Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e03 Episode Script

Off Switch


They try, too, to talk to you ♪

You just don't want to ♪
You are bothered by some old rain ♪
You're not gonna fall ♪
Now you need another round ♪
Do you ever look up from your phone?
Maybe not as much as I should.
Keep me company while I finish my beer?
If your date arrives before then,
it'll be like we're strangers.
Aren't we?
Well, it depends.
Waiting for your date to arrive?
No, I was actually waiting
on my little brother.
But it just seems like it's me now.
Shouldn't you be drinking
some type of fancy cocktail
from the Ace Hotel?
[CHUCKLES] Take that as a compliment.
I meant it as one.
No, I actually chose this place.
First date, I'd never met the guy.
Figured all the cops in here
would make it safer.
- Mm, very smart.
- Thank you.
So where is he?
Mm, who knows?
Yeah, he definitely didn't make it here.
You know, I hope he's not dead.
He's probably not dead.
- Probably just a dick.
The apps will do that, huh?
The convenience takes
the fun out of it anyways.
It's not as good as instant attraction
with a total stranger in real time.
Damn well can't replace it
with that thing.
Duty calls?
Something like that.
Listen, I hate to go.
- But you have to go.
- But I have to go.
I prefer Val, so call me Val.
OK. Kevin.
Everybody calls me Kev, but
- Nice to meet you, Kevin.
- Mm-hmm.
If you go searching for me
at the Ace Hotel, by the way,
you won't find me.
Place shut down months ago.
- What?
- Yeah.
You should really get out more.
- Copy that, Val.
You take care.
Should have just asked that
woman for her damn number.
All units on the Citywide,
shots fired.
551 West Briar Place,
Floral Consignment,
possible armed robbery
in progress.
I got anyone close to roll?
Yeah, 50-21, David.
I'm a few blocks out.
Plainclothes officer responding.
Hold me down.
Copy, 50-21, David en route.
Uh, officer, it was me.
It was me who called 911.
Shots came from inside there?
Yeah, a lot of shots.
And I haven't seen anyone
come in or out.
OK, OK. Go back inside.
Stay low. Stay quiet, sir.
50-21, David.
Call seems to be bona fide.
I'm going inside now. Advise respond.
Copy, 50-21, David.
We'll notify plainclothes
Chicago PD!

50-21, David, I got multiple GSWs,
four DOAs.
Send some cars.
Copy, 50-21, David.
Backup en route.
Chicago PD.
Come out with your hands up.

Let me see them hands.
I'm the police. Hands.
- Oh, no, no.
It's OK. It's OK. Are you hurt?
What's your name?
I'm Kevin.
Listen to me very carefully.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm not gonna let anybody else hurt you.
I'm gonna lead you out.
Come on. You can trust me, I promise.
We got to get out of here. Come on.
There you go.
Come on.
Yeah, I got you.
There you go.
I got you. I got you.
OK, great job. Great job.
I need you all to clear the rest of it.
- I didn't get to clear it all.
- Copy.
They got it.
- Hold down the perimeter, OK?
- Got it.
- Put her down. It's OK.
- You're good.
I know it's a lot of people out here,
but everybody's here to help you, OK?
Miss, we're gonna check you out.
- We're gonna check you out.
- Let them check you out.
- You're gonna be safe.
- What's your name?
- What's your name?
- All right.
Just breathe. Just breathe.
There you go. There you go.
- Deep breath.
- My name is Diane.
I'm the manager.
Diane, did you see who did this?
Three men.
- They had masks on.
- Uh-huh.
I heard shots.
- OK.
- Oh, my God.
Mm-mm. Mm-mm. Diane, Diane, Diane.
Sit down. Sit down.
There's nothing you can do for them now.
Oh, my God.
They're all dead. [GASPS]

- They're all dead.
- It's OK.

There's zero cameras inside or out.
And nothing else from the manager?
No, she had a panic attack in the ambo.
She's on the way to Med right now,
but we might not be able to
get her talking for a while.
But no injuries?
No, not a scratch.
Damn lucky.
She's not feeling lucky.
She said she wanted to see the victims.
- Hey, you're back?
- I'm back.
Got in this morning.
Forensics is working it now,
but we did a preliminary search
of purses and wallets.
IDs are confirmed.
All four victims
are part-time employees.
Oldest is just 22.
Youngest are both minors, 17.
Diane was their manager.
I got to say,
judging from the bulletin board
and the photos in the break
room, that was a tight group.
Found a bank bag
with a deposit slip inside
dated to today.
Looks like the offenders
took just over five grand.
- Forced entry?
- No.
No, there was a garbage bag
from the store
discarded in the side alley.
I'm thinking one of the victims
was taking it out,
got forced back inside at gunpoint.
None of the alarms were tripped,
so the employees must have complied.
But then something went wrong, right?
Like, they saw the offenders'
faces, they fought back.
- Hey.
- The offenders wanted
to tie up loose ends.
Patrol's got something.
Store owner down the street
saw a car peeling out
minutes before you arrived, Kev.
He thinks it was a gray Toyota Camry.
He got plates?
No, that's all he's got.
He didn't see who was inside.
All right, so run all recent steals.
Anything close to a Camry that's hot.
- All right.
- Try to track it on PODs.
Kev, as soon as Med clears
Diane, you get her talking.
Let's go.
She's not answering her texts.
Please, please,
I-I got it, Kev. It's OK.
What's going on?
Where's my daughter?
Please let me through.
OK, tell me who your daughter is.
Kristen. Kristen.
Try to tell me what happened.
It was my night off.
I wanted to catch up on accounting.
OK, about what time was that?
Around 8:00.
I was in the back, and I heard, uh,
So I-I looked out, and
I saw them.
Three men, they had
these skull masks on.
Height, weight, build?
Two were average, I guess,
and one was skinny,
really skinny.
Why did I hide?
Diane, were any customers,
though, coming in the store,
though, giving you problems?
I should've done more.
There was nothing more
you could have done.
Were any men coming in the
store, giving you problems?
Well, yes.
a couple months ago,
we had this customer,
this really strange guy.
He hung around the store
for hours, didn't buy anything.
What did he look like?
White, hazel eyes.
He was he shoplifted.
One of the girls stopped him.
We called the police.
Then he came back.
A-a week later, he came back
and threatened us.
We called the cops again.
- He was mad.
- Mm-hmm.
Oh, God.
That's very good.
Very good.
The name's Ignacio Fuentes.
- He was at the store twice?
- Yes, sir.
Six weeks ago, patrol was
called to Laurel Consignment.
They made an arrest, but he got
out on a night bind that day.
He goes back up there a week after,
starts threatening staff,
and they pick him up again.
Sounds good.
It would be, but his stats
do not match our offender's.
Ignacio's over 300 pounds.
Yeah, he could be an accessory.
You know, casing the place.
Got nothing from Forensics.
No good prints, no DNA.
Nothing on the skull masks either.
They're mass produced.
What about the camera?
I looked at all the steals
in the city and the state.
No hits, nothing on PODs.
Hey, I talked to Officer Jacobs,
the man who arrested this Ignacio.
Guy's got an ankle monitor.
Last night, he was in Fairmont City.
- Airtight alibi.
- Yo, Kevin,
Diane just knocked
on the glass asking for you.
She said she remembered
Ignacio Fuentes had a scar on his face.
- A scar?
- Yeah.
Like where on his face?
Middle of the right cheek. Why?
Because Diane's describing
Officer Jacobs.
Officer Jacobs has a scar in
the middle of his right cheek.
A scar on his face?
Yes, on his cheek.
Ignacio, the man you saw in the store,
he's the one with the scar on his face?
Yes, the skinny man.
OK, Diane, let's just go over
a couple things again.
And and they were yelling,
"Where's the cash?"
And today was our deposit day,
so it was almost like
it's, like, $10,000 that they got.
Mm, mm-mm.
Hold on, hold on.
According to you, it was five.
No, this is our peak time, so
it had to be more like $10,000.
Well, according to the slip
that we recovered
that you wrote,
it was $5,200.
And what color were
the offenders wearing?
The two offenders were both masked, yes.
Wait, three, three.
Three offenders?
Three offenders.
I don't know what they were wearing.
Could have been anything. I don't know.
I don't know.
Both of them were white, I think.
Wait, I'm sorry.
Three of them. Three of them.
Three three of them.
There were three, right?

I got no idea what's going on.
She's all over the place.
She's not making sense.
Is she deliberately lying?
It doesn't feel like that.
But something does feel wrong.
It's like she's not in control.
That's happening a lot. Are you good?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.
Look, uh,
either she's cracking
or she's wasting our time.
Either way,
she is our only lead right now,
so call in a forensic psych.
Let's get her evaluated.
Copy that.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah,
I'll make sure he knows.
Hey, your psych's grabbing a water.
They'll be right back.
Unis found the Camry.
It's been torched to the rims.
Zero evidence recovered.
Here she is.
Officer Atwater, Officer Torres,
this is Dr. Valeria Soto,
forensic psychologist.
Please call me Val.
Nice to meet you, Kevin.
Do you remember Officer Jacobs?
He's the one who arrested
the man at the store.
What did Officer Jacobs look like?
And you can take your time.
We are in no rush.
Dark, heavy.
What does the name on his uniform say?

I'm sorry.
I don't know what's happening.
My brain, it just
it just feels wrong.
[SIGHS] I just I just feel like
Like you know the answer,
but the wires are crossing?

Yeah, yeah.
It's OK.
I'm gonna step out for a brief moment,
and then I'll be right back, Diane, OK?

She needs some time,
but I have a theory I'd like
to share with you, Sergeant.
You didn't tell me you were
police affiliated at the bar.
I wasn't on duty.
Besides, you cut it short
before we got that far.
I believe Diane is suffering from
declarative memory dysfunction
connected with PTSD.
Thank you.
Specifically, she's
experiencing intrusive memories
and avoidance.
Intrusive, like they're involuntary?
It's a broad term.
In Diane's case, she's getting
some details correct,
but attaching others
that didn't happen at all
or are substantially different
from how the event transpired.
And the avoidance?
At times, she can't recall
critical aspects of the event.
So essentially,
her brain's defense mechanism
kicking into high gear.
So the woman's traumatized.
How do we get her straight?
Right now, you won't.
That's our best answer?
What if we take her back to the scene,
help her clarify those memories?
We've done that before. It could work.
Uh, there's no guarantee that
that'll work.
In fact, it could make things
worse for Diane.
Work it out.
I wouldn't recommend it.
Well, it is Diane's decision,
though, right?
So let's ask her.
Look, if she says yes,
you can be there with Kev,
help make her feel safe.
I don't think this is gonna work.
That's OK. We can take some time.
Stay in the moment, OK?
Keep walking through it.
Put yourself back there.
Think about it.
Where were you?
I was, uh
And then I, uh
I heard shouting.
So I
I ran.
Diane, Diane, it's OK.
We should take a break.
It's OK, we're right here
with you, Diane.
She needs air.
Just breathe.
Breathe for me, Diane.
- I hid
- OK.
OK. Diane, listen to me.
- It's OK.
- I know this is hard.
But I promise you,
helping us find out who did this,
that is what's gonna help you
in the long run.
You can do this.
What did you see when you hid?
What did you hear?

One of them said that name.
He was he was shouting.
He said he said, "We gotta go, Bird."
It was Bird. He said Bird.
Mm-hmm. Very good.
We can use that.
We can find Bird.
Well, lucky for us, there's not a
lot of guys with that street name.
Only 14 with records,
five of them have aged out.
Yeah, but I'm counting
seven of them are women.
So that leaves two.
How thin are they?
One is 5'10", 140 pounds.
The other one's 280.
So I'm gonna go with option number one.
Mike Livingston,
otherwise known as Bird.
Oh, yeah.
History of burglary,
armed robbery, small stickups.
- Boy, he looks good.
- Get a BOLO out.
Find an LKA. Let's go.
All right, let's move in.
Whoa, whoa. Hold, hold. I got eyes.

Yeah, I'm running the plates
on that sedan right now.
Sedan just came back hot.
It was stolen out of
Humboldt Park this morning.
What you want to do, Sarge?
We can jam him in.
No, let's tail him.
He might lead us
to the rest of the crew.
Stay wide and anticipate.
Don't take more than one turn.

All right, Ruzek, take over.
Kev, pull back.
You take the wide. Run parallel.
Copy you.

All right. We got him.
He's just sitting idle.

Everybody vest up.

Why is he just sitting there?
Waiting on something.

Whoa, whoa, this is them.

I've got two masked offenders.
They're gonna rip.
Get back! Get out of the way!

He's got a gun!
Get down! Get down!
Kim! Kim, are you all right?
I'm good. I'm good.
- Let's go.
- Chicago PD!

- I got him!
Help's on the way!
10-1, 10-1, shots fired at the police!
I got him. I got him.

50-21, Ida, in foot pursuit
on South Addison.
Black hoodie, black pants,
wearing a skull mask.
Mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Don't you die on me.

50-21, roll me an ambo.
3680 Addison. I need some cars.

No, you don't. No, you don't.


Adam, Kim, anything?
No, we lost him.
I notified Mass Transit.
They're gonna saturate the line.
All right, and the offender
who didn't engage?
Prick must have ditched the
mask, fled without notice.
Put out a BOLO.
All right, so pull back,
find security cams.
Any stores, CTA,
just see if you can find him.
The only offender we actually
have in custody is dead.
He forced your hand.
Is that Bird's phone?
Yeah, it was unlocked.
We lifted one number off of it.
There's one number called Bird
multiple times
over the past 24 hours.
Last contact was 42 minutes ago.
- OK.
- The number belongs
to a Zeke Roth. He's 41.
He's got armed robbery,
aggravated assault,
attempted murder, multiple RWCs,
paroled from Danville a year ago.
And he matches the stats
for the second offender.
All right, so blast his picture.
All right?
See if you can get eyes on him.
Kev, get Zeke's photo in front of Diane.
He might have cased that store.
Just find us a damn lead.
Does this man look familiar to you?
Is that Bird?
I only heard that name.
I told you, they wore masks.
Uh, we understand that,
but maybe you'd seen him in the store
prior to the robbery?
I don't think so.
OK. What about this man?
Do you recognize him?
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
Well, do you mind
looking at it one more time?
I know sometimes it might take a second.
I don't need a second. I don't know him.
Look, I know I keep getting it wrong,
and my brain's all over
the place, but I I don't
But it can't hurt
to just try one more time.
I don't know him.
I'm sorry, but he keeps
asking me the same things.
I know, Diane,
because I need you to look.
OK, um, why don't we take a break?
Can we talk outside for a second?
Diane, do you need a water or anything?
- No.
- OK.

She needs to go home.
She needs to do what?
No, that's not how we do interviews.
You don't just cut me off mid-sentence.
If she wants to leave,
she'll say she wants to leave.
No, she won't,
because she wants to help you.
She needs rest to go home,
be in her bed, be with Banjo.
Who the hell is Banjo?
Her cat.
Look, people can't
withstand stress this long,
especially someone who just
underwent a traumatic event.
She needs to go home, breathe,
and feel normal for a second.
She's not your patient.
I don't think
that's your decision to make.
Kevin, she's given you all
that she's had to give so far.
I don't think so.
I think we were right there.
I think if we keep pushing,
she can give us more.
You're not listening to me.
Your unit called me in to evaluate her,
and my evaluation is,
it will help Diane if she gets a break.
And you also have no legal
right to keep her here.
So if you don't encourage
her to go home, I will.
Take your time.
And if you remember anything,
anything at all,
you got my number.
- OK?
- OK.
[SIGHS] Hey, Jordan.
I didn't mean to leave you hanging, man.
What's going on?
Wait, what?
I told you, I'm gonna drop it off.
Well, it was gonna be tonight.
I promise you.
Wait, Jordan, hold on.
Your face right now is what
I've been looking like all day.
Water heater's busted,
so the whole building's
out of hot water.
You ain't get my messages?
Ms. Roberta, I'm very sorry.
Don't go playing Mr. Nice Guy
when you've been playing me
all damn day.
A plumber should have been out.
Tenants have to get ready for work,

Officer, you're an officer here?
Are you on the Laurel Consignment case?
I'm Kristen's mother.
Is there any news?
- Ma'am, ma'am, I can help.
- Jordan, I'll be there
- tonight. I gotta go.
- Anything.
- I understand.
- I need an update.
Ma'am, do you mind stepping
over there with Sergeant Platt
just for a second?
Of course, I can talk with you.
Ms. Roberta, let's make a deal,
all right, over here.
So a plumber will be
at the building in an hour.
If it's not there in an hour,
next month's rent is free,
and you can report me to the city.
How you feel about that?
Sounds good to me.
step right inside.
I'll tell you everything
we know about the case so far.
Thank you, Sarge.
Have a seat right there.

Please tell me we got something.
Yeah, maybe.
Boss, we got a good possible
on our third offender.
- Really?
- Yeah.
OK. What is it we got?
Jackson Moore, 37,
was a neighbor of Zeke's in childhood.
Jackson was also Zeke's
only visitor in Danville.
OK, Jackson got a sheet?
Two DUIs, but nothing violent.
He has a long eviction history
and two pending civil suits
against him for unpaid rent.
He lost his job, car.
- Probably needs cash.
- Guys.
I can put him at Diane's apartment.
- Mm-mm.
- What?
I was looking at Jackson's socials.
This is what I found.
No, it looks like cousin,
different last names.
Social media reads like
Diane's always there for him,
helps him out,
lets him sleep on the couch,
that sort of thing.
Jackson's height and weight
are also a match
for our third offender.
I just sent that lady home.
Jackson could be there right now.
Let's hit it.

All right. Got an open door.
Chicago PD!
Oh, I got blood.
I'll go right.
Go, go.
- I got the room.
- Clear.
50-21, roll an ambo
to 850 South Mackenzie.
Got one female down,
multiple contusions.
Stay right there, Diane.
Stay right there.
Help is on the way.
You're gonna be OK.
You're gonna be OK, all right?
I'm here with you. I'm here with you.

Keep putting pressure on that.
- You showed me Zeke.
- Mm-hmm.
I realized
That Jackson was at the store?
Huh? Did he do this?
No, Zeke did.
Jackson stopped him.
They took off.
Where would they go?
I don't know. Somewhere.
It's OK.
We'll find him.
please don't hurt Jackson.
He's my family. He's not a bad person.
He's mine to help.
Officer, we gotta get her to Med.

Was that Diane?
She's going to the hospital?
Hell are you even doing here?
Diane called me. I missed it,
but I called her back,
and she didn't answer.
What happened?
Well, there's nothing you can do now.
Kevin, please tell me what happened.
What happened was I listened to you.
We sent her home, and we shouldn't have.
If it was on my watch,
if this was my call,
she wouldn't be
getting sent away in an ambo
for the second time in less than
24 hours. You understand that?
I made a call that I believed was right.
And it was wrong.
- Hey. Kev.
- OK?
Do you understand that now?
We got a scene to work. Come on.
- It wasn't right.
- OK.
Come on.

I got one.
A carjacking near Diane's apartment
about a mile away, gray Honda Civic.
- When?
- Four hours ago.
That's around the time we responded.
That could be good.
And according to the 911 call,
the physical description
matches Jackson and Zeke.
Good, run it.
Hey, phone still off?
Phones, credit cards.
Nothing from the Transit team either.
OK, the Civic was popped
on a traffic cam
right off I-55 South California,
one hour ago.
No further hits.
There's nothing on the highway.
No, there's nothing after that.
Maybe they stopped somewhere,
and they're bunking down.
Zeke does have a known associate nearby.
An old cellmate, Neil Stanton,
served a sentence for attempted murder.
He got off a couple months ago.
Neil works at a truck stop
off I-55 near South California.
Let's hit it.
Yeah, it's here.
Gray Honda Civic, north side of the lot.
Yeah, I see it.
Box it in nice and smooth.
Copy that, Sarge.

Honda's clear.
OK, spread out.
Ruzek, Torres, take the west side.
Atwater, east.
Kim, you take the back.
I'll sit on the car.
- Copy you.
- Copy.

Heads up, Sarge.
We got a lot of civilians in here.
Yeah, I'm coming to you.

Chicago PD! Put your hands up!

I got Jackson.
Second floor, gray hoodie,

Y'all Chicago's finest?
What's that?
- Y'all Chicago's finest?
- Oh, no, man.
- Just
- Down! Down! Down!
7-110, shots fired at the
police on South California.
Hey! Hey! Ruzek, you good?
Get down! Yeah, I'm good.
Get on the ground.
- Get on the ground!
- Get out of the way!
- Get down!
- Don't you move.

Hey, where is he? [SPEAKS SPANISH]
Don't you move. Everybody stay down.

50-21 Ida, got one offender in custody.
My partner is chasing the other offender
out the east side of the building.

One more step, you're done.
Give me the gun right now.
Take him.

Got a possible on Jackson.
Fifth semi parked on the north wall
hiding out in a sleeper cab.

Yo, Jackson, I know you're in there.

It's time to come out now.
Put your hands out nice
and slow and exit the vehicle.
Jackson, put your hands out nice
- Ah.

Let me see them hands.
Jackson, put the gun down.

Put the gun down.

Jackson, listen to me.
I know Diane.
And I've only known her for a day,
but she's having a real hard
time with this right now.
And she don't always
make a lot of sense,
but what is very clear
is that she loves you.

Isn't she always there for you?
Don't she have your back no matter what?
Don't make me tell this lady
that I shot you dead.
She don't deserve that.
Only thing you need
to worry about right now
is helping Diane.

Put the gun down!

I didn't kill those kids.
It was Zeke.
I don't know why he did it.
[GROANS] I'm sorry.
tell Diane I'm sorry.
I got you.

What are you doing here?
Jackson and Zeke are in custody.
Update on Diane,
they're gonna keep her
for a couple more days.
She should be out the woods after that.
Only bad news is, we lost eyes on Banjo.
Glad to hear Diane's doing OK.
You came here to tell me that?
You could have called.
I also owe you an apology.
The way I talked to you earlier,
was way out of line.
That wasn't on you.
That's on me.
I know.
So you came here to apologize?
I was on your list of to-dos?
Call it occupational hazard,
but your phone thing?
It's hard to miss.
The way you're always helping
everyone around you,
letting the stress build.
You don't have to add me to your list.
I'm OK.
I forgave you as it was happening.
Thank you.
You realize it burns people out, right?
I'm very aware.
That actually isn't
the first time I've heard that.
Do you have an off switch?
No, I haven't really
figured that part out yet
I have a proposition.
How about for the next
you come inside, turn off your brain,
turn off your damn phone,
and have fun with me?
I won't judge you.
You won't judge me. And
we'll do something just for us,
to turn it all off.


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