Chicago P.D. (2014) s12e14 Episode Script


Move away!
Hey, what the hell is wrong with people?
- Dad, what's going on?
- I got Alzheimer's.
It's gonna get bad.
I don't want you to see me like that.
I don't care.
I love you.
Domestic gone wrong.
How's the girl? She witness the murders?
I'm not sure.
- What's your name?
- Zoe.
Thomas Cronin killed them.
DNA and prints came back.
Zoe's DNA, she doesn't
match any of them.
She's not their kid.
We're looking for anything that
can lead us to Cronin's location.
I need mobile crime lab.
We've got burial plots.
None of the DNA
on the bodies matches Zoe.
- Where is she?
- We'll find out.
I'm not so sure about Wisconsin.
Why, though?
It fits the pattern.
Chances are he's headed north.
Sticking to the Midwest.
His last two victims were in Illinois.
This is his town.
This is his comfort zone,
where he's gotten comfortable.
Hey, you want to talk north?
We should talk Cabrini-Green.
It's crawling with single moms.
There's playgrounds all over the place.
All he'd have to do
is park himself there,
wait, and then pounce.
We should have undercovers
anchored in Cabrini-Green.
Pop, slow down.
No, I'm just saying that
Cabrini-Green makes the most sense.
Pops, Cabrini-Green was torn
down like 20 years ago.
- It's not there.
- What?
Remember? Yeah, it's gone.
It's a great theory.
- It's just
- I
I was there two weeks ago.
- I was working an informant.
- No, you
You're retired.
You live with us, remember?
It's OK. It's OK.
Don't worry about it.
- Dad, it's OK.
- Yeah, no, I
Yeah, yeah, it's just a bad night.
Don't even worry about it.

- Here.
- Yeah. Yeah, thanks.
Well, I'm tired.
I guess I should just
- I should just hit it.
- Yeah, yeah. Get some rest.
You'll feel great tomorrow.
Hey, you see they did
a feature in the papers
this morning about the tunnel rescue?
That was something.
You know, Billy,
Charlie, and I once saved
a two-year-old in an L, domestic.
Father had a knife against
a two-year-old's throat.
I distracted the guy.
Billy got a shot in.
I remember that one.
You guys did a hell of a thing.
I love you, Dad.
Get some rest.
- I love you, Pops.
- OK. Good night.
Good night.

Yo, did you get my message?
No. What's up?
Saint Louis PD just sent us something.
They had a Cronin sighting
at a hardware store.
- Security footage just came in.
- Really?
Yeah, come on.
Saint Louis.
Man, I had him tracking
back to Wisconsin.
Maybe he's using his old Saint Louis ID
to go back to a city he knows, huh?
- OK, here we go.
- Yeah.
Who the hell is that?
- That is not Cronin.
- Run facial rec.
Gary Elwell. Contractor.
Three DUI pinches out of Missouri.
I mean, are they kidding?
It's not even close.
- This is all they sent?
Not the first false lead.
Won't be the last.
- Huh.
Zoe's temporary foster mom's
calling me right now.
Hey, Sandy.
Good, yeah. How's Zoe doing?
OK. Yeah. No, I'm glad you called.
I'm going to
I'm going to head there right now.
OK. Bye.
What's going on?
There's a car circling the block.
She gets nervous.
It's probably nothing,
but I'm going to pop by.
Been meaning to check on Zoe anyway.
Copy that. I'm going to let Sarge know.
All right.
Hey, Sandy, I'm on my way.
I'm almost there, OK?
He's here, Adam. Help help!
Wait, wait, Sandy. Sandy!
5021 Ida, emergency.
5939 LaSalle.
Suspected homicide.
Offender broke into residence.
Woman's calling for help. I need cars.
There's a child inside.
I need cars right now.

Sandy? Zoe?

5021 Ida.
Advise responding. I got one down.
Multiple stab wounds. DOA.
Copy, Ida. Will notify.

I'm still searching the residence.
I do not have the child.
Surround the house.
Copy, Ida.
Establishing perimeter.

Hey, Zoe, it's Adam.
Call out, kiddo.
The child has been taken.
I repeat, the child has been taken.
She's eight years old,
known only as Zoe.

Sarge, Sandy's dead.
Zoe's gone. It must have been Cronin.
He took her.
Hey, where are you?
I'm in the back alley now.
We're coming to you.
Chicago PD.
You see someone pull out
of here a few minutes ago?
Hell yeah. Son of a bitch nearly hit me.
- It was a white pickup.
- Did you see the plates?
I took a picture.
I was going to call it in,
but then I thought, what's the point?
You see the driver?
White dude, had a kid with him.
This him?
Yeah. Why?
The hell's going on?
5021 Ida, I need a statewide BOLO
put out on a white Chevy pickup truck.
Illinois tags Mary Queen 90 King 79.
How the hell did Cronin
know she was here?
We're going to find out.
We should have had someone
here, had patrol sitting on it.
How did we miss this?
I never thought he'd come back here.
None of that is going
to help bring her back.
She's still alive. That's what matters.
He took her, didn't kill her.
Yeah, but why did he come back for?
The hell was he thinking?
We got nothing on the knock and talk.
Nobody saw the pickup.
Nobody heard a damn thing.
Hey, we got a hit on our BOLO.
The white pickup is at
a public parking lot on York,
- two miles away.
- Let's go.
All right, I'm going to
do the walk by.
Well, that should be fine.
I'm almost to the car.
No Cronin. No Zoe.
Blood trail ends right there.
Another car switch?
Makes sense.
Security cams?
Building management couldn't afford it.
I'll pull the closest PODs.
OK, good.
This man was hurt bad.
Sandy got him good,
put up a hell of a fight.
Yeah, Cronin's going to
have to find help somewhere.
Let's hit every hospital.
Kim, Adam, search that pickup.
Let's keep moving.
It's a lot of blood loss.
I don't know how this guy
is still standing,
let alone driving.
Oh, my God.
She's scared of him now.
So he's not looking.
She holds it up to the window for help.
Except no one saw.
Maybe not, but this is good.
This is a good thing.
She's smart, she's alive,
and she's fighting.
- She's fighting him, Adam.
Two months ago,
that wouldn't have been true.
Front desk is calling.
I'm going to head that way right now.
My dad's at the district.
By himself? He OK?
- I don't know.
- Go. I got this.

Dad, what are you doing in here?
The desk sergeant said
you were having a coffee.
- You can't be in here.
- I got an idea.
No, you're supposed
to be at the FOP with Johnny
No, no, no, I found something.
No, get up.
You cannot be looking at this stuff.
- What are you talking about?
- Get up.
- Come on, man.
- I'm police.
You can share files with me.
No, not like this.
Not when you're not
when you're not feeling well.
All right?
It's official evidence, man.
- I'm not mush yet.
- I know.
I know damn well I'm in trouble up here,
but I'm going down swinging.
I got a little stir crazy at
the FOP, so I came over here.
I think I know where Cronin
would go to get stitched up.
The foster mom stabbed him, right?
He needs medical help.
I know where he's going.
What do you mean
you know where he's going?
It's on Jackson. Come on.
- I'll explain when we get there.
- No, Dad, I can't just
Dad, what is happening?
All right, Dad, where is it?
You gotta tell me before
I drive you back to the FOP.
I got to go, man.
Hey, where did you get this?
I'm a cop. I carry a gun.
I picked it up at the FOP.
No. Absolutely not.
Look, what if this thing goes south?
Slow down, slow down. You said Jackson.
You brought me here.
What for? What's here?
What do you mean?
What, you tell me.
Going home?
Yeah. Yeah, we're going home.
Come on.
Pops, come on.

Any updates?
Hey, what else happened?
Nothing. Nothing. He's home now.
Carly's got him.
Gun's in the safe.
Adam, this this cannot happen.
- It can't.
- I know that.
Can we just talk about this
tonight at least?
He's home safe, and I just
- I just can't.
- Yes.
Come on.
How do we still have nothing?
There's nothing on PODs, really?
- No.
- How is that possible?
Cronin would have had to get on Adams
after leaving the parking garage.
That street is blanketed.
I know. I double checked.
He must have ducked down
an alley or something.
Hospitals so far are clear.
Nothing matching Cronin's description.
He's going to need to go somewhere.
He can't lay low forever,
not with that much blood loss.

I just I think this makes sense.

That's Cronin posing as Ethan Spivey.
Now, in that alias,
he claimed he was an army vet.
A former Ranger did a tour in Iraq.
He even had the Army star
bumper sticker.
- He was really selling it.
- Uh-huh.
What if he had a fake
military ID at the time?
OK, possible.
If he did, he'd have
access to VA clinics.
If he still has that fake ID,
he could access them now.
There's five outpatient clinics in town.
One's on Jackson, right by
where he dumped the pickup.
Pretty good.
Good work. Let's hit them all.
Yeah, my dad helped.
OK, he he was here a few hours ago.
He was in bad shape and in a hurry.
Was a little girl with him?
Yeah, they left together.
OK, so he was treated and released?
Once he realized he needed to
be admitted, he got nervous.
Didn't want his name on record.
Clearly, he didn't want to
be here long, so he took off.
Do you have security cameras?
Just for the parking lot.

That's him.

And there's Zoe.
- 5021 Eddie.
- Go with your traffic, Eddie.
Squad, I need to
update our previous BOLO.
Our wanted offender is now
driving a green Subaru,
Illinois plates. Zebra 857 Mary 12.
Vehicle was last seen
at 1300 West Jackson.
Your vehicle with matching plates
was involved in a
vehicle versus tree accident.
A pedestrian called it in
a half hour ago.
Was pedestrian able to see
a driver or a little girl?
No. Vehicle was unoccupied.
- No one on scene.
- All right.
What's the address of that accident?
- 3009 West Archer.
- Copy. We're en route.

- You with intelligence?
- Yeah.
What do you got?
Nothing yet besides a ton of blood.
I think the driver
crashed from blood loss.
No sign of the driver
or passenger, a young girl?
No. No witnesses to the actual crash.
We're just starting the canvass.
Kim, they went this way.
- Stay on the car.
- Copy that.

The trail ends there.
Could have gone either way.
I'll take the alley.

Hey. Hey, man.
You seen a white guy about 30 years old?
Had a young girl with him.
Scary-ass dude.
I didn't see a little girl, though.
He ducked into that building
right there.
Thank you.
Kim, I got a witness putting
Cronin in an abandoned building
- on Archer and Troy.
- Copy.

- Where is she, Thomas?
- Where's Zoe? Huh?
- What?
- Hey.
- I don't know.
Where's Zoe?
I dunno.
Call out!
Cronin, just tell me if she's here.
Zoe! Did you drop her somewhere?
Please, I need help.
This hurts.
It stops hurting when you start talking.
Where is she? Hey, hey.
I need you to wake up and talk to me!
Hey, I need you to
wake up and talk to me.
- Hey! Enough!
Yeah? You awake now?
- Are you awake?
Hey! Enough! Adam!
- Back off!
- You need to talk!
Cronin, stay with me.
Where's Zoe?
Cronin, stay with me. Where is Zoe?
5021, I need an ambo
at 874 North Archer.
I got an offender bleeding out
from a knife wound.
Copy, 5021. Ambo en route.

His brachial iliac artery
was sliced bad,
but I was able to clamp it in time.
He should make a full recovery.
Can we talk to him?
- Yeah, he's awake.
Be my guest.
Thank you.
Yeah, go ahead, Kim.
Hey, I'm looking at POD footage
of Cronin's Subaru right now.
We picked it off three blocks
before the accident.
Zoe's not in the vehicle.
Zoe's not with him?
No, and we've got three witnesses now
who saw Cronin flee the car.
Zoe wasn't there.
All right, Kim, you and the team fan out
from that VA clinic.
Find her.
Copy you.
Give us a minute.
Grab the door.
I'm Sergeant Voight.
This is Officer Ruzek.
Yes, I remember.
Where's Zoe, Thomas?
No games. It's not going to work.
What is going to work?
Listen, you tell us where Zoe
is, I can make sure she's safe.
You spent a long time keeping her safe,
keeping her alive you must love her.
That's a hell of a risk taking
her from that foster care.
[SIGHS] Yeah, yeah.
I must love her. That's good.
That's deep, Sergeant.
That's ocean deep.
Only I don't know
what we're talking about.
Good God, man,
just tell us where she is.
We just want to help her.
Zoe? Is that that's her name?
OK, listen to me.
You don't cooperate,
I'm done playing nice.
We found your little body farm.
You murdered nine people,
half of them kids.
Two you killed in Indiana.
That means Indiana charges.
Death penalty.
Is this how you treat
victims in Chicago?
This is my God.
This is madness. I mea
I was walking to a bus station.
I've said this.
I was abducted by two people.
I was robbed. I was stabbed.
And thanks to these surgeons here,
these miracle workers, my life is saved.
And you two, you two have the
audacity to chain me to a bed,
make accusations.
How dare you? Really, how dare you?
I want to
I want to talk to your chief.
You talk to me.
Look, I understand
you guys have a job to do.
You know, I have nothing
but respect for the police.
You have to interrogate me thoroughly.
I'm cooperating.
I hope you, in turn, appreciate that.
You know, when I was at Abu Ghraib,
the prisoners there
were not so cooperative.
I'll just I'll leave it at that.
I'll make it simple. I know the science.
The science is hard.
Um, but think of it this way.
Did you ever play with LEGOs as a kid?
I bet you did.
So the ISS is just you know
what that stands for, right?
The ISS.
It's the International Space Station.
So the ISS is just like a big LEGO set.
Each piece is launched
and assembled in space
using complex robotic systems.
Now, my job at NASA was
the roll-out solar panel.
I loved that project.
I loved the road as a kid.
And when you grow up in the
flatlands of Southern Illinois,
you want to leave
the Dairy Queens behind
for something like
like the Taj Mahal.
That's I mean,
that's something to see.
Shah Jahan built that tomb for his wife.
That's that is love, my friends.
Can I get a coffee, or
How long are you going to do this for?
Do what?
I'm just answering your questions,
as I was just explaining
to your pal here.
Stop, stop.

Indiana is willing to take the
death penalty off the table.
You talk, you live.
Let me see that.
I really do love Zoe.

She's a special one.
I never meant to hurt anyone.
I just
I wanted a family for Zoe and me.
But every time I thought
I'd found it, it just
it never felt right.
I didn't mean to hurt all of them.
It just was never right.
Where is Zoe now?
Just help us save her.
My friend helped me.
She's got Zoe.
Zoe is there waiting for me.
Who? Who is your friend?
A woman named Luna Sutter.

- Yes?
- Chicago Police.
- Luna Sutter?
- Yes, what is going on?
We're looking for Zoe.
I'm sorry. I don't know a Zoe.
OK, I'm going to need you
and your son to step aside.
We have a warrant to search your home.
- Is there anyone else inside?
- What? No.
Can you step aside, please?
Wait, what? I don't understand.
It's OK, kid.
Take a look at this. This is Zoe.
She's missing.
Oh, I do know her,
but I don't know her well.
We met her at a playground
about a month ago with her father.
Don, right?
Hold on, hold on.
- Is this Don?
- Yeah.
Yeah, that is him.
But why would his daughter be here?
I don't understand.
Why do you think that she would be here?
- Hey, any updates?
- No.
Nurse brought him food
about 10 minutes ago.
Check the bathroom.
Doctor! I need a doctor!

I got a pulse!

You son of a bitch.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You can't die yet.
Come on.
Come on!
Where's the doctor?
Cronin's dead.
There's no resuscitating him.
- What about the officer?
- He's going to make it.
I mean, Cronin must have stole scissors
from the nurse at some point.
That man was the only person
who knew Zoe's location.
Yeah, that's why he did it.
It's control.
He was playing with us the whole time.
Wanted us to never find her,
keep her for himself.
- We'll find her.
- All right. Listen to me.
He was arrogant.
OK, there will be mistakes,
something to trace.
Slow down, sweetheart. Slow down.
Come on, let's go back to 21.
- Adam.
- Yeah.
We got to go. That was Mac.
Something is wrong with your dad.
That's what he said.
He said he needed to go to work.
So he tried to get into the gun safe.
We explained to him that
he didn't need to go to work.
And then he got mad.
He yelled at me, and then
he said he had to go.
- Where is he?
- He got an Uber.
Look, I know he can't be alone,
but I didn't want to leave Mac.
It's all right. You did exactly
what you were supposed to do.
I asked the Uber driver.
He said he was taking him to Kelly's.
Hey, look at me.
You know that Grandpa didn't
mean to scare you, right?
It's just that he gets confused.
I tried to explain to him
that Mom and Dad didn't say that
- he could have a gun.
- It's Adam Ruzek.
Is Bob there?
Why don't we all get a snack, OK?
I don't care that he seems fine.
I want to talk to whoever
he's with, please.
So we got Cronin still in
the Subaru around 9:45 AM
right after he kidnapped Zoe,
but he's not at the VA until 10:42 AM.
That's a whole hour in between.
So he stopped somewhere and hid out?
I mean, he had to.
My guess is that he took Zoe
right back to the same place
after he failed at the VA.
And this time, he left her there.
It's a theory.
It would mean that Zoe is in a five-mile
radius around the VA.
I mean, that's what fits our timeline.
Do we have any properties
linked to Cronin over there?
No. No, that's where I come up empty.
Everything OK?
It's sorted for now.
Do we have any hits?
Not yet.
Let's keep digging.

You know, Zoe left that
message in the pickup.
Maybe she did it again.
Maybe she asked for help again.
Let's try it.

No, she didn't talk to anyone.
Did she go to the bathroom?
What about another room?
Was she ever alone with anyone?
She couldn't have been
a statue the entire time.
No, not that I remember.
She was with her dad the whole time.
He's not her dad.
It seemed as if he didn't
want her to leave his side,
and she didn't.
Where exactly were they?
She was seated in the waiting room.
She looked at some magazines.
Which magazines?
I don't know.
She was sitting right there.
All right.
Maybe she grabbed a pen from the truck.
- A crayon or something.
- Maybe.
If he can never let her
out of his sight,
how is she gonna ask us for
help or tell us anything?
Come on.
I got a page missing.


"I'm Zoe! Help! Mote."
Maybe maybe she was
trying to write motel?
Maybe he put her in a motel?
Worth a try.
There's three in the area.
He wouldn't have put her here.
They're too public.
Try abandoned.
One pops.
Abandoned motel
three miles from their
temporary foster home.
Two miles from here.



Chicago PD. Zoe!

This is the dog I gave her.
She's here.
Hey, we've searched the west wing.
Still got to clear
all the rooms in this area.
Copy. Fan out!


- This isn't tacked down.
- Gimme this.
Zoe? Zoe, it's Adam, kiddo.
- Call out, kid.
- Zoe!


Come on, call out, kid.
Call out.
Someone, please help!
Hey, Zoe.
Hey, it's Adam.
- Just hang tight, all right?
- Please help!
You all right?
Yeah? Yeah, you're all right.
You're all right. We got you.
We got you.
We got you now.
Everything's going to be all right now.
Sure am happy to see you.
My dad was really mad.
He was really, really mad.
I didn't know if I wanted
to be with him anymore.
That's OK.
Is that why he locked you in the room?
I tried to run,
but he caught me.
He locked me up and went to get
more help for his bad bleeding.
He was mad at me, wasn't he?
Do you know where he is?
He's not here?
Is he coming?
- Has he gone to heaven?
- Sergeant?

He's not coming back?
No, Zoe, he won't be back.
He's gone.
He died.
But then who am I going to be
without Dad?

Hey. Hey, Pops.
- How you doing?
- He's all good.
He's just he's been real quiet.
Just been watching TV.
I think he's a little worried,
maybe embarrassed, but he's all right.
OK. Thanks, Johnny. I'll walk you out.
Hey. You got this.
You remember what happened today?
Today, I was at Kelly's.
You were. You were.
But do you remember what happened here?
No, I didn't. Is everybody all right?
Yeah, everyone's OK. Yeah.
Made me worried for you.
I just want you to feel safe.
I want our family to be safe.
I got to take care of everyone,
you know? That's my job.
You, Mac, Kim. That's my job.
You got to take care of people.
And I just don't know that I can do that
with the way things have been going.
I looked into some facilities
here in Chicago,
and there's a really nice one
a mile away.
I think maybe now is the time
For you to move in there,
you know?
And I'll come visit you every day.
So will Kate. We'll bring Sam and Mac.
It's really nice.
And you'll be safe, so
I'm sorry.

Remind me your name.

It's Adam.
All right.


I searched crime labs,
missing persons all across
the country, and I just
I keep coming up empty.
So I'm here as a civilian.
I just really want to give
this child her name back.
For a familial DNA search,
we'll need permission
from the child and guardian.
All right, I think this is everything
you need right there.
These all look in order.
All right.
Officer Ruzek,
these searches are often
difficult or unsuccessful.
DNA testing is just one step
in a larger process.
You'll probably need
traditional research
- to identify this girl.
- I understand. Yeah.
We're ready to dig.
I know it's Sunday.
We're all busy.
I can't thank you enough.
We got you.
What's next?
A distant relative of theirs
matches a partial.
Would they be willing to
take a voluntary DNA test?
Hi, we're trying to identify
a young girl using ancestry.
Is there a chance that I can
speak with a supervisor?
That's right.
We believe she grew up in the Midwest.
Yes, your DNA will be put in a database.
Look, I understand,
but this will help identify
a kidnapped child.
We think she was taken
in 2018 when she was two.
Yeah, that's right.
No, this is all
a team of volunteers.
No, this is not a police request.
Yeah, I can meet you in person.
I can explain the whole thing.

Thank you.
Hey, kiddo.
How you doing, my friend?
What's this?
Is this for me?
Look at this cool dog.
Thank you.
Hey, guess what?
I have some good news for you.
So you remember how we talked about
how sometimes you meet your
family when you're older?
Like how I met my daughter,
how she was six when we met?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
So I found one of your relatives.
What do you mean?
I mean, she's your family,
knew you when you were a baby.
She's your grandmother.
That make sense?
Yeah, it's probably a lot, huh?
But she seems really nice. I like her.
Kind of looks like you.
And she's got two dogs.
One is the size of my head.
The other one is the size
of my whole body.
You want to meet her?
All right.
I'm Amy.
Why are you crying?
I'm just
I'm just so happy to see you.

I have been wanting
to see you for so long.
You see, I haven't seen you
since you were a really little girl,
with a big smile,
and you loved to dance around.

Did I have a different name then?

Yeah, hon.
Your name is Marie.


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