Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e12 Episode Script

The Good Shepherd

What does the second commandment say?
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
The meaning is obvious, no?
Even the chiquititas
at Catechism tell me,
oh, Padre, I know
that second commandment.
It means to give love.
That's easy, simple.
Give us something harder.
Otra, otra!
But you forget those three words.
As thyself.
You lose the meaning.
You see, God knew
that all love starts
with loving yourself.
With knowing you are worthy.
So even if you've fallen,
done terrible things, or feel broken,
you must remember that
you are a child of God
who is still loved
and who is still worthy.
And that is self-forgiveness.
Until then
you won't find peace within.
All right.
They got us assisting on three warrants.
All targets are off the
state police narcotics wire.
Gonna be simultaneous breaches at 0600.
All right. Kim and Kev, take target 12.
- Mm-hmm.
- Torres, Cook, target eight.
I'll take target three.
Just remember these are
all low-level dealers,
- so
- Less to lose.
- More trigger-happy.
- Exactly.
Just keep it controlled. Let's go.
OK, roll out!

- Chicago PD!
- Chicago PD!
Chicago PD! Search warrant!

He's moving towards the back door!
I'm clearing left!
Go right! Move! Move! Move!
- State police! Stop!
- Let me see your hands!
Hands behind your back right now!
You got anything that can hurt me?
I want to see a warrant signed
by a damn Cook County judge.
This is a federal warrant
signed by Magistrate Judge
Eleanor Callahan.
She sounds like an uptight bitch!
Yeah? Well, you take that up with her.
I haven't I haven't
done anything wrong, OK?
That that that bitch is wrong!
- And I I
- Hey, hey, hey. Shut up.
Where's that blood from?
- Huh?
- I I don't know.
- Did that coyote
- Is anyone else here?
I got him.
Clear the rest of the house.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can be used against you
in the court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you.
Do you understand these
questions I'm saying to you?
- Yes.
- Huh?
- Yes!
- OK.


15-21 Ocean.
On the scene of our arrest warrant,
we've discovered a male DOA
approximately 14 or 15 years of age.
Roll the crime lab.

I don't know him!
How many times do I have to tell you?
There's a dead kid in your garage,
and you're telling me
you have no idea who he is
or how he got there.
- Do you know how that sounds?
- I don't care how it sounds!
It's the truth! I've never seen
that kid before in my life.
Hey, man, I-I'm a lot of things,
but I ain't no goddamn kid killer.
I don't know him!
You got nothing out of him?
He claims he doesn't know
the kid or where he came from.
He heard nothing.
It's a big property. He lives alone.
It's possible he didn't.
He's got no known associates
in the boy's age range,
and it doesn't match any of his priors.
But he's not clear until we clear him.
So there's still no ID on our victim.
His pockets were empty.
Patrol's combing the perimeter,
but none of his belongings
were recovered.
Huh. You got a cause of death?
Yeah, based on the ME's preliminary,
it looks like he bled out internally
from repeated blunt force trauma.
Yeah, but there's no signs
of a struggle in the house
or in the garage.
So wherever this guy was
bled out, it wasn't here.
So we got a hit off the prints.
Kid's name is Kai Anderson,
15 years old.
OK. Why is he in our system?
Because he's currently
serving an eight-month stint
at a juvenile state facility
for aggravated assault.
W-what facility was he being held at?
Maron, couple blocks from here.
- Was he on furlough?
- No.
OK. Was he reported missing?
No, Sarge. I triple-checked
with dispatch. He was not.
All right, Kev.
You keep working the scene.
Torres, you and I, we'll take Wozniak.
I want you two to get over to Maron.
Find out how the hell one of
their kids ended up here dead.
Hey, weren't you housed in Maron?

We were just made aware
Kai Anderson is missing.
He went unaccounted for
during this morning's count.
Officer Gerald here found him
missing from his cell.
The staff is conducting a full
sweep of the grounds right now.
I was making proper
notifications when you arrived.
So any idea how he escaped?
Not yet.
Laundry is sent offsite
to a third party each night.
Our best guess right now is he snuck out
inside one of those industrial bins.
What makes you think that?
Not the first time
one of them's tried that.
We found nothing suggesting
that he messed with his cell
or rigged the gate.
No witnesses?
Guy does have a cellie, Tommy Lopez.
We questioned him,
but he says
he didn't see or hear a thing.
He just transferred out of
West Side holding a week ago.
And he doesn't talk much.
Hey, Tommy.
I'm Detective Burgess.
This is Officer Cook.
Is this how you found it?
So when was Kai last accounted for?
Last night's count.
I assumed he was sleeping there.
I didn't wake him.
I didn't see his face.
Accidents do happen.
Did you see Kai last night?
I I was asleep.
Do you know when he entered
and exited the cell?
Hey, Tommy.
You've only been here a week,
but you had to have talked to
your cellie at least once, right?
I don't know anything about him.
- Nothing at all?
- No.
And you saw and heard nothing at all?
We want to look at your cameras.
There doesn't appear
to be any footage deleted,
but according to the facility,
there is zero evidence
as to how Kai escaped.
According to them, nobody saw,
nobody heard anything.
Kai's cellie, Tommy,
said he knew nothing,
and none of the other inmates
were helpful.
Even if they knew,
the inmates wouldn't talk.
It's the way of that place.
Well, Tommy did seem scared.
He was quick to answer.
He was lying.
What about Gary Wozniak?
Well, he didn't seem good for it,
and we found no link
between him and Kai.
I mean, the real question is
where the hell was the kid
from the time he escaped Maron
to when he ended up dead
in Wozniak's backyard?
Well, last sighting's 9:42 p.m.
We found him 6:00 a.m.
Let's build a timeline
They're lying.

He was already injured
when he escaped Maron.
12:25 a.m.
He could have run straight
to Wozniak's garage,
tried to hide, bled out instead.
Whoever beat him is inside Maron.
There's only 40 active staff
for over 250 offenders.
And all staff are required
to have a clean record,
but that is a real bad ratio
of staff-to-inmate.
You do have one recent employee,
quit a month ago, Jason Wilkins.
He filed a whistleblower complaint
to the Illinois Department of Labor.
He actually cited
unsafe conditions
to the youth in our care.
Moved to Detroit, reached out to him.
And as soon as
I brought up Maron, he hung up.
And that's not the only complaint.
Now since the place was
reopened two years ago,
IDOC's got a string of them
from previous employees and inmates,
ranging from unsanitary
conditions to an uptick in violence.
Yeah, but none of these
complaints ever go anywhere.
Something is off.

Well, we raid a place like that,
we're likely to end up
swimming in red tape,
lawyered-up staff, wiped evidence,
and a cover-up.
I-I can go under.

I mean
it's all new staff, right?
No one would know I did time there.
And I know Maron.
I I know the building.
I I remember how it works.
I can do it.
I can start with Kai's cellmate, Tommy,
and build from there.

Yep, thanks. Through there.
Mr. Alonso.
This way.
For roll call,
they're due back in their cells
by 9:45 p.m.
One second late and it's
an automatic rule violation.
No exceptions.
Lights out is at 10:00.
Here's your card key.
You have access to all the cellblocks.
That should sum it up for now.
The other COs can fill
you in on the blanks.
No problem.
These orientations usually are
are much more thorough, but
the last few days around here
have been
[CHUCKLES DRYLY] Unbelievably hectic.
Yeah, I I heard about the
the dead kid. He escaped?
In a nutshell, yes.
Anyone I should keep an eye on?
- Today?
- Yeah.
Tommy Lopez.
Kid's our current man in solitary.
We'll cut him loose soon.
What landed him in the hole?
Contraband in his cell. Cannabis.
Any clue how, um
how the dead kid escaped?
Kai Anderson?
Sorry. Uh, Kai.
Any clue how he escaped?
In case anyone else makes an attempt?
There's not much to tell, unfortunately.
Welcome to Maron.

Tuck your shirt in.
Tuck it in.
Hey, Alonso.
It's chow time. Let them eat in peace.
Don't let the tat fool you.
There ain't a good God-fearing
bone in Art Cervantes's body.
Same goes for most of them.
And my guess that wasn't
always the case, huh?
Theo Collins.
Enrique Alonso.
So you're the rookie
they forced on us, huh?
I'm not a rookie, but I'm new here.
I heard they brought me in
'cause some kid ran or something?
I gotta go to solitary. Where's that at?
Mm, just follow the yellow brick road.
- Thanks, man.
- Mm-hmm.
Who's in there now?
Tommy Lopez.
His little ass took a swing at me.
Have fun, bud.
Hey, hey.
I got it, I got it.
One of the COs told me
to switch out with you.
Sorry. I don't know the names yet.
OK. He's in the third cell.
All right.
Yo, if I were you,
I'd stop bitching on the floor
and man up quick.
It's gonna be a minute
before you're out of here, and
[CHUCKLES] I've been on the job
for two seconds
and your name's in every CO
and inmate's mouth.
I don't know what you did
to get so popular around here,
but I do know
the more they talk about you,
the worse it is.
don't let them be talking about you.
Tell Art I didn't say nothing to nobody.


- Break time's over!
Prisoners must return to their cells.
All prisoners must return
to their cells at this time.
Let's go.

Definitely a burner.
Mostly texting names.
Texting names to the same number.
Uh, what names?
Joe, Mikey, Brad, Jackson, Kai.
Those are all boys in Maron.
The second number text back times.
Joe 10:00 p.m. tomorrow,
Mikey and Brad 12:00 a.m.,
Kai 12:15 Wednesday.
That's right before Kai escaped.
Uh-uh. And there's no calls at all.
But that burner is sending
images to that same number.

Art's pimping the kids out.
All right,
who's the number he's texting?
I don't know. It's not registered.
It's probably a burner.
I'll try and find the IMEI.
So what are we saying?
There's sex trafficking inside Maron?
Like Johns are meeting in the facility?

It's possible.

All right, so what do we know about Art?
He's an addict.
He got popped for possession.
Gets zero visitors.
All the other inmates are scared of him.
Maybe for good reason.
Like if Kai was on a date
Wednesday night,
that means that
we could be looking for a John
who was snuck inside Maron.
So a trick goes wrong,
John beats him, Kai runs,
he dies in that garage.
It's possible, but we need proof.
All right, clone Art's phone,
then flip the number he's talking to.
Let's find out who the hell's
on the other end helping him.
You two run surveillance outside Maron.
I mean, if Johns are
being transported inside,
- I want to know how.
- Mm-hmm.
Dante, you got to get Art to talk.


Delivering the headphones now.
All charged up from the commissary.
Apparently, you have a lot on the books.
Doing in-person drop-offs now?
I volunteered.

I also wanted to drop this off.
It's yours, yeah?
I know what it's like in here.
All right?
You want to talk to someone
outside, I I get it.
pick a better hiding spot.
That ain't my phone.
Take it back. Hey.
Take it back!
Why the hell do I have
new guard on my ass?
- I don't know.
- He found the phone.
- OK, it ain't my fault.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
He's been here a couple days
and all of a sudden, he finds my phone.
- You've been running your mouth.
- I haven't.
Did you not see what happened to
Kai when he tried to run his mouth?
I didn't say anything. Leave me alone.
He ended up dead.
You want him to kill you, too?
Wait, "him." Who's him?
Come on, come on, come on.
All right, since it's on you,
you're gonna trash it.
If a guard finds it,
it's you with the contraband.
Screw you! I'm not taking it.

Hey! Hey!

Now you know what it's
really like in here, bitch!
Don't you move a damn inch if
you know what's good for you!
Get your ass down now!
Come on, come on. Move!
Hey! What was that, huh?
What were you thinking?
- You think I care?
- Huh?
He's been in the hole all week!
- And that matters to me?
- It should! Yeah!
Wait, wait.
What? No, no, no! Wait, wait.
No, no, no, no.
- Hey!
- No. No, no, no.
What are you doing?
Get your ass back to work
and check each cell!


Hey. Tommy Lopez isn't here.
Check solitary.

Hey, Flores!
Hey! hey! Tommy Lopez, where is he?
He's in solitary after the mess hall.
No, no! I just checked! He's not there!
He was in there last I knew.
He was owed a call so they
What? What?
He was owed a call
so they probably gave it to him
before putting him in for the night.
Who who sent him to the phone call?
No idea.


Hey, Alonso.
Something's wrong.
OK. Uh, just talk to me.
What what's going on?
I don't know.
T-Tommy Lopez is missing.
And, uh, I don't know.
Place is on lockdown.
I'm getting conflicting info
about his whereabouts.
I don't know.
Is there any movement outside Maron?
No. There's no movement.
Only staff. It's quiet.
We haven't seen any Johns go in or out.
On the wire, we heard Art tell Tommy
that someone was gonna
kill him if he ran his mouth.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. So someone
someone who?
We don't know.
Something's wrong.
Whatever's happening
with Tommy is wrong.
- I can I can feel it.
- OK.
Just try to get eyes on Tommy now.
If not, we need to crash.
You just give us the word.
All right, copy. I'll find him.
You seriously can't even
close the door, can you?
- Where's Tommy?
- Get you a stuffed animal?
I know you know where he's at.
So where is he?
Who are you working with?
Get out.
Where's Tommy?
No, no, no, no!
Listen to me.
I've been exactly where
you're standing, all right?
Trying to convince myself life
wasn't eating me from the inside.
And it was.
[WHIMPERING] I don't know
what the hell your problem is.
Where is he?
Did he did he send you here
to trick me?
'Cause I said I swear I didn't
- What? No, no, no.
- I haven't said anything to anyone, OK?
- What? Who? Who?
- I promise. I swear.
Hey! Where is he?


That door,
I can't close it 'cause I was here once.
At Maron.
I was 15.

I'm police.
And I'm here to find out
what happened to Kai.
And I think you know.
And I think you also know
where Tommy is.
So where is he?

Somewhere deep inside
you believe this can restore you.

And I'm living proof that it can.
He does restore.
He'll forgive you.
But you have to let Him.

Where is he?
The basement.

Hey, Ocean, we heard. Want us to crash?
Yes! Move in!


Hey! Chicago PD! Stop!

Kev, I need backup now. I need an ambo.
I got a runner running
from the basement, south side.

Hey, it's OK.
You're safe. I got you.
I'm police.
All right?

We are telling you the production
of child pornography
was happening on your grounds.
- Young boys are being raped.
- And I'm helping you.
Are you?
Were you in that basement?
I was at home. Ask my wife.
I have no idea what was
happening in that base
The production of child pornography!
How many times we got to tell you?
I'm trying to help.
There's trace evidence
of blood in the basement.
It was bleached, but
the evidence still remains
and it all traces back to Kai's DNA.
What happened to him down there?
I didn't have anything to do with Kai.
I'm not saying you had
anything to do with it, but
something happened.
[SOFTLY] I don't know.
Who were you texting?
Who are you're working with, Art?
Give us a few, yeah?
Ice was one of the things
I missed the most.
Is Tommy OK?
Yeah, the hospital's
keeping him for monitoring,
but, um
the drugs should be flushed out
of his system by now.
When I was in Maron, I, um
I did horrible things.
And I did more when I got out.
To survive.
But then I
I found God.
And this job.
And I made a choice.
I chose to
to do good each day.
To restore myself.
All right.
You know, why you did what
you did, it matters.
The law calls it duress.
Do you know what that means?
It means you didn't have a choice.
[SHAKILY] I just didn't want
it to happen to me anymore, OK?
I-I-I couldn't do it anymore,
so so I
so you recruited and, um,
and groomed the other boys?
It was the only way.

He'd give me a phone
and told me to pick out the boys,
send photos.
And then I'd convince the boys
that it was easy.
it's just a way
to get treated well inside.
And that all they had to do
was go to the basement when I told them.
To party, to drink, and
and make photos and videos.
But then it
it it got worse and worse.
he'd participate.
He'd he'd he'd make them

It's OK.


CO Collins.

- Anyone else?
- No.
No, it was all Collins.
But he would pay CO Flores
to keep the halls clear.
All right.

Did Collins kill Kai?

He was gonna talk.
Collins found out
and started beating him.
And I don't know how Kai
got away, but he ran.
And Collins couldn't chase him.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

- Back is secure.
- Copy.

Can I help you, officers?
- Are you Mrs. Collins?
- Yes.
We have a search warrant
for these premises
and an arrest warrant for your husband.
Is he here?
Yes. He's upstairs.
What's going on?
Step inside please. Here.

- Hey! Chicago PD!
- Collins, open up right now!
- Hey, hey, hands up!
Let me see those hands!
Hands! Drop the weapon.
Drop it right now.
Drop it.
It's over.
You're done. Drop the weapon.
Drop it!

They were already broken.


Come on, drop the gun.
It's over.

Come on.
Drop the gun.

Well, looks the same as Maron.
It's not.
Plus you only got seven weeks
of your sentence left, so.
You said we had to make
a choice to forgive ourselves.
Hand it over to God.
You you couldn't even
close the door at Maron.
I mean, it's been ten years,
and you couldn't even close the door.
It don't ever leave you.
And maybe it shouldn't.
Maybe we deserve to be punished forever.
Let's go.
What does eternal protection look like?
Psalm 91 says,
"I shall say of the Lord,
"He is my refuge. He is my fortress.
"He is my God in whom I trust.
"He will cover you with His feathers,
and under His wing,
you will find refuge."

As children of God,
we must remember.

Each and every one of us
wear that invisible cloak
of God's protection.
He is with us,
all around us,
willing and able to restore.
Let us pray.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses


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