When Calls The Heart (2014) s12e05 Episode Script

Mom's the Word

Previously on When Calls the Heart
I think it's a wolf.
There's a dichotomous key for
large mammals in the library.
We'll just have to find a way to
take the paw print home with us.
I bought those hazelnuts
with a gold coin.
You should tell Bill.
Lucas is too busy listening to
Edwin to remember his promises.
Or his friends, for that matter.
Do you want to dance?
When I first came to Hope Valley,
wolves terrified me.
But now Allie's fascination with them
has reminded me of what called
me to teaching in the first place.
The chance not just
to guide young minds,
but to learn alongside my students.
I find my mind exploding with new ideas
that I can't wait to share and explore.
And if I'm proposing that my
students learn to test ideas,
I should practice what I preach.
Because when we let our
curiosity lead the way,
we discover the world and ourselves.
- It's brilliant.
- Not too abstract?
No, I mean, if you made me
understand it, they're bound to.
Although I was distracted a little bit.
- Really? Which part?
- Um
This part right here.
- Mm. This part?
- Yeah.
The entire town knows we've
been trying to find out
who spent this coin at the mercantile.
Why didn't you come forward?
I came to you.
Yeah. Why did you wait?
Okay, I was embarrassed.
Why? Because of your involvement
with the Garrison Gang?
The Garrison Gang?
How would I know them?
Well, if not from them,
how did you get the coin?
I won it in a poker game.
A poker game where someone
just happens to be using
rare stolen gold coins.
No one said anything about stolen!
Where was this poker game?
In the back room of
a hotel in Union City.
Then why there and not the saloon?
The saloons keep kicking me out.
They say I'm cheating,
but it's not my fault
it's obvious how many aces are left.
- Jed, are you a card sharp?
- Huh?
Are you counting cards?
Well, you're way too smart
to play poker for the money.
And that's why saloons
keep kicking you out.
Although I do feel a bit better
having lost to him over the years.
Bill, can we get back to the point?
Who did you get the gold coin from?
His name is Toddy Davis.
He's some kind of estates
dealer out of Union City.
We have a name.

- Come in.
- Hey.
- Hi.
I made you something for the big day.
It's a cheese sandwich with
the chutney that you love.
That was very thoughtful.
You, uh you want some help with this?
Yes, please.
You should come by for dinner later.
I'll tell you how it all goes.
That sounds great.
Although it will just be me.
Allie has plans.
Mm. That's nice.
Or not?
What do you think of this Wyatt kid?
I wouldn't say he was
my favorite student.
See? So can I tell her
that she can't see him?
Uh, sure you can,
if you want to make him
completely irresistible.
I'm out of my depth on this one.
Can you talk to her for me.
No, Nathan, I am her teacher.
I don't think it's my place.
So I guess we have to stand by
and watch her get her
heart broken, then.
I've never known anyone
who was warned away
from following their heart.
- You ready, Mama?
- I sure am. Here we go.
All right, you two, let's
go follow your hearts.
Rosemary. Good morning.
I'd like to have this published.
So you made a decision about
shared use of the parkland?
I have.
How bad will it be?
Well, I have to say
you lay out your reasoning quite well.
It helps me understand your perspective.
Thank you.
What do you think about Lee?
You miss him?
Then you should talk to him.
And not through a press release.
I'd like to tell all of you
about a new approach to
our studies I'd like to try.
We'll be spending more time
outdoors looking at nature.
I like the sound of that.
I hoped you might.
In a way, Allie has already been using
project-based learning
for her wolf project.
She's been making charts
to calculate the average population.
What subject does that sound like?
- Math.
- Absolutely.
Now how about these illustrations?
What subject could that be?
- Art.
- Yes. And how about reading and writing?
How can we connect those two
subjects to the wolf project?
We can read fairy tales.
There's always a wolf.
[CHUCKLES] I really like that idea.
And then we can even
write our own fairy tales.
Maybe from the wolf's point of view.
So while we're working on our
study projects in the parkland,
I want to look for
ways to connect to math,
science and history and literature.
So we get to climb trees for school.
Not exactly.
It still works, it's
just more connected.
Now, who is in favor of
project-based learning
in our new outdoor classroom?
When can we start, Mama?
We'll start right away.
Headquarters confirmed that
the coin found in the mercantile
came from the Great Rocky
Mountain train robbery.
Hot dog!
Only the biggest unsolved train robbery
in North American history.
Now question is, where's
the rest of the loot, hm?
Oh, Nathan. Very impressive.
So we have two clues.
The coin and a name, Toddy Davis.
So we find Toddy, find the treasure,
- catch the Garrisons.
- Mm-hmm.
That's the idea.
And we're keeping this
out of the press for now.
Full moratorium. My lips are sealed.
The Mounties have been trying
to link the Garrison Gang
to this train robbery for over 14 years.
Toddy Davis may be the
link we've been looking for,
so we've got to tread lightly.
Which is why I think we
meet him on his level.
We go undercover.
See what we can get him to say.
Very cloak-and-dagger, I love it.
- You got a plan?
- Oh.
We know Toddy's weakness is poker.
So headquarters is
working on an invitation
to the high-rollers
game at the Union Club.
Given my stage experience,
I'm the obvious choice.
Perhaps I'll do an accent. Mm.
Don't be ridiculous.
A game like this can be dangerous.
Clearly, I'll be the one who goes.
Actually, I was thinking I would go.
[BOTH] You?
You're a terrible poker player.
I can play poker fine.
And it doesn't matter,
because I'll be playing
to lose on purpose anyway.
Well, I guess I can see
how a player like Toddy
would take him for a ride.
He'll blend in.
He's got the type of face
no one really notices.
Mm generic.
I'm sitting right here.
It's a long game, so
don't spook him early.
He's got to be believable
as a high-stakes gambler.
This is going to take a lot of work.
Wardrobe, attitude, a whole new persona.
You look like you could use a lift.
Oh. Thank you so much.
What brings you to Hope Valley?
Oh, just looking for a new start.
Suppose that's what I'm after, too.
Hop in.
Bye. Have a good day.
These woods look like the ones
my dad and I went camping in.
Oh, wow.
That's a pretty mountain range.
Don't you want to go play outside?
Everybody laughed
when I called you mama.
Did that make you feel embarrassed?
Well, I don't think
anyone was laughing at you.
It was only funny
because we're used to
calling her Mrs. Thornton.
From now on, I'm going
to call you Mrs. Thornton.
[LAUGHS] Okay, but only at school.
At home I'm still mama.
Hi, Mrs. Thornton.
Is now a good time?
Hi, Oliver. Yes, come on in.
Jack, why don't you go outside and play
for a few minutes while
I work with Oliver?
Yes, Mrs. Thornton.
- [ALLIE] I'll come too.
Here's my math homework.
Thank you, Oliver.
Uh. This afternoon, why don't
we take a look at some geometry.
What's the map for?
I'm tracking the return of
the Gray Wolf to Hope Valley.
We studied mapping in Mountie training.
If you ever want help.
Well, if it's all right
with Mrs. Thornton.
Sounds fine.
Might be a good way to cover
some of these math concepts.
It's called project-based learning.
Here is where we found the wolf.
Right in
I'm sorry.
I need three Earl Grey to table 9,
- and I'll be right with you, Fiona, just
It's so good to see you.
What are you doing here?
Did you just get in?
Just this minute.
I can't believe it.
How long are you going to be in town?
You're back. I'm so glad.
It's so good to see you.
Well, look at this young man.
Hi, Miss Miller.
Oh, this is Ava.
She was walking from the station,
and can you believe it,
someone stole all her things.
Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry.
It's funny.
The same thing happened
to me when I first arrived.
She's also an heiress.
Well, that sounds just
like you, Elizabeth.
I suppose it does.
Oh, wait, are you Elizabeth Thornton?
- I am. How did you know?
- I read your book.
A Single Mother on the Frontier.
That's actually why
I wanted to come here.
- Oh.
- Oh.
And she even wants to be a
school teacher, just like you.
Isn't that something?
Well, that's wonderful.
Where did you come from?
Baltimore. It's been a long journey.
You must be exhausted.
Well, let's get you something to eat.
Oh, um, this is really embarrassing.
All of my money was
actually in one of my trunks.
Oh, don't you worry.
We'll take care of you.
Yes. Of course.
It's on the house.
Well, in that case,
I will have ribeye steak
with a baked potato.
And the shrimp cocktail.
And an apple pie à la mode for dessert.
Oh, and a grilled cheese.
Sounds like they stole
everything but her appetite.
One of these jackets will work.
Shoes. Bow tie.
Well Oh, and I almost forgot.
It belonged to Lee's grandfather.
He was quite the man about
town, apparently back in his day.
- It's a lapel pin.
- Well, I thought I'm supposed to blend in.
There'll be high rollers at this game.
An undercover operation
requires deception.
You can see the first one
we have to deceive is you.
Let's see your walk.
- No.
- What? That's how I walk.
He walks like a cop.
Have a seat.
A gambler lays back.
He knows that Lady Luck
is a fickle mistress.
You have to let her come to you.
- And he never chases after her.
- Hm.
He always knows when to walk away.
That's when he knows he's got them.
All right.
Nathan, I've seen enough.
- Sit down.
- I think he needs a character.
Yeah, yeah.
Danny DeMarco.
A rare coin dealer from Capital City.
Originally Nevada City.
Your family struck it
rich in the Gold Rush,
but lost it all in the flood of 1910.
This is what gives you
your devil-may-care.
You know you're winning today,
but tomorrow it could
all go away like that.
Oh, I like it.
- Governor.
- Oh my goodness. When did you get in?
Just this morning.
Well, look at you.
Political rabble rousing has
put some color in your cheeks.
- Fiona.
- I knew I had another case of sarsaparilla
down there somewhere.
I thought you'd be up in Capital
City with all the muckety-mucks.
Oh, we're happy to have him here.
Well, not here in the saloon,
because he's not using his office.
That's not because there's
a problem or tension.
What is this?
I came here to tell you.
So no discussion.
Just announcing in the
paper like a royal decree.
- Is that it?
- What's going on?
- Please don't ask.
- No, no.
He is allowing cattle to
run wild in a national park.
That's what's going on.
- Gentlemen.
- Oh.
We're here to welcome Fiona.
Apologies, Joseph. Fiona, it's
wonderful to have you back.
Unfortunately, I have some work to do.
If you'll excuse me.
And I would love to catch up.
You can find me anytime at the café.
It's been this way for weeks.
Weeks? Over cows and a park?
Over pride, mostly.
Well, you got to do something.
Does no one here meddle anymore?
You know
there may be a way for us to
get our strays back in the fold.
Look at that.
You've got the pastor's blessing.
What are you thinking?
It's so kind of you
to buy me new clothes.
I promise to pay you back as soon
as my parents return from the Alps.
Happy to help.
And if you like, you can
stop by my class tomorrow.
We're doing something
special over by the pond.
Oh, fun. I'd love to.
- Hello, ladies.
- Hi.
Constable Grant, this is Ava Riella,
just arrived from Baltimore.
In fact, maybe you could help.
All of her trunks were
stolen from the train station.
Stolen? That's that's unfortunate.
Oh, it's my fault. Always distracted.
You should fill out a report.
Come by the office, we can
take down a description.
If it's not too much trouble.
Well, toodaloo. I'd better
go settle into my room.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Isn't that wild?
Her trunks were stolen just like mine.
And she came here
because she read my book.
- It's quite a coincidence.
- Hm.
I want to help her the
way Abigail helped me.
Well, it's because you're very kind.
I wanted to ask you a favor.
I'm heading out of town
tomorrow night on an assignment.
Is it dangerous?
Nothing you have to worry about.
May I ask where?
I wish I could tell you.
I was hoping that Allie could
stay with you while I was away.
I'd be happy to have her,
but don't you think she'd
rather stay with Angela?
I think it'd be nice for you
two to spend some time together
outside of school.
So I can talk to her about Wyatt.
If that comes up naturally.
Now, why don't you tell me
all about your presentation.
I'd say it was rather a success.
I'm excited to see her.
You should have told us you were coming.
You have no idea how good
it is to see you both.
We want to hear everything?
Let's sit down.
So I shared all of
your letters, of course.
But we want to hear everything from you.
Well, um, it was exciting and thrilling,
but so exhausting.
Well, it must be tiring
changing the world.
It certainly requires
a lot of sacrifice.
I guess that's why
it's mostly wealthy
women leading the charge.
So I have a few ideas.
Tell us.
Well, Mr. Weaver offered
to split the profits
if I sell the salon for him,
and then I can get set
up in San Francisco.
So you're not staying.
I want to be somewhere where
I can make a difference.
And I can finally be
one of those married ladies
funding voting drives
and lobbying politicians.
But that means that you would have to
You know, that fella
that keeps proposing.
He wrote me a few weeks
ago and he asked again.
So I've decided I'm going to say yes.
But that is that what you want?
Fiona, you've already
said no to him twice.
Well it seems like
it's time to make a change.
For a lot of reasons, and
this way I can do more.
And he's a good man.
Well, then congratulations.
Oh, is that coffee?
Yes, ma'am.
I guess you don't need
sugar because, uh
well, you're already plenty sweet.
Please. Just cream.
Hey, I heard you came in from Baltimore.
I'd love to go there.
Maybe you can tell me about it sometime.
You know, there's really
not that much to tell.
I don't know if you remember me.
Oh, of course. Miss Thatcher, right?
You're my favorite teacher.
Oh, well, actually,
it's Mrs. Thornton now.
It's good to see you, Earl.
Well, this is funny. I go by Wyatt now.
Of course.
We didn't get to say hi
at Allie's birthday party,
but I saw you two dancing together.
Sure. Hey, gave me a
chance to practice my moves.
You know, they have this ballroom
that just opened over in Union City.
Folks go down there
and they have a time.
I'll bet.
Well, I know that Allie
really enjoyed herself.
Oh, yeah. I was glad I could help out.
I should
Hi, Mrs. Thornton.
Ava, are you excited
for our big field trip?
Oh, as I'll ever be.
Are you sure you don't want to change?
The pond can get a bit marshy.
No. It's fine.
It's just a little pond.
I don't remember you
mentioning the stream before.
I thought you ordered the
fish from Cape Fullerton.
Well, that was until I
discovered the stream.
But, of course, if
the ranchers ruined it
with the cattle, you know.
Well, I'll give Lee this much.
This is a very special place.
Yes, it is.
You know what else is special?
Fishing. Really?
Trailblazing. Really?
Did you put him up to this?
Did I? Absolutely not. Did you?
No, of course I didn't.
Gentlemen, if I may.
As your pastor, it's been
my observation that you two
have strayed from the
path in this disagreement.
And the best, and probably
the only way back for you two
is together. Come on now.
- Good luck.
- Hey, Mike.
- Okay.
- Joseph.
Mike, come back here!
Guys! Come on.
Now, as we're walking,
I want you all to notice
how the landscape might look different.
If you were a wolf or
a deer or a squirrel.
What might you notice?
Pretty much the only thing I
noticed in school were boys.
Didn't Mrs. Thornton say
you want to be a teacher?
Well, yes, but mostly just
to make it less boring.
I don't actually find this boring.
Ladies, animals should be quiet.
Ooh! Everyone gather round.
Take a look.
Do you see how these fern
fiddleheads are shaped?
The ancient Greeks
came up with a formula
for all sorts of spirals in nature.
It's called The Golden Ratio.
Now, what I want all of you to do
is look for your own patterns.
Count all of the stocks
and all of the leaves.
- Off you go.
- Is this math?
It sure is.
Oh. What would you like me to do?
Oh, uh, why don't you
work with the little ones.
Okay, great. Sure.
[ALL] No, no, no, no!
Mrs. Thornton
Ms. Riella is standing in poison oak.
Oh, dear.
That's another pattern to watch out for.
Leaves of three, leave them be.
I probably should have
started with that one.
[ALL] Don't touch!
Walk out of there very carefully.
And please don't touch anything.
Did we bring any cream?
Sadly, no.
Emily, would you please lead
Miss Riella over to the doctor's office?
So much for adventure.
Oh, hey.
- What's going on?
- Uh.
I wish I could tell you.
Well, you look very handsome.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Because I'm supposed to
look like I can blend in.
Fat chance of that.
Plenty of time for moon-eyes later.
Mountie business. Let's go.
Be safe.
How's the patient?
She'll be just fine as long
as she manages not to scratch.
I guess I wasn't
dressed for the outdoors.
I'll grab you some more
lotion to take home.
Thank you.
You don't have to.
It was silly of me to come here
thinking I could live the life
you wrote about in a book.
People come to Hope Valley
for all sorts of reasons.
But if you came here to start
again, to try something new,
it's a good place, full of good people.
- Just like in the book.
- Mm-hmm.
- But real.
- Yes.
And if there's ever anything
you want to talk about
Thank you
for your kindness.
A bunch of kids stayed
after school to keep working.
I think your new
curriculum is a big hit.
I'm glad to hear it.
- See you tonight.
- Yes.
Oh. Do you mind picking up Little Jack
from Talia's on the way to dinner?
My dad didn't tell you?
I'm going to meet some
friends at the soda shop.
Oh. Of course.
But I can bring little Jack
home first, if you'd like.
No. It's fine. You go have fun.
Can I talk to you about something?
It's Wyatt.
- What about him?
- Well, I think that you like him, and
and I know that he likes you, too.
But sometimes people like
each other in different ways.
You've been talking
to my dad, haven't you?
No. Well, yes, but
Wyatt's really nice.
And I don't know what my
dad has against him, but
now he's turning you against him, too.
No, Allie, I really like Wyatt, I do.
Can we talk about this later?
We're going to have to call.
I got a pocket full of spades.
Lucky streak, man.
Oh, bring it in.
There you go, sweetheart.
Deal me in.
[GROANS] Oh! Come on.
Of all the low down
dirty tricks.
I don't have time for this.
I've got a stack of fiscal reports
I'm supposed to be signing off on.
Don't forget national parks to ruin.
Look around you, would
you. Does this look ruined?
Well, come on, Lucas, you know full well
they're only going to expand their herds
and trample natural growth.
You're going to pollute the streams.
This park will be a
shadow of what it is now.
You're free to disagree with me, but
I don't understand
why you're this angry.
Are you okay?
You're welcome.
The truth is, I
I was hurt.
There you go. I said it, I was hurt.
The way you let Edwin sideline me.
And the shrinking of the national park.
And Robber Barons National Park.
It left me in the lurch, too, you know,
running out on me the way you did.
How do you think that
looked to the press
and my opponents?
It's not easy making
everybody happy, but, uh,
maybe I'm not doing a good
enough job with my friends.
Yeah, maybe me too.
It's a cow.
I think we're this
way. Come on. Let's go.
You stay there, cow.
Queens over eights.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Bring it in!
Thank you.
Hey, seems lady luck is
on my side tonight Mr
I'm not here to make friends, buddy.
Hi, Ava. Uh, you wouldn't happen to know
how long you'll be staying with us
because the hotel is really
starting to book up quickly.
Oh, gosh. Mr. Hickam,
you've been so patient.
You know, I still haven't been
able to get a hold of my parents.
They're traveling in the Alps.
I see.
Maybe I could work to
pay for my room and board.
We sure could use the help.
Do you have any
experience waiting tables?
I'm a fast learner, and
I'm a real good singer.
If you ever want to liven the place up.
That's fantastic.
Last night, she bought a round
of drinks for the whole saloon.
And when I say bought,
I do not mean paid for.
Her tab is out of control.
Well, I guess when you're
dealing with an heiress,
- you get what you get.
- Heiress?
Who is this heiress that
everyone keeps speaking about?
Actually, never mind.
I'm looking for Lee.
I've been looking for him everywhere.
The mayor?
Last I heard, you were
taking him out to the forest.
That is true.
You're never going to convince
me that cows and conservation
are a good mix.
You're entitled to your
opinion, as am I to mine.
What on earth?
- Thanks for the walk.
- Anytime.
- Hi, sweetheart.
- Oh!
Oh, they certainly sound better.
How did this happen?
We, uh did a little
meddling in your honor.
Oh, in my honor.
Mm-hmm. You see, sometimes
you gotta get lost
so He can lead us back home.
Well, I hear we have
a new visitor in town.
Everyone seems to have met
this Ava Riella except for me.
Very sweet.
Though a bit lost, I think.
I hear her life story
is similar to your own.
Isn't it odd seeing yourself in someone.
Have you ever wanted to go back in time
and give your younger self advice?
Oh my goodness, Elizabeth,
I think we both know
my younger self wasn't
going to take advice
from anyone, including me.
Oh, what is it?
I'm afraid I may have
botched things with Allie.
How so?
She likes a boy.
Ooh, a crush? No. Oh, unrequited.
- Mm-hmm.
- Oh!
I tried warning her.
I know. I felt protective.
I've been in those shoes before.
I knew what was coming,
and I just didn't want her to get hurt.
All right. What did she say?
Well, she wound up defending him.
Nothing drives a girl
into the wrong arms faster
- than parental disapproval.
- I'm not her parent.
It wasn't my place to interfere,
even though Nathan asked me to.
I can see the complications.
But Allie could use a mother
or at least a mother
figure now more than ever.
I don't want to presume.
Well, then, I guess, you'd have to take
what I suspect would be your own advice.
Take your cues from her.
That is good advice.
Finished work?
I'm just on a lunch break.
Got any plans for the weekend?
Just work mostly.
Oh. I was wondering, maybe
would you want to go on a picnic?
I mean, with me.
you know, I'm not really
much of a picnic guy.
It could just be a walk or
Uh listen, Pigtails, uh,
you're a really sweet kid,
but you're not exactly my speed.
You know what I mean?
Yeah. Definitely.
I'll still see you around, though.
Hey, hey, why don't you get
a grilled cheese, huh, on me.
- Hi, Allie.
- Hi, Jack.
Hi, Allie. I made
those potatoes you like.
Thanks, Mrs. Thornton.
Allie, at home we call her mom.
Honey Bear, I think
that only applies to you.
Everything all right?
Yeah, fine.
I'm just gonna go put my bag upstairs.
Thank you.
Sorry about that.
Sometimes I get so focused on the cards.
Not that it helped me much,
but you, on the other hand.
I have some obligations to fulfill.
What's her name?
The most gorgeous gal
you're ever gonna meet.
Well, you haven't met my gal yet, Diane.
That's better luck
than the cards, right?
- Toddy Davis.
- Danny DeMarco.
Nice line of work you're
in to afford the table.
Got to say, dealing
in estates and whatnot
there's a good line of work.
I'm in collectibles myself.
Rare stamps, the odd coin.
What can I say, the 20s
have been good to me.
That's some lapel pin you got there.
You know, if you, uh, if you
ever want to part with it.
No, no, no, no.
This is an old family heirloom.
Now, that watch of yours, though,
that's a collector's item,
if I'm not mistaken, right?
Takes one to know one, hey.
Well, I better get out of here
before I lose any more money.
You know, I'm, uh,
I'm going to be in Europe for a bit but,
look me up.
Maybe we can do business.
Thanks, friend.
Just might do that.
Want some company?
It's getting chilly.
I brought you a shawl.
Allie, I want to apologize
for overstepping earlier.
Wyatt is really none of my business.
Anyway, you were right.
I asked him to go on a picnic,
and he told me I'm not his speed.
What does that even mean?
- Oh, Allie.
- I know he liked me when we were dancing.
Why is he acting like it didn't happen?
Sometimes young boys, young people,
they don't know what they really want
and it can be very confusing.
But the only speed that
really matters is yours.
I know it's going to seem
like I'm just saying this, but
everyone goes through
what you're feeling
from time to time.
I did.
I suppose you're gonna
tell me I'll get over it.
You will.
In time.
But you probably won't forget it.
And that's a good thing.
when the right one comes along,
you'll know the difference.
That's what my mom told me.
She always said, this too shall pass.
My sister Julie learned to cross-stitch
so she could put that
on a pillow for her.
I hate to admit it, but she was right.
You know,
if I was little Jack,
I'd call you mama all the time.
you know, you can think
of me however you want.
Thanks, Mrs. Thornton.
What if at home you start
calling me Elizabeth.
Which home? Yours or mine?
Maybe both.
I really like the sound of that.

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