7th Heaven s11e21 Episode Script
Good News For Almost Everyone
- All right, I'm ready to go.
- Not me.
- Uh, Dad, I didn't mean - No, no, I I know.
You're ready to go home.
And I guess that's how it feels when you're ready to leave this life like you're ready to go home.
Dad Something's going on.
I don't know what.
I've had this funny feeling all day.
Let me take you to the hospital.
Come on.
Oh, no, no.
It's no, it's not that kind of feeling.
It's more like I don't I don't know.
It's I I feel like something's shifted.
Not just the inside of me, but the outside of me.
I feel physically different.
You want me to call 911? No, I mean, I'm not short of breath.
I'm almost full of breath, like I have too much breath.
I mean, I I don't feel tired.
I have plenty of energy.
I feel kind of silly, like I see, I want to I want to laugh, but the feeling kind of scares me, so I don't.
Uh, you're kind of freaking me out, and now is not a good time for me to get freaked out.
- Why is that? - I can't tell you.
Uh, I haven't told anyone, although some people are starting to suspect.
You know, Dad, let me take you to the hospital.
Okay, but let's not tell your mother.
I mean, it's probably nothing, but if it's not nothing, then I might want to be undergoing medical care before I have to look in her face.
Okay, let's go.
Do I look taller to you? - No.
- Hmm.
I feel taller.
I feel like skipping.
No, don't.
No skipping.
No, really, I do.
I feel like skipping.
Let's, uh let's skip out the church.
The two of us, let's let's skip out of the church and across the parking lot, and then you can take me anywhere you want to take me.
I Oh You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Okay, Dad, that was a lot of fun, but a little weird.
Weird? Oh, come on.
It was exhilarating! It was like a spiritual fantasy, skipping in here.
Front of the church and back again what do you say? Okay, but then I'm taking you to the hospital.
You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away.
I'm ready.
Something's going on.
You know, I haven't skipped in, like, ten years.
It's more like 40 for me.
- Are you okay? - I don't know.
But if skipping through the church is the last thing I ever do, I'm fine with that.
No, the last thing you're ever going to do is see my children at the wedding of their children.
Oh, Luce I hope so.
I really I really do.
Out the back and once around the parking lot.
All right.
Around the parking lot, but then we're going.
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Eric? Don't say anything to anyone.
I-I'm going to the doctor.
I think something happened.
Something good.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
Paging Dr.
What's going on? I don't know.
He insisted on driving himself to the doctor, and-and so I drove behind him, and then he made a U-turn, - and he came in here.
- Is he having a heart attack? He's not showing any signs of a heart attack, other than that he's a little upset that I followed him, but he says that he thinks something happened.
Something good.
His doctor met us here.
I-I think they might check him in.
I think they might do tests on him.
I don't know, Kevin.
Does it sound like something good? It-it-it-it doesn't sound like something good to me.
I'm going to have to call Lucy.
I told her I was running out for milk.
Oh, no, no, no, I don't want her to get upset.
She's going to be more upset if she thinks we're hiding something from her, and maybe it is something good.
No, I'm just afraid that we shouldn't get her too excited.
Are-are you two having another? No.
We're trying, but not yet.
- Okay.
- I'm going to call her.
Kevin, uh she's not pregnant? No.
I'm doing my best, believe me.
I believe you.
Where are Sam and David? Oh, no.
Oh, no Oh I like having the place to ourselves, but I hope they come back.
Yeah, but it would be nice if they didn't come back anytime soon.
I knew she'd remember.
Camden residence.
Oh, thank heavens.
David, are you and Sam okay? We're fine, Mom.
How's Dad? Uh, well, he seems to be really good.
He's hoping to get some good news from the doctors.
We'll see.
Okay, well, thanks for calling.
No, no, no, no, don't don't hang up.
Listen, I-I-I was so excited about Dad, I just ran out.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to go out and leave you guys alone.
That's okay.
We like being alone.
I want the two of you to go out the back door and go straight over to Lucy's house and stay with her until I get back.
Do we have to? Yes, you have to.
Now, call me when you get over there.
Do you know how to call Mommy's cell phone? Yes.
We know.
Okay, so you call me, or you have Lucy call me.
But you go out right now.
And-and don't worry about anything.
Everything's fine.
We have to go over to Lucy's.
I knew it wouldn't last.
Yeah, me, too.
I don't know why Mom worries so much.
We're fine.
Dad's fine.
Everything's fine.
Well, what are they saying? They're not saying anything.
No, one's come out to talk to your mom, she's waiting, and she called me to come and wait with her.
- When you went out to get the milk? -Yeah.
Wait, so she called you here, and then you lied - about going out to get the milk? -Yeah.
Wait, Kevin, both those statements cannot be true.
- Yeah.
-Kevin, why didn't she call me if it's good news? She's going to call you when she gets the good news officially from the doctors, and you know doctors.
It's hard to squeeze good news out of them.
Well, I'm coming down there.
Could be a while.
They're running some tests.
Well, why are they running tests if he thinks he's feeling so great? Why do they ever run tests? I don't know.
That's what hospitals do.
I'll wait here with your mom, and if they decide to keep your dad here, I'll call you, and you can come down here, and I'll come home and stay with Savannah.
Why would they keep him there? And you know what? Don't put on that CSI voice with me, because it sounds like you're covering up information, Officer.
I swear, I'm telling you everything I know.
He drove himself over here because he thinks he's going to get some good news.
Well, when he does, I want to be down there with you and my mom and my dad.
All right, but really, if you could just hold on a few minutes until I find out something But I can't.
All right let's go.
We should take food, too.
They don't have any good stuff, like real cookies or cakes or brownies like Mom makes.
Camden? Oh, yes, yes.
How is he? He's fine.
He wants to see you.
He wants to see me! Great.
Let's go.
It's one person at a time.
He's our son.
He's married to our daughter.
Reverend Camden just asked for you.
Okay, look, you know, he doesn't know you're here, so once I tell him, he'll ask for you, too.
All right, thank you.
He's not he's not dying or anything, is he? I don't think so, no.
What do you mean, you don't think so? I don't think he's dying, but did he have anything to drink this morning? Drink? Like alcohol? Some people think he's maybe intoxicated.
- What people? His doctors.
- He doesn't drink.
- Are you sure? I'm positive.
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away.
Ta-da! Thank you! Thank you.
Thank you.
Lucy, we're here.
It's us.
Lucy! Hi, Samson.
Hi, Delilah.
I don't think anyone's home but them.
Let's call Mom.
Did you take any extra vitamins last night? - Nope.
- Did you eat any doughnuts last night? You know, cookies, candy? - Nope.
-Well, then, what were you doing last night? What do you mean, what was I doing last night? - I was with you.
- Oh.
Did you take your medication? I did, indeed, but I have a feeling I'm not going to need to take it anymore.
You didn't? Have? You haven't? Had anything to drink? Now, why do people keep asking me that? I'm just happy! Oh.
Hello? Hi, Mom.
We're here.
Oh, that's good.
Now, you stay there, okay? I'll call you later.
Did they do a, uh - a cardiogram? - Yes, they did.
And? And, no, the technician wouldn't have given me the results if I had given him a free pass to Heaven.
Well, what do you think? I don't know what to think.
I just I just know how I feel, and I feel as if my body has expanded to fit my big, fat heart.
I feel ten feet tall.
I feel amazing.
I don't think you understand.
I really have to see my dad.
I completely understand, but it's just one person in the room at a time.
And I'm sorry, but she's not allowed in here.
We just don't want her to get in the way of people who are working on people who are having emergencies.
We, who? We, the people that don't come up with the policies, but we still have to enforce them.
Oh, well, try enforcing this one, honey, because I know the chief of police.
There's a lobby upstairs where you can sit with her.
I know that there is a lobby upstairs where I can sit with her.
I am the associate pastor at Glenoak Community Church.
I come here to visit people all the time! I know that, Reverend Kinkirk.
I'm aware of who you are.
And I'm sure you're aware of what the rules are.
I got her.
I'll take her home.
No, no, no.
Don't-don't leave.
I-I want you close by.
Then I'll take her upstairs.
I just wish my mom would come out and tell me what's going on.
And I still can't believe that she called you and not me.
And-and why would she call you if it's good news, and not me? Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm better in a crisis? Not that this is a crisis.
I'm sure everything's fine.
I wish I was sure.
We'll be upstairs.
Can you please get me in to see my dad? - Please! - I told him you're here and that you're really anxious to see him.
And? And your mother said she'd come out shortly and let you know what's going on.
Well, what does that mean? He better be all right.
I mean that.
It's almost lunchtime.
Yeah, it is.
Maybe we should order a pizza.
I don't feel like pizza.
I feel like burgers.
Where do they hide their money? Same place we do.
Whoa! We could order all kinds of stuff.
Lucy and Kevin won't care.
We have to eat.
Let's go off campus and have lunch together and talk.
Just you and me.
Talk to me.
Please talk to me.
T Bone, stop begging me to talk to you.
I don't know what else to say to you, I swear.
Say that you just got angry because I got a little nervous about promising to be with you the rest of our lives when we're only 17.
Say you understand that.
I don't.
All right.
Uh, say that you were just using Martin to make me jealous.
And while you're at it, say you still love me.
Say that you should have thought about promising to be with me for the rest of our lives before you gave me a promise ring.
I should have thought about promising to be with you the rest of our lives before I gave you a promise ring.
Because, obviously, you wouldn't have given me the ring if you had thought about it.
Ruthie, someday I might even give you an engagement ring followed by a wedding ring, but I'm just not ready to promise the things that those rings represent.
I admit I bought it on impulse and out of guilt.
Like I don't know that.
Doesn't mean that I don't love you.
I'm sorry.
I-I wish I hadn't have said anything to Mac.
I wish I hadn't have given him my cell phone.
I wish I just had that whole day to live over.
But you don't.
And even if you did, you wouldn't do anything differently, because you really don't want to be with me.
We would have broken up sooner or later, anyway.
Why? Because you're still in love with Martin and have been the entire time I've known you? I'm not in love with Martin, but I just needed to see that for myself.
And for your information, I haven't returned any of his phone calls this week.
My guess is that's because you found out he was also seeing Jane.
It's not like we were exclusive.
We were just going out.
Oh, come on.
The guy is a total jerk.
He doesn't know what he wants, and that's why you're saying you lost all interest in him as a potential husband, and that's why Jane wants nothing to do with him.
You weren't exclusive? That's why you deserved to be treated like that? Is that what you're telling yourself? Here.
I've been meaning to give this back to you.
I don't want it back.
It's yours.
Well, the promise is gone, so I'd like the ring to be gone, too.
But my feelings aren't gone.
My feelings are the same.
I still love you.
Ruthie, in a couple weeks, I'm taking off with my dad or at least the guy who says he's my dad and I want to know that when I come back, you'll be there for me, or I don't think I can go.
So this is about you and making you feel better.
It's not about me, or you and me? Ruthie come on.
Hi, Aaron.
Hi, Martin.
How was your final? I pretty much aced it.
Yeah, it was my last one for this semester, so I'm done after that.
Oh, my finals are over.
I have one more game for the season, and that's it.
Oh, I didn't realize.
Well, good luck.
Maybe, uh, you and Aaron could come see me play.
Yeah, maybe we could.
- Sandy.
- Martin.
- You first.
- You first.
- About last week - About last week Every word that I said was true.
I just probably shouldn't have said so much.
Did you, uh, tell Jonathan? No, I didn't.
I didn't think there was really any reason to tell Jonathan.
Have you talked to Ruthie? Uh, I was going to, but I can't get her to take my phone call.
I'll keep trying.
Well, I'm driving down to Glenoak.
My dad's going to watch Aaron, and Lucy and Reverend Camden have to fill out some paperwork for my internship.
We could ride down together, if you want.
- Tell her, Martin.
- I guess I'm just a little scared.
Well, you've had scarier conversations.
- What's going on? - Where are you? Did you hear anything? Did you talk to your dad? No, I didn't hear anything, and I didn't talk to my dad, and I went upstairs and Wait.
Where are you? I drove over to the school.
I'm looking for Ruthie.
I'm going to bring her over to the hospital, so we can all be together.
You left without telling me? I thought she might want to be there.
Did your mom come out to talk to you? No.
I mean, she disappeared into some medical black hole.
You're at the high school? Yeah, but it's just a couple minutes away, and like you and your dad always say, Luce, everything's going to be fine.
Are you sure nothing's going on that I don't know about? I've told you everything that I know, honest.
I think this might be it, Luce.
I think he might really be okay.
I don't know how, but something's going on.
Something good's going on.
I can feel it.
Well, it could be that it's something good going on with someone else that you're picking up on, and it could be that that something good has nothing to do with my dad.
Please find Ruthie and just come back over here.
Please? I'll be there as soon as I can.
Dairy Shack.
We want to get some burgers, please.
Oh, we don't deliver till after 5:00.
Is this Margaret? Yes.
Who is this? David Camden.
We're over at Lucy's, and we're hungry, me and Sam.
- Sam and me.
- You're Sam.
I was correcting your English.
- Where's Lucy? -At the hospital with Kevin, Mom and Dad.
He's having a miracle.
A miracle? He thinks something happened to his heart something good.
- That's great! - Yeah, but we're still hungry.
Okay, so what do you want? I'll bring it by.
Reverend Camden is at the hospital.
Something has happened to his heart something good.
Meanwhile, the children have been abandoned, and they're hungry.
Okay, got it, guys.
I'll be there.
Lay some yellow on two dead cows and dress 'em for a party! Shake down an ebony and ivory! And parlez-vous two spuds! So he's cured? - As in his heart's okay? - That's what they said.
- For real? - I'm not a doctor.
Yeah, well, you're not a driver, either.
And I don't have a car.
Mac took mine to class.
Oh, yeah, the dead battery.
Someone probably didn't close the car door all the way when they were making out in the parking lot last night.
Isn't it funny how you can just kiss a guy and then kiss him again and again and again and just forget that there's anything going on in the whole world except for his lips on your lips? Oh, sorry, I forgot.
You're guyless for once.
It's okay.
Martin wasn't really my kind of guy.
Yeah, well, I know what you're thinking.
Hey! Would you stop that? What? We made up.
We're making up.
Uh, we're back.
I can see that, but I think we all need to get down to the hospital.
Your dad is checking in to have some tests done.
But he was fine when I left this morning.
He was dancing around the kitchen.
Yeah, so.
I think he is fine.
Maybe even better than fine.
What's better than fine? Well? He's well? Has he had some kind of miraculous recovery? I don't know, but I thought you'd want to be there when he finds out.
Let's get down to the hospital.
But we can't just leave school.
Sure, you can.
There'll be plenty of places to make out down at the hospital.
Is it really necessary to keep him overnight? He looks fine.
Then I'm sure he is fine.
Well, then, what's all this about? Dr.
Tsegaye will explain.
Tsegaye? Why are they calling in Dr.
Tsegaye? What happened to Dr.
Daniels? Our doctor what happened to him? He went back to the office.
They're not thinking they're going to do some kind of surgery or something, are they? I really don't think so, Mrs.
He'll be fine.
He will be.
He is.
And he's happy.
And not from alcohol, either.
He's just very, very happy.
He thinks his heart got smaller, or he got bigger.
What do you think? Hey.
Where is he? Uh, well, he's having some tests.
So, how is he? How is his heart? Was there a change? I don't know.
Something happened.
I don't know what, but something.
He's, like, high.
Uh, and I'm assuming high on life? I guess, or-or maybe he scrambled some of his medication or something.
I don't know.
He's just so certain that something good happened that maybe, in fact, something good did happen.
So is Kevin at home with the boys? Oh, Kevin's at the high school trying to find Ruthie.
Oh, so the boys are with you? Where are the boys? The boys? The boys Sam and David.
They came over to your house.
No, they didn't.
Where could they be?! Where did you leave them? Kinkirk residence.
- Oh, Sam! - Hi, Mom.
Oh, Sam, are you okay? Is David okay? We're fine.
How are you? I'm fine.
Who's at the house with you? Samson and Delilah and Happy, and Margaret and Jane and Mac.
Oh, thank heavens for my little replacements.
Why didn't you tell me you weren't at home this morning? Why didn't you tell me you were at the hospital with Dad? And why didn't you call me instead of Kevin? How's Dad doing? Oh, he's fine.
He's fine.
Can I talk to Mac? Hello.
Hi, Mac.
Thank you so much.
And please thank Jane and Margaret for taking care of the boys.
Uh, and I can explain really, I can and I will, but, uh, maybe would it be possible for all of you to come down to the hospital? Because we want you to be here when we get the good news, and we are hoping to get good news from the doctors about Eric's heart.
Well, sure, we'll be right there.
Thanks for inviting us.
You know, everyone's been waiting to get the good news.
Everyone? Hi.
What's going on? It's a miracle.
What's a miracle? Haven't you heard? Reverend Camden is down at the hospital.
The entire family's there.
They're waiting on some good news.
Where did you hear that? I couldn't help myself.
I had to tell someone.
And I had to tell someone.
And what the heck? - Why should they have all the fun? - He came in this morning and had some tests, and I think things are looking good.
Well, I guess if we're all waiting, we should all pray or something.
Or sing.
It looks like Reverend Camden left a little note behind the words to a song that I think we all know.
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take - My sunshine away Our reverend away.
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms Money out of the ear, huh? What do you think of that? Great.
You guys want to go to the vending machines again? Ride in the wheelchairs? We're not supposed to do that.
Ah, you can't go through life saying you're not supposed to do that.
You're not going to have any fun.
He's fine, believe me.
What's taking so long? Well sometimes doctors take an extra long time to deliver the good news, because they want to make absolutely sure that it's good news.
What if it's bad news? Well, if it was bad news, they would tell us right away.
What are you doing here? I went down to the Promenade; it's a ghost town.
Everyone's down at the church waiting for the good news.
Oh That's why the parking lot looked like that.
I dropped Sandy off.
You and Sandy, riding in a car together? We're friends for life.
That's what the two of us have decided.
We're friends for life, and that's all we are.
So where are all the Camdens? Any Camden in particular? Ruthie.
I need to talk to Ruthie.
- About? - Do you know where she is? Well, the last time I saw her, she was with her mom and Lucy waiting on the fourth floor.
This is the only floor where you can have children, so I'm watching the children.
What children? Oh, no.
Maybe I should talk to him, clear the air.
All right.
Want me to come with you? Right.
Didn't think so.
I'll, uh, see you upstairs.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I called you a couple times.
A couple times a day for the past week.
Oh, did you? I heard you were dating someone.
I heard that you heard.
Um can we sit down? Ruthie Please, Martin, you don't have to say anything, all right? No, believe me, I do.
Ruthie, I lived at your house, and you were like a little sister to me, and then and then you grew up.
And then I grew up when Sandy and I had a baby.
At least I tried to grow up.
And I tried to do the right thing and marry Sandy.
That's what I felt I should do.
I love my son, and I'd do anything for him, and I really do care about her, but my heart was just never really in it.
And that's maybe why I screwed up.
I guess I really have never wanted things to work out.
And whatever chance I had with her, with a relationship, a romantic relationship, well, I screwed that up.
Isn't this a conversation you should be having with Sandy? That's, uh, kind of funny because I've, uh, had this conversation with Sandy.
This was our conversation last weekend, when she told me she was marrying Jonathan, the doctor she's been going out with.
But we didn't talk like you and I talk.
It was more of a it was more of a lecture from her than a conversation.
You're all over the place.
What are you trying to say to me? And whatever it is, you should start with an apology for not telling me that you were also dating Jane.
I'm sorry.
I am.
I like Jane.
She's really attractive, but not as attractive as you.
I'm really physically attracted to you, and it feels incredibly awkward saying that.
And also, I-I can't talk to Jane the way I can talk to you.
And I think if we could just start over, if we could agree to date each other and not date anyone else, and you could let me be more than a friend, I think we could be really good together.
What? I keep trying to treat you like a friend or a sister, but you're older now, I'm older, and I don't see you that way.
And we did kiss.
Yeah, we did.
The reverend is, uh, on his way to the room.
- What are you doing? -Well, I told you I was interested in her, and I wanted her to know how interested.
And by the way, I think it's a good idea if the Camdens hear whatever news they're going to hear as a family.
Yeah, well, pal, this year I'm family.
I know it's taking a risk, but I think we could still go to Crossroads if you want.
I mean, we could come home a month or two before the due date, and we we could rent the house, or we can let the kids stay in it.
You know, Jane, Margaret and Mac.
I know you want to work again, and I and I think this is the perfect place for the four of us.
I can't believe you're saying that the four of us? You're sure? - Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
- Really? I haven't taken a test or anything, but yeah, Kevin, a a couple of months.
You've been hiding this for a couple months? Well, I just I I couldn't say it out loud.
I I still get a little nervous about saying it out loud.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine - You make me happy - It's dad.
When skies are gray You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away Please don't take my sunshine away You are my sunshine, my only Oh, uh, thank you.
Oh, thank you all for waiting.
I really appreciate it.
I I do.
I I can't believe you're all here.
Um, you know, my family was with me all day today, so they've already headed home for the evening, but this means so much to me.
Uh please, sit down.
By the way, I ordered pizza for everybody.
I-I knew you'd all be hungry.
And, uh, so Pete's rushing over here with a truckload of food, so I'll keep this short.
I don't know if that's for the pizza or the fact that I'm going to keep this short.
This heart condition that I have, which is, uh it's basically an enlarged heart, is one of those illnesses that actually has a percentage of people who suddenly recover just for absolutely no reason.
They they just they spontaneously go back to their previous condition.
The heart returns to normal size, just all at once, just the way it did when it enlarged.
And it doesn't happen very often, but it certainly does happen, and it happened to me.
I I don't know if it was all at once.
I don't know when it happened.
But as I always say, everything is fine.
And it's officially fine.
Last night, I had this wonderful dream.
I was skipping through the church with Lucy, and we were singing "You Are My Sunshine," which is actually a strange little tune, one of my mother's favorites.
You know, it's a it's a sad song that we sing as if it's a happy song.
And I just I had it on my mind one day, and I I scribbled down the words, "Please don't take my sunshine away.
" Those are the words of a man so afraid to lose what he has that he's miserable, and in clinging to what he has, he loses what he has, and that hit home with me.
And how I've been feeling about my situation.
And and let me just say before I go any further, I-I don't think my wife Annie is leaving me.
Over the years, my family has evolved in ways that I've had no control over, you know.
Children grow up, and they leave, and that's what they're supposed to do.
Uh, Matt, and then Mary, and then Simon, and even Ruthie for a little while, and now we may be saying good-bye to Lucy, who's, uh who's considering a new life for herself and her family.
And I've just been begging God, "Please, please, don't take my sunshine away.
" Don't change anything.
I can't take any more losses.
I want back what I had.
And I'm unhappy because I I can't keep things that I considered once to be mine.
And I have to admit I've had a little trouble being thankful for all the blessings that have come my way in the past, and I have to remind myself to be thankful for what I have now, for just for everything that God gives us.
And in the past year, when I was living day to day with a very real chance of losing my life, I realized what a truly blessed life mine has been.
And now, just today, it seems that life will continue a while longer.
And I know it's been said before I-I feel like the luckiest man on this Earth.
And I thank you all of you for everything that you've done for me.
But just to be absolutely honest and you know I have a tough time being anything but absolutely honest uh this may just be the time for me to let go and let God and see what's out there in that world that my children find so fascinating.
You remember when the world was fascinating and exciting and wonderful? It still is.
It's time to make some changes.
And change is good.
Adaptation is that's the very definition of life.
And I am very much alive.
Well, I thought they wanted him to stay the night.
Well, you know there's no keeping Eric Camden in a hospital for observation.
And he's in no danger of ever having that happen again? His heart won't suddenly change again? There's no guarantee, but for now, in this moment, he's fine.
We're all fine.
- What? - Oh, um - we'll wait for Dad.
- Okay.
Hello, family that's up way too late.
They're sleeping over.
Savannah's upstairs.
We're having a family slumber party.
Oh, really? That's so silly.
But it you know, it sounds it sounds kind of fun.
How'd it go down at the church? I think it went fine.
Did you eat pizza? Uh just a slice.
- Oh, good.
- Yeah.
Uh, Kevin and Lucy have something they want to tell us.
Uh, well we're having a baby! Oh, I was hoping that's what it was.
But we're still not sure where we want to live.
Or what work we want to do.
You know what? Neither am I.
- Not me.
- Uh, Dad, I didn't mean - No, no, I I know.
You're ready to go home.
And I guess that's how it feels when you're ready to leave this life like you're ready to go home.
Dad Something's going on.
I don't know what.
I've had this funny feeling all day.
Let me take you to the hospital.
Come on.
Oh, no, no.
It's no, it's not that kind of feeling.
It's more like I don't I don't know.
It's I I feel like something's shifted.
Not just the inside of me, but the outside of me.
I feel physically different.
You want me to call 911? No, I mean, I'm not short of breath.
I'm almost full of breath, like I have too much breath.
I mean, I I don't feel tired.
I have plenty of energy.
I feel kind of silly, like I see, I want to I want to laugh, but the feeling kind of scares me, so I don't.
Uh, you're kind of freaking me out, and now is not a good time for me to get freaked out.
- Why is that? - I can't tell you.
Uh, I haven't told anyone, although some people are starting to suspect.
You know, Dad, let me take you to the hospital.
Okay, but let's not tell your mother.
I mean, it's probably nothing, but if it's not nothing, then I might want to be undergoing medical care before I have to look in her face.
Okay, let's go.
Do I look taller to you? - No.
- Hmm.
I feel taller.
I feel like skipping.
No, don't.
No skipping.
No, really, I do.
I feel like skipping.
Let's, uh let's skip out the church.
The two of us, let's let's skip out of the church and across the parking lot, and then you can take me anywhere you want to take me.
I Oh You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Okay, Dad, that was a lot of fun, but a little weird.
Weird? Oh, come on.
It was exhilarating! It was like a spiritual fantasy, skipping in here.
Front of the church and back again what do you say? Okay, but then I'm taking you to the hospital.
You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away.
I'm ready.
Something's going on.
You know, I haven't skipped in, like, ten years.
It's more like 40 for me.
- Are you okay? - I don't know.
But if skipping through the church is the last thing I ever do, I'm fine with that.
No, the last thing you're ever going to do is see my children at the wedding of their children.
Oh, Luce I hope so.
I really I really do.
Out the back and once around the parking lot.
All right.
Around the parking lot, but then we're going.
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray Eric? Don't say anything to anyone.
I-I'm going to the doctor.
I think something happened.
Something good.
7th Heaven When I see their happy faces Smiling back at me 7th Heaven I know there's no greater feeling Than the love of family Where can you go When the world don't treat you right? The answer is home That's the one place that you'll find 7th Heaven Mmm, 7th Heaven 7th Heaven.
Paging Dr.
What's going on? I don't know.
He insisted on driving himself to the doctor, and-and so I drove behind him, and then he made a U-turn, - and he came in here.
- Is he having a heart attack? He's not showing any signs of a heart attack, other than that he's a little upset that I followed him, but he says that he thinks something happened.
Something good.
His doctor met us here.
I-I think they might check him in.
I think they might do tests on him.
I don't know, Kevin.
Does it sound like something good? It-it-it-it doesn't sound like something good to me.
I'm going to have to call Lucy.
I told her I was running out for milk.
Oh, no, no, no, I don't want her to get upset.
She's going to be more upset if she thinks we're hiding something from her, and maybe it is something good.
No, I'm just afraid that we shouldn't get her too excited.
Are-are you two having another? No.
We're trying, but not yet.
- Okay.
- I'm going to call her.
Kevin, uh she's not pregnant? No.
I'm doing my best, believe me.
I believe you.
Where are Sam and David? Oh, no.
Oh, no Oh I like having the place to ourselves, but I hope they come back.
Yeah, but it would be nice if they didn't come back anytime soon.
I knew she'd remember.
Camden residence.
Oh, thank heavens.
David, are you and Sam okay? We're fine, Mom.
How's Dad? Uh, well, he seems to be really good.
He's hoping to get some good news from the doctors.
We'll see.
Okay, well, thanks for calling.
No, no, no, no, don't don't hang up.
Listen, I-I-I was so excited about Dad, I just ran out.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to go out and leave you guys alone.
That's okay.
We like being alone.
I want the two of you to go out the back door and go straight over to Lucy's house and stay with her until I get back.
Do we have to? Yes, you have to.
Now, call me when you get over there.
Do you know how to call Mommy's cell phone? Yes.
We know.
Okay, so you call me, or you have Lucy call me.
But you go out right now.
And-and don't worry about anything.
Everything's fine.
We have to go over to Lucy's.
I knew it wouldn't last.
Yeah, me, too.
I don't know why Mom worries so much.
We're fine.
Dad's fine.
Everything's fine.
Well, what are they saying? They're not saying anything.
No, one's come out to talk to your mom, she's waiting, and she called me to come and wait with her.
- When you went out to get the milk? -Yeah.
Wait, so she called you here, and then you lied - about going out to get the milk? -Yeah.
Wait, Kevin, both those statements cannot be true.
- Yeah.
-Kevin, why didn't she call me if it's good news? She's going to call you when she gets the good news officially from the doctors, and you know doctors.
It's hard to squeeze good news out of them.
Well, I'm coming down there.
Could be a while.
They're running some tests.
Well, why are they running tests if he thinks he's feeling so great? Why do they ever run tests? I don't know.
That's what hospitals do.
I'll wait here with your mom, and if they decide to keep your dad here, I'll call you, and you can come down here, and I'll come home and stay with Savannah.
Why would they keep him there? And you know what? Don't put on that CSI voice with me, because it sounds like you're covering up information, Officer.
I swear, I'm telling you everything I know.
He drove himself over here because he thinks he's going to get some good news.
Well, when he does, I want to be down there with you and my mom and my dad.
All right, but really, if you could just hold on a few minutes until I find out something But I can't.
All right let's go.
We should take food, too.
They don't have any good stuff, like real cookies or cakes or brownies like Mom makes.
Camden? Oh, yes, yes.
How is he? He's fine.
He wants to see you.
He wants to see me! Great.
Let's go.
It's one person at a time.
He's our son.
He's married to our daughter.
Reverend Camden just asked for you.
Okay, look, you know, he doesn't know you're here, so once I tell him, he'll ask for you, too.
All right, thank you.
He's not he's not dying or anything, is he? I don't think so, no.
What do you mean, you don't think so? I don't think he's dying, but did he have anything to drink this morning? Drink? Like alcohol? Some people think he's maybe intoxicated.
- What people? His doctors.
- He doesn't drink.
- Are you sure? I'm positive.
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away.
Ta-da! Thank you! Thank you.
Thank you.
Lucy, we're here.
It's us.
Lucy! Hi, Samson.
Hi, Delilah.
I don't think anyone's home but them.
Let's call Mom.
Did you take any extra vitamins last night? - Nope.
- Did you eat any doughnuts last night? You know, cookies, candy? - Nope.
-Well, then, what were you doing last night? What do you mean, what was I doing last night? - I was with you.
- Oh.
Did you take your medication? I did, indeed, but I have a feeling I'm not going to need to take it anymore.
You didn't? Have? You haven't? Had anything to drink? Now, why do people keep asking me that? I'm just happy! Oh.
Hello? Hi, Mom.
We're here.
Oh, that's good.
Now, you stay there, okay? I'll call you later.
Did they do a, uh - a cardiogram? - Yes, they did.
And? And, no, the technician wouldn't have given me the results if I had given him a free pass to Heaven.
Well, what do you think? I don't know what to think.
I just I just know how I feel, and I feel as if my body has expanded to fit my big, fat heart.
I feel ten feet tall.
I feel amazing.
I don't think you understand.
I really have to see my dad.
I completely understand, but it's just one person in the room at a time.
And I'm sorry, but she's not allowed in here.
We just don't want her to get in the way of people who are working on people who are having emergencies.
We, who? We, the people that don't come up with the policies, but we still have to enforce them.
Oh, well, try enforcing this one, honey, because I know the chief of police.
There's a lobby upstairs where you can sit with her.
I know that there is a lobby upstairs where I can sit with her.
I am the associate pastor at Glenoak Community Church.
I come here to visit people all the time! I know that, Reverend Kinkirk.
I'm aware of who you are.
And I'm sure you're aware of what the rules are.
I got her.
I'll take her home.
No, no, no.
Don't-don't leave.
I-I want you close by.
Then I'll take her upstairs.
I just wish my mom would come out and tell me what's going on.
And I still can't believe that she called you and not me.
And-and why would she call you if it's good news, and not me? Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm better in a crisis? Not that this is a crisis.
I'm sure everything's fine.
I wish I was sure.
We'll be upstairs.
Can you please get me in to see my dad? - Please! - I told him you're here and that you're really anxious to see him.
And? And your mother said she'd come out shortly and let you know what's going on.
Well, what does that mean? He better be all right.
I mean that.
It's almost lunchtime.
Yeah, it is.
Maybe we should order a pizza.
I don't feel like pizza.
I feel like burgers.
Where do they hide their money? Same place we do.
Whoa! We could order all kinds of stuff.
Lucy and Kevin won't care.
We have to eat.
Let's go off campus and have lunch together and talk.
Just you and me.
Talk to me.
Please talk to me.
T Bone, stop begging me to talk to you.
I don't know what else to say to you, I swear.
Say that you just got angry because I got a little nervous about promising to be with you the rest of our lives when we're only 17.
Say you understand that.
I don't.
All right.
Uh, say that you were just using Martin to make me jealous.
And while you're at it, say you still love me.
Say that you should have thought about promising to be with me for the rest of our lives before you gave me a promise ring.
I should have thought about promising to be with you the rest of our lives before I gave you a promise ring.
Because, obviously, you wouldn't have given me the ring if you had thought about it.
Ruthie, someday I might even give you an engagement ring followed by a wedding ring, but I'm just not ready to promise the things that those rings represent.
I admit I bought it on impulse and out of guilt.
Like I don't know that.
Doesn't mean that I don't love you.
I'm sorry.
I-I wish I hadn't have said anything to Mac.
I wish I hadn't have given him my cell phone.
I wish I just had that whole day to live over.
But you don't.
And even if you did, you wouldn't do anything differently, because you really don't want to be with me.
We would have broken up sooner or later, anyway.
Why? Because you're still in love with Martin and have been the entire time I've known you? I'm not in love with Martin, but I just needed to see that for myself.
And for your information, I haven't returned any of his phone calls this week.
My guess is that's because you found out he was also seeing Jane.
It's not like we were exclusive.
We were just going out.
Oh, come on.
The guy is a total jerk.
He doesn't know what he wants, and that's why you're saying you lost all interest in him as a potential husband, and that's why Jane wants nothing to do with him.
You weren't exclusive? That's why you deserved to be treated like that? Is that what you're telling yourself? Here.
I've been meaning to give this back to you.
I don't want it back.
It's yours.
Well, the promise is gone, so I'd like the ring to be gone, too.
But my feelings aren't gone.
My feelings are the same.
I still love you.
Ruthie, in a couple weeks, I'm taking off with my dad or at least the guy who says he's my dad and I want to know that when I come back, you'll be there for me, or I don't think I can go.
So this is about you and making you feel better.
It's not about me, or you and me? Ruthie come on.
Hi, Aaron.
Hi, Martin.
How was your final? I pretty much aced it.
Yeah, it was my last one for this semester, so I'm done after that.
Oh, my finals are over.
I have one more game for the season, and that's it.
Oh, I didn't realize.
Well, good luck.
Maybe, uh, you and Aaron could come see me play.
Yeah, maybe we could.
- Sandy.
- Martin.
- You first.
- You first.
- About last week - About last week Every word that I said was true.
I just probably shouldn't have said so much.
Did you, uh, tell Jonathan? No, I didn't.
I didn't think there was really any reason to tell Jonathan.
Have you talked to Ruthie? Uh, I was going to, but I can't get her to take my phone call.
I'll keep trying.
Well, I'm driving down to Glenoak.
My dad's going to watch Aaron, and Lucy and Reverend Camden have to fill out some paperwork for my internship.
We could ride down together, if you want.
- Tell her, Martin.
- I guess I'm just a little scared.
Well, you've had scarier conversations.
- What's going on? - Where are you? Did you hear anything? Did you talk to your dad? No, I didn't hear anything, and I didn't talk to my dad, and I went upstairs and Wait.
Where are you? I drove over to the school.
I'm looking for Ruthie.
I'm going to bring her over to the hospital, so we can all be together.
You left without telling me? I thought she might want to be there.
Did your mom come out to talk to you? No.
I mean, she disappeared into some medical black hole.
You're at the high school? Yeah, but it's just a couple minutes away, and like you and your dad always say, Luce, everything's going to be fine.
Are you sure nothing's going on that I don't know about? I've told you everything that I know, honest.
I think this might be it, Luce.
I think he might really be okay.
I don't know how, but something's going on.
Something good's going on.
I can feel it.
Well, it could be that it's something good going on with someone else that you're picking up on, and it could be that that something good has nothing to do with my dad.
Please find Ruthie and just come back over here.
Please? I'll be there as soon as I can.
Dairy Shack.
We want to get some burgers, please.
Oh, we don't deliver till after 5:00.
Is this Margaret? Yes.
Who is this? David Camden.
We're over at Lucy's, and we're hungry, me and Sam.
- Sam and me.
- You're Sam.
I was correcting your English.
- Where's Lucy? -At the hospital with Kevin, Mom and Dad.
He's having a miracle.
A miracle? He thinks something happened to his heart something good.
- That's great! - Yeah, but we're still hungry.
Okay, so what do you want? I'll bring it by.
Reverend Camden is at the hospital.
Something has happened to his heart something good.
Meanwhile, the children have been abandoned, and they're hungry.
Okay, got it, guys.
I'll be there.
Lay some yellow on two dead cows and dress 'em for a party! Shake down an ebony and ivory! And parlez-vous two spuds! So he's cured? - As in his heart's okay? - That's what they said.
- For real? - I'm not a doctor.
Yeah, well, you're not a driver, either.
And I don't have a car.
Mac took mine to class.
Oh, yeah, the dead battery.
Someone probably didn't close the car door all the way when they were making out in the parking lot last night.
Isn't it funny how you can just kiss a guy and then kiss him again and again and again and just forget that there's anything going on in the whole world except for his lips on your lips? Oh, sorry, I forgot.
You're guyless for once.
It's okay.
Martin wasn't really my kind of guy.
Yeah, well, I know what you're thinking.
Hey! Would you stop that? What? We made up.
We're making up.
Uh, we're back.
I can see that, but I think we all need to get down to the hospital.
Your dad is checking in to have some tests done.
But he was fine when I left this morning.
He was dancing around the kitchen.
Yeah, so.
I think he is fine.
Maybe even better than fine.
What's better than fine? Well? He's well? Has he had some kind of miraculous recovery? I don't know, but I thought you'd want to be there when he finds out.
Let's get down to the hospital.
But we can't just leave school.
Sure, you can.
There'll be plenty of places to make out down at the hospital.
Is it really necessary to keep him overnight? He looks fine.
Then I'm sure he is fine.
Well, then, what's all this about? Dr.
Tsegaye will explain.
Tsegaye? Why are they calling in Dr.
Tsegaye? What happened to Dr.
Daniels? Our doctor what happened to him? He went back to the office.
They're not thinking they're going to do some kind of surgery or something, are they? I really don't think so, Mrs.
He'll be fine.
He will be.
He is.
And he's happy.
And not from alcohol, either.
He's just very, very happy.
He thinks his heart got smaller, or he got bigger.
What do you think? Hey.
Where is he? Uh, well, he's having some tests.
So, how is he? How is his heart? Was there a change? I don't know.
Something happened.
I don't know what, but something.
He's, like, high.
Uh, and I'm assuming high on life? I guess, or-or maybe he scrambled some of his medication or something.
I don't know.
He's just so certain that something good happened that maybe, in fact, something good did happen.
So is Kevin at home with the boys? Oh, Kevin's at the high school trying to find Ruthie.
Oh, so the boys are with you? Where are the boys? The boys? The boys Sam and David.
They came over to your house.
No, they didn't.
Where could they be?! Where did you leave them? Kinkirk residence.
- Oh, Sam! - Hi, Mom.
Oh, Sam, are you okay? Is David okay? We're fine.
How are you? I'm fine.
Who's at the house with you? Samson and Delilah and Happy, and Margaret and Jane and Mac.
Oh, thank heavens for my little replacements.
Why didn't you tell me you weren't at home this morning? Why didn't you tell me you were at the hospital with Dad? And why didn't you call me instead of Kevin? How's Dad doing? Oh, he's fine.
He's fine.
Can I talk to Mac? Hello.
Hi, Mac.
Thank you so much.
And please thank Jane and Margaret for taking care of the boys.
Uh, and I can explain really, I can and I will, but, uh, maybe would it be possible for all of you to come down to the hospital? Because we want you to be here when we get the good news, and we are hoping to get good news from the doctors about Eric's heart.
Well, sure, we'll be right there.
Thanks for inviting us.
You know, everyone's been waiting to get the good news.
Everyone? Hi.
What's going on? It's a miracle.
What's a miracle? Haven't you heard? Reverend Camden is down at the hospital.
The entire family's there.
They're waiting on some good news.
Where did you hear that? I couldn't help myself.
I had to tell someone.
And I had to tell someone.
And what the heck? - Why should they have all the fun? - He came in this morning and had some tests, and I think things are looking good.
Well, I guess if we're all waiting, we should all pray or something.
Or sing.
It looks like Reverend Camden left a little note behind the words to a song that I think we all know.
You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray You'll never know, dear, how much I love you Please don't take - My sunshine away Our reverend away.
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms Money out of the ear, huh? What do you think of that? Great.
You guys want to go to the vending machines again? Ride in the wheelchairs? We're not supposed to do that.
Ah, you can't go through life saying you're not supposed to do that.
You're not going to have any fun.
He's fine, believe me.
What's taking so long? Well sometimes doctors take an extra long time to deliver the good news, because they want to make absolutely sure that it's good news.
What if it's bad news? Well, if it was bad news, they would tell us right away.
What are you doing here? I went down to the Promenade; it's a ghost town.
Everyone's down at the church waiting for the good news.
Oh That's why the parking lot looked like that.
I dropped Sandy off.
You and Sandy, riding in a car together? We're friends for life.
That's what the two of us have decided.
We're friends for life, and that's all we are.
So where are all the Camdens? Any Camden in particular? Ruthie.
I need to talk to Ruthie.
- About? - Do you know where she is? Well, the last time I saw her, she was with her mom and Lucy waiting on the fourth floor.
This is the only floor where you can have children, so I'm watching the children.
What children? Oh, no.
Maybe I should talk to him, clear the air.
All right.
Want me to come with you? Right.
Didn't think so.
I'll, uh, see you upstairs.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I called you a couple times.
A couple times a day for the past week.
Oh, did you? I heard you were dating someone.
I heard that you heard.
Um can we sit down? Ruthie Please, Martin, you don't have to say anything, all right? No, believe me, I do.
Ruthie, I lived at your house, and you were like a little sister to me, and then and then you grew up.
And then I grew up when Sandy and I had a baby.
At least I tried to grow up.
And I tried to do the right thing and marry Sandy.
That's what I felt I should do.
I love my son, and I'd do anything for him, and I really do care about her, but my heart was just never really in it.
And that's maybe why I screwed up.
I guess I really have never wanted things to work out.
And whatever chance I had with her, with a relationship, a romantic relationship, well, I screwed that up.
Isn't this a conversation you should be having with Sandy? That's, uh, kind of funny because I've, uh, had this conversation with Sandy.
This was our conversation last weekend, when she told me she was marrying Jonathan, the doctor she's been going out with.
But we didn't talk like you and I talk.
It was more of a it was more of a lecture from her than a conversation.
You're all over the place.
What are you trying to say to me? And whatever it is, you should start with an apology for not telling me that you were also dating Jane.
I'm sorry.
I am.
I like Jane.
She's really attractive, but not as attractive as you.
I'm really physically attracted to you, and it feels incredibly awkward saying that.
And also, I-I can't talk to Jane the way I can talk to you.
And I think if we could just start over, if we could agree to date each other and not date anyone else, and you could let me be more than a friend, I think we could be really good together.
What? I keep trying to treat you like a friend or a sister, but you're older now, I'm older, and I don't see you that way.
And we did kiss.
Yeah, we did.
The reverend is, uh, on his way to the room.
- What are you doing? -Well, I told you I was interested in her, and I wanted her to know how interested.
And by the way, I think it's a good idea if the Camdens hear whatever news they're going to hear as a family.
Yeah, well, pal, this year I'm family.
I know it's taking a risk, but I think we could still go to Crossroads if you want.
I mean, we could come home a month or two before the due date, and we we could rent the house, or we can let the kids stay in it.
You know, Jane, Margaret and Mac.
I know you want to work again, and I and I think this is the perfect place for the four of us.
I can't believe you're saying that the four of us? You're sure? - Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
- Really? I haven't taken a test or anything, but yeah, Kevin, a a couple of months.
You've been hiding this for a couple months? Well, I just I I couldn't say it out loud.
I I still get a little nervous about saying it out loud.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine - You make me happy - It's dad.
When skies are gray You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away Please don't take my sunshine away You are my sunshine, my only Oh, uh, thank you.
Oh, thank you all for waiting.
I really appreciate it.
I I do.
I I can't believe you're all here.
Um, you know, my family was with me all day today, so they've already headed home for the evening, but this means so much to me.
Uh please, sit down.
By the way, I ordered pizza for everybody.
I-I knew you'd all be hungry.
And, uh, so Pete's rushing over here with a truckload of food, so I'll keep this short.
I don't know if that's for the pizza or the fact that I'm going to keep this short.
This heart condition that I have, which is, uh it's basically an enlarged heart, is one of those illnesses that actually has a percentage of people who suddenly recover just for absolutely no reason.
They they just they spontaneously go back to their previous condition.
The heart returns to normal size, just all at once, just the way it did when it enlarged.
And it doesn't happen very often, but it certainly does happen, and it happened to me.
I I don't know if it was all at once.
I don't know when it happened.
But as I always say, everything is fine.
And it's officially fine.
Last night, I had this wonderful dream.
I was skipping through the church with Lucy, and we were singing "You Are My Sunshine," which is actually a strange little tune, one of my mother's favorites.
You know, it's a it's a sad song that we sing as if it's a happy song.
And I just I had it on my mind one day, and I I scribbled down the words, "Please don't take my sunshine away.
" Those are the words of a man so afraid to lose what he has that he's miserable, and in clinging to what he has, he loses what he has, and that hit home with me.
And how I've been feeling about my situation.
And and let me just say before I go any further, I-I don't think my wife Annie is leaving me.
Over the years, my family has evolved in ways that I've had no control over, you know.
Children grow up, and they leave, and that's what they're supposed to do.
Uh, Matt, and then Mary, and then Simon, and even Ruthie for a little while, and now we may be saying good-bye to Lucy, who's, uh who's considering a new life for herself and her family.
And I've just been begging God, "Please, please, don't take my sunshine away.
" Don't change anything.
I can't take any more losses.
I want back what I had.
And I'm unhappy because I I can't keep things that I considered once to be mine.
And I have to admit I've had a little trouble being thankful for all the blessings that have come my way in the past, and I have to remind myself to be thankful for what I have now, for just for everything that God gives us.
And in the past year, when I was living day to day with a very real chance of losing my life, I realized what a truly blessed life mine has been.
And now, just today, it seems that life will continue a while longer.
And I know it's been said before I-I feel like the luckiest man on this Earth.
And I thank you all of you for everything that you've done for me.
But just to be absolutely honest and you know I have a tough time being anything but absolutely honest uh this may just be the time for me to let go and let God and see what's out there in that world that my children find so fascinating.
You remember when the world was fascinating and exciting and wonderful? It still is.
It's time to make some changes.
And change is good.
Adaptation is that's the very definition of life.
And I am very much alive.
Well, I thought they wanted him to stay the night.
Well, you know there's no keeping Eric Camden in a hospital for observation.
And he's in no danger of ever having that happen again? His heart won't suddenly change again? There's no guarantee, but for now, in this moment, he's fine.
We're all fine.
- What? - Oh, um - we'll wait for Dad.
- Okay.
Hello, family that's up way too late.
They're sleeping over.
Savannah's upstairs.
We're having a family slumber party.
Oh, really? That's so silly.
But it you know, it sounds it sounds kind of fun.
How'd it go down at the church? I think it went fine.
Did you eat pizza? Uh just a slice.
- Oh, good.
- Yeah.
Uh, Kevin and Lucy have something they want to tell us.
Uh, well we're having a baby! Oh, I was hoping that's what it was.
But we're still not sure where we want to live.
Or what work we want to do.
You know what? Neither am I.