S.W.A.T. (2017) s08e14 Episode Script
The Santa Clara
Previously on SWAT
I heard you talk about Officer Gamble.
Are you aware she's associating
with known criminals?
Her brothers Leon and Judd
are suspected of carrying out
several train cargo heists.
There is gonna be an investigation.
While it's ongoing,
you need to bench her.
It sounds like you're accusing
me of being a dirty cop.
I didn't do anything.
I'm not the one you're gonna
need to convince.
It's Internal Affairs.
Little day in the day for coffee,
don't you think?
Need all the energy I can get.
SWAT Academy is a marathon,
it's not a sprint.
What about Tan as an instructor?
Tan's tough.
Yeah, sometimes he can be aggressive.
Maybe pushes too hard.
Explosive set.
- Get down!
- DOBES: Ow, my leg!
Call a medic, now!
Everyone at HQ sends their thoughts.
And I just saw Tan,
he wanted me to give you his best.
I'm sorry if Tan's
goodwill rings hollow.
If it wasn't for him, this
never would've happened.
Ready for the latest?
- I'm not sure I am.
- Your buddy Dobes
he's suing me
for his SWAT Academy accident.
I just got served in the motor pool.
He's holding you personally liable?
- This can't be right.
- He set the puck charge.
He hit the detonator switch too early.
And now he's looking
for someone to blame.
Hey. The guy just went through
another round of surgery
and he's dealing with the fact
that he'll never be a cop again.
I feel terrible for him, I really do.
But if this goes to court
and I'm found at fault,
I could lose everything, too.
All right, I I will talk to him,
try to find out what's going on.
300 years on the ocean floor,
they still look like this.
It's been an honor for the
museum to look after the treasure,
but I'm glad it's finally
going home to Colombia.
Mm. We thought this day
might never come.
After ten long years of court battles,
it's hard to believe,
at last, it is over.
Ah, this would look great
on my credenza.
Think anyone would notice? [LAUGHS]
Mm, considering it's circa 800 BCE
and the most valuable piece
here, someone might.
Plus, it's Indigenous,
honoring life and fertility,
and you've got enough kids already.
Yes, I do. It's all yours. [LAUGHING]
The transport team will be
arriving tomorrow morning.
I'll go get the customs forms,
make sure everything is documented.
- Perfect.
- Of course.
- We did it.
- Mm-hmm. Certainly.
- GUARD: Stop! You can't go in there!
MAN: Change of plans, everybody.
What do you want?
What are you, stupid?
What do you think we want?
Ah better be good news.
I'm sure it will be.
But let's see what Yannick has to say.
I couldn't be more ready
to get back to work.
Every drawer and closet
in my apartment is
[CLICKS TONGUE] organized.
Seriously, I'm gonna
have to take up knitting
if this thing drags on much longer.
Sergeant Harrelson. Officer Gamble.
- Thank you for meeting me.
- Seriously?
More paperwork?
Ed, put us out of our misery.
Did Internal Affairs sign off?
Can Gamble get back to work?
What do they think my
bank statements are gonna prove?
IA wants to make sure there
are no unusual transactions
around the time of the raid.
So they think my brothers paid me off
and that I'd be dumb enough
to deposit the cash in my bank account?
I know. It's ridiculous.
But we're this close.
Okay? It's just one more hoop.
- Guess I'll go pick up some yarn.
Ed, what is going on?
This sounded like it was over
the last time we talked.
I thought so, too.
The final step was to send
Gamble's file
to the senior IA committee.
Two out of the three signed off.
The third one did not.
You got any idea why?
it's usually a rubber stamp exercise.
This is the first time I have seen them
reject a recommendation and
then ask for more evidence.
- This third person have a name?
- They don't give a union lawyer
- that kind of information.
We've got an armed robbery in progress
at the Alderson Museum.
Let me know when I can
have my officer back.
We need her.
Yeah, yeah. No, we're ready.
Do it now.
911 received a distress call
from a witness at the scene.
They're patching her in now.
KARLA: H-Hello?
Karla, this is Sergeant
Harrelson with LAPD SWAT.
Is it safe to talk?
Y-Yes. I think so.
Listen, we're en route, a
couple minutes out.
What is your exact location?
I'm in the archive room.
That's here. Lower level.
Karla, how many gunmen are there?
What do they look like?
KARLA: Four men with guns,
dressed as Alderson security.
HONDO: Do they have any hostages?
Yes, the museum director
and my colleague
and two guards.
Go. Help them load up the trucks.
- I'll finish up in here.
- What about them?
Don't worry. I'll handle it.
DIRECTOR: Please. Don't hurt us.
You've got what you came for.
Can't leave any witnesses.
HONDO: Karla, are you still there?
Oh, my God.
- H-He's going to kill them.
- Tan, step on it!
HONDO: Karla, talk to me.
What's happening?
He shot the museum director
and the guards.
Please. I have three kids and a newborn.
Please, just just let me go, please.
Oh, my God, he heard me.
He's coming. H-He's coming.
HONDO: Karla, you need to hide.
Can you do that?
There's nowhere to go.
Here, here, there's
a utility room right there.
HONDO: Okay, Karla, listen to me.
At the back of the archive
is a utility room.
Can you make it there?
Yes. Yes, I think so.
Okay, go.
Get there and hide. We're coming.
Pulling in now!
Dispatch said that patrol cars
have all the exits blocked.
Museum's being evacuated.
All right, let's move.
Lives are at stake.
- What's going on?
Ma'am, we need your key card.
- They told us to evacuate the building.
- TAN: Go.
Get as far from the building as you can.
We got to go. Cops are here.
Utility room's through there.
- It's clear.
Come out with your hands up!
HONDO: Walk this way.
Are you Karla?
- Yes.
- Are you okay?
They-they shot everyone.
22-David. Four deceased in the vault.
This was an execution
with total disregard for human life.
We got to stop these guys.
Go, go, go!
They're making a run for it.
Van is headed north
through museum grounds.
How you doing?
No one will tell me anything.
Are they dead?
I'm sorry.
Were they colleagues of yours?
But they were my friends,
Natasha was a historian, and
I'm the cultural attaché for
the Colombian government.
We met when the shipwreck was found.
The shipwreck?
That's what those men were after.
Treasure from a ship
called the Santa Clara.
Natasha and I spent years
working together,
arguing the case,
for the treasure's return to Colombia.
We finally won,
and it was about to be
shipped back home and
We should have been celebrating.
Her husband, her children
You will find the men who did this?
We're gonna do everything we can.
But we could also use your help.
Of course. What do you need?
TAN: The Santa Clara,
a 17th century Spanish galleon
packed with Colombian riches
to pay for a war with England,
until it sunk in a storm
off the coast of Baja.
Where it remained until modern tech
helped locate it in 2015.
I remember hearing about this
in the news.
It's the largest treasure haul
ever found,
second only to the San José,
down in the Caribbean.
Valued at half a billion dollars.
Well, how the hell did it
end up in the museum vault?
Because a Spanish ship
with Colombian treasure
found in Mexican waters
sparked multiple claims,
leading to a lengthy battle
in U.S. courts.
The treasure was held secretly
in the Alderson's vault
during the proceedings.
This quotes Karla as saying
Indigenous Colombians
mined the riches and
created the artifacts,
so Colombia should have claim
to the treasure.
POWELL: Ultimately, the judge agreed
when the case concluded last week,
granting Colombia full ownership
of the treasure,
- now valued at a billion dollars.
- And likely
stirring up renewed interest
in the billion-dollar haul.
HICKS: Well, a prize that big
would be tempting
to any number of crews.
This might be one of them.
HICKS: Well, it looks like the captain
of the salvage ship
who found the treasure
he didn't want to hand it over
to the feds.
Can you blame him?
Guy went through all the trouble
of hauling it to the surface
and didn't get a cent.
No, what he got for his troubles
was five years in the federal pen.
Made the mistake of waving an AK-47
at the customs officers
when they came for it.
We have any idea where this guy is now?
Captain Russell Jones.
Runs Pacific Blue Salvage,
based in Long Beach.
Doesn't match the description
of any of the gunmen.
Still, go pay Captain Jones a visit.
You never know where it might lead.
Good to see you out of bed.
- Brought you something.
- Oh.
Don't tell me you went
all the way out to Papa Joe's.
Ah, it's the only place to get
his special Russian pickle soup.
- Ah.
- That stuff was a cure-all
for everything back in the day,
wasn't it?
Sprains, bruises, heartache.
Ah, let's be honest.
It was a hangover cure,
plain and simple.
Afraid it won't be enough
to fix me up this time, Deac.
They found more shrapnel
in my leg than anticipated.
I won't ever walk the same again.
I'm so sorry.
[SIGHS] This isn't fair.
But it was an accident.
So I guess this was more
than just a friendly visit.
Tan got served this morning, didn't he?
Going after him personally
it's not right, Dobes.
He didn't push the detonator.
So it's my fault?
You know what I was
thinking about the moment
before the charges went off?
Not tactics, not strategy.
I was worried about not getting cut.
Tan did that.
He ran SWAT academy
from a place of fear.
With pressure like that,
mistakes are inevitable.
Don't don't do this.
It will end his entire career.
What about my career, huh?
You know, I don't want
you to be surprised,
but you'll be hearing
from my attorney, too.
Excuse me?
Back when I first told you
my concerns about Tan,
you said it yourself.
You said, "He pushes too hard,
he's too aggressive."
So, you'll be called as a witness.
You can't ask me to do that.
I'm not looking to burn
you for this, too, Deac.
I'm just asking that you tell the truth.
NURSE: We're ready for you.
I got PT in a minute,
so, uh
Thanks for stopping by.
JONES: Well, of course it exploded.
Why'd he have that much ammo
on his yacht anyway, hm?
Look, that's a lot of diesel
and debris. I mean,
I'm gonna need at least three guys.
I'll send you a quote.
Call if you like it.
This about the yacht that sunk?
No. The armed robbery at
the Alderson this morning.
The treasure from the Santa Clara.
It was stolen.
You're here because
you think I'm involved.
Have to figure your company
invested a small fortune
recovering the treasure from the ocean.
Small? I poured everything
I owned into it.
So much that I didn't have a penny left
for lawyers once
the whole thing went to court.
Not that I stood a chance
once our government decided
it was more interested
in playing nice with allies.
That can't have been easy.
Nothing about
the Santa Clara was easy.
Wish we'd never found it.
Be better off rotting
at the bottom of the ocean
instead of ruining my life
and the lives of my crew.
And what about your crew?
Think any of them
could have been involved
in this morning's robbery?
Sure as hell wouldn't blame 'em.
For a fleeting few days
out there, pulling treasure
off the ocean floor,
every one of 'em thought
they were sudden millionaires,
richer than they'd ever dreamed.
Then it all got taken away.
if they do have the treasure now
God bless 'em.
We're gonna need their names.
I'll keep you updated.
You'll know when I know. Yeah.
[SIGHS] I'm getting hammered
from all sides
to find that treasure,
from the mayor on up
to the State Department.
But you're not here about that.
So what is it Gamble?
You had any luck finding out
who the holdout is at IA
the one preventing her
from coming back to work?
Actually, yeah.
I made some calls. Ian Wanstead.
He's a senior Internal Affairs officer.
Now, the word is he's got a
sharp mind for investigations
but a major screwup during a sting op
sent him to IA career prison.
So he's got a chip on his shoulder.
A whole pile.
I'll do more digging,
try to figure out
what his issue is with Gamble.
Appreciate it, Commander.
Let me know what you find.
I will.
Is this the crew that salvaged
the Santa Clara?
TAN: Yeah. All underwater welders,
ex-Navy, longshoremen
who've been struggling to
make ends meet since losing
the Santa Clara treasure.
Those two. I recognize them.
Uh, Randy Pruitt. Jack Givens.
They're cousins.
Jack Givens is the one who shot Garth,
and Natasha.
Givens lost his brother,
Matt, during the salvage op
when Matt's regulator failed.
Unlike the others, Matt
wasn't a salvage professional.
He was a father of two
who owned a hardware store.
Seems Jack Givens
has spent the last ten years
becoming a seasoned criminal.
He's got a rap sheet
longer than a CVS receipt.
DUIs, domestic violence,
vehicular manslaughter.
And now first-degree murder.
BOLO came back on the van
from the heist.
It was spotted exiting
the freeway in Valencia.
These guys are from Pomona and Carson.
That's nowhere near Valencia.
Check this out.
Randy Pruitt owns a welding shop there.
Great place to hide treasure.
And themselves. Let's go find both.
HONDO: Deacon, Tan,
take the three side.
Powell, one side with me.
20-David to Command. Making
entry to the welding shop now.
Splitting off right.
Van's clear.
Door's already been blasted.
Looks like we're late to the party.
20-squad, watch your
crossfire. On my count.
Three, two, one, go.
No sign of activity.
Got a body. Moving in.
Got another deceased male.
LAPD! Drop that weapon!
POWELL: 24-David. I have a clear shot.
20-squad, hold your fire.
Hey. Be smart, drop the weapon.
Let's take a look at those wounds, huh?
HONDO: 20-David to Command. We need
an evac and R/A now.
I got another dead body.
Rest of the place is clear.
Where's the rest of the treasure?
Ask him.
He came in here
with three other foreign dudes
before you got here.
Started shooting.
- Looks like you shot back.
- Yeah.
Foreign dudes?
Speaking Spanish and
something else. No clue what.
And Jack Givens, where's he?
Did he go after them?
DEACON: As if one deadly crew
wasn't enough,
now we've got another one
willing to kill for this treasure.
And the bodies keep piling up.
HICKS: Rex Grady and Jared Watts
these are our two
deceased from the welding shop?
Yeah. They weren't part
of the original salvage crew.
Givens and Pruitt
must have recruited them
for the museum robbery.
What about the dead guy
who was part of the second crew
- that made off with the treasure?
- Deacon and Powell
are working to ID him. Nothing yet.
All right, well, the Colombian embassy
wasn't thrilled to hear that
the mask was all we recovered.
They should be.
It is the most meaningful item of all.
Natasha and I joked about it
just before they burst in, and
he shot her as if she were nothing.
Karla, we're gonna find him.
And we're gonna find
this other crew, too.
What else we got to go on?
Pruitt speaks a little Spanish.
Uh, picked up on a few words
they were saying,
but he said most of the conversation
was in a language he couldn't identify.
If we figure out what it was,
it could narrow down our suspect pool.
Tell me you got something.
Well, we got an ID on the dead gunman
from the second crew.
Jaime Aguilar.
Entered LAX three days ago
on a Colombian passport.
Well, he could be part
of a criminal syndicate
looking to seize the treasure
before it reaches
Colombian government hands.
Do we know if he was traveling alone
or maybe with the rest of his crew?
Not sure yet. Sent his details over
- to our Colombian counterparts
to see if they can help
ID his associates.
Commander Hicks.
All right, understood.
I'll send someone down.
A team from your embassy's
arriving to collect the mask.
The feds have authorized its release.
Thank you, Commander.
I'll go make sure they know
how hard you're working
to find the rest.
I appreciate that. Thank you.
Let me know as soon as we ID
the rest of this second crew.
We catch them, we likely
catch Givens, too.
You got it, Commander.
Hey, hold up, Deac.
You get a chance to talk to Dobes
- about dropping the lawsuit?
- I did.
I couldn't get him
to change his mind. I'm sorry.
He's one of your oldest friends.
He'll listen to you. Try again.
I don't think that's a good idea.
He's having me called as a witness.
The hell does he expect you to say?
A while back, I told him that
I didn't necessarily agree
with how you were running SWAT Academy.
I also said that,
I thought at times,
you could be aggressive.
[SCOFFS] So you think this
is my fault, too, then, huh?
No. That's not what I said.
Yeah, you didn't have to.
You've been hovering
over my shoulder all year,
double-checking my work.
You want to talk about pressure, Deac?
You were supposed to let me
run SWAT Academy myself.
Yeah, I did, and look what happened.
Dobes never should have been
trying out for SWAT in the first place.
You pushed him into something
that he wasn't prepared for
and now you're trying
to put the blame on me.
You know, a true leader
accepts responsibility
for their shortcomings.
Maybe I pushed you into something
that you weren't prepared for, either.
If that's how you feel,
tell it to the lawyers.
MAN: What brings you to IA,
Uh, you mind if we speak privately?
Coffee, tea?
My kids' attempt at cookies?
I'm good.
I just want to get to
the bottom of Officer Gamble's
investigation, hear what's holding
you back from reinstating her.
what's holding me back
is I'm not convinced
she didn't alert her family
before the police raid.
Oh. You got proof on that?
Well, no proof she did,
but no proof she didn't.
A critical responsibility
of Internal Affairs
is to maintain public trust in the LAPD.
We can't take chances on officers
who could undermine that.
We? Or you?
All the other investigators signed off.
It has to be unanimous.
And your decision has nothing to do
with how badly you want out of IA?
I don't know what you're insinuating.
I think you do.
Word travels fast
when someone's gunning
for a slot on Major Crimes.
Now, I get it.
You're looking for a lifeline
up out of Internal Affairs.
Badgering an IA Officer
is crossing a line, Commander.
So is torpedoing a SWAT officer's career
to land an endorsement.
I know that
Deputy Chief Bennett is pulling
strings for you to get that transfer.
I'm not here to question your ethics.
You got a solid record.
And everything I heard
says you were a damn good cop before IA.
My concern right now
is for another damn good cop.
Devin Gamble.
Gamble hasn't just met the bar,
you could argue she's raised it.
And I'd stake my career on her loyalty
to this department, so
that said,
I trust you'll make the right call.
What'd you learn?
Colombian intel came through
on Jaime Aguilar, the dead
gunman from the welding shop.
As well as these three individuals.
They all arrived into LAX on
the same flight three days ago.
HONDO: They've got to be
the crew that robbed
Givens' men and took the treasure.
And this might be why.
It's a petition to the Colombian
government from Raul Quimayara,
soon after the treasure was recovered.
Raul and this crew belong to a
coalition of Indigenous peoples.
For years, they've been pleading
to be included in the
Santa Clara lawsuit.
They claim the ship's
gold and silver were mined
by their ancestors and the artifacts
have massive cultural significance.
And let me guess:
the government didn't agree.
Correct. They say the treasure
belongs to all of Colombia,
but Raul and his coalition
have been pushing back.
That's the gunman who died
in the welding shop.
POWELL: Turns out Jaime Aguilar
was a respected leader.
Protested against illegal
mining of Indigenous land
that led to the displacement
and deaths of thousands,
resulting in their region
becoming the most dangerous in Colombia.
And get this they speak
an Indigenous language
separate from Spanish.
That's got to be the other
language Pruitt heard them speaking.
Hold up. Raul's last name.
I've seen that name, Quimayara, before.
Karla goes by Lopez now, but in this
she's referred to
as Karla Quimayara Lopez.
Coincidence or
No, she' a part of Raul's coalition.
Where is she now?
She took the mask, and went to
meet the people from the embassy.
Are you with Colombian Embassy?
Uh, yes. We're here to collect
the artifact you recovered.
Stevens, you seen Karla Lopez?
She left a little while ago
with the embassy team.
That wasn't them.
They're the embassy team.
I'll go stop her. Don't bother.
She's long gone.
Get them to the conference room.
Thought I might hear from you.
Where are you, Karla?
You know I can't tell you that.
Was this your plan all along?
Call it an improvisation.
We were going to take
the treasure tomorrow,
as it was being moved.
No one would have gotten hurt.
Why, Karla? You won the lawsuit.
The treasure was already
being taken back to Colombia.
Not into the hands of the people
who truly deserve it.
Because your government refused
to add Indigenous groups to the lawsuit.
Of course.
They enrich themselves
on the back of our ancestors.
We refuse to let that happen again.
Was Natasha in on your plan, too?
No, she wouldn't have liked it,
but she would have understood.
Deep down,
I think you do, too.
I still plan
to make it up to her.
To her family.
So what now?
Where are you gonna take it
where you won't be found?
Don't you worry about that.
Take comfort knowing it
will benefit its rightful owners.
Karla, you know this can only end badly
for you and your people.
Especially if Jack Givens
finds you first.
I'll take that risk.
Thank you for everything, Hondo.
So Karla's plan was for her and her crew
to ambush Colombian security tomorrow
as the treasure was being flown out.
Only, Givens and his guys
got to it first at the museum.
She came into HQ pretending
to help us and she was really
just there to get intel,
trying to find the treasure.
She played us.
She watched as we located
that welding shop,
then she sent her crew in first.
We need to find out where she is now.
Get that treasure back
before anyone else gets hurt.
TAN: That's the
vehicle Karla left HQ in.
I already put out a BOLO.
And Colombian authorities
agreed to share
credit card and phone logs,
which might reveal how Karla
plans to move the treasure
out of the country.
All right. Let me know
what you find out.
Hey, Deac?
That about the SWAT Academy accident?
Let me guess.
People are talking.
Well, when two senior officers
have it out in the middle of HQ,
there's a lot to talk about.
I heard there's even a lawsuit now.
Yeah. Dobes is
going after Tan personally.
He's suing Tan?
I figured it was just related
to the incident in Bakersfield.
BPD was running drills in a shoot house,
two charges went off early,
a couple of cops got hurt.
Do you
Maybe you should give them a call.
- You wanted to see me?
Gamble. Thanks for coming in.
No problem.
How you holding up?
I want to get back out there.
About that.
Internal Affairs has made a
decision on your reinstatement.
"Officer Devin Gamble has been cleared
"of any wrongdoing
and is permitted to return
to work at full capacity."
Yannick made it seem like
it was gonna take a while.
Well, it's over.
- For real?
- Mm-hmm.
I won't be forced to jump
through any more hoops?
No more hoops.
IA committee's decision was unanimous.
And from the sound of the letter,
they regret putting you
through the whole ordeal.
And, uh, I'm sorry
if I doubted you, but
put me in a tough spot.
I understand.
Thank you, Commander.
Gear up.
Squad could use you.
TAN: Guess who just called.
Our buddy Captain Jones says Jack Givens
was down by the docks recruiting muscle
- saying it's for a big job.
- Givens isn't giving up.
He's still going after that treasure.
If he finds Karla and her crew
before we do, it'll be a bloodbath.
We any closer to tracking her down?
Her phone's off so we can't track it,
but Colombian intel just dropped phone
and credit card data
for Karla and her crew.
I'm hoping it might give us an edge.
No calls stateside.
They probably switched to
burners once they arrived here.
Maybe. But look there's
a 310 number that repeats
in Raul Quimayara's call log
before he left Colombia.
It belongs to Fletcher and Sons
Shipyard down in San Pedro.
They fix and charter boats.
There's a $3,000 charge
to "F&S" on Ana Munoz's
March 1st statement.
Sound like Fletcher and Sons to you?
That's how they plan on moving
the spoils out of the U.S.
Unless we get to them first. Come on.
HONDO: All right, listen up.
We're about to land at
Fletcher and Sons Shipyard.
The place is a maze of machine
shops, walkways and piers.
No unnecessary risks.
Check your fire,
confirm your targets before engaging.
Remember, Jack Givens
cares little about human life.
We do this smart and we go home safe.
Powell, you drone up as soon as we land.
Welcome back.
Hell, yeah! Welcome back, Gamble.
Thanks, boss.
Thanks to all of you.
Drone's up for eyes. Heading east.
Karla and her crew are unloading
the treasure on the south pier.
All right, moving.
Tan and Gamble, head to the south side.
Deacon, you and I will go east.
Heads on a swivel.
Eyes out for Givens and his crew.
POWELL: Hondo, Karla is straight
ahead through the warehouse.
Roger that. Moving in.
KARLA: Good.
Yes, we're leaving shortly.
Okay. [GASPS]
GIVENS: We just want our treasure!
KARLA: It was never yours!
POWELL: Karla is under fire.
Givens and his crew
have them pinned down.
Go! Find the pilot.
Givens spotted the drone.
His crew's spreading out.
Tan, Gamble, suspect coming at you
from the east of the building.
22-David. Roger that.
POWELL: Hondo, Deac, two suspects
entered the machine shop
from the east side of the building.
Roger that, Powell.
LAPD! Drop your weapons.
Hands in the air!
LAPD! Drop your weapon.
LAPD! Don't move!
22-David. Suspect down.
Deacon, cover me. Moving.
20-David, suspect down.
POWELL: 30-David,
one suspect just circled the building.
He's trying to get the drop on your six.
Hondo, suspect down.
20-David. Another suspect down.
POWELL: 26-David.
Sniper on the top of the trestle,
on the east side
of the building to your left.
Gamble, find a way up there.
I'll keep eyes on him.
LAPD SWAT. Put the weapon down.
On your knees.
Hands on your head.
26-David. Going hands-on.
Damn it!
Done now?
Lot less bruises if you would've
done that in the first place.
22-David, suspect in custody.
GIVENS: Give it up!
Treasure's not worth dying for.
It's too bad.
Didn't have to end like this.
POWELL: 24-David.
Karla is surrendering to Jack Givens.
That doesn't sound like her.
You know, if we'd joined forces,
we could have shared the riches.
I don't work with barbarians.
LAPD! Drop the weapon!
GIVENS: Get back!
Get back, or she is dead.
Look, man, I know you've had it rough.
Getting nothing after years
of sacrifice
tracking down the Santa Clara.
But is her life worth your anger?
She stole from me, too,
so it might just be.
We know you lost your brother
pulling up that treasure.
This has nothing to do with my brother.
Are you sure about that?
That loss runs deep.
Powell, arm the drone.
POWELL: 24-David. Copy.
Anyone in your shoes would be furious.
GIVENS: Enough. I get in this van,
leave with the girl, no one follows.
You know we can't let you do that.
24-David. Drone is armed.
Don't think you have much of a choice.
Back it off!
Back it off or she's dead!
Deploy now.
On the ground!
Knees down, hands behind your back.
Hands behind back.
Going hands-on.
Hold pressure on it.
Nice and firm.
Where's Karla?
I got this. Go find her.
Open the door,
hands where I can see 'em!
Open the door!
It's the end of the line, Karla.
Step out.
So, what they win again?
I'd rather die fighting.
The way you fight for change
matters, Karla.
This ain't it.
[SNIFFLES] The people who
enslaved my ancestors
still live large on our backs.
It's just another kind of prison.
I hear you.
But what happened today
it put a spotlight
on the Santa Clara.
There'll be pressure to protect
that history,
make it right.
Dream on.
My people don't get justice.
They get crumbs.
20-David to Command.
Karla Lopez is in custody. We're Code 4.
I read that mask is worth $50 million.
Part of you wish she would have
gotten away with it?
Used it to help her people?
HONDO: Everything they've been through?
Part of me does.
DEACON: We don't know if she
was gonna use it to help anyone.
She might have just
kept it all for herself.
Yeah. Keep telling myself that.
Makes it easier.
Heard about your epic takedown.
Seems she didn't lose her moves,
even with all that time on the sofa.
[SCOFFS] Sofa sounds
real good right about now.
It's good to have you back, 26-David.
It's good to be back.
Thank you for not giving up on me.
If you're here to apologize,
I don't want to hear it.
- Can't take back what you said.
- I know.
But I
I think you'll want to hear
what I have to say.
Recognize this?
Yeah, sure.
It's a detonator trigger
from our training facility.
Right. It's different from the ones
we use in the field.
It's cheaper
since we go through so many in training.
What's your point, Deac?
Bakersfield PD uses the same device.
In the last couple days,
they had two charges
go off prematurely.
I spoke to their C.O.
He and I think that
the trigger is defective.
So, Dobes didn't ignite
the charge prematurely?
He's not to blame?
And neither are you.
You tell Dobes yet?
I was hoping we could do it together.
That is, if-if you're up for it.
Ah, there he is.
I think the Colombian government might
award you and the team medals.
Maybe honorary citizenship.
Sure, why not? Honestly, Commander,
I was glad to turn the treasure over.
Captain Jones said it was cursed.
He might be right.
Well, I don't think
the treasure's the curse.
I think greed is.
So, I just wanted to stop
by and say thank you
for whatever it was you did
to get Gamble back on the job.
I just told it like it is.
She's an excellent cop
who did nothing wrong.
I know it's no secret that
I pushed back on her at first,
but whatever it is you saw in her,
I see it, too.
Thank you for going to bat for her.
DOBES: So, you're saying
it was defective equipment?
DEACON: LAPD Logistics
is already investigating, but yeah.
You should be suing
the manufacturer. Not Tan.
On call surgeon to Trauma Bay 3.
On call surgeon to
I was never trying to
make it personal, Tan.
It's just, a few months
ago, I thought my dream
of becoming a SWAT officer
was gonna come true.
And then, in an instant,
it was taken away.
I got to own up to my part of it, Dobes.
I should have listened to your concerns.
But I was too focused
on proving that
I was right for the role.
That pressure never
lets up at SWAT, does it?
I was fighting for oxygen
every single day.
I don't know how much longer
I could have held on.
I shouldn't have pushed you into it.
I was trying to make up for lost time.
- If I hadn't
- Aw, come on, Deacon.
You gave me a chance to chase my dreams.
I didn't think guys our age
were allowed to do that.
You know, you dove right into SWAT.
We never even got around
to grilling those steaks
- like we talked about.
- Aw.
I am not going anywhere.
This is not the end of Deacon and Dobes.
Hey. Hold up a sec?
I know you told me
I can't take back what I said,
but I'd like to try.
I'm sorry for suggesting
that you weren't
up for the task of running SWAT Academy.
Seeing you in there with Dobes
those recruits are lucky to have you.
Thing is, Deac, I'm not sure they are.
You handed this over to me
when you thought you were retiring.
You're still here. Those recruits
deserve you in charge, not me.
Hold on.
- I don't want it back.
- I think you do.
And that's okay.
I've been thinking on this all day.
Already talked to Hicks.
This year's group is solid.
Bring 'em home.
They deserve a great leader like you.
Previously on SWAT
I heard you talk about Officer Gamble.
Are you aware she's associating
with known criminals?
Her brothers Leon and Judd
are suspected of carrying out
several train cargo heists.
There is gonna be an investigation.
While it's ongoing,
you need to bench her.
It sounds like you're accusing
me of being a dirty cop.
I didn't do anything.
I'm not the one you're gonna
need to convince.
It's Internal Affairs.
Little day in the day for coffee,
don't you think?
Need all the energy I can get.
SWAT Academy is a marathon,
it's not a sprint.
What about Tan as an instructor?
Tan's tough.
Yeah, sometimes he can be aggressive.
Maybe pushes too hard.
Explosive set.
- Get down!
- DOBES: Ow, my leg!
Call a medic, now!
Everyone at HQ sends their thoughts.
And I just saw Tan,
he wanted me to give you his best.
I'm sorry if Tan's
goodwill rings hollow.
If it wasn't for him, this
never would've happened.
Ready for the latest?
- I'm not sure I am.
- Your buddy Dobes
he's suing me
for his SWAT Academy accident.
I just got served in the motor pool.
He's holding you personally liable?
- This can't be right.
- He set the puck charge.
He hit the detonator switch too early.
And now he's looking
for someone to blame.
Hey. The guy just went through
another round of surgery
and he's dealing with the fact
that he'll never be a cop again.
I feel terrible for him, I really do.
But if this goes to court
and I'm found at fault,
I could lose everything, too.
All right, I I will talk to him,
try to find out what's going on.
300 years on the ocean floor,
they still look like this.
It's been an honor for the
museum to look after the treasure,
but I'm glad it's finally
going home to Colombia.
Mm. We thought this day
might never come.
After ten long years of court battles,
it's hard to believe,
at last, it is over.
Ah, this would look great
on my credenza.
Think anyone would notice? [LAUGHS]
Mm, considering it's circa 800 BCE
and the most valuable piece
here, someone might.
Plus, it's Indigenous,
honoring life and fertility,
and you've got enough kids already.
Yes, I do. It's all yours. [LAUGHING]
The transport team will be
arriving tomorrow morning.
I'll go get the customs forms,
make sure everything is documented.
- Perfect.
- Of course.
- We did it.
- Mm-hmm. Certainly.
- GUARD: Stop! You can't go in there!
MAN: Change of plans, everybody.
What do you want?
What are you, stupid?
What do you think we want?
Ah better be good news.
I'm sure it will be.
But let's see what Yannick has to say.
I couldn't be more ready
to get back to work.
Every drawer and closet
in my apartment is
[CLICKS TONGUE] organized.
Seriously, I'm gonna
have to take up knitting
if this thing drags on much longer.
Sergeant Harrelson. Officer Gamble.
- Thank you for meeting me.
- Seriously?
More paperwork?
Ed, put us out of our misery.
Did Internal Affairs sign off?
Can Gamble get back to work?
What do they think my
bank statements are gonna prove?
IA wants to make sure there
are no unusual transactions
around the time of the raid.
So they think my brothers paid me off
and that I'd be dumb enough
to deposit the cash in my bank account?
I know. It's ridiculous.
But we're this close.
Okay? It's just one more hoop.
- Guess I'll go pick up some yarn.
Ed, what is going on?
This sounded like it was over
the last time we talked.
I thought so, too.
The final step was to send
Gamble's file
to the senior IA committee.
Two out of the three signed off.
The third one did not.
You got any idea why?
it's usually a rubber stamp exercise.
This is the first time I have seen them
reject a recommendation and
then ask for more evidence.
- This third person have a name?
- They don't give a union lawyer
- that kind of information.
We've got an armed robbery in progress
at the Alderson Museum.
Let me know when I can
have my officer back.
We need her.
Yeah, yeah. No, we're ready.
Do it now.
911 received a distress call
from a witness at the scene.
They're patching her in now.
KARLA: H-Hello?
Karla, this is Sergeant
Harrelson with LAPD SWAT.
Is it safe to talk?
Y-Yes. I think so.
Listen, we're en route, a
couple minutes out.
What is your exact location?
I'm in the archive room.
That's here. Lower level.
Karla, how many gunmen are there?
What do they look like?
KARLA: Four men with guns,
dressed as Alderson security.
HONDO: Do they have any hostages?
Yes, the museum director
and my colleague
and two guards.
Go. Help them load up the trucks.
- I'll finish up in here.
- What about them?
Don't worry. I'll handle it.
DIRECTOR: Please. Don't hurt us.
You've got what you came for.
Can't leave any witnesses.
HONDO: Karla, are you still there?
Oh, my God.
- H-He's going to kill them.
- Tan, step on it!
HONDO: Karla, talk to me.
What's happening?
He shot the museum director
and the guards.
Please. I have three kids and a newborn.
Please, just just let me go, please.
Oh, my God, he heard me.
He's coming. H-He's coming.
HONDO: Karla, you need to hide.
Can you do that?
There's nowhere to go.
Here, here, there's
a utility room right there.
HONDO: Okay, Karla, listen to me.
At the back of the archive
is a utility room.
Can you make it there?
Yes. Yes, I think so.
Okay, go.
Get there and hide. We're coming.
Pulling in now!
Dispatch said that patrol cars
have all the exits blocked.
Museum's being evacuated.
All right, let's move.
Lives are at stake.
- What's going on?
Ma'am, we need your key card.
- They told us to evacuate the building.
- TAN: Go.
Get as far from the building as you can.
We got to go. Cops are here.
Utility room's through there.
- It's clear.
Come out with your hands up!
HONDO: Walk this way.
Are you Karla?
- Yes.
- Are you okay?
They-they shot everyone.
22-David. Four deceased in the vault.
This was an execution
with total disregard for human life.
We got to stop these guys.
Go, go, go!
They're making a run for it.
Van is headed north
through museum grounds.
How you doing?
No one will tell me anything.
Are they dead?
I'm sorry.
Were they colleagues of yours?
But they were my friends,
Natasha was a historian, and
I'm the cultural attaché for
the Colombian government.
We met when the shipwreck was found.
The shipwreck?
That's what those men were after.
Treasure from a ship
called the Santa Clara.
Natasha and I spent years
working together,
arguing the case,
for the treasure's return to Colombia.
We finally won,
and it was about to be
shipped back home and
We should have been celebrating.
Her husband, her children
You will find the men who did this?
We're gonna do everything we can.
But we could also use your help.
Of course. What do you need?
TAN: The Santa Clara,
a 17th century Spanish galleon
packed with Colombian riches
to pay for a war with England,
until it sunk in a storm
off the coast of Baja.
Where it remained until modern tech
helped locate it in 2015.
I remember hearing about this
in the news.
It's the largest treasure haul
ever found,
second only to the San José,
down in the Caribbean.
Valued at half a billion dollars.
Well, how the hell did it
end up in the museum vault?
Because a Spanish ship
with Colombian treasure
found in Mexican waters
sparked multiple claims,
leading to a lengthy battle
in U.S. courts.
The treasure was held secretly
in the Alderson's vault
during the proceedings.
This quotes Karla as saying
Indigenous Colombians
mined the riches and
created the artifacts,
so Colombia should have claim
to the treasure.
POWELL: Ultimately, the judge agreed
when the case concluded last week,
granting Colombia full ownership
of the treasure,
- now valued at a billion dollars.
- And likely
stirring up renewed interest
in the billion-dollar haul.
HICKS: Well, a prize that big
would be tempting
to any number of crews.
This might be one of them.
HICKS: Well, it looks like the captain
of the salvage ship
who found the treasure
he didn't want to hand it over
to the feds.
Can you blame him?
Guy went through all the trouble
of hauling it to the surface
and didn't get a cent.
No, what he got for his troubles
was five years in the federal pen.
Made the mistake of waving an AK-47
at the customs officers
when they came for it.
We have any idea where this guy is now?
Captain Russell Jones.
Runs Pacific Blue Salvage,
based in Long Beach.
Doesn't match the description
of any of the gunmen.
Still, go pay Captain Jones a visit.
You never know where it might lead.
Good to see you out of bed.
- Brought you something.
- Oh.
Don't tell me you went
all the way out to Papa Joe's.
Ah, it's the only place to get
his special Russian pickle soup.
- Ah.
- That stuff was a cure-all
for everything back in the day,
wasn't it?
Sprains, bruises, heartache.
Ah, let's be honest.
It was a hangover cure,
plain and simple.
Afraid it won't be enough
to fix me up this time, Deac.
They found more shrapnel
in my leg than anticipated.
I won't ever walk the same again.
I'm so sorry.
[SIGHS] This isn't fair.
But it was an accident.
So I guess this was more
than just a friendly visit.
Tan got served this morning, didn't he?
Going after him personally
it's not right, Dobes.
He didn't push the detonator.
So it's my fault?
You know what I was
thinking about the moment
before the charges went off?
Not tactics, not strategy.
I was worried about not getting cut.
Tan did that.
He ran SWAT academy
from a place of fear.
With pressure like that,
mistakes are inevitable.
Don't don't do this.
It will end his entire career.
What about my career, huh?
You know, I don't want
you to be surprised,
but you'll be hearing
from my attorney, too.
Excuse me?
Back when I first told you
my concerns about Tan,
you said it yourself.
You said, "He pushes too hard,
he's too aggressive."
So, you'll be called as a witness.
You can't ask me to do that.
I'm not looking to burn
you for this, too, Deac.
I'm just asking that you tell the truth.
NURSE: We're ready for you.
I got PT in a minute,
so, uh
Thanks for stopping by.
JONES: Well, of course it exploded.
Why'd he have that much ammo
on his yacht anyway, hm?
Look, that's a lot of diesel
and debris. I mean,
I'm gonna need at least three guys.
I'll send you a quote.
Call if you like it.
This about the yacht that sunk?
No. The armed robbery at
the Alderson this morning.
The treasure from the Santa Clara.
It was stolen.
You're here because
you think I'm involved.
Have to figure your company
invested a small fortune
recovering the treasure from the ocean.
Small? I poured everything
I owned into it.
So much that I didn't have a penny left
for lawyers once
the whole thing went to court.
Not that I stood a chance
once our government decided
it was more interested
in playing nice with allies.
That can't have been easy.
Nothing about
the Santa Clara was easy.
Wish we'd never found it.
Be better off rotting
at the bottom of the ocean
instead of ruining my life
and the lives of my crew.
And what about your crew?
Think any of them
could have been involved
in this morning's robbery?
Sure as hell wouldn't blame 'em.
For a fleeting few days
out there, pulling treasure
off the ocean floor,
every one of 'em thought
they were sudden millionaires,
richer than they'd ever dreamed.
Then it all got taken away.
if they do have the treasure now
God bless 'em.
We're gonna need their names.
I'll keep you updated.
You'll know when I know. Yeah.
[SIGHS] I'm getting hammered
from all sides
to find that treasure,
from the mayor on up
to the State Department.
But you're not here about that.
So what is it Gamble?
You had any luck finding out
who the holdout is at IA
the one preventing her
from coming back to work?
Actually, yeah.
I made some calls. Ian Wanstead.
He's a senior Internal Affairs officer.
Now, the word is he's got a
sharp mind for investigations
but a major screwup during a sting op
sent him to IA career prison.
So he's got a chip on his shoulder.
A whole pile.
I'll do more digging,
try to figure out
what his issue is with Gamble.
Appreciate it, Commander.
Let me know what you find.
I will.
Is this the crew that salvaged
the Santa Clara?
TAN: Yeah. All underwater welders,
ex-Navy, longshoremen
who've been struggling to
make ends meet since losing
the Santa Clara treasure.
Those two. I recognize them.
Uh, Randy Pruitt. Jack Givens.
They're cousins.
Jack Givens is the one who shot Garth,
and Natasha.
Givens lost his brother,
Matt, during the salvage op
when Matt's regulator failed.
Unlike the others, Matt
wasn't a salvage professional.
He was a father of two
who owned a hardware store.
Seems Jack Givens
has spent the last ten years
becoming a seasoned criminal.
He's got a rap sheet
longer than a CVS receipt.
DUIs, domestic violence,
vehicular manslaughter.
And now first-degree murder.
BOLO came back on the van
from the heist.
It was spotted exiting
the freeway in Valencia.
These guys are from Pomona and Carson.
That's nowhere near Valencia.
Check this out.
Randy Pruitt owns a welding shop there.
Great place to hide treasure.
And themselves. Let's go find both.
HONDO: Deacon, Tan,
take the three side.
Powell, one side with me.
20-David to Command. Making
entry to the welding shop now.
Splitting off right.
Van's clear.
Door's already been blasted.
Looks like we're late to the party.
20-squad, watch your
crossfire. On my count.
Three, two, one, go.
No sign of activity.
Got a body. Moving in.
Got another deceased male.
LAPD! Drop that weapon!
POWELL: 24-David. I have a clear shot.
20-squad, hold your fire.
Hey. Be smart, drop the weapon.
Let's take a look at those wounds, huh?
HONDO: 20-David to Command. We need
an evac and R/A now.
I got another dead body.
Rest of the place is clear.
Where's the rest of the treasure?
Ask him.
He came in here
with three other foreign dudes
before you got here.
Started shooting.
- Looks like you shot back.
- Yeah.
Foreign dudes?
Speaking Spanish and
something else. No clue what.
And Jack Givens, where's he?
Did he go after them?
DEACON: As if one deadly crew
wasn't enough,
now we've got another one
willing to kill for this treasure.
And the bodies keep piling up.
HICKS: Rex Grady and Jared Watts
these are our two
deceased from the welding shop?
Yeah. They weren't part
of the original salvage crew.
Givens and Pruitt
must have recruited them
for the museum robbery.
What about the dead guy
who was part of the second crew
- that made off with the treasure?
- Deacon and Powell
are working to ID him. Nothing yet.
All right, well, the Colombian embassy
wasn't thrilled to hear that
the mask was all we recovered.
They should be.
It is the most meaningful item of all.
Natasha and I joked about it
just before they burst in, and
he shot her as if she were nothing.
Karla, we're gonna find him.
And we're gonna find
this other crew, too.
What else we got to go on?
Pruitt speaks a little Spanish.
Uh, picked up on a few words
they were saying,
but he said most of the conversation
was in a language he couldn't identify.
If we figure out what it was,
it could narrow down our suspect pool.
Tell me you got something.
Well, we got an ID on the dead gunman
from the second crew.
Jaime Aguilar.
Entered LAX three days ago
on a Colombian passport.
Well, he could be part
of a criminal syndicate
looking to seize the treasure
before it reaches
Colombian government hands.
Do we know if he was traveling alone
or maybe with the rest of his crew?
Not sure yet. Sent his details over
- to our Colombian counterparts
to see if they can help
ID his associates.
Commander Hicks.
All right, understood.
I'll send someone down.
A team from your embassy's
arriving to collect the mask.
The feds have authorized its release.
Thank you, Commander.
I'll go make sure they know
how hard you're working
to find the rest.
I appreciate that. Thank you.
Let me know as soon as we ID
the rest of this second crew.
We catch them, we likely
catch Givens, too.
You got it, Commander.
Hey, hold up, Deac.
You get a chance to talk to Dobes
- about dropping the lawsuit?
- I did.
I couldn't get him
to change his mind. I'm sorry.
He's one of your oldest friends.
He'll listen to you. Try again.
I don't think that's a good idea.
He's having me called as a witness.
The hell does he expect you to say?
A while back, I told him that
I didn't necessarily agree
with how you were running SWAT Academy.
I also said that,
I thought at times,
you could be aggressive.
[SCOFFS] So you think this
is my fault, too, then, huh?
No. That's not what I said.
Yeah, you didn't have to.
You've been hovering
over my shoulder all year,
double-checking my work.
You want to talk about pressure, Deac?
You were supposed to let me
run SWAT Academy myself.
Yeah, I did, and look what happened.
Dobes never should have been
trying out for SWAT in the first place.
You pushed him into something
that he wasn't prepared for
and now you're trying
to put the blame on me.
You know, a true leader
accepts responsibility
for their shortcomings.
Maybe I pushed you into something
that you weren't prepared for, either.
If that's how you feel,
tell it to the lawyers.
MAN: What brings you to IA,
Uh, you mind if we speak privately?
Coffee, tea?
My kids' attempt at cookies?
I'm good.
I just want to get to
the bottom of Officer Gamble's
investigation, hear what's holding
you back from reinstating her.
what's holding me back
is I'm not convinced
she didn't alert her family
before the police raid.
Oh. You got proof on that?
Well, no proof she did,
but no proof she didn't.
A critical responsibility
of Internal Affairs
is to maintain public trust in the LAPD.
We can't take chances on officers
who could undermine that.
We? Or you?
All the other investigators signed off.
It has to be unanimous.
And your decision has nothing to do
with how badly you want out of IA?
I don't know what you're insinuating.
I think you do.
Word travels fast
when someone's gunning
for a slot on Major Crimes.
Now, I get it.
You're looking for a lifeline
up out of Internal Affairs.
Badgering an IA Officer
is crossing a line, Commander.
So is torpedoing a SWAT officer's career
to land an endorsement.
I know that
Deputy Chief Bennett is pulling
strings for you to get that transfer.
I'm not here to question your ethics.
You got a solid record.
And everything I heard
says you were a damn good cop before IA.
My concern right now
is for another damn good cop.
Devin Gamble.
Gamble hasn't just met the bar,
you could argue she's raised it.
And I'd stake my career on her loyalty
to this department, so
that said,
I trust you'll make the right call.
What'd you learn?
Colombian intel came through
on Jaime Aguilar, the dead
gunman from the welding shop.
As well as these three individuals.
They all arrived into LAX on
the same flight three days ago.
HONDO: They've got to be
the crew that robbed
Givens' men and took the treasure.
And this might be why.
It's a petition to the Colombian
government from Raul Quimayara,
soon after the treasure was recovered.
Raul and this crew belong to a
coalition of Indigenous peoples.
For years, they've been pleading
to be included in the
Santa Clara lawsuit.
They claim the ship's
gold and silver were mined
by their ancestors and the artifacts
have massive cultural significance.
And let me guess:
the government didn't agree.
Correct. They say the treasure
belongs to all of Colombia,
but Raul and his coalition
have been pushing back.
That's the gunman who died
in the welding shop.
POWELL: Turns out Jaime Aguilar
was a respected leader.
Protested against illegal
mining of Indigenous land
that led to the displacement
and deaths of thousands,
resulting in their region
becoming the most dangerous in Colombia.
And get this they speak
an Indigenous language
separate from Spanish.
That's got to be the other
language Pruitt heard them speaking.
Hold up. Raul's last name.
I've seen that name, Quimayara, before.
Karla goes by Lopez now, but in this
she's referred to
as Karla Quimayara Lopez.
Coincidence or
No, she' a part of Raul's coalition.
Where is she now?
She took the mask, and went to
meet the people from the embassy.
Are you with Colombian Embassy?
Uh, yes. We're here to collect
the artifact you recovered.
Stevens, you seen Karla Lopez?
She left a little while ago
with the embassy team.
That wasn't them.
They're the embassy team.
I'll go stop her. Don't bother.
She's long gone.
Get them to the conference room.
Thought I might hear from you.
Where are you, Karla?
You know I can't tell you that.
Was this your plan all along?
Call it an improvisation.
We were going to take
the treasure tomorrow,
as it was being moved.
No one would have gotten hurt.
Why, Karla? You won the lawsuit.
The treasure was already
being taken back to Colombia.
Not into the hands of the people
who truly deserve it.
Because your government refused
to add Indigenous groups to the lawsuit.
Of course.
They enrich themselves
on the back of our ancestors.
We refuse to let that happen again.
Was Natasha in on your plan, too?
No, she wouldn't have liked it,
but she would have understood.
Deep down,
I think you do, too.
I still plan
to make it up to her.
To her family.
So what now?
Where are you gonna take it
where you won't be found?
Don't you worry about that.
Take comfort knowing it
will benefit its rightful owners.
Karla, you know this can only end badly
for you and your people.
Especially if Jack Givens
finds you first.
I'll take that risk.
Thank you for everything, Hondo.
So Karla's plan was for her and her crew
to ambush Colombian security tomorrow
as the treasure was being flown out.
Only, Givens and his guys
got to it first at the museum.
She came into HQ pretending
to help us and she was really
just there to get intel,
trying to find the treasure.
She played us.
She watched as we located
that welding shop,
then she sent her crew in first.
We need to find out where she is now.
Get that treasure back
before anyone else gets hurt.
TAN: That's the
vehicle Karla left HQ in.
I already put out a BOLO.
And Colombian authorities
agreed to share
credit card and phone logs,
which might reveal how Karla
plans to move the treasure
out of the country.
All right. Let me know
what you find out.
Hey, Deac?
That about the SWAT Academy accident?
Let me guess.
People are talking.
Well, when two senior officers
have it out in the middle of HQ,
there's a lot to talk about.
I heard there's even a lawsuit now.
Yeah. Dobes is
going after Tan personally.
He's suing Tan?
I figured it was just related
to the incident in Bakersfield.
BPD was running drills in a shoot house,
two charges went off early,
a couple of cops got hurt.
Do you
Maybe you should give them a call.
- You wanted to see me?
Gamble. Thanks for coming in.
No problem.
How you holding up?
I want to get back out there.
About that.
Internal Affairs has made a
decision on your reinstatement.
"Officer Devin Gamble has been cleared
"of any wrongdoing
and is permitted to return
to work at full capacity."
Yannick made it seem like
it was gonna take a while.
Well, it's over.
- For real?
- Mm-hmm.
I won't be forced to jump
through any more hoops?
No more hoops.
IA committee's decision was unanimous.
And from the sound of the letter,
they regret putting you
through the whole ordeal.
And, uh, I'm sorry
if I doubted you, but
put me in a tough spot.
I understand.
Thank you, Commander.
Gear up.
Squad could use you.
TAN: Guess who just called.
Our buddy Captain Jones says Jack Givens
was down by the docks recruiting muscle
- saying it's for a big job.
- Givens isn't giving up.
He's still going after that treasure.
If he finds Karla and her crew
before we do, it'll be a bloodbath.
We any closer to tracking her down?
Her phone's off so we can't track it,
but Colombian intel just dropped phone
and credit card data
for Karla and her crew.
I'm hoping it might give us an edge.
No calls stateside.
They probably switched to
burners once they arrived here.
Maybe. But look there's
a 310 number that repeats
in Raul Quimayara's call log
before he left Colombia.
It belongs to Fletcher and Sons
Shipyard down in San Pedro.
They fix and charter boats.
There's a $3,000 charge
to "F&S" on Ana Munoz's
March 1st statement.
Sound like Fletcher and Sons to you?
That's how they plan on moving
the spoils out of the U.S.
Unless we get to them first. Come on.
HONDO: All right, listen up.
We're about to land at
Fletcher and Sons Shipyard.
The place is a maze of machine
shops, walkways and piers.
No unnecessary risks.
Check your fire,
confirm your targets before engaging.
Remember, Jack Givens
cares little about human life.
We do this smart and we go home safe.
Powell, you drone up as soon as we land.
Welcome back.
Hell, yeah! Welcome back, Gamble.
Thanks, boss.
Thanks to all of you.
Drone's up for eyes. Heading east.
Karla and her crew are unloading
the treasure on the south pier.
All right, moving.
Tan and Gamble, head to the south side.
Deacon, you and I will go east.
Heads on a swivel.
Eyes out for Givens and his crew.
POWELL: Hondo, Karla is straight
ahead through the warehouse.
Roger that. Moving in.
KARLA: Good.
Yes, we're leaving shortly.
Okay. [GASPS]
GIVENS: We just want our treasure!
KARLA: It was never yours!
POWELL: Karla is under fire.
Givens and his crew
have them pinned down.
Go! Find the pilot.
Givens spotted the drone.
His crew's spreading out.
Tan, Gamble, suspect coming at you
from the east of the building.
22-David. Roger that.
POWELL: Hondo, Deac, two suspects
entered the machine shop
from the east side of the building.
Roger that, Powell.
LAPD! Drop your weapons.
Hands in the air!
LAPD! Drop your weapon.
LAPD! Don't move!
22-David. Suspect down.
Deacon, cover me. Moving.
20-David, suspect down.
POWELL: 30-David,
one suspect just circled the building.
He's trying to get the drop on your six.
Hondo, suspect down.
20-David. Another suspect down.
POWELL: 26-David.
Sniper on the top of the trestle,
on the east side
of the building to your left.
Gamble, find a way up there.
I'll keep eyes on him.
LAPD SWAT. Put the weapon down.
On your knees.
Hands on your head.
26-David. Going hands-on.
Damn it!
Done now?
Lot less bruises if you would've
done that in the first place.
22-David, suspect in custody.
GIVENS: Give it up!
Treasure's not worth dying for.
It's too bad.
Didn't have to end like this.
POWELL: 24-David.
Karla is surrendering to Jack Givens.
That doesn't sound like her.
You know, if we'd joined forces,
we could have shared the riches.
I don't work with barbarians.
LAPD! Drop the weapon!
GIVENS: Get back!
Get back, or she is dead.
Look, man, I know you've had it rough.
Getting nothing after years
of sacrifice
tracking down the Santa Clara.
But is her life worth your anger?
She stole from me, too,
so it might just be.
We know you lost your brother
pulling up that treasure.
This has nothing to do with my brother.
Are you sure about that?
That loss runs deep.
Powell, arm the drone.
POWELL: 24-David. Copy.
Anyone in your shoes would be furious.
GIVENS: Enough. I get in this van,
leave with the girl, no one follows.
You know we can't let you do that.
24-David. Drone is armed.
Don't think you have much of a choice.
Back it off!
Back it off or she's dead!
Deploy now.
On the ground!
Knees down, hands behind your back.
Hands behind back.
Going hands-on.
Hold pressure on it.
Nice and firm.
Where's Karla?
I got this. Go find her.
Open the door,
hands where I can see 'em!
Open the door!
It's the end of the line, Karla.
Step out.
So, what they win again?
I'd rather die fighting.
The way you fight for change
matters, Karla.
This ain't it.
[SNIFFLES] The people who
enslaved my ancestors
still live large on our backs.
It's just another kind of prison.
I hear you.
But what happened today
it put a spotlight
on the Santa Clara.
There'll be pressure to protect
that history,
make it right.
Dream on.
My people don't get justice.
They get crumbs.
20-David to Command.
Karla Lopez is in custody. We're Code 4.
I read that mask is worth $50 million.
Part of you wish she would have
gotten away with it?
Used it to help her people?
HONDO: Everything they've been through?
Part of me does.
DEACON: We don't know if she
was gonna use it to help anyone.
She might have just
kept it all for herself.
Yeah. Keep telling myself that.
Makes it easier.
Heard about your epic takedown.
Seems she didn't lose her moves,
even with all that time on the sofa.
[SCOFFS] Sofa sounds
real good right about now.
It's good to have you back, 26-David.
It's good to be back.
Thank you for not giving up on me.
If you're here to apologize,
I don't want to hear it.
- Can't take back what you said.
- I know.
But I
I think you'll want to hear
what I have to say.
Recognize this?
Yeah, sure.
It's a detonator trigger
from our training facility.
Right. It's different from the ones
we use in the field.
It's cheaper
since we go through so many in training.
What's your point, Deac?
Bakersfield PD uses the same device.
In the last couple days,
they had two charges
go off prematurely.
I spoke to their C.O.
He and I think that
the trigger is defective.
So, Dobes didn't ignite
the charge prematurely?
He's not to blame?
And neither are you.
You tell Dobes yet?
I was hoping we could do it together.
That is, if-if you're up for it.
Ah, there he is.
I think the Colombian government might
award you and the team medals.
Maybe honorary citizenship.
Sure, why not? Honestly, Commander,
I was glad to turn the treasure over.
Captain Jones said it was cursed.
He might be right.
Well, I don't think
the treasure's the curse.
I think greed is.
So, I just wanted to stop
by and say thank you
for whatever it was you did
to get Gamble back on the job.
I just told it like it is.
She's an excellent cop
who did nothing wrong.
I know it's no secret that
I pushed back on her at first,
but whatever it is you saw in her,
I see it, too.
Thank you for going to bat for her.
DOBES: So, you're saying
it was defective equipment?
DEACON: LAPD Logistics
is already investigating, but yeah.
You should be suing
the manufacturer. Not Tan.
On call surgeon to Trauma Bay 3.
On call surgeon to
I was never trying to
make it personal, Tan.
It's just, a few months
ago, I thought my dream
of becoming a SWAT officer
was gonna come true.
And then, in an instant,
it was taken away.
I got to own up to my part of it, Dobes.
I should have listened to your concerns.
But I was too focused
on proving that
I was right for the role.
That pressure never
lets up at SWAT, does it?
I was fighting for oxygen
every single day.
I don't know how much longer
I could have held on.
I shouldn't have pushed you into it.
I was trying to make up for lost time.
- If I hadn't
- Aw, come on, Deacon.
You gave me a chance to chase my dreams.
I didn't think guys our age
were allowed to do that.
You know, you dove right into SWAT.
We never even got around
to grilling those steaks
- like we talked about.
- Aw.
I am not going anywhere.
This is not the end of Deacon and Dobes.
Hey. Hold up a sec?
I know you told me
I can't take back what I said,
but I'd like to try.
I'm sorry for suggesting
that you weren't
up for the task of running SWAT Academy.
Seeing you in there with Dobes
those recruits are lucky to have you.
Thing is, Deac, I'm not sure they are.
You handed this over to me
when you thought you were retiring.
You're still here. Those recruits
deserve you in charge, not me.
Hold on.
- I don't want it back.
- I think you do.
And that's okay.
I've been thinking on this all day.
Already talked to Hicks.
This year's group is solid.
Bring 'em home.
They deserve a great leader like you.