Doctor Who (1963) s11e10 Episode Script

Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Part Six

Leave him to me.
My prisoner.
Get out of the way, Brigadier! I'm sorry, General, this man is a UNIT prisoner.
I'm taking him into custody.
Get out of my way! Benton? You realise this is mutiny? There's no question of mutiny, sir.
I'm only doing my job.
You'll place this man under close arrest.
I'm holding you responsible for him.
Coming, Doctor? Oh, you're not going to shut me in there? You won't be there long.
Where are you lot going? Much further than you'd ever believe.
You won't just leave me here? Don't worry you're coming with us.
Doctor, I can get away with holding you here keeping you out of General Finch's hands, but what you're suggesting is mutiny.
What the blazes are you doing? Orders, sir.
We're evacuating.
All the others have gone.
Whose orders? General Finch, sir.
I thought you knew all about it.
This is ridiculous.
The whole of London crawling with monsters and he deci What about the spotter patrols? Well, they've all gone, sir.
Everyone's out of the area.
Good grief! Look, face up to it, Brigadier.
General Finch is involved just like Grover.
Is everybody in this conspiracy? Well, Captain Yates certainly is.
Now that I can't believe.
Well, he's been pretty odd lately, sir, and he was very keen on locking the Doctor up.
He was merely obeying orders.
There's a note here from Sarah.
Well, there you are.
Yes, she says she's got positive proof of Grover's involvement and the existence of the underground base.
Here, see for yourself.
Then where the blazes is she? Er, Private? When was this note left? Well, very early this morning, sir.
She went off with General Finch.
Thank you.
Benton, I want a call to Geneva.
Right, sir.
I'll get on to International UNIT HQ.
They must put pressure on the government.
There's no time for that.
Well, can you suggest anything else we can do? Yes attack that underground base now.
Sir? Yeah? Excuse me, sir, but, erm, are we evacuating or not? No.
Oh, well, in in that case, sir, er, what shall I do? Oh, go and make us all a cup of tea.
Oh Yes? Yes, put him through now please.
Geneva on the line, sir.
There, sir.
Thank you.
Put it down, sir.
Over there, Sergeant.
Would you cancel that call, please? We won't be needing it now.
And what do you think you're doing, Captain Yates? I'm really sorry, sir.
Just what are they gonna do, Mike? They're going to roll back time.
Er, the world used to be a cleaner, simpler place.
It's all become too complicated and corrupt.
Roll back time, I see.
Can Whitaker really do that? I believe so.
All the preliminary experiments have been successful.
Do you realise what'll happen if they succeed? We shall find ourselves in the golden age! There never was a golden age, Mike.
It's all an illusion.
Not this time! We're going to make it come true! Really? How? Whitaker's machine creates a protective field.
Anyone within that field will be unaffected.
Anybody outside it will just cease to exist.
Quite right, Doctor.
Are we inside this protective field? Perhaps, perhaps not.
We're on the very edge of the zone here, but it doesn't matter.
You mean it doesn't matter to you not existing? I'm not important.
The others'll get there.
Now listen to me, Mike, I w Look, I understand your ideals.
Well, in many ways I sympathise with them.
But this is not the way to go about it, you know? You've got no right to take away the existence of generations of people.
There's no alternative! Yes, there is.
Take the world that you've got and try and make something of it.
It's not too late.
Oh, I didn't know you were back, Captain Yates, sir Welcome! Welcome to the people.
We've revived you because it's almost time for our landing on New Earth.
Adam! That girl's gone.
She's not in the reminder room.
Well, she can't have gone far.
But we must find her! Oh, very well, my dear, I'll help you but, erm, all our friends are waking up.
Aren't you going to say welcome to them? Later.
Oh, excuse me.
I'll be back in a minute.
What did you find? Where are we? Somewhere under central London.
The whole ship is a fake.
Why did they cheat us? Well, it's too complicated to explain now, but it's something to do with altering the course of time.
Those poor people! What can we do? Tell them the truth.
Come in mobile patrols.
All mobile patrols, come in please, over.
There we are, Doctor.
Blow your way into the Bank of England with that lot.
Thank you, Sergeant.
I still think we should wait for reinforcements.
Well, we can't wait.
Please acknowledge, over.
That project's going to be activated any moment now and when that happens, your reinforcements will vanish and so will you.
Trap ___ calling all mobile patrols.
Oh, very well All mobile patrols Benton, you stay here.
Please acknowledge, please acknowledge.
Try and collect those mobile patrols.
As soon as you've assembled any kind of force, rendezvous with the Doctor and myself at the tube station.
Right, sir.
Keep trying, Bryson.
Ah, good luck, Doctor! Thank you! Oh, can't you understand? It's all a trick! You're not on a spaceship you're not going to another planet! That can't be true! They promised us we're going to a new world! I went into everything very carefully.
I sold my house.
She's telling us the truth! It's alright, Ruth, she's here.
Adam, we've been tricked! How did you get out of the reminder room? Where have you been? Out of the ship.
The girl's mad! Look, I don't understand all this! You know what's on the other side of that airlock a flight of steps.
Adam, we must lock her up.
I saw her open the airlock.
And I can see that she's very persuasive.
Adam, she's telling us the truth! Now listen to me all of you.
This poor girl is unbalanced.
She should never have been selected.
Already she's contaminated one of us.
I'm going out through the airlock so you can see.
Stop him! We'll all be killed! Mark! We can't have fighting! You see? They're a danger to themselves and to all of us! There is no danger! Oh no you don't! Look, the people who organised all this they've got a machine that's going to affect time itself.
It's got nothing to do with space travel.
We must lock her up.
Come on.
No, you've got to help me stop them, otherwise the whole planet'll be in danger! Millions of people are going to be wiped out! Adam, that's the truth! Robinson, will you listen? Hello? Hello, can anyone hear me? This is spaceship one.
We are receiving you.
Thank God.
I'd like to speak to Charles Grover please? I've got to speak to Charles Grover.
Something very disturbing has happened.
Hang on to your hat, Brigadier.
I don't know how she got away but somehow she's got back into that spaceship and she's stirring them all up.
Can't you reassure them? It's no good, I've tried.
Our friend Adam insists on talking to you.
Well there's not much time.
Well, you'd better talk to them.
Adam sounded in quite a state.
In that case, I'd better dress for the occasion.
You had no right to call him.
We could have dealt with this ourselves.
I think he's got a lot to answer for.
How will he reach us from the other ship? There's a shuttle.
It's just locked on to us.
What's he doing now? Equalising the air pressure.
Well, Adam, what's the problem? Well, I never thought I'd find myself blowing up a tube station.
If you're wrong, Doctor, I'm going to have a job explaining this to London Transport.
Well, don't worry, Brigadier, I'm never wrong.
But if we don't get down there, there won't be a London Transport to explain to.
You really are a terrible problem to me, Miss Smith.
You cheated us! I had to.
Why? Why couldn't you tell us the truth? He didn't dare tell you.
Don't you understand, Mark? Millions of people will be wiped out.
That's the truth, isn't it? Put that way yes, I'm afraid it is.
Yet in a sense, these people will come to no harm at all because they will never have been born.
I had to tell a story that would be acceptable to people like Adam the sort of people I wanted to recruit.
Yes, kind, decent people who just might object to the destruction of generations of human beings! I'm only deceiving them about the means not the ends.
They will have their new world, but it will be this world returned to an earlier purer age.
The end can never justify the means.
What you're doing is criminal! Mark, for the sake of the others, can't you accept the situation? No never.
We'll go on telling them the truth every chance we get.
In that case, I must see that you don't get the chance.
Once this project has been completed, I can only hope that you will adjust to life in the new world.
I really am very sorry about all this.
I can only hope that in the future we shall be friends.
We've got company.
Good grief! It's a Triceratops! Look, Brigadier, try and keep it occupied while I'm finishing this off, will you? Don't worry they're none too bright.
Alright, Doctor.
I think I can cope with it! Adam, you've got to help us! I know.
I overheard.
I had to wait until Ruth was out of the way.
Now, what are we gonna do? Get to the flight deck and open that airlock! Are you ready, Doctor? This is the last flare.
Yes, nearly ready, come on.
Right, let's take a look.
Ah, there it is.
Right, I'm going down there.
I'll come with you.
No, I'd rather go on my own it's less conspicuous.
You go and get those reinforcements, will you? Right.
Greyhound one to trap two, over? Trap two Sergeant Benton here, sir.
Now look, we've broken through and the Doctor's inside.
What about those reinforcements? Just one mobile patrol, sir.
That's all I could raise.
Better than nothing.
Bring them along.
Yes, sir.
Quick as you can, Benton, out.
Look, sir, I've got to send those reinforcements.
The Brigadier's in trouble.
You'll do as you're told, Sergeant.
Sir, I've got to send them.
I'm warning you, Sergeant.
Very good, sir.
You'll be court martialled for this, Sergeant! Yes, sir! Very sorry, sir! I think you should at least listen, Ruth.
That does sound reasonable to listen.
Very well.
What is it you want me to listen to? I think it's best if you just watch.
What's she going to do? Open the airlock.
But she'll kill herself! She'll kill us all! If she's wrong, she's the only one that'll suffer.
What's going on? You see? They've been right all along.
___ nothing of it.
But where are we? The people who tricked you are out there.
Now is your chance to demand an explanation.
That sounds sensible.
Everything's ready.
General Finch should be here.
I hope you don't propose to wait.
The timing is crucial.
He must be somewhere in the area.
So long as he's in the protective field, he'll be alright.
Stop! We shall have no part in this.
You've cheated us! My friends, listen to me.
I have not cheated you.
Let Professor Whitaker pull that lever and you shall have the golden age that I promised you.
You're going to destroy all the civilisations of man.
Leaving Earth for another planet that was one thing but this is evil! Civilisation has already destroyed man.
It's time to make a fresh start.
If we take the Earth back in time, we can guide man onto a better path.
Oh, Doctor! Congratulations, Doctor.
You're just in time to be present at the most important moment in the world's history.
On the contrary, I'm just in time to prevent an atrocity.
Don't move any of you! Benton? No! He's reversed the polarity! Keep back! Well where've they gone? Back to their golden age.
And I hope they like it.
I still don't understand, Doctor when Whitaker first pulled that switch, was time reversed or wasn't it? It was for the world outside the forcefield.
Your time was just frozen for a few seconds.
But what about you? Oh, no don't tell me! You're a Time Lord.
Quite! Poor Grover.
The man was mad.
Yes, well of course he was mad.
But at least he realised the dangers this planet of yours is in, Brigadier the danger of it becoming one vast garbage dump inhabited only by rats.
It'll never happen, Doctor.
It's not the the oil and the filth and the poisonous chemicals that are the real cause of pollution, Brigadier.
It's simply greed.
Well, I've got work to do, writing my deposition for General Finch's court martial.
Excuse me, sir? What about Captain Yates? Extended sick leave and a chance to resign quietly.
Best I could do.
Poor Mike.
Come on, Benton.
Still I'll say one thing not many Sergeants get the chance to punch a General on the nose! Just don't make a habit of it, Benton.
Well, there you are, Sarah.
I told you I'd get you home safely, didn't I? Oh! Of all the cheek! Well, it's not my fault if people'll get up to no good while we were away.
Alien monsters, robber barons, then dinosaurs! It'll be a long time before I get in that TARDIS again.
Oh that's a pity that.
Why? Well, erm, I was rather thinking of making a trip to Florana.
Where? Florana probably one of the most beautiful planets in the universe.
Well, count me out! It's always carpeted with perfumed flowers I'm not listening.
and its seas are as warm milk and the sands as soft as swan's down.
No, Doctor.
And the streams flow with water that are clearer than the clearest crystal
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