Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e02 Episode Script

Blood Bleeds Blue

Hold on.
Come here. It's OK.
Hold on. Hold on.

50-21 Ida, 10-1, 10-1, officer down.
We're on the 4500 block
of West Mackenzie.
I don't have eyes on the offender.
I do not have eyes on the offender.
I need cars right now.
Copy, 50-21 Ida. Will notify.
- I got you.
- Backup en route.
Emily, can you talk? Em?
Emily? [GROANS]

- Drop that weapon!
- I'm police!
- I'm police!
- Drop the weapon!
Get down! I'm police.
Get down! Get down.
Shots came from
that blue house back there.
Are you responding?
No, I was writing a parker,
and I heard the call.
- I heard the shots.
Can you see anything?
- You have eyes on the offender?
- No, nothing.
Stay low! Stay low!
I'm Ruzek, intelligence.
Shots came from that blue house.
You see?
All right, listen,
this is what we're gonna do.
We're gonna put her
in your car, all right?
We're gonna to take her
to Med in your car.
We're not waiting for the ambo.
We need to go right now.
Tommy, come here. We're using our car.
- Hey, hey.
- Easy now.
Easy, easy, easy.
You're gonna be all right.
- Watch her head.
- I got her.
Now, you listen to me.
You keep working on her. You hear me?
You keep working on her.
I don't care if she
- you just keep working.
- We got her.
All right, Officer, we're going in.
On my six.
- Cover.
- Got you.
He's dead. Check her.
I got her.
Officer, you all right?
- You OK?
- Yeah.
- You good?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If you can breathe, take a breath.
- Take a breath.
- Yeah, I'm OK.
I'm OK. It didn't go through.
50-21 Ida. Emergency.
I've got offender on scene
in the residence.
I got one male, DOE,
one female, GSW to the chest.
I need an ambo right now.
Chicago PD! Where are you at, Ruz?
Offender's upstairs.
We need to get her out
of here right now.
- OK. OK.
- Copy, 50-21 Ida.
- Ambo en route.
- Come on.
Ah, there you go.
Clear with him, Officer.
Come on. I got her.
Come on, here. Come on.
Get her on out.
OK, you're OK. What's your name, huh?
- What's your name?
- Denise.
Denise, OK. We got you.
We got an ambo coming.
It's on the way.
Blood. Must have clipped him.
Bedroom clear.
- There he is.
- He's got a kid.
- I see him.
Chicago PD! Step away
- Get down!
- You all right?
- Yeah, I got it.

My squad, around the corner.
50-21 Ida.
Offender's in a red,
late model Toyota Camry,
Illinois plates Eddy, 1-7-2, Paul, 9-7.
He's heading eastbound on Thomas.
Be advised, he's got
a small child with him,
approximately two years old.
- All right. Go, go, go.
- Copy, 50-21 Ida.
Bet he'll still be on Thomas.
- Move, move, move, move.
- I'm moving.
I'm moving, Officer. Grab the vest.
He's firing. Grab it.
You sure you're good? You got hit.
Only the vest.
I've been hit only in the vest.
It hurts like hell.
Ceiling slowed it down. I'm all right.
- I'm OK.
- All right.
I'm Ruzek, Officer Ruzek.
Was that your partner back there?
I'm not gonna keep asking
for this area to have
some sort of organization.
It's gonna be a given.
Is that understood?
Radios are not tossed,
not half in the charger,
not left in the men's bathroom where
I can hear them squawking, but charged
and ready in an organized fashion.
- What the hell do you mean?
- And
Mackey, did you hear that? Let's move.
What's going on, Jenkins?
10-1, officer down, Sergeant.
Just came over the zone.
They're saying it's Intelligence.
- Who, Jenkins, who?
- Martel.
Detective Martel, ma'am.
Ruzek was riding with her, and somehow,
they got ambushed on their
way back from a crime scene.
Where is she now? Where's Martel now?
I think Patrol took her to Med.
Officer Atwater is on scene, ma'am.
- That is all that I know.
- Go!
Get your whole unit over there.
- Mackey, take over the desk.
- Copy.
Everyone, get your vests,
radios on high.
Let's go.
Officer shot. It's Martel.
Patrol is on the way to Med with her.
Ruzek and Atwater are on scene.
- W-well, what happened?
- I don't know.
She and Ruzek were headed back from
the Troy Patrick crime scene.
They got caught in a firefight.
- That's all I know.
- OK.
Adam, where are you?
I'm in a patrol car
with Officer Cook.
She assisted on scene.
We just got eyes on the
the offender's Camry.
Stand by, Sarge.

All right, offender's now
heading northbound on 43rd.
He just crossed Monroe.
Traveling at a high rate of speed.
Adam, what happened to Martel?
We were on our way back to 21.
We heard shots fired.
We stopped, tried to figure out
what the hell was going on.
Next thing I know,
Martel is shot in the head.
It came out of nowhere.
So I don't know if the offender saw us
or if he heard me call police.
I don't know. I don't know.
It happened fast.
So she's on her way to Med?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
but, boss, she

You know, it's not good.
I get it, Adam, OK? I understand.
Offender shot two in a residential home.
He took a child with him,
looked to be about two years old.
It was just a tiny little thing.
You still have eyes on that car?
Yeah, he's a couple blocks ahead.
We got bad traffic, though.
He's still heading north on 43rd.
All right, he just turned right.
- I see it.
- Scratch that.
He just turned right on Austin.
Hold on. You see him?
No. What the hell?
50-21 Ida, we lost eyes.
Offender last seen traveling
eastbound on Austin.
Son of a bitch!

Hold that. There you go.

Please, please, please.
- Yeah, I'm right here.
- Please.
I'm right here. She's got you.
She's gonna do whatever
she needs to do to help, OK?
Please. Please.
OK, OK, ma'am, I'm gonna
need you to stay still, OK?
Stay still, there you go.
- I have two
- Uh-huh.
- Please.
- Please what?
Huh? Please what?
- My boys
- Mm-hmm?
- Save my boys.
- Save your boys from who?
Denise, who shot you?
My ex-husband, Roy Darrow.
Roy Darrow.
- He took Bobby.
- Bobby.
He's going after Nate.
OK, Nate is your other son?
OK. You know where Nate is?
- Huh?
Do you know where Nate is?
- Basketball.
- OK, where's basketball, Denise?
Basketball where's basketball?
OK, now, I'm gonna need
to get an oxygen mask on her.
OK, do what you got to do.
Do what you got to do.
Denise, where's basketball? Huh?

Hey, Sarge, we got
the name of that offender.
The offender's name is Roy Darrow.
That's Denise's ex-husband.
Apparently he kidnapped
one of her sons, Bobby,
and he's on the hunt
for the other son, Nate.
She said that Nate's
somewhere playing basketball.
that's all I got right now.
- She's in rough shape.
- All right.
Just stay with her, Kev.
Denise's address is West Mackenzie.
He could be playing
with friends around there.
There's a few courts.
All right, check his social media?
OK. Uh, hold on one second.
OK, I got something.
Nate goes to St. Mary's
Elementary in Beverly.
Hamilton Park is just a few blocks away.
It looks like it's his
regular spot to play ball.
All right, get out an AMBER Alert.
All right, 50-21, all units,
be on the lookout for a Roy Darrow,
male, white, 45, 5'11".
I need an AMBER Alert, ASAP.
He's driving a red Toyota Camry.
He's armed, and he's wanted
for the attempted murder
of a police officer and the kidnapping
- of a two-year-old child.
- OK, two kids
- The wanted
- Bobby Darrow
- Is believed to be
- And Nate Darrow.
En route to Hamilton Park
basketball courts
to kidnap a male youth, Nate Darrow.
Dante, what's your 20?
I'm home.
Listen to me. Martel was shot.
I need you to get over
to Hamilton Park right now.
The shooter kidnapped
his two-year-old son.
He's believed to be
on his way over there
right now to kidnap his other son, Nate.
Wait, h-hold on. Hold on.
Did you just say Martel was shot?
Yeah, I did. I need you to focus.
We'll have time to feel it.
Right now, I need you to get
over to the basketball courts
over there, and you find and secure Nate
before his father gets to him.
I'll send you photos of both.
Now move.
- Yes, sir. I'm on my way.
- OK, AMBER Alert is out.
OK, Roy Darrow, he's got priors
for domestic battery, assault,
armed robbery, five-year sentence.
He was paroled after only serving a year
for good behavior.
Yeah, once he got out,
his good behavior included
multiple threats to Denise.
She filed a restraining order
two months ago.
Ruzek and Martel walked straight
into the middle of a domestic.

Adam, where the hell
is that goddamn Camry?
Still don't have eyes.
If Darrow was going to Hamilton Park,
he'd be on 45th, but I sure
as hell don't see him here.
Come on. Stand by.
We'll track him with live PODs
from your last scene.
Copy you.
Dennis, I want undercovers
on every known associate
of Roy Darrow, every family member.
Get me everything
you can get on this guy.
Copy. We'll start digging.
What do you need, Sergeant?
Get tech lab to get IDs
on Darrow's phones,
- credit cards, and financials.
- You got it.
- Any word on Martel?
- No.
- You have it up?
- One second.
Here we go.
Where are you?
Adam? Adam, I got the Camry.
He's heading South on 2-6.
All right,
he's turning onto Polk now.
We don't have cameras on Polk,
but he's heading westbound.
Boss, if he's headed west,
he ain't hitting Hamilton Park.
Maybe that's a good thing.
Maybe he gave up on Nate.
Just keep searching.
Get over to Polk.
21-02, all units,
red Camry was last seen
headed west on Polk Street.
Come on!
Let's go, dumbass.
- Move! Move! Move! Move!

45-year-old female, one gunshot wound
- in the mid quadrant.
- Unresponsive at scene?
Uh, in and out.
BP's dropping, but
I administered epinephrine.
OK, good.
From what I hear, she was a great cop.
Did anybody notify Martel's family?
She was flat lining when she came in.
They waited till
she got to Baghdad.
They kept working her.
There was nothing they could do.

And how's Denise?
She's in surgery, touch and go.
All right, stay at Med.
If she pulls through,
ask her where Darrow
would run, where he'd take his son.
Copy that, Sarge.

Adam, you got eyes on that Camry?
We're on Polk,
but he sure as hell ain't here.
All right, just keep searching.
- Voight.
- Sir.
Brutal loss, I'm sorry.
What do you need?
I need to stay on lead.
That Darrow is a cop killer,
but he's got a two-year-old with him.
We need restraint, not revenge.
Yes, OK. You stay on point.
Everything comes through you.
All the OCD teams
will be standing by, right?
You say the word, they're yours.
I'll be out on the street.
My radio is a direct line to you.
Got it?
We'll feel it later.
Now let's get this son of a bitch.

Torres. Intelligence.
You up to speed?
All I know is
endangered child, AMBER Alert.
Kid's 10 years old.
His name is Nate Darrow.
Father is armed and dangerous.
He just shot and killed one of us.
Work the perimeter. I got the court.
- Copy that.
- Let's go.
Hey, what's up, man?
Nate Darrow.
Yo, game's over.
Cool shirt, man. You go to St. Mary's?
You know Nate Darrow?
Listen, I need your help.
Nate's father is looking
for him, and he's dangerous.
He wants to hurt him.
How do you know that?
He just shot Nate's mother
and took Nate's little brother.
That's why I need your help, OK?
Where is he? Is he here?
No, not anymore.
His dad called him,
like, an hour after school.
He got on his bike and went to meet him.
OK, to meet him where?
I-I don't know. He didn't say.
He just took off.
On what kind of bike?
I don't know.
Red, nice.
He got it for his birthday.
- Elvis.
- Elvis?
A singer from, like, a million years
No, no. I know who he is.
- What about him?
- His mom's a big fan.
They call the bike Elvis.
She even got this little
license plate to go on the back
of the bike of Elvis.
Do you have Nate's number?
Do you have a cell phone?
I wish.
OK, thanks, Kurt. Keep trying.
Tech's been trying
to locate Nate's cell.
Denise has only one phone,
nothing in Nate's name.
Well, maybe Darrow bought
him one without her knowing.
Might not be registered.
Come on. I got the Camry.
I see it.
2102 squad, advise all units.
We have the Camry on Roosevelt at 43rd.
- Adam, you copy?
- Yeah, go ahead.
Did you catch that address?
Are you close?
We're a mile out.
All right, I'm coming to you. Got this?
Yeah, I'll keep you posted.
Hey, what's your first name?
- Kiana.
- Kiana, Adam.
How long you been on patrol?
Month, this time.
This time?
- I was on Tact for two years.
- Two years?
Tact to patrol,
must have pissed somebody off.
Camry, 2:00.
50-21 Ida.
Be advised, we got the wanted Camry
at 848 West 156th Street.
- Send us some cars right now.
- Copy, 50-21 Ida.
Yeah, I'm close, Adam.
I'll hit it with you.
Keep your distance now.
He's got the child with him.
Yeah, yeah, copy you.
Can you see inside that car?
No, I don't see any movement.
- I can't be sure.
- All right.
Address was hit a year ago by narcotics.
They recovered meth,
arrested Ed Strickland.
Gangs has it indexed as a stash house.
All right, here we go.
Strickland is a known associate
of Darrow's.
Got out of the joint two years ago.
So why is Darrow here?
I mean, why come here now?
Let's clear the car.
Stay low.

This is my Sergeant.

Car's clear.
All right, let's move, quiet.
I clipped Darrow at the house.
He must have come here to stitch up.
Hey! We got a runner!
Put it down!
Drop it!
We just want Darrow.
I haven't seen him.
That's a bad play. Where is he?
- Go to hell.
- No. See?
No, no, we're not doing that.
We're not playing games.
Your buddy, Darrow, he's a cop killer.
Are you a cop killer?
Are you? No?
So what are you doing?
You're just playing games,
wasting my time.
You will talk to me.
You will tell me where Darrow went.
That man killed my friend.
Now he has a two-year-old child.
You will tell me where he is right now!
Where's Darrow?
I don't know.
I just helped patch him up.
What else?
I lent him my car.
He said he was gonna get his other kid.
- I don't know.
- Where?
I don't know.
I didn't want to know.
He was acting all crazy,
ranting and raving
about his wife, his kids.
He said he was gonna take
his kids to a better place like a
a dead better place.
It was scary.
You don't want to talk to us about that?
Squad, be advised, we have
one in custody at 156
Jesus Christ.
Wanted offender,
Roy Darrow is still missing.
What's wrong with you?
What kind of car do you drive?
Chrysler 200.
Illinois, S-T-R-K-2-2-7.
Was the baby still alive?
Yes, he was sleeping. He was fine.

All right, Adam,
get that Chrysler over the air.
Go. I got him. Go.
Put your arms around that pipe now!
- Cuff him.
- Copy.
- All the way!
- 50-21 Ida.
Squad, advise all units to be
on the lookout, for a Chrysler 200.
Plates are S-T-R-K-2-2-7.
Copy, 50-21 Ida. Will notify.
We got one secured inside.
This is the offender's weapon.
Hey, get him over to the 21.
- Put him in our box.
- Hank, you copy?
Go ahead, Trudy.
Nate's uncle just
reported a break-in.
He thinks it was Nate.
Uncle's name is John Darrow.
You got an address?
532 West 50th.
- It's right near you.
- OK, we got it.
Let's move!
Come on.
do not put it over the air.

Uncle John, you got a sheet?

[NORMAL] Adam?
John Darrow does he have a sheet?
We're OK. Run him.
- Tell me what you got on him.
- No, no sheet.
No sheet.
Uncle John owns
a hardware store in Beverly.
Got a wife, two kids.
He must be the good brother.
Maybe Nate came here to hide.
Hey, are you John Darrow?
- Yes, sir.
- Sergeant Voight.
Is your nephew Nate with you?
No, but I got to show you something.
Found it like this
when I got home from work.
Thought maybe a homeless guy
broke in, but
I got cameras in the front and back.
I ran them, and I found this.

Hold on.
I've got guns stored
in a safe, all licensed.
That's my nine.
Does Nate know how to shoot?
Yeah, yeah, I shot with him a few times.
He he knows
the combination to my safe.
Yeah, he he can shoot.
Now, why the hell
would this kid need a gun?
Did he know his mom got shot?
I know his mom got shot.
It's all over the news, social media.
You guys got to do something,
I don't know what this gonna do.
No, I don't
I don't know where Roy would go.
You know what?
I told Denise to get out of town.
He never forgave her
for winning custody.
I think he wants to die with those kids.
All right, let's fan out.
Loop in patrol.
What can I do to help?
Just wait here
in case Nate circles back.
Is it true?
Did Roy kill a cop?
- 532 West 50th
- Sir, please, just wait here.
Look, Nate was on a bike.
He can't have gotten far.
We find him before he gets to Darrow.
Wilson's Park is a half mile away.
Could be the meet-up spot.
It's gonna have to be
someplace this kid knows.
Let's zigzag our way to Wilson's.
Your wife?
Soon to be.
She's a cop too.
She knows Martel.
We've all been friends a long time.
I just can't.
Not yet.
Hey, hold up. Hold up.
Excuse me?
Have either of you seen a young boy
on a red bicycle, 10 years old,
Caucasian, brown hair?
No, why? What did he do?
He did nothing wrong. He's in danger.
You see him, you do us
a favor, call 9-1-1.
All right? Thank you.
50-21, I got eyes on Nate's bike.
It's at the stairs of the Kedzie Station
on the Green Line.
I'll check the platform.

- Thank you.
- Yep.
All right, 50-21,
there's no sign of Nate
on the platform at the
Kedzie stop of the Green Line.
Trudy, notify Mass Transit Police
and dig into the Green Line.
What connects Nate
or his father to this area?
On it.
OK, when Darrow was
still married to Denise,
they lived at 2241 Grace Street.
Nate lived there until
Darrow went to prison,
and it's right off a Green Line stop.
- OK, which one?
- Morgan.
Boss, that's got to be where
Darrow told Nate to meet him.
Nate would know his old house.
He'd know how to get there.
I'm five blocks away
from the Morgan stop.
Hit it, Dante.
Cut Nate off
before he gets to that house.
Ruz, you head to Grace Street.
Find Darrow.
Let's end this now.

Hey, Kevin, you copy?
Yeah, go ahead.
Any updates on Nate's mom?
Yeah, she's still in surgery.
Doctor said a fragment
grazed her liver.
- Bleeding's bad.
- But she's still alive?
Doesn't look too good,
but she's holding on.
OK. Copy.

Hey, you're Nate, Nate Darrow, right?
Hey, I've been looking for you.
You know your mom's
real worried about you.
Who are you?
I'm Officer Torres. I just want to ta
hey, Nate.
- Hey, man!

Hey! Ugh.

Easy, easy, easy, easy.
Just let me go, please.
You know I can't do that, Nate, OK?
How about you just put down the gun?
You don't want to hurt me.
I will.
I swear.
I gotta stop my dad. He lied to me.
Yeah? What'd he lie about?
He wanted to take me
and Bobby from my mom.
He said he'd never hurt her,
but he shot her.
My friend saw it on TV.
- He told me my dad shot her.
- Yeah.
Yes, he did. OK, but listen to me, Nate.
Your mom, she's in surgery,
and we got the best people
working on her.
She's hanging in there.
She's still alive, and she
needs you to be strong right now,
OK, to be smart.
What would she want you to do?
Put down the gun.
- No, I got to save Bobby.
- OK, all right, look.
OK, you want to help your little bro.
I love that.
But that's our job.
Police will save him. OK?
Nate, look at me. Look at me.
I do not want you to get hurt, OK?
You got to put down the gun.
No, my dad's too smart.
I've got to stop him. It's up to me.
- Put it down. OK.
- Move.
- I know how to use this.
- OK, all right.

- Just let me walk away.
- OK, yes.
Hey, sir, please stay back, sir.
Stay back. Hey!
- No!
- Stop. Stop.
- Stop.
- No!
Stop fighting.
Hey, you're OK. You're OK.
It's OK. It's OK.
I got to cuff you, though. You're OK.
Where were you going, Nate, huh?
Where's your dad?
Where's your dad, Nate?
He's waiting for me at our old house.
On Grace Street? Huh?
- Yeah.
- OK.
Sarge, I got Nate.
I have his weapon. He's OK.
Nate confirms Darrow's
at the Grace Street house.
He should be there waiting.
Copy. How close are you, Adam?
Yeah, yeah, we're four blocks out.
All right, you're closest.
Move in slowly, de-escalate.
Do not put Bobby
in further danger.
- Yes, sir.
- You hear that?
We're gonna save him.
They're getting close, OK?
No more running, OK? You promise?
Promise? OK. All right.
Just take a deep breath. We got this.
- No, you don't.
- We got this.
My dad's crazy.
He's gonna kill all of you.
All units on the citywide,
we have confirmation
the offender is headed
to 2241 Grace Street.
He is armed.
There is a kidnapped, tender-aged child
in his vehicle. Use extreme caution.
Set up a perimeter around
the 2200 block of Grace Street.
I want cars and ambulances
on North Milwaukee,
North Kildare, and West Byron.
We have a squad car moving
to the Grace Street home
to de-escalate. Do not approach.
Maintain a perimeter.
Do not move until you hear
direct word from Officer Ruzek.

- That's him right there.
- I see him.

Roy Darrow.
- Get out of the vehicle.
- Out of the car right now!
Right now!
- Stop the car!
Right now! Turn it off!
- Out of the car now!
- Turn off the

Darrow, get out of the car.
Hands where I can see them!
Get out of the car!
I swear to God, I will
shoot you right in the face.
Get out of the vehicle right now.

All right, Bobby. Hey, buddy.
I know. I know.
All right, buddy. Come on.
I got you. I got you.
It's all right.
It's OK.
Officer Cook, you all right?
- I'm good.
It's all right. You're OK, buddy.
You're OK. You're OK.
50-21 Ida, I got an officer down.
I need ambos.
I got a tender two-year-old.
- It's all right, man.
- Hey, man.
You're OK.
Adam, it's over. It's safe.
You saved him. Hey?


Well done, Officer.
You too, Officer.
You too.

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