When Calls The Heart (2014) s11e08 Episode Script

Brother's Keeper

Previously on When Calls the Heart
Hazel Pike?
That's me.
It couldn't have been him.
He was with me the
night of the election.
He's said to be transferred
from Granville prison this week.
Maybe I can call in a favor, get
him rerouted here for the night.
We need more bidders for the resort.
We're out of options.
[THUD] Florence, I need to make a call
to Union City Holdings Company
for a Bernhardt Montague.
First I take down your names
and then I collect the entry fee.
Maybe the Tom we once
knew is the Tom of old.
What's wrong?
It's Tom, he's gone.
Sweeney took off with all the
money I've been sending him.
Did you get any sleep?
Not much.
Tom, we will find a
way to make this right.
I'm surprised Nathan didn't
just throw me in jail last night.
I don't have the money
to pay everyone back.
Well, Nathan alerted the
police in New York City.
Maybe they'll find
this Sweeney character.
How could I have trusted him?
All those people who
handed me their money
thinking they were going
to a choir festival.
You couldn't have known
that Sweeney was a crook.
There were signs.
All the big talk.
I just didn't wanna see it.
Jack was right about me.
I'm nothing but a screw up.
Tom, that is not how
Jack felt about you.
Admit it.
You've had your doubts, too.
[NATHAN] I thought I
heard voices back here.
Any news?
Good and bad.
They've got Sweeney in custody.
Oh my goodness! Tom, did you hear that?
They caught him!
And they've recovered the
money that Ned wired to him.
This is such wonderful news.
You could pay everyone back.
What's the bad news?
It seems Sweeney was a bit of a gambler.
The money raised by the other choirs
it's completely gone.
How much are we talking about?
Including travel funds?
Listen, Tom,
everything looks better
after a good breakfast.
Why don't you go inside?
I'll meet you there.
This is pretty bad, isn't it?
If Tom can't pay back that money
he could be charged
with accessory to fraud.
I'm so sorry, Nathan. I
I should have listened to you.
I should have trusted your instincts.
You just wanted to believe
in your brother-in-law.
There's no fault in that.
And besides, I trust
your instincts, too.
[LEE] Is it just me or is Goldie
the most popular kid in daycare?
She's just a little social butterfly.
- Yes!
She hasn't even started talking yet.
When that happens,
ho ho! Look out world!
Yeah, I wonder where she gets that from.
Pretty soon I won't
get a word in edgewise.
Because I'll be too
busy hanging on every gem
that falls from your lips.
[CHUCKLES] Nice recovery, Mr.
Co-Mayor, charming as usual.
I'm meeting with Maisie Hickam today,
I'm gonna need all
the charm I can muster.
- Hmm.
- How about you?
What's on tap for you this week?
Oh, nothing.
Well, that doesn't sound like nothing.
Nathan has arranged for Clayton
Pike to pass through Hope Valley
on his way to Granville Prison.
Bill and I are hoping
to catch a word with him.
Woah, woah, woah.
You didn't think to tell me any of this?
Lee, it is not a big
deal, it's perfectly safe.
He's literally going to be behind bars.
- Mmm.
- Rosemary?
You're needed at the church
for an emergency choir meeting.
Another emergency?
- It's an emergency!
- Mm-hmm.
A choir emergency?
So there is no festival?
There is a festival, but that's
not where your money went.
It went straight into Sweeney's pocket.
I'm sorry.
The good news is Nathan alerted
the New York police in time.
You will all be getting your money back.
Wait, what about the other towns?
I'm afraid Benson Hills
and Jameson's money is gone.
Oh, those poor people.
But I I will be contacting them
to tell them that I
accept full responsibility.
But Tom told me of a plan that he had
to recoup the money that was
taken from the other towns.
Do you want to tell them the plan?
Uh, no no. You you go ahead.
Are you sure?
It's a fundraiser.
The-the-it-the plan is a fundraiser.
We're gonna have a fundraiser.
Our-our very own choir festival.
And we're-we're gonna
invite other choirs
from other towns to come to Hope Valley.
This is a great idea!
Let me see.
Lee and I can donate the
Queen of Hearts as the venue.
You could have choirs
singing all over town.
Splendid, in fact!
Nobody puts on a festival
quite like Hope Valley.
We'll decorate, the Valley
Voice will promote it.
So everyone is on board?
I think so!
Let's get busy.
Where's my clipboard?
- Shall we delegate?
- Yes.
- Garlands?
- Yes.
- Thank you.
- Hey, don't thank us yet,
you're the one that's
gotta organize this thing.
There's lots more work to do.
Nice work, Constable.
Thank you.

Look, Maisie, I know that we uh,
started off on the wrong foot.
Oh, you mean when you railroaded
me into this town amalgamation?
And I prefer Mayor
Hickam, Mayor Coulter.
Well, I would really like
it if you called me Lee.
Mark my words, this
resort will be a disaster.
Agree to disagree.
But we still have a town,
or a merged town, to run
so I would like to propose that
we talk about paving the roads.
Do you have any idea
how much that costs?
As a matter of fact, I do
have a quote right here
Lee? I have the most exciting news!
Oh, hello Maisie.
Oh, she prefers Mayor Hickam.
Oh, Rosemary may call me Maisie.
Thank you. And I will, Maisie.
So, what is it, sweetheart?
So, we are going to host
our very own choral festival,
right here in Hope Valley.
Voices of the Valley.
Oh, I just came up with that.
But the Benson Hills
choir is already signed up
for Salt Lake City.
You haven't heard.
Haven't heard what?
This really shouldn't come from me.
Rosemary, what is it?
It appears as though this J.B. Sweeney
is a swindler and a con man.
As someone with an extensive
background in theater
such as myself can, and
in fact did, predict.
Are you telling me that Tom
Thornton's lost our money?
Yes. I'm afraid that
is what I am saying.
We do have a plan to
get it back, though.
Oh, wait until I get my hands on him.
Excuse me.
Well, you're getting right to it, I see.
As soon as I can pull off this festival,
the sooner I can get
everybody's money back.
I just can't believe how nice
everybody's being about this.
Mr. Thornton!
What is this I hear about
you losing our money?
Mayor Hickam, I was
gonna call you tonight.
It's a simple question.
Maisie, give him a break.
Yes or no? Do you have our money?
Well, um, no. Not right now.
Constable Grant, I want
this man arrested for theft.
I I don't think that's necessary.
We're going to raise the
money to pay you back.
And if you don't?
Then you can press charges.
Very well.
But if our choir isn't refunded in full
then I expect you to throw
this scoundrel in jail.
We ought to get busy. Come on.
Nathan, you're not actually
gonna put Tom in jail, are you?
Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Excuse me.
Would you know where I
might find Joseph Canfield?
You could try the café down the way.
Perfect. Thanks.
Or the church.
Nathan. Bill. Any news?
Well, the train arrived 20 minutes ago,
it shouldn't be long now.
When Pike arrives I need
you two to stay back.
I need to make this look
as routine as possible.
Of course.
Don't worry, we won't let anybody know
that you had Pike come
through Hope Valley for us.
And if we didn't say it already,
thank you for sticking
your neck out for us.
Well, my neck's been in worse places.
Oh! Here he comes.
He's not at all what I imagined.
The two of us might overwhelm him.
You catch more bees with honey.
Make yourself at home, Pike.
I'll go grab you some grub.
Oh, this is Judge
Avery and Mrs. Coulter.
You're a judge.
That's right.
Mind if we chat?
Sure. Lovely day we're having.
I mean about your case.
What's there to talk about?
I'm heading up the river
for the next 20 years.
End of story.
That's not your story, is it?
[SCOFFS] What're you on about?
We've looked at the evidence, Clayton.
May I call you Clayton?
We know you couldn't have
shot Governor Bouchard.
Who are you?
I'm Rosemary Coulter.
Editor-In-Chief of the Valley Voice.
I actually, I spoke with your mother.
Yeah, I heard.
I told her she shouldn't
be traveling by herself.
She's worried about you.
She doesn't understand
why you're going to prison
for something you didn't do.
She doesn't get it.
No, she doesn't.
She doesn't know that if you
didn't agree to take the fall
she wouldn't be able to have the surgery
she so desperately needed.
We know you were paid to confess.
We also know you did it
because you're a good son
who loves his mother very much.
Tell us who hired you, Mr.
Pike. Maybe we can help.
I wonder what's for lunch.
Are you busy?
I was just grabbing some lunch. Why?
Well, the choir could use another tenor.
I seem to recall someone boasting
about having a lovely singing voice
on a certain camping trip last year.
I wouldn't exactly say "boasting".
So, I can't twist your arm?
You should ask Bill.
Are you volunteering him?
Although, I think
he's more of a soprano.
[COOPER] We should offer a special.
Cookie and lemonade for two cents.
Well, that's what they cost anyway.
Sure, but if people think
they're getting a deal
Excuse me.
Could I try one of your specials?
Uh, sorry, but we're
setting up for tomorrow.
Uh, you wouldn't happen to be
Angela and Cooper now, would you?
Yes, sir, but who are you?
I'm your Uncle Jacob.
You came?
It's so good to meet you both.
Who wants to taste
Oh, it's so good to see you.
You look great.
Thank you.
It's been too long.
Come on, Uncle Jacob!
Let's go and get a cold drink.
He actually came!
The letter worked.
Look who we found.
You should have told us you were coming.
Well, look at you. You haven't changed.
Guess I could say the same.
Well, Mama always told
us to tell the truth.
We have so much to catch up on.
You still own that
haberdashery out in Aberdeen?
How did you know about that?
Been keeping tabs on my
little brother as best I can.
Uncle Jacob, how long can you stay?
Well, that depends, son.
On what?
On whether your father's
prepared to apologize.
Now, Jacob, I told you in my letter.
I can't apologize unless you tell me
what I'm supposed to apologize for.
Well, if you don't know,
there's no point in
me trying to tell you.
Jacob, wait!
I know Joseph isn't perfect,
but he is a good man and he misses you.
Well, he's got a funny
way of showing it.
Tell me what happened between you two.
It doesn't matter.
What's done is done.
But you used to be so close.
It was always you and
Joseph standing side by side,
singing in that church choir.
I lost my love for
singing a long time ago.
I haven't stepped foot in
a church for 20 years.
Oh, Jacob.
- I'm gonna miss the next train.
- Jacob!
You've come all this way.
You should get to know
your niece and nephew.
Angela's playing piano in
the choir festival tomorrow.
You've always been kind to me, Minnie.
And I would love to get
to know Angela and Cooper,
but I don't think that's
the best idea right now.
Well, perhaps you'll reconsider.
Not my finest moment. I'm sorry.
It's not me you should
be apologizing to.
- Minnie
- I know he's stubborn and impossible,
but aren't you a little, too?
He brings out the worst in me.
Seems like you have that
effect on each other.
He lost so much when he lost you.
He just told me he hasn't been
back to church in all these years.
It's me he's mad at. Why
has he given up on God?
If he's too stubborn
to bend, shouldn't you?
I've been trying to fix
this for 20 years, Minnie.
I don't know how.
But you do know who to ask.
By the sea, ♪
By the sea, ♪
You and I. ♪
Don't stop.
I'm no good without
Angela on the ukulele.
And I'm useless on the guitar.
Well, here.
Give it to me.
Why don't we take it
from the top, alright?
To the sea?

By the sea, by the sea, ♪
By the beautiful sea, ♪
You and I, you and I, ♪
Oh how happy we'll be ♪
And he said he wouldn't join a choir.
Let's go sing, too.
I think this is a special
moment just for them, honey bear.
Why don't we give them some privacy?
Over and under and then up for air. ♪
Pa is rich, Ma is rich, ♪
So now what do we care? ♪
Don't let me disturb you.
Maybe you are the answer.
How's that?
The answer to my prayers.
Ha, well, I doubt that.
Henry, you know more about
forgiving and being forgiven
than just about anybody I know.
Can I ask you to help
me understand something?
I don't know.
I'll try.
This is about my younger brother, Jacob.
Somehow years ago I hurt him
and, well, he wound up
hurting me right back
by cutting me out of
his life completely.
You asked his forgiveness?
I would if I knew what I did.
What does it matter?
To know whether I do owe him an apology.
I mean, you uh, you hurt your
brother somehow, didn't you?
If you regret hurting him,
what does it matter
the reason why? Or how?
You're family.
I need the room.
I'm sorry for what happened to you.
All I wanna know is why.
If I tell you I'm a dead man.
And if you don't, am I?
Everything's set up, ready to go.
Oh, what if they don't come?
It is short notice.
They'll come.
I have faith.
I just got word from the station.
And are there many people?
It was standing room only!
That is wonderful!
Oh, this is going to be incredible!
- We should warm up.
- Yes.
- I'm so excited.
- La-la-la-la-la
Daisy, Daisy, ♪
Give me your answer, do. ♪
I'm half crazy all
for the love of you. ♪
It won't be a stylish marriage, ♪
He can't afford a carriage, ♪
But you'll look sweet upon the seat ♪
Of a bicycle built for two. ♪
Florence and Ned Yost, everyone!
On behalf of myself, Mayor
Coulter and Mayor Hickam
who, along with the Benson Hills choir,
is preparing to dazzle your ears.
I would love to welcome
you to our first annual
Voices of the Valley
Festival. Thank you.
That will suit you nicely.
- Wow.
- Thank you. Enjoy the festival.
Thank you.
Uncle Jacob.
Well, well. Look who's here.
- Hi, Uncle Jacob.
- Hi.
Wow, Cooper.
You know, you look exactly
like your father did
when he was younger.
Well, we thought you'd left.
Well, your mother told me
Angela would be playing piano,
and I wouldn't miss that for the world.
Oh, good.
Because I'll be playing in 15 minutes.
In the library, down the street.
Is that right?
Well, I'll be sure to be there then.
Good ol' summertime ♪
Thank you, everyone, and
uh, please don't forget
to show your appreciation
of the fine music and donate.
Tom, congratulations.
Looks like you've got a
real hit on your hands.
Thank you.
And thanks for getting me out of a jam.
Hey, Mounties look out for our own.
Yeah, but I'm not a Mountie.
Well, no, your brother
was. And your dad.
You know, you and Jack would
have really liked each other.
I wish I had known him.
You and Elizabeth
- Tom, I
- I just want to say that I'm really glad
that she has someone
like you in her life.
She deserves it.
Look at this turnout!
You'll have the money
paid back in no time.
What's that saying about
not counting your chickens?
Mama, look. Candy apples.
Oh my.
You know what? Here you go, Jack.
Say thank you.
Thanks, Mountie Nathan.
I don't remember saying yes.
Yeah, but you were gonna.
How'd you manage to wander in here?
Your children said Angela
would be playing the piano.
Only I don't see a piano.
They told me this would be
a nice quiet place to work.
That your Sunday sermon?
How do you know I'm a pastor?
You're not the only one capable
of keeping tabs, brother.
Jacob, will you sit
with me so we can talk?
You know it was Cooper and Angela
that sent you the letter, right?
Yeah, I figured as much.
Because of the handwriting.
So why'd you answer it?
I suppose I'd hoped
fatherhood had changed you.
Look, Jacob, I don't
know how I hurt you
Wait, wait, wait
Look, what I'm trying to say is
what I'm trying to say is
obviously I did hurt you.
And for that I'm deeply sorry.
Minnie tells me that you gave
up on music and on church.
For that I'm sorry, too.
You really don't remember, do you?
Remember what, little brother?
Please, help me. I
It all changed after granddad died.
He was the one who helped
us find our voices, Joe.
Together. Remember?
But it obviously
didn't mean much to you.
I stopped singing with
you after I met Minnie.
Sounds silly when you
say it out loud but uh
You felt abandoned.
I loved singing so much.
But I couldn't do it without you
standing beside me on that stage.
It connected us.
It it helped me
through missing granddad.
I had space in my heart for Minnie.
For both of you.
But you just didn't need me anymore.
Oh, Jacob, that is not true-
It's too late, Joseph. It's too late.
When a parishioner
tells me it's too late
I tell them God doesn't punch a clock.
He's always there to see us through
all the things we think
are impossible to overcome.
I wish I could believe that.
You used to believe.
You can again, if you're willing to try.
Come on, now.
Goodbye, Joseph.
I really enjoyed meeting
Angela and Cooper.
It's uh, nice to see how close they are.
Clayton, please. This
is your last chance.
If there's anything
you want to tell us
Be smart and stop
asking so many questions.
Did Montague hire you
to shoot the Governor?
All you need to know
about the guy behind this
is he's got eyes everywhere.
If I rat him out he'll get
to me, even inside prison.
He'll go after mother, too.
The Mounties wouldn't let that happen.
We'd arrest him.
You don't get it.
Not even the Mounties
can touch this guy.
Leave this alone, please.
Or he'll come after you, too.
He's terrified.
Is Bernhard Montague capable
of instilling that much fear?
We don't really know
what he's capable of.
This is from the flea market
table and the food stall.
How are we doing?
Amazing, we've collected $100.
Well, that's great!
There may be another $100 in here.
A hundred more and
Tom here is a free man.
Ah, there you are. Where's our money?
Well, we have enough to pay
back the Benson Hills choir.
And what about Jameson?
We are working on it.
Maisie, give Tom a chance.
I have given Tom more
chances than he deserves.
I'm going to find that constable.
Woah. What's this all about?
We're a bit short to
pay Jameson the money
they were swindled out of.
By him!
Maisie, for the last time,
it wasn't Tom's fault.
How much are we short?
Well, a little under a hundred dollars.
Well, Henry and I were
actually just discussing
the Governor's cultural fund.
I think we could use that to
make up the difference, right?
Well, I hardly think that's appropriate.
On the contrary, that's what
it was intended to be used for.
To support the cultural
endeavors of the territory.
There we go.
Are you happy?
Happy's a stretch.
Lucas, thank you.
It's what I'm in office for.
Now, I believe the festival
finale is about to begin.
Let's go.
You did your best, you
apologized to Jacob.
Yeah, but it wasn't good enough.
Give him time. Maybe he'll come around.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry we're late.
Just in time.
Good afternoon.
We hope you've enjoyed
our very first Voices
of the Valley Festival.
For our finale,
the Hope Valley singers
would like to sing
one of our all-time favorites.
It's Uncle Jacob!
Jacob, welcome.
Everyone, this is Joseph's brother.
[ROSEMARY] Joseph's brother?!
Hi. I uh, I'm just
here to see Angela play.
We'd love if you'd join the choir.
We could sure use another tenor.
No, I couldn't.
- Come on, join us!
[ROSEMARY] It's Amazing Grace.
Oh, thanks.
[MINNIE] Ready?
One, two
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, ♪
That saved a wretch like me, ♪
I once was lost but now am found, ♪
Was blind but now I see. ♪
'Twas grace that taught my heart ♪
To fear and grace my fears relieved. ♪
How precious did that grace appear, ♪
The hour I first believed. ♪
[MINNIE] Come and help me
in the kitchen, please, kids.
Next year can I join the choir?
Why wait until next year?
Because it's baseball season?
Well, yeah.
Hey, a man's gotta have
his priorities straight.
- Oh, hey. Uh
I'm sorry I was so thoughtless.
It's alright.
I just missed you so much.
It didn't seem like
you missed me at all.
I did.
Hey, from now on we'll
never miss each other again.
I love you, Joe.
I love you, little brother. Come on.
Let's eat?
I heard that.
Think you can still out-eat me?
Oh yeah.
Dear Lord, thank you
for this amazing meal.
Thank you for introducing me to
my wonderful niece and nephew.
And thank you, Lord, for
giving me my brother back.
You look like someone who
could use some sarsaparilla.
Oh, Lee, you read my mind.
Actually, give me that.
I think I know something
you could use more than a sarsaparilla.
Give me your hands. Yep.
Oh, you are the mayor, you
are the consummate host,
and you tripped the light
fantastic with the best of them.
Is there anything you can't do?
We'll find something, I'm sure.
[LAUGHS] I'll be looking.
Well, you did it, Tom. The
choir festival is a hit.
We all did this together.
So what's next for you?
First thing, I need to
find myself a new job.
Well, I'm sure something
wonderful will come along.
I know it.
Thanks, Elizabeth.
For believing in me.
Even when you had no reason to.
The most important thing is
that you believe in yourself.
I just received a call
from Montague's office.
When were you gonna tell me
you were considering his bid?
He took my advice and called him.
You called him?
What were you thinking here?
I mean, he is reviled in
this town for good reason.
He tried to steal our water.
Still, he has connections.
He was also the prime
suspect in your shooting.
- Was.
- Bernhardt Montague is a business man.
He can get the job done.
I may not love his ethics
but technically speaking
he's never operated outside of the law.
Using what dirty tricks?
That's why I need you to go over
his bid with a fine-tooth comb,
ensure every single
detail is on the up and up.
Speaking of which,
what were you able to find
out about Jeanette's investors?
By accounts they seem all on the level.
All of this just to avoid
taking Jeanette Aucoin's bid?
What is it that I'm not seeing here?
I've asked you to trust me on that.
If you have doubts about her
then your most prudent action
is to shut this whole thing down.
That is not an option.
You have made promises and you
will look weak if you back down.
Edwin, that is a story that
you're telling yourself.
Lucas, you can always walk away.
The landscape shifted, Henry.
We've received word that
Benson Hills Oil Company
will file for bankruptcy,
putting hundreds of men out of work.
It's not just about
securing the future anymore.
The construction of the
resort means jobs now.
So this is going to go
ahead with Montague's bid?
It's not a done deal yet,
but it's one I would like to close, yes.
And remember, this stays between us.

He's a good man.
Tom, I
You don't have to explain
anything, Elizabeth.
Not to me.
Care to dance?
May I?
Have fun.
Haven't you heard? It's the '20's.

Wallflower, huh?
Well, nobody's asked me to dance.
I can fix that.

You know, I never said yes.
Yeah, but you were gonna.

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