Stargate SG-1 s09e14 Episode Script


Democracy is the future of our great nation.
We must proceed with the dissolution|of this Council, which we have seen can be influenced and corrupted.
I hereby formally propose|we hold a public referendum of the subject, so that all Jaffa can participate in the decision before us.
Thank you, Brother Maz'rai.
Your wisdom is always|greatly appreciated by the Council.
Now I call sister Ka'lel as the last speaker before rebuttal will be heard.
Brother Bra'tac, I'm afraid I must begin|rebuttal against dissolution of the Council - Our people are not yet ready for this burden Bra'tac.
|- You underestimate them, Sister.
My position on this Council|was secured by the might of the Haktyl, but it is well known that many regions|do not yet recognize any rights for females,|let alone the right to vote on their destiny.
I agree, - there must be change.
|- Such change must occur prior to a general vote so that its results|can be viewed as fair and representative.
Kal'el Kal'el! Did she not just speak of|her support for our proposal just this morning? Privately, yes.
|I would not have called on her otherwise.
Then why would she betray us in session? Someone has influenced her.
Still, I have always|believed Kal'el to be honorable.
Is there no end to this duplicity we must face? Sometimes I fear|I have gotten too old for this, Brother.
Indeed, and yet this is what results|when we leave such decisions to the rash of youth.
I will speak with her.
Kal'el please forgive the intrusion.
Not at all.
I'm glad you are here.
We must speak.
May I ask why you did not support our proposal? - Now is not the time.
|- We have no choice, Kal'el.
I'm afraid, as far as you are concerned, that is true.
Season 9 - Episode 14|"Stronghold" Hi.
I'm Lieutenant colonel Mitchell.
|I'm here to see Bryce Ferguson.
- Colonel Mitchell?|- Yes, Ma'am.
- Hello.
I'm Dr.
|- Nice to meet you.
I've had a chance to see your friend.
Lam says you're the best.
Well, that's very nice of her to say.
|I'm not aware of any official ranking system.
Well, I'm sure you'll be|a little better than Fergie's H.
back in Iowa.
Well, I'll do what I can.
I've ordered some tests.
They should give us|a better idea of what we're looking at.
He's had that shrapnel for a while.
|They just found the aneurysm a few weeks ago.
He probably had it|the whole time and didn't know it.
He said his doctors back home|have thrown in the towel on this one.
Well, I won't lie to you.
|It's in a tricky spot, but as you know, we have access to certain technology|not available to everyone else just yet.
Yes, Ma'am.
- I was told he's not privy to classified material.
|- No.
So, you got him in here,|but you couldn't get him clearance? That is a whole other ball of wax.
The irony is, he probably would've had my spot|in the 302 program if he hadn't been injured.
He's a better pilot than I ever was, better than most, actually.
This must be important to you.
I imagine you|had to pull some pretty big strings to make this happen.
Ferguson got that chunk of metal in|his head saving my sorry ass four years ago.
I'll do what I can.
And so, upon further reflection, I have come to agree with Kal'el more debate over the|proposed state of government is required.
We must take our time in such grave matters.
For now, we must maintain the present high Council and|not bow to the pressure of brothers Bra'tac and Teal'c.
I am entitled to be swayed by reason, Bra'tac.
You are the one who|tabled this proposal for a referendum.
You have always believed democracy|was essential for the future of our nation.
Indeed, that is still the case.
- I have merely been convinced that|we should not act in such haste.
|- Brother it was you who feared that Gerak's|followers were gathering strength, that there was a danger that if we did not|dissolve this Council, they could still vote to support the unilateral|submission to the religion of the Ori.
All our dreams for|a free Jaffa nation would be lost forever.
All I am saying is that I believe|there is yet more time for healthy debate.
We cannot let this proposal die.
There are still|Council members who remain uncommitted.
Brother U'kin was not in session today.
I will visit him later this evening after|I confer with our allies on Chulak.
And I will see what I can learn here.
If Maz'rai's vote was influenced, I shall expose it.
Ferguson! It's about time.
Son of a bitch drags me out here to get|poked and prodded and turned upside down, and he can't spare a minute from|his big important job to visit his dying friend.
Ah, it's good to see your|bad attitude hasn't changed much.
What do you expect?|I'm dying, for God sakes.
- Don't have to get up, you idiot.
|- Oh, Cam, I'm not gonna break.
- You look like you're feeling good.
|- Yeah, I'm doing pretty good for a guy with a ticking time bomb in his head.
Well, why don't we see|what the doctors have to say about that? Oh, I'm just doing what the flyer says.
It was in the waiting room of the shrink's|office they sent me to a couple weeks back.
So you're gonna bite the big one.
Now what? First thing on the list is accept it.
|Learn to talk openly about it.
So, that's what I'm doing.
Did I mention I'm gonna die? Yeah I think you did.
So, how about you?|How's the big important top-secret job? Still top secret.
Oh, come on, man, you can tell me.
|I'm not gonna tell anyone.
I'm gonna die, you know.
- No flowers?|- No.
No, hell I thought about it, but I decided on this instead.
Oh, yes, me likey a lotty.
Colonel, Dr.
Bra'tac has information|concerning a situation on Dakara.
It is Teal'c.
He left last night|to consult with one of our allies.
He was due back this morning but did not return.
You sure he's not just late? He missed an important Council session.
There have been unusual goings on as of late.
I am here because I no longer|know who I can trust on Dakara and I am certain something is gravely wrong.
I will divulge nothing.
That is not my intention.
My purpose is to teach you.
Obviously this motion to dissolve the Council in favor|of elected officials has spawned strong opposition.
Many who have reaped benefits under the current regime|would lose their status upon passage of the vote.
Anybody in particular you think would resort to|kidnapping and blackmail to influence the situation? I used to believe in the honor|of many who have disappointed me of late.
Well, we should probably start|at Teal'c's last known whereabouts.
Let me know if you need additional personnel.
Colonel Mitchell is taking some personal time.
Thank you, Sir.
Come on, come on No, you don't want none of me.
No, you don't.
Oh, oh, now, don't look now.
|You'd better back down.
Die! Yeah, that's what I'm talking What the hell was that? Are you even trying? You know what? I'm just I'm kind of tired.
|But this, this, this was great, really.
- This was just like old times.
|- Tell you what.
I'll play left-handed, - with one eye.
|- Yeah, I'm done.
Alright, fine.
I reserve the right for a rematch.
Fair enough.
Look, I I appreciate you taking some time, but What are you talking about? I'm just saying, you did your duty.
|You can go now.
I've got nowhere else to be.
Seriously, Cam, it's fine.
|You don't have to stick around.
Yes I do.
I wish I could be of more help, Bra'tac, but Teal'c|left last night, barely an hour after arriving.
Did he say where he was going? He said he was needed back on Dakara.
- Was anybody with him?|- He traveled alone.
Please let me know as soon as you|have learned what has happened.
What is the matter, Brother? You call yourself a friend, yet you speak lies to my face! Whoa, Bra'tac He is deceiving us.
Where is Teal'c? Bra'tac, what has come over you?|I have told you what I know.
I will not ask again.
He was taken from here.
I do not know where.
Please! What was that all about? I believe he speaks the truth.
He does not know where Teal'c is.
But he admitted he helped|arrange for Teal'c's kidnapping.
And he shall be dealt with accordingly.
Unfortunately for us, this situation|is much worse than I imagined.
How? U'kin has always been one of the|strongest supporters of our cause, a Jaffa whose honor I never would have doubted.
There is but one possible explanation for his actions.
I saw it in his eyes.
He's been brainwashed.
You know, I never did buy|that you went down in a test flight.
Why? That's what happened.
Okay, so you, you were testing a plane|in a dogfight over Antarctica? Dogfight? I did some checking,|I still have friends in intelligence.
Right, you think you're getting your hands on classified information.
Not exactly.
I pieced some things together.
Come on, we were both up for|that big important classified position.
I just want to know what I missed out|on that almost got you killed.
I wish I could tell you.
I really do.
No, you don't.
No, you probably feel guilty as hell that you're doing|what you're doing while I'm waiting to die.
Read the flyer, man.
It's called survivor's guilt.
Now, it also says that you need to be|honest with yourself and those around you.
It does not seem to be working.
As I feared.
His will is strong.
I will break him whatever it takes.
No, no.
I'll deal with this.
Hello, Teal'c.
You! Seems it's time we had a little chat.
I've recalled colonel Carter and SG-3 from Chulak.
Do we have any idea how widespread|this brainwashing might be? It is impossible to tell, but it explains how many alliances have shifted so|dramatically over the course of the last three weeks.
For all we know, half the high Council|may have been compromised.
You believe Goa'uld technology is behind this? Teal'c once fell prey to it at the hands of Apophis.
But he was able to break its hold|by enduring the rite of M'al Sharran.
Anyone, including a Jaffa, could have|their hands on that technology now.
Still, the fact that Teal'c overcame|such manipulation in the past should make him more able|to resist its effects again.
Which may actually put his life at greater risk.
Bra'tac, you said a close|friend of yours, Maz'rai, had a similar change of opinion, virtually overnight.
Yes, it is likely he too is brainwashed.
I guess what I'm getting at is is it possible you could get him to defeat|the brainwashing the same way Teal'c did? And if so, at the very least, he might be able to give us|an idea as to who is behind this.
I admit we've certainly|had our differences in the past, but you need to hear what I have to say.
I will not hear the words of a false god.
Ah, yes, the whole god issue.
Maybe we did take it a little too far, but Can you blame us? We gave you strength, vitality, long life.
I know you don't|quite see it that way, but no matter.
It's all in the past now.
Come now, Teal'c.
We're smart enough|to know we're not actually gods.
Well, some of us are anyway.
There are always|those who will begin to believe their own propaganda.
I suppose all you need is enough|people to worship you and then, what's the difference? You're pretty|much a god by definition, are you not? So is the case with the Ori.
Granted, they do seem to have some very|interesting powers to back up their claims.
I've seen what happens to those who resist.
They are a formidable enemy.
How does this concern you and I? We worked together to defeat the Replicators.
This is working together? Taking me against my will, brainwashing the Council to do your bidding The Jaffa number in the millions, spread|across the vastness of the galaxy.
Your backgrounds are diverse and rich|in a history of warfare with each other.
Because of the Goa'uld! As a united nation, you are young and inexperienced, too weak to face an adversary as powerful as the Ori.
Gerak proved that.
What you need right now|is a strong leader, one with the mind and experience|to wage war on such a foe.
You? I'm not asking you to worship me.
I do not plan to undermine your freedom.
I care nothing for your rights and traditions or|what you wish to do with your daily lives.
What I do not want to see|happen is the utter subjugation of this entire galaxy at the hands of the Ori.
|That would be an utter shame for all of us.
Don't make this personal, Teal'c.
Your people are in need, and I can help them.
I can help all of us defend ourselves against the Ori.
That is an absurd accusation.
You know me, Bra'tac.
I choose my opinions carefully.
That's true.
No, really, it is.
We checked these out of the hall|of records before coming here.
Six months ago, you co-authored policy measures|designed to prevent voting abuses by Gerak's coalition.
Four months ago, you voted in favor of increasing the|size of Council to give unrepresented Jaffa a voice, and just three weeks ago, you introduced a motion|to set limits on the Council's legislative power.
Are we seeing a pattern here? You believe in democracy, Maz'rai.
How else do you explain your actions? I do not deny my beliefs.
My thinking on the proper timing and strategy|for implementation is what's changed.
Two evenings ago do you remember clearly what you did? Bra'tac, I do not remember what I ate yesterday.
That is sad, I admit, but proof|of nothing other than old age.
Age has taken away everything|but our wisdom, old friend.
Those were your words to me just before|you tabled a referendum for democracy.
Tell me one thing that happened the night|before last.
Then I will let this rest.
Please, leave me.
I am weary.
Bra'tac We have reached him.
Trust me.
Facing the rite of M'al Sharran is something one must do with clear mind and conviction.
We must give him time.
Peterson to room 5-B.
- Dr.
Peterson to room|- Do you know what I think you're doing? Sleeping.
I think you're fighting aliens.
I think that chunk of metal you've got in|your cranium has caused a lot of damage.
I know you weren't test-flying|a plane down in Antarctica.
You were fighting an alien armada in human-built alien hybrid fighters,|and we've got, like, a whole fleet of them, and at least|a couple of interstellar battleships.
Whatever you say, man.
The info's out there.
The military, they couldn't build all that stuff|themselves.
They'd have to contract it out.
I did some consulting for an aeronautics firm|called Zephyr when I first went on disability.
Come on man, I'm seasoned enough to see through all the bogus cover stories they've been|blowing around the last couple of years.
I mean, what really happened to that|building in Seattle a couple months back? And that strange new influenza|outbreak that swept the globe? Didn't that start in a hospital near here? - Look, Ferguson|- No, I know, I know, you can't tell me.
It doesn't really matter.
The point is, I know that whatever you're into, it's big.
I mean, it's bigger than we ever dreamed of,|even back when we were cadets, and we swore that blood oath that we'd make it|into the space program or die trying.
Look, I'm not some crazy conspiracy nut, Cam.
I know.
You've got things to do besides|sitting here waiting for me to die.
I find it helps if you hit it.
Oh, that's alright.
I probably|shouldn't have any more caffeine.
I got the results back from the cat scan.
And? Well, it pretty much confirmed|Mr.
Ferguson's own doctor's findings.
The shrapnel originally lodged itself|against an intracranial artery, and over the course of the next|few years formed the aneurysm.
Given its size and relative position, we risk doing more damage|if we attack it surgically.
Even an intravascular approach|would likely cause a major rupture.
So, what's the plan? Well, I know you were hoping for better news, Colonel.
|I'm sorry.
I'm afraid there are no options.
It's only a matter of time.
Sorry, Doc, you were wrong.
Hitting it doesn't help.
I'll pay for that! Thank you.
Now please leave us.
You think he did this to himself? He removed his own symbiote.
The rite of M'al Sharran.
I don't understand.
|Why would he do this on his own? I mean, he had to know how dangerous it would be.
It requires that you bring|yourself to the edge of death in order to find your own true spirit.
Should you fail He was ashamed that he'd been brainwashed.
If he failed to overcome it, he didn't|want anyone here to save him.
I pushed you to this, old friend.
Bra'tac Kal'el.
Bra'tac is tailing Kal'el.
He's hopeful it will lead to Teal'c's whereabouts.
Colonel Carter is putting together a rescue operation|that we can implement the moment we get confirmation.
I'll be there.
Under the circumstances, everyone will|understand if you choose to stay back on this one.
I'm sorry, Sir, we're talking about Teal'c.
I understand.
How's your friend doing? Not so good.
On that front, Sir, there's something I need to ask you.
So, have you given some thought to my proposal? To be honest, you've looked better, Teal'c.
Don't tell me your spirit is waning.
I know you need tretonin to live.
Give in.
Don't threaten the future|of your people because of personal pride.
You are frightened.
You seek to control the Jaffa because you recognize the power of the Ori, and you are helpless to do anything about it on your own.
I've tried to be nice.
I've tried to present reason,|convince you in a most merciful fashion, but my patience wears thin.
Now, rest assured, I will prevail over you|precious Council and control the Jaffa.
Ultimately, it is for their own good.
If you keep resisting me, I will have no choice but to let you die.
Cameron Sam Bra'tac got us a Gate address.
Kal'el led him to a planet|with a mothership parked on a pyramid.
He believes Teal'c's being held there.
That's good news.
We're briefing in an hour.
I'll be there.
Do you need some help with this? No, I've got it.
Does this make me a hypocrite? I told my dad.
He was getting a Tok'ra symbiote.
Pete Got shot by a Goa'uld with a laser blaster.
|That's not really the point.
I mean, about using that thing.
I know, after what happened to me, I was opposed to anyone ever having anything to do with that technology,|and now I'm going out of my way to make use of it.
Is showing your friend|the truth gonna make him feel any better? He wants to know|I'm not going to be burdened with guilt over the fact that he died because of me.
The truth gonna to change that? Not for me.
So you're finally getting the hell out of here? - Actually, yes.
|- Good.
I might not be here when you get back, though.
Don't you quit on me.
No, I just meant that I'm checking out of the hospital.
I'm going home.
|There's nothing more they can do for me here.
What is that? It's a little something|I picked up on another planet.
Yes, very good.
That's hilarious.
You know, you never really could tell a joke We've made some modifications since we got our hands on this, but basically, here's how it works.
Some of my memories from the last year|have been downloaded into this device.
Attach these leads to your head, and you get to experience|some of the things I've gone through.
You're serious? You want to know the truth.
I'm gonna show it to you.
You can continue to resist me and die, or you can take the tretonin and save yourself.
Join me, and you will save many more.
It's up to you.
Mayday, mayday.
|We are going in! Repeat, we are going in! Colonel, you're here to lead SG-1.
- Teal'c!|- Daniel Jackson! - Hey, we've got a little problem in here!|- You done this before? - Fight a knight in armor? No, can't say that I have.
|- It appears to be a hologram.
A hologram? And we do not want to get into a God-off.
These priors want to show us|they're gonna play hardball.
The mark 9 gave them almost What are you doing? Why did you stop? Teal'c is in trouble.
There's a rescue op about to leave.
|I have to go.
Go save him, for God sakes.
Yeah, I just don't want you to give up,|not when there are so many possibilities out there.
Just get out of here.
Look, before I go, I have to say something.
You may not like it, but I'm gonna have|to live with it no matter what you say or do.
I'm sorry.
I'm doing what I'm doing, and you're not because I acted rashly.
I'm a hothead, and you're suffering because of it.
No, you're doing what|you're doing because of who you are.
Yeah, I'm impatient.
I lose control.
|I'm not particularly fond of that side of myself.
I didn't mean that.
When you see an opportunity, you take it.
With the kind of things that you|and me were asked to do, that you're doing now, I mean, you've got to be a little angry, you've got to be out of control.
I mean, if you think too much,|you're just gonna freeze up.
My God, you are going to other|planets through a freaking wormhole! You have be a little nuts.
I just don't want to screw up again.
Well, you'd better not.
This Teal'c, he seems like a pretty decent guy, or alien, whatever he is.
- Jaffa.
|- Jaffa.
Just be yourself, Cam.
|Trust me, that's pretty damn good.
I would have done it for anyone.
|You know that.
It's part of the job.
Yeah, it is.
Can I use this thing a little more? Play.
Rewind? Way cool.
When you get to the part with the flight attendant? Yeah? Skip over that.
That's private.
I promise nothing.
At which point,|we should receive radio confirmation from|Bra'tac that the Gate on P2M-903 is clear.
We can expect intense but limited|resistance upon approaching the mothership.
It will be visible roughly half a mile from the Gate.
Bra'tac should be able to provide aerial cover.
Thank you for joining us, Colonel.
We will secure the Gate, proceed to the pyramid,|gain access to the mothership, and locate and retrieve Teal'c.
Keep in mind all evidence suggests|Teal'c's been brainwashed.
There's no guarantee he's even|gonna cooperate with this rescue.
Teal'c is family.
I don't like people screwing with my family.
We're with you, Sir.
Let's bring him home.
Shall we try again? Alkesh shak'tel! Colonel Carter the Gate has been cleared.
Alright, let's go.
Move out.
Let's go! Move, move, move! Bra'tac, watch your back! Go, go, go, go! Mitchell! Cam wait for backup! I see you're feeling better.
Seems your friends have come to rescue you.
|I expected nothing less.
Unfortunately, it is too little, too late.
The mothership's engines are powering up.
It's taking off.
I'm curious, are you merely feigning allegiance? Waiting for the right time to strike at me? Dammit! Shel kree! Kill him.
Shel noc! Took you guys long enough.
Not you guys.
The rest of the Jaffa guard are retreating back here.
I can't get these damn rings to work.
If we all go, we could be cut off|with no way of getting back off the ship.
You go.
We got your back.
You sure about that? - Am I gonna be able to stop you?|- I don't think so.
I'm in a bad mood today.
Teal'c - you must resist.
|- Silence, old man.
Your words are meaningless.
I take it this means I don't have to shoot you.
You do not.
Sounds like somebody's still driving|this rust bucket.
We should get the hell|out of here before they jump to hyperspace.
Would you please stop? It's kind of making me nervous.
It's just that the implications of this|referendum are tremendous.
I mean we take democracy for granted, but these Jaffa The referendum passed.
For the first time in our history,|we will have leaders voted upon by every free Jaffa.
Welcome to the club.
Two months from now, we hold general elections.
Well, let the campaigning begin.
What about those Jaffa|affected by Ba'al's brainwashing? It will take much|dedication on their part to overcome, but with our help, they shall prevail.
Where is colonel Mitchell? Colonel Mitchell you should know that your actions were|instrumental in bringing about a successful|vote for a democratic Jaffa nation today.
Yeah, I heard about that.
That's great.
Sorry I missed it.
I understand, and I am sorry about your friend.
Yeah, I was hoping to see him again.
I am in your debt, Colonel Mitchell, not only for saving my life, but for saving the life of Bra'tac as well.
Teal'c, no offense,|but I would have done the same for anyone.
You don't owe me a thing.
We watch each others' backs|because that's our job, right? Indeed.
Hey, Teal'c how'd you resist the brainwashing? I figure I might be in that situation someday, and I don't reckon|I'm going through the rite of M'al Sharran.
To resist the influence of others, knowledge of oneself is most important.
Yeah I'm working on it.

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