Shetland (2012) s09e06 Episode Script

Season 9, Episode 6

I had no issues with Annie.
She was one of the good ones there.
They're all good ones, Lisa.
This is what we have been looking for.
One of our murder victims picked up
the other one
at that facility on the night they died.
She called me last night.
VOICEMAIL: It's getting late,
Euan. Call me back.
Annie Bett believed that you were
the agent who shot her in London.
Maybe she befriended Anton
so that she could expose you.
You're just rubbish!
Then tell me what I should do.
Your dad says that you've been
having some bad dreams, Noah.
Me and mum are in that house.
And it's chasing us.
The lizard.
The bullet I removed from Bergen
matched a bullet from a separate
case in Manchester last year.
What about Friday night? Can you
tell me where you were, Kyle?
I was at the mission.
- Look who he's with.
- Lisa Friel.
Do you think God makes people bad?
3, 5, 7, 11,
13, 17,
19 21?
Remember the golden rule.
Can only be divided by one and itself.
So is 21 a prime?
Three sevens are 21.
There you go.
It's not a prime.
Why do you like them so much?
They're the building blocks of maths.
Without them, we wouldn't have been
able to work out
all the things we've worked out so far.
But the real reason I like them
is because they're beautiful
and mysterious.
And they're unique,
just like you.
- When can we go home?
- Soon.
- I'm tired.
- I know.
It won't be long.
I promise.
So, what's after 19?
Clever boy.
- Mum?
- It's OK, Noah.
It's OK, this is a friend of mine.
Anton, what happened?
Stefan knows we're trying
to help Astrid.
We'll work it out.
Don't worry.
I know somewhere we can hide
until he calms down.
Seat belt, Noah.
You want to know about Lisa? Hmm.
What can I say?
The girl's a bomb scare.
I mean, don't get me wrong,
she was fun.
But I had to get rid.
She was too much for me.
Too much for anyone.
- We need to talk to you.
- About?
About the murders of Annie Bett and
Anton Bergen.
- Where do you think you're going?
- To search your van.
Hell they are.
- Ruth?
- What?
What's all this?
We need to talk to Lisa.
We can do it inside.
Kyle Frost.
What about him?
When did you last see him?
Haven't spoken to him in months.
- Aye, but he was your boyfriend.
- We hung out a bit.
We know you and Kyle came to the
Isles from Manchester last year.
Fine. That's where I met him.
So tell us, what do you know about
a shooting that happened
during the time you and Kyle
were hanging out in Manchester?
Kyle was a suspect, Lisa.
Hmm. First I'm hearing of it.
What, your boyfriend was arrested
and he didn't mention it?
But then there was a lot of things
he didn't mention.
Which is why he's no
longer my boyfriend.
- Did you ever see Kyle with a gun?
- No.
Did he ever mention having a gun?
Why are you asking this?
Because the gun that was
used in the Manchester shooting,
that's the same gun that was used
to kill Annie Bett and Anton Bergen.
I don't know anything about it.
Tell us about this argument you had
with Annie on the day she died.
Jesus. Are we going over this again?
Your ex-boyfriend is linked
to our murder weapon.
He's got an alibi for the night.
And he's got no connection
with either of the victims,
so we can only to assume that,
well, somebody else got hold of the gun.
Someone close to Kyle.
Maybe with a link to Annie Bett,
and that leads us to you.
So I'm going to ask you
the question again.
What were you arguing with Annie about?
Annie caught me with pills in my room.
We argued, then I left. So
you happy now?
All right. We'll be checking your
story. And Kyle's.
In the meantime, you don't go
anywhere, do you understand?
I just don't trust her.
Even so.
She'd need a good reason to
kill two people.
No sign of a weapon.
There's plenty of stuff
about conspiracy theories.
It's like The X-Files threw up in there.
- Head back to the station, yeah?
- Yes, ma'am.
Even if Lisa isn't lying,
we still need a list of everyone
who could have accessed the gun.
Sandy's tracing everyone who had
recent contact with Kyle.
Good. We'll give them
a call on the way to Hem.
Still need to know a bit more about
this argument she had with Annie.
I'll make some calls
when I get to the office.
We'll find someone.
It's going to be all right, Ian.
We'll speak later.
What did Ian want?
Thinks Noah should see someone.
He's still having nightmares.
Maybe you could go over there.
Sounds like Ian's struggling.
Aye. Sure.
I might be late tonight.
Where are we on Kyle Frost?
ON PHONE: Found videos
online of the party
at the mission on Friday night.
Kyle's in them, DJ-ing, like he said.
And it was definitely last Friday?
Looks like it, but I've got someone
at Computer Forensics checking.
What about his mates? Anyone who
could have got hold of a gun?
We've got uniform at the mission
right now.
- They're asking around.
- Right. Anything from his call records?
Still going through them.
But it's difficult to get
a sense of who he's close to.
Multiple numbers calling him
at all times of day.
Oh, right, so he was dealing, then?
Yes, could be.
OK. Er, well, just keep checking.
See if you can find any communication
between him and Lisa Friel, right?
Speak later.
Kyle Frost's alibi checks out.
So, we're left with Lisa.
I must admit, I was surprised.
Not that Lisa kicked off,
but that she kicked off at Annie.
Annie was the only volunteer that
Lisa listened to.
Well, did she say what it was all about?
She wouldn't tell me.
But I reckon it was serious,
because Annie was upset.
Did you ever have any issues with
drugs while Lisa was staying here?
Don't think so.
But it wouldnae be a shock.
- Lisa had some right dodgy pals.
- Like who?
Well, I don't know any names,
but I do know that she spent
a lot of time at the mission
before she came here.
Michael? Wasn't expecting you in.
I've got a meeting with Clara.
- Detectives are here about Lisa.
- What's she done now?
We're just trying to get an idea
of who Lisa might have hung around with.
I only saw her with old Angus.
What about boyfriends?
She ever bring anyone here?
Nobody I can think of.
Minister was the only regular
visitor she had.
Your brother looks out for her.
What are you doing?
There's a list
of Angus's medications there,
what he is to take and when.
You need to stay on top of it,
because he forgets.
No. The police said you have to stay
They can't force me,
I'm not under arrest.
Besides, it's your sister.
I'm sure you can smooth things over.
I need to borrow
the camper van for a while.
But you stay here, yeah?
You get better.
I'll talk to you in a few days.
- Here, no. You're not leaving.
- Looks like I am.
No, no, no, no. Not till you tell me why
- you lied to the police.
- What?
You told them your argument with
Annie was because she'd found drugs.
- So?
- So that was a lie.
Tell me the truth, please, Lisa.
- It doesn't matter.
- It does matter.
I want to know why you argued
with Annie that day.
Tough! Don't fucking touch me!
Don't you ever touch me!
All right. Lisa!
It's fine. It's fine.
I'm sorry, OK? Sorry.
It's fine.
It's not fine.
Look at your face.
I want to help you.
Enough with the bleeding heart shit.
Do you have any idea how annoying it is?
Running around "helping" people,
interfering with their lives.
Nobody asked you to get involved.
Nobody wants you to get involved.
They all just put up with you
because they feel sorry for you.
Because you're pathetic.
That's probably why your wife left you.
Too embarrassed to be with a man
that nobody respects.
Yeah, well, maybe you're right,
but I still want to help you.
- You can't help me!
- At least let me try.
- I don't want you to try!
- Why not?
Because I know what comes next!
I know what comes next.
OK. Thank you.
No-one at the mission was willing
to talk about Lisa or Kyle.
What about his associates?
We've identified
a few of the numbers on his phone.
We're following up.
Any calls between him and Lisa?
Not for at least four months.
Oh, well, then maybe Lisa is telling
the truth.
No, all that proves
is that she didn't call him.
Doesn't mean she didn't see him.
He could have given her that gun
any time in the past year.
But what about her alibi?
She said she was in the camper van
with Angus that night,
and he backed her up.
What, Angus? The guy that said
he was attacked by ten men?
Well, he's hardly reliable, is he?
Plus, if she was in that camper van,
she would have had means
to get to the croft.
- I'm still struggling with motive.
What's going on?
What's all this? What's happened to
your face?
Look, that's It's nothing.
It doesn't matter.
- Did she do this to you?
- Ruth.
- Right, where is she?
- Ruth, Ruth.
Lisa needs to talk to you.
And you need to hear her out.
It wasn't an argument.
That day at Hem.
Annie wasn't arguing.
It was just me lashing out at her.
She was trying to help me.
And I got angry.
Why did Annie want to help you?
She found out about something.
Something I should have seen
coming, but I didn't.
What happened?
Look. Point is
I had Kyle's gun.
He gave it to me
just before we left Manchester.
He wanted me to get rid of it,
but I didn't.
Don't ask me why.
I think maybe I just
I thought it'd be like insurance or
Anyway, that day at Hem,
Annie saw me with it,
and she took it.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on a minute here.
You're saying that Annie left Hem
that night with Kyle's gun?
You knew that Annie had that gun.
You knew she died hours later
and you didn't think to tell us
about it?
Why did Annie take the gun?
She was worried.
That I was going to use it.
Use it for what, Lisa?
I told you, something happened.
Yes, you did, and we're still
waiting to find out
what this something was.
Oh, look, Lisa.
Let's be honest, you've lied to us
from the start, haven't you?
You lied about Annie.
You lied about the gun.
Who was he, Lisa?
You said something happened.
It happened to you, right?
Did someone do something, Lisa?
And you told Annie?
Annie took the gun
because she was worried that you
were going to use it.
You were going to use it on him.
Told me I should report it to you.
Well, here we are.
Who is he?
I read everyone's files.
Before I came up here.
And I read yours.
I know it's none of my business
and it's not my place
to say anything, but if you
- If you want to talk
- I don't.
But thank you.
Right. Let's go and get this fucker.
Everything OK?
You need to see him
when he wakes up, Noreen.
He's terrified.
- They're just nightmares.
- It's the same one.
Every night.
And I'm no bloody use to him.
You're his dad.
I'm supposed to keep him safe.
it might be an idea to get
out of the house for a bit.
I'm not really up for a day trip.
It's not for you.
When does Lisa say it happened?
The 24th of last month.
- And this was at Hem?
- Yeah.
Er, Lisa said that Michael let
himself into her room
at about one in the morning.
Up until now, you've had your
suspicions about this young woman.
And I was wrong.
So you believe her?
Damn right I do.
She's telling the truth.
- Any physical evidence?
- No.
Did she tell anyone else?
According to Lisa,
the only person she told was Annie.
And you think the assault on Lisa
could be connected to the murders?
Lisa said that Annie intended
to report him to the police,
which makes Annie a threat,
and gives Michael a motive.
Plus, Annie having the gun on her
changes the nature of these killings.
Whoever did this must have
got their hands on it at the croft.
Yeah, which means
it's no longer premeditated.
It's opportunistic.
So the decision to kill
happened in the heat of the moment.
Well, before you prove that, you'll
need to prove the assault on Lisa.
Is this some kind of joke?
So you're denying the accusation?
Of course I'm denying it.
Why would Lisa lie, Michael?
Because that's who she is.
Look, I've worked with her,
I know what she's like. You can't
trust a word the girl says.
Lisa claims that the
assault took place four weeks ago.
On the 24th of last month.
Where were you that night, Michael?
I don't remember.
Well, fortunately,
the housing department
have sent over your diary for that week,
and they say that you were at a
meeting with the Hem board members.
OK, then. That sounds right.
So you were at Hem that night?
In the evening, till about seven.
Did you see Lisa?
I might have. I can't say for sure.
Did you go to her room?
No. Absolutely not.
The residents' rooms are their own
private spaces.
What did you do after the meeting?
I probably went home.
Oh, so Noreen can vouch for you?
Actually, come to think of it,
I didn't go straight home that night.
I met, er, Frank Kirk for a drink.
How do you know Frank?
He worked in the council, er, before
he and Tara set up the business.
And Frank'll confirm that, will he?
I'm sure he will.
Why you?
What do you mean?
Well, you say Lisa's lying.
Why would she accuse you?
Who says it's just me?
For all we know, she's done this before.
Honestly, I don't know why
she's saying this,
but I do know that it is not true.
Come on, this is Lisa.
She's not exactly the quiet type.
If I had done this,
she'd have told someone else
about it long ago.
She did.
She told Annie Bett on the day she died.
And Annie wanted Lisa
to report you to the police.
Did Annie contact you, Michael?
Tell you what Lisa had said?
You see, that seems strange to me,
given that you were family.
I mean, if someone made a serious
accusation about my brother-in-law,
I would let them know.
Only if you thought it was true.
Maybe Annie didn't say anything
because she knew Lisa was lying.
She was going to say something.
That was why she wanted to meet.
This wasn't about Bergen
or Rossi or Astrid.
It was about her brother-in-law
and what he did to Lisa.
I agree.
But right now, we can't prove that,
Aye, 'cos he killed her.
Yeah, well, we can't prove that either.
Let's focus on the murders.
We're saying Michael killed Annie
to stop her reporting his assault of
So, he tracked her to the
croft that night
and shot her with the gun she took
from Lisa, but why Bergen?
Well, he didn't know Bergen was
going to be there.
He took him by surprise.
And what about Noah, leaving a witness?
Maybe he didn't have the
stomach to shoot a kid.
Or maybe he didn't know Noah
was in the house.
So, for that to play out,
Michael would have had to know that
Annie found out about the rape.
But Lisa only told Annie that afternoon,
which means the earliest Michael
could have found out was that day.
But there was no contact between them.
Yeah, well, call me old-fashioned,
maybe she spoke to him in person.
But then how did
he know she'd be at the croft?
Annie only went there after
Bergen called.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, all right,
Tosh. Yes, yes, yes. I get it, I get it.
OK, er
Right, let's start with
the assault on Lisa.
He said he went out with
this guy, Frank Kirk.
- You know him, right?
- I will go and speak to him now.
Right. I'll pull Michael's statement
from the night of the murders,
see if I can find anything
that proves that he was in contact
with Annie.
We need to get this guy, Tosh.
What did I tell you?
He's a bit brighter with some fresh air.
You're looking a bit better too.
Aye, well, I don't feel it.
It's going to be like this for a
while, Ian.
You're mourning.
But who am I mourning?
What do you mean, who?
she feels like a total stranger.
She was your wife.
Annie loved you.
She loved Noah.
Whatever love she had for me
went a long time ago.
What night was this?
The 24th of last month.
It would have been a Thursday night.
Er, yeah, I was with Michael
that night, aye.
Where did you go?
Few places. Can't really remember.
The Ship.
Then Reynolds
I think.
- Until what time?
- No idea.
I mean, closing time, I suppose.
And then what?
Let me guess, you were at the mission.
Why would he go there?
- I thought you were having a nap.
- What's this about, Tosh?
It's nothing. It's about Michael.
So why are you talking to Frank?
I need to know their movements
on the night they were out together.
Well? Were you there?
I might have dropped in.
Not for long though.
It's not my kind of thing.
Did Michael go with you?
No, I left him in town.
Do you know where he went?
The thing is, it was late. He didn't
want to wake up Noreen and Finn.
Answer the question, Frank!
According to Frank, Michael went
back to Hem after the pub.
Says he planned to spend
the night there.
Any luck on Michael's movements
on the night of the murders?
We're still working on that.
We should have something for you
by the time you get back.
All right. See you later.
Right, Billy, where are we up to?
Michael and Noreen Stack
were interviewed
the morning after
we found the bodies at Wethersta.
Michael gave a statement
saying he was working late the
previous evening.
- Working late where?
- Visiting housing clients.
We followed up on these clients?
And they confirmed the visits.
The last appointment was at 9.30.
Did he say where he went after that?
He said he went back to his office
in the council buildings.
Worked there
until about two in the morning.
- Two in the morning?
- Aye.
And unfortunately,
we didn't follow up on that.
Our focus was on Ian Bett that day.
OK. OK. Well, call
someone at the council offices.
See if they can confirm
whether he was there or
not on the night of the murders.
And if he wasn't there, find out
if he was anywhere near Wethersta.
Go through everything we've got,
call records,
phone data, er, bank history.
Anything that's going to put him
near that croft. Got it.
Michael's not picking up.
Where's Noah?
I'll go find him.
- Jesus! Noah. Hey. Hey.
It's OK. It's OK. It's me.
I can't make it stop.
What? Make what stop?
It it won't leave my head.
Hey. Hey. It's OK.
It's OK.
I'll drop you back home.
We're not going home.
What do we have?
Ah, yeah, Michael Stack says he was
at the council offices
until 2am on the night that Annie
and Bergen were killed, but
obviously, at that time of night,
there was no-one there to
corroborate that.
Wouldn't someone have had to be
working there to let him in?
Some of the senior staff have
got keys to the building.
Michael was one of them.
Have we got anything else?
Yes. He called Noreen at 10.54
on the night.
What about his car? There must be
CCTV at the council car park.
We are checking it now.
They won't find it there,
because it's out near Brae.
Michael's bank records.
There's a debit card payment for £32
at the Black Road garage
on the night at 10.26.
That puts him near Annie.
The party was no more than
a mile from there.
Doesn't put him at Wethersta.
Well, he might have followed her.
At the very least, it proves
he's lying about where he was.
OK, Sandy, call the garage.
See if they've got any CCTV footage.
Let's go and interview him again.
And we'll start with Frank's testimony
that he was at Hem
on the night of the assault.
Yes. I I did go back to Hem that
night. There's a staffroom.
And sometimes, if it's a late one
or or if I'm busy,
I'll sleep over there.
Why didn't you tell us this earlier?
I realise that was a mistake.
Did you see Lisa that night?
Let's talk about last Friday,
the night that Anton Bergen and
Annie Bett
were killed out at Wethersta.
You told one of our officers that
you were working late that night.
I had some evening meetings
and then I went back to my office.
What, on a Friday night? You're keen.
There was a family.
They needed emergency accommodation.
I had to sort out
the paperwork for them.
And you did that till two
in the morning?
That's right.
Did you leave the office at any point?
Why's that important?
Well, because we want to know where
you were
at the time of the murders.
We know where you were at 10.26
that night.
You were at the Black Road petrol
station in Brae.
Bank records prove it.
But here's the thing.
That's about 20 miles from your office,
but only one mile from where Annie was.
So, maybe
you did find out that Lisa had
told Annie about the assault.
And that Annie was going to report
you to the police.
So you tracked her to the party at Brae.
And then you followed her
to the croft at Wethersta,
and then you killed her
and Anton Bergen.
I had no reason to kill Annie.
Course you did.
She was going to report you for rape.
It wasn't rape!
So what was it, Michael?
I don't think
I should say anything else.
I don't think that's wise.
What are we doing here?
I just don't think bringing
Noah back here
Come with me, Noah.
It'll be OK.
This is a bad idea.
Hey. Hey.
There is nothing to be scared of.
Look, it's just an old house.
Bricks and wood and metal, OK?
That is all.
Right? There's nothing here
that can hurt you.
Come on. It's fine. Here. Come with me.
You're upsetting him.
- Noah?
- Ian, please.
Noreen, go outside.
- Ian.
It's OK. Here.
Placing him out at Brae is one thing,
but you're a long way from proving
that Michael was at the croft
at the time of the murders.
Sandy, the garage CCTV?
They're sending it over.
At least we got him to admit
that something happened between him
and Lisa.
We could go at him on that.
He could argue that it was consensual.
Without any physical evidence,
it would be his word against hers.
Just got a call from Noreen Stack.
Noreen says Ian took
the boy to the croft.
- Why?
- Don't know, but she's worried.
I'll go.
Hey, buddy.
Where is he?
He's still inside.
OK. Stay here.
- Ian!
What the hell are you doing?!
I'm trying to help Noah.
How is this helping Noah?
He's terrified!
He can't sleep!
So you brought him here?!
I didn't know what to do.
I don't know what to do.
Annie's gone and
I don't know what to do.
Come here, pet.
What's this?
CCTV from the Black Road garage.
Oh Tosh?
She must have used Michael's card.
It wasn't him, Ruth.
It was Noreen.
Get a unit up to the croft right now.
Hey, Noah.
I need you to do something for me, OK?
I want you to go and get your dad
and then go over to my
car and wait inside.
Do you think you can do that for me?
Hey, it's OK.
I need to get back.
I need to get Michael's dinner on.
He'll be home soon.
Michael's at the station, Noreen.
He was being interviewed about the
murders of Annie and Anton Bergen.
Michael wouldn't kill anyone.
I know that now.
Do you know anything about it, Noreen?
Did you see Annie on that day?
Did you see her?
She dropped in on her way back from Hem.
Came right out with it.
Lisa confided in me.
Michael had been drinking.
She thought I should know that
And he let himself into her room
there had been
an accusation about Michael.
Lisa's a vulnerable girl, Noreen,
this is
Said it was serious.
really serious.
Six minutes.
That's all it took.
Six minutes to blow up my world.
Then she said she had to go.
She needed to get ready for a party.
Did you believe her?
I realised that I had to speak to her,
to convince her not to say anything.
I mean, if it came out
I saw her talking to Tosh.
I thought it was too late.
Bye, Noah.
I followed her.
She stopped somewhere in Nesting
and then drove to the croft.
- Are we safe here?
- Aye.
This is one of Ian's properties.
Just go and stand at the door, OK?
I'll be there in a minute. Go on.
Finn had fallen asleep.
I only went in to talk.
Euan, it's Annie.
Look, I'm in trouble.
Something's happened.
I need your help.
It's getting late, Euan.
Call me back.
Oh, bloody hell, Noreen!
What are you doing here?
What did you say to her?
What? Back there at the hall.
I saw you talking to Tosh.
- Noreen
- What did you say to her?
I can't talk about this just now.
It was like I was a nuisance,
like I'd inconvenienced her.
I think she had other
things on her mind, Noreen.
And what about what was on my mind?
I was trying to save my family.
Go home, Noreen. Please.
Not until you tell me.
I didn't say anything to her.
But that doesn't mean I won't.
She still hadn't decided.
Can you believe that?
She had my entire life in her hands
and she hadn't even made her mind up.
Like we didn't matter.
We just had to wait for her to choose.
- Michael is Finn's father.
- This is more important.
Not to me!
Noreen, this isn't easy for me.
It's simple.
You just forget all about it.
You forget about that girl
and move on
And what about you?
You'd be happy to keep living with
knowing what he did to her?
Michael didn't do this.
You don't believe that.
You know she's telling the truth,
don't you? That's why you're here.
Because you know he did it.
I'm sorry, Noreen.
But tomorrow morning, I'm going to
the police.
Then I saw the gun.
See, if it was just Lisa who
accused him
we'd be OK.
Who's going to believe someone like her?
But if Annie backed her up
appeared out of nowhere.
After that, I just ran.
Threw the gun in the sea, and
then just went home.
You left that wee boy.
In there. I know.
He woke up to his mum's dead body.
I know.
I was thinking about my family.
Were you?
What about Lisa Friel?
What about what she went through?
You think about her?
Hey, sleepy head.
I'm here.
Noreen. I need you to
come with me, Noreen.
Noreen Stack has been charged with
the murder of Annie and Bergen.
And as for Michael,
we've submitted the evidence and
your statement to the Fiscal, so
you'll probably hear quite soon.
What will happen to their baby?
What do you mean?
Well, his mum's going
to prison for murder.
And if Michael's convicted,
well, he'll have no-one.
What happened wasn't your fault, Lisa.
You deserve justice.
Angus is out there having kittens.
I'm coming.
Coming out?
Just got to go and grab something.
So do you know where you're headed?
Angus? Where the hell are we going?
Unst! Checking out this, er, spaceport.
See what's really going on up there.
They say it's a launchpad,
but I think it's a landing site.
They're expecting visitors.
We need to go, or we'll miss the ferry.
Look, I, erm
I just want you to know that I, um
You're all right.
I know.
- Right, that's me away.
- Yeah, right.
- That my dinosaurs?
- Yeah.
They're for Noah.
- MY dinosaurs?
- Yes, Alan.
Your toy dinosaurs.
All right. It's just
I mean, is it just for a loan or
No, it's for keeps. Jesus, Alan!
Listen, see if you're not doing
anything tomorrow night,
do you want to come to mine
and have some dinner?
And when I say dinner, I mean
stick a pizza in the oven.
Plan, then, yeah?
Edinburgh, then?
Aye. Sorted a flat.
I've got some friends down there, so
Big change for Noah.
I need to get him away.
I got a letter, by the way.
From that, erm, Rossi guy.
Came yesterday.
Oh, aye? What did he say?
Just talked about Annie.
Who she was. What she did back then.
All the stuff she didn't tell me.
It's like she had this other life
before she settled for me.
I don't think Annie settled, Ian.
I think she wanted to come home.
Bring up a family here.
I'll keep it for Noah. The letter.
Let him read it when he's older.
Estate agent.
Need to take it.
How are you doing, wee man?
I brought you something.
I mean, I don't know if they're any good
and I know you've got
loads already, but
my brother doesn't play
with them any more
and I thought they could do
with a new home.
Thank you.
You're very welcome.
Your dad says you're moving away.
We're going to Edinburgh.
Cool place. Got a castle.
Different from here, though.
But sometimes different can be OK.
Can be good, even.
You can always come back,
when you're a big grown-up.
That's what I did.
Me and Mum got away.
Last night.
I had the dream again.
But this time, me and Mum got away.
That's an ankylosaurus, by the way.
A herbivore.
Do you know who told me that? You did.
Nay idea what that one is.
- Hi.
- Hi. You needing a table?
- Yeah, where can I
- Just over by the window.
OK, great. Thank you.
- Tosh!
- Oh, hey.
Impromptu session.
Me and Tara bumped into each other
outside and thought,
"What the hell, let's have a drink."
Isn't that right?
- Yeah. Spur of the moment thingy.
- Right.
- Oh, let's get you a seat.
- Oh, no. Look, it's OK, I'm fine.
- No, at least join us for one.
- No, no.
I'll just let you get on with your
evening, all right?
- Have fun. OK?
- OK.
See you soon, yeah?
Hiya. What can I get you?
Erm, just a dry white wine.
Yeah. Thanks.
Thank you.
He's 41 years old.
41. I mean, that
That's a grown-up, isn't it?
Why he insists on holding on to a
wee tiny suitcase
full of dinosaurs is beyond me.
Honestly, you should have seen his face
when I said I was giving them to Noah!
Oh! Anyway.
Sorry I'm late.
- What are you smiling at?
- Nothing.
Right. Er, could I, er, have a
glass of white wine, please?
Thank you. Actually, bugger it.
Can we just get the bottle?
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