Frost.
He might be an ass,
but he built a whole empire
out of nothing.
All right, listen,
I-I didn't mean anything
Hey, don't sweat it.
I'm glad you kept your integrity.
Do it right, or you'll regret it.
Check out the shed.
A lighter.
Never know. Might come in handy.
What'd he say?
That the men are coming this way.
Let's go.
It's only a matter of time
before they realize
they're two men down.
There's an old truck
about 50 yards away.
We steal it, we get everyone in it,
and we get down the fire road.
- You can hotwire a truck?
- Pretty sure.
Once I do, I'll pull it around,
I'll pick you guys up.
Okay. I'll go with you.
Because the SWAT handbook
says stay in twos?
What's that supposed to mean?
We can save ourselves, Powell.
We know how to do this.
We don't need anyone else.
God, you can be so damn codependent.
Can't you do anything on your own?
Yes, I can.
Why would I when I have a team
that I can rely on?
- A team
- Oh, here we go.
A team that you're not doing
anything to be a part of, by the way.
Is this about the statement
of defense form?
Just fill the damn thing out.
Defend yourself.
Why should I have to?
Between all my brothers' BS,
the-the mess with Hicks
and the deputy chief
and now Hicks and Hondo?
Don't you think it's wild
that it's everyone else's drama,
but I'm the one
who has to defend myself?
Stop being such a victim.
If you want things to change,
then change them.
We have had your back
since you joined SWAT,
through the hazing,
through the investigation.
We're a family.
If you won't fight to be a part of that,
it's on you.
One thing I learned about family
up in Oakland:
maybe I don't need one.
Where are you going?
To steal a damn truck.
Cops over there!
Let's go!
Found a propane tank.
Created a distraction.
Told you this would come in handy.
What are we waiting for?
I heard Cyber Division got us access
to Powell's TrailHound account.
These are all the hikes she's taken
within the range of the CB signal.
Almost every major trail.
HONDO: But she hasn't
hiked any of these?
ALFARO: Nope. Protected wilderness area.
And what's this?
An old fire road leading
up to an abandoned ranch.
Been deserted for decades.
Roads have been out of use since
damage from the El Dorado fire
made it impassable a few years ago.
Can't get vehicles in or out.
Not the best place for a grow farm.
Can't transport product.
You sure about that?
Clean edges on this clearing,
it almost looks like man-made.
What do you mean?
Do we have a satellite image
from before the El Dorado fire?
Taken three years ago.
Huh. Look at that.
Clearing wasn't there before.
But who would make a clearing like this
in the middle of nowhere?
Minh was a trained air force pilot.
- Let's go.
- ALFARO: Where are we going?
They built themselves
a dirt landing pad.
We got to get to the chopper.
We're gonna get you somewhere safe.
Hang on. It's gonna get bumpy.
Powell, we got to move.
The cops did this.
Get up.
- Load the product!
- All right.
You two, come with me.
Are they behind us?
I can't tell!
- Road's blocked!
- Hang on!
[PANTING]: Okay.
Everybody okay?
- GAMBLE: We got to move, let's go.
- POWELL: Let's go.
Watch your step.
They can't be far.
We're never gonna be able
to move everyone fast enough
to get away. We need
to stay out of sight.
- We need to take cover.
- Hey, tell them we need to hide.
Come on. Okay, CC, there.
You guys, over there.
Everybody spread out.
Stay down. Keep quiet.
We're not exactly dropping in incognito.
No, they'll hear us coming.
They'll probably retreat.
We're closing in. Get ready.
It's the police.
Drive me to my helicopter.
- Are you coming?
- No.
I'm gonna find her.
- Do you hear that?
Your radio call, it worked. I'm sorry.
No, no, no. Don't do that.
We just got lucky.
What do we do now?
Stay put till our team's on the ground
and they give us the clear.
And then we move.
- Hey, hey. [SHUSHING]
- GARY: I know you're close!
POWELL: Stay down, stay down.
- CC!
- CC!
Come on!
Powell and Gamble
will have heard us coming.
Keep your eyes peeled. Let's move.
Someone's in there.
- Eleven o'clock.
- LAPD. Come out of there.
Suspect down.
You think they got to the other workers?
They were trying to move product
when they heard us coming.
They made it to their chopper.
Let's move.
Come on. Hurry up.
Go! Go!
Minh's trying to escape.
DEACON: He'll be airborne in a minute.
- Cover me.
Deacon. Miko.
Turn off the engine!
[WHISPERING]: Gamble, go that way.
- GAMBLE: Let her go.
Don't hurt her.
- I'll kill her.
And your baby?
Doesn't matter.
You don't stop pointing
that gun at me, she's dead.
You're done. It's over.
ALFARO: What's taking so long?
It's starting back up. Shut it down!
Shut it down now!
He's taking off.
Stay down!
POWELL: Over here!
HICKS: The DEA thanks you
for your thorough statement.
All ten women are being checked
at University Hospital.
Commander, they said
that they would call HQ
as soon as there was any word on CC.
- Do you know if
- HICKS: She's fine.
And her pregnancy's on track, too,
but they're gonna keep her overnight
and expect to release her
in the morning.
I'm proud of you.
Both of you.
I'm sorry for calling you codependent.
I don't actually think that at all.
Thank you.
Okay, this is the part
where you apologize
for telling me I'm being a victim.
Oh, no. I stand by that comment.
Look, I love you, Gamble,
and maybe you're right
that the deck has been stacked
against you from the beginning,
but complaining about a problem
doesn't make it go away.
We all want you reinstated on the team.
If you want that, too, fight for it.
Fight for your spot.
Another hike next weekend?
Maybe next year.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Gamble, you don't know this,
but when Hicks
ordered the investigation,
I did have your back.
Not that it did you much good.
I just want you to know that
you are not in this fight alone.
Nobody wants you back
on this team more than me.
That's not true. I do.
I want it more than anything.
So you'll fill out the statement?
I want to get back to work.
Thank you for believing in me.
It means more than you know.
- Yo, Andre. It's Hondo.
Give me a call when you get this.
You were right before.
When I criticized
Evan Frost for being a hustler,
part of me was talking about you.
That's what you think of me, huh?
Not exactly.
You have determination
like few people I've known.
You're resourceful.
You know how to adapt.
I was wrong to make that
sound like a put-down.
And, look, Evan Frost
might be a cocky guy,
but I'm sure he's got
those qualities, too.
He wouldn't have got so far otherwise.
Well, I'm glad you think that.
'Cause my sister heard Frost
looked into whatever you said
about his current security firm
being underpaid.
- You were right.
Apparently, not too many people
are blunt with Frost very often.
She said he wants to hire your firm.
Well, that explains the email I got.
His office reached out, and
they want to discuss my company
doing security for something called
the-the Horizon Initiative,
- whatever that is.
- Deac, are you joking?
Frost's company
is planning on buying
11 malls in Southern California.
That's the Horizon Initiative.
What kind of money were you gonna make
on the Beverly Shores contract?
[SCOFFS] I don't know.
If everything went according
to plan, maybe low six figures.
Well you can multiply that by 11.
You said you had news?
Come on in, man.
What's going on?
That protein powder you're selling
the company behind it's
about to get shut down, Andre.
There's a court case
with the FTC. It's all a scam.
I've met some of their top salesmen.
They're not the type of people
to fall for some scam.
They the types of people
that might be running the scam?
That's an official court filing.
"Pure Bell is under investigation
by the Federal Trade Commission"?
[SIGHS] "Deceptive business practices
Recommends criminal charges"?
Their executive team's headed
to court and maybe to jail.
So I own 2,000 containers
of worthless protein powder?
How'd I let this happen to me?
The-the credit cards, the bills, like,
I-I'm in so much debt, Hondo.
You tried to take a shortcut, Andre.
There are no shortcuts in life.
I just wanted to prove myself, you know?
- To who?
- I don't know, man. To the world?
Listen to me.
Feeling like you got to prove something,
that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Not if you use that feeling as fuel.
You got knocked down, Andre,
but you are a Harrelson.
Oh, yeah?
And what's that mean?
[SIGHS] It means you
don't stay down for long.
Previously on SWAT
Andre, what's up, cuzzo?
It's my little cousin Andre.
He's staying with me
for the next few days.
He just got in a brawl on my front yard.
Some dude showed up and threw
a brick through my window.
I cut a deal with Nigel.
I paid him half the money that you owe,
and I agreed to be
the guarantor for the rest.
Soon as you get a job,
you're gonna pay me
$200 a month until your debt is clear.
It's time for you to get
your feet back on the ground.
Your brothers and your cousins
- are under investigation by the LAPD.
- What?
HONDO: These are
career-ending accusations.
Where the hell is the evidence?
Gamble went to visit her family,
the next day a police raid on
their stash house came up empty.
Sounds like a whole lot
of speculation to me.
Do I at least get
a chance to defend myself?
You'll get a chance to
respond to the allegations
once the investigation is underway.
I am innocent.
Three-day weekend, baby.
What you got cooking, Powell?
Oh, yeah, it's your girls' trip.
If you call it that one more time
Is Gamble as psyched as you are?
I don't know.
Haven't really had a chance to talk
since she got benched.
It's all kind of impromptu.
I just want to try a hike
I haven't done before.
Hey, if you don't mind
waiting a few hours
till Deac runs me through
inventory, I could tag along.
Hell no. No boys allowed.
See? Girls' trip.
Okay. Hey, hey. I'll get
to the bottom of it.
I-I hear you. I do.
I promise, Mom.
All right. I love you, too.
- How's your mom?
- Ah, she's all right.
She's just a little worried.
My pops pulled five grand
out of their joint account,
and he won't give her
a straight answer on why.
Well, what do you think he's up to?
[SCOFFS] I have no idea.
But I'm gonna find out.
You headed straight out from here?
Picking up Gamble on the way.
Everything that's going on
with the investigation,
it's just good that there's
someone keeping her in the fold.
You still haven't talked to her?
She won't return my texts or calls.
I can't really blame her,
considering how everything went down,
but there's nothing I can really do
until her name's cleared.
How long's that gonna take, exactly?
IA says that things
would go along a lot quicker
if she would just fill out
her statement of defense
and explain her side of things.
She hasn't submitted it yet?
- Why not?
- Your guess is as good as mine.
But if you get a chance,
nudge her.
The sooner we can get this team
back to full capacity,
the better.
Now go. Have some fun out there.
- We will. See you Tuesday.
- Yeah.
- Nice, huh?
- Yeah.
You sure we're coming back
tomorrow afternoon, right?
'Cause I only brought
a sleeping bag and a few granola bars.
Mid-afternoon at the latest.
22 miles round trip.
I got a tent, I got a cooking pot,
dehydrated chicken and rice
Brought your raincoat, right?
I'm kidding. Forecast says sunny skies.
[SIGHS] Good one.
You're right.
This place really is beautiful.
What'd you say the name
of that trail was again?
It's not so much a trail
as it is an urban legend.
Locals call it Condor Highway.
It's a back route to the summit
of Thunder Ridge.
Most scenic views in the San Gabriels.
Well, you just get us there,
and I'll enjoy the view.
We got company. Hey!
- Afternoon, ladies.
- POWELL: How are the trails looking?
Uh, they've been better.
- You ever hear of Condor Highway?
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
Whatever you do, avoid it.
The area's washed out
before Tomahawk Pass.
There's no way around,
unless you want the detour from hell.
Uh, not for amateurs.
I'd stick with Oak Trail.
It's, uh, much more comfortable
and just as pretty.
Sure. Thanks.
Amateurs, huh?
Condor Highway.
You bet your ass.
DEACON: All right.
Inventory looks good.
- Well done.
- Thanks.
I'm gonna take off for the weekend.
You ready for your big interview?
Yeah, I'm actually ready
to take off myself.
Matthew's got a, uh,
baseball game in Reseda.
He's batting cleanup.
Just hoping your friend gets here soon.
Oh, Evan Frost isn't my friend exactly.
He's my sister's boss.
But he's a big deal.
Practically owns every mall
between here and Laguna.
Diana said he's looking
for a new security firm
for the Beverly Shores Mall on the DL.
Yep. You realize you've given me
this entire rundown already, right?
- I just want you to get the contract.
- I know.
And I appreciate you putting
your Alfaro hustle to work
to get me this meeting, but if you think
that there is a finder's fee
in it for you,
you can keep dreaming.
I wasn't thinking about that, Deac.
But I wouldn't object
if you threw me an extra shift
at your security company.
All right, I'll keep you
in the rotation.
Thanks again for setting it up.
POWELL: We're making great time.
You haven't even broken a sweat.
GAMBLE: If you want to do
small talk all day, it's cool, but
I have a feeling
you've been itching to ask
how I'm holding up
with the investigation.
Look, I didn't want to pry.
I know it's been a lot for you.
It's out of my control.
Still stings, though,
Hondo not doing more to have my back.
Uh-uh, Hondo's got your back.
He wants you on the team.
I mean, couldn't you be
doing more on your end?
Like submitting a statement of defense?
Like that'd change anything.
Hicks and the deputy chief know
I didn't tell my brothers
about the raid.
If it were me, I'd be
fighting tooth and nail
to get back on the team.
Yeah, well, maybe me
and you are different.
POWELL: Didn't that guy say
this area was washed out
- before Tomahawk Pass?
- Yeah.
Why'd he lie to us?
What kind of animal was that?
That's not an animal. Come on.
Hold on.
Looks like she took a bad fall.
Can you move your leg?
POWELL: Okay. Nothing's broken.
Oh, plea-please. My-my baby.
I can't get a signal.
Let me get to higher ground.
Okay. What's your name?
CC, I'm Zoe. We're gonna
get you help, okay?
Come on, get through.
There's an illegal weed farm
at the bottom of the hill.
I just saw two gunmen.
GARY: Hands over your heads.
I told you to avoid the area.
Come on.
Come on, CC. Let's go.
She's hurt pretty bad. Her baby.
She needs a doctor.
That's not what she needs.
What have we here?
The girls are cops.
Get here now.
Let's go. Down the hill.
Bitch! Aah. Aah!
Go! Go!
GAMBLE: Let her go!
We're LAPD! There's no way
out of this for you.
They're behind the tree!
Gamble, he's got backup.
We're outgunned.
- We can take 'em.
- No, we got to bail.
Let's go!
Go! Go!
Don't let them out of here alive!
Hey, hold up. Hold up.
- Think we lost them?
- I'd say so.
We just ran a mile straight.
We can't go back to the car,
but I saw an old fire road on the map
that wasn't too far away.
If we can find it,
we can get down to the highway
and call for backup.
We are six miles deep
into this mountain.
By the time we get all the way
down there and back,
do you really think
that CC girl's gonna be okay?
What choice do we have?
We have no phone, we have no supplies.
- We got a gun.
- We have one gun
with two rounds, Gamble.
Those guys are trying to kill us.
They're three morons
growing weed in the sticks,
who think they're drug lords.
We're SWAT officers.
She's pregnant, she's hurt.
We rescue her, we find the fire road,
and we get out of here.
I don't know.
I think it would be better
if we came back with help.
We are the help, Powell.
She could be dead
by the time we come back.
Okay, but we rescue her
without alerting anyone.
And if anything goes south,
we bail immediately. Yes?
Hondo. All right.
So how'd you find me?
Ronnie said you were using
his warehouse to store boxes.
Ronnie got a big mouth.
That's why I asked him.
- Yeah.
- "Group"?
No, son. Gro Up.
Protein powder.
30 grams of quality protein in
every scoop, and no clumping.
So you get a smooth shake every time.
- You know,
muscle regeneration
is important at our age.
- Our age?
What, are you practicing a sales
pitch for an old folks' home?
I figured I would start out
with, uh, selling it
to the guys down at the garage
and then branch out
from there. You want one?
No, I'm good, thanks. Come on.
On the house. Tell your guys
down there at SWAT.
"Manufactured by Pure Bell."
That sounds familiar.
How much of this stuff did you buy?
- 800.
- Pop.
You spent five grand on a bunch
of bargain bin supplements?
Mom thinks you got a gambling problem,
but this might be worse.
Hey, Uncle D, check out
HONDO: Andre.
[SCOFFS] I should've known.
Sorry I bailed a few weeks ago.
I'm just not cut out,
for a nine-to-five.
But once we get 300 monthly subscribers,
we'll be raking it in.
I'll pay you back, I swear.
Pop, your nephew here tell you
that he got me on the hook
for nine grand with a loan shark
because he skipped town?
DANIEL: Ain't nobody skip town.
Andre's right here, he's just trying
to figure it out. That's all, son.
I guess he also didn't tell you
that I put together a payment plan
while he "figures things out."
$200 a month until the loan's repaid.
Okay, $200 a month.
Here you go.
His first installment.
I don't want your damn money, Pop.
Let me tell you something, kid,
you and me, we're blood. That should
mean something to you,
but clearly it doesn't.
Mark my words.
This snake oil racket's only gonna
drag you deeper and deeper into debt.
DANIEL: Hondo. Hondo.
Look here.
Andre is just trying to do right.
He just needs a little bit of time.
That's not what that boy needs.
Look, if you want to invest
every spare dollar
you got with him, then go ahead,
but if you think for a second that
you're gonna see any kind of return,
then you're a bigger fool than he is.
I think the farm is close.
Looks like the path
keeps going down that hill.
I don't know, I feel
like we should have seen
some sign of life by now.
We should check it out.
Maybe there's a sat phone inside.
Some way to contact someone for help?
Okay, let's make it quick.
LAPD. Anyone here?
This must be the bunkhouse.
It's in Chinese.
Wonder how many workers they have here.
They're not workers, they're slaves.
Do not hurt me, please.
We're the police.
- What's your name?
- Tia.
GAMBLE: We're looking
for a pregnant woman.
She's hurt. Her name's CC.
Yeah, I know her.
Do you know where we can find her?
The main house.
Can you bring us?
Let's go.
Mr. Frost?
David Kay. It's nice to meet you.
Evan Frost. Sorry I'm late.
Hope I'm not keeping you from anything.
You know, in another life,
I'd have made a hell of a cop.
Well, L. A.
is glad you became a developer.
In fact, so are my kids.
They tell me that your malls have
the best playgrounds, so, yeah.
Care for a quick tour?
Why quick?
Oh, no, I was just eager
to start the weekend.
My son has a baseball game.
Oh, I see.
Well, if this is inconvenient
No, not inconvenient at all.
Just, if you don't mind,
I'd like to get down to business,
discuss your security needs.
I understand you're
looking for a new firm
for the Beverly Shores Mall.
Actually, I'd like
to rethink the way we do
security across the entire retail space.
No more mall cops.
Well, our employees are mostly former
military and police officers.
Well, that's just
what we're looking for.
Guys we have now, you wouldn't
believe the turnover rate.
They're clueless.
They walk around
like they're on vacation,
like their mere presence stops theft.
Well, actually, sometimes it does.
Well, I just don't want a bunch of guys
standing around, polishing their badges
while those of us with real jobs
work our butts off.
Working security is a real job.
Well, sure, but come on.
We all know it's a bit of a cakewalk.
Have you ever worked security,
Mr. Frost?
You know, maybe the reason
that your current employees
are having turnover issues
is that you're not paying them
competitive wages.
Now, I understand cutting costs, I do.
But security is not the place
to do that.
Are you calling me cheap?
That's not what I said.
[SCOFFS] I didn't come all this way
to be lectured by some arrogant cop.
Well, then maybe
we're not the right fit for your mall.
Okay, then.
I'll see my way out.
You clearly have better places
to be anyway.
POWELL: Can you see?
Watch your step.
Where's the main house?
Not around here.
Over here! I found the cops!
She's giving us up.
Come, come, come, come, come.
Get over here.
Come on.
- Quiet.
- Stop it.
Get back.
I don't think they heard her.
There's no callouses.
She doesn't work in the fields.
They probably give her better
treatment to keep the others in line.
Your bosses can't save you now.
Those men are not my bosses.
Minh is my boss.
Who's Minh?
You will see.
What about CC?
She used to work in the fields,
but Gary like her too much.
So now he keeps her at the house.
Gary, is he the one who's after her?
Where's the house?
Doesn't matter, Powell.
We can't trust anything she says.
What should we do with her?
Restrain her to that tree.
Take your belt off.
I said take your belt off.
GAMBLE: See that?
Do you think she's got
a key to the house?
Still two rounds.
POWELL: He left his post.
Let's go.
GAMBLE: Hurry.
I think he's coming.
Get in, come on.
There's a CB radio.
We got to find CC.
We're running out of time.
Switching to the emergency band.
This is Officer Zoe Powell, LAPD SWAT.
I'm with Officer Devin Gamble.
We found an illegal grow farm
on Brule Mountain.
There are men trying to kill us.
The head guy here
we think his name is Minh.
If you get this message, please
contact Sergeant Harrelson.
- Shh.
Minh just landed.
He'll be here any minute.
Find the cops
and take care of them, do you hear me?
CC, hey.
Can you hear me?
I think she's been drugged.
Let's go.
I got her. Come on, let's go.
Come on.
I got you.
You were right. There's a fire
road accessible from the farm.
We got to move.
Ooh, change of plans.
Let's go, let's go.
- You good? Come on.
Come on, let's take cover.
Tell me the product is ready.
Almost, Mr. Minh.
Uh, we thought you were arriving
later this afternoon.
I am here now.
Look what we got here.
Found her tied to a tree.
The cops, I-I tried to fight them!
They're coming this way.
Cops are here?
Don't worry, it's just two girls.
Uh, they have no phones, no nothing.
We're-we're tracking them down.
Mr. Minh.
Please. I-I try to run away.
I didn't tell them about you
or what you do.
You need to leave
before they come. I-I beg you,
Mr. Minh, go now!
Next will be you.
Find the cops.
Let's keep moving.
That's got to be Minh.
What do you want to bet he's cartel?
Let's hope my message got to HQ.
Hopefully, backup's on the way.
Maybe it isn't.
We cannot leave.
Today, after Minh takes product,
they kill them all.
Kill who?
The women who work on the farm?
How many women are there?
Nine. Where did you hear this?
I hear Gary say Minh want
nothing left behind.
He want to destroy everything.
- Destroy all the evidence?
- The people, too.
Where are the women now?
In the cabin. They make bales there.
Can you show us the way?
Let's go.
When did you last hear from Powell?
Right before they took off this morning.
Someone sent a recording of Powell?
Yeah, a radio hobbyist in Pasadena
picked up a call
on an emergency frequency.
Hicks said that the lab's
trying to enhance it now.
Miko, you really have
no idea where they went hiking?
Just that Powell wanted to try
a hike she hasn't done before.
Wait, she's got a TrailHound account,
Yeah. But she only logs her hikes
after the fact.
There's no way to trace her location.
If we knew the hikes she's already done,
we could narrow it down.
Why don't you try and hack her account?
Lab sent over the recording.
Techs did their best,
we still can't make out a location.
LAPD SWAT grow farm on
trying to kill us
guy's name is Minh
Sergeant Harrelson
Our best guess is
that they stumbled across
an illegal grow operation.
Now, I got a call in
to Miller at the DEA
to see if the name Minh gets a hit.
DEACON: All right, a CB
signal's range is typically 30 miles.
That covers all this wilderness
from Pasadena
up to Mount Gleason.
That's a huge search area.
- Even if we know where they are,
it'll be difficult to find them
before nightfall.
Nightfall's not what I'm worried about.
[SIGHS] I'll be right back.
What's so urgent it couldn't wait?
Look, I know you got a lot going on.
But just hear me out real quick.
Now, I know you think
that Andre is doomed to fail
No, Pop. I know he is.
The company behind that
protein powder, Pure Bell?
It's under investigation for fraud.
They make money
by making new salesmen buy in.
It's a pyramid scheme.
And the FTC's about to shut it all down.
That product's about to be recalled.
Like drinking powdered sock.
So, then why you been wasting
your time and your money?
Listen, Andre lost his mother
at 13 years of age.
It threw him off course.
Look, I know he had it rough as a kid,
but that can't be an excuse
the rest of his life, Pop.
I figured if I could
give him some guidance,
help him to learn enough about sales,
maybe he could get a real job.
Son, the boy just needs
someone in his life
who believes in him.
I got to get back inside.
All right.
GAMBLE: Those women
have no idea what's coming.
Minh take bales first.
After, they bring women
down the mountain,
then kill them there.
We need to set a trap.
Even if we get past the guards,
how do we get ten women
safely away from here?
Fire road.
First we need to get over to that shed.
We can use it to ambush them.
Okay. Let's do it.
[SIGHS] No luck hacking into
Powell's TrailHound account.
I tried every password I can think of.
I put Cyber Division on it.
What's this?
DEACON: Well, these are the grow farms
that have been busted
over the last couple years
in this part of the San Gabriels.
The illegal weed industry,
it's exploding.
I-I don't get it. Weed's legal now.
True. But with legalization comes
taxes and regulations.
People always looking
for a cheaper way to do things.
Well, unfortunately, criminals
are looking to exploit just that.
The drug cartels
have inserted themselves
directly into the supply chain.
ALFARO: But most of
these grow ops were busted
with less than $50K of product.
Not recently. In December,
the Forest Service raided a compound.
They found $2 million in illegal weed.
And just last month,
the DEA raided a large-scale
operation right here.
They seized over $4 million
in cash and cannabis.
That one was backed by a Mexican cartel.
It is getting dangerous out there.
Tell me about it.
Meet Le Tran Minh.
He's the head of the
Khoi Ling Syndicate,
an all-around force of terror.
A one-time fighter pilot,
until he got busted
for flying opioids
back and forth to Laos.
He fled Southeast Asia,
he's been a fugitive ever since.
Building a drug empire?
HICKS: Well, the DEA thinks
he's operated
in North America for two years.
He's based outside of Vancouver.
Some of his handiwork.
He sets up a farm for one,
two years tops.
He only shows up to take the product.
And then he destroys any sign
that the farm ever existed.
People included.
He kills his entire workforce?
HICKS: Well, it's part of the reason
why he's been able to stay
under the radar.
No witnesses to tie him to anything.
And apparently, he likes to be there
to make sure the mass executions
are carried out properly.
I better check in with Cyber.
My sister heard your meeting
with Frost didn't go so well.
Well, she heard right.
Look, thanks again, but guys like Frost?
They're not exactly my cup of tea.
Rude. Cocky.
Always looking for an angle.
Okay. But why take your
company's name out of contention?
That could've been good money, Deac.
Who cares if he's rude?
If I were you, I would call his office,
and say you want the job.
Diana's the assistant
to his VP of operations.
Listen. Someday you'll realize this,
but money isn't everything.
Integrity matters.
Frost? He's all flash, no substance.
You know, Frost's money,
it's as good as any other client's.
And hustlers,
they have good ideas sometimes.
If you think I'm talking about you
Hey, I know you think
I'm a hustler, Deac.
And maybe I am.
But that's because I never
had anything growing up.
Same goes for Frost.
He might be an ass,
but he built a whole empire
out of nothing.
All right, listen,
I-I didn't mean anything
Hey, don't sweat it.
I'm glad you kept your integrity.
Do it right, or you'll regret it.
Check out the shed.
A lighter.
Never know. Might come in handy.
What'd he say?
That the men are coming this way.
Let's go.
It's only a matter of time
before they realize
they're two men down.
There's an old truck
about 50 yards away.
We steal it, we get everyone in it,
and we get down the fire road.
- You can hotwire a truck?
- Pretty sure.
Once I do, I'll pull it around,
I'll pick you guys up.
Okay. I'll go with you.
Because the SWAT handbook
says stay in twos?
What's that supposed to mean?
We can save ourselves, Powell.
We know how to do this.
We don't need anyone else.
God, you can be so damn codependent.
Can't you do anything on your own?
Yes, I can.
Why would I when I have a team
that I can rely on?
- A team
- Oh, here we go.
A team that you're not doing
anything to be a part of, by the way.
Is this about the statement
of defense form?
Just fill the damn thing out.
Defend yourself.
Why should I have to?
Between all my brothers' BS,
the-the mess with Hicks
and the deputy chief
and now Hicks and Hondo?
Don't you think it's wild
that it's everyone else's drama,
but I'm the one
who has to defend myself?
Stop being such a victim.
If you want things to change,
then change them.
We have had your back
since you joined SWAT,
through the hazing,
through the investigation.
We're a family.
If you won't fight to be a part of that,
it's on you.
One thing I learned about family
up in Oakland:
maybe I don't need one.
Where are you going?
To steal a damn truck.
Cops over there!
Let's go!
Found a propane tank.
Created a distraction.
Told you this would come in handy.
What are we waiting for?
I heard Cyber Division got us access
to Powell's TrailHound account.
These are all the hikes she's taken
within the range of the CB signal.
Almost every major trail.
HONDO: But she hasn't
hiked any of these?
ALFARO: Nope. Protected wilderness area.
And what's this?
An old fire road leading
up to an abandoned ranch.
Been deserted for decades.
Roads have been out of use since
damage from the El Dorado fire
made it impassable a few years ago.
Can't get vehicles in or out.
Not the best place for a grow farm.
Can't transport product.
You sure about that?
Clean edges on this clearing,
it almost looks like man-made.
What do you mean?
Do we have a satellite image
from before the El Dorado fire?
Taken three years ago.
Huh. Look at that.
Clearing wasn't there before.
But who would make a clearing like this
in the middle of nowhere?
Minh was a trained air force pilot.
- Let's go.
- ALFARO: Where are we going?
They built themselves
a dirt landing pad.
We got to get to the chopper.
We're gonna get you somewhere safe.
Hang on. It's gonna get bumpy.
Powell, we got to move.
The cops did this.
Get up.
- Load the product!
- All right.
You two, come with me.
Are they behind us?
I can't tell!
- Road's blocked!
- Hang on!
[PANTING]: Okay.
Everybody okay?
- GAMBLE: We got to move, let's go.
- POWELL: Let's go.
Watch your step.
They can't be far.
We're never gonna be able
to move everyone fast enough
to get away. We need
to stay out of sight.
- We need to take cover.
- Hey, tell them we need to hide.
Come on. Okay, CC, there.
You guys, over there.
Everybody spread out.
Stay down. Keep quiet.
We're not exactly dropping in incognito.
No, they'll hear us coming.
They'll probably retreat.
We're closing in. Get ready.
It's the police.
Drive me to my helicopter.
- Are you coming?
- No.
I'm gonna find her.
- Do you hear that?
Your radio call, it worked. I'm sorry.
No, no, no. Don't do that.
We just got lucky.
What do we do now?
Stay put till our team's on the ground
and they give us the clear.
And then we move.
- Hey, hey. [SHUSHING]
- GARY: I know you're close!
POWELL: Stay down, stay down.
- CC!
- CC!
Come on!
Powell and Gamble
will have heard us coming.
Keep your eyes peeled. Let's move.
Someone's in there.
- Eleven o'clock.
- LAPD. Come out of there.
Suspect down.
You think they got to the other workers?
They were trying to move product
when they heard us coming.
They made it to their chopper.
Let's move.
Come on. Hurry up.
Go! Go!
Minh's trying to escape.
DEACON: He'll be airborne in a minute.
- Cover me.
Deacon. Miko.
Turn off the engine!
[WHISPERING]: Gamble, go that way.
- GAMBLE: Let her go.
Don't hurt her.
- I'll kill her.
And your baby?
Doesn't matter.
You don't stop pointing
that gun at me, she's dead.
You're done. It's over.
ALFARO: What's taking so long?
It's starting back up. Shut it down!
Shut it down now!
He's taking off.
Stay down!
POWELL: Over here!
HICKS: The DEA thanks you
for your thorough statement.
All ten women are being checked
at University Hospital.
Commander, they said
that they would call HQ
as soon as there was any word on CC.
- Do you know if
- HICKS: She's fine.
And her pregnancy's on track, too,
but they're gonna keep her overnight
and expect to release her
in the morning.
I'm proud of you.
Both of you.
I'm sorry for calling you codependent.
I don't actually think that at all.
Thank you.
Okay, this is the part
where you apologize
for telling me I'm being a victim.
Oh, no. I stand by that comment.
Look, I love you, Gamble,
and maybe you're right
that the deck has been stacked
against you from the beginning,
but complaining about a problem
doesn't make it go away.
We all want you reinstated on the team.
If you want that, too, fight for it.
Fight for your spot.
Another hike next weekend?
Maybe next year.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Gamble, you don't know this,
but when Hicks
ordered the investigation,
I did have your back.
Not that it did you much good.
I just want you to know that
you are not in this fight alone.
Nobody wants you back
on this team more than me.
That's not true. I do.
I want it more than anything.
So you'll fill out the statement?
I want to get back to work.
Thank you for believing in me.
It means more than you know.
- Yo, Andre. It's Hondo.
Give me a call when you get this.
You were right before.
When I criticized
Evan Frost for being a hustler,
part of me was talking about you.
That's what you think of me, huh?
Not exactly.
You have determination
like few people I've known.
You're resourceful.
You know how to adapt.
I was wrong to make that
sound like a put-down.
And, look, Evan Frost
might be a cocky guy,
but I'm sure he's got
those qualities, too.
He wouldn't have got so far otherwise.
Well, I'm glad you think that.
'Cause my sister heard Frost
looked into whatever you said
about his current security firm
being underpaid.
- You were right.
Apparently, not too many people
are blunt with Frost very often.
She said he wants to hire your firm.
Well, that explains the email I got.
His office reached out, and
they want to discuss my company
doing security for something called
the-the Horizon Initiative,
- whatever that is.
- Deac, are you joking?
Frost's company
is planning on buying
11 malls in Southern California.
That's the Horizon Initiative.
What kind of money were you gonna make
on the Beverly Shores contract?
[SCOFFS] I don't know.
If everything went according
to plan, maybe low six figures.
Well you can multiply that by 11.
You said you had news?
Come on in, man.
What's going on?
That protein powder you're selling
the company behind it's
about to get shut down, Andre.
There's a court case
with the FTC. It's all a scam.
I've met some of their top salesmen.
They're not the type of people
to fall for some scam.
They the types of people
that might be running the scam?
That's an official court filing.
"Pure Bell is under investigation
by the Federal Trade Commission"?
[SIGHS] "Deceptive business practices
Recommends criminal charges"?
Their executive team's headed
to court and maybe to jail.
So I own 2,000 containers
of worthless protein powder?
How'd I let this happen to me?
The-the credit cards, the bills, like,
I-I'm in so much debt, Hondo.
You tried to take a shortcut, Andre.
There are no shortcuts in life.
I just wanted to prove myself, you know?
- To who?
- I don't know, man. To the world?
Listen to me.
Feeling like you got to prove something,
that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Not if you use that feeling as fuel.
You got knocked down, Andre,
but you are a Harrelson.
Oh, yeah?
And what's that mean?
[SIGHS] It means you
don't stay down for long.