Chicago Med (2015) s10e14 Episode Script

Acid Test

- Previously on Fire Country
- AUDREY: Bode, I'll drown!
I can't swim!
So you brought me flowers, huh?
I'm not saying "thank you."
Better not.
First win with my son by my side.
Feels better than any in my
career as far as I can remember.
So about the other night.
Hooking up
with my best friend's ex
is something
I don't want to be doing.
We were a safe space on a bad day.
Obviously, we have to tell Bode.
Do what you need to do.
SHARON: Walter?
VINCE: What are you doing here?
I wanted to get here early,
make sure I got a good seat.
- For what?
- For Bode's graduation, smart-ass.
Bode's graduation was last week.
If this is some kind
of stupid joke, it's not funny.
So Dad messed up the date
of Bode's graduation.
That happens. Big deal.
Or it's a sign of a larger
cognitive issue!
And the sooner we get it diagnosed
Okay, we can't keep having
this conversation, all right?
[SIGHS] Dad's been here for a week.
The only person losing their mind is me.
Right, 'cause lighting
the house on fire is fine.
He was drunk.
Right? All the man does
is drink and watch the news.
We should be diagnosing him
with brain rot.
You know what?
Your brother gets here today.
Maybe I'll have better luck with him.
Yeah. Well, Luke sees him all the time.
If there was a problem,
Luke would've told us about it.
WALTER: And there it is.
I dropped the pole, I reached
down with both hands, and boom!
The biggest white sturgeon
you ever seen in your life.
It's got to be ten,
ten, 12, 13 feet long.
People catch fish that big?
Oh, the Leones do all the time.
And it took me, Vince and Luke to hold
- that bastard up!
- That bastard up.
Hey, you remembered the orange peel.
What's an old-fashioned without it?
Gosh, I hope that this calms my nerves.
It's my first shift back
tomorrow after almost drowning.
If my mom's sending you right
back out to work, she believes in you.
WALTER: Bode! Let me have another one.
Don't forget about the family discount.
All right, we got you.
Your grandpa's a character.
Yeah. If you ask my parents,
he's a problem they can't solve.
That's why I brought him here
so he can be out of earshot
while they fight.
You brought him here to get him drunk.
That's thoughtful.
No, not to get him drunk.
Try and cheer him up.
Do you think there is a problem, though?
I think my dad's right.
I mean, Nonno still seems
like he's pretty sharp.
He just got to get out
of the house a little more.
Oh, you're looking
at that gal the same way
I used to look at your grandmother
sitting at that same bar.
We're just friends.
Go get her, tiger.
Never expected
to be invited back here again.
You looking for a rematch of the gala?
I shouldn't have hit you, bro.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
I'm still pissed as hell you
tried to shut down Three Rock.
[STAMMERS] I was trying to
do the right thing, Manny.
Yeah, I thought I was, too.
And right now, I'm just
you know, trying to get back
to the guy I used to be.
I've been there a couple of times.
So, I'm sorry, man. I truly am.
Apology accepted, Manny.
- I appreciate you.
- Yeah.
I heard about your little
adventures at Cooper's Ridge.
I hope that was worth the write-up.
What? Saving my daughter?
Bet your ass it was.
I'd have done the same thing.
Yeah, but the difference
is when I do it,
my parole hearing request
goes down the drain, you know?
Sharon and Eve made it
pretty clear this is my last strike.
One more [WHISTLES]
Right back to prison.
Look, you want to get back to being you?
The Manny Perez that
everybody knows built himself
from inmate to captain.
You made it look easy
the first time around.
Just do it again.
I'm sorry.
I know that Sharon came down
on you for my mistakes, and
I put you in an awful position.
And that's not fair.
Yeah, well, you know, I think
your two-week suspension
is punishment enough.
[LAUGHING]: Oh. I can't
tell you how awkward it is
living at the station
that you're suspended from.
No, actually, I can. Very.
Yeah, well, you know, um,
speaking about awkward,
I, um, still haven't told Bode
about us hooking up.
You know, I don't think
we have to tell him, but
you said you wanted
to own it, so own it.
Do it now.
JAKE: Yeah. No. No, you do not interrupt
a man chatting up a girl.
Especially about his ex.
- Not that's what he's doing now.
- Stop.
Bode chatting up another woman
is not gonna break me.
I'm in a good place.
You really are.
Now I just need them to un-bench
me so that I can prove it.
I got a little surprise for you.
Mm. What? [GASPS]
I challenge you.
- You got your coin?
- Oh.
I did I don't think I have it.
If you don't, you buy the next round.
You know I don't
leave the house without it.
You know what?
Think the next round's on you,
Papa Leone.
- I'll get 'em.
- [LAUGHING]: Thank you.
Two beers, Bode.
You know, that fish grows an extra foot
- every time you tell that story.
- Yeah.
I just want to see who's
gullible enough to believe it.
You guys go
on this fishing trip every year?
We used to.
That was until
Well, I guess you had to leave.
You guys stopped going because of me?
Oh, you don't get all the credit.
Your dad lost interest
and so did your Uncle Luke.
That's too bad.
Most alive I've ever felt.
I'd give anything
to be back in the river with my boys.
Nonno, hold on a second.
SHARON: So, you're taking your
memory-impaired grandfather
on a fishing trip?
I swear, it'll be good for him.
Jake's gonna be here any second.
We are already doing this.
Hey, I really should have
guessed that you and Luke
would gin up some kind of distraction,
rather than deal
with a serious situation.
Mom, it was my idea, okay?
Nonno is depressed.
You should've seen him light up
when he was at Smokey's.
He's nostalgic over these fishing trips.
You're just mad
'cause you're not invited.
[LAUGHS] You're so funny, Luke.
Just a little funny.
Let's start loading up
Dad's truck, will you?
Bode, I need you to look after
your grandfather on this trip.
I will.
Thank you.
VINCE: And can you maybe stop
with the doom and gloom, please?
Okay, we're gonna get into some waders.
We're gonna get a fishing pole
in his hands.
Gonna be just what the doctor ordered.
I'm hoping
we can consult an actual doctor.
We are gonna do this the Leone way.
Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of.

Aah! Son of a!
- Damn it.
- Nope.
Is there a reason we don't
do this more often?
'Cause you hated these fishing trips.
And Dad, most days. Don't deny it.
You would ruin perfectly good days
just like today complaining about him.
That's 'cause all he'd do was yell at us
for doing it all wrong.
Well, he's not doing that now, is he?
WALTER: We're doing it all wrong!
We got to move upstream
where the current eddies.
That's where the big fish are.
Vince, I'm sorry to say,
but you picked a lousy spot.
- Let's move.
- Yeah, Vince.
JAKE: You know,
I was surprised to, uh,
get invited to this.
I thought
it was gonna be a family thing.
And you're family.
Papa Leone said so himself.
I'm not sure if everyone would agree.
Hey, listen, Bode,
I-I got to tell you something.
You guys come here to talk or fish?
Quit your yapping.
We got to move upstream.
All right, fine.
LUKE: Kevin goes, he goes,
"Did I make did I make it to work?"
He goes, "I barely made it home."
He was walking on the highway.
BODE: Hey, iron me.
JAKE: Yes, Chef. Heard, Chef.
There you go, bud.
VINCE: Is there anything better
than cooking food
that you caught for yourself?
Your brother caught most of 'em.
Live bait's the way to go, Vin.
Don't know what you're talking about
'cause who caught
the biggest one? This guy.
- This right here, I think.
- Mm.
Beautiful haul here, boys.
VINCE: Cheers to the chef.
Bode, thank you for getting us
all out here and making us do this.
- Thanks.
- Yup. Cheers. Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
Guess we won't be doing this
again for a while.
What do you mean? Why not?
You didn't tell him, did you?
Tell me what?
Come on, Luke. It's not like
it's a mistress or something.
It's just a job.
I was looking for the right moment, Dad.
- That can be a tough task.
- Right?
- Want to just spill it already?
- I got a job!
Oh, hey, congrats.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, we heard that part.
What's the catch?
It's out of the country.
You you didn't think maybe
might want to
talk to me about that first?
And do what?
Ask for your permission, Vince?
No, I did not think that.
You're the one
who lives closest to him, okay?
You're the one who can check in on him.
You-you don't think
that's worth a-a phone call?
And I'm-I'm right here, guys.
I can hear you talking.
I don't need anybody looking after me.
JAKE: Okay.
You know, this sounds
like a family thing,
so I'm gonna just go to bed.
Jake, you're you're our family.
- Yeah, sit down.
- You're fine.
What are you gonna do
when your hip goes out again?
I don't know, Vince.
What are you gonna do
when your your heart explodes?
But then again, I guess
that's not my business, is it?
We just want you to have
whatever it is that you need.
Well, then, why don't you
leave me alone?
With my bad hip
and my old age.
You guys treat me like
I'm some one-legged dog!
I'd rather be dead
than be a burden to somebody.
VINCE: Okay, Luke,
what's the plan?
Why do we need a plan if Nonno's fine?
He's talking about the plan to cover
all the things I do
for Dad on the regular.
See, over the last few years,
I've been the good son,
keeping an eye out on him,
tending to his needs.
I got a life, Luke.
Right here.
I'm very aware of that.
And you have a son.
And you have a wife who
likes to steal my job,
and you have a battalion
under your command.
I need things, too.
You know, I want things.
When is it my turn?
Oh, okay, so now you're a martyr.
Is that what
Just shut up. Shut up,
both of you. Just shut up.
You have no idea what it's like
to be the family burden.
I do.
We're supposed to be out here
lifting up his spirits,
not drowning them.
Great night.
All right, great work.
Just a couple more
hours on the road, guys,
and get some well-earned
shut-eye, all right?
I'm gonna tell I.C. we're headed out.
Great work, gentlemen.
It's brutal, huh?
Yo, is that pruno?
Contraband booze?
Don't know what you're talking about.
I'm talking about you drinking
prison wine on the job.
Look, I'm not a C.O., all right?
But every swig that you
take, it jeopardizes
the reputation that
Three Rock lives and dies by.
So give it to me.
Let me toss that crap
before Cap sees it.
- Come on.
- You wanna talk about camp's rep?
You're the one who punched a chief,
then buddied up to him
in our own barracks.
You know what?
You're on your own, bro.
You look a little thirsty.
Maybe someone needs a drink.
Get that out of my face.
Whose pruno is this?
Oh, really?
I said, whose pruno is this?
Guys, look at me. Look at me.
So, nobody's gonna fess up?
We're in for a long night, gentlemen.
BODE: Nonno.
Hey, Nonno.
The boots break in. I promise.
Oh, thank God.
'Cause everyone else's feet seem fine,
and mine are like hot dogs.
You got any other tips?
You really want advice
from a suspended firefighter?
Come on, give me the goods.
Okay, you want to know how the chiefs
like their coffee made?
SHARON: Perez,
suspended means you don't work.
If you're gonna stay in the Airstream,
stay in the Airstream.
It couldn't be. James, with me.
GABRIELA: I've never
heard that alarm before.
Baby box.
Okay, okay.
Put this on.
Oh, look at this little nugget.
All right [MUTTERS]
Oh, hi.
Oh, hi. Oh, is your name
Calvin? Hi, Calvin.
Who does Calvin belong to?
Oh, I'm afraid
he might not belong to anyone yet.
This looks like a safe surrender.
A what?
42 is a safe surrender station.
So, if it's within
the first, um, 72 hours,
a parent can leave the baby here.
So, someone can just
abandon their kid here?
It's not abandonment, that's the point
of the Safely Surrendered Baby law.
I have to alert DCFS, so, James,
you're gonna be in charge of Calvin.
- Oh, goodness.
- Okay.
I can help.
Please, as a concerned citizen.
Okay, fine, but only
'cause he's gorgeous.
All right, you are
the firefighter in charge.
- Oh, my goodness.
- Okay.
Oh, look at that little face.
Very little face, yep.
Hey, Nonno.
Nonno, you okay?
Why are you wandering around
out here in the woods?
It comes with old age, gray hair.
You'll see one day.
I thought a little walk would help.
All right, well, why don't we,
like, walk back towards camp?
You see that?
Over there.
Looks like moonlight bouncing off metal.
BODE: That could be anything.
Yeah, well, I'm gonna go check it out,
and you can go back to camp if you want.
I'm I'll be fine. I'm gonna
I'm gonna check this out.
Hey, uh
I just be careful.
Hell, stop saying that.
BODE:Looks like the driver's
still in there,
but they're not moving.
Anybody alive down there?
[HORN HONKS] All right.
Hey, Nonno
No time for careful now, son.
Can you hear us?
I'm Bode. This is Walter.
We're firefighters.
I thought no one would ever come.
What's your name?
It's it's not working.
Door won't open.
The roof's caved in,
the door's impinged.
We got to get him out.
Hey, Louis, how long
have you been in here?
LOUIS: Uh, four days?
Five? I don't know.
You just been eating
these ketchup packets?
And drank rain water.
BODE: Smart guy.
All right, I'm gonna try
to get you out, okay?
Step back, Bode. Step back.
Step back.
I got this, I got this.
Cover your eyes!
Didn't learn that in training.
Little trick from the old days.
It's not working. Won't budge.
Yeah, we're gonna have to
take it off its hinges.
All right, I gotta
go get some help, then.
Yeah, you go on back to the camp,
get the boys.
Go on, don't worry about me.
It's him that needs help. I'll be fine.
Go on.
Everything's gonna
be all right. [GROANS]
All right, y'all.
So, it's no showers
and there's no lights out
until I figure out who's
brewing the pruno.
Manny, with me.
WALTER: He's been in and out
of consciousness a couple times
complaining about
a sharp pain in his neck.
So getting him out through
the window is gonna be a no-go.
He could have spinal damage.
Hey, he's lucky you guys found him.
Yeah, seriously, Dad.
How'd you manage that?
Yeah, I just heard him calling
out for help from my tent,
followed the sound of his voice.
- Common sense.
- That's that's not
If this stump gives way,
it's a pretty steep slide
down into that ravine,
so we gotta stabilize the car somehow.
Swiss Army job, I like that.
All right, Luke, Jake,
bring the truck around.
- Yeah.
- Grab some ratchet straps
- and my toolbox.
- Yeah, yeah. On it.
Let's get some of that timber
over here for cribbing.
We got to shore up these tires.
"Swiss Army job"?
Yeah, it's improvised rescue.
It's a little Leone lingo.
I guess I'm still not fluent.
You know I can't snitch.
You're not like the rest
of the Three Rockers.
I am right now, Cap.
And I gotta be.
Look, I know you trying to be
the O.G. with these guys,
but as a friend,
next step, everybody gets written up.
You gotta do what you gotta do.
Hey, you know, I meant
what I said last night.
A new job is a big deal.
I appreciate that, man.
It's nice to hear
someone's happy for me.
Yeah, news could've gone down better.
Well, this family is so damn reactive
that even good news goes down
like a bomb, you know?
I, uh, slept with Gabriela recently,
and I haven't told Bode yet.
Well, I've been in a similar
doghouse, believe me.
Okay, well, how did you get out of it?
I gave Sharon my kidney.
Tried that, didn't work.
Look, Vince is like
a second father to me,
but I can't go to him about this,
and I could really use some advice.
You want dad advice from me?
Yeah, I do.
You broke the bro code.
Pure and simple. You got to own it.
I don't know what else
is going on with you guys,
but you are family, Jake,
and families forgive.
Come on. [PATS ARM]
AUDREY: Who could just dump a baby?
No, I-I know it seems that
way, but the program is set up
so that parents can leave their
their newborns somewhere safe
and not alone and defenseless.
Well, I appreciate you trying
to teach me about firefighting,
- but child abandonment
I don't need any advice there.
I'm a pro. [DOOR OPENING]
I'm a pro. [DOOR CLOSING]
WOMAN: Hello?
Hi. Who are you?
Oh, Calvin. Thank God.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.
No, no, th-that's my baby.
I'm his mother.
Give me my baby.
We tried to call it in to 42
but the signal was spotty.
I'm not sure we got through.
This angle from this tree to the car
is not the best anchor.
I know, but it's all we got.
[GRUNTS] All right.
That's secured for now.
Jake, why don't you head
back up to the road,
see if you can get a signal on my phone.
You know what? I'll go with him.
Safety in numbers, yeah?
Looks like a 9/16th
- and probably need a-an extension, too.
- Okay.
Why don't you just-just grab
the whole toolbox, will you?
Hey. Why did you say that
you followed cries for help?
That's not what happened.
What are you yapping about?
I'm busy here.
There you go.
How are you holding up, Louis?
The engine light was blinking.
I meant to take the car in, but didn't.
Transmission failed.
Is that when you crashed?
Lost control of the wheel.
They put the engine light
right in front of you,
telling you something is wrong.
I ignored it.
Why are you keeping Calvin from me?
He needs to nap.
He needs his mother.
Yeah, we're real aware of that.
Okay, uh, Calvin is safe.
He's asleep.
And we are going to hear
everything on this radio.
Look, I know I seem like a bad mom.
But I've never been one before.
I'm new.
And I was on hour 35 of labor.
I was the worst version of myself
and look at him.
He's really perfect.
Yeah, he is.
But I'm a mess.
This kid deserves better than me.
Oh, come on.
So you safe surrendered him.
But he's my baby
and I want him back.
Okay, good.
There are some protocols
we have to follow now.
Have you called DCFS yet?
Their offices aren't open yet.
So it's not too late.
I made a mistake.
Give me my baby.
All right, bolt's out.
- Go ahead.
- Right.
Here we go.
- Got it. Here we go.
- All right.
All right.
Let's get Louis out of here.
[GRUNTING] Come on.
Let's get that seat back.
[GRUNTING]: No, it's it's jammed.
His legs are pinned
underneath the steering wheel.
We're gonna need a hacksaw.
What do we do?
No way we give her back that sweet baby.
- People make mistakes.
- Okay.
My dad did and that doesn't mean
that he shouldn't have raised me.
Okay, your dad's mistakes
got him ripped away from you.
Which is different.
This mom made a choice.
And she deserves a second chance.
First time that my parents ditched me,
they dropped me off at a YMCA
for a swim lesson.
The teacher throws me in the deep end.
By the time the swim lesson was over,
I still couldn't swim
and I needed my mom.
But she was gone.
No comfort. No towel. No hug.
Nothing. Gone.
GABRIELA: That must've felt horrible.
I'm sorry.
Well, my friend's mom let me
spend the night
until surprise
my mom shows up again,
says she's sorry.
Promises she'll never do it again.
[SCOFFS] But she did.
For good that time.
Ladies, I just asked you
your next professional move
and you both give me opinions
and a lot of feelings at work.
I thought I was benched.
As did I, and yet here you are.
There's a procedure for this
that neither of you consulted.
Our bad, Chief.
Sorry, Chief.
[GRUNTS] This ain't working.
This thing is rusty.
The saw is just
I don't know if it's the blade
- or what the deal is, but it's not
- Yeah.
It'll work, you just got to cut slower.
Let me see.
Nonno wasn't following any
shouts for help. I was there.
What're you saying?
I wasn't sure at first, but
I think that he wandered off.
Maybe Mom was right to be worried.
Right now, it doesn't matter
how your Nonno found this guy.
Okay? It just matters that he found him.
There we go.
This safe surrender bracelet
is like a key
to get your son back
he has a matching one.
Get him back? But he's mine.
- Please.
- It not up to me now. It's up to you.
The program is very clear.
If you still feel like you're
ready to be a parent tomorrow,
you call DCFS in the morning
and he'll be yours.
Oh, look.
Somebody wants to say goodbye.
Can I?Yeah.

MANNY: Yo, Birch.
Hey, what're you doing?
You talked to Cap, assume
you snitched to save your ass.
No, I didn't say anything.
That's why we're all getting written up.
Yo, you serious?
Yeah, I'm serious.
Whole team, we take the hits together.
- That's what it's all about.
- You only care because
one write-up sends you to prison.
You think I should go for pruno?
AMES: Yo. A little pruno's one thing,
but a write-up docks my pay,
my privileges.
Man up, man, take the hit
- or take a different hit.
- Yo, yo, yo. Stop.
Hey, hey. Stop! Stop.
We're better than this, guys.
I mean, look at him.
He's on his last write-up, too.
You think he deserves
to go back to prison?
And Ames
Ames only brings up money
'cause he's got to save
every single penny
so he can pay off his debt.
I know you drink pruno
'cause this job is hard.
Camp is hard.
But bettering yourself,
that's even harder.
But it's a choice.
And it's a choice
that we all make every day.
Otherwise what the hell
are we even doing here?
All right, write-ups are ready.
EVE: Anybody want to step up? Anybody?
You only need one.
It was me.

Vince, your phone worked.
Ambulance is ten minutes out.
They're gonna meet us on the main road.
Louis, let's get you out of here, okay?
Let's get you out.
VINCE: Nice and easy. Here we go.
Aah! My foot!
BODE: It's stuck underneath the pedal.
- Dad?
- WALTER: Yeah.
Remember that car accident when we
used the seat belt
to pull up the brake pedal?
Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, I got it, got it.
- Do that again.
I'll rip that sucker out.
Everybody else, let's get
down here, stabilize the car.
Yup, yup. Okay.
Brace it. [GRUNTS]
Hey, come on.
Just wrap it around the
brake pedal right there.
Bode. Bode, how'd I get here?
Come on, guys. I don't know how
much longer we can hold this.
This is dicey.
How's it going in there?
All night, Nonno, pull it.
Hey, Walter!
Walter, pull this.
Yeah? Pull it. Good and hard. Ready?
[GRUNTS] Go. One, two, three.
BODE: All right.
Get him out. Let's go. [GROANS]
Go. All right, he's out! He's out.
[CREAKING] JAKE: Losing it.
I'm losing it!
Get back!
- BODE: Dad!
- LUKE: Vince!
- BODE: Dad!
- Vince.
- Hey.
- Ah, I'm good.
- You good?
- I'm good.
- He's okay.
- Oh.
Did we just pull off a Swiss Army job?
Yeah, I guess we did. [LAUGHS]
Oh, man.
Hey, hey, I got Louis.
You go check on Papa Leone.
Hey, Nonno?
Know where you are?
There was an accident.
You saved a man's life.
I did?
Yeah. We got to get him
to an ambulance now, okay?
Let's go, all right?
JAKE: He's stabilized. I got him.

Hey. You said you wanted to
talk before, at the river?
Uh, yeah, yeah. Come with me.
Gabriela and I
Gabriela and you what?
We slept together.
It was after you guys ended things.
Consensually, drunkenly.
[SIGHS] Regrettably.
I-I don't know how to react to that.
Yeah, I I didn't, either,
when you got between Gabriela and I.
But you know what?
I-I took that on the chin.
You did.
You and I are brothers.
But what Gabriela and I did
that-that was a mistake.
And I just want to own it.
But, look, I backslid,
not just on you, but
but my integrity.
[QUIETLY]: Whew.
When I said that you
you were part of the family yesterday
I meant it.
Backslides and all.
It's a little hard to swallow.
We're good.
I love you, B.
You, too, bro.
Yo, actually, I'm out.
- Hey, Cap?
- Yeah.
Make any decisions on Birch?
Yeah, I wrote him up,
put him on latrine duty.
Figured the punishment
should fit the crime,
since he was brewing
pruno in toilet tanks.
Oh, you're showing
a little leniency, huh?
Hell no. No, I'm allowing him
to better himself.
Wise person said that. I don't know.
[LAUGHS SOFTLY] You heard all that?
[LAUGHS] Yeah, the barracks
windows aren't that thick, my guy.
It's good to see the old Manny back now.
- It's a new model.
- For real?
- Guaranteed.
- Oh.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I, uh, smuggled you a pick-me-up.
Thank you. [LAUGHS]
I can't stop thinking
about Brenda and Calvin.
[SIGHS] I know. Me, either.
But we don't always get
to know how a call turns out.
I was kind of hoping
for an "it gets better" talk,
if I'm being honest.
I'm sorry.
Hey, um,
if you're open to it
I would love to teach you to swim.
We do water rescues,
so, you should be prepared.
'Cause I would never leave you
hanging in the deep end.
Oh, your dad was quick to let me know
I was wrong about everything.
You caught all the fish,
and your grandfather helped save a life.
No, you-you were right.
What happened? [SIGHS]
There-there is something
wrong with Nonno.
I tried to tell Dad.
He didn't listen. [SIGHS]
What do we do?
You know, I have to admit
I was skeptical
when you bought this place,
but I do not mind the free beer.
Yeah, of course you don't.
Let's just consider it my
apology for being a jackass.
You know, I was not trying
to push Dad on you.
I know.
And you're right.
It's your turn to build your life,
my turn to make sure
Dad doesn't get himself killed
falling off a ladder.
I I'll look out
for him when you're gone.
I appreciate that. Thanks, Vin.
His hip is all
that's wrong with him, right?
Yeah. Uh, his hip,
his, uh, drinking.
- Ah.
- Um, his personality.
Well, you saw him out there today.
- Yeah.
- He's fine, right?
Plus, that man is a cockroach.
He is going to outlive us all.
No doubt.
Um you want another one?
I do.
Oh, no!
[LAUGHS] Looks like
the next round's on you, too.
I'm thinking something top shelf.
Can you just move already?
Yeah, well, you're not
getting rid of me that fast.
I still have to wait for
my work visa to come through.
Were you ever gonna ask
where it is I'm going?
- No, but I'm gonna guess.
- Okay.
Um Canada.
It's part of a new Cal Fire program
to train the Japanese
wildland firefighters.
Japan. That's that's far.
I had to cross an ocean to find a job
that your wife would not steal from me.
Copy that.
Pacing the floor, losing my mind ♪
Checked every door,
still couldn't find ♪
- Hey.
- Welcome home.
Standing in the sun, memories ♪
That's from the first time
I took the boys on
a camping trip. [LAUGHS]
They got so scared
sleeping in the tent alone,
so they came over, slept in mine.
Can't imagine Dad being scared.
Yeah, well, he was.
They say to let live and let go ♪
I can remember every
single thing about this trip,
but this
last one, I?
This last one not so much?
Like a freight train ♪
Said I want it all ♪
I told Vin that I heard the guy
from the car cry for help.
I can't remember how I got there.
Again ♪
That must be scary.
There's a map on my skin
where the past is inscribed ♪
Standing on the sharpest edge ♪
Hmm. Hmm.
Something's wrong, guys.
Want to slow it down ♪
We'll-we'll have some tests done.
We'll be right there
with you every step of the way.
SHARON: Mm-hmm.
Again ♪
But don't tell my boys I-I
No need to scare 'em.
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪
Again ♪
Ooh-ooh ♪
Ooh-ooh. ♪
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