Chicago Fire s13e13 Episode Script
Born of Fire
Time passes by so fast.
I want a family with you, Kelly.
Is adoption something
that you would consider?
I think that sounds just right.
I invited Carver to join.
He said he had plans.
I don't know.
- Are you here for the meeting?
- Mm-hmm.
Straight back
and up those stairs.
I'm Sam, and
- I'm an alcoholic.
- ALL: Hi, Sam.
That's the first time
I've said that out loud.
I've got 22 days today.
Most I've gone since I was about 14.
And I wish
I wish I could say it feels great.
I don't know.
Maybe part of me isn't
convinced I need to be here.
But I don't feel too comfortable
in my regular life either.
But I see all you smiling
at me and being nice to me.
And, uh, yeah, it's a little weird.
But it also makes me feel
like you guys get it.
And that makes me feel like
maybe I am in the right place.
Well, when I woke up to an empty bed,
I figured for sure
you were making coffee.
I thought about it.
Then I got in my head how it would look
if you found me rummaging
through your kitchen.
Whenever you're here,
make yourself at home.
Or, hey, at least make coffee
so I can have some when I wake up.
[CHUCKLES] Understood.
What's all this?
A new case. It's kind of kicking my ass.
Well, I'm here if you want help.
You know, I haven't
brought it up yet because
crossing work and personal
worlds can get kind of weird.
But my client's actually a medic.
Oh. Well, go on.
The state charged him with
criminally negligent homicide
for a patient that died in his care.
Ooh, that's rough.
The prosecution's
breathing down my neck.
They got him to take a plea deal.
But you think he acted properly?
That's what this early
morning cram session's for.
I need to determine
if he followed procedure.
If he did, find proof
and take it to the prosecution.
Well, I would love to help,
and this is my area of expertise.
Well, that and baking artisanal bread
and organic chemistry.
And actually, maybe it would
be faster to name the things
that I'm not good at.
Coffee and expertise
find one guy in Chicago luckier than me.
Hey, man.
I'm Lee.
Uh, Sam.
Great share, dude.
Seriously, listening to you,
that was the first time
that I felt connected
in a meeting in a while.
Thank you.
Sometimes I just wanna know
that there are people here
who are struggling as much as I am.
Uh, how long do you have?
Today is day three.
But I've been in and out
for about five years.
I've gotten a year before, twice.
This last go around though,
uh, it's been harder.
Oh, yeah?
I know what you mean.
Hey, you should
you should take my number
in case you're ever, you know, in it.
You wanna talk or vent or just whatever.
Call me.
Yeah, you should take mine too.
Wait, what?
Hey, let's keep it
a little quiet, all right?
Kelly and I just started
talking about it.
I'm not ready for the news to go wide.
Mm-hmm. All right. I won't tell anyone.
But this is so exciting.
I thought you didn't even like kids.
Oh, God, I don't.
But I'm not having one, you are.
Wow, a Stellaride baby.
Yeah. Oh, come on.
You know that's what
we all call you two.
No, I did not.
Did you guys hear about Sherman?
Retiring to Florida
to raise sugar gliders,
whatever those are.
People think they're rodents,
but they're actually marsupials.
Hmm, okay.
Well, when I retire,
I'm taking another shot
at expanding Molly's into a chain.
You know, make it
the Ditka's of Chicago pubs.
I'm gonna focus on my drumming,
maybe get the old band back together.
What about you, Mouch?
What are your retirement plans?
I'm not thinking that far ahead.
Right now, my plans
are all about the CFD.
Man, I wish I had that kind of gumption.
Squad 3, Ambulance 61.
Person trapped, 2987 West End.
What the hell is this place?
What's going on?
I don't know what happened.
She's stuck up there.
We're gonna have
to rig up a slide rescue.
Yeah, I got the rope and harness.
Tony, grab a second rope bag.
Capp, find a low anchor point.
Copy that.
Hang on! I'm coming to get you!
- Feel that?
- Yep.
Got it.
Capp, heads up!
- Okay!
- Set.
On you go.
Drop it in!
Keep holding on. We're almost there.
Coming for you.
All right, Cruz, about 10 more feet.
Hurry! Faster!
- Pull!
- Yeah!
All right, Cruz, bring us down.
Okay, steady.
There we go. Perfect.
C-collar. Let's get her on oxygen.
Pulse is fast and weak.
Saturation's 80%.
Ma'am, can you hear me?
Saturation is going up.
Okay, let's get her to Med.
Stay calm. We got you, okay?
Just wanna let you know
that I told Violet
about the adoption idea.
But I I told her
not to spread it around,
that we're just starting
to discuss it, so
Sure, yeah, that makes sense.
Did did you know that
they call us Stellaride?
Who's they?
I don't know actually.
But anyways, I heard you
pulled quite the move
with the zip line earlier.
Yeah, I mean, climbing the tower,
rigging your own zip line.
It's it's pretty impressive.
Why do I feel like you're
about to ask for a favor?
I need new Girls on Fire drills.
I want something badass,
something like what you did today.
You want me to teach a Girls
on Fire course, Lieutenant?
I know that they would
love learning under Squad,
especially something technical
and fun with the ropes.
I mean, they have never done
anything like that before.
I'll start thinking on it now.
You are the best.
Thank you.
Hey, everybody, I got an announcement.
You know, all that retirement talk,
you know, it got me thinking.
You know, if I really want to
expand Molly's,
then I gotta start
building it now, you know?
And just get it, you know,
more of a brand-name status.
How are we gonna do that?
Well, we're gonna create
a signature cocktail.
That'll help, you know,
Molly's stand out.
What's the cocktail gonna be?
All right, well, this is
where you guys all come in.
Tomorrow night at Molly's,
I want everybody there
for taste testing.
I'm in.
Yeah, me too.
Sorry, gonna have to miss it.
Next time.
Well, actually, this is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,
but suit yourself.
Hey, I haven't seen
you around at Molly's
in a while, Carver.
I kind of miss seeing you there.
I'm sure I'll get there soon.
You know EMS protocols
are available online, right?
Well, Flynn and his clan
are coming by later
to talk through the case.
I just I wanna make sure
I'm brushed up on protocols.
Well, fill me in.
Maybe I can help.
Victim was epileptic.
Family called 911
after a really bad seizure.
By the time the medics got
there, he had stopped seizing
but was barely conscious.
He came to in the ambulance
and became very aggressive,
so the medic administered
Versed to help calm him down.
A short time later, the patient
went into cardiac arrest
and died.
That's sad.
Yeah, I know.
And the protocols on
the administration of Versed
are pretty cut and dry.
And it seems like he followed them,
so why are they going after him?
The family is putting a lot of pressure
on the state's attorneys.
They're saying the victim
should have never
been given the drug at all.
Well, that's a tough position
for the medic.
I think that's why I wanna help.
I would hope someone would
step in if it were me.
Me too.
Hey, it's, uh,
it's Sam from the meeting.
Hope it's not weird, me calling.
But I'm having one
of those days where I
I don't know.
Everyone at work goes
We all hang at this bar, Molly's.
And I know it's not a great idea to go.
But I don't know what's worse,
sitting there nursing a soda
and pretending like I'm
not crawling out of my skin
or staying away and
feeling totally disconnected
from everyone.
Uh, I'm sorry to unload that.
I just whatever.
I'll figure it out.
See you around.
Hi, I was coming out to meet you.
I just got your text.
My client just stopped to talk
to one of your engine guys.
I guess he used to work here.
Yeah, he didn't mention it,
but maybe you know him.
We definitely know each other.
Hey, Violet.
Why didn't you tell me
you knew each other?
Because he knows I would
have told you not to come.
Two minutes, that's all I'm asking for.
The way that your CFD career ended,
Lennox, I am not getting involved.
So you're not gonna even hear me out?
Jared, if Violet's not comfortable,
she's not doing it.
Let's go.
I am so sorry.
I knew he was CFD,
but he didn't mention 51.
He was just a floater.
He was only here for a few shifts.
I will explain everything later.
But you do not have to apologize.
That was a very Lennox thing to do.
Was that who I think it was?
The guy who almost got us
fired last year.
Yeah, it was.
Apparently, he's working for
a private ambulance company
since Chief Robinson sent him packing.
What did he want?
My help, which is insane
given that he was just charged
with criminally negligent homicide
for doing exactly what
we saw him do last year.
Thanks for coming all the way down here.
You really didn't have to.
Oh, to be honest,
I was just sitting around
watching Netflix,
feeling sorry for myself.
I was gonna hit a meeting,
but talking one-on-one, face-to-face,
that's the best way
to get out of my head.
- Mm-hmm.
- So you're a firefighter?
That's pretty badass.
Who's that?
She's just a coworker.
Just a coworker?
Uh, we dated for a while.
But she's just a friend now.
Yeah, sounds messy,
working with your ex.
I guess. But
the friendship
part is what's hard right now.
It's the thing I've been
missing the most
since I stopped going to Molly's.
You won't have to stay away forever.
At some point, I bet
you'll be able to go back
and just hang out there, you know?
But right now, dude,
take it from a chronic relapser.
Putting yourself in that
situation with that person
before you've built a solid
foundation in recovery,
you're playing with fire.
Come on. Come on.
- Snake eyes!
Automatic loser.
I am aware.
Thank God.
I hate cleaning the compartments.
You know, it would go a lot
faster if we clean them all together.
Yeah, it probably would.
Have fun.
Hey, Cruz, are you busy?
He's about to get elbow deep
in some compartment cleaning.
Not anymore. I need him.
You two take over.
What's up?
I need you to put together a
ropes course for Girls on Fire.
I was gonna do it,
but Pascal just dumped
a whole bunch
of performance reviews on me.
Performance reviews?
Should I be worried?
Depends how you do on this.
Any kind of direction here?
Kidd said something technical and fun.
Start there.
Think Squad-worthy.
What are you doing back here?
I just need to talk to Violet.
It'll only take a minute.
And then I'll be gone.
I know I screwed up when I was
here at 51 in so many ways.
I was arrogant and disrespectful.
Oh, Lennox, I am not turning you down
because I felt disrespected.
I saw you do the exact same thing,
shoot someone up with Versed
who did not need it
and without checking their oxygen.
No, this guy, he really was agitated.
You almost killed
your patient last year.
Why would I believe you now?
You're right.
I got lucky last year,
and the patient survived.
And if he hadn't, that was on me.
But this time, I swear
I did it by the book.
And believe it or not, I learned a lot
from you when I was riding 61.
I would never do that again.
He would have hurt himself if I
hadn't administered that dose.
I'm sure of it.
And you are sure you
checked his oxygen first?
Yes, and I was monitoring his levels
because of what you drilled into me.
I didn't wanna make
that same mistake again.
I was pretty gutted when he died.
At his house
The way the family seemed, you could
you could just tell how much
they loved him, you know?
There's gotta be someone else
you can go to,
another medic that you've worked with.
But none of them are a PIC
with firsthand knowledge
of me or my case.
Flynn could be the best lawyer
in Cook County,
but I need you to back me up.
I need you.
This isn't just my career
we're talking about.
It's my entire life on the line.
And you can save me.
This guy, Lennox,
he's like a cautionary tale
to all CFD floaters.
Honestly, I am surprised
that you didn't wail on him
the way you do with a heavy bag
or that Kelly didn't kill him.
Huh, yeah.
I actually think that
I'm gonna help him.
The way he was talking, I believed him.
It sounded like he followed protocol
but something went horribly wrong.
Well, so what does he expect you to do?
Basically, vouch for him
at the state attorney's
and give my expert opinion as a PIC.
Well, I mean, look, either way,
he is lucky as hell
to have you on his team.
We'll see.
I call it the ladder hang.
Girls run up to the hanging lines,
use a specialty knot to tie off
their harnesses to it,
and let go.
Then what?
Then what what?
What do they do next?
They sit down and see if the
knot can handle their weight.
So Severide asked
for a Squad-worthy drill,
and you're having them sit.
Tying the knot, technical.
Hanging from the rope, fun.
Those were the instructions.
These are kids.
What do you want them to do,
rappel through a ring of fire?
No, but we could as a demonstration.
We're not gonna do that.
What's all this?
Severide asked us to put together
a Squad drill for Girls on Fire.
It's called the ladder hang.
Ladder hang, huh?
I want all this cleaned up
before the end of shift.
He hates it.
We're going with the ladder hang.
End of discussion.
That dose of Versed was
not only medically indicated,
it was absolutely necessary to prevent
Mr. Vicente from harming himself.
The victim had no history of aggressive
or irrational behavior,
no mental illness.
He was a pillar of his community.
His family's adamant about all this.
And they're more than eager
to testify to it under oath.
I don't doubt any of that.
But seizure victims can sometimes have
what's called postictal events,
or where when they regain awareness,
they can become agitated and confused.
And as I'm sure you're already
aware, the victim tried to
I know what Mr. Lennox claims
the victim tried to do.
The victim tried to jump
from a moving ambulance, Mr. Strauss.
He tried to rip the IV
from out of his arm.
Mr. Lennox was obviously concerned
about this man's safety.
What's at issue in this case is
not whether or not the Versed
was medically indicated.
Even if we grant
that the victim's behavior
warranted the dose,
it was Mr. Lennox's
criminally negligent failure
to monitor his patient's vitals
that led directly
to Mr. Vicente's death.
My client will testify under oath
that he monitored his
patient at all times
and that the cardiac event
came on suddenly
without any warning.
Your client has zero
credibility here, Mr. Calhoun.
He was fired from the CFD
for a nearly identical act of negligence
less than a year ago.
The family was shocked and appalled
when they heard that, in fact.
So considering what they're pushing for,
I think the offer on the table
is more than generous.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have another meeting.
All right, people!
Signature cocktail, all right?
Option number one, the Camel.
I wanna know about the name,
but I'm afraid to know the answer.
All right, no, it's Engine's mascot.
No, I figured we'd just lean
into all the firefighter thing.
Yes, he has one for every rig at 51,
so brace yourself.
- Bottoms up, everybody.
- Whoo!
- Cheers.
- Go to it.
- Pace yourself.
- All right.
Fire in the hole.
It's really, really sweet.
It's marzipan forward.
- Big no.
- All right.
There's good feedback. All right.
We'll just put this in
the, you know, "maybe" column.
Hey, guys.
So where are we at
with the Girls on Fire drill?
Oh, I came up with the ladder hang.
So the girls, they tie their
harnesses off to the rope,
sit back, and see if their
knot can handle the weight.
Is that it?
That's exactly what we said.
Cruz, what do you think
Stella is gonna say
when she sees this?
Good job?
This is a great drill for somebody
who has no Squad training.
It's gonna look like we're going
easy on them because they're girls.
No, that's not what I was trying to do.
Maybe not consciously.
Could be internalized misogyny.
Could be we take this outside.
Hey, just don't worry about it.
- Forget it.
- No, I can step it up a notch.
No, really. It's fine.
I'm thinking on some ideas anyway.
Yes, this is she.
Thank you, Officer.
I, uh, I'll be right there.
Yeah, Carver's in the drunk tank.
Flashback to two years ago.
Um, I gotta go.
We're not gonna charge him.
I figured hauling
his lieutenant down here
was a tougher pill than
a misdemeanor D&D anyway.
Yeah, we'll see about that.
Hey, Manetti,
go get Sam Carver out
of holding, will you?
Hey, what did he do anyway?
Picked a fight with a bartender.
Your boy was hammered, stumbling around,
snagging shots off the bar
and tossing them back
without paying for them.
He was just being a drunken idiot.
But if he had hurt somebody or
tried to get behind the wheel,
that's where
the professional courtesy ends.
I totally get it.
And yeah, you can bet your ass he's
not getting off easy with me.
I'm so sorry, Lieutenant.
I I don't even know
what to say about this.
You actually know this guy?
Yeah, he's kind of a
uh, a friend.
Your friend just tried to get out
of trouble by impersonating you.
I'm sorry you got dragged into this.
I am just really glad
it wasn't you this time.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Mm-hmm.
What the hell were you thinking,
dropping my name like that?
I'm sorry.
It was so stupid.
I lost my wallet.
I figured the cops would
just let me bounce
if I told them that I was a firefighter.
What happened?
It was like this story in the big book
with the guy who puts the
whiskey in his milk, you know?
Just sort of came out of nowhere, but
I almost had a drink tonight too.
I was sitting around bored,
and I don't know.
I was alone.
And started thinking about how
everyone was at Molly's.
And what's the big deal
if I just popped by there?
- And
- Everyone?
You mean Violet?
Oh, damn, dude.
That girl that girl is, like,
seriously toxic to your sobriety.
You you don't know
anything about her, Lee.
Yeah, no, totally.
Totally. I don't know what
the hell I'm talking about.
I'm still pretty wasted.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that. No.
I should have been there for you.
And I will be from now on.
I swear to God.
I probably would have gone to Molly's
if this hadn't happened.
So you helped me without
even realizing it.
Come on.
I'll give you a lift home.
Come on.
Let's go.
So you're saying
I should take the plea deal?
All I'm saying is that the state's
attorney isn't backing down.
I think it would be wise
to weigh every option.
That's what I've been doing.
Whether I take a plea deal
or go to trial,
it's starting to feel
like I'm gonna end up
in jail no matter what.
If we do end up at trial,
would the state be able to prove
the Versed caused the victim's death?
Versed can't cause death
in and of itself.
It can lead to respiratory depression,
and that can cause cardiac
arrest if it's not treated.
Lennox, just walk me through everything
that happened after
the oxygen alarm went off.
It didn't.
The oxygen alarm didn't go off.
The cardiac alarm did.
You sure?
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
If there wasn't an oxygen event
before the patient went
into cardiac arrest
Oh, my God.
Then something other than the
Versed must have killed him.
Can can we prove it?
The cardiac monitors on the ambulances
keep a code summary of every call.
It documents the patient's heart rate,
oxygen levels, all of it.
It even logs when and if the
oxygen alarm was even triggered.
So the O2 alarms are saved
on the code summary?
On most of the ambulances
out there, yeah.
So if we can get our hands on the
monitors from Lennox's ambulance,
it might give us the
information we need to fight this?
We just have to hope that the monitor
hasn't been used too many times
or the old data
will have been deleted.
Hey, you're here early.
Trudy's at PT.
Figured I'd help open up.
I guess there's
a first time for everything.
So what ended up being
the winning cocktail?
Oh, Born of Fire.
It's basically a smoky martini.
I know it's a Squad slogan,
and that's annoying,
but it does say firefighter bar.
And that's what makes Molly's, you know,
stand out from all the rest, right?
- Yeah.
- See, I would offer you one,
but you're already drinking.
You seem really excited about
this whole expansion idea.
Yeah, I am.
Molly's North was a hit.
You know?
And it would have still
been up and running,
you know, if Otis hadn't
Yeah, you know, if he were still around.
And if you could really franchise,
that'd make a pretty penny.
Okay, so you're not here
to help me open up
or have yet another free beer.
What's on your mind?
If you're ready to focus on Molly's
and step away from the CFD,
I don't want you to grind
toward that chief exam
just for me, man.
No way!
No, we're in this together.
We made our plan.
I'm not gonna screw it up.
It's what you want, too, though, right?
Stop staring at me like that.
You're freaking me out.
All right. Fine, fine.
I'll have a Born of Fire.
Don't do me any favors.
I'm not. It sounds like
the perfect signature drink.
One Born of Fire coming up.
Sam, right?
Good memory.
How's it going?
Uh, you know, up and down.
Yeah, I get that feeling.
Things do even out eventually.
I'm just glad that Lee guy
didn't scare you off.
What do you mean?
Yeah, I met him a few
months ago at another meeting.
And at first, he seemed
super nice and supportive.
You know, two newcomers
helping each other.
- But
- What happened?
He just from one day to the next,
he just got, like, fixated, you know?
Suddenly, he was all over
my social media
and posting some really
weird comments to my friends
in the middle of the night.
And then he showed up at my job
and threatened one of my coworkers.
I had talked to Lee about her.
And she was kind of a drinking buddy.
And he was all, "That girl
is bad for your sobriety."
And he literally accosted her
in the parking garage.
What the hell are you doing?
Sir, you need to get the
hell out of my home right now.
What I want is for you
to leave him alone.
Stop talking to him.
Stop tempting him.
He is clean now.
He doesn't need you goading him.
Who doesn't?
- Sam.
He has a disease.
And you're making it worse.
You're killing him,
and I am not gonna let that happen.
Whoa, whoa. Okay, okay.
Sam and I are friends, okay?
No, you're not. You're toxic.
You are pushing him over the edge
so that you can see him suffer.
And I
No! No! No!
What the hell is wrong with you?
I'm just trying to help you, man.
I told you I'd always have your back.
Chicago PD!
Over here.
- This guy broke in.
- I didn't do anything.
Wait, stop.
Hey, Sam. Hey, Sam.
- Tell them who I am, man.
- Let's go.
Hey, tell them who I am.
We'll be back to take a statement.
Why are you letting them do this?
We're supposed to help each other, Sam!
We're supposed to help each other!
Are you okay?
I'm so sorry that happened.
I am really sorry.
Sam, what the hell was that?
Chief says she didn't
have to come in today.
Still, I can see why
she'd want to, though.
Yeah, she's a toughie.
Hey, kid, how you doing?
- Hey.
- Oh.
I am so glad to see you.
I'm okay, really.
I am.
Still, it was a pretty scary situation.
No, yeah, it definitely was.
But Carver saved the day.
And Flynn came over as soon as I called
to make sure I felt safe for the night.
Wow, those are two really great guys.
Yeah. Yeah, they are.
And I heard Ritter called, like,
a hundred times from his
little mountain getaway.
Yes, he did.
Okay, it's it's very sweet
for you all to worry.
But really, I'm fine.
But are you fine enough
for Capp's kasha breakfast?
Oh, God. I hope you're making that up.
Oh, he is not.
That's so true.
Yeah, put a bunch of sugar on it.
All right.
You wanted fun, technical?
That's what you asked for.
Well, I'd say we delivered.
The girls can climb the aerial,
harness in the rope,
zipline on down.
I mean well, first of all, thank you.
Second of all,
I think you may have lost your mind.
Kelly, you know, some
of these girls are 14, right?
They cannot be doing something like this
without any prior training.
It's dangerous.
I'm not sure what you were thinking.
What I was thinking was they
might appreciate the challenge.
Your chief came up with the idea
after reading my report.
I see.
You are right.
Chief, the girls would
absolutely appreciate
a challenge like this.
The thing is that they all
sign these liability waivers.
And they are pretty strict.
So it limits what we can do.
Other than that, it is great.
I'm never gonna live that down.
I doubt it.
We'll change the drill.
Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.
- Mm-hmm.
Cruz, we'll go ahead
with the ladder thing.
You heard him, boys. Chop-chop.
You know, there is not a lot
of Born of Fire orders so far.
We need this to get traction.
I'm gonna say something
controversial here.
Maybe 10 bucks is too much
for a local pub cocktail.
You might be right.
You're smarter than you look.
You know that, right?
About a lot of things.
Are you sure you're okay
with being here?
Yeah. No, I'm good.
I wanted to be here with you
and and everyone.
I just keep thinking, I hate
that I didn't suss that guy out sooner.
No, it is not your fault, Sam.
No, you're supposed to be able
to trust people in those rooms
and be vulnerable.
And it's why it works, right?
And it is so, so messed up
that some sick guy
took advantage of that.
You know, Sam, I just
I hope, you know,
it doesn't push you away
from all the good people that are there.
That is an agency
that Brett recommended.
So the adoption lawyer
that she used with Julia
uses this place.
And Brett says they're great.
An adoption agency. Wow.
For whenever we're ready.
we'll call them tomorrow?
Yeah, it's a date.
Did you get access to the ambulance?
The rig I was writing
was taken out of service
for the criminal case, which means
that data was still there.
We were able to get
the reports off the monitor,
which clearly showed the oxygen dropped
after the cardiac arrest.
Which means there was
an underlying condition,
probably set up from the epilepsy.
Okay. So that's what caused
the cardiac arrest, not the Versed.
The state's dropping the charges.
I meant what I said
about learning from you.
I have no idea how
to thank you, either of you.
Well, I do.
It involves a cocktail
called Born of Fire.
It's a new signature drink around here.
Oh, I like this plan.
Line 'em up.
All right, Herrmann, three Born of Fire.
Maybe four.
Three signature Born of Fire
cocktails coming up!
Time passes by so fast.
I want a family with you, Kelly.
Is adoption something
that you would consider?
I think that sounds just right.
I invited Carver to join.
He said he had plans.
I don't know.
- Are you here for the meeting?
- Mm-hmm.
Straight back
and up those stairs.
I'm Sam, and
- I'm an alcoholic.
- ALL: Hi, Sam.
That's the first time
I've said that out loud.
I've got 22 days today.
Most I've gone since I was about 14.
And I wish
I wish I could say it feels great.
I don't know.
Maybe part of me isn't
convinced I need to be here.
But I don't feel too comfortable
in my regular life either.
But I see all you smiling
at me and being nice to me.
And, uh, yeah, it's a little weird.
But it also makes me feel
like you guys get it.
And that makes me feel like
maybe I am in the right place.
Well, when I woke up to an empty bed,
I figured for sure
you were making coffee.
I thought about it.
Then I got in my head how it would look
if you found me rummaging
through your kitchen.
Whenever you're here,
make yourself at home.
Or, hey, at least make coffee
so I can have some when I wake up.
[CHUCKLES] Understood.
What's all this?
A new case. It's kind of kicking my ass.
Well, I'm here if you want help.
You know, I haven't
brought it up yet because
crossing work and personal
worlds can get kind of weird.
But my client's actually a medic.
Oh. Well, go on.
The state charged him with
criminally negligent homicide
for a patient that died in his care.
Ooh, that's rough.
The prosecution's
breathing down my neck.
They got him to take a plea deal.
But you think he acted properly?
That's what this early
morning cram session's for.
I need to determine
if he followed procedure.
If he did, find proof
and take it to the prosecution.
Well, I would love to help,
and this is my area of expertise.
Well, that and baking artisanal bread
and organic chemistry.
And actually, maybe it would
be faster to name the things
that I'm not good at.
Coffee and expertise
find one guy in Chicago luckier than me.
Hey, man.
I'm Lee.
Uh, Sam.
Great share, dude.
Seriously, listening to you,
that was the first time
that I felt connected
in a meeting in a while.
Thank you.
Sometimes I just wanna know
that there are people here
who are struggling as much as I am.
Uh, how long do you have?
Today is day three.
But I've been in and out
for about five years.
I've gotten a year before, twice.
This last go around though,
uh, it's been harder.
Oh, yeah?
I know what you mean.
Hey, you should
you should take my number
in case you're ever, you know, in it.
You wanna talk or vent or just whatever.
Call me.
Yeah, you should take mine too.
Wait, what?
Hey, let's keep it
a little quiet, all right?
Kelly and I just started
talking about it.
I'm not ready for the news to go wide.
Mm-hmm. All right. I won't tell anyone.
But this is so exciting.
I thought you didn't even like kids.
Oh, God, I don't.
But I'm not having one, you are.
Wow, a Stellaride baby.
Yeah. Oh, come on.
You know that's what
we all call you two.
No, I did not.
Did you guys hear about Sherman?
Retiring to Florida
to raise sugar gliders,
whatever those are.
People think they're rodents,
but they're actually marsupials.
Hmm, okay.
Well, when I retire,
I'm taking another shot
at expanding Molly's into a chain.
You know, make it
the Ditka's of Chicago pubs.
I'm gonna focus on my drumming,
maybe get the old band back together.
What about you, Mouch?
What are your retirement plans?
I'm not thinking that far ahead.
Right now, my plans
are all about the CFD.
Man, I wish I had that kind of gumption.
Squad 3, Ambulance 61.
Person trapped, 2987 West End.
What the hell is this place?
What's going on?
I don't know what happened.
She's stuck up there.
We're gonna have
to rig up a slide rescue.
Yeah, I got the rope and harness.
Tony, grab a second rope bag.
Capp, find a low anchor point.
Copy that.
Hang on! I'm coming to get you!
- Feel that?
- Yep.
Got it.
Capp, heads up!
- Okay!
- Set.
On you go.
Drop it in!
Keep holding on. We're almost there.
Coming for you.
All right, Cruz, about 10 more feet.
Hurry! Faster!
- Pull!
- Yeah!
All right, Cruz, bring us down.
Okay, steady.
There we go. Perfect.
C-collar. Let's get her on oxygen.
Pulse is fast and weak.
Saturation's 80%.
Ma'am, can you hear me?
Saturation is going up.
Okay, let's get her to Med.
Stay calm. We got you, okay?
Just wanna let you know
that I told Violet
about the adoption idea.
But I I told her
not to spread it around,
that we're just starting
to discuss it, so
Sure, yeah, that makes sense.
Did did you know that
they call us Stellaride?
Who's they?
I don't know actually.
But anyways, I heard you
pulled quite the move
with the zip line earlier.
Yeah, I mean, climbing the tower,
rigging your own zip line.
It's it's pretty impressive.
Why do I feel like you're
about to ask for a favor?
I need new Girls on Fire drills.
I want something badass,
something like what you did today.
You want me to teach a Girls
on Fire course, Lieutenant?
I know that they would
love learning under Squad,
especially something technical
and fun with the ropes.
I mean, they have never done
anything like that before.
I'll start thinking on it now.
You are the best.
Thank you.
Hey, everybody, I got an announcement.
You know, all that retirement talk,
you know, it got me thinking.
You know, if I really want to
expand Molly's,
then I gotta start
building it now, you know?
And just get it, you know,
more of a brand-name status.
How are we gonna do that?
Well, we're gonna create
a signature cocktail.
That'll help, you know,
Molly's stand out.
What's the cocktail gonna be?
All right, well, this is
where you guys all come in.
Tomorrow night at Molly's,
I want everybody there
for taste testing.
I'm in.
Yeah, me too.
Sorry, gonna have to miss it.
Next time.
Well, actually, this is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,
but suit yourself.
Hey, I haven't seen
you around at Molly's
in a while, Carver.
I kind of miss seeing you there.
I'm sure I'll get there soon.
You know EMS protocols
are available online, right?
Well, Flynn and his clan
are coming by later
to talk through the case.
I just I wanna make sure
I'm brushed up on protocols.
Well, fill me in.
Maybe I can help.
Victim was epileptic.
Family called 911
after a really bad seizure.
By the time the medics got
there, he had stopped seizing
but was barely conscious.
He came to in the ambulance
and became very aggressive,
so the medic administered
Versed to help calm him down.
A short time later, the patient
went into cardiac arrest
and died.
That's sad.
Yeah, I know.
And the protocols on
the administration of Versed
are pretty cut and dry.
And it seems like he followed them,
so why are they going after him?
The family is putting a lot of pressure
on the state's attorneys.
They're saying the victim
should have never
been given the drug at all.
Well, that's a tough position
for the medic.
I think that's why I wanna help.
I would hope someone would
step in if it were me.
Me too.
Hey, it's, uh,
it's Sam from the meeting.
Hope it's not weird, me calling.
But I'm having one
of those days where I
I don't know.
Everyone at work goes
We all hang at this bar, Molly's.
And I know it's not a great idea to go.
But I don't know what's worse,
sitting there nursing a soda
and pretending like I'm
not crawling out of my skin
or staying away and
feeling totally disconnected
from everyone.
Uh, I'm sorry to unload that.
I just whatever.
I'll figure it out.
See you around.
Hi, I was coming out to meet you.
I just got your text.
My client just stopped to talk
to one of your engine guys.
I guess he used to work here.
Yeah, he didn't mention it,
but maybe you know him.
We definitely know each other.
Hey, Violet.
Why didn't you tell me
you knew each other?
Because he knows I would
have told you not to come.
Two minutes, that's all I'm asking for.
The way that your CFD career ended,
Lennox, I am not getting involved.
So you're not gonna even hear me out?
Jared, if Violet's not comfortable,
she's not doing it.
Let's go.
I am so sorry.
I knew he was CFD,
but he didn't mention 51.
He was just a floater.
He was only here for a few shifts.
I will explain everything later.
But you do not have to apologize.
That was a very Lennox thing to do.
Was that who I think it was?
The guy who almost got us
fired last year.
Yeah, it was.
Apparently, he's working for
a private ambulance company
since Chief Robinson sent him packing.
What did he want?
My help, which is insane
given that he was just charged
with criminally negligent homicide
for doing exactly what
we saw him do last year.
Thanks for coming all the way down here.
You really didn't have to.
Oh, to be honest,
I was just sitting around
watching Netflix,
feeling sorry for myself.
I was gonna hit a meeting,
but talking one-on-one, face-to-face,
that's the best way
to get out of my head.
- Mm-hmm.
- So you're a firefighter?
That's pretty badass.
Who's that?
She's just a coworker.
Just a coworker?
Uh, we dated for a while.
But she's just a friend now.
Yeah, sounds messy,
working with your ex.
I guess. But
the friendship
part is what's hard right now.
It's the thing I've been
missing the most
since I stopped going to Molly's.
You won't have to stay away forever.
At some point, I bet
you'll be able to go back
and just hang out there, you know?
But right now, dude,
take it from a chronic relapser.
Putting yourself in that
situation with that person
before you've built a solid
foundation in recovery,
you're playing with fire.
Come on. Come on.
- Snake eyes!
Automatic loser.
I am aware.
Thank God.
I hate cleaning the compartments.
You know, it would go a lot
faster if we clean them all together.
Yeah, it probably would.
Have fun.
Hey, Cruz, are you busy?
He's about to get elbow deep
in some compartment cleaning.
Not anymore. I need him.
You two take over.
What's up?
I need you to put together a
ropes course for Girls on Fire.
I was gonna do it,
but Pascal just dumped
a whole bunch
of performance reviews on me.
Performance reviews?
Should I be worried?
Depends how you do on this.
Any kind of direction here?
Kidd said something technical and fun.
Start there.
Think Squad-worthy.
What are you doing back here?
I just need to talk to Violet.
It'll only take a minute.
And then I'll be gone.
I know I screwed up when I was
here at 51 in so many ways.
I was arrogant and disrespectful.
Oh, Lennox, I am not turning you down
because I felt disrespected.
I saw you do the exact same thing,
shoot someone up with Versed
who did not need it
and without checking their oxygen.
No, this guy, he really was agitated.
You almost killed
your patient last year.
Why would I believe you now?
You're right.
I got lucky last year,
and the patient survived.
And if he hadn't, that was on me.
But this time, I swear
I did it by the book.
And believe it or not, I learned a lot
from you when I was riding 61.
I would never do that again.
He would have hurt himself if I
hadn't administered that dose.
I'm sure of it.
And you are sure you
checked his oxygen first?
Yes, and I was monitoring his levels
because of what you drilled into me.
I didn't wanna make
that same mistake again.
I was pretty gutted when he died.
At his house
The way the family seemed, you could
you could just tell how much
they loved him, you know?
There's gotta be someone else
you can go to,
another medic that you've worked with.
But none of them are a PIC
with firsthand knowledge
of me or my case.
Flynn could be the best lawyer
in Cook County,
but I need you to back me up.
I need you.
This isn't just my career
we're talking about.
It's my entire life on the line.
And you can save me.
This guy, Lennox,
he's like a cautionary tale
to all CFD floaters.
Honestly, I am surprised
that you didn't wail on him
the way you do with a heavy bag
or that Kelly didn't kill him.
Huh, yeah.
I actually think that
I'm gonna help him.
The way he was talking, I believed him.
It sounded like he followed protocol
but something went horribly wrong.
Well, so what does he expect you to do?
Basically, vouch for him
at the state attorney's
and give my expert opinion as a PIC.
Well, I mean, look, either way,
he is lucky as hell
to have you on his team.
We'll see.
I call it the ladder hang.
Girls run up to the hanging lines,
use a specialty knot to tie off
their harnesses to it,
and let go.
Then what?
Then what what?
What do they do next?
They sit down and see if the
knot can handle their weight.
So Severide asked
for a Squad-worthy drill,
and you're having them sit.
Tying the knot, technical.
Hanging from the rope, fun.
Those were the instructions.
These are kids.
What do you want them to do,
rappel through a ring of fire?
No, but we could as a demonstration.
We're not gonna do that.
What's all this?
Severide asked us to put together
a Squad drill for Girls on Fire.
It's called the ladder hang.
Ladder hang, huh?
I want all this cleaned up
before the end of shift.
He hates it.
We're going with the ladder hang.
End of discussion.
That dose of Versed was
not only medically indicated,
it was absolutely necessary to prevent
Mr. Vicente from harming himself.
The victim had no history of aggressive
or irrational behavior,
no mental illness.
He was a pillar of his community.
His family's adamant about all this.
And they're more than eager
to testify to it under oath.
I don't doubt any of that.
But seizure victims can sometimes have
what's called postictal events,
or where when they regain awareness,
they can become agitated and confused.
And as I'm sure you're already
aware, the victim tried to
I know what Mr. Lennox claims
the victim tried to do.
The victim tried to jump
from a moving ambulance, Mr. Strauss.
He tried to rip the IV
from out of his arm.
Mr. Lennox was obviously concerned
about this man's safety.
What's at issue in this case is
not whether or not the Versed
was medically indicated.
Even if we grant
that the victim's behavior
warranted the dose,
it was Mr. Lennox's
criminally negligent failure
to monitor his patient's vitals
that led directly
to Mr. Vicente's death.
My client will testify under oath
that he monitored his
patient at all times
and that the cardiac event
came on suddenly
without any warning.
Your client has zero
credibility here, Mr. Calhoun.
He was fired from the CFD
for a nearly identical act of negligence
less than a year ago.
The family was shocked and appalled
when they heard that, in fact.
So considering what they're pushing for,
I think the offer on the table
is more than generous.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have another meeting.
All right, people!
Signature cocktail, all right?
Option number one, the Camel.
I wanna know about the name,
but I'm afraid to know the answer.
All right, no, it's Engine's mascot.
No, I figured we'd just lean
into all the firefighter thing.
Yes, he has one for every rig at 51,
so brace yourself.
- Bottoms up, everybody.
- Whoo!
- Cheers.
- Go to it.
- Pace yourself.
- All right.
Fire in the hole.
It's really, really sweet.
It's marzipan forward.
- Big no.
- All right.
There's good feedback. All right.
We'll just put this in
the, you know, "maybe" column.
Hey, guys.
So where are we at
with the Girls on Fire drill?
Oh, I came up with the ladder hang.
So the girls, they tie their
harnesses off to the rope,
sit back, and see if their
knot can handle the weight.
Is that it?
That's exactly what we said.
Cruz, what do you think
Stella is gonna say
when she sees this?
Good job?
This is a great drill for somebody
who has no Squad training.
It's gonna look like we're going
easy on them because they're girls.
No, that's not what I was trying to do.
Maybe not consciously.
Could be internalized misogyny.
Could be we take this outside.
Hey, just don't worry about it.
- Forget it.
- No, I can step it up a notch.
No, really. It's fine.
I'm thinking on some ideas anyway.
Yes, this is she.
Thank you, Officer.
I, uh, I'll be right there.
Yeah, Carver's in the drunk tank.
Flashback to two years ago.
Um, I gotta go.
We're not gonna charge him.
I figured hauling
his lieutenant down here
was a tougher pill than
a misdemeanor D&D anyway.
Yeah, we'll see about that.
Hey, Manetti,
go get Sam Carver out
of holding, will you?
Hey, what did he do anyway?
Picked a fight with a bartender.
Your boy was hammered, stumbling around,
snagging shots off the bar
and tossing them back
without paying for them.
He was just being a drunken idiot.
But if he had hurt somebody or
tried to get behind the wheel,
that's where
the professional courtesy ends.
I totally get it.
And yeah, you can bet your ass he's
not getting off easy with me.
I'm so sorry, Lieutenant.
I I don't even know
what to say about this.
You actually know this guy?
Yeah, he's kind of a
uh, a friend.
Your friend just tried to get out
of trouble by impersonating you.
I'm sorry you got dragged into this.
I am just really glad
it wasn't you this time.
- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Mm-hmm.
What the hell were you thinking,
dropping my name like that?
I'm sorry.
It was so stupid.
I lost my wallet.
I figured the cops would
just let me bounce
if I told them that I was a firefighter.
What happened?
It was like this story in the big book
with the guy who puts the
whiskey in his milk, you know?
Just sort of came out of nowhere, but
I almost had a drink tonight too.
I was sitting around bored,
and I don't know.
I was alone.
And started thinking about how
everyone was at Molly's.
And what's the big deal
if I just popped by there?
- And
- Everyone?
You mean Violet?
Oh, damn, dude.
That girl that girl is, like,
seriously toxic to your sobriety.
You you don't know
anything about her, Lee.
Yeah, no, totally.
Totally. I don't know what
the hell I'm talking about.
I'm still pretty wasted.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said that. No.
I should have been there for you.
And I will be from now on.
I swear to God.
I probably would have gone to Molly's
if this hadn't happened.
So you helped me without
even realizing it.
Come on.
I'll give you a lift home.
Come on.
Let's go.
So you're saying
I should take the plea deal?
All I'm saying is that the state's
attorney isn't backing down.
I think it would be wise
to weigh every option.
That's what I've been doing.
Whether I take a plea deal
or go to trial,
it's starting to feel
like I'm gonna end up
in jail no matter what.
If we do end up at trial,
would the state be able to prove
the Versed caused the victim's death?
Versed can't cause death
in and of itself.
It can lead to respiratory depression,
and that can cause cardiac
arrest if it's not treated.
Lennox, just walk me through everything
that happened after
the oxygen alarm went off.
It didn't.
The oxygen alarm didn't go off.
The cardiac alarm did.
You sure?
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
If there wasn't an oxygen event
before the patient went
into cardiac arrest
Oh, my God.
Then something other than the
Versed must have killed him.
Can can we prove it?
The cardiac monitors on the ambulances
keep a code summary of every call.
It documents the patient's heart rate,
oxygen levels, all of it.
It even logs when and if the
oxygen alarm was even triggered.
So the O2 alarms are saved
on the code summary?
On most of the ambulances
out there, yeah.
So if we can get our hands on the
monitors from Lennox's ambulance,
it might give us the
information we need to fight this?
We just have to hope that the monitor
hasn't been used too many times
or the old data
will have been deleted.
Hey, you're here early.
Trudy's at PT.
Figured I'd help open up.
I guess there's
a first time for everything.
So what ended up being
the winning cocktail?
Oh, Born of Fire.
It's basically a smoky martini.
I know it's a Squad slogan,
and that's annoying,
but it does say firefighter bar.
And that's what makes Molly's, you know,
stand out from all the rest, right?
- Yeah.
- See, I would offer you one,
but you're already drinking.
You seem really excited about
this whole expansion idea.
Yeah, I am.
Molly's North was a hit.
You know?
And it would have still
been up and running,
you know, if Otis hadn't
Yeah, you know, if he were still around.
And if you could really franchise,
that'd make a pretty penny.
Okay, so you're not here
to help me open up
or have yet another free beer.
What's on your mind?
If you're ready to focus on Molly's
and step away from the CFD,
I don't want you to grind
toward that chief exam
just for me, man.
No way!
No, we're in this together.
We made our plan.
I'm not gonna screw it up.
It's what you want, too, though, right?
Stop staring at me like that.
You're freaking me out.
All right. Fine, fine.
I'll have a Born of Fire.
Don't do me any favors.
I'm not. It sounds like
the perfect signature drink.
One Born of Fire coming up.
Sam, right?
Good memory.
How's it going?
Uh, you know, up and down.
Yeah, I get that feeling.
Things do even out eventually.
I'm just glad that Lee guy
didn't scare you off.
What do you mean?
Yeah, I met him a few
months ago at another meeting.
And at first, he seemed
super nice and supportive.
You know, two newcomers
helping each other.
- But
- What happened?
He just from one day to the next,
he just got, like, fixated, you know?
Suddenly, he was all over
my social media
and posting some really
weird comments to my friends
in the middle of the night.
And then he showed up at my job
and threatened one of my coworkers.
I had talked to Lee about her.
And she was kind of a drinking buddy.
And he was all, "That girl
is bad for your sobriety."
And he literally accosted her
in the parking garage.
What the hell are you doing?
Sir, you need to get the
hell out of my home right now.
What I want is for you
to leave him alone.
Stop talking to him.
Stop tempting him.
He is clean now.
He doesn't need you goading him.
Who doesn't?
- Sam.
He has a disease.
And you're making it worse.
You're killing him,
and I am not gonna let that happen.
Whoa, whoa. Okay, okay.
Sam and I are friends, okay?
No, you're not. You're toxic.
You are pushing him over the edge
so that you can see him suffer.
And I
No! No! No!
What the hell is wrong with you?
I'm just trying to help you, man.
I told you I'd always have your back.
Chicago PD!
Over here.
- This guy broke in.
- I didn't do anything.
Wait, stop.
Hey, Sam. Hey, Sam.
- Tell them who I am, man.
- Let's go.
Hey, tell them who I am.
We'll be back to take a statement.
Why are you letting them do this?
We're supposed to help each other, Sam!
We're supposed to help each other!
Are you okay?
I'm so sorry that happened.
I am really sorry.
Sam, what the hell was that?
Chief says she didn't
have to come in today.
Still, I can see why
she'd want to, though.
Yeah, she's a toughie.
Hey, kid, how you doing?
- Hey.
- Oh.
I am so glad to see you.
I'm okay, really.
I am.
Still, it was a pretty scary situation.
No, yeah, it definitely was.
But Carver saved the day.
And Flynn came over as soon as I called
to make sure I felt safe for the night.
Wow, those are two really great guys.
Yeah. Yeah, they are.
And I heard Ritter called, like,
a hundred times from his
little mountain getaway.
Yes, he did.
Okay, it's it's very sweet
for you all to worry.
But really, I'm fine.
But are you fine enough
for Capp's kasha breakfast?
Oh, God. I hope you're making that up.
Oh, he is not.
That's so true.
Yeah, put a bunch of sugar on it.
All right.
You wanted fun, technical?
That's what you asked for.
Well, I'd say we delivered.
The girls can climb the aerial,
harness in the rope,
zipline on down.
I mean well, first of all, thank you.
Second of all,
I think you may have lost your mind.
Kelly, you know, some
of these girls are 14, right?
They cannot be doing something like this
without any prior training.
It's dangerous.
I'm not sure what you were thinking.
What I was thinking was they
might appreciate the challenge.
Your chief came up with the idea
after reading my report.
I see.
You are right.
Chief, the girls would
absolutely appreciate
a challenge like this.
The thing is that they all
sign these liability waivers.
And they are pretty strict.
So it limits what we can do.
Other than that, it is great.
I'm never gonna live that down.
I doubt it.
We'll change the drill.
Thank you.
- Thank you, guys.
- Mm-hmm.
Cruz, we'll go ahead
with the ladder thing.
You heard him, boys. Chop-chop.
You know, there is not a lot
of Born of Fire orders so far.
We need this to get traction.
I'm gonna say something
controversial here.
Maybe 10 bucks is too much
for a local pub cocktail.
You might be right.
You're smarter than you look.
You know that, right?
About a lot of things.
Are you sure you're okay
with being here?
Yeah. No, I'm good.
I wanted to be here with you
and and everyone.
I just keep thinking, I hate
that I didn't suss that guy out sooner.
No, it is not your fault, Sam.
No, you're supposed to be able
to trust people in those rooms
and be vulnerable.
And it's why it works, right?
And it is so, so messed up
that some sick guy
took advantage of that.
You know, Sam, I just
I hope, you know,
it doesn't push you away
from all the good people that are there.
That is an agency
that Brett recommended.
So the adoption lawyer
that she used with Julia
uses this place.
And Brett says they're great.
An adoption agency. Wow.
For whenever we're ready.
we'll call them tomorrow?
Yeah, it's a date.
Did you get access to the ambulance?
The rig I was writing
was taken out of service
for the criminal case, which means
that data was still there.
We were able to get
the reports off the monitor,
which clearly showed the oxygen dropped
after the cardiac arrest.
Which means there was
an underlying condition,
probably set up from the epilepsy.
Okay. So that's what caused
the cardiac arrest, not the Versed.
The state's dropping the charges.
I meant what I said
about learning from you.
I have no idea how
to thank you, either of you.
Well, I do.
It involves a cocktail
called Born of Fire.
It's a new signature drink around here.
Oh, I like this plan.
Line 'em up.
All right, Herrmann, three Born of Fire.
Maybe four.
Three signature Born of Fire
cocktails coming up!