When Calls The Heart (2014) s12e06 Episode Script

When Autumn Leaves Begin to Fall

Previously on When Calls the Heart
Who is in favor of
project-based learning
in our new outdoor classroom?
You look like you could use a lift.
Oh, thank you.
This is Ava.
Someone stole all her things.
That's funny.
The same thing happened
to me when I first arrived.
So we can go visit
the Schwartzman School.
Go to Hamilton?
You're never going to convince me
that cows and conservation
are a good mix.
Would you want to go on a picnic?
You know, I'm not really
much of a picnic guy.
I'm supposed to look
like I can blend in.
Fat chance of that.
Who knows how things change?
Silently, out of sight.
And then, all at once,
a new season has begun.
As the days grow shorter,
a heart that was
blooming seems to close.
Summer's seemingly endless bounty
becomes autumn's austerity.
Reminding us that in life, as in nature,
change is the only constant.
Who can say how it begins?
We only know when it ends.
Hey! How was the walk?
- Terrible.
- Really? What happened?
The stream where the salmon
spawn is cloudy and dead.
Which means the bears and the wolves
won't have anything to eat,
which means everything is dying.
Do you want to talk
about it over dinner?
No, I'm I'm not hungry.
To be fair, the salmon
not spawning is upsetting.
Skip your dinner upsetting?
I don't think this is
entirely about the salmon.
Well, then what?
She has a broken heart.
I thought you two talked about that.
Nathan, it takes more than one
conversation to get over a boy.
She really liked him.
Yeah, I suppose.
I think what's best for Allie
right now is distraction.
She keeps talking about
that project for school.
I meant doing something fun.
Well, maybe we could all go
up to the hot springs tomorrow.
It's probably the last weekend
before the weather turns.
Little Jack has plans with Talia
all weekend but we could take Allie.
I think you're coming
down with something.
- Nathan
- I think we should get you inside.
- Come on.
- No.
That's nonsense.
Honestly, I never get sick.
Good night.
Good night, Nathan.

I'm here to make sure you're all right.
Oh, burning up.
Nathan. I'm fine. [GASPS]
I'll always be here to catch you.
You again?
- Again?
- No. I'm sorry.
I don't think I could go with
you to the hot springs today.
That's what I thought.
I'm fine. Really?
You've got a fever.
It's just a cold.
Just try to get some rest.
I'll come back after work
and get you a few things.
Thank you for being here for me.
Yes, the Governor will be
working out of Hope Valley
for the foreseeable future.
Hey, you two.
When you're done with those boxes,
can you please sweep this up?
Edwin, they're not your employees.
And this is no longer
a storage facility.
Oh. Oh, sorry.
Yes, it's just some squirrels
gathering their nuts.
Did he just call us squirrels?
All a part of the Governor's
rural listening tour.
[LAUGHS] Of course.
Yes, we'll be sweeping
through the counties.
Try it again.
Welcome to the Valley Voice Radio Hour.
Coming through loud and clear.
Oh, Fiona, you are a miracle worker.
Now, I love what you're
doing with this radio show.
But you're not giving up
on the newspaper, are you?
No, no, no, the
newspaper is going strong.
But there is something about radio.
Anything goes.
It's kind of like a blank
canvas or unmolded clay.
A theater as the lights dim
before the performance starts.
You know what I mean?
I keep thinking radio could
revolutionize the news.
I say the exact same thing.
Okay. I have one idea.
Well, Fiona, don't hold
back. I am all ears.
Wouldn't it be something to
hear two voices instead of one
discussing both sides of an issue?
Not just arguing, but
really trying to understand
the other perspective.
I like it.
I love it!
- Informative.
- Mm-hmm.
Civilized. A salon for everyone.
Yes. Then people can
decide for themselves.
Ah, let's do it.
What should we call it?
Oh, how about The Daily Duel?
The Daily Dialogue.
Yes, perfect. Much more civilized.
And I think I see our
first guest right now.
- Good morning, Henry.
- Good morning.
Edwin is just finishing
tidying up your office.
No hazelnuts this time, I promise.
It's good to be back.
I brought you a basket
of Minnie's finest.
- Still warm.
- Thank you very much.
Isn't that lovely.
I'm wearing second-hand hats. ♪
Well, Governor while I
have you here, I wanted to ask
if you would like to help Fiona and I
launch a brand new radio program.
It's called The Daily Dialogue.
The idea is
The Governor would be delighted.
However, I just confirmed
those back-to-back meetings.
That we would pair you with an opponent.
That's interesting. Which one?
Uh, we're still figuring
out a few of the details.
You know where to find us.
Excuse me.
Even Jake the plumber ♪
That snake touched every
one of those muffins
and didn't take a single one.
Does that girl not know any other songs?
Who hired her?
Mrs. Coulter?
everyone knows that
second-hand hats ♪
What sort of adventures are
you finding for yourself today?
My dad asked me to bring
Elizabeth a grilled cheese.
I'm supposed to tell you
she woke up with a cold.
Elizabeth has a cold.
Yes, I'll get her a grilled cheese.
I will also get her Stearn's
Extra Strong Cold Remedy.
I'll talk to the kitchen right now.
You don't have to wait on me.
Allie, it's no problem whatsoever.
I'll get you one, too.

Take a break, dear.
Hi, Allie.
Oh. Hi, Oliver.
Your dad gave me the day off.
I thought I'd start
with a grilled cheese.
Can I get a water, please?
Miss Riella, Constable
Grant wants you to stop by
the Mountie office when you're off work.
Did he happen to say what about?
No, ma'am, but they don't
tell me much of anything.
Right. Oh, thank you.
I'm going to see what's
wrong with the fish,
if you want to come.
What's going on?
The salmon aren't spawning.
It's a disaster.
Could be a problem with the water.
We've got to take some tests,
check temperature, water levels.
I've got some gear from
the stables we can go get.
Here you go, grilled cheese
for you and Mrs. Thornton.
- Hope she feels better.
- Um
Mrs. Coulter said she's
going to bring it by.
Oliver and I are going on a hike.
Mm. Sounds good.
Off to save the salmon of Hope Valley.
Captain Billy to the rescue.
See, you're proof not
all boys have to think
so highly of themselves.
So what's with this task force?
Some forensic specialist with
the RCMP Financial Crime Division.
Oh, maybe we are onto something.
Well, division's been
looking at it for a while,
and now that we have a lead
They want in on it.
It's not a bad idea to join forces.
Still, it feels like they're
sending in the babysitter.
I hope you don't mind.
I let myself in.
Oh, of course.
I've asked Judge Avery to be with us.
Bill, this is Inspector McGill.
She's the forensic specialist.
Yes, we've met.
It's good to see you, Bill.
How are you, Georgie?
We trained in forensics together.
Many years ago.
Okay. Why don't we, uh
why don't we get started?
We know that the eagle coin
was found at a poker game in Union City
with Toddy Davis, an estate dealer.
We've had Toddy Davis
in our sights for years
for trafficking in stolen goods.
We sent Nathan in undercover.
This Toddy, is a slippery one,
but we think Nathan got the hook in him.
Bill's been working on a
theory that the Garrison Gang
is behind the robbery.
The Great Rocky Mountain train robbery.
We tried, but we
couldn't get a confession.
Well, Sonny Garrison is
still up in Granville Prison.
So you're thinking maybe
a two-handed approach?
There's a train that leaves in an hour.
Could be up there by the afternoon.
Sounds like a plan. Inspector,
you and I can head
Perhaps you want to protect
his undercover identity
in case you want to
try again with Toddy.
Well, I guess I could come out
of retirement for an afternoon.
Hey, baby.
This is from the Schwartzman School.
Angela must have sent
for it without telling us.
That wasn't Angela.
It was me.
I should have told you.
Why didn't you?
Because she wants this.
I wanted us to sit down and go
through the brochure together.
If this is what she wants,
shouldn't we at least consider it?
But she'll be alone in a big city
a thousand miles from here.
Where she'll be surrounded by folks
that experience the world
the same way she does.
I know it's hard,
but we put our trust in her.
She is smart.
She is determined.
Who do you think she gets that from?
You requested a tour?
I suppose you knew what I would say.
There is that.
I just have to finish for Allie.
No, no, put this down.
No, that's enough.
- Oh.
- All right. Have a seat.
She's upset about the
fish, they aren't spawning.
Oh. All right, well, I got
some Stearn's Cold Remedy.
Extra strength.
- Oh, my.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, now, what is this about the fish?
Without the fish, the wolves
won't have anything to eat,
or the bears.
Oh well this sounds like
this has something to do
with sharing the
parkland with the cattle.
Uh, the children are
not very happy about it,
especially Allie.
Well, Lucas should have
to explain it to them.
Oh, that's the perfect
opponent for the Governor.
The youth of Hope
Valley youth. [CHUCKLES]
- Youth?
- Oh, don't you worry about a thing.
It's just a little idea
that Fiona and I have.
It's going to be a nice
little school project.
Just checking in to
see how you're feeling.
Allie, I made you some cupcakes.
Take some.
You didn't have to do that.
No. And now she is going
to rest all afternoon.
[ALLIE] Can I get you anything?
- Take some cupcakes.
- Okay.
Feel better.
I made them for her broken heart.
She didn't seem that brokenhearted.
There we go.
Oh! Peek-a-boo!
There you go. All right.
You wanted to see me, Constable?
Yes, Miss Riella, I have some good news.
The green leather trunk
with brass corners was found
at the lost and found at Buxton Station.
Oh, well, that's wonderful news.
Of course, there's no name
on it and it is locked,
but I figure there
can't be too many trunks
with that description on it.
Of course.
You really are a hero, Constable.
Just like in Mrs. Thornton's book.
Oh, yes.
Well, to tell you the truth,
I'm more partial to
that Pinkerton character.
- But your luggage should be here tomorrow,
and we'll keep an eye out
for the rest of your bags.
Thank you.
Hey. How you feeling?
English is so weird.
How's that?
Loaves is plural for loaf.
Shouldn't gloves be plural for glof?
Glofe. Gloof.
Do you have anything to eat today?
Rosemary brought me a grilled cheese.
But I can't remember if I ate it.
Well, chicken noodle soup coming up.
No, Nathan, you can't stay.
I don't want you to get sick.
Huh, you see? You admit you're sick.
How many of these have you had?
Do you think you could
put on your serge for me?
Mister No talk. Mister Do.
I like the way you look in red.
And I like you healthy.
Although I'm enjoying this.
The water seems unusually
warm. Salmon prefer cold water.
There's so much algae.
You think that could
be part of the problem?
Could be.
Let's see what's
happening further upstream.
I don't want to trespass.
It's just McGinty's backwoods,
and he's nowhere around.
Come on. It's in the
interest of science.
I'd rather not.
Suit yourself.
More cupcakes for me.
Mrs. Thornton made them for us.
That's so nice. Just like your birthday.
I'm trying to forget about that.
You didn't have fun?
It just it wasn't what I imagined.
I've never had a birthday party.
Not even when you were little?
Now I feel like a dope for complaining.
Cattle tracks.
Could the cattle be
what's affecting the water?
They're heading into the stream.
The cows are kicking up the silt.
The murky water would
cause an algae bloom
And keep the fish from spawning.
Oliver, I think you figured it out!
If we can find a way around the stream.
In here.
Whoa! Did you hear something?
Come on, we better get
this done before sundown.
You think they're gone?
I can't believe we trespassed.
I never should have brought you here.
It was my idea.
It's not your job to protect me.
Yes, it is. I'm a Mountie cadet.
Someone who lives with a Mountie,
I can assure you,
they're far from perfect.
You don't understand. I'm lucky
to be in this program at all.
Is this about your school situation?
It's not that.
My mom's not really back east.
She's in prison.
I never really knew her.
But I feel like
everybody's expecting me
to turn out like her.
That's probably why I
stick to the rules so much.
I don't want to prove them right.
It's getting late.
We should get back.
I always forget how
pretty it is out here.
You used to have a little
place around here, didn't you?
You remember that?
And you loved fishing.
I still do.
Oh, that was a good place.
I had to sell it a while back.
Oh, that's too bad.
Paradise lost. So it goes.
So, what are you thinking?
Quick intros and you take the lead,
and I'll stay back and watch.
Yeah. Let's you get
a good read on, Sonny.
He doesn't give much up.
No, but they didn't call
you X-ray McGill for nothing.
[LAUGHS] I knew you were
going to bring that up.
You earned it.
No, I wasn't such an eagle eye.
I just learned to keep my mouth shut
and let them do all the talking.
Half the time, the perpetrators
will give away the store.
Please. You ran circles around
everybody in that program.
All the other guys in
that training program
could never forget that I was a woman.
And you never even noticed.
You think I didn't notice?
It drove me crazy, is the truth of it.
[ANNOUNCER] Next stop, Granville
Station. Next stop, Granville Station.
Anyway, water under the bridge.
Hello, Sonny.
Can't say it's good to see you again.
Same goes for me, Avery.
This is Inspector McGill.
Oh, we've met.
Back when you and your
brothers couldn't come up
with an alibi for November 23rd, 1907.
The day of the Great Rocky
Mountain train robbery.
And you never came up with
any witnesses, as I recall.
None who could identify
you with your faces covered,
for that matter.
Still trying to pin
that one on us, Avery.
Give it a rest.
No, no, I'm not here
for any kind of answers.
I'm retired now.
Oh, you should try the seaside.
I'm here as a favor to my colleague.
And maybe as a favor to you, too, Sonny.
How's that?
You provide us with some information,
maybe things will be a
little easier for you.
Tell us what you know about
a man named Toddy Davis.
He's known for moving stolen goods,
and we think he's
fencing a few of yours.
Yeah, I might know something.
Got a whole operation
outside of Cape Fullerton.
Maybe Cape Fullerton
could be Union City.
How about we flip for it?
Heads, you tell us who else is
trafficking in your stolen loot.
Tails, you tell us where we
might find the rest of it.
I'm guessing you got that from Teddy.
Well, this? It's just
an old silver dollar.
Is it silver?
Huh? You know, it
doesn't look silver to me.
Well, I've never seen anything like it.
Have you, Bill?
Question is, has Sonny?
Teddy Davis dealt in coins like that.
I remember, out in Union City.
You helped me out of
here, I'll tell you more.
Teddy Davis, Union City.
The prosecutor really is going
to appreciate this, Sonny.
We will get back to you.
You do that.
Oh, I was hungry.
I feel much better now. Thank you.
Are you sure you don't want anything?
No, no. I'll eat when Allie gets back.
Which, um, should be soon.
I'm sure she just got
caught up doing her research.
Anything's better than
mooning over that, Wyatt.
I doubt she'll be over him just yet.
Heartbreak is a lot like illness.
It's up and it's down before it's over.
You seem to know a lot
about teenage heartbreak.
Well, you only have
to go through it once.
I was 15, and I decided
that Benedict Harlow
was the perfect specimen of a boy.
He was brooding and
smart and so mysterious.
By the time I worked up
the nerve to talk to him,
I realized he wasn't mysterious at all.
He was just obsessed with ornithology.
Mystery solved.
I cannot believe that anyone
would choose birds over you.
It took some growing up
before I figured out that
love isn't about imagining
who you want someone to be,
it's about knowing who they really are.
Letting them know you.
Well, I am happy to know
you, Elizabeth Thornton.
I am glad to know
you, too, Nathan Grant.
So what about you? Who broke your heart?
Besides you?
Oh, all of a sudden, that bird
break-up doesn't seem so bad.
Oh, there was one that was far worse.
But fortunately
it seems to have worked out.
I'm so sorry I was late.
Here, eat.
So, um, did you find anything?
Actually, yes.
Oliver figured out why the
salmon stopped spawning.
Or we have a theory.
Well, that's good.
If you're mad, don't be mad at Oliver.
He was really nice.
I'm happy that you're spending
time with your friends.
As long as they are your friends.
What does that mean?
This Wyatt fellow
- Dad.
- Can I just say this
and then we don't have
to talk about it again.
I'm not saying Wyatt is bad.
I just don't think that he's worthy.
And you deserve somebody
who is worthy of your regard.
Of you.
And until you find that person,
just know that you are
strong and you're brave.
And you don't need some
boy's attention to
to know who you are.
So worth a six-hour train ride?
I'd say so.
We know that Sonny wasn't
working with Toddy Davis.
Teddy Davis from Union City.
Yep, that was pure bluff.
Bold move borrowing state's
evidence, by the way.
I figured I'd ask for forgiveness
rather than permission.
This way you're not responsible.
Well, it worked.
We both know he was
involved in that robbery.
But we don't have enough
to hold up in court yet.
But if we can figure out who
sold that coin to Toddy
You read my mind.
If only I'd been better
at it back in the day.
It's not like I made it easy.
And just so you know.
Maybe it's better if I don't.
I was in a complicated
situation with Nora.
She'd gotten herself in the family way
with a carnival rousty
and the guy was nowhere to be found.
So I
You stepped up and did the right thing.
But if I'd have known that you
That we
It seems we both played it a
little too close to the vest.
Well, so much for X-ray McGill.
Hopefully we'll do
better on this case, huh?
I think we're off to
a pretty good start.
I didn't know you were here.
Need some help with that?
Are you all right?
I wanted to go riding.
You still have a fever.
Can we go riding tomorrow?
You're not going to be
doing anything tomorrow.
I have to find somebody
to look after your class.
- Nathan
- Hm?
You should really take your shirt off
when you chop wood.
Just try to get some sleep.
Thank you all for making
such beautiful cards
for Mrs. Thornton.
I know she is going to
appreciate it very much.
And now we will be going on
a special little field trip.
What are we doing, Mrs. Coulter?
We are going to put civics into action.
Miss Miller.
Miss Miller. Excuse me.
We'll put you right here, Governor.
Thank you.
We still haven't agreed to this
because you still haven't told
us who we're facing off with.
Oh, nobody's scary. I
think you'll be fine.
All right, everyone, take a seat.
Here we go.
Both sides. There's more over here.
Is this some kind of joke?
Where's their teacher?
She's sick. I'm their substitute.
And this is our field trip.
Just relax, Edwin.
Everything's going to be fine.
This is an infantilizing stunt.
Good to see you, everyone.
I hope that you don't mind
stepping away from your school day.
Can we order grilled cheese?
Well, you'll have to take
that up with Mr. Hickam.
Unfortunately, my powers
as Governor extend so far.
All right, everyone, get
ready. We're about to start.
Welcome, Hope Valley,
to the first edition
of the Daily Dialogue.
In one corner, we have
Governor Lucas Bouchard,
your elected official.
And in the other,
asking about the issues
that will shape their future,
we have the students of Hope Valley.
First up, we have Cooper Canfield.
My question is about the delay
of getting the comic
books into Hope Valley.
Well, Cooper, a serious issue
and one that I'll be
looking at thoroughly.
I would like to know what you're doing
to aid the flow of export goods,
so we can increase sales of
our Hope Valley hazelnuts.
Well, I think that's a
very important question.
My question is about our
native Grey Wolf population.
Given that you've decided to
share their land with cattle,
what are you going
to do to protect them?
As Governor, it is my job
to find a way to coexist
with all the folks who use that land.
But they're not coexisting.
The bears and the wolves
need salmon to eat,
but the cattle crossing has contaminated
over 50 percent of the
stream where the salmon spawn.
That sounds like something
I would need to look into.
My partner and I already have.
Oh, yes.
My map shows where the salmon
usually spawn, all through here,
but everything downstream
where the cattle cross
is full of algae.
I'll certainly take
this into consideration.
Thank you, Allie.
I hope you'll do more
than consider it, Governor,
because this is affecting
the whole ecosystem.
If you're a bear or wolf,
you're not coexisting.
You're dying.
Oh. Come in.
You're a sight for sore eyes.
So you're really selling the place.
I've had some good times here.
But it's time to turn the page.
I heard that you have
some other big news.
I haven't accepted the proposal.
I don't know why I'm dragging my feet.
Any guesses?
I know what I want, Joseph.
I just don't know how to get there.
You want to do God's work,
and that means sacrifice.
But it shouldn't mean
too much sacrifice.
Somebody's not in uniform.
This is for washing the horses.
I was teasing.
Yeah, right. Sorry.
I wanted to bring this to thank you.
Thank me for what?
That map we made
it might have actually
changed the Governor's mind
about letting cattle cross the stream.
You showed the map to the Governor?
We got to ask him
questions on the radio.
You should have been there.
I felt like Captain Billy.
I guess that makes me
Nancy, the Genius Dog.
You didn't have to get me this.
Think of it like a really
tiny birthday party.
About what you said yesterday.
I know what it's like to
not have your parents around.
Nathan isn't my real father.
He adopted me.
He's my uncle.
My real father is in prison.
But you know what I decided?
That doesn't mean
anything about who I am.
No. It's for you.
It's more fun if you share it.
- [ROSEMARY] This is from Emily.
- [ELIZABETH] Oh, look at that.
Oh, and I saved the best for last.
Is that from Little Jack?
Of course, you can read it yourself.
He says he misses Mrs. Thornton.
Oh, they all missed you so much.
It's really something
to see how you've
inspired them, Elizabeth.
Allie certainly found her voice.
And to think she started the school year
worried she didn't have a passion.
I asked her about this project
she's doing on the wolves.
It sounds incredible.
It's this new curriculum
where everything is led
by the student's curiosity.
I've never seen so
many of them come alive.
Have you thought of writing
up what you're doing?
Try to get it published.
- Fiona!
- What?
I haven't even finished my first year.
Fortune favors the bold, Elizabeth.
Maybe I should.
I don't know if it's
the Stearn's Extra Strength
Cough Remedy talking,
but I feel like I could do anything.
- Well, you can.
- You can.
So can you.
So, what do you think?
It's impressive.
Helen Keller has been
there as a guest lecturer.
- No kidding.
- It's just
when I think about
something happening to her
and us not being there.
Angela's not gonna want to
live with us forever, Minnie.
No matter what.
I know, I know.
I want her to have her own life.
So what do you want to do?
Tell Angela about the tour?
Yes. Yes.
We will take it one step at a time.
Shall we pray on it?
Oh, Ava. Perfect timing.
They just dropped this
off a couple hours ago.
Put it back here for safekeeping.
Ooh. Thought you might
want to just make sure
everything's in order
before we brought it up to your room.
Yes. Thank you.
Gosh, I think the keys were
in one of the other trunks.
There you go. That ought to do.
Let's see.
All right.
Looks like everything's in order.
At least you can wear some
of your fancy duds again.
Yes. What a relief.
Okay, well, um,
I'll make sure somebody
takes this up to your room.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Where are you?
There you are.
There's nowhere else I'd rather be.
Scout! Ugh!

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