Face Off (2011) s09e14 Episode Script

Movie Magic, Part 2

Previously on Face Off For this finale, you will create a short film on location.
- What? - I'm super excited about this.
Patrick's come up with three scripts, each one features two characters that you'll create to star in the film.
- Sweet! - Action.
We are feeling good right now.
We revised the script.
You'll be making a third character.
This sucks.
I don't even know how that's physically possible.
And tonight Winning Face Off would reinforce my belief that anything is possible, and my goal is to win.
Winning would mean everything and failure's not an option.
So I'm ready to rumble.
Cut! That's great! He's sick.
It's all or nothing now.
There's just one more challenge, and it could definitely be me.
This is it.
The winner of Face Off is That's right, guys, your freshly updated scripts now include a third character that you'll be making for your short films.
I'm just so tired and just beat down.
Now, I have to make a whole new character.
I don't even know how that's physically possible.
I know that this is a huge amount of extra work so I've got a little more help for you.
Guys, come on in.
Oh, my God.
What up, everybody? Okay, let's get you guys some new teammates.
Nora, you get first pick.
I gotta take Ricky.
- Buddy! - Bring it in.
- Ben, you're next.
- Jason, come on over.
Okay, guys, I've revised the storyboard and the script, and they'll be ready for you at the lab tomorrow morning.
All right, I'll see you guys on set in a few days.
Good luck to all of you.
- Thank you.
- Bye, guys.
Whoop! So we get back to the lab and we're all just really excited to check out our new scripts and storyboards.
I assume she's another alien.
And I can't wait to get this third character flushed out.
"The creature that left the claw marks emerges from behind the building and lets out a thunderous roar.
The virus has completed its transformation on him.
Only shreds of humanity are still visible.
" My original script was about two infected characters The Wanderer is in the first stages of this infection.
The Captive is in the second stage.
And now our new character is the fully evolved mutation from the virus.
So I have to think of how to devolve the Captive and put him in this midrange, because there's this third grotesque monster.
So keep the cowl and continue the split up and then do the giant chest piece, right? Yeah.
All right, let me go grab a chest.
I had Libby start blocking out the Captive's new face, and I have Stevie coming in to refine it and me and Kevon are gonna work on the new third character.
The camera test didn't go over well, but I'm feeling positive that I can make it better, and I'm excited to change it.
"Stepping into frame, we see the Prey's ally.
It's an enormous creature who dwarfs the Hunter.
" Patrick was so receptive to our Prey and our Hunter character, we don't need to resculpt them.
So today, we need to get this third character started if not finished.
I don't want to make him look old, but I definitely want to make him look like he's been around.
- More weathered.
- Yes.
So "The Prey" script originally had two characters.
Our Prey character is this really pale, naturalistic tribal character that's running through the woods, and our Hunter character, who is big, mean, and imposing chasing after her.
But it turns out that she's setting him up for a little bit of an ambush.
So it's a classic tale of the hunter becoming the hunted.
So this third character needs to not only look like the same race and tribe as our Prey character, but also needs to intimidate our very intimidating Hunter character.
I'm hitting my second wind right now.
I'm not tired, I'm pumped.
I'm ready to go.
Hi, everybody.
- Hey.
- Hi! So we got a big list for our Creature and a big list for our Priest.
Big list for something I thought looked pretty cool already.
I hope you don't change too much.
Oh, no.
No, it's just-- just little additions - here and there.
- Yeah.
The third character-- the new character, she seduces the Creature, basically.
She needs to really show emotion.
that's still very feminine, attractive.
You'd want it simple.
You could keep her more on the human side.
The thing I'm realizing about the camera test on kind of my first sculpt was it was too much going on.
It just-- I wasn't feeling it.
So my new idea is I want him to look way more human, - the sparse hair.
- Mm-hmm.
He's gonna just have a bald cap, and his prosthetic is just gonna go back really far.
And then this is the third-stage character.
- Okay.
- I just feel like he needs to be blistery and bumpy.
This is really cool.
I think you're on a good track, and I think if you don't, like, revisit her too much, you can breathe a little bit on that one and just concentrate on those guys.
We're basically thinking this is the brute of her people.
This is the big enforcer of sorts.
We're thinking of basically taking everything we did on Nayeli and accentuating it.
We're gonna pop out his jaw.
We're gonna pop out the cheekbones, give him a more aggressive-looking brow but in the same style.
'Cause that was a big signature thing you had on her.
With Nayeli, right.
So that's something to really play with.
I think it'll be a great idea to push in that direction.
- Absolutely, absolutely.
- Well, good luck to everybody.
I'm excited.
This third character will essentially be a sacrifice that the Priest offers to the Creature.
After talking to Patrick, I know that I need to make sure that she's beautiful.
So I don't want to go too heavy on the appliances.
I'm feeling confident about the direction that we need to go.
One hour, guys.
All right, everybody, that's time! By the end of the day, I feel great.
We accomplished so much.
So tomorrow, we hopefully can get everything done.
Oh, wow.
Look at how thin that is.
Oh, yeah.
It's the last day in the lab.
Ever! Come here, friend, I'm gonna steam ya.
Our second run of all of our foam prosthetics for the Hunter and Prey characters look really good.
So Meg and Jasmine are just gonna be pre-painting like crazy people all day.
And Ricky and I are going to be finishing up the chest, back, and face piece for our third character.
As much as I love Evan and Ben, I don't want to make it easy for 'em.
I haven't been doing this as long as they have.
I feel like I have something to prove, and I just want to do the best that I can.
The main goal today is to pre-paint everything.
In addition, I'm also sculpting ears for our female character just to kind of give more of an alien element to her.
There's a lot of pressure to get this stuff done, but we all know what we need to do.
At this point, it's just a matter of execution.
My goal for today is to finish the cowl for the creature and get it molded.
And since I got my face piece molded on the first day, I have a foam copy that I can line up and reference while I sculpt.
We also need to get these crazy mutant arms sculpted.
And then Libby's gonna start organizing our kits because that's super important so that we have out on-set kits with everything we need.
You know what the best part about Face Off is? What? It really makes you a better person, as far as, like, my self-esteem in what I can do.
Yeah, that-- - That's the biggest reward, I think.
Movies are the reason that I'm in effects.
I love that it's possible to create anything you can imagine and watch it come to life on camera, and so this finale is a dream challenge.
Hey, y'all, 30 minutes.
That's time, everybody.
Thank you, brother.
Leaving the lab for the last time is kind of crazy, but I'm really excited about tomorrow.
We're gonna meet with Patrick on a real movie set.
It's a crazy, crazy feeling.
I can't wait.
We pull up to Polsa Rosa Ranch.
It's crazy.
They got everything set up for the finale and we beeline it right up to the makeup trailer and this is the real thing.
We're getting ready for a real-life movie shoot, and we're ready to rumble.
I'm gonna apply our Prey's facial prosthetic.
And it needs to be able to hold up through a lot of abuse.
For the first time in this competition winning is definitely on my mind.
And I keep reminding myself, like, "Hey, you got a one in three shot.
" And I like those odds.
So I'm going for it.
Jasmine and I have pretty much pre-painted everything.
All we have to do is get everything super well-applied and then go in and match up the body to what we've already pre-painted.
How close are we on that chest? I just don't want to rush these edges.
I feel you.
We just gotta paint and do the faces still.
As I start applying the torso piece for the Ally character, all the inside edges are kind of pulling and rolling.
But I refuse to let down Nora, so I'm gonna try my best and with all my might to get everything to stay.
We definitely gotta help Ricky out over here, you guys.
Time is flying by in this trailer, but when I look up at the Hunter character I see that he's looking way too white, and it's just not gonna look right.
That's-- you know, I think we need to pull that white back.
Even though the clock's ticking and we're all in panic mode, we still have to make very, very smart thought-out decisions.
We gotta get it back to how it was originally.
That's not okay.
Hey, guys, last looks.
You got one hour left.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
I've pretty much got an entire giant to paint in an hour.
I'm feeling the pressure.
We've got way too much to do on both of these guys so just gotta cut our losses where we can.
Time is ticking away, so I'm trying to get moss on our Hunter character.
Whoa, girl, easy on the KAVA.
That's never even gonna dry.
Nora is on top of every single speck of dirt.
All of her best qualities are really shining.
Take your time.
That's crazy.
It's chaos down to the last second that we're slapping stuff on and getting these guys camera ready.
All right, guys, that's it.
Time's up.
Good luck.
This is so awesome, guys.
Yeah! All right, cool.
That's it.
We've done what we can do until we get on set.
These guys look really badass, so mission accomplished there on our part, and I can't wait to hear what Patrick has to say.
Here we go.
Whoo! We pull up to the set and it's so surreal.
- Hey, guys.
- Hello.
How are you, guys? My team is just kind of looking at each other and being like, "Is this really about to happen?" Let's shoot this.
All right, here we go.
I'm just really excited to start shooting, 'cause I can't wait to see these guys in action.
Okay, Ricky, you come with me.
So what are we doing? We're just wetting her up.
Do you have the K-Y? Yep.
The Prey character is up first, then-- I just hope Patrick's happy with how this makeup turned out.
- All right.
- All right, okay.
Oh, that's it.
We're gonna go.
J mark.
And action.
Cut! We have it.
That's a good job.
Let's move on.
Her abrasions and cuts look pretty good.
It's kind of rushed and messy, but the general idea is great.
Meg, could I get a sponge? Nayeli doing a lot of stunts so I need to be anticipating what Patrick needs and then doing it regardless of whether or not he tells me to.
That's what I'm there to do.
Action! Cut.
Great, guys.
- Okay.
- Just his feet.
All right, cool.
After Patrick sees our Prey character running through the stream and stuff, he's like, "Hey, you know, it'd be really cool to have a shot where the Hunter's chasing right behind her also in the water.
" I'm like, "Oh, shit!" I'm gonna spray his feet real quick if that's going on.
Yeah, yeah.
That means that I need to-- very quickly, waterproof his legs to keep my makeup from falling off.
These kind of last-minute touchups are exactly what happens on a real-life shoot.
So I've just gotta roll with it at this point.
All right, we're good.
Rolling all around.
And action.
Cut! That's great.
The mud in the water just makes the makeups look better.
It all mixes in really well.
I'm really glad that everything's holding up.
I sure as shit wasn't sure if it was going to or not.
But it is, so that's awesome.
And action! That's cool.
It's gonna look great.
I gotta admit, he looks pretty badass here.
Cut! Let's do it again.
- Oh, man.
- He's sometimes so scary.
He's sick.
The Ally character is looking great.
Even though this guy is only there for, like, a split second at the end, he is terrifying.
I'm so proud right now.
Let's move on.
Move it uphill to the cranes.
And action! Loving this.
This is good.
Cut! That's it.
Good! Done.
Thanks, Gary, good stuff.
So that's it.
We're done.
We've got everything we need.
The shoot's over and I'm overcome with joy.
I'm, like, really happy.
Good stuff.
- Oh, thank you so much.
- I'm very happy.
As in the moment as I am right now, in the back of my head, I'm just thinking, like, tomorrow we're gonna find out who's gonna win season nine of Face Off.
And I can't stop thinking about it.
You killed it, buddy.
Take care.
Good luck.
- Thank you so much.
- Good luck.
This has just been the coolest, most amazing thing I've ever done.
Just really honored to be here.
I never ever thought I would still be standing here at the finale, so-- Yeah, it's crazy.
One, two, three, Hashtag Team Nora! We walk into the makeup trailer, and the first thing I check out is our silicone piece for the female character.
The edges look really, really nice.
It's a huge relief.
I go ahead and take care of the Priest.
Scott and Jordan are gonna start knocking out the Creature, and Jason will be applying and painting the Victim.
Everything feel all right? It's not binding or anything? Yeah, it's great.
Learning from our mistakes in the first application we're gonna need every precious minute, because we have a lot of pieces to apply.
The chest goes on, then the cowl, then the face.
And while Jordan is working on blending the edges with KAVA paste, I'm getting the backs of the hands on We're a well-oiled machine.
For the Victim, it's actually two smaller appliances.
There's the forehead down to the cheeks, as well as a smaller chin piece.
Once I get the brow piece down, I apply the chin, and then it is time to start burning the edges down.
But unfortunately, the edges around the mouth are showing more than they should.
Running into the problem with the edges is going to take more time from the painting and the beauty makeup than we really wanted to spend.
It's not beautiful.
It's the finale.
We all want to give Ben our best work.
We want Ben to win, and I'm not feeling as confident about this as I should be.
You ready for some paint? This paint job is incredibly crucial to the success of this makeup.
But since I was able to get so much pre-painting done in the lab, there's very little work that I have to do to make sure that all the paint blends together.
This being the finale, it's really nice getting the opportunity to spend so much time to get it completely honed in.
Hey, guys, you got one hour left.
Last looks.
Good luck.
Thank you.
I'm really freaking out.
I've spent so much time trying to fix this edge, I haven't had the chance to start the beauty makeup, and that's such a huge part of this.
Whoo! As the clock's ticking away, we start laying down all of the wardrobe, getting that wrapped around, getting the little bits that we don't have painted, painted up.
We're all trying to crank out these characters as fast as we can.
I don't know what else to do.
The clock is ticking away, and the Victim's mouth isn't getting glued down.
And so I decided to add blood to it so that it looks like some kind of wound.
Not perfect, but at least we're able to justify it.
All right, guys, that's it.
Time is up.
All right.
I'm just so impressed with everything my team has done.
Regardless of the flaws that we had, I think we hit it out of the park.
I'm really happy with what we've got.
- How you doing, man? - Oh, great.
- Good to see you.
- Good stuff.
Looking good.
Oh, thank you very much.
Thank you.
There's been such a huge buildup leading to this very moment that I'm just super excited to get this thing rolling.
- Guys, shall we do it? - Let's do this.
Our set location is enormous.
It was a crazy upside-down pyramid.
There's tents everywhere.
There's crew everywhere.
It's crazy.
The very first shot has both our Priest and our Creature in it, and I'm hoping that Patrick is happy with them.
Love it.
That's cool.
I like that.
I think we're good.
Yeah, we're gonna be good with this one.
And cut! This is good.
We got it.
Seeing them under the lights on camera, it's exciting.
The paleness of the Priest is really working very well.
And the contrast with the Creature character makes them really pop.
I think the Priest looks great.
That's great.
I'm gonna freshen up his slime.
I think Patrick notices that we paid attention to all the points that he gave us.
All in all, it's fucking cool.
Okay, and action.
And rise! Excellent.
Very good.
Cut! That was good.
I loved it.
The two of them look great together.
The makeups definitely feel like they're in the same world.
The back of the corpse is so interesting and complex, and it's simply bitchin'.
It comes time to get our close-up of our Victim and we're still trying to struggle to get that edge to lay down, but as we touch it up, we're starting to take away from the translucency of the makeup.
It's frustrating.
I do, too.
I know.
Yeah, the mouth started to kind of fall apart.
I don't know what we can do.
I know that it doesn't look the way Patrick wanted it, and it's terrifying because I want to win.
And then Patrick decides that the contacts are a little too harsh, which makes a lot of sense.
And once I get those out, it's time to start shooting again, and I just hope she looks really nice on camera.
Look up.
Smile, slight.
Seeing her on camera, there's still things that I don't like about it, but all in all, I think she turned out great.
This stuff right through here is a mess.
They should just lighten all that up.
And cut! Okay, we're done.
- Got it? - Yeah, yeah.
Thank you.
Whatever happens, this has been such a crazy and awesome and weird experience, - and I'm just so happy.
- Good.
I think ending the competition with these three characters and working alongside with Patrick, I couldn't ask for a better way.
Good job.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Good luck.
Cross my fingers.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.
All in all, I think it was a fun shoot.
I have a really incredible team behind me.
I don't think any of the work would have been nearly as good as it was without 'em.
It's been exhausting but just really incredible.
We arrive at Polsa Rosa Ranch and we walk inside our makeup trailer for our finale application.
All of our pieces turned out well, so that right there is a great start to this application.
My game plan is to have Libby and Stevie applying the faces on the Captive and the Wanderer, Kevin trimming and pre-painting the arms, and me trimming and pre-painting the cowl for the Creature.
We're just gonna all focus and use every minute of time.
I start applying the Captive makeup, blending everything so that it stays for a long amount of time, since we are gonna be out in a hot, hot, hot sun.
Then I move on to the Wanderer.
I really want to help Evan have the best makeups possible.
These arms are very huge, so it's a lot of trimming, it's a lot of painting, and after that's done, I move on to helping Evan with applying the prosthetics to our Creature.
Evan and I work together very well.
I'm ready to help him get all the way to the end.
If you want to help Kevon glue this, I can start painting that.
Throughout application, I'm bouncing back and forth between makeups and doing adjustments and touchups, trying to make sure that every single one of them is perfect.
- Libby.
- Yeah? We need to do the hair work on him.
I'm getting a little worried just because time is ticking away and we still need to finish applying everything on the Creature.
We need to cruise, you guys.
All right, guys, you have one hour left.
- This is Last Looks.
- Thank you.
So, Stevie, me and you are gonna start painting this.
- Yeah.
- Okay? There's an hour left and there's not a lot of paint on the Creature.
- Hey, Libby.
- Mm-hmm.
I need your help too with speckling.
So I have everybody kind of stop what they're doing and jump onto painting it.
These last few minutes, my team's just killing it.
I think he looks pretty cool without hair.
You know, it's like you kind of forget what's going on and you black out and you step away and you're like, "Holy crap.
" He looks amazing.
Hey, guys, that's it.
Time's up.
- Sweet.
- Whoo.
Good luck.
Time's up and I'm stoked.
Let's do this.
They look like they're ready to be put right into a movie.
How you doing, man? Good.
How are you? We pull up, and this is the first time Patrick's gonna see the two new makeups.
And I'm a little nervous, but I'm also very proud of 'em.
Look at this.
Did a little change.
Now we're talking, eh? Wow.
This is my first time being a makeup artist on any kind of movie set, so I am so psyched to see them on camera.
You want to see it without it? Yeah, is that okay? Do you want somebody to help? No, it's fine.
Before we even start filming, Patrick thinks the Wanderer is gonna look better without the coat 'cause it's so big.
Okay, cool.
We're now starting with this now.
- All right.
- You cool with that? - Yeah.
That's fine, yeah.
- I think it's gonna be great.
- Well, let's get started, guys.
- All right.
We thought the coat was gonna stay on the whole time so now we need to cover up her bare skin with dirt or makeup and do it pretty fast because we need to start filming.
I'm just gonna hit the back of your arm real quick.
So we go in there and use some makeup to make her look a little distressed and dirty, and I add some sweat to her, and she looks great.
Rolling! Action! Patrick ripped her jacket off when she came out here, and they got her dirtied up, and it looks great.
That's pretty cool.
And cut! I'm pretty happy with the way my Wanderer looks on camera.
You don't necessarily see the little flaws that you notice up close.
You're seeing what the audience is gonna see so it's really cool.
Okay, we're moving.
Make sure his wrist is wrapped and everything.
- That should be good.
- You ready to get tied up? Action! Noise! Look around.
That looks awesome.
His veins look pretty good.
Well, I suppose it's part of the appliance, I think.
His are working far better onscreen.
Cut! We're good! Let's move on.
Looks so awesome.
I haven't been confident about a lot of things during this competition, but I am feeling amazing.
And, you know, the reactions I'm getting from people seeing the makeup, I feel great about it.
I'm just gonna go check him close.
It's amazing how on the ball this team is.
They're all over these makeups.
We all know how important that is on a set.
Guys Okay, yeah.
My Creature is one of the coolest things I've made and definitely finale worthy.
Ready and action! Cut! The third character has massive arms.
It's frickin' awesome.
Good sculpting.
Head piece, chest piece.
This is it.
This is it.
- Cut! - That was a good one.
- Okay.
- Good? - Yes! - Whoo! It's amazing seeing your creations come to life on camera.
Thank you, guys.
Good job.
Thank you so much.
That was awesome.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
It's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I'm sad that it's all over, but it's also awesome, because it's been just a very stressful, amazing journey.
I couldn't ask for anything better than this.
I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life.
It's amazing.
- Team Badass Awesome.
- Team Badass Awesome.
Welcome, everyone.
How are you guys? - Good.
- Great.
So how cool was it to be on set and see your makeups on camera in the actual setting? - Amazing.
- Incredible.
Well, from what I saw of them, they all looked amazing.
Thank you.
Patrick, how did you feel the shoots went? Well, what impressed me is the way they went to work on set, beyond what I'm used to seeing, which is great work at the lab, great creations.
So I was very, very impressed.
All of you.
Thank you.
All right, guys, before the judges chat with each of you, I'd like to remind you that this season's champion will win a VIP trip to one of Kryolan's 85 international locations, a 2015 Fiat 500, and $100,000.
All right, the judges would like to speak with each of you before they choose a winner.
Evan, you're up first.
Evan, tell us about your characters from "Quarantine Zone.
" It was an evolution of a disease.
The hero character had a very light beginning of it with some veining.
The next one I changed after the lighting test.
I wanted to do it starting on this side of the face, 'cause that's what the shot really called for.
And then the third character, I wanted to make this virus evolve into a creature.
So after the reveal of the third character, you delivered two completely new characters? - Yes.
- Very impressive stuff.
Thank you.
It looks like you worked really well with Patrick, which I love to see.
That's something that we all have to do.
I thought that you guys did a great job.
Thank you.
All three characters were very cohesive and really well done.
The paint jobs were really spectacular, and I congratulate you on a really nice, little short film.
Thank you.
It was awesome.
I can't wait to see it.
What is kind of unbelievable is the fact that you rethought the whole paradigm of your characters, and that was risky, and it paid off.
Because you took that opportunity and turned it into a character that felt like it was the hero character from the very beginning.
Thank you.
All right, Evan, it's time to check out your film, "Quarantine Zone.
" This is it.
I'm gonna see my first film.
This is what we've been working for.
Alright Evan, it's time to check out your film.
"Quarantine Zone.
" That was fantastic, Evan.
Thank you so much.
Would you please step back? - Great job, buddy.
- Thank you.
Nora, you're up.
Would you please tell us about your characters for "The Prey"? The two initial characters, the Hunter and the Prey, they are from two rivaling tribes.
So it's a classic tale of the hunter becoming the hunted.
When he thinks he's hunting her, but really, she's led him right into a trap.
Well, I think you did a really great job.
The paint jobs were beautiful.
She had nasty, rotten teeth, and you worked on every part of her body.
and that was really well thought out.
- Lovely work.
- Thank you.
You did two things that I dislike the most, a tree person and a big scar running through the eye of a character.
However, the scar, it was unique.
And in regards to a tree character, it was executed so well that by the end of it, I felt like I was a tree hugger.
It really was done so beautiful.
- Congratulations, all of you.
- Thank you.
When presented with the challenge of the third character, it doesn't feel tacked on.
The scale, the proportion, the synergy of the characters all work so well, I wouldn't know there were two phases of the challenge.
- That's a huge compliment.
- Thank you.
All right, why don't we take a look at your finished film, "The Prey"? That turned out great.
Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
- Will you please step down? Thank you, guys.
All right, Ben, please step forward.
All right.
Tell us all about your "Resurrection" characters.
This story had a really cool, almost "The Mummy" or "Frankenstein" feel to it, so you want that otherworldly effect but still have that sort of old-school feel to it.
So for our Priest character, I had a really interesting idea to create a bishop's hat in the anatomy of his head.
For our Creature, we wanted to keep that same anatomy but have it slightly Cro-Magnon.
And for our third character, we wanted to try and make her look beautiful.
The thing that I liked about the Priest was there were some really cool forms I have never seen before.
You get to your Creature, wow, that thing was so thorough.
- Gorgeous work.
- Thank you.
Before you even opened your mouth about it being an old-school vibe, it's so there.
That was my favorite thing about it.
With that, that Victim makeup, there were clearly problems.
The way the prosthetic fit her face, it wasn't doing you any favors.
The Creature on the table had all those tiny, fine little wrinkles, and up close, he was magnificent.
Beautiful paint job on the Priest.
- Really nicely done, guys.
- Thank you.
All right, Ben, let's check out your film, "Resurrection.
" - Nice work, Ben.
- Thank you.
- Will you please step down? - Thank you, guys.
All right, guys, it's time for the judges to deliberate and choose this season's champion.
Will you please head off set? Okay, so, Patrick, why don't we talk about each film? Nora was the one that carried on from the fabrication all the way to the delivery.
Nayeli came to me already looking great, but beyond that, she was constantly by touching up and yanking the makeups to get them to the best position.
What was impressive about Ben is his designs were gorgeous, very powerful and unique.
But I was a little disappointed with the third character, because I was expecting a character that was really beautiful, but the thing is that he reacted well on set.
That was good.
Evan reinvented the characters really, really quickly.
There was a great sense of evolution, and it really allowed me to tell the story through the makeup.
Patrick, thank you very much.
Now it's time for you guys to discuss and choose a winner.
Good luck, guys.
I'm glad it's not me who has to choose.
Take care.
Thanks, Patrick.
All right, so why don't we start with Evan and his film, "Quarantine Zone.
" Evan really worked well on the set.
He made all of his adjustments, and I think his Captive makeup was very successful.
There were some really cool touches.
I really loved his Creature, and I thought that together they told a great story.
Well, the fact that he did completely new characters - is mind-boggling to me.
- That's really courageous.
All right, let's move on to Nora's film, "The Prey.
" Her Prey character was really well-realized.
The giant was spectacular.
The scarification on him, a really clever design work.
The tree creature, too, felt really organic.
She was right on top of those makeups on set all the way through, cut on the last shot.
All right, let's move on to Ben and his film, "Resurrection.
" The greatest character was the resurrected.
The texturing was so beautiful.
The paint job was amazing.
Beautiful, subtle forms all over them.
The immediate ability to recognize the lineage between the Creature and the Priest because of a shared form line, which, awesome.
However, the third character, huge part of this challenge.
There were a lot of problems with it.
But from her up, she was beautiful.
Are you judges ready to crown a winner? Oh, yeah, we are.
- Yeah.
- Wasn't easy.
I'm excited.
Let's bring 'em back out.
All right, it's time to crown this season's champion.
Glenn, tell us about the finalists.
Evan, we liked that you embraced the viral mutation in your script in a very unexpected way.
And the transition of your characters was incredibly well handled.
Thank you.
Nora, each of your characters did a fantastic job telling your script's stories, and they all felt right at home in that forest environment.
Thank you.
Ben, we loved the Frankenstein vibe portrayed by your Creature and all of the intricate details and forms of your characters were uniquely interesting.
Thank you.
So who is the winner of Face Off? The winner of Face Off is The winner of Face Off is Nora.
Holy crap! Oh, my God.
There's not words in the English language to describe how I feel right now.
This hasn't really set in yet.
I'm so excited for my family, my girlfriend and my school right now.
And my dad's gonna be really, really proud of me.
So that's cool.
You did a great job, honey.
Thank you so much.
I don't feel like I lost anything.
Nora has worked her ass off through this entire competition.
She probably deserves it more than anybody.
And I don't need to win to feel like a champion.
I'm so proud of you.
This is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and it's made me a new person and a new artist.
And that's the best reward ever, and I feel great.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Here's the key to your new car.
- Oh, my God.
- You did it! I never in a million years thought that I could come out of school, come right here and win it.
Don't let anybody ever tell you you can't accomplish something.
If you want it, take it.
To everyone at home, thank you so much for watching.
Keep an eye out for next season coming this January.
Good night.

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