Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e01 Episode Script

Ten Ninety-Nine

Something's wrong.
Voight was taken.
All that matters is that we move.

What did you get into this time, Hank?
I'm okay to go out like this.
You don't get to die here.

What do you want?
To start over, I guess.
To leave?
I don't want to leave the team.
You can't lose any of us.

300 East 24th Street,
battery in progress.
We've got a father
and mother going at it.

Disregard that robbery in progress.
We have a false alarm.
2120 Fullerton.
Copy that.
Can I get you on that
potential battery in progress?
En route.
51, can you put that
Howard job on my log, please?
I'm rolling out.
- 10-44.
- Units in the citywide.
Shots fired at 1360 West Blake.
We've got one down.
5021. Hold me down.
Responding on that Blake call, 10-99.



- New stats on the offender.
- Just got those from Narcotics.
- Oh.
- Mm.
We never really gave you a real
welcome to the unit, did we?
- It's been over a month,
and you want to throw me a party now?
What's this for, the Bailey case?
Mm-hmm. Just background.
- This is my new system.
- I'm alphabetizing.
That's how many cases
we owe paperwork on.
Four B's?
Yeah, well, I've
alphabetized the alphabetized.
- It's not always like this, Telly.
- Trust me.
Yes, the man almost died.
That's what Ruzey told me, at least.
Don't call me that, Emily.
That started in the academy.
Don't do it here. This a safe space.
Where you coming from, Ruzey?
- See?
- Now you see what you did?
I was talking with Kim on the phone.
Let's put a bell on him.
What'd she tell you about NAWLEE?
She said the conference
is good, learning a lot.
She's, uh, disturbed by her caseload.
So she's thinking about
coming back early.
Well, she shouldn't.
CPD loves stuff like NAWLEE.
It'll give her a leg up.
Carmine's case is closed.
Judge signed off on all charges.
Nice. Did you tell him?
All right, get all the paper done.
We're moving on.
- Yes, sir.
Adam Victor 304,
do you want special detail
or a Narcotics detail?
85th and Langham.
We've got a mental health.
Fire is here. 1213.
10-4.1213, citywide.
Possible armed home invasion.
5109 Homan.
Got reports of screams and
sounds of struggle inside.
5021. Hold me down.
Responding on Homan, 10-99.

Chicago PD! Freeze!
- Hey, hey, hey!
- Turn around!
- Sorry, sorry.
- Up against your car!
- I didn't do anything.
- All the way up!
- I'm sorry.
- Turn around!
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- All right.
- Easy.
- Sor ooh, sorry.
You got anything on you
that could hurt me?
No, no, no, no.
Do you have anything on you
that could hurt me?
- I'm just trying to get away.
- I'm just trying to get away.
There's a guy inside.
He's he's killing everybody.
- Okay.
- All right.
Who's inside?
I I don't know. I don't know.
- I'm sorry.
- Is he still in there?
- I don't I don't know.
- I'm sorry.
- Is he armed?
- I don't know.
Wait, no. We have to go.
Is the man armed?
- No, no, no.
- I don't I don't know.
- Are you
- 5021 on scene.
You're just gonna leave me here?
- 5109 Homan.
- Call is bona fide.
- I got one in custody
- Hey!
- Reports of bodies.
- Roll an ambo.
- Copy, 5021.
- Ambo en route.
Chicago PD!

Police! Let me see your hands!
- Get away from the body!
Get your hands up now!
- He can't breathe!
- Do you want him to die?
I'm not putting my hands up.
Is the man who did this
still in the building?
Look, it was one guy, and he ran off.
I don't know who else is in here.
Come over here, man!
All right, move.
All right. You gotta put
your hands on his head.
You gotta try to stop the bleeding.
- Gotta press hard.
- Jesus.
Press hard!
There we go. There we go.
What the hell?
It's a sock.
Okay, I got you.
The guy beat him with a lock in a sock
- and shoved it down his throat.
- There you go.
- Okay, breathe.
Take a breath. Take a breath.
Come on. That's it.
Okay, fight it. Help is coming.
- Aww, man. Hey.
Hey, no, you're okay, man. You're okay.
Help is coming.
We got an ambo on the way.
Just fight it.
It's not working.
Hey, what do I do?
Hey, what do we do?
Keep pressure. More pressure.
Oh, no.
Oh, God, no, I don't
God, no. I don't want
Oh, my God.

What'd you catch?
Huh, looks like a robbery gone wrong.
One-man lick crew.
Place is a trap house,
selling dope and sex in here.
CPD have an index?
Uh, not yet.
But G-Parks run the territory.
I got the bodies' ID'd.
The two with their hands tied
behind their backs
are Clay Montrose and Javon Wilkens.
Well, they gotta be dealers.
I mean, pockets turned inside out,
stash and cash ripped.
I mean, that tracks.
Both have priors for possession
with intent to sell,
but no gang cards on either of them.
- Okay.
- What about the other guy?
Uh, Walter Tells.
He's got one prior for
possession, but also two rehabs
under his belt, so I'm
guessing he relapsed today.
Yeah, and was beat to death
with a lock in sock.
That confirmed?
Well, padlock's inside,
sock was down Walter's throat.
All right, let's bag it ourselves, huh?
Hey, Sarge.
Might have something over here.
Can you tell them what you told me?
Can you please just uncuff me?
Mm-mm. Tell them.
- I mean, I saw the guy
- I heard the guy come in.
He was, uh, shouting a lot.
He he went straight
for the dealers, though.
He he he tied them up
and he beat them.
- Okay.
- And the other man, Walter?
Is that the guy in the button-down?
That's right.
Um, well, he tried to stop him.
- That didn't really work.
- Okay.
Did you know the offender?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Uh, he he was, um he was Black.
He was in his 30s.
He uh, maybe he was, um
Hey, hey. Is there anything else?
Got anything else?
Uh, he was, like, tall, maybe.
Okay, look, I don't know.
I ran, and I never pick up around here.
I don't really know anybody around here.
Um, if you could just uncuff
me, then I would be able to
- Well, bring her in.
- I want a sketch.
No. No, no, no, no. Come on, please.
So call Narcotics?
- This is their wheelhouse.
- No, no, no.
I want this.
Boss, we got half a dozen
cases that still owe paperwork.
No, it's ours.
Look, there are three dead bodies.
We'll work it faster.
I heard the deputy chief.
He's looking into each unit,
going to their scenes.
Buttoning up our caseload
might be our best bet
if we want to fly under
this man's radar.
Adam, you got your answer. It's ours.
So go help out with forensics.
All right.
- Do I look beat up to you?
- No, sir. It's
- No, no, no.
- See, you just want
- You know him?
- Mm-hmm.
He's a frequent flyer.
We bring him in at least once a
month for prostitution, or possession.
He calls himself Rabbit because
he hops from carrot to carrot.
He was in there turning a trick?
- That's what he says.
- Huh.
Claims he was waiting for a
john upstairs that never showed.
Didn't see anything.
All right, copy that.
Hey, come on.
I'll give you a ride home.
No, I'm good. I know how to get home.
I was being polite.
Let's go.
All right, you got two options.
You can come with me,
or the paramedics take you to Med,
get you cleared,
then take you to the district.
That option will take about five hours.
You think you can wait
that long to get well?
Let's go.
Let me get my stuff.
Where's my stuff? You got my stuff?
Look, man, I already told
all your police what happened,
- and I didn't see anything.
- Mm.
Look, I was upstairs, and, you know,
I heard a bunch of yelling,
you know, shouting.
You know, guys getting beat.
So I ran down and I look.
I found them guys messed up like that.
And I tried to help, okay?
You know this.
Yeah, well, you had real good timing.
Man, whatever.
That's your place right here, isn't it?
Nah, man. Just pull over, bro.
Should I park out front?
Look, I already told you what I saw.
Did you? Come on.
See, I'm done messing with you.
Yo, just take me round back.
So you came downstairs.
The offender was already gone.
Yo, isn't that what I just said?
And I am telling you,
that is very good timing.
But the offender knew that trap house,
knew exactly where
to find those dealers,
went right to them,
had their dope real quick.
That makes me think offender
knew the neighborhood,
neighborhood knew the offender.
Now, did you see him?
Do you know him?
Hey. Yo, yo.
Hey, what the hell, man?
This how you do your job?
Okay, go find some evidence.
I will, but this is faster.
Let me out, man.
You know what happens when
you see death that close up,
like we just did?
You separate yourself from it.

Remember what that man looked like
choking, scared, knowing he was dying.
Remember that.
And tell me who killed him.

All right, listen up.
EJ Monroe, 30 years old.
According to his arrest,
he was hooked in
with a G-Park Lord set run
by Troy Patrick.
But EJ started using his own product,
so Patrick ran him off.
Now EJ is a hype who's on the outs,
and apparently he just ripped
and killed Patrick's new dealers.
EJ is our offender.
Boss, how'd you get this guy's name?
It fits our witness at
the scene's description.
Also fits our theory of an inside job.
We got motive. It's good.
We know where EJ is at?
EJ's last known was
torn down three months ago.
We don't have a current.
So dig into him.
I'll hit contacts out on the street.
Let's find out where he is.
You don't want us to firm up that ID?
Just put EJ's photo in front
of our hype from the scene.
She's dopesick.
She's gonna need to get well
before she can make a good ID.
I don't care. Try. Just keep moving.
Be ready to hit either way.
You get me my arrest warrant on EJ?
No. How exactly did you expect me to?
This is paper-thin.
Who ID'd EJ?
Confidential source.
Okay, well, you're gonna
need more than that.
With a case this weak,
you're gonna need to give
- your source's name to a judge.
- No.
Okay, fine.
Then get more evidence
forensics, DNA.
Put EJ at the scene.
Get a witness statement.
That'll take too long.
I'll just do a sneak-and-peek instead.
What, and hope for something actionable?
Hey, how long are we gonna do this?
Do what?
You burning through cases, running.
Me pretending that
this is normal and okay,
that this clearly isn't a reaction
to what happened to you.
Sarge, we got EJ.
According to socials, he's
been crashing at his cousin's.
All right, let's go!
Ruzek, you and me first.
Rest of you, hold anchor.
Copy that, boss.

I'll take the front.
You go around back.
Stay low.
Just find something actionable.

It looks like he is packing to run.
We can wait him out, or we can fish.
Damn it.
Boss, I got a camera back here.
Chances are he's watching us.
- He's running!
- He's going out front!
Hey! Chicago PD!
I got an armed offender
heading northbound on Jackson.
All right, we're going in. Let's go.
- We don't have a warrant!
- We're going in!
We'll claim exigent.
Come on.
Chicago PD!
Chicago PD!
Get out of the way! Get out of the way!

I'm clear.
I got blood.
Looks like he was about
to burn the evidence.
I got his shoes in the front room.
Trace amounts of blood on them.

I've lost eyes on our offender.
Armed male, Black.
White T-shirt, black sweatpants, 6 foot.
Last seen running eastbound on Jackson.
I repeat, I lost eyes.
Copy, 5021-Ocean. We'll notify.
What the
Yeah, that's residue.
He flushed the drugs.
This is China white heroin.
That's got to be at least 20K.

What is it?
The address of the trap house.

We completely lost EJ.
I got patrol hitting every yard
and every alley in a 10-block radius.
He can't have gotten far.
He left his phone,
keys, and wallet inside.
Get a transit team on the CTA.
I already called it in,
and I got his vehicle
getting hooked and towed to 21.
Phone dumped, so we'll get
the evidence we need.
But why the hell would
he flush the drugs?
- Hold on.
- He flushed the product?
The whole China white.
And it matched what he ripped.
Flushed it all down the toilet.
So what, he saw us coming?
He got scared?
That's a hell of a lot
of money to flush out of fear.
I mean, you killed three people for it,
then you flush it
straight down the toilet?
- Doesn't track.
- No, it doesn't.
So work the scene,
keep up the search, find EJ.
I got something to do on my own.
[SCOFFS] I finally got
a job back on a unit.
I'm not touching any of that.
Hey, boss.
You need backup?
Just find EJ.


- Rabbit.
Rabbit, are you home?

You lied to me.
What? No. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing here?
You lied to me. Why did you lie?
I didn't lie.
You were in on the rip.
What? No.
You gave EJ the address.
You wrote it on a bag of candy.
[STAMMERS] Well, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no.
It's not what it looks like.
You were so dumb to think
that I wouldn't find out?
Dumb? Look, it's not what it looks like.
- Is that your cut?
- What? No.
You better start learning some words
other than "no" real fast.
Okay, look, man,
I didn't know what EJ
was gonna do, okay?
I had no idea that he was
gonna kill someone.
Come on, let's go.
You're going in for murder.
No, no! Just listen to me!
Why would I have stayed
if I knew that he was gonna
kill someone, huh?
Okay, that's why. I didn't know.
EJ asked me where the dealers would be,
so, look, I gave him the address, okay?
That's all.
Okay, I swear to you,
I'm not lying, okay?
- I didn't know anything.
- Two options
Oh, come on. I'm not messing with you.
I arrest you, plus I add
all your little goodies
here to the charges.
Or you come in right now willingly
and cooperate fully,
and I don't play with you.
What's it gonna be?
Look, man, I'm really starting to think
you like spending time with me,
because I already told you,
I gave him the address because
it was the right thing.
Okay, you keep saying that.
What the hell does that mean?
Oh, come on, you're the one
who just lectured me on death,
so figure it out.
Fully cooperate!
[LAUGHS] You know you know,
it's a real rich thing
- to lecture an addict on.
- Please.
You know, because we live with death.
- EJ lives with death.
Will you get to the point?
Okay. Yeah.
Let me educate you, Mr. CPD Officer.
I gave EJ the address because EJ wanted
to know who was responsible
for his sister dying.
- What?
- That's right.
So you want to talk about death,
you should be talking about that.
Okay, who killed his sister?
Oh, who do you think?
Troy Patrick's drugs killed her.
Yeah, he has his guys cutting
their dope with battery acid.
Like, what the
he wanted a cheaper cut.
Wasn't good at it,
but he sold it anyway.
So that's why he killed those
dealers, took their stash?
They're selling poison.
Please, just answer the question.
That's why EJ killed them
and took their stash,
to destroy it.
That's why I gave him the address.
I mean, all deaths
should mean something.
Hang on. Yeah.
Hey, boss, we got a good lead.
Patrol spotted EJ running
into an old auto shop.
They lost eyes, but we're getting
suited up to crash,
so we'll hit him in
And he just looked right at me.
Son of a
Chicago PD! Stop!
Officers in pursuit of suspect, armed.
Headed towards alley
behind the auto shop.
- Get off the fence!
- Off the fence!

- Chicago PD!
- Drop it!
Drop your weapon!
Drop it! Drop it!
Drop your weapon now!
On the ground.
Hands behind your back right now.
Give me cuffs.
Someone give me cuffs!

You sure you're good?
Yeah, sure.
It's not the first time
I faced down a barrel.
Just happened fast.
How about you? Are you okay?
All right, I'm just asking.
It's a big jump, you joining this team
after, you know, what happened.
- Now this.
- What happened?
What, you tiptoeing around me now?
Yes, Ruzey.
It was a big jump to join this team
after I lost my marbles
when my partner was shot dead.
How eloquent.
Yeah, but my head is good now.
I've got a full bill
of that mental sanity.
And your sorry ass didn't
get shot, so we're good.
Come on. Out the car.
Hey, Adam, come on in here.
Martel, just bring him up.
Put him on ice.
- Move.
- All right. Case expanded.
It got bigger. I want both now.
- Both?
- Yeah.
We got a string of ODs from a hot batch.
It's still young.
Looks like it was EJ's motive.
Just call Narcotics, fill them in.
Get everything they have
on Troy Patrick.
Your sister?
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'll make it easy for you.
I know all three of them were
killed from a bad batch
of dope cut with battery acid.
I'm right?
Do you want me to do your job for you?
It was this man's dope?
The news of the bad batch
hadn't reached CPD yet,
but it did reach the street.
So you killed the dealers,
took the stash, and flushed it.
You know what?
I get it.
The problem is, the law does not get it.
Law is not eye for an eye,
death for a death.
Well, it should be.
Oh, really?
What about the third man
you killed, Walter Tells?
Hell, he was just there to get high.
You think the law should
understand why you killed him, too?
What's it gonna be?
What's he doing here?
We have no idea.
He hasn't been officially booked.
I'm not asking for remorse.
I'm asking for action.
Well, I'm not gonna talk to you.
Well, you should.
Because I can give you
what you actually want.
Not just a couple of low-level dealers
slinging dime bags
that you beat to death.
Real justice.
Troy Patrick in prison for life,
all his men in cuffs,
and all that bad dope hell,
all the bad dope he is bound
to make in his sorry-ass life,
all of that off the street for good.
EJ, you're going to prison
for life either way.
Why not make the lives
you gave him worth something?

According to EJ, Troy Patrick
runs a two-block territory
between Ogden and 19th.
Got six packmen slinging dope for him.
They're all low level,
work out of trap houses
or work the corners.
Problem is, Patrick's cutting
his own product
to keep costs low,
but he's making bad dope.
We got at least three ODs
linked to this man right now.
Okay. So have Gangs or
Narcotics backed any of this up?
The buys, the hierarchy?
No. No, I looped them in.
They got next to nothing
on Troy Patrick.
Because it's brand new.
So everything you have is
all based on EJ's word alone?
The word of a man who just
committed a triple homicide?
That's right.
You know no judge is gonna
let you arrest on this.
You know that.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
You can't just fly solo
and expect that things are
gonna be clean and easy, that
I'm gonna hand you warrants.
You have to build.
Right, and how many more
people are gonna die
from this dope while we do that, hmm?
Seriously, what's the equation here?
What are we okay with?
Three, maybe four ODs?
Because that's what you're
arguing for more ODs.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing.
It's a hot batch. People are dying.
We get it off the street now.
You think this is gonna work?
I don't know.
Zero prep time, zero plan B.
Let's hope it does.
Y'all ready? [CLEARS THROAT]
Yo, what's up?
The hell are you doing here?
I'm here for you.
I want to holler at you.
About what?
Man, let's go inside.
It's better inside.

I'll only take two minutes.
I'll be real quick.
Yeah, bro.
What do you want?
- I want to buy from you.
- Whoa.
Sarge, we got guns,
at least two of them.
- Right now.
- All right, copy.
- I-I'll pay you over, but
- but I want it from you.
And I don't want none of that
stepped-on, battery acid-cut
kitty litter-tasting ass
you've been selling.
- What?
- You came here to buy from me?
- I'm talking clear, aren't I?
- Yeah.
That's not how it works. Get out.
Hey, come on, yo.
I've been giving you all my business.
You think I have dope on me?
You think I'm holding?
What? Yes.
Ain't no idiot. I'm a hype, bro.
Look, you got dope on you, and I just
I just want to buy the good stuff.
I ain't messing with your corners.
Get out.
Hey, you really want me
going somewhere else?
I'm your best customer.
Yo, Sarge, how we feeling?
We both know that, so
He's fine.
Do you really want me bringing
my hard-earned cash elsewhere?
Because I'll bring my cash elsewhere,
and I'll buy from another prick
who ain't selling bad product,
trying to
Shut up! The bad batch is gone.
It didn't work!
All right, that's enough.
We'll take it. Move!
Let's go.
Get the hell out of my house!
Come on.
Well, I'm not gonna buy from
Get out!
It's gotta be from you!
What the hell are you talking about?
You setting me up? I
Are you?
Go! Go, go, go!
Chicago PD!

Chicago PD! Hey!
Look, I got you. I got you. I got you.
- Don't you move!
- Turn around!
Hey, I got you.
I got you. It's all right.
- Here, let me take a look.
Hey, get me an ambo.
I need an ambo now!
- We got one coming.
- All right.
- I know.
All right.
There you go. Here.
Did you did you
Did you get enough?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Hey, hey, we're good.
- I didn't get enough.
We're good. It's enough.
- All right. Hey.
- I didn't answer
I tried to
Hey, stop talking.
Just look at me.
Keep your eyes on me.
There you go.
All right.
Don't give in.
- I know.
Hey, hey, hey. Look at me.
Eyes on me.
Don't give in. You fight it.
You fight it.
That's it. Don't give in.
That's it.
Not yet.
You don't get to die yet.
That's it. Fight.
That's it. You fight.
Don't give in.
Voight, the paramedics.
Sarge, the paramedics.


Sergeant Voight.
You're Sergeant Voight.
Deputy Chief Reid.
Call me Charlie.
Oh. Hank Voight.
- Oh!
You good?
- Yeah.
- Here.
Oh, thanks.
I heard the call come over the radio.
Three G-Parks apprehended.
- Yes, sir.
- Nice work.
Hey, I'm not here to slow you down.
I just figured I'd meet
your team while in action.
You keep doing your thing.
Keep on moving. Good work.
I got nothing to hand off to you.
Everything's quiet, so be grateful.
6, 10-4.
Still at 4820 Ada?
Yeah, still with the victim at 4820 Ada.
The dog was last seen
westbound on 48th Street.
- Located a suspicious auto.
- No occupants.
Nothing further.
I've got a smashed window in a vehicle.
Owner reports an AirTag is missing.
8230 Southwest Mays.
1226, you can hold us down
as responding.
10-4, 1226.
- 412
Hey, thought I'd find you
right back here.
How's Rabbit?
How do you know about Rabbit?
Platt. Went out over the radio.
He's fine.
I mean, he got to Med.
Stable for now. He'll pull through.
That's good.
We're gonna have a conversation now.
That sounds like
a real fun start to one.
I'm guessing Upton used to do this.
Do what, exactly?
Confront you.
We're done with the running, okay?
I'm not gonna do it anymore with you,
and your team shouldn't be
doing it anymore either.
I get it. Upton's gone.
You almost died in that basement.
I mean, that must have
triggered something.
But whatever this is,
an attempt to outrun death
You think I'm trying to outrun death?
Yeah, maybe.
I'm not trying to outrun death, okay?
Look, I would have been fine
to die in that basement.
Okay. Then what are you
trying to do now?
I'm working.
You're not working.
This isn't just work.
This is gonna burn you out.
Then let it.
Look, I didn't die.
I mean, I was bleeding out,
drugged, delirious.
I mean, I was dying.

But I didn't die.

You know what I saw instead?
I saw my old partner.
I mean, I saw him like
he was right there.
He said I don't get to die yet.
Told me there was more.
I'm still here.
I should use the time.

All right, Marnie, we're out of here.
Hey, uh, make sure that all gets filed
back to Intelligence, yeah?
- I'll be on the paper.
- You got it.
So what's our over-under?
Over-under on what?
How long before Voight
picks up another scene?
I'll put 20 on three hours.
Yeah, I'll take the over.
Get some sleep.
I'm starting to get used to it now.
There's something about the pace.
There's a there's a buzz to it.
Yeah, a buzz of anxiety.
No, adrenaline.
You can't be scared.
You just you got to go.
You got to move.
It's good.
Thank you for, uh, pulling me up.
I was beginning to think I'd
never be in the field again.
- You're welcome.
- You deserve it.
Are we having a moment right now?
We're having a moment.
- Was that
- Stop! Two shots.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Where the hell did those come from?
I don't know.
- What's going on?
- Police!
Ma'am, go back inside, right now!
Hey, you see anything?
Martel, you good?

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