7th Heaven s08e19 Episode Script
There's No Place Like It
What happened to the alarm? I turned it off, I-I was going to fix you breakfast in bed this morning as a surprise.
ANNIE: Why? I thought it would be nice? Oh, that'd be nice, but I was going to make Lucy and Kevin breakfast to wish them good luck.
They've already left.
I think the owner called and told them to get over there.
Oh, great, that means he's anxious to sell.
I'm anxious for them to buy.
Moving into a new house is gonna be good for Kevin and Lucy.
I think they're ready for a change.
Change is good.
I think everyone needs a change once in a while, even me.
I should've seen this coming, but I didn't, I should've.
What? You're not going to be allowed to move into the garage apartment when Lucy and Kevin move out.
You're too young.
But I'm the oldest Camden sibling still living at home.
I want to move now, so I won't have to move again.
You know, I can settle down and make it my home.
You're not going to leave the apartment empty, are you? ANNIE: Well, we haven't really thought about that, but, uh, why don't you just, you know, for now make sure Sam and David are getting dressed? I didn't see this coming, but we don't know what's going to happen with the apartment yet.
I bet I know what's going to happen.
I can't believe how incredibly lucky we are.
This house is perfect for us.
I don't know if you know that I got married, Mr.
Of course.
Not that I was invited to the wedding.
It was very small.
Family only.
Kevin and I have been living with my mom and dad just down the street.
This would be ideal for us, being so close to family.
In fact, I know how I would decorate it already.
I remember when I was little coming here and you always had the best Halloween candy.
Wax lips and candy corn.
I remember my windows being soaped every Halloween by little hoodlums.
That must have been the Harrington kids.
I would never do something like that.
Suggs, it would be so great if we were able to buy this house.
I promise to carry on the tradition of wax lips and candy corn.
It might not be a bad idea to sell it to you.
(squealing) But someone else has already put in a bid on the house.
But, Mr.
Suggs, wouldn't it be nice to sell your home to someone you already know, someone who'll put time, love and care into your house? Frankly, my dear, I don't give a fig.
But I'll tell you what nice is.
Nice is not having to pay commissions to a real estate agent.
And when someone is willing to pay my asking price.
Well, did you already accept their offer? No, I'm basking in it now.
What if we offered more money? No way, this house definitely isn't worth it.
I heard that! Please? We'll go 500 dollars more.
O-Or maybe we can do better than that.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
(barks) I Ah I Bup-bup.
(sighs) You do No, no, no.
You do know I'm too old for this silent game.
Ah, it was worth a shot.
La-la-la-la- la-la-la-la That's what I was singing in my head while you were talking to my teacher.
You should have been listening to Mrs.
Davis instead of tuning her out.
She wanted to meet you to get to know you and to catch you up.
She didn't say anything that I didn't already know.
Okay, we can talk about your problems at school later.
Where's your next stop? We have to be in the dentist's in 19 minutes-- Aren't dentists closed on Saturdays? Nope, not my dentist.
My dentist works half days on Saturdays.
For working parents.
I got three fillings.
Do you want to see? No, I trust you.
Do you like hockey or baseball better? Uh, baseball.
Me too.
Do you like hamburgers or hot dogs better? Hamburgers.
Me too.
Do you like rain or snow better? Snow.
Me too.
Do you Jeffrey! We have an entire lifetime to get to know one another.
All right, let's just relax and take our time.
Do you mind if we just listen to the radio until we get there? Sure.
Do you like hip-hop or alternative better? (phone ringing) Hello? Hey, Ruthie.
What are you doing today? Who cares?! I do what's asked of me, and I never get what I want.
And some people do nothing and they get everything.
Don't bite my head off; I didn't do anything.
So, what's up? I need help.
I think my dad's seeing someone.
A woman someone.
So what? We need to break them up before my dad starts to like her, or my mom will never get a chance.
I thought your mom and your dad were just friends.
For right now, but who knows what could happen in the future? I wanna make sure that they stay single so they have the option of getting back together in the future if they wanted.
Well, that makes sense.
I overheard my dad on two separate occasions, and both times he was meeting the mystery woman at the Promenade.
So, I wanna check it out and see if they're there today.
I'll go if I can, but I kind of have something going on here that might need my attention.
I'm coming over.
You're doing a great job.
Suggs is going to be impressed.
Look at mine.
Oh, your cookie looks beautiful! DAVID: Look at mine! Yours looks beautiful, too! (growls) I'm a cookie monster.
(growls) I'm a cookie monster, too.
Get away from those.
Ouch! These are for Mr.
Are they a bribe? No, just a little reminder that we really want the house.
The 500 dollars is reminder enough as far as I'm concerned.
Well, if that were enough, I wouldn't be baking.
She's determined to make a good impression on Mr.
I have an idea.
LUCY: I change my mind.
We're a family, and I want you all to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
You can each have one.
ERIC: Before I take a bite, tell me what I have to do.
What better impression can I make than to show him that we are a loving, stable family, so Mr.
Suggs can see what fine, responsible homeowners Kevin and I can be? I think you and Mom should come with me when we deliver the cookies.
A little family solidarity.
Whatever I can do to help out, you know I'll be there for you.
I know, you're my hero, Dad.
I think it's a great idea.
We'll all go.
Well, um maybe Sam and David can stay here.
I thought you wanted family solidarity.
Suggs doesn't seem partial to small children.
Uh, he thinks they're hoodlums.
We're not hoodlums.
Are we? No, no, of course not, but I don't want anything to hurt our chances.
Maybe you can stay here? I-I don't think Sam and David would do anything to hurt your chances, but it's your call.
Personally, I don't think it's going to make a difference to Mr.
Suggs if they come or not.
Personally, I do, unless you want to offer more than 500 dollars.
Then they're staying here.
Mom, can Peter and I go to the Promenade? Well, someone has to look after the boys.
We're going to Mr.
Suggs' to help Lucy with something.
RUTHIE: Ask Martin.
Or maybe you don't want to disturb His Royal Highness.
Oh, I wouldn't mind asking Martin.
I'm sure he'll be happy to help because he always pitches in without being asked, and he does it without an attitude.
Come on, Peter, we have to get going.
What are you doing today? We're gonna go to the Promenade, people watch.
Maybe catch a movie, depending on what's playing and how crowded it is.
Sounds like a good way to spend a Saturday.
Mom needs you to babysit Sam and David.
So, we'll babysit, then maybe we can walk down to the Promenade later.
I'd really consider it a favor, if you didn't take what little joys I have left for me by following us around.
(door opens and closes) What did that mean? I think she thinks I'm trying to edge her out of the garage apartment when Lucy and Kevin move out.
Did you ask to move into the garage apartment? No, not that I wouldn't love to have it, but I'm lucky to live in the house.
And really, I don't care where I sleep.
I think Ruthie was out of line.
You should talk to Mrs.
No way.
Why not? Hey, I'm a guest here.
Guests are supposed to make a contribution, not cause problems.
What? All right.
All right, let me think about it.
So what's next on that list of yours? We have about 43 minutes before my glasses will be ready.
I didn't know you needed glasses.
Not me.
We're picking up my grandmother's glasses.
Well, we have time for a little detour.
I have a surprise for you.
Does it involve food? No.
Too bad.
I'm really hungry.
We just had breakfast.
And you had a breakfast before that at home.
I'm like a hobbit.
I'm hungry all the time.
What's up with you and Martin? I was angling to get the garage apartment when Lucy and Kevin moved out, but Mom said "no," because I'm too young.
What does that have to do with Martin? Well, the reason I'm too young is because Martin is older than I am.
And Mom's probably going to give it to him.
And he's not even a Camden.
I'm the oldest Camden living at home.
Aren't you too young to live in an apartment? Whose side are you on? Yours, sweetheart, it's just that Do you want my help spying on your dad? What does that have to do with anything? If you want me to be on your side, I want you to be on my side.
Even if you're wrong? Okay.
What are you two doing here? Oh, we were just, uh, talking about doing this same thing with the plants in the backyard.
Oh, well, that's a great idea, but Kevin and I were talking about spending the money redoing the house before we start on the landscaping.
Well, that's so nice, but, uh, you don't have to do that for us.
What are you talking about? This is our house.
Your house? I'm buying this house.
I hope you haven't been the one driving up the price, because I'm already $500 over the asking price.
Well, as of ten minutes ago, I'm $5,000 over the asking price.
Are you nuts?! It isn't even worth the asking price.
Hi, Mr.
I baked you some cookies.
I have diabetes! ERIC: Maybe, maybe we should all go back to the house and talk about this? Obviously, you and Kevin didn't know that Chandler was interested in the house.
I'm sure it can all be worked out.
Chandler, we have to have this house.
It's important for us to live by family, and this happens to be on the same street as my parents' house.
You don't need to live by their house.
I hate to be the one to point this out, but technically, it's not their house.
That house is property of the church.
If the church wants to sell it or if your dad decides to leave the church, then they'd have to leave the house, too.
And then you'd be living in this neighborhood for nothing.
Jeffrey and I, we need this house.
We can't live in Mrs.
Binks' guest house.
It's our house.
No, it's our house.
We saw it first.
We bid on it first.
Get off our property! Yo, it's not officially our property yet.
Put the hose down.
You wouldn't dare.
I wouldn't provoke him.
Oh right, like he's really gonna do it.
Oh! So what do you think about what Chandler said? "Don't worry, it's only water"? No, about the house.
This house.
I know you were talking about this house.
I think we should buy it.
Oh, I was hoping you were going to say that! Oh, that would be so wonderful.
We could use the small inheritance my dad left me and our savings for part of the down payment.
I mean, I don't know why we didn't try to do this sooner, other than our lack of funds, of course.
I don't think it mattered to me so much before this time.
All I've known our entire married life is the possibility that we could relocate.
I mean, when you're a minister's wife, you just know we're at the mercy of wherever the ministry takes us.
And when you're young, that's exciting.
But but now that we're older and we've lived here for so many years, I want to stay here.
I think Matt and Mary and Simon, they're grown up and out of the house.
And Lucy and Kevin, they're probably going to buy their own house.
And, and Ruthie, she's growing up so fast.
And before you know it, Sam and David will be in school.
And just knowing that we could have this home forever is just really important to me.
It would be so nice to know that our kids will always have a home to come back to, if they need to.
Hopefully, they'll never need to, but still Who are you calling? I'm calling Lou.
We're buying a house.
(shrieks) Now they're all broken.
It's a good thing that's the only thing that was broken today.
I think we ought to back off the house.
It's not worth our friendship with Chandler.
And he's got to think about Jeffrey.
We're not backing off our house.
Let Chandler back off.
The house is overpriced, and when we eventually sell it, we'll never get our money out of it after all the renovations.
Plus, if you want to have more than one kid, that house will be too small.
I really want the house.
Even if the house isn't worth what Mr.
Suggs is asking.
I want to be close to my parents.
But didn't you hear what Chandler said? There's a possibility your parents won't even be living here in the near future.
I think we need to take that into consideration.
We shouldn't listen to anything Chandler has to say.
He wants the house.
He's going to say anything because he's being a big goober about it.
Goober? Yes! He's one big goober.
Look, we don't want to be childish about a very adult decision.
And by "we," I mean you, Luce.
Maybe we shouldn't talk any more about this until you have time to at least think about this.
(touch-tone dialing) (phone ringing) Hello, Roxanne? Lucy? I need you to come over.
I'm coloring my hair.
Is this an emergency? It's a matter of extreme importance regarding my entire future.
This is permanent color.
It's not a rinse.
Are you my friend or not? (phone beeps off) I wonder where everyone is? Ever since I've been joining you and your friends for coffee after AA meetings, it's been tapering off.
I think it's me.
Well, we've been meeting for a long time.
Sometimes it's difficult adding new people to a social group.
No, it's definitely me.
What, do my feet smell? Do I have bad breath? Do I need to work on my conversation skills to hang out with other ex-drunks? What? I really want to know.
If there's something I can fix, then I want to fix it.
I want this AA thing to work out for me.
Well, since you brought up conversation skills I think you may have hurt Veronica's feelings last week.
Oh, like she has "feelings.
" She may seem tough on the outside, but she's really a sensitive person.
So she took the chubby comment personally? All I said was, "You can't substitute pie for alcohol.
" I think it was, "You can't substitute pie for alcohol, Chubby.
" You have to remember, we're all coming from the same place.
We're all alcoholics, and after the AA meetings, we meet for coffee, for friendship and support.
I thought that's want the meetings are for.
I thought all bets were off once we stepped outside.
Sometimes it's difficult to be with people that you feel emotionally unsafe with.
I can understand that.
There's this guy I have to deal with, a friend of the family's.
He makes me feel emotionally unsafe, emotionally challenged even.
He's just so loving and kind and considerate.
He makes me want to drink.
I have a brother like that and, of course, I'm always trying to be as perfect as he is.
But I'm not.
And sometimes that makes me want to puke.
I want a drink before I want to puke.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
This guy who makes me want to drink is actually a reverend.
My brother's a reverend.
If you tell me your brother is Eric Camden, I'm going to eat this flower vase.
No this spoon.
Well, good luck with that, because Reverend Camden is my brother.
(chuckles): Yeah.
So if I can quit drinking after trying to measure up to him my whole life, I'm sure you can, too.
Thank God I've only known him a short time.
I'll apologize to Veronica at the next meeting.
(phone ringing) Hello? LOU (on phone): Good news, Eric.
I've called the board members and everybody's behind you a hundred percent, and we've agreed to sell you the house.
In fact, everybody would want to be doing what you're doing given your situation.
So you've taught us well after all.
Do onto others.
I'm so glad you feel that way.
We've figured the money from the sale of your house will, uh, be invested in a rental house, so that if God forbid, you decide you want to leave, we'll have a house for the new reverend.
And in the meantime, make some money from the rental.
Well, when can we talk about the details, 'cause Annie and I are really anxious about this? Well, I'm at the church now.
Why don't you come down and we'll get the ball rolling? See you soon.
(phone beeps off) (grunting, laughing) Are you kidding me?! (both continue laughing) Unfortunately, these cookies look better than they taste.
I don't mean to be rude, but if you don't hurry up and get on with it, I'm out of here.
I left solution on my hair because I thought this was an emergency.
Smells awful, doesn't it? Lucy I'm sorry, I thought you were going to come over when you were finished doing your hair.
Well, I didn't.
I want you to change Chandler's mind about buying a house.
Not, not just any house.
A house Kevin and I wanted to buy before we found out that Chandler outbid us just so he and his little buddy could have a home.
Even if I thought you and Kevin should have the house instead of Chandler and his son-to-be, why do you think I should be the one to talk him out of it? Well, because you're you.
And Chandler is Chandler.
And? And I think you could talk to Chandler as an ex-girlfriend, as a woman, you know? You mean change his mind by seducing him? Exactly! Why are you so interested in this house? Because it's close to my parents, and because Kevin and I want to buy it, and because I don't want to lose the house to Chandler.
I think I need a little more than that, Luce.
I want the house, because because I have a dream.
No, don't say that.
Martin Luther King Jr.
had a dream.
You don't have a dream.
You have a selfish motive to try and beat someone else out of a house.
I have no idea why you're even entertaining the thought of entering the ministry.
Lucy Camden, you are the most petty person I know.
And you have ruined my hair! It's just that since he's not one of their own, I don't think they see Martin's flaws.
What flaws? He hasn't been around enough to find out yet.
But I assure you, he has flaws that should keep him from having that apartment.
There's my dad and your Aunt Julie.
My very married Aunt Julie.
You don't want the house? No.
You never asked me about it.
You just did it.
You should have made me a part of this process.
And are you paying for the house? No, but I could.
Okay, I couldn't.
And it's your money.
But, well I'd have to change schools if we moved into that house.
That house isn't in my school district, and we'd be living in a construction zone with all the work that needs to be done.
And I don't have time to deal with all that chaos, do you? Look, I need you, but I can't just abandon my grandmother.
She wants to sell her house and use the money to get into one of those places where they can do everything for her.
But until she does, she's always been there for me.
Do we have to buy a house right away? No.
No, we don't have to rush into anything.
We can take our time.
You can keep living with your grandmother until she's ready to move.
And then we can find a place that's in your school district, and a place that we both like.
Now you're thinking.
Hello, Chandler, Jeffrey.
I didn't know you boys were here.
Oh, we're just doing some real estate paperwork.
Well, you needn't bother.
Eric went home about an hour ago.
Oh, it's so unfortunate.
I wish there were some way that he could afford to buy that house.
Uh, Suggs'? Gesundheit.
Oh, I mean Mr.
Suggs' house? Eric wanted to buy Mr.
Suggs' for Kevin and Lucy? I have no idea what you're talking about.
No, he wants to buy their house, the church house, but it's too much money, and the church can't just give them the house.
Could you stay here and keep drawing a little bit while I, uh, talk to Lou in private? Okay, but hurry up.
I'm easily bored.
Well, I, uh, I guess I let the cat out of the bag, didn't I? Yeah, well, as they say, it's easier to let the cat out of the bag than to put it back in.
We need to talk.
More coffee? No, thanks.
Maybe one more.
You must hate customers like us.
Four hours seated at my station.
Two cups of coffee, six refills You're a waitress' dream come true.
Hey, now, coffee's not the only thing bitter around here.
Sorry to keep you so long.
My husband took the kids out for the day, but I should be getting back.
We don't want to interrupt your date, so we'll be going.
This isn't a date.
This is my son, Peter.
JULIE: I've met Peter.
And this is my niece, Ruthie.
We go back a long way.
My dad is Aunt Julie's brother.
And your dad and I are in the same AA meeting.
In fact, we've just been to one.
We were supposed to meet some people here, but But that's our business.
Why don't you tell me how long you two have spying on us? So you're not seeing her? Ruthie, how could you think that? I didn't, he did.
VIC: Julie and I go to the same AA meeting.
She and some of our friends who didn't show up like to get together and help each other out.
It's a new concept for me.
Julie's giving me some pointers.
Oh, so you're not here just for fun.
It's helpful to talk to people in the program.
And since when did you become the big snoop? I guess I got it from her.
I admit I'm still a work in progress, but if we're going to have a good relationship in the future, you've got to trust me.
You can trust me, Peter, I promise.
I'm sorry.
I do trust you.
Let's go.
I'll take you two home.
I've kept you here long enough.
You okay? Never better.
What's this? That's a photo of my favorite house when my dad was stationed in Illinois.
I think it was the third house I lived at.
I know it doesn't look very impressive.
It was base housing, and there were tons of other houses that looked just the same.
But my mom always made our house our own.
She did that every place we moved.
My house was the house where all the kids hung out.
I don't think it was because I was the most popular kid.
It was because my mom was the coolest mom.
She always made sure there was snacks and fun things for us to do.
She even let me and my friends paint on my bedroom wall in this house.
My dad wasn't too happy about it, but I thought it turned out pretty cool.
Was it hard to have to move around all the time? Kind of, yeah.
But in the end you learn it's not really about the house.
It's about the people in the house.
Thanks for meeting me.
Did Lucy say anything to you yet? I've actually been staying away from Lucy, all the talk about the house right now.
So if that's what you want to talk to me about, forget it.
I just wanted to warn you that I kind of yelled at Lucy.
I felt I had to tell you since you're going to exposed to the fallout.
What happened? I thought Lucy should forget about the house.
It wasn't worth seducing Chandler to get it.
Lucy wanted me to seduce Chandler.
(chuckles) That sounds really insane when I say it out loud, doesn't it? I love her madly, but sometimes when Lucy gets something in her head, it's like she is insane.
In my experience, it's best not to try and reason with her, but to leave her to her own insane thoughts.
What? Did you do something different with your hair? I know you're disappointed.
A little bit.
But I should be thankful that we've been able to live in this wonderful home for whatever time we have in it.
We should feel that way.
But we don't.
Evidently, we've been living way beyond our means for years without ever knowing it.
We could look at it this way.
We've been lucky enough never to have known the burden of mortgage payments.
Well, sure.
There's a certain freedom in not owning your own house.
I mean, we're not tied to anything.
We are free to go anywhere, any time we want.
Ah, you know insincerity is definitely not our forte.
I saw your sister having coffee with Vic today.
Really? I didn't know they knew each other.
They go to AA meetings together.
Ah, yeah.
I wonder if my name has ever come up.
Hmm Can I ask you something? Sure.
I know I can't have the garage apartment, but I'm curious.
If Lucy and Kevin move out, who do you think might live there? It might be nice for Martin.
I knew it.
He's not even a Camden.
He's Mr.
Just because he has dreamy eyes and a killer southpaw curveball that's going to get him into the big leagues, doesn't mean he should get everything he wants.
Come here.
It sounds like you've been thinking about Martin and the garage apartment a little too much.
Martin hasn't put in all the babysitting time or the years of chores I have.
First of all, Lucy and Kevin may not be moving.
And second of all, the only reason Martin would be moving there is 'cause he's got a heavy schedule and he needs lots of study time, which requires privacy.
He's used to spending time alone on his own, whereas you, you need to be around people.
Who always knows what's going on in this family? Me.
I mean, you're the go-to girl.
How would you know what's happening with everyone if you're stuck in Siberia? You'd be away from everybody.
I guess that's true.
In fact, I've gotten a lot of information just sitting on these stairs.
It's like an echo chamber here.
(chuckles) And, I admit, I would miss out on all the good stuff, but I still want the apartment.
Yeah, yeah.
(phone rings) Hello? Hi, Chandler, it's Lucy.
I just wanted to let you know that you can have the house.
I was selfish, and I just wanted what I wanted when I wanted it.
You have Jeffrey now, and his needs come first.
I am really ashamed of myself for being so hysterical about the whole situation.
Wow, that's a big change.
Yeah, Roxanne sort of brought me into the light.
Roxanne? Yeah, who would have thought? Well, uh, thanks, but, uh, we're not going to buy that house after all.
Apparently, I made a bad choice.
Not only does Jeffrey hate the house, but, uh, we're not quite ready to move in together.
And to tell you the truth, uh, I was being kinda selfish myself.
I thought if I lived next to your mom and dad that it would be helpful to me.
That they could help me with Jeffrey if I get overwhelmed or even with the house, you know, since Annie can repair just about anything.
(chuckles) Anyway, it's all yours.
No, really, you should take it.
I officially withdrew my offer.
(phone rings) Hello? Eric, it's Lou.
I just wanted you to know that I should have the house papers ready for you and Annie to sign in two weeks.
I'm sorry, I-I, I don't understand.
Even though Chandler is buying the house for you and Annie, we'll still need you to sign the papers.
Chandler is buying the house for us? What are you talking about? What are you doing? Reading.
Do you wanna come in? Well, do you want me to come in? I don't care.
I thought you were mad at me.
I'm not mad at you.
You could have fooled me.
You know, you don't have to keep all this stuff out if you don't want to.
When this was my room, I went through a serious Hello Kittyphase.
You should make it your own.
It's your room now your home.
I guess I felt it was temporary, so I didn't want to put any of my stuff up because I didn't want to get too comfortable.
Hopefully, my dad will come back from Iraq soon, and when he does, we'll get our own place.
I know this isn't my real home.
I guess I made you feel that way today.
Yeah, you did.
I'm sorry.
I feel terrible.
This is your home as long as you need it to be.
And if you need a sister to make you feel at home, I'll be a sister.
I'm so sorry.
I'll get over it.
Thanks for the offer.
Is it still good if I move into the garage apartment? I like being in the house.
I don't want the apartment.
I'll let everyone know.
I'm sure.
(knocking) I had Jeffrey with me when you called.
I hope you don't mind, but he's waiting in the living room.
No, not at all.
Thanks for coming.
It's about the house, isn't it? Yeah.
Yeah, I figured.
Could you just not say anything until I'm finished? Okay.
This money is a part of my inheritance.
And I, I want to use that money for someone that I know.
It's not a tax deduction or about business, it's about giving.
And I couldn't think of anyone who deserves to own their own house more than you and Annie.
May I say something? Don't worry about Jeffrey and me.
We have more than enough money.
I have his living expenses and the schooling covered.
So all you have to do is sign these papers, and we'll never talk about it again.
You and Annie give so much to others; I just want you to be open to receiving a gift that is given from the heart.
Please say yes.
Are you finished? I think so.
Chandler please have a seat.
When Annie and I decided we wanted to buy this house and then found out we couldn't afford it, we were disappointed at first.
And we talked about it and we realized that, uh, that this house is not ours to own.
I didn't get into the ministry to own things.
God has always provided for us, and owning our own house doesn't necessarily guarantee us a permanent residence.
Anything can happen.
Life is about impermanence.
I've always trusted in God having a plan for us, and we will both continue to go on trusting in whatever God has in store for us.
As far as we're concerned, we have a home, we'll always have a home, together.
However, your gesture was incredibly generous and greatly appreciated.
We love you, Chandler, and without your amazing offer, we might not have gotten back to where we started, and that's a good place to be.
Well, I hate to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed.
I was kinda hoping we'd be ending the evening with a celebration.
We can still celebrate.
We can celebrate good friends and family.
Is that good? Just a little more.
Fine, but I thought you accepted my apology.
I did, but it was your idea to give me a shoulder massage as a peace offering, and I'm enjoying a little a peace.
Keep going.
(knocking) Hey, guys.
Come on in, Roxanne.
Lucy, listen, I want to apologize for blowing up at you.
Not necessary, really.
I'm sorry for what I said and I'm sorry for how I said it.
I should have considered how important it was to you and that sometimes you get insane.
Okay, I, I get a little nutty, but I reel myself in usually.
You were right.
If I'm wanna follow in my father's footsteps, they're big shoes to fill, so I should try harder to fill them.
So we're still friends? Of course.
I talked to Chandler and found out he's not going to buy the house, so I guess you'll get the house after all, right? Chandler isn't taking the house? You probably want to talk.
Are you still thinking about the house since Chandler isn't buying it? No.
For the past week, it seemed that the house was the most important thing in the world.
I saw it as the key to our happiness for our entire future as well as the future of our children, but I changed my mind.
Well, I didn't exactly change my mind, Roxanne changed my mind, and in doing that, I realized it doesn't matter where we live, what matters is that I love you and you love me and wherever we live doesn't matter.
Suggs sold the house to someone else didn't he? Our church.
They decided a rental property would be a good investment, and Mr.
Suggs decided that if he sold it for less than market price, he could buy his way into heaven.
But I mean what I said.
I really do.
That leaves us with an extra 500 bucks.
Want to go out tomorrow night? Should we wake them up? No, let's give them five minutes.
I think Jeffrey has found a home in Chandler.
(soft snoring) Home is a nice feeling, isn't it? It sure is.
ANNIE: Why? I thought it would be nice? Oh, that'd be nice, but I was going to make Lucy and Kevin breakfast to wish them good luck.
They've already left.
I think the owner called and told them to get over there.
Oh, great, that means he's anxious to sell.
I'm anxious for them to buy.
Moving into a new house is gonna be good for Kevin and Lucy.
I think they're ready for a change.
Change is good.
I think everyone needs a change once in a while, even me.
I should've seen this coming, but I didn't, I should've.
What? You're not going to be allowed to move into the garage apartment when Lucy and Kevin move out.
You're too young.
But I'm the oldest Camden sibling still living at home.
I want to move now, so I won't have to move again.
You know, I can settle down and make it my home.
You're not going to leave the apartment empty, are you? ANNIE: Well, we haven't really thought about that, but, uh, why don't you just, you know, for now make sure Sam and David are getting dressed? I didn't see this coming, but we don't know what's going to happen with the apartment yet.
I bet I know what's going to happen.
I can't believe how incredibly lucky we are.
This house is perfect for us.
I don't know if you know that I got married, Mr.
Of course.
Not that I was invited to the wedding.
It was very small.
Family only.
Kevin and I have been living with my mom and dad just down the street.
This would be ideal for us, being so close to family.
In fact, I know how I would decorate it already.
I remember when I was little coming here and you always had the best Halloween candy.
Wax lips and candy corn.
I remember my windows being soaped every Halloween by little hoodlums.
That must have been the Harrington kids.
I would never do something like that.
Suggs, it would be so great if we were able to buy this house.
I promise to carry on the tradition of wax lips and candy corn.
It might not be a bad idea to sell it to you.
(squealing) But someone else has already put in a bid on the house.
But, Mr.
Suggs, wouldn't it be nice to sell your home to someone you already know, someone who'll put time, love and care into your house? Frankly, my dear, I don't give a fig.
But I'll tell you what nice is.
Nice is not having to pay commissions to a real estate agent.
And when someone is willing to pay my asking price.
Well, did you already accept their offer? No, I'm basking in it now.
What if we offered more money? No way, this house definitely isn't worth it.
I heard that! Please? We'll go 500 dollars more.
O-Or maybe we can do better than that.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
(barks) I Ah I Bup-bup.
(sighs) You do No, no, no.
You do know I'm too old for this silent game.
Ah, it was worth a shot.
La-la-la-la- la-la-la-la That's what I was singing in my head while you were talking to my teacher.
You should have been listening to Mrs.
Davis instead of tuning her out.
She wanted to meet you to get to know you and to catch you up.
She didn't say anything that I didn't already know.
Okay, we can talk about your problems at school later.
Where's your next stop? We have to be in the dentist's in 19 minutes-- Aren't dentists closed on Saturdays? Nope, not my dentist.
My dentist works half days on Saturdays.
For working parents.
I got three fillings.
Do you want to see? No, I trust you.
Do you like hockey or baseball better? Uh, baseball.
Me too.
Do you like hamburgers or hot dogs better? Hamburgers.
Me too.
Do you like rain or snow better? Snow.
Me too.
Do you Jeffrey! We have an entire lifetime to get to know one another.
All right, let's just relax and take our time.
Do you mind if we just listen to the radio until we get there? Sure.
Do you like hip-hop or alternative better? (phone ringing) Hello? Hey, Ruthie.
What are you doing today? Who cares?! I do what's asked of me, and I never get what I want.
And some people do nothing and they get everything.
Don't bite my head off; I didn't do anything.
So, what's up? I need help.
I think my dad's seeing someone.
A woman someone.
So what? We need to break them up before my dad starts to like her, or my mom will never get a chance.
I thought your mom and your dad were just friends.
For right now, but who knows what could happen in the future? I wanna make sure that they stay single so they have the option of getting back together in the future if they wanted.
Well, that makes sense.
I overheard my dad on two separate occasions, and both times he was meeting the mystery woman at the Promenade.
So, I wanna check it out and see if they're there today.
I'll go if I can, but I kind of have something going on here that might need my attention.
I'm coming over.
You're doing a great job.
Suggs is going to be impressed.
Look at mine.
Oh, your cookie looks beautiful! DAVID: Look at mine! Yours looks beautiful, too! (growls) I'm a cookie monster.
(growls) I'm a cookie monster, too.
Get away from those.
Ouch! These are for Mr.
Are they a bribe? No, just a little reminder that we really want the house.
The 500 dollars is reminder enough as far as I'm concerned.
Well, if that were enough, I wouldn't be baking.
She's determined to make a good impression on Mr.
I have an idea.
LUCY: I change my mind.
We're a family, and I want you all to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
You can each have one.
ERIC: Before I take a bite, tell me what I have to do.
What better impression can I make than to show him that we are a loving, stable family, so Mr.
Suggs can see what fine, responsible homeowners Kevin and I can be? I think you and Mom should come with me when we deliver the cookies.
A little family solidarity.
Whatever I can do to help out, you know I'll be there for you.
I know, you're my hero, Dad.
I think it's a great idea.
We'll all go.
Well, um maybe Sam and David can stay here.
I thought you wanted family solidarity.
Suggs doesn't seem partial to small children.
Uh, he thinks they're hoodlums.
We're not hoodlums.
Are we? No, no, of course not, but I don't want anything to hurt our chances.
Maybe you can stay here? I-I don't think Sam and David would do anything to hurt your chances, but it's your call.
Personally, I don't think it's going to make a difference to Mr.
Suggs if they come or not.
Personally, I do, unless you want to offer more than 500 dollars.
Then they're staying here.
Mom, can Peter and I go to the Promenade? Well, someone has to look after the boys.
We're going to Mr.
Suggs' to help Lucy with something.
RUTHIE: Ask Martin.
Or maybe you don't want to disturb His Royal Highness.
Oh, I wouldn't mind asking Martin.
I'm sure he'll be happy to help because he always pitches in without being asked, and he does it without an attitude.
Come on, Peter, we have to get going.
What are you doing today? We're gonna go to the Promenade, people watch.
Maybe catch a movie, depending on what's playing and how crowded it is.
Sounds like a good way to spend a Saturday.
Mom needs you to babysit Sam and David.
So, we'll babysit, then maybe we can walk down to the Promenade later.
I'd really consider it a favor, if you didn't take what little joys I have left for me by following us around.
(door opens and closes) What did that mean? I think she thinks I'm trying to edge her out of the garage apartment when Lucy and Kevin move out.
Did you ask to move into the garage apartment? No, not that I wouldn't love to have it, but I'm lucky to live in the house.
And really, I don't care where I sleep.
I think Ruthie was out of line.
You should talk to Mrs.
No way.
Why not? Hey, I'm a guest here.
Guests are supposed to make a contribution, not cause problems.
What? All right.
All right, let me think about it.
So what's next on that list of yours? We have about 43 minutes before my glasses will be ready.
I didn't know you needed glasses.
Not me.
We're picking up my grandmother's glasses.
Well, we have time for a little detour.
I have a surprise for you.
Does it involve food? No.
Too bad.
I'm really hungry.
We just had breakfast.
And you had a breakfast before that at home.
I'm like a hobbit.
I'm hungry all the time.
What's up with you and Martin? I was angling to get the garage apartment when Lucy and Kevin moved out, but Mom said "no," because I'm too young.
What does that have to do with Martin? Well, the reason I'm too young is because Martin is older than I am.
And Mom's probably going to give it to him.
And he's not even a Camden.
I'm the oldest Camden living at home.
Aren't you too young to live in an apartment? Whose side are you on? Yours, sweetheart, it's just that Do you want my help spying on your dad? What does that have to do with anything? If you want me to be on your side, I want you to be on my side.
Even if you're wrong? Okay.
What are you two doing here? Oh, we were just, uh, talking about doing this same thing with the plants in the backyard.
Oh, well, that's a great idea, but Kevin and I were talking about spending the money redoing the house before we start on the landscaping.
Well, that's so nice, but, uh, you don't have to do that for us.
What are you talking about? This is our house.
Your house? I'm buying this house.
I hope you haven't been the one driving up the price, because I'm already $500 over the asking price.
Well, as of ten minutes ago, I'm $5,000 over the asking price.
Are you nuts?! It isn't even worth the asking price.
Hi, Mr.
I baked you some cookies.
I have diabetes! ERIC: Maybe, maybe we should all go back to the house and talk about this? Obviously, you and Kevin didn't know that Chandler was interested in the house.
I'm sure it can all be worked out.
Chandler, we have to have this house.
It's important for us to live by family, and this happens to be on the same street as my parents' house.
You don't need to live by their house.
I hate to be the one to point this out, but technically, it's not their house.
That house is property of the church.
If the church wants to sell it or if your dad decides to leave the church, then they'd have to leave the house, too.
And then you'd be living in this neighborhood for nothing.
Jeffrey and I, we need this house.
We can't live in Mrs.
Binks' guest house.
It's our house.
No, it's our house.
We saw it first.
We bid on it first.
Get off our property! Yo, it's not officially our property yet.
Put the hose down.
You wouldn't dare.
I wouldn't provoke him.
Oh right, like he's really gonna do it.
Oh! So what do you think about what Chandler said? "Don't worry, it's only water"? No, about the house.
This house.
I know you were talking about this house.
I think we should buy it.
Oh, I was hoping you were going to say that! Oh, that would be so wonderful.
We could use the small inheritance my dad left me and our savings for part of the down payment.
I mean, I don't know why we didn't try to do this sooner, other than our lack of funds, of course.
I don't think it mattered to me so much before this time.
All I've known our entire married life is the possibility that we could relocate.
I mean, when you're a minister's wife, you just know we're at the mercy of wherever the ministry takes us.
And when you're young, that's exciting.
But but now that we're older and we've lived here for so many years, I want to stay here.
I think Matt and Mary and Simon, they're grown up and out of the house.
And Lucy and Kevin, they're probably going to buy their own house.
And, and Ruthie, she's growing up so fast.
And before you know it, Sam and David will be in school.
And just knowing that we could have this home forever is just really important to me.
It would be so nice to know that our kids will always have a home to come back to, if they need to.
Hopefully, they'll never need to, but still Who are you calling? I'm calling Lou.
We're buying a house.
(shrieks) Now they're all broken.
It's a good thing that's the only thing that was broken today.
I think we ought to back off the house.
It's not worth our friendship with Chandler.
And he's got to think about Jeffrey.
We're not backing off our house.
Let Chandler back off.
The house is overpriced, and when we eventually sell it, we'll never get our money out of it after all the renovations.
Plus, if you want to have more than one kid, that house will be too small.
I really want the house.
Even if the house isn't worth what Mr.
Suggs is asking.
I want to be close to my parents.
But didn't you hear what Chandler said? There's a possibility your parents won't even be living here in the near future.
I think we need to take that into consideration.
We shouldn't listen to anything Chandler has to say.
He wants the house.
He's going to say anything because he's being a big goober about it.
Goober? Yes! He's one big goober.
Look, we don't want to be childish about a very adult decision.
And by "we," I mean you, Luce.
Maybe we shouldn't talk any more about this until you have time to at least think about this.
(touch-tone dialing) (phone ringing) Hello, Roxanne? Lucy? I need you to come over.
I'm coloring my hair.
Is this an emergency? It's a matter of extreme importance regarding my entire future.
This is permanent color.
It's not a rinse.
Are you my friend or not? (phone beeps off) I wonder where everyone is? Ever since I've been joining you and your friends for coffee after AA meetings, it's been tapering off.
I think it's me.
Well, we've been meeting for a long time.
Sometimes it's difficult adding new people to a social group.
No, it's definitely me.
What, do my feet smell? Do I have bad breath? Do I need to work on my conversation skills to hang out with other ex-drunks? What? I really want to know.
If there's something I can fix, then I want to fix it.
I want this AA thing to work out for me.
Well, since you brought up conversation skills I think you may have hurt Veronica's feelings last week.
Oh, like she has "feelings.
" She may seem tough on the outside, but she's really a sensitive person.
So she took the chubby comment personally? All I said was, "You can't substitute pie for alcohol.
" I think it was, "You can't substitute pie for alcohol, Chubby.
" You have to remember, we're all coming from the same place.
We're all alcoholics, and after the AA meetings, we meet for coffee, for friendship and support.
I thought that's want the meetings are for.
I thought all bets were off once we stepped outside.
Sometimes it's difficult to be with people that you feel emotionally unsafe with.
I can understand that.
There's this guy I have to deal with, a friend of the family's.
He makes me feel emotionally unsafe, emotionally challenged even.
He's just so loving and kind and considerate.
He makes me want to drink.
I have a brother like that and, of course, I'm always trying to be as perfect as he is.
But I'm not.
And sometimes that makes me want to puke.
I want a drink before I want to puke.
Yeah, I know the feeling.
This guy who makes me want to drink is actually a reverend.
My brother's a reverend.
If you tell me your brother is Eric Camden, I'm going to eat this flower vase.
No this spoon.
Well, good luck with that, because Reverend Camden is my brother.
(chuckles): Yeah.
So if I can quit drinking after trying to measure up to him my whole life, I'm sure you can, too.
Thank God I've only known him a short time.
I'll apologize to Veronica at the next meeting.
(phone ringing) Hello? LOU (on phone): Good news, Eric.
I've called the board members and everybody's behind you a hundred percent, and we've agreed to sell you the house.
In fact, everybody would want to be doing what you're doing given your situation.
So you've taught us well after all.
Do onto others.
I'm so glad you feel that way.
We've figured the money from the sale of your house will, uh, be invested in a rental house, so that if God forbid, you decide you want to leave, we'll have a house for the new reverend.
And in the meantime, make some money from the rental.
Well, when can we talk about the details, 'cause Annie and I are really anxious about this? Well, I'm at the church now.
Why don't you come down and we'll get the ball rolling? See you soon.
(phone beeps off) (grunting, laughing) Are you kidding me?! (both continue laughing) Unfortunately, these cookies look better than they taste.
I don't mean to be rude, but if you don't hurry up and get on with it, I'm out of here.
I left solution on my hair because I thought this was an emergency.
Smells awful, doesn't it? Lucy I'm sorry, I thought you were going to come over when you were finished doing your hair.
Well, I didn't.
I want you to change Chandler's mind about buying a house.
Not, not just any house.
A house Kevin and I wanted to buy before we found out that Chandler outbid us just so he and his little buddy could have a home.
Even if I thought you and Kevin should have the house instead of Chandler and his son-to-be, why do you think I should be the one to talk him out of it? Well, because you're you.
And Chandler is Chandler.
And? And I think you could talk to Chandler as an ex-girlfriend, as a woman, you know? You mean change his mind by seducing him? Exactly! Why are you so interested in this house? Because it's close to my parents, and because Kevin and I want to buy it, and because I don't want to lose the house to Chandler.
I think I need a little more than that, Luce.
I want the house, because because I have a dream.
No, don't say that.
Martin Luther King Jr.
had a dream.
You don't have a dream.
You have a selfish motive to try and beat someone else out of a house.
I have no idea why you're even entertaining the thought of entering the ministry.
Lucy Camden, you are the most petty person I know.
And you have ruined my hair! It's just that since he's not one of their own, I don't think they see Martin's flaws.
What flaws? He hasn't been around enough to find out yet.
But I assure you, he has flaws that should keep him from having that apartment.
There's my dad and your Aunt Julie.
My very married Aunt Julie.
You don't want the house? No.
You never asked me about it.
You just did it.
You should have made me a part of this process.
And are you paying for the house? No, but I could.
Okay, I couldn't.
And it's your money.
But, well I'd have to change schools if we moved into that house.
That house isn't in my school district, and we'd be living in a construction zone with all the work that needs to be done.
And I don't have time to deal with all that chaos, do you? Look, I need you, but I can't just abandon my grandmother.
She wants to sell her house and use the money to get into one of those places where they can do everything for her.
But until she does, she's always been there for me.
Do we have to buy a house right away? No.
No, we don't have to rush into anything.
We can take our time.
You can keep living with your grandmother until she's ready to move.
And then we can find a place that's in your school district, and a place that we both like.
Now you're thinking.
Hello, Chandler, Jeffrey.
I didn't know you boys were here.
Oh, we're just doing some real estate paperwork.
Well, you needn't bother.
Eric went home about an hour ago.
Oh, it's so unfortunate.
I wish there were some way that he could afford to buy that house.
Uh, Suggs'? Gesundheit.
Oh, I mean Mr.
Suggs' house? Eric wanted to buy Mr.
Suggs' for Kevin and Lucy? I have no idea what you're talking about.
No, he wants to buy their house, the church house, but it's too much money, and the church can't just give them the house.
Could you stay here and keep drawing a little bit while I, uh, talk to Lou in private? Okay, but hurry up.
I'm easily bored.
Well, I, uh, I guess I let the cat out of the bag, didn't I? Yeah, well, as they say, it's easier to let the cat out of the bag than to put it back in.
We need to talk.
More coffee? No, thanks.
Maybe one more.
You must hate customers like us.
Four hours seated at my station.
Two cups of coffee, six refills You're a waitress' dream come true.
Hey, now, coffee's not the only thing bitter around here.
Sorry to keep you so long.
My husband took the kids out for the day, but I should be getting back.
We don't want to interrupt your date, so we'll be going.
This isn't a date.
This is my son, Peter.
JULIE: I've met Peter.
And this is my niece, Ruthie.
We go back a long way.
My dad is Aunt Julie's brother.
And your dad and I are in the same AA meeting.
In fact, we've just been to one.
We were supposed to meet some people here, but But that's our business.
Why don't you tell me how long you two have spying on us? So you're not seeing her? Ruthie, how could you think that? I didn't, he did.
VIC: Julie and I go to the same AA meeting.
She and some of our friends who didn't show up like to get together and help each other out.
It's a new concept for me.
Julie's giving me some pointers.
Oh, so you're not here just for fun.
It's helpful to talk to people in the program.
And since when did you become the big snoop? I guess I got it from her.
I admit I'm still a work in progress, but if we're going to have a good relationship in the future, you've got to trust me.
You can trust me, Peter, I promise.
I'm sorry.
I do trust you.
Let's go.
I'll take you two home.
I've kept you here long enough.
You okay? Never better.
What's this? That's a photo of my favorite house when my dad was stationed in Illinois.
I think it was the third house I lived at.
I know it doesn't look very impressive.
It was base housing, and there were tons of other houses that looked just the same.
But my mom always made our house our own.
She did that every place we moved.
My house was the house where all the kids hung out.
I don't think it was because I was the most popular kid.
It was because my mom was the coolest mom.
She always made sure there was snacks and fun things for us to do.
She even let me and my friends paint on my bedroom wall in this house.
My dad wasn't too happy about it, but I thought it turned out pretty cool.
Was it hard to have to move around all the time? Kind of, yeah.
But in the end you learn it's not really about the house.
It's about the people in the house.
Thanks for meeting me.
Did Lucy say anything to you yet? I've actually been staying away from Lucy, all the talk about the house right now.
So if that's what you want to talk to me about, forget it.
I just wanted to warn you that I kind of yelled at Lucy.
I felt I had to tell you since you're going to exposed to the fallout.
What happened? I thought Lucy should forget about the house.
It wasn't worth seducing Chandler to get it.
Lucy wanted me to seduce Chandler.
(chuckles) That sounds really insane when I say it out loud, doesn't it? I love her madly, but sometimes when Lucy gets something in her head, it's like she is insane.
In my experience, it's best not to try and reason with her, but to leave her to her own insane thoughts.
What? Did you do something different with your hair? I know you're disappointed.
A little bit.
But I should be thankful that we've been able to live in this wonderful home for whatever time we have in it.
We should feel that way.
But we don't.
Evidently, we've been living way beyond our means for years without ever knowing it.
We could look at it this way.
We've been lucky enough never to have known the burden of mortgage payments.
Well, sure.
There's a certain freedom in not owning your own house.
I mean, we're not tied to anything.
We are free to go anywhere, any time we want.
Ah, you know insincerity is definitely not our forte.
I saw your sister having coffee with Vic today.
Really? I didn't know they knew each other.
They go to AA meetings together.
Ah, yeah.
I wonder if my name has ever come up.
Hmm Can I ask you something? Sure.
I know I can't have the garage apartment, but I'm curious.
If Lucy and Kevin move out, who do you think might live there? It might be nice for Martin.
I knew it.
He's not even a Camden.
He's Mr.
Just because he has dreamy eyes and a killer southpaw curveball that's going to get him into the big leagues, doesn't mean he should get everything he wants.
Come here.
It sounds like you've been thinking about Martin and the garage apartment a little too much.
Martin hasn't put in all the babysitting time or the years of chores I have.
First of all, Lucy and Kevin may not be moving.
And second of all, the only reason Martin would be moving there is 'cause he's got a heavy schedule and he needs lots of study time, which requires privacy.
He's used to spending time alone on his own, whereas you, you need to be around people.
Who always knows what's going on in this family? Me.
I mean, you're the go-to girl.
How would you know what's happening with everyone if you're stuck in Siberia? You'd be away from everybody.
I guess that's true.
In fact, I've gotten a lot of information just sitting on these stairs.
It's like an echo chamber here.
(chuckles) And, I admit, I would miss out on all the good stuff, but I still want the apartment.
Yeah, yeah.
(phone rings) Hello? Hi, Chandler, it's Lucy.
I just wanted to let you know that you can have the house.
I was selfish, and I just wanted what I wanted when I wanted it.
You have Jeffrey now, and his needs come first.
I am really ashamed of myself for being so hysterical about the whole situation.
Wow, that's a big change.
Yeah, Roxanne sort of brought me into the light.
Roxanne? Yeah, who would have thought? Well, uh, thanks, but, uh, we're not going to buy that house after all.
Apparently, I made a bad choice.
Not only does Jeffrey hate the house, but, uh, we're not quite ready to move in together.
And to tell you the truth, uh, I was being kinda selfish myself.
I thought if I lived next to your mom and dad that it would be helpful to me.
That they could help me with Jeffrey if I get overwhelmed or even with the house, you know, since Annie can repair just about anything.
(chuckles) Anyway, it's all yours.
No, really, you should take it.
I officially withdrew my offer.
(phone rings) Hello? Eric, it's Lou.
I just wanted you to know that I should have the house papers ready for you and Annie to sign in two weeks.
I'm sorry, I-I, I don't understand.
Even though Chandler is buying the house for you and Annie, we'll still need you to sign the papers.
Chandler is buying the house for us? What are you talking about? What are you doing? Reading.
Do you wanna come in? Well, do you want me to come in? I don't care.
I thought you were mad at me.
I'm not mad at you.
You could have fooled me.
You know, you don't have to keep all this stuff out if you don't want to.
When this was my room, I went through a serious Hello Kittyphase.
You should make it your own.
It's your room now your home.
I guess I felt it was temporary, so I didn't want to put any of my stuff up because I didn't want to get too comfortable.
Hopefully, my dad will come back from Iraq soon, and when he does, we'll get our own place.
I know this isn't my real home.
I guess I made you feel that way today.
Yeah, you did.
I'm sorry.
I feel terrible.
This is your home as long as you need it to be.
And if you need a sister to make you feel at home, I'll be a sister.
I'm so sorry.
I'll get over it.
Thanks for the offer.
Is it still good if I move into the garage apartment? I like being in the house.
I don't want the apartment.
I'll let everyone know.
I'm sure.
(knocking) I had Jeffrey with me when you called.
I hope you don't mind, but he's waiting in the living room.
No, not at all.
Thanks for coming.
It's about the house, isn't it? Yeah.
Yeah, I figured.
Could you just not say anything until I'm finished? Okay.
This money is a part of my inheritance.
And I, I want to use that money for someone that I know.
It's not a tax deduction or about business, it's about giving.
And I couldn't think of anyone who deserves to own their own house more than you and Annie.
May I say something? Don't worry about Jeffrey and me.
We have more than enough money.
I have his living expenses and the schooling covered.
So all you have to do is sign these papers, and we'll never talk about it again.
You and Annie give so much to others; I just want you to be open to receiving a gift that is given from the heart.
Please say yes.
Are you finished? I think so.
Chandler please have a seat.
When Annie and I decided we wanted to buy this house and then found out we couldn't afford it, we were disappointed at first.
And we talked about it and we realized that, uh, that this house is not ours to own.
I didn't get into the ministry to own things.
God has always provided for us, and owning our own house doesn't necessarily guarantee us a permanent residence.
Anything can happen.
Life is about impermanence.
I've always trusted in God having a plan for us, and we will both continue to go on trusting in whatever God has in store for us.
As far as we're concerned, we have a home, we'll always have a home, together.
However, your gesture was incredibly generous and greatly appreciated.
We love you, Chandler, and without your amazing offer, we might not have gotten back to where we started, and that's a good place to be.
Well, I hate to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed.
I was kinda hoping we'd be ending the evening with a celebration.
We can still celebrate.
We can celebrate good friends and family.
Is that good? Just a little more.
Fine, but I thought you accepted my apology.
I did, but it was your idea to give me a shoulder massage as a peace offering, and I'm enjoying a little a peace.
Keep going.
(knocking) Hey, guys.
Come on in, Roxanne.
Lucy, listen, I want to apologize for blowing up at you.
Not necessary, really.
I'm sorry for what I said and I'm sorry for how I said it.
I should have considered how important it was to you and that sometimes you get insane.
Okay, I, I get a little nutty, but I reel myself in usually.
You were right.
If I'm wanna follow in my father's footsteps, they're big shoes to fill, so I should try harder to fill them.
So we're still friends? Of course.
I talked to Chandler and found out he's not going to buy the house, so I guess you'll get the house after all, right? Chandler isn't taking the house? You probably want to talk.
Are you still thinking about the house since Chandler isn't buying it? No.
For the past week, it seemed that the house was the most important thing in the world.
I saw it as the key to our happiness for our entire future as well as the future of our children, but I changed my mind.
Well, I didn't exactly change my mind, Roxanne changed my mind, and in doing that, I realized it doesn't matter where we live, what matters is that I love you and you love me and wherever we live doesn't matter.
Suggs sold the house to someone else didn't he? Our church.
They decided a rental property would be a good investment, and Mr.
Suggs decided that if he sold it for less than market price, he could buy his way into heaven.
But I mean what I said.
I really do.
That leaves us with an extra 500 bucks.
Want to go out tomorrow night? Should we wake them up? No, let's give them five minutes.
I think Jeffrey has found a home in Chandler.
(soft snoring) Home is a nice feeling, isn't it? It sure is.