Stargate SG-1 s10e04 Episode Script


NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG-1.
Whoa! Whoa! - What are you doing? - I don't know, sir.
The Colonel must have input new stargate locations into the computer.
Jaffa number in the millions, spread across the vastness of the galaxy.
What you need right now is a strong leader.
Guys! We've got a problem.
Ba'al's been busy.
He's been gathering up stargates from all over the sector for the last several weeks.
In Arthurian myth, Morgan was a powerful sorceress, King Arthur's half-sister and an adversary of Merlin.
That would suggest she may have had a hand in the disappearance of the weapon we seek.
We're looking for the names of two planets known on Earth in ancient times in the dialect of Old English as Castiana and Sahal.
Taoth Vaclarush and Valos Cor.
You're not really a hologram, are you? You have your answer, Daniel Jackson.
I suggest you act on it.
- What's the latest from the search parties? - Nothing much to report, sir.
The toxic atmosphere on Castiana is slowing us down considerably.
Now, we found evidence of stone structures on Sahal, but they appear to have been abandoned over 40,000 years ago.
- So basically we've got nothing.
- Not yet.
You went all the way to the Pegasus Galaxy, had a face-to-face encounter with a full-blown Ascended being, came away with not one but two gate addresses, and they both turn out to be dead ends? Well, see, that's the part that doesn't make any sense, sir.
If Morgan didn't want us to find Merlin's weapon, then why tell us anything at all? We must be missing something.
That's what Doctor Jackson keeps telling me.
You heard from Daniel? He checked in from Camelot this morning.
He's convinced that the answer is somewhere in Merlin's library.
But he hasn't found anything yet.
HARRIMAN ON RADIO: Sorry to interrupt, General.
You're needed in the control room.
What is it, Chief? We just received a heads-up from NORAD, sir.
An Al'kesh bomber just entered Earth's atmosphere about four minutes ago.
Bearing indicates Cheyenne Mountain.
Two F-16's out of Peterson have been re-routed to intercept.
I'm patching us in.
PILOT: Repeat, you have entered a Flight Restricted Zone and are requested to land immediately.
Please respond.
Stargate Command, this is Bearcat One.
Alien vessel is unresponsive.
Should we engage? If they were friendly, they wouldn't be flying silent.
- Maybe their communications are down.
- We can't take the chance.
Bearcat One, this is General Landry.
You are clear to engage.
PILOT: The alien vessel has been disabled.
They're coming down hard.
I've got projected coordinates.
We're on it, sir.
CARTER: What's the situation, Major? The area has been secured.
No one on board except for the pilot.
- He's being treated for minor injuries.
- Let's have a look at him.
Ah, at last.
The welcoming committee.
MITCHELL: I don't get it.
We know that Ba'al has come to Earth before without being detected.
Presumably by cloaked cargo ship or by using Asgard beaming technology from high orbit.
So why would he fly an Al'kesh directly to Stargate Command? Maybe he was planning to attack.
- No.
Even Ba'al's not that crazy.
- I wouldn't be so sure.
Well, this is interesting.
There's a signal coming from inside the interrogation room.
He must have implanted himself with a locator beacon.
No doubt he's expecting his people to beam him out at some point.
- Better not hold his breath.
- Why not? Well, after the stargate was stolen two years ago, we installed jamming devices to prevent anyone from locking onto a signal from within the base.
MITCHELL: General.
Has he said anything? Only that he won't talk to anybody but SG-1.
Lucky us.
Well, frankly, I'm inclined to let him rot.
That's all right, sir.
We'll talk to him.
After all, he did come all this way.
Colonel Mitchell.
Colonel Carter, Teal'c.
She goes by Vala now.
(SIGHING) Always did, really.
We've been authorized to give you the time of day, - so make it quick and make it good.
- Of course.
I understand your reluctance to trust me, so I'll be succinct.
It's the clones.
They want me dead.
- That would make all of us.
- Dead, huh? What'd you do? Short-sheet the bed? Cheat at cards? You must understand that what I did was out of necessity.
You were the ones who invited the Ori into this galaxy.
I was merely trying to preserve a safe haven for myself and a few good friends.
You mean slaves.
So you stole a few stargates, tried to set up your own network, yada, yada, yada.
We were there, remember? Luckily, I wasn't.
I had to hear about your heroics third-hand.
I also had to hear about how you thwarted my attempts to gain control of the Jaffa High Council.
But none of this explains why the clones would turn on you.
That's probably because there's a little more to his plan than he's letting on.
Perceptive, as usual.
Didn't Daniel tell me something about a very powerful weapon in the hands of the Jaffa on Dakara? It's not a weapon, technically.
It was a device that was originally used by the Ancients to seed all life in this galaxy.
But we did adapt it to destroy the replicators.
Using my simultaneous dialing program, I might add.
Am I correct in assuming that this device can be adapted to kill organic life as well? Yes.
- Now it's starting to make sense.
- It is? Well, you must remember that I have intimate knowledge of just how depraved the Goa'uld can be.
You are suggesting that Ba'al attempted to gain control of the High Council in order to gain access to the Ancient device.
With the purpose of wiping out all life in the galaxy, except his own little corner, of course.
That was Anubis's plan.
I never said it was original.
But if I'd succeeded, the Ori would have lost interest and been on their merry way.
You were going to save the galaxy by destroying pretty much everyone in it? But your clones figured out you weren't going to bring them along, didn't they? They served their purpose.
But what can I say? Their egos were beginning to be a problem.
Well, they are your clones.
What I don't understand is, after this particular revelation, you thought SG-1 would want to help you.
Because I can help you.
With what? Your search for Merlin's weapon, of course.
(KNOCKING ON DOOR) (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Sir? Agent Barrett's here to see you.
- Barrett.
What can I do for you? - I'm here for the prisoner, sir.
Excuse me? Ba'al.
I have an official request for his transfer into NID custody.
You gotta be kidding.
We caught him.
We can handle it.
Well, with all due respect, sir, it's my understanding he basically flew himself into your front door.
Look, nobody wants a jurisdictional tug of war here.
We've been investigating the Goa'uld infiltration of the Trust for two years now.
I'm telling you, it's a global conspiracy.
Political and corporate connections in over a dozen countries, your prisoner is at the top of the pyramid.
We don't even know if he's the real Ba'al.
Even if he's a clone, I bet you he's got enough information to bring down the whole organization.
We could wipe them out.
Well, you're just gonna have to wait your turn.
Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry.
Anubis told me of the weapon and of its power.
He dedicated considerable effort to finding it during his time in our plane of existence, but he never succeeded.
And you have the address? Actually, you have the address.
It's among those Colonel O'Neill obtained during his encounter with the Ancient repository of knowledge on the planet you call P3R-272.
There are thousands of addresses on that list.
Exactly why you'll never find it on your own.
I, however, have information that will allow you to narrow down your choices considerably.
All I ask in return is that you eliminate the clones.
And we do that exactly how? It should be easy enough to track them down.
I implanted a locator chip in each one when I created them.
That's funny, because we detected a locator chip in you.
I had to implant one in myself in order to gain their trust.
You can use the tracking system on board my Al'kesh.
They'll never see it coming.
Well, that is a truly incredible story, in every sense of the word.
I should also mention that every one of my clones knows about Merlin's weapon.
And if any of them, at any point, were captured by the Priors, and were it to somehow slip out that the SG-C computer contains the location of a weapon deadly to the Ori Their Priors would stop at nothing to have it within their grasp.
It is, of course, your decision.
I leave it in your very capable hands.
You can't seriously think that he's telling the truth.
The whole truth? Of course not.
But there's too much at stake here not to investigate.
And in the meantime? What am I supposed to tell my superiors? That's your problem.
We managed to activate the tracking system on the Al'kesh, and this is what we got.
- Those are the Ba'als? - More like dots, really.
Get it? Dots, balls.
(CLEARS THROAT) Anyway, we worked up those files with the current locations, showing the addresses and any available intel.
All right, so what kind of trap are we looking at? I don't think it would be as simple as an ambush, not while we have him in custody.
No Goa'uld would sacrifice himself like that.
- What do you think, sir? - I say we give it a go.
Remind me to give you a primer on the meaning of the word "sir.
" But she's right.
We won't know if Ba'al is serious or not until we test out some of these addresses.
Some of this intel seems pretty sketchy.
I'm familiar with this planet.
- It used to belong to Camulus.
- Can you get us in? Absolutely.
You sure you want to bring her along on this one? Jackson says she'll be useful.
Now's her chance to prove it.
But Dr.
Jackson isn't here, and it seems to me he's the only one she ever listens to.
Some of the time.
You don't think you can control her? No, I know I can't control her, but that's pretty much par for the course.
Sir, Carter and I are the same rank, Teal'c's an alien, Jackson's a civilian.
I learned a long time ago I don't control anything.
Who does? - How do I look? - Turn around.
Yeah, you look great.
A little more enthusiasm from you next time.
Thank you.
- What? - Zat! This is my first real mission through the gate, and I'm the only one who knows the terrain.
Then try not to get us killed.
Here we are.
And what? Well, it's a ring platform, somewhat hidden, but it's a backdoor, if you will.
Okay, but it doesn't do us much good if we can't activate it.
Leave that to me.
Hang on.
Hang on! Where's she going? (WHISTLES) (GROANING) - What the hell are you doing? - I alerted a Jaffa patrol to our presence.
Obviously! Do you mind if I ask why? So they'd sound the alarm and send reinforcements.
Oh, well, that's That's brilliant! Hey, how come I didn't think of that? My dear Colonel, where do you think the reinforcements will come from? You can thank me later, by the way.
I know why you're here, and you're making a big mistake.
Oh, let us guess, you're the real Ba'al.
No doubt the impostor promised you the location of Merlin's weapon if you helped him get rid of the rest of us.
That's right.
You do realize he has no idea where it is or how to find it.
- VALA: But you do.
- Of course.
I obtained the information only after the clones were created and needless to say, I never shared it with them.
You know what? This is giving me a headache.
What do you say we finish this up at home? Let's go, Spartacus.
Oh, yeah.
Now I can see the difference.
I still cannot.
Do we really believe only one of them knows how to find the weapon? This is Ba'al we're talking about.
I don't think we can take anything either of them say at face value.
So what now, sir? We've got scientists working here, don't we? Get them on this.
See if they can sort out who's who.
In the meantime, I think I'm going to have to arrange for separate accommodations.
ANALYST: I wish I had better news.
So you're saying there's no way to tell them apart? We generated distinct DNA profiles of all four samples, using a number of analysis techniques.
Sorry? Four? We did the host and the Goa'uld separately.
- Right.
- We ran each test five times, and in each case, the results were uncanny.
There was a perfect match across all 13 specific DNA markers.
I'm sorry, Colonel.
Either the clones are genetically indistinguishable from the real Ba'al Or we have two clones on our hands and the real Ba'al is still out there.
- Yep.
- Thank you.
So much for not encountering resistance.
I guess some Ba'als are bigger than others, huh? If he's got a ship back there, we're screwed.
We've got to find a way around.
- You hold this position.
I'll go.
- I'll come with you.
Let's draw some fire.
You thinking what I'm thinking? CARTER: Someone's coming.
(SCREAMING) Don't shoot.
I am the real Ba'al.
Sam, we got Ba'al.
Copy that.
So do we.
Chief, got a full count.
Two strikes, three Ba'als.
That's clever, sir.
He was thinking that one up the whole way home.
- Yeah, the whole three seconds.
- Three point two.
Good point.
Well, that ties you with SG-12, because they brought in two more about an hour ago.
- It's not a competition.
- Says you.
I was wondering when you'd be back.
I understand you got yourself a few extra Ba'als.
I don't suppose you'd consider letting me take a few off your hands? You know I can't do that.
Not until we figure out which one's the original, and whether or not he's bluffing about Merlin's weapon.
Besides, if any of them got wind that we had another agenda, that would give them leverage in the interrogation.
Last thing we need is for them to think they have a strong bargaining position.
I was afraid you were going to say that.
- I assume you spoke to your superiors.
- I did.
They're not happy.
The fact is, while the NID does provide civilian oversight of my command, I don't, technically, have to follow their orders.
At least not until the President tells me to.
They tried that.
For the moment, he is backing you.
But if your investigation doesn't turn up anything useful soon, it's gonna all change.
I'd like to stay on and observe the interrogations, sir.
Any one of them could say something that might turn out to be useful for us.
Of course.
You're always welcome.
What do you got? Well, sir, SG-14 just arrived with two more Ba'al clones, which brings us to the end of our list.
Well, you guys got your work cut out for you, huh? And just how might you be able to help me? Well, we could spare your life, for one.
You help us find Merlin's weapon, and I promise, we won't kill you.
Instead, you'll lock me in the basement of one of your more appalling penal facilities for me to live out the rest of my life in squalor and deprivation.
It's better than the alternative.
Trust me.
You see, here's what I'm thinking.
I'm thinking that you're not the real Ba'al.
I mean, you haven't even tried to cut a deal, which makes me think that you have no idea how to find the weapon, therefore you're just another clone.
I am the real Ba'al, I assure you.
No, no, think about this.
How did we meet? Do you think the real Ba'al would let himself be captured like that, cowering in the bushes like a scared little bunny rabbit? That's better.
But I'm still not buying it.
You're trying to goad me into revealing information.
No, I'm just calling it like I see it.
And right now, you do not strike me as someone who could intimidate a 10-year-old out of his lunch money, much less run an interstellar empire.
Why don't you have the guard excuse himself for a moment, and I'll show you just what I am capable of? See, now I know you're not the real Ba'al.
The real Ba'al wouldn't care about the guard.
(DOOR SLIDES OPEN) So, having a tough day, are we? What do you want, Qetesh? - Is that any way to greet an old friend? - Is that what we were? I'll admit we had our differences.
You attacked my fleet at Selenis, crippled my flagship, and killed 10,000 of my best Jaffa.
So I did.
But it was nothing personal.
Anyway, that's all in the past, and I'm here to talk about our future.
"Our" future? Well, you must admit there's always been something between us.
Even when we wanted to kill each other, there was always a certain spark.
But you've made your new allegiance clear.
Have I? Or have I just been waiting for the right opportunity? What sort of opportunity? You know how to find the address.
I have the access to the database.
You would betray your Tau'ri friends? Friends come and go.
Besides, what use are they going to be to me on their knees before the armies of the Ori? You tell me what you know, I'll find the location of Merlin's weapon, we'll make our escape.
And then we'll be free to share in the pleasure of each other's company.
An excellent plan.
But why wait? Merlin's weapon isn't going anywhere.
We have nothing but time.
What, here on this rather uncomfortable table? Why not? Well, the security camera, for starters.
There's no way they'd trust me after seeing something like this.
Tell them it was part of your interrogation technique.
Oh, come on, be serious.
I am being serious.
Aren't you? BA 'AL: Your time amongst the Tau'ri is making you soft.
You used to be a much better liar.
Don't say it.
- Your people are getting nowhere, sir.
- You think you can do better? It's what we're trained for.
I could have half a dozen agents here by tomorrow.
I'm talking about offering our services on your investigation.
If any of the Ba'als knows where Merlin's weapon is, we'll find out.
By your own admission, the NID wants this over with as quickly as possible so they can move on to something they think is more important.
Under those circumstances, I think you'll understand why I'd prefer to stick with my own people.
Yes, sir.
- Mind if I join you? - Please.
So, how are the interrogations coming? You have to ask? Look, I know you've been monitoring the investigation.
I also know you think we're wasting our time.
No, I never said that.
Not in so many words.
Look, you guys are fighting a war out there, right? We're fighting it down here.
Believe me, it's a war.
Do you remember two years ago, when the Goa'uld almost took over the Russian government? - Do you want to see that happen again? - Of course not.
Then help me.
Malcolm, it's not like we're gonna keep the Ba'als here forever.
Just give us a couple of days, and then you can come in and Days.
No, this is way too important! - Are you all right? - This is about us, isn't it? - Excuse me? - Yeah, this is about us.
We obviously have unresolved issues.
Look, you're my friend, and I care about you.
But don't push it.
I need to see the prisoner.
(GRUNTS) - General.
- Somebody give me some good news.
Sorry, sir, I still don't have anything useful.
I didn't even make it to first base.
Where's Colonel Carter? She was finishing up last time I saw, but I don't think she has anything to report either.
We're running out of time.
The NID wants the prisoners, and the President's not going to be able to hold them back forever.
Or they're not going to wait.
- What are you talking about? - Agent Barrett.
He's talking to one of the Ba'als.
I didn't give authorization for that.
Whoa! (GUN FIRING) Radio.
This is Colonel Carter requesting backup, Level 16, Corridor B.
Come with me.
You, cover both.
(ALARM SOUNDING) We're losing containment.
This is General Landry.
I need a full security lockdown of Levels 15 through 17.
And there goes the feed.
We're blind.
- Barrett.
- Oh, Sam.
He got away, he took my gun.
- It's okay, we'll get you out of here.
- Okay.
Come on.
BA'AL: Going somewhere? (BOTH GRUNTING) (BARRETT GRUNTING) Put them with the others.
We have emergency forces in position at all access points, sir.
All three levels are locked down and secure.
What do you got for me, Doctor? Well, we're thinking our best bet is symbiote poison introduced in gas form into all three levels.
It won't harm any of our people, but it will kill any of the Goa'uld who come in contact with it.
Do it.
Well, it's not that simple.
You see, we'll have to use the ventilation system to distribute the gas, and, you know, it's not really designed for that sort of thing.
What are you saying? I can run some simulations and determine the optimum points to seal off the levels and to insert the gas.
But even at optimum efficiency, it won't be distributed evenly.
There's bound to be dead pockets where the gas will take longer - before it has any effect.
- All right, all right.
So what you're saying is, depending on location, some of the Ba'als may get advance warning, sir.
As soon as they realize what's happening, they're going to kill the hostages.
Then we must be prepared to provide a distraction at the moment the gas is released.
Go! Get up.
We don't have much time.
Remember, we can't afford to be seen until Dr.
Lee gives us the signal.
Got it.
No improvising this time.
We stick to the plan.
Despite the fact that my improvisations have been extremely useful in the past? That's your entry point.
Bring her.
The access code.
You're trying to download the list of planets from the Ancient database.
What are you doing? We need to join the others.
All right.
I'm coming.
You want Merlin's weapon for yourselves.
A weapon capable of destroying not only the Ori, but the Ancients as well.
I'd say that's a pretty valuable commodity.
I won't do it.
This would be an inappropriate time for heroics, Colonel.
Go ahead and kill me.
It's only a matter of time before we regain control of this level.
Good luck trying to figure out the code before then.
I would never dream of killing you.
But I will kill the other hostages.
You start with Agent Barrett.
I'll do it.
I'm in position, Doc.
SILER ON RADIO: Level 14, Section C-9 on the ventilation grid.
All right.
That's our main access point on the north side.
Now, the first thing you'll need to do is seal off the vent before the junction.
I'm on it.
Why is this taking so long? It's a lot of information.
You did something to slow the download, didn't you? I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, it doesn't matter.
You can't stop us anyway.
Check the perimeter.
They'll be coming soon.
We got a bit of a dead end here.
You got Carter's 20? Negative.
I am similarly immobilized.
We're setting up five separate access points, they all have to be ready to go simultaneously.
It's just going to take a minute.
- I'll take that.
- It won't do you any good.
They'll never let you off this base, even if you kill us all.
Yes, that's what I wanted you to think, otherwise you never would have given me the code.
What are you talking about? I knew they wouldn't negotiate.
Not even for you.
Not with something like this at stake.
Fortunately, that's not the plan.
Where the hell is that gas? I don't mean to rush you, boys.
We're about to be discovered here.
BA'AL: We know you're back there.
So much for the plan.
(GRUNTS) SILER ON RADIO: We have gunfire on Level 16! Siler, this is General Landry.
Forget about a coordinated attack.
Just hit them with as much gas as you can.
Now! Yes, sir.
(HISSING) (GRUNTS) (GUN FIRING) We have a man down.
Are you all right? - We are uninjured.
- And Mitchell? You okay? - I'm fine.
What's happening? - We got them on the run.
It looks like they're retreating back to one of the isolation rooms.
Wait a minute.
All of them together? Yeah.
Why? Sam? (GRUNTS) Sam? - You're too late.
That's symbiote poison.
- You're the one who's too late.
Get us out of here.
How the hell did he do it? It looks like the locator beacons actually served a dual purpose.
In close proximity, they combined to amplify the signal enough to be picked up through our jamming screen.
That's why he needed us to go and round up all the clones and bring them here.
He was playing us from the start.
This was all so that he could get his hands on that list of planets.
He must genuinely believe that Merlin's weapon is hidden on one of them.
Even so, he took a great risk.
It was only because Agent Barrett violated protocol that he was afforded the opportunity to escape the interrogation room.
And that was the reason he was able to get all the clones in one place so that he could beam out.
So if the whole thing was planned in advance, how did he know what Agent Barrett was gonna do? Agent Barrett, we need to talk.
Yes? Did you read the report on Ba'al's attempts to gain control of the Jaffa High Council? Yeah, sure I did.
The council members were influenced by some form of mind control.
Yeah, I remember.
So? So what were you doing in Ba'al's cell? I wanted to question him.
- You had no authorization for that.
- You were stonewalling me.
I decided to take matters into my own hands.
You took your weapon into the interrogation room.
Yeah, I shouldn't have done that.
That was a mistake.
See, the Malcolm Barrett I know would never have made that kind of mistake.
Your record indicates your entire career has been strictly by the book.
Now, suddenly out of the blue, you're a cowboy? What are you guys saying? You think that I've been brainwashed? The technology is readily available to the Goa'uld who infiltrated the Trust, and their loyalty is to Ba'al.
CARTER: Somebody must have given him the specs to our anti-beaming technology.
It's the only way he could've known that a combined signal would be enough to punch through.
I agree with that, but it wasn't me.
Ba'al's plan hinged on knowing in advance he'd have the opportunity to get out of that cell.
- He knew you were coming.
- And this is crazy.
You didn't know you were doing anything wrong.
I've got to go.
I'm due back in Washington.
You're not going anywhere.
Sergeant! Hand over your weapon.
Sam, you know this isn't true.
Sir, I'm sorry.
I should never have given Ba'al that code.
You had no way of knowing.
Under the circumstances, you did the right thing.
Thank you, sir.
So what do you think? Think Ba'al really has a way of figuring out where that weapon is? Hard to say.
Anubis knew the addresses of all those planets, and he never found it.
Mind you, there was only one of him.
Says you.

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