Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e13 Episode Script
Street Jesus
This really is a great shirt.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
You're sweet.
I'm sure the woman you're
meeting for breakfast
is gonna love it too.
What are you talking about?
It's fine.
No rules, no restrictions, just fun.
The truth is
hosting a fundraiser today.
With a very, very good friend of mine.
Well, looking this good, you're
definitely gonna raise a lot of money.
Appreciate that.
Just be careful.
It's a fundraiser.
No, what we talked about last night.
Not taking on too much work,
not trying to be all things
to all people.
What are you, like, some kind of shrink?
Something like that.
I'ma do my best.
I gotta run.
- See you later?
- Yes, ma'am.
Can't wait.
And this project has been
something that Hype and I
have been dreaming about
since we were kids.
Yes, sir.
And we making a lot of progress.
Because we're here today so
that we can raise the $500,000
that it's gonna take to
build this space right here.
Hey, but if any of you corporate bigwigs
feel like giving more,
we're happy to take that too.
- Hey.
No, seriously.
We can just get down to business,
build this damn thing,
and start helping kids!
But we gotta find 'em fore the gangs do.
That's how it goes round here.
I mean, that's how it went
for me, anyway.
But it takes that kind
of honesty, right?
It takes people like Hype.
Sharing their experiences,
their mistakes,
and their victories too.
I mean, this is what
true inspiration looks like.
To grow up as hard as he did,
yet still be able to find a way
to not just be successful,
but a significant entrepreneur,
is more than amazing.
13 bakeries, seven coffee shops,
four car washes, and more to come, baby!
Hey, but today ain't about me.
And it ain't about Officer Atwater.
Today, it's about the kids.
- Mm-hmm.
- The future!
Yes, and the future is the
Urban Vision Community Center.
Can y'all make some noise?
- Let's go! [LAUGHS]
- Yeah, boy.
5021 showed up.
- What's up, boy?
- Oh, man.
- Thanks for inviting us, bro.
- Ooh.
Well, it means a lot
that y'all came, man.
Of course, bro.
I tell you, I'm real proud of you.
You're actually doing it,
following through,
building a community center.
Feels crazy.
You know, I'm just blessed, dog.
To be a part of this project,
to be working with Hype,
who's such an unbelievable brother.
Changed his whole life
and he just pushing through.
Oh, you guys are good together.
You should start a podcast.
All right, that came from over there.
- Yep. Let's split up.
- 5021 Ida.
I've got shots fired in the
vicinity of 77th and Carpenter.
Hey! Hey, police! Stop!
Stop, stop, stop.
Where are you going?
I'm just late for work.
Did you see a shooter over there?
No, didn't see a thing.
All right.
Hey, Chicago PD!
Back up! Everybody back up!
Come on. Nobody saw anything?
Nah, man.
Anybody know what happened?
Really? You ain't seen nothing?
Yes, this is Officer Kevin Atwater,
Intelligence, badge number 52784.
I got a man down
with a GSW to the chest.
I need an ambo to 78th
and Aberdeen right now.
Anyone witness the shooting?
You see someone running?
Car drive off?
No one saw anything?
No? How about you?
You didn't see anything?
Let it go, bro.
They're not gonna talk to us.
Not now, anyway.
But it ain't about me
and it ain't about
Officer Atwater.
Today, it's about the kids.
Excuse me. I got it.
Doesn't appear to be a robbery.
Wallet, cash, credit cards,
all found on the victim's person.
Okay. You got a name?
His name's Alonzo Freeze, age 22.
Lives a couple blocks away from here.
Found two slugs in that fence.
Crime techs are recovering them now.
Okay, good.
I'm guessing we're not gonna
get a lot of help around here,
but give it a shot, work the scene.
All right, Kev, you notify the family.
While you're there,
see what you can learn.
I got it.
He was just here.
Left around 9:45 or so.
Just like every other day.
He walks south down Aberdeen
and catches a bus.
He just got promoted
to assistant manager
at this restaurant he was working at.
Was Alonzo having any problems lately?
Any recent arguments
or fights with anybody?
He didn't get involved in all that.
He was a good boy.
And what about Alonzo's friends?
Are they good kids?
You asking if Alonzo was in a gang?
No, ma'am, I'm just asking
about his friends.
He was a good boy.
His friends too.
So don't be trying to connect him
to none of that gang nonsense.
Mm-mm. No, ma'am.
[SOBBING] He didn't deserve
to die like that.
he was just getting started
in this world.
Only 22 years old.
[SOBBING] I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, I just [SOBS]
It's okay.
It's okay. We understand.
Um, we know this is extremely hard,
so we will leave you with your family.
And if you think of anything,
the line is open.
Feel free to call.
I will.
I promise.
We're very sorry for your loss.
I heard the gunshots,
but I didn't see anything or anyone.
What direction did the shots come from?
Do you remember that?
Sounded like the shooter was
back over there somewhere.
But I can't be sure.
You know, it happened fast.
Did you know the victim? Alonzo Freeze?
He was a good guy. Worked hard.
Took care of his mother
and little sister.
Was he in a gang?
- Deal drugs?
- No.
- Use them?
- No.
Not even use swear words, huh?
No, sir, never.
You knew and liked Alonzo.
So why not get justice
for him and his family?
'Cause I know how it works around here.
But I wish you luck, for real.
Not a lot of people looking to help out.
All right, what about Alonzo?
Find out who he's affiliated with yet?
I wouldn't make that assumption.
Why wouldn't you make that assumption?
He was shot in the middle of
a South Side Hustlers hotspot.
2133 squad, advise Intelligence
I got something over
in the southwest alley.
Come on, let's go.
Three 9-millimeter casings.
One, two, three.
Okay, get an evidence tech
here to bag them up.
- Copy.
- Good eye.
All right.
Alonzo was shot over there,
about 100 yards.
- Clean angle.
- Huh.
Shooter must have been a good shot.
All right, guys.
- We got here
- Adam, Kev, check this out.
See that?
Ever see that spider logo before?
Guessing that has something
to do with the shooting?
- Yeah, that's pink cocaine.
- Uh-huh.
Okay. So what,
the shooter's hanging out over there,
sees Alonzo walking down the street
- Right.
- Opens fire, and then what?
Just leaves the drugs behind?
We're definitely missing something.
At least now we know that
the shooting was over drugs.
Maybe Alonzo wasn't
a choirboy after all.
Why shoot Alonzo from so far away?
And why leave that dope behind?
Yeah, it makes no sense
if the kid had no gang
or criminal affiliations.
Yeah, we just came back from the scene.
So we recovered two new spent casings
from this area right here.
That's about 50 feet away
from where we found the other casings.
I sent them over to Ballistics.
It's different ammo, though.
It's .40, not 9-mil.
Yeah, but now we're getting somewhere.
We got two shooters.
Also means Alonzo wasn't involved,
since he got shot nowhere near
either side of casings.
The kid was innocent like his mama said.
So let's run with what we know.
We got mutual combatants
on a known faction-run block,
one's a buyer, one's a seller,
something went wrong, they open fire,
in the chaos, Alonzo got shot
and a brick of pink cocaine
got left behind.
Problem is, we've got zero proof.
No cams, no witnesses, no DNA.
So let's focus on
the one real thing we do have.
We got a brick of cocaine
with a pink spider logo on it.
Dig into that.
Let's do it fast
before this thing escalates.
You're 100% correct.
That is definitely a pink spider.
So you a comedian now, CeCe?
I need to know who
was selling cocaine with this packaging.
Lots of people, I suppose.
You gonna act like that?
Damn right.
Ask me, you've been
taking advantage of my largesse
- the past few months.
- Mm.
I got a new vocab app.
I learn 15 new words every morning.
Okay, well, let me remind you
I still got a open case on your ass.
I thought I already worked that off.
I think you thought wrong.
What I need you to do
is give me the name
of whoever's selling
that brand of cocaine.
And I ain't talking about
no corner boys either.
I want the cat calling the shots.
Wendell Tillman.
[SIGHS] New to the game.
Word is he moving lots of pink stuff.
He been locked up before?
Is that him?
Yeah, that's Wendell.
All right, so what about
that young kid, Alonzo Freeze?
He got killed walking to work.
Wendell involved in that?
Heard it jumped off
because of Wendell changed
the price at the last minute.
Buyer was pissed.
Guns were drawn.
That kid was just unlucky.
Okay, I need to know where
Wendell hang out at.
[CHUCKLING] Oh, man, I can't
have you on my team, boy.
you gotta use more finesse.
Play the angles.
Man's speaking the truth.
The angle of incidence
equals the angle of reflection.
Which means the ball rebounds
on the same line as its incoming path.
My dad was a pool hustler, so.
Are you looking for something?
More like someone.
A guy named Wendell.
And why exactly are you looking for him?
Somebody told me that
he might be in pocket
with some of that new pink stuff.
uh, ain't no Wendell here,
so you might as well move on.
Hey, baby, you got a second?
- Not right now.
- Look.
I got this rich white boy
looking to party.
Guy's dumb as a rock,
so you can charge as
I said I'm busy.
What the hell you doing here, Kev?
- It's me.
- What's going on, fam?
[LAUGHS] It's so good to see you.
Ah, you too.
Me and my brother was
just talking about you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
How's he doing?
No, he's the one
that's as good as he
This good people right here.
He was down in Statesville
with my brother Jalen.
Same cell block.
Same cell, actually.
- That right?
- Yeah. I only did a few months.
That's right.
But I gotta go,
but you don't be a stranger.
I will not. Mm.
- I'll see you soon?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right.
- I'll holler at you later.
uh, if you do run into Wendell,
let him know I wanna buy what he sells.
Hold on a sec.
I think I may have just bumped into him.
Let's talk in private.
So who told you about me?
Couple people that live nearby.
These people got names?
They do.
But I don't share information,
if that's okay.
How much weight you looking for?
Half a key.
If things go well,
which I know they will,
then I'll just come back for more.
Got a very nice clientele.
It's rich folk downtown,
Gold Coast, West Loop,
and everybody's looking
for this pink stuff.
You affiliated?
I sell to three white dudes in the city.
No gang involvement whatsoever.
15 grand.
Respectfully, I am looking
to be your partner one day.
I was hoping that we could probably
come up with a better number than that.
12. Best I can do.
That's the best I can do.
There's a strip mall
two blocks east of here.
Get your cash together
and meet me there in two hours.
- All right.
- Thank you.
All right.
Hey, heads up.
I think Wendell is already here.
I got eyes on his car.
The drug dealer's showing up early?
I'm guessing
the guy's on high alert.
Wanted to come here early,
take a look around.
[SIGHS] Should I get closer?
Kev, start your approach.
Copy that.
So much for leveraging Wendell.
He just took two to the head.
We hear from Adam?
No. Came up empty.
Wendell's place is clean.
No drugs, no money.
He must have a trap house
we don't know about.
Yeah, we're striking out here too.
There's nothing usable
on Wendell's burner.
All right, so where are we?
We are pretty close to nowhere.
There's no surveillance cams
at that strip mall.
No witnesses either.
The best news we have
is that ballistics confirmed
that the same .40-caliber
that killed Wendell
also killed Alonzo.
Okay, so let's ID this shooter
before more bodies drop.
- Somebody had to see something.
Wait, hold on.
CPIC says more video
surveillance just dropped,
so dig in.
This mystery shooter didn't just vanish
into thin air at both crime scenes.
Maybe Voight was wrong.
Maybe this guy did actually
vanish into thin air.
- Kev.
- Mm?
I think I got something.
A driver blew through the red light
about three minutes after the shooting.
Yeah. No plates too.
Means the driver's up to something.
- Punch in.
- Yep.
Angle's no good for facial rec,
we have the passenger's hand, arm,
and lovely gold bracelet.
Send me a screengrab
of that car and the bracelet
and I'll just follow up with
you first thing in the morning.
- Done.
You were in a car fleeing the area
right after the shots were fired.
Just tell me what the hell happened.
Nothing, man. [CHUCKLES]
My friend ran a red light.
Okay, well, who the hell is your friend?
For real?
I mean, either you talk
to me or you talk to my team,
but trust me, my team is gonna be
in a whole different type
of time with you.
So this is me talking to you.
Come on, man.
We've had each other down for years.
It's always been respect.
The last thing I wanna do is jam you up,
but I got two murders
in damn near a day.
I need to figure out what
the hell happened
and believe it or not,
you involved at this point.
I can't.
And we doing
this community center together.
You my dog, but [SIGHS]
I can't go whispering in cops' ears.
Look, I got in the wrong damn
car on the wrong damn day.
That's it. That's all I know.
Mm-mm, that is not good enough.
Well, I can't give you a name, sorry.
Now, what you want me to do?
Take you in?
I'm sorry. I'm on parole. What
you gonna risk my business?
You should have thought about parole
before you got in that damn car!
I need a name.
Luther, okay?
Luther's the dude who killed Alonzo?
I don't know for sure.
I really don't.
Then what the hell do you know?
We were on our way out to
breakfast after the fundraiser.
The guy's a friend.
He stops out of nowhere,
says he's gotta do some business.
I waited in the car.
Minute later, I hear gunshots.
He comes running back
to the car with a duffel bag.
We took off. That's it.
That's all I know.
I need the last name on Luther.
Any luck IDing the car or gold bracelet?
No, ma'am. Still working on it.
What car?
The CPIC footage.
We ran across a gray car
that ran a light
around the time of the first shooting.
Well, who's it registered to?
No plates, no matches on hot sheets.
Good news is, I talked
to one of my informants,
and I might be able to ID the shooter.
Guy by the name of Luther Ward.
I ran him.
He has a lot of priors, mostly drugs,
and he owns a gray Honda.
Well, dig into it.
Let's get some answers before
this thing escalates even more.
Yes, sir.
Hey, who's this informant? I know him?
It's a new guy, not on the books.
Just you know, just a guy I met.
- You doing coffee?
- Yeah.
Where'd you meet him?
At a bar.
At a bar?
- Yeah.
- Why you jerking me around?
- What you talking about?
- What's going on, Kev?
It's me. What's going on?
I ain't trying to get you involved, dog.
Involved in what?
The informant is Hype.
After the fundraiser, Hype
got into a car with Luther.
Luther ran a red light, got
into a shootout with Wendell.
Okay, so Luther could be
good for both murders?
It looks like that.
Sounds like we got enough
for a search warrant.
- You get a statement from Hype?
- I did not.
Why not? Kev.
'Cause it's Hype. He's on probation.
He's got a solid reputation
in the streets.
You're worried about the
man's street cred right now?
But he is a good friend
and I don't wanna blow him up.
I get it, but I'm sorry to say this.
For all we know,
Hype could be the shooter.
It's possible.
Hey, at the very least,
he could have seen him.
I've known Hype for a very long time.
He does a lot of good for the community.
- A lot.
- Okay.
So I'm trying to
find a way to make this case
a different way.
Kev, you wanna keep it from the team?
Keep it from Voight? [SCOFFS]
That didn't work out too well for
for for Torres, for Kim.
It's not the same. You know that.
Come on, dog.
I'm asking for a favor.
- Nah, man, I ain't no snitch.
- Mm-mm.
That's not what I'm saying, Isaiah.
I'm not asking you to work for us.
I'm asking you to work with us.
And why should I trust you?
You already lied, pretended
to be somebody you ain't.
Come with the job, man.
So how can I work with you
without snitching?
All you gotta do
is pretend that we homeys.
Like I'm from the neighborhood.
All I care about
is preserving the peace.
We're not gonna ask you to wear a wire.
You don't gotta testify.
You're not gonna be on camera.
All right, you won't be
a part of it at all.
Luther don't know I'm a cop.
He don't know I was at the fundraiser.
All you gotta do is just come,
sit down, look serious.
That's it.
Everything goes according to plan,
dude that killed your buddy
Wendell, he goes to prison,
you get 50K of Luther's
money in your pocket.
I hear you looking for me.
Kevin Anderson,
local businessman.
I own that café over there on Aberdeen.
That's what's up.
This is Isaiah.
Good friends with Wendell Tillman.
Was a good friend.
Bro, what the hell going on here?
All good, my G. Relax.
I come in good faith.
I just wanna preserve the peace.
Make sure that we
keeping the streets safe
for the people, you feel me?
Oh, okay.
So you like what, like a
what you call it, a violence
inter interventionist?
You call me what you want.
Regardless, people have been killed.
The neighborhood is on edge.
I wanna find a way for us
to lower the temperatures,
if that make sense.
Well, uh, Kevin
I wish you luck with all that, man,
I really do, but I don't know
why you came up in here
talking to me about some stuff
I ain't even involved in, so
Come on, man.
We all know what happened with Wendell.
Folks ain't saying nothing
to the police.
At least not yet.
- Hey, watch yourself.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Watch myself?
We all just need
to calm down and listen, G.
We not here to make matters worse.
We are here to resolve this situation.
Truth be told,
Isaiah and his boys
have shown restraint.
Look, man, maybe, uh,
you ain't understanding
what I'm saying to you.
It wasn't me.
- This isn't working.
- Mm-mm.
So if you and yours got
some type of problem with that,
then, bruh, by all means,
do what you gotta do.
We wanna settle this
situation without violence,
without the police.
But in respect to the deceased,
reparations are in order.
50 bands.
Man, we get that, we good.
But if we don't
we gotta do what we gotta do.
Hey, come on, come on.
Just like you said.
So so let me just get this straight.
So you expect me to pay you
for some stuff
I ain't even involved with,
don't even know about, for real?
He's not biting.
Look, I'ma give you what you asking for.
But just keep it to yourself, all right?
So I don't need people coming
at me like I'm a damn ATM
every time the streets jump off.
But you know
it's not all about the money.
We all know how Wendell got down.
But he was loved.
An apology for killing him
might go a long way.
All right.
Look, y'all y'all wait here.
I'ma gonna go get the money.
- Gratitude.
- For sure.
Luther's walking out. Keep eyes.
You got what you need?
[SIGHS] Almost.
Once he pays,
I'ma push for that apology
one more time.
If he bites, we got his ass.
What's all this now?
I don't know, but I don't like it.
Kev, I think you gotta get out of there.
Luther just hopped in car, drove off,
left two of his guys behind.
Well, he probably
just going to get the cash.
Keep eyes.
No, Kev. Kev, get out now, all right?
They're both armed, they're
walking towards the bar.
Get out now.
- Okay, time to go.
- What's going on?
Come on, it's time to go.
Go straight to the back.
Chicago PD. You drop those guns!
There's too many people. I got no shot.
- Get down! Move!
- Chicago PD! Drop your weapon!
- Chicago PD!
- Drop your weapon!
5021 Ida. 10-1, 10-1.
- Get in the car!
- Shots fired at the police.
Offenders fleeing southbound
on State Street.
Two male, Black,
black jacket, black hoodie.
Hurry up.
Adam, we lost eyes.
We're clear from 47th to 49th.
They must have broken containment.
That's on me.
I didn't actually expect Luther
to be willing to start a war.
I was
Of course he was, of course he was.
He's already got bodies on him.
What's a few more?
Right, but now we know he's our guy.
We can take advantage of that.
No. Come here. Come here.
We can go with what we know now.
This ain't working.
No more games.
We gotta do this the right way.
You have to tell Voight
what's really going on.
Or I have to.
Yo, Sarge, you got a sec?
I do.
So I took another look
at that video footage
from the car that ran the red light.
And I'm actually able
to ID the passenger.
His name is Marcus Daniels.
Goes by Hype.
I know him.
He used to be in the game,
but he's totally legit now.
Helps a lot of people,
owns some businesses,
does a lot of work for the community.
I'm confused. You know him?
What, you didn't recognize him before?
No, I did.
I did recognize him before.
I just
Just what?
Decided to keep a secret?
I just didn't wanna jam him up.
He's a big part of the
community center project
that I've been telling you about.
And he does so much good
and he helps so many people, I just
So you decided to protect him,
make the case without him.
Even though he's
our best piece of evidence.
Yeah, I did.
I tried to help him out.
An innocent kid got murdered
on his way to work.
You're out there playing Jesus?
Trying to protect witnesses?
We are using him.
Okay? We'll put a wire on him.
Bring him in.
Yes, sir.
I'm asking you
to think this through.
To analyze the consequences.
My whole purpose in life
is to give back to the people,
and I'm really good at that.
That is why God put me on this Earth.
That's why I was able
to dodge all them bullets!
'Cause He had bigger plans for me.
I get exactly what you saying.
And the only reason I can do
that is 'cause I got credibility.
People trust me.
They know I understand
the rules of the street.
But if word gets out I wired up
Kev, all that disappears.
Look, Luther's not all bad, all right?
I've known him since he was a kid
Forget Luther. Forget the community.
You need to worry about you.
And if I refuse?
I arrest you.
Right here, right now.
There he is.
I thought you said you had
other plans tonight.
Yeah, they fell through,
so here I am.
- What's up, Ray?
- Oh, good to see you.
- Great party, bro.
Little Hilton, oh, he
don't know how good he got it.
He over there having a
good time, that's for sure.
Make yourself at home, bro.
Go grab you a drink.
Uh, hang on a sec.
Um, I got something I gotta tell you.
What's up?
[CLEARS THROAT] This morning,
I was at my bakery on 73rd.
This detective comes in,
says he wants to talk about
a couple of recent murders.
I ain't say nothing, of course.
I told him I had no idea what
he was talking about,
but I just want you to know.
Hey, look, I got Hilton
one of them new, uh,
fancy scooters for his birthday.
You know the kind
with the electric motor in it?
He gonna freak out when he see it, man.
- Yeah, I bet.
- Yeah.
I mean, that's one hell of a gift.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, come on, man.
Walk with me real quick.
The scooter's in the car.
I'ma go and get it.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- All right. For sure.
Let's go.
I'll be right back, man.
How you doing? Good to see you.
This way.
We got eyes on Hype and
Luther walking south on Wallace.
And one of these days,
I'ma have enough cash
to go legit.
- Oh.
- Just like you did, so.
But in the meantime,
you gotta be careful and patient.
You can't be thugging it out
with nobody.
You gotta keep things professional.
Why you talking about all this?
What you mean?
You're telling me some cop
stopped by your bakery.
That I can't be thugging it out.
Why you going there?
And at my son's tenth birthday
party, of all places.
Mm-mm. This ain't feeling good.
Should we pull him?
Ocean, what do you see?
I I can't really see.
You working with somebody?
You better watch yourself.
Don't accuse me of nothing, dog.
Just answer the question, Hype.
- Luther. It's me.
- What?
Come on, dog.
Like I'm gonna be snitching on you.
- Gun!
I got Hype! I got Hype!
- Let's go!
- Get Luther!
He's running for the alley!
- I'm right here.
Stay strong. Put that right there, okay?
I'll cut him off.
5021 David, I need an ambo
to 344 South Wallace.
I got a man down
with a GSW to the chest.
Bring some ambos right now!
Copy, 5021 David. Ambo en route.
Hey, hey, hey. Stay strong, man.
Don't give up, okay?
Don't give up, Hype. Come on, man.
Luther, stop!
There's nowhere else to go!
Drop your weapon, Luther! It's over.
Drop it!
Luther, I'm not asking you again.
Drop that weapon.
Don't make this worse than it gotta be.
Hey, Hype, look at me. Look at me.
They need you, okay?
You hear me? We need you.
We need you, man.
The people need you, man.
Come on, man, stay strong.
Don't give up, Hype.
Hype, don't give up, buddy.
Hype, don't give up, man.
Okay, thanks.
He was a good man.
Now he's gone.
There's nobody that can replace him.
Cycle of violence
just keeps going on and on.
But it's not on you.
You know, I was thinking
probably best we keep Hype's
role in all this quiet.
People don't need to know
he was working with us, wearing a wire.
No point in ruining his legacy.
Appreciate that, Sarge.
That's gonna go a long way
with all the local bankers,
the businesses.
You know, people love a good story,
gangster turned entrepreneur
who gives back to the city.
But when the lines get blurred,
all that white money tends
to dry up pretty fast.
So what?
We'll say that Luther was
a person of interest,
we were surveilling him on the premises,
then we heard gunshots?
'Cause that's what happened.
That's what happened.
Don't lie to me again.
I don't care how noble
your objectives are.
Just don't do it.
That's not how things work around here.
- Sorry, Sarge.
- No, I don't want an apology.
Just don't do it.
You tell me the truth
so I can lie for you.
Good night.
This really is a great shirt.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
You're sweet.
I'm sure the woman you're
meeting for breakfast
is gonna love it too.
What are you talking about?
It's fine.
No rules, no restrictions, just fun.
The truth is
hosting a fundraiser today.
With a very, very good friend of mine.
Well, looking this good, you're
definitely gonna raise a lot of money.
Appreciate that.
Just be careful.
It's a fundraiser.
No, what we talked about last night.
Not taking on too much work,
not trying to be all things
to all people.
What are you, like, some kind of shrink?
Something like that.
I'ma do my best.
I gotta run.
- See you later?
- Yes, ma'am.
Can't wait.
And this project has been
something that Hype and I
have been dreaming about
since we were kids.
Yes, sir.
And we making a lot of progress.
Because we're here today so
that we can raise the $500,000
that it's gonna take to
build this space right here.
Hey, but if any of you corporate bigwigs
feel like giving more,
we're happy to take that too.
- Hey.
No, seriously.
We can just get down to business,
build this damn thing,
and start helping kids!
But we gotta find 'em fore the gangs do.
That's how it goes round here.
I mean, that's how it went
for me, anyway.
But it takes that kind
of honesty, right?
It takes people like Hype.
Sharing their experiences,
their mistakes,
and their victories too.
I mean, this is what
true inspiration looks like.
To grow up as hard as he did,
yet still be able to find a way
to not just be successful,
but a significant entrepreneur,
is more than amazing.
13 bakeries, seven coffee shops,
four car washes, and more to come, baby!
Hey, but today ain't about me.
And it ain't about Officer Atwater.
Today, it's about the kids.
- Mm-hmm.
- The future!
Yes, and the future is the
Urban Vision Community Center.
Can y'all make some noise?
- Let's go! [LAUGHS]
- Yeah, boy.
5021 showed up.
- What's up, boy?
- Oh, man.
- Thanks for inviting us, bro.
- Ooh.
Well, it means a lot
that y'all came, man.
Of course, bro.
I tell you, I'm real proud of you.
You're actually doing it,
following through,
building a community center.
Feels crazy.
You know, I'm just blessed, dog.
To be a part of this project,
to be working with Hype,
who's such an unbelievable brother.
Changed his whole life
and he just pushing through.
Oh, you guys are good together.
You should start a podcast.
All right, that came from over there.
- Yep. Let's split up.
- 5021 Ida.
I've got shots fired in the
vicinity of 77th and Carpenter.
Hey! Hey, police! Stop!
Stop, stop, stop.
Where are you going?
I'm just late for work.
Did you see a shooter over there?
No, didn't see a thing.
All right.
Hey, Chicago PD!
Back up! Everybody back up!
Come on. Nobody saw anything?
Nah, man.
Anybody know what happened?
Really? You ain't seen nothing?
Yes, this is Officer Kevin Atwater,
Intelligence, badge number 52784.
I got a man down
with a GSW to the chest.
I need an ambo to 78th
and Aberdeen right now.
Anyone witness the shooting?
You see someone running?
Car drive off?
No one saw anything?
No? How about you?
You didn't see anything?
Let it go, bro.
They're not gonna talk to us.
Not now, anyway.
But it ain't about me
and it ain't about
Officer Atwater.
Today, it's about the kids.
Excuse me. I got it.
Doesn't appear to be a robbery.
Wallet, cash, credit cards,
all found on the victim's person.
Okay. You got a name?
His name's Alonzo Freeze, age 22.
Lives a couple blocks away from here.
Found two slugs in that fence.
Crime techs are recovering them now.
Okay, good.
I'm guessing we're not gonna
get a lot of help around here,
but give it a shot, work the scene.
All right, Kev, you notify the family.
While you're there,
see what you can learn.
I got it.
He was just here.
Left around 9:45 or so.
Just like every other day.
He walks south down Aberdeen
and catches a bus.
He just got promoted
to assistant manager
at this restaurant he was working at.
Was Alonzo having any problems lately?
Any recent arguments
or fights with anybody?
He didn't get involved in all that.
He was a good boy.
And what about Alonzo's friends?
Are they good kids?
You asking if Alonzo was in a gang?
No, ma'am, I'm just asking
about his friends.
He was a good boy.
His friends too.
So don't be trying to connect him
to none of that gang nonsense.
Mm-mm. No, ma'am.
[SOBBING] He didn't deserve
to die like that.
he was just getting started
in this world.
Only 22 years old.
[SOBBING] I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry, I just [SOBS]
It's okay.
It's okay. We understand.
Um, we know this is extremely hard,
so we will leave you with your family.
And if you think of anything,
the line is open.
Feel free to call.
I will.
I promise.
We're very sorry for your loss.
I heard the gunshots,
but I didn't see anything or anyone.
What direction did the shots come from?
Do you remember that?
Sounded like the shooter was
back over there somewhere.
But I can't be sure.
You know, it happened fast.
Did you know the victim? Alonzo Freeze?
He was a good guy. Worked hard.
Took care of his mother
and little sister.
Was he in a gang?
- Deal drugs?
- No.
- Use them?
- No.
Not even use swear words, huh?
No, sir, never.
You knew and liked Alonzo.
So why not get justice
for him and his family?
'Cause I know how it works around here.
But I wish you luck, for real.
Not a lot of people looking to help out.
All right, what about Alonzo?
Find out who he's affiliated with yet?
I wouldn't make that assumption.
Why wouldn't you make that assumption?
He was shot in the middle of
a South Side Hustlers hotspot.
2133 squad, advise Intelligence
I got something over
in the southwest alley.
Come on, let's go.
Three 9-millimeter casings.
One, two, three.
Okay, get an evidence tech
here to bag them up.
- Copy.
- Good eye.
All right.
Alonzo was shot over there,
about 100 yards.
- Clean angle.
- Huh.
Shooter must have been a good shot.
All right, guys.
- We got here
- Adam, Kev, check this out.
See that?
Ever see that spider logo before?
Guessing that has something
to do with the shooting?
- Yeah, that's pink cocaine.
- Uh-huh.
Okay. So what,
the shooter's hanging out over there,
sees Alonzo walking down the street
- Right.
- Opens fire, and then what?
Just leaves the drugs behind?
We're definitely missing something.
At least now we know that
the shooting was over drugs.
Maybe Alonzo wasn't
a choirboy after all.
Why shoot Alonzo from so far away?
And why leave that dope behind?
Yeah, it makes no sense
if the kid had no gang
or criminal affiliations.
Yeah, we just came back from the scene.
So we recovered two new spent casings
from this area right here.
That's about 50 feet away
from where we found the other casings.
I sent them over to Ballistics.
It's different ammo, though.
It's .40, not 9-mil.
Yeah, but now we're getting somewhere.
We got two shooters.
Also means Alonzo wasn't involved,
since he got shot nowhere near
either side of casings.
The kid was innocent like his mama said.
So let's run with what we know.
We got mutual combatants
on a known faction-run block,
one's a buyer, one's a seller,
something went wrong, they open fire,
in the chaos, Alonzo got shot
and a brick of pink cocaine
got left behind.
Problem is, we've got zero proof.
No cams, no witnesses, no DNA.
So let's focus on
the one real thing we do have.
We got a brick of cocaine
with a pink spider logo on it.
Dig into that.
Let's do it fast
before this thing escalates.
You're 100% correct.
That is definitely a pink spider.
So you a comedian now, CeCe?
I need to know who
was selling cocaine with this packaging.
Lots of people, I suppose.
You gonna act like that?
Damn right.
Ask me, you've been
taking advantage of my largesse
- the past few months.
- Mm.
I got a new vocab app.
I learn 15 new words every morning.
Okay, well, let me remind you
I still got a open case on your ass.
I thought I already worked that off.
I think you thought wrong.
What I need you to do
is give me the name
of whoever's selling
that brand of cocaine.
And I ain't talking about
no corner boys either.
I want the cat calling the shots.
Wendell Tillman.
[SIGHS] New to the game.
Word is he moving lots of pink stuff.
He been locked up before?
Is that him?
Yeah, that's Wendell.
All right, so what about
that young kid, Alonzo Freeze?
He got killed walking to work.
Wendell involved in that?
Heard it jumped off
because of Wendell changed
the price at the last minute.
Buyer was pissed.
Guns were drawn.
That kid was just unlucky.
Okay, I need to know where
Wendell hang out at.
[CHUCKLING] Oh, man, I can't
have you on my team, boy.
you gotta use more finesse.
Play the angles.
Man's speaking the truth.
The angle of incidence
equals the angle of reflection.
Which means the ball rebounds
on the same line as its incoming path.
My dad was a pool hustler, so.
Are you looking for something?
More like someone.
A guy named Wendell.
And why exactly are you looking for him?
Somebody told me that
he might be in pocket
with some of that new pink stuff.
uh, ain't no Wendell here,
so you might as well move on.
Hey, baby, you got a second?
- Not right now.
- Look.
I got this rich white boy
looking to party.
Guy's dumb as a rock,
so you can charge as
I said I'm busy.
What the hell you doing here, Kev?
- It's me.
- What's going on, fam?
[LAUGHS] It's so good to see you.
Ah, you too.
Me and my brother was
just talking about you.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
How's he doing?
No, he's the one
that's as good as he
This good people right here.
He was down in Statesville
with my brother Jalen.
Same cell block.
Same cell, actually.
- That right?
- Yeah. I only did a few months.
That's right.
But I gotta go,
but you don't be a stranger.
I will not. Mm.
- I'll see you soon?
- Mm-hmm.
- All right.
- I'll holler at you later.
uh, if you do run into Wendell,
let him know I wanna buy what he sells.
Hold on a sec.
I think I may have just bumped into him.
Let's talk in private.
So who told you about me?
Couple people that live nearby.
These people got names?
They do.
But I don't share information,
if that's okay.
How much weight you looking for?
Half a key.
If things go well,
which I know they will,
then I'll just come back for more.
Got a very nice clientele.
It's rich folk downtown,
Gold Coast, West Loop,
and everybody's looking
for this pink stuff.
You affiliated?
I sell to three white dudes in the city.
No gang involvement whatsoever.
15 grand.
Respectfully, I am looking
to be your partner one day.
I was hoping that we could probably
come up with a better number than that.
12. Best I can do.
That's the best I can do.
There's a strip mall
two blocks east of here.
Get your cash together
and meet me there in two hours.
- All right.
- Thank you.
All right.
Hey, heads up.
I think Wendell is already here.
I got eyes on his car.
The drug dealer's showing up early?
I'm guessing
the guy's on high alert.
Wanted to come here early,
take a look around.
[SIGHS] Should I get closer?
Kev, start your approach.
Copy that.
So much for leveraging Wendell.
He just took two to the head.
We hear from Adam?
No. Came up empty.
Wendell's place is clean.
No drugs, no money.
He must have a trap house
we don't know about.
Yeah, we're striking out here too.
There's nothing usable
on Wendell's burner.
All right, so where are we?
We are pretty close to nowhere.
There's no surveillance cams
at that strip mall.
No witnesses either.
The best news we have
is that ballistics confirmed
that the same .40-caliber
that killed Wendell
also killed Alonzo.
Okay, so let's ID this shooter
before more bodies drop.
- Somebody had to see something.
Wait, hold on.
CPIC says more video
surveillance just dropped,
so dig in.
This mystery shooter didn't just vanish
into thin air at both crime scenes.
Maybe Voight was wrong.
Maybe this guy did actually
vanish into thin air.
- Kev.
- Mm?
I think I got something.
A driver blew through the red light
about three minutes after the shooting.
Yeah. No plates too.
Means the driver's up to something.
- Punch in.
- Yep.
Angle's no good for facial rec,
we have the passenger's hand, arm,
and lovely gold bracelet.
Send me a screengrab
of that car and the bracelet
and I'll just follow up with
you first thing in the morning.
- Done.
You were in a car fleeing the area
right after the shots were fired.
Just tell me what the hell happened.
Nothing, man. [CHUCKLES]
My friend ran a red light.
Okay, well, who the hell is your friend?
For real?
I mean, either you talk
to me or you talk to my team,
but trust me, my team is gonna be
in a whole different type
of time with you.
So this is me talking to you.
Come on, man.
We've had each other down for years.
It's always been respect.
The last thing I wanna do is jam you up,
but I got two murders
in damn near a day.
I need to figure out what
the hell happened
and believe it or not,
you involved at this point.
I can't.
And we doing
this community center together.
You my dog, but [SIGHS]
I can't go whispering in cops' ears.
Look, I got in the wrong damn
car on the wrong damn day.
That's it. That's all I know.
Mm-mm, that is not good enough.
Well, I can't give you a name, sorry.
Now, what you want me to do?
Take you in?
I'm sorry. I'm on parole. What
you gonna risk my business?
You should have thought about parole
before you got in that damn car!
I need a name.
Luther, okay?
Luther's the dude who killed Alonzo?
I don't know for sure.
I really don't.
Then what the hell do you know?
We were on our way out to
breakfast after the fundraiser.
The guy's a friend.
He stops out of nowhere,
says he's gotta do some business.
I waited in the car.
Minute later, I hear gunshots.
He comes running back
to the car with a duffel bag.
We took off. That's it.
That's all I know.
I need the last name on Luther.
Any luck IDing the car or gold bracelet?
No, ma'am. Still working on it.
What car?
The CPIC footage.
We ran across a gray car
that ran a light
around the time of the first shooting.
Well, who's it registered to?
No plates, no matches on hot sheets.
Good news is, I talked
to one of my informants,
and I might be able to ID the shooter.
Guy by the name of Luther Ward.
I ran him.
He has a lot of priors, mostly drugs,
and he owns a gray Honda.
Well, dig into it.
Let's get some answers before
this thing escalates even more.
Yes, sir.
Hey, who's this informant? I know him?
It's a new guy, not on the books.
Just you know, just a guy I met.
- You doing coffee?
- Yeah.
Where'd you meet him?
At a bar.
At a bar?
- Yeah.
- Why you jerking me around?
- What you talking about?
- What's going on, Kev?
It's me. What's going on?
I ain't trying to get you involved, dog.
Involved in what?
The informant is Hype.
After the fundraiser, Hype
got into a car with Luther.
Luther ran a red light, got
into a shootout with Wendell.
Okay, so Luther could be
good for both murders?
It looks like that.
Sounds like we got enough
for a search warrant.
- You get a statement from Hype?
- I did not.
Why not? Kev.
'Cause it's Hype. He's on probation.
He's got a solid reputation
in the streets.
You're worried about the
man's street cred right now?
But he is a good friend
and I don't wanna blow him up.
I get it, but I'm sorry to say this.
For all we know,
Hype could be the shooter.
It's possible.
Hey, at the very least,
he could have seen him.
I've known Hype for a very long time.
He does a lot of good for the community.
- A lot.
- Okay.
So I'm trying to
find a way to make this case
a different way.
Kev, you wanna keep it from the team?
Keep it from Voight? [SCOFFS]
That didn't work out too well for
for for Torres, for Kim.
It's not the same. You know that.
Come on, dog.
I'm asking for a favor.
- Nah, man, I ain't no snitch.
- Mm-mm.
That's not what I'm saying, Isaiah.
I'm not asking you to work for us.
I'm asking you to work with us.
And why should I trust you?
You already lied, pretended
to be somebody you ain't.
Come with the job, man.
So how can I work with you
without snitching?
All you gotta do
is pretend that we homeys.
Like I'm from the neighborhood.
All I care about
is preserving the peace.
We're not gonna ask you to wear a wire.
You don't gotta testify.
You're not gonna be on camera.
All right, you won't be
a part of it at all.
Luther don't know I'm a cop.
He don't know I was at the fundraiser.
All you gotta do is just come,
sit down, look serious.
That's it.
Everything goes according to plan,
dude that killed your buddy
Wendell, he goes to prison,
you get 50K of Luther's
money in your pocket.
I hear you looking for me.
Kevin Anderson,
local businessman.
I own that café over there on Aberdeen.
That's what's up.
This is Isaiah.
Good friends with Wendell Tillman.
Was a good friend.
Bro, what the hell going on here?
All good, my G. Relax.
I come in good faith.
I just wanna preserve the peace.
Make sure that we
keeping the streets safe
for the people, you feel me?
Oh, okay.
So you like what, like a
what you call it, a violence
inter interventionist?
You call me what you want.
Regardless, people have been killed.
The neighborhood is on edge.
I wanna find a way for us
to lower the temperatures,
if that make sense.
Well, uh, Kevin
I wish you luck with all that, man,
I really do, but I don't know
why you came up in here
talking to me about some stuff
I ain't even involved in, so
Come on, man.
We all know what happened with Wendell.
Folks ain't saying nothing
to the police.
At least not yet.
- Hey, watch yourself.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Watch myself?
We all just need
to calm down and listen, G.
We not here to make matters worse.
We are here to resolve this situation.
Truth be told,
Isaiah and his boys
have shown restraint.
Look, man, maybe, uh,
you ain't understanding
what I'm saying to you.
It wasn't me.
- This isn't working.
- Mm-mm.
So if you and yours got
some type of problem with that,
then, bruh, by all means,
do what you gotta do.
We wanna settle this
situation without violence,
without the police.
But in respect to the deceased,
reparations are in order.
50 bands.
Man, we get that, we good.
But if we don't
we gotta do what we gotta do.
Hey, come on, come on.
Just like you said.
So so let me just get this straight.
So you expect me to pay you
for some stuff
I ain't even involved with,
don't even know about, for real?
He's not biting.
Look, I'ma give you what you asking for.
But just keep it to yourself, all right?
So I don't need people coming
at me like I'm a damn ATM
every time the streets jump off.
But you know
it's not all about the money.
We all know how Wendell got down.
But he was loved.
An apology for killing him
might go a long way.
All right.
Look, y'all y'all wait here.
I'ma gonna go get the money.
- Gratitude.
- For sure.
Luther's walking out. Keep eyes.
You got what you need?
[SIGHS] Almost.
Once he pays,
I'ma push for that apology
one more time.
If he bites, we got his ass.
What's all this now?
I don't know, but I don't like it.
Kev, I think you gotta get out of there.
Luther just hopped in car, drove off,
left two of his guys behind.
Well, he probably
just going to get the cash.
Keep eyes.
No, Kev. Kev, get out now, all right?
They're both armed, they're
walking towards the bar.
Get out now.
- Okay, time to go.
- What's going on?
Come on, it's time to go.
Go straight to the back.
Chicago PD. You drop those guns!
There's too many people. I got no shot.
- Get down! Move!
- Chicago PD! Drop your weapon!
- Chicago PD!
- Drop your weapon!
5021 Ida. 10-1, 10-1.
- Get in the car!
- Shots fired at the police.
Offenders fleeing southbound
on State Street.
Two male, Black,
black jacket, black hoodie.
Hurry up.
Adam, we lost eyes.
We're clear from 47th to 49th.
They must have broken containment.
That's on me.
I didn't actually expect Luther
to be willing to start a war.
I was
Of course he was, of course he was.
He's already got bodies on him.
What's a few more?
Right, but now we know he's our guy.
We can take advantage of that.
No. Come here. Come here.
We can go with what we know now.
This ain't working.
No more games.
We gotta do this the right way.
You have to tell Voight
what's really going on.
Or I have to.
Yo, Sarge, you got a sec?
I do.
So I took another look
at that video footage
from the car that ran the red light.
And I'm actually able
to ID the passenger.
His name is Marcus Daniels.
Goes by Hype.
I know him.
He used to be in the game,
but he's totally legit now.
Helps a lot of people,
owns some businesses,
does a lot of work for the community.
I'm confused. You know him?
What, you didn't recognize him before?
No, I did.
I did recognize him before.
I just
Just what?
Decided to keep a secret?
I just didn't wanna jam him up.
He's a big part of the
community center project
that I've been telling you about.
And he does so much good
and he helps so many people, I just
So you decided to protect him,
make the case without him.
Even though he's
our best piece of evidence.
Yeah, I did.
I tried to help him out.
An innocent kid got murdered
on his way to work.
You're out there playing Jesus?
Trying to protect witnesses?
We are using him.
Okay? We'll put a wire on him.
Bring him in.
Yes, sir.
I'm asking you
to think this through.
To analyze the consequences.
My whole purpose in life
is to give back to the people,
and I'm really good at that.
That is why God put me on this Earth.
That's why I was able
to dodge all them bullets!
'Cause He had bigger plans for me.
I get exactly what you saying.
And the only reason I can do
that is 'cause I got credibility.
People trust me.
They know I understand
the rules of the street.
But if word gets out I wired up
Kev, all that disappears.
Look, Luther's not all bad, all right?
I've known him since he was a kid
Forget Luther. Forget the community.
You need to worry about you.
And if I refuse?
I arrest you.
Right here, right now.
There he is.
I thought you said you had
other plans tonight.
Yeah, they fell through,
so here I am.
- What's up, Ray?
- Oh, good to see you.
- Great party, bro.
Little Hilton, oh, he
don't know how good he got it.
He over there having a
good time, that's for sure.
Make yourself at home, bro.
Go grab you a drink.
Uh, hang on a sec.
Um, I got something I gotta tell you.
What's up?
[CLEARS THROAT] This morning,
I was at my bakery on 73rd.
This detective comes in,
says he wants to talk about
a couple of recent murders.
I ain't say nothing, of course.
I told him I had no idea what
he was talking about,
but I just want you to know.
Hey, look, I got Hilton
one of them new, uh,
fancy scooters for his birthday.
You know the kind
with the electric motor in it?
He gonna freak out when he see it, man.
- Yeah, I bet.
- Yeah.
I mean, that's one hell of a gift.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Hey, come on, man.
Walk with me real quick.
The scooter's in the car.
I'ma go and get it.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- All right. For sure.
Let's go.
I'll be right back, man.
How you doing? Good to see you.
This way.
We got eyes on Hype and
Luther walking south on Wallace.
And one of these days,
I'ma have enough cash
to go legit.
- Oh.
- Just like you did, so.
But in the meantime,
you gotta be careful and patient.
You can't be thugging it out
with nobody.
You gotta keep things professional.
Why you talking about all this?
What you mean?
You're telling me some cop
stopped by your bakery.
That I can't be thugging it out.
Why you going there?
And at my son's tenth birthday
party, of all places.
Mm-mm. This ain't feeling good.
Should we pull him?
Ocean, what do you see?
I I can't really see.
You working with somebody?
You better watch yourself.
Don't accuse me of nothing, dog.
Just answer the question, Hype.
- Luther. It's me.
- What?
Come on, dog.
Like I'm gonna be snitching on you.
- Gun!
I got Hype! I got Hype!
- Let's go!
- Get Luther!
He's running for the alley!
- I'm right here.
Stay strong. Put that right there, okay?
I'll cut him off.
5021 David, I need an ambo
to 344 South Wallace.
I got a man down
with a GSW to the chest.
Bring some ambos right now!
Copy, 5021 David. Ambo en route.
Hey, hey, hey. Stay strong, man.
Don't give up, okay?
Don't give up, Hype. Come on, man.
Luther, stop!
There's nowhere else to go!
Drop your weapon, Luther! It's over.
Drop it!
Luther, I'm not asking you again.
Drop that weapon.
Don't make this worse than it gotta be.
Hey, Hype, look at me. Look at me.
They need you, okay?
You hear me? We need you.
We need you, man.
The people need you, man.
Come on, man, stay strong.
Don't give up, Hype.
Hype, don't give up, buddy.
Hype, don't give up, man.
Okay, thanks.
He was a good man.
Now he's gone.
There's nobody that can replace him.
Cycle of violence
just keeps going on and on.
But it's not on you.
You know, I was thinking
probably best we keep Hype's
role in all this quiet.
People don't need to know
he was working with us, wearing a wire.
No point in ruining his legacy.
Appreciate that, Sarge.
That's gonna go a long way
with all the local bankers,
the businesses.
You know, people love a good story,
gangster turned entrepreneur
who gives back to the city.
But when the lines get blurred,
all that white money tends
to dry up pretty fast.
So what?
We'll say that Luther was
a person of interest,
we were surveilling him on the premises,
then we heard gunshots?
'Cause that's what happened.
That's what happened.
Don't lie to me again.
I don't care how noble
your objectives are.
Just don't do it.
That's not how things work around here.
- Sorry, Sarge.
- No, I don't want an apology.
Just don't do it.
You tell me the truth
so I can lie for you.
Good night.