Chicago P.D. (2014) s11e12 Episode Script


- Get out of the car.
His eyes were stapled open.
Noah, can you tell me
who did this?
- He can't stay
at your house forever, Hank.
- It's just till
he gets better.
We found two bodies today.
Every wound the sisters have
are exact matches with Noah's.
- So we're saying
we have a serial killer.
- Who the hell are you?
Noah died.
I don't like
thinking about how.
We have ten victims.
What the hell are we missing?
- The offender is organized.
Above average intelligence.
- I'm gonna find the monster.
- You crashed your police
vehicle into a wall.
You go to detox
or I report you.
- Couple of drinks
to take the edge off,
punishing runs to trick
your body into resting,
it's all the same.
- Hailey.
- Hey.
- You came.
- You asked me to.
- Yeah.
- Why did you ask me to?
- They let you have visitors.
- OK.
Why me?
- I didn't have anyone else.
This place is god-awful,
isn't it?
Yes, it's saving my life.
I get it.
Believe me,
they drill that into you.
But it always smells
like hand sanitizer.
The patients hate me.
All we do is
talk about ourselves,
inventory our lives.
I guess I just wanted
someone else
to talk to for once.
We can talk about anything.
We can inventory your life.
How are you?
Still running?
- Yeah. Yeah, still running.
But it's not doing
all that much.
- What do you mean?
- Shockingly, you were right.
Running hasn't fixed my head.
I run 6 miles a day.
I run until I can't stand.
But every night,
I still feel the same, so
I'm just gonna
focus on work now.
Work long hours.
Work with all the people
I like.
Dig in.
It'll make me
feel normal again.
I'll be fine.
- You know what you sound like?
- What?
- You sound like an alcoholic.
"I can manage.
I'll just stop.
I'll be fine."
- What would you like me to do?
I have no idea.
Tina's moving to Iowa
and buying a cat
when she gets out.
That way, she can pet the cat
every time she wants a drink.
You want Iowa and a cat?
- No.
Focusing on only work
will help.
I mean,
that's what you said, right?
We became police to run
from our screwed-up parents
or childhoods.
So I'll work.
Besides, this case
needs my hours.
I mean, ten bodies,
zero suspects.
Brass is breathing
down Voight's neck.
He had to make
the case public,
call a press conference.
City's terrified.
Phones are ringing
off the hook.
But it hasn't led to anything.
No real leads.
- How's Voight doing?
Can't be taking this well
after losing Noah.
- No.
He's working
twice as hard as I am.
- You talk to him
about your head?
- No.
- Why not?
- Too busy
getting nowhere together.
- Maybe you just need something
to happen, something new.
- Something new
means someone's dead.
- He's gonna move again.
The time between kills
is shrinking.
- So we just wait?
That's not an option.
Tina's gone?
- Yeah.
She left yesterday.
- Tomorrow is your last day.
- Day 30.
- You nervous?
- Terrified.
But I guess
I'm doing it anyway.
Nothing changes
if nothing changes.
- Hey.
- Probably a dead end,
but it's worth a shot.
- So this woman--
- Kiki Dunn.
- She knows our serial?
- Gangs arrested her
for accessory to murder.
In the middle
of her interrogation,
she claims she knows the name
of our serial killer.
Said she'd give it up
for a deal.
- You guys really came
all the way out here for this?
Don't say I didn't warn you.
She's a head case.
Girl knew we had her
dead to rights.
Was trying to sell us
on anything she could
except Wrigley Field.
Tapes are in here.
- What do you have on her?
- She lured a 19-year-old
banger into the park
for some sexual favors.
As soon as she got
on her knees,
kid got two taps to his head.
It was a honey trap.
Ordered by Leon Madges,
shot-caller for
the Three Corner Kings.
Got it cued up for you.
Have fun.
- All right.
- I'm so sorry.
I promise you, I had no idea
that Leon was gonna show up.
- Yes, you did.
We've got three eyewitnesses
who saw Leon talking to you
at the bar
30 minutes before the murder.
- What?
At the bar?
Leon loves me.
He would never do this to me.
- Come on, Kiki.
- Fine.
You know what?
Y'all acting like
this is the biggest case
y'all have ever seen,
but we both know it ain't.
So ask me about another one,
and I'll give you information.
- Then tell us
what Leon ordered you to do.
- Not this case.
Anything else, and I'll sing
like a sparrow for you.
- Girl's a chameleon.
- Yeah.
She's a hustler.
- We only care
about this case.
- That's not true.
What about that club
over on 82nd, huh?
The one with
the blacked-out windows
and the spree of gonorrhea.
I know all the girls
hooking up in there.
Fine, what about that murder
over on Racine?
All them carjackings.
Give me immunity,
I'll give you names.
- Come on, let's go.
- Fine.
What about that serial killer
on the news, huh?
The dude who's putting people
in barrels,
hitting them
upside the head with pipes,
stapling eyes open.
- We didn't release staples
or pipes to the public.
- No, we didn't.
- I know his name.
You take away my charges,
I'll give you his name.
The serial killer's a cop.
He's a goddamn cop!
The serial killer's a cop.
He's a goddamn cop!
- Hey, Josen?
Where's Kiki Dunn now?
Has she had
her initial hearing?
- Yeah. She got I-bonded out.
Why? What's going on?
- I need you to send me
everything you have on her--
her entire case file,
her record,
and who picked her up
from county.
- She said something real?
- Can you do that?
As fast as you can.
Thank you.
Kiki Dunn's LKA is
her cousin's place,
Ami Harden, 2781 Kane Street,
Garfield Park.
Ami picked her up yesterday
when she was released
from county.
Kiki's I-bonded.
She doesn't have an e-monitor.
- OK. Her record?
- It looks like
she's been involved
in a little bit of everything.
Besides her recent arrest
for accessory to murder,
she's been popped
for solicitation,
possession, burglary.
She's also indexed
with three different gangs.
She would have come across
a lot of cops.
- Boss, I'm here
with Kim and Torres.
What do we got?
- Yeah, we got a lead.
A woman named Kiki Dunn claims
she knows the name
of our serial,
and she claims he's a cop.
- What?
Who is this woman?
Is it concrete?
- We're en route to find out.
But she had details
she would have needed
independent knowledge to have.
It feels real.
- Well, that would explain
the pristine crime scenes,
why he never got caught
on camera.
- Explains why we have nothing,
why a judge popped.
- Dig in.
What's the nexus?
What police had access
to Kiki and our victims?
We keep this all on lock.
No other police hear a word
about this case.
- All right, copy you, boss.
No. Kiki don't live here.
- She told police that this--
- I don't know
what to tell you.
She does not live here.
- OK. Where is she now?
- Bent, get the dog.
I just picked her up
from 26th and Cal.
She told me her court date's
not for two weeks.
- OK.
Where is she?
- She's at home.
- And where's that?
- Why? What's going on now?
What happened?
- Can you please just tell me
where she lives?
- She's crashing
at some dump on Monroe
and St. Louis,
the garden apartment.
That's where I dropped her.
- OK.
Do you have the exact address?
All right, go sit on the back.
I'll knock.
- Copy.
- I didn't say anything!
I didn't say anything!
- Chicago PD!
Chicago PD!
Hey, get away from her!
- Kiki, stop!
- Gun! Gun! Don't move!
- Kiki, stop running!
- Go, get her. I got it.
- Kiki!
- Give me your hands!
- Kiki!
We just want to talk.
5021 Henry, I need an assist
at 3450 Monroe.
I've got a wanted offender,
Kiki Dunn,
last seen fleeing on foot.
Female, Black,
blue sweatshirt, white shoes.
I've lost eyes.
I don't have her.
- Copy, 5021 Henry.
Sending units.
Shut down from Blake
to Kostner, from 14th to 16th.
She's on foot.
Female, Black, 22 years old.
- What's she wanted for?
- An investigation.
- She an offender?
- I'm giving you
all you need to know.
Shut down the block.
Get eyes.
- You aren't gonna talk to us?
Come on. Get in.
Where would Kiki run?
Leon, do you realize
how we found you?
Beating on a woman, armed,
taking a swing at police?
- You're knee-deep
in murder charges.
Where would she run?
- I got no idea.
- We're not done.
Take him up.
- Let's go.
- All right, anything?
- Patrol still hasn't
found Kiki.
There's no phones registered
in her name, no other LKAs,
no car registered.
We're still looking into
the last known associates.
- Yeah, what about
the rest of it?
- So far, we got over
a dozen cops connected
to at least two victims.
- And--
Any of them match our offender?
- Yeah, plenty of police match
the description
of our offender.
So it's a very wide net.
Also, half of our victims
are high-risk individuals,
so the chances
that they interacted with cops
off the record, pretty good.
- All right. And Kiki?
- Kiki has a lot of run-ins
with the police.
It's gonna take some time
to run them all.
- Then take the time.
Keep narrowing.
- Come on, Leon,
you've known Kiki for what?
Six years?
Where would she go?
- Why do you want her so bad?
- Ten minutes.
That's all you're getting.
Or I start filing
all these charges.
- Accessory to murder, assault,
assault against
a police officer,
parole violation
with a deadly weapon,
obstruction of justice.
- Or you give us
something real.
Where would Kiki run?
- You're back.
- Yeah.
- What, you gonna put
something on paper for me?
A deal?
- You'll get
your piece of paper.
But your clock
is ticking, Leon.
- Where is Kiki Dunn?
Where would she go?
Give and get.
- Your charges amount
to more than 30 years.
- Would you like me
to list them to you again?
- 30 or nothing.
Let's go.
- They're good together.
- I am running out of patience.
- Eight minutes.
- A'ight. A'ight.
Ain't like I can
read her mind, OK?
I don't know where she's run.
But she's got a phone
you probably don't know about.
Is that so?
All right, talk to me.
- Phone's pinging
on a Section 8
housing complex
on the West Side,
but that's as close
as we can get.
- Kiki knows somebody here?
- She's got
three known associates
living in the west building.
Her cousin's in apartment 640,
she's got an old contact
from juvie in 312,
and the long shot,
a woman she went
to elementary school with
in 206.
- All right, so let's split up
in pairs, hit each.
- There's no way we're getting
a warrant for this.
- So we knock nice.
Just find a way inside.
Let's go.
- Hey.
You good?
- I think so.
- You want to sit this one out?
- No.
- OK.
Let's go.
- OK, Ruz,
you and me will hit 312.
Rest of you,
take those west side units.
All right, we're good to go.
- Chicago PD.
Chicago PD.
Open up.
- We can hear you.
Open the door.
- Go. Go.
I got it.
Can I help you?
- Who else is in there
with you, ma'am?
- I'm all alone.
- Oh, yeah?
Who were you talking to?
- Myself.
I got a real problem.
- Kiki!
No, no, no! Kiki.
Hold on, hold on,
hold on, hold on.
I just want to talk to you.
- Get off of me!
Back off!
- Kiki, I just want to talk
to you.
- I didn't do anything!
- I know you didn't.
You're not in trouble.
I promise you,
we're just here to talk.
- About what?
- In your interrogation,
you said you wanted a deal.
Do you remember that?
I want to give you that deal.
Can you give us a sec?
- Hey.
- Sarge, 206.
- Copy.
- You mentioned a man
who staples people's eyes open
and beats them with a pipe.
Do you remember that?
I need you
to give me that name.
- You'll give me a deal?
- Yes.
- A real deal.
- Yes.
- More than a deal?
- What do you want?
- Wit pro.
That a real thing?
You get a whole new name,
a whole new life?
I want that.
I want a new city.
I want a new name.
I want a house.
I want to get the hell
out of Chicago
and everything in it.
That's what I want.
I want to start over.
- OK.
I promise,
I will request your name goes
on the Witness Protection list.
I promise you.
Are you kidding?
You're for real?
- Yeah.
- So my John was
telling the truth.
He has a serial killer
in his family?
He's such a--
- Get away from the window!
- Hailey, are you good?
- I'm good. You?
- Yeah.
Ma'am, I need you to stay back
and stay down.
- 10-1, 10-1, shots fired
at the police.
I got a civilian down.
- No, Kiki!
- I need an ambo at 2237 West
44th Street, apartment 206.
We do not have eyes
on the offender.
It's OK.
Stay with us.
Stay with us.
- You two all right?
- We're good.
- Yeah, we're good.
- Shots came from
across the courtyard.
Stay with us.
Stay with us. It's OK.
- Get her back!
- OK, we got you.
- Get her back.
I got you covered.
It's OK.
- Shots came from the adjacent
building, east side.
Check the fourth
and fifth floors.
Do not trust police.
- Take the back, Torres.
- Copy.
- Elevator.
- Yeah.
- Elevator.
- Chicago PD.
Don't move.
Put your hands up.
- What the hell?
- No weapon.
No weapon.
- I'll work the stairs.
- I'm going to five.
- You live here?
- Yeah. What's going on?
- You didn't just hear
them gunshots?
- I heard something pop.
- Come on, you're safe.
I got you covered.
- Paramedics are here now.
OK. Stay with us.
- I got a pulse.
Cervical collar. Load and go.
- Sarge,
I'm gonna stay with her.
- Good. Both of you.
Give them cover to the ambo.
- Copy.
- Kev, I need an update.
- Yeah, Sarge,
I'm holding down the lobby.
Torres is in the back.
Burgess and Ruz
are still searching.
- Chicago PD! Stop moving!
Show me your badge.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm Ruzek.
Intelligence, OK?
Put the gun down.
What are you doing up here?
- We got an active shooter.
- Where'd you come from?
- What?
Why are you pointing
your gun at me?
- Where'd you come from?
What's your unit?
- Get your gun off me.
- What's your unit?
- 2312.
This address is
in the middle of my beat.
I was close.
I heard the shots.
Is that a problem?
- All right, we're gonna clear
this floor together, all right?
Come on.
You cover left.
We got an open door.
- Copy.
- Kitchen's clear.
- Bedroom's clear.
- Boss, I got a couple
spent .223 shell casings
near a fifth-story window,
apartment 510.
We're looking for an offender
with a rifle.
- Copy.
Keep clearing.
- Officer, come here for a sec.
You see this guy?
Navy blue jacket, backpack.
- Yeah.
He's going pretty quick.
- Boss, I think
I got something.
White male, 6 feet tall,
moving away from the scene.
Navy blue jacket, backpack,
baseball cap, dark jeans.
All right, he just slipped
into a white sedan.
Can you make out those plates?
- No, I can't.
- Yeah, we don't have the tags.
- Copy.
You still see him?
- He's pulling out, boss.
He's moving at a clip.
That's got to be our guy.
He's heading eastbound
through the parking lot.
I lost eyes.
You got him?
- No!
5021, advise all units,
be on the lookout
for a white sedan,
last seen eastbound
on Logan from 43rd.
- Copy that.
We've got cars rolling to you.
Do we have a description
of the driver?
- Offender is a white male,
wanted for the shooting
that just occurred.
- Copy, 5021.
- Come on.
Stay with me.
Come on. Come on.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight,
9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 16
- Where are we?
- Got the shell casings
on the way to the lab.
- We got five residents
that heard the shots.
Nobody saw the shooter.
- What about the white sedan?
- Spoke with CPIC.
PODs and street cams
were shut down remotely
from West 40th
all the way to the Stevenson.
- I want to know exactly when
and from what mainframe.
- Copy.
- That was him.
- Sarge.
Upton just got to Med.
Kiki didn't make it.
Never regained consciousness.
Upton did find
a burner phone on her.
She's gonna go through it now.
Thinks there could be
a list of Johns.
- OK, we run
every single one of them.
Kiki said a John who has
a family member who's a cop
is our serial.
Let's find him.
- No.
And that's the last John
from Kiki's phone.
He lawyered up.
And he doesn't have
any family that's police.
- OK, thanks, Joe.
Vice at the 17th
picked up a Kiki.
Turns out it wasn't ours.
- The Johns we've ID'd
in Kiki's phone
haven't known anything.
None of them have police
in their families either.
- And nothing else from vice?
- No.
I've got one more contact there
checking, but no.
- OK.
Kiki's social media?
- Woman had
a lot of male friends.
We're still sorting
through them.
We got nothing yet.
- OK, what about the PODs
that were turned off?
- CPIC's digging.
From what I understand,
the offender likely
logged in anonymously.
If you know the passwords,
it's easy.
- Anything from the block?
- No.
And no new evidence
from the shooter apartment.
- Yeah, shell casings
came back to a hot rifle.
I'm gonna try and trace it.
- All right, who else
in Kiki's life are we missing?
He knew we were gonna be there.
Can we trace his radio?
- I thought of that,
but if he were smart,
he wouldn't have used
his police issue radio.
I'm running it anyway,
and running anyone who accessed
Kiki's records, but again,
assuming he's smart,
it's a long shot.
- OK, go home.
Just change out.
Just grab a couple hours.
We'll hit it fresh.
This man does not
stay ahead of us.
- You actually going home?
- No.
- Kelly's?
- Yeah.
- I'll finish the paperwork.
I'll meet you there.
- Cool.
Good first day back?
You know, I--
I think I get it.
Small changes.
You, here, work.
You got a family here.
- Yeah.
You good for the night?
- You got to stop checking.
I'm fine.
- OK.
- Hey, it's Foltz.
I did what you asked.
Kiki Dunn got swooped up
last year.
She stripped
at a bachelor party
and gave out "party favors."
- You bring the men in?
- We brought in three guys.
Two rolled.
The third guy kept saying
Kiki was a friend.
He didn't screw her,
blah, blah, blah.
He was kind of sad,
but sounded like
he was close to Kiki.
It's probably nothing.
- You got a name?
- Bobby Keter,
243 West Hastings.
- Thanks, Foltzy. I owe you.
- Hey, what's up?
- Hey, I'm gonna check out
one more of Kiki's clients.
Vice from 9
put me on to this guy.
It's a long shot,
but he's on my way.
- Nah. Do it.
Just keep me posted.
- The serial killer's a cop.
He's a goddamn cop!
- I never paid for sex.
Kiki's just a friend.
- That's not why I'm here.
You're not in any trouble.
- Then what are you doing here?
- I came to talk to you
about the serial killer
that's been in the news.
Do you know anything about it?
Is there something
you want to tell me?
- Why?
I don't get it.
What does Kiki have to do
with a serial killer?
- Well, that's what I was
hoping you could tell me.
Bobby, is someone in your
family a police officer?
I looked at your record.
I didn't see anything.
Hey, look at me.
Answer the question.
- My cousin.
She's married to a cop.
- OK.
And you talked to Kiki
about them?
- Yeah, but it was nothing.
- Whatever you said to her,
whatever you're scared
of saying right now,
I need you to tell me.
- My cousin,
she's got a great life.
I'm sorry.
I should have never
said anything to Kiki.
- Shouldn't have said what?
- All right, he just slipped
into a white sedan.
That's got to be our guy.
- Come on, Bobby.
You've got nothing
to be afraid of.
I promise.
- Look, I went to my cousin's
for dinner last month, OK?
And her husband was there.
He was impressed
that I was military.
I did a tour in Afghanistan.
I was
a food operations sergeant.
That's Army speak for a cook.
I wasn't in it like that.
But this cop thought I was.
It just--it got strange.
That's all.
He wanted to talk
about torture.
- Why? Did you see torture?
- No.
He was drunk.
We ended up alone.
It was like he wanted
to show off or something.
He said torture was all mental.
You want to shock the victim
first, like, with a pipe.
- Pipe?
He said pipe?
- 5021, I need you to run
the plate on a white Buick,
license Eddy 172 Paul 97.
- 5021, stand by.
Buick comes back
to a Janice Dugan,
72 years of age.
Shows a residence
on 299 West 16th.
- All right, copy.
Thank you.
- You need backup, Sergeant?
- No.
It's just a neighbor.
19-Paul. I'm good.
- Copy.
- He, uh--he said,
then you want the victim
to know the rest is coming.
He said he saw
a video once of a guy
stapling a woman's eyes open.
He said her name was Izzy
and that it was a video.
But it felt wrong.
- What's his name?
- Name?
- Frank.
Frank Matson.
- Matson?
Is he a lockup keeper?
- No, he's a police officer.
- Lockup keepers look
like police officers.
They have a uniform,
but they're not.
They're civilians.
Is this him?
- Yeah. That's him.
- Geez.
- Voight, call me.
I think we've got him.
It's Frank Matson
from our lockup.
I've got Tact going to sit
on his house.
I've called in the team
to confirm.
I'll meet you at the district.
- Hey. What's going on?
- We got him.
- Matson.
The lock-keep.
- I thought
we were after police.
- Kiki's John doesn't
know the difference.
Do we know
if Matson's working tonight?
- I'm gonna go check.
- We need this to be airtight
in order to get a warrant.
- Who signed Paul into lockup?
- Matson.
- OK.
And Izzy Pereda?
- I got it.
Izzy was booked at area south.
Matson was working there.
Matson signed her in.
He notated the name
and the number
of the one person she called
in lockup, the one phone call.
Paul's too?
- Yes.
- So Paul called Noah.
Izzy called Maria.
Matson knew who they called,
who they loved,
who came to save them.
He listened, he watched.
He saw their connection.
He chose them.
It all fits.
- Hailey, Voight's still not
answering his phone or text.
You try the DC?
- Yeah, nothing.
- Maybe he lost his phone.
- No.
I talked to him at the bar.
- OK, I'll try there.
- OK.
What about the rest of them?
- Hey, Tom.
Hey, is Matson working tonight?
- No. He took off shift.
His next one's
7:00 AM tomorrow.
- All right.
- You need something?
- No, no, I just want
to run something by him.
Yeah, Matson's not here.
Next shift is tomorrow.
- Copy.
What do we got?
- Luis and Gabriela Marquez.
Gabriela was arrested in 2021
at an anti-police protest.
Matson was working overflow.
Matson booked her.
- Jerry and Carla Griffith.
Jerry spent the night in lockup
for a wrongful ID.
Charges were expunged,
but Matson signed them in.
- Uh-huh, Sandra Cahill
and Nicole Silva.
Best friends, no sheets.
Sandra stayed right down
the street from Matson.
That can't be a coincidence.
- OK.
So Matson had access
to all of them,
has access
to our police systems,
could have watched
Kiki's interview,
turned off those cameras,
shot Kiki.
It's more than enough.
- Trudy?
He left an hour ago?
OK. No, it's OK.
I'll go by his house.
- Sarge?
- Yeah, he went home.
All right, let's crack off
an arrest warrant and hit it.
I'll grab Sarge. Let's go.
- All right.
Chicago Police, ma'am.
Can you step inside?
- Stop.
What are you doing?
- Ma'am, we have
a search warrant for your home.
Arrest warrant
for your husband.
Is he here?
- No. He's at work.
My daughter is upstairs--
- You need to stay with me.
Your daughter's gonna be safe.
No one's gonna harm her.
Your husband is not at work.
- He is.
He took an extra shift tonight.
He said they needed him.
- Clear!
- Is there anyone else home?
- No. No.
- Clear.
- What are you looking for?
You're looking for him?
- Basement clear.
- Clear.
We're all clear.
- Voight?
Voight, are you here?
- This has to be
some kind of mistake.
My husband wouldn't lie to me.
If he told me he's at work,
he's gonna be at work.
- He's not at work.
We've checked.
Is there anywhere else
he might go?
- I don't know.
- Does Frank have
a second cell phone?
- What? Of course not.
Why would he need
a second cell phone?
- What about vehicles?
Does he ever borrow
anyone else's car?
- No. No, he doesn't.
You're scaring me.
Is Frank OK?
- I'm at Voight's house.
Voight's not here.
Something's wrong.
I think he was taken.
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