Chicago Fire s13e15 Episode Script
Too Close
I was thinking
that maybe we start a family.
Opening our home
to a child who needs it.
That sounds just right.
We still have to go
through background checks,
do a complete adoption home study.
Eh, I'm sure you'll pass it
all with flying colors.
I don't want you
to waste any more time
trying to live up to or fight
against the name Severide.
Go out there, and you make Damon a name.
She needs help now.
Calling 911 right away like that,
you helped save her life tonight.
I'm happy for you, Ray.
I plan to follow in your retirement
footsteps pretty soon myself.
Well, hopefully, they'll find
a solid replacement
and the firehouse is in good hands.
I'll tell you what,
I might know somebody who fits the bill.
Let me let me do some digging.
You bet.
Talk soon, Ray.
Retiring soon, my ass.
Well, you never know.
You, me, the fjords of Norway.
Sounds pretty damn good right about now.
It does.
I'm not holding my breath yet.
So I just got a text from my sister,
and she wants to throw us
a dinner party on Friday
to celebrate our anniversary.
No offense, but what's our
anniversary got to do with Olivia?
Come on. I think it's sweet.
It's her way of trying
to mend fences with you.
All right.
Well, if that's what you want.
You know, that kiss works
every time, and you know it.
[LAUGHS] Well, thank God.
It'll be a dark day when it doesn't.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
We'll make it fun.
It's impressive how thorough
your house inspections are.
Well, it's a big decision
to place a child with a family.
Obviously, we take it very seriously.
Of course, yeah.
Oh, and I'm sure you noticed
in the other room,
but we childproofed all the outlets.
I did, which is good to see.
But you haven't placed any covers
over the corners of the furniture.
Oh, we totally plan on doing that.
I ordered them a few weeks back,
but there just was some delay.
Well, that about does it for me.
I'll be in touch about
the last round of interviews
a little later today.
- Great.
- OK.
Yeah, we appreciate you stopping by.
It is my job.
Right. Of course.
Thank you.
Thank you again.
[WHISPERING] We did good, right?
I think so.
How is that more stressful
than fighting an inferno?
- Good morning.
- Morning.
What's up, ladies?
Hey, Lutz, you hear from
Lieutenant Gregory off shift?
What about?
Why is she riding my ass, huh,
saying that third shift complained
about a missing harness
like I'm the only one
who could have done it?
Truck 68, Engine 20,
structure fire,
650 West Belmont
Great. Didn't even get breakfast.
- What's going on?
- I think someone's down there.
You think or you know?
The owner, Otto.
Sometimes he comes in early.
I tried his cell, but there's no answer.
Truck 68, primary search. Let's move.
Copy that.
- Hit the lock.
- Copy.
Damon, Jenner, take the D side.
Lutz, you're with me.
Firefighters, call out!
Firefighters, call ah!
- God damn it!
- You OK?
I'm fine. Forget it.
Hang on. Nobody's here. Let's fall back.
The owner might be in there.
Well, if he is,
it's a recovery, not a rescue.
It's hot as Hades in here.
- My gut says he's in there.
- Yeah?
Well, I got a wife and kids,
and I'm not about to risk
my life because of your gut.
Now, let's go!
I'm going in. You do what you want.
Damn it!
Fire department, call out!
Firefighters, call out!
I got an unresponsive victim
in the back office.
I'm bringing him out now.
Copy that, Damon.
Mayday, mayday. Damon, Truck 68.
I'm trapped in the basement
with an unconscious victim.
Copy that. What's your location?
Charlie, Delta corner.
Barred windows on the Delta side.
Copy that, Damon. Hang tight.
Help is on the way.
Ladder coming in.
Got it.
All right. Pull him up.
One, two, three.
Ladder coming back.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
- You good?
- You good?
- Yeah, thanks to you.
Good to go.
You don't have to hover. I'm fine.
What was your plan if we
couldn't make it through those bars?
You know you're missing
overhaul right now.
I know that's your favorite part.
They can get started without me.
Hey. Damon, that was one hell of a save.
Lieutenant Severide,
thanks for the assist.
Yeah, anytime.
Now, what the hell happened in there?
Why weren't you two together?
The smoke was thick as molasses.
We got separated.
I look one way, look back,
Damon was gone.
I just kept moving forward.
And the next thing I knew,
I was on my own.
Lucky for me, I ended up
in the back of the office
where the owner was.
Well, I'd say the victim
is the one who got lucky.
You saved his life.
- You taking a trip to Med?
- No.
- Medics just cleared me.
- Great.
- Let's roll out.
- Yeah.
- Have fun with overhaul.
- Will do.
By the time we got the owner
to Med, he was already awake.
And his oxygen levels were pretty good.
I am telling you, Damon got him
out of there just in time.
- Wow.
- What a save.
Sounds like the kid's developed
into a first-rate firefighter.
Not surprising. It's in the blood.
Apple tree doesn't fall
far from the woods,
as the saying goes.
So no update from Carver?
No. No.
Not yet, but, you know,
I doubt we'll hear anything
until after he gets out of rehab.
Right, I just figured maybe
he'd give an update on schedule,
but he probably doesn't know yet, so
When is your video conference
with the adoption guy?
Scary Terry?
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.
Later today.
And then hopefully
after a month of paperwork,
interviews, and visits,
the agency will finally
make their decision.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
To be honest, I'm not sure
that I would approve us.
We don't know what the hell we're doing.
No one does, as far as I can tell.
You two are going to be amazing parents.
What's up, Chief? You wanted to see me?
I'm going around in circles here.
I do not know what to get
Monica for our anniversary.
I might not have great advice
on that front, boss.
Trudy has pretty specific tastes.
Still, maybe it's helpful. Like what?
Last anniversary, I got her
a signed photo of Sigur Sigurssen.
Big Nordic noir film star.
Yeah, you're right. Not great advice.
Yeah. Sorry.
Jewelry's too cliché, right?
Seems to me
you can't go wrong with that.
This present has to be a winner
after the year we've had.
I'll just I'll keep looking.
Well, good luck.
If I think of anything,
I'll let you know.
Ah, no. Hold up a second.
That's not why I asked you in here.
Actually, I wanted to let
you know an old friend of mine,
Ray Zemansky, he's retiring,
so there's an officer slot
at his firehouse
that's going to be opening up.
I think you should put your name in.
Oh, well, I appreciate that, Chief,
but you know my plan.
Stay here at 51 till Herrmann
I do know, but this is
a top-notch firehouse,
busy part of town.
You've been taking temp
lieutenant slots at other houses.
Maybe it's time
you take a permanent one.
Think on it.
Will do.
Thank you, Chief.
I bet you think
you're some big hero now, huh?
I did the job.
- Oh, and I didn't?
- Just take it easy, Jenner.
I could have said
that you bailed on me in there,
but I didn't.
What happened in that fire
stays between us.
You know, everybody knows
that you're Severide's brother.
And you coast on that.
I've been in the CFD a long time.
If you ever try to use
that call against me,
I can have you blackballed
so fast, your head will spin.
And your career will be over.
What's messed up is, he left me.
I could have died in there.
Same with the victim.
He's just pissed that
you're not a coward like him.
And now you both know it.
So what do I do?
The officer part of me wants you to go
straight to your lieutenant,
but the firefighter in me says
it's just going to make things worse.
The thing is, if I don't speak up,
is Jenner a guy
you ever want on your hip?
There's a lot of hotshots in the CFD,
but there's also some that are just
counting the days until
their full pension kicks in.
At least you got his number now.
You won't be caught off guard.
Yeah, I guess.
I say keep your head down, keep working.
And hopefully, he'll let it go.
Odds are, he's going to shoot
himself in the foot with something else.
Don't let him get in your head.
I better be getting back.
Technically, I'm here to drop off
equipment requests to Chief Pascal.
How's it going?
Good. Really good.
I'm sure you heard,
but your victim was doing well
when we dropped him.
Oxygen was at 90, so hell of a save.
Well, thanks, Novak.
Um, so wait.
Are you going to Molly's tomorrow?
Because if you're not, you should
you should swing by.
Is something going on?
Well, yeah, I will be there,
so that's that.
No doubt.
OK. Yeah. I'll see you then.
- What?
- You were flirting with him.
I guess I was, huh?
And I distinctly remember you saying
you weren't interested in Damon.
Yeah, well, a big hero save
does things to a girl.
Besides, we don't work
at the same firehouse anymore,
so might as well have
a little fun, right?
Hey, Mouch.
- I have some news.
- Oh, yeah?
Spoke to Lieutenant Zemansky,
told him you'll meet him
tomorrow at his firehouse.
He'll reach out to you with the time.
You gonna go meet with the guy?
That didn't sound like a request.
It sounded like an order.
All right, you said
you reminded the chief
that we got a plan.
Yeah. I did.
But the guy who's retiring is a friend.
Maybe Chief just wants
to make the gesture,
show he's putting the word out.
I could buy that.
What the hell were you guys thinking?
It was an accident, Joe.
You got a pretty funny
definition of accident.
Whoa. What happened?
The MythBusters here decided to, quote,
"test the limits of the Slamigan."
You're the one who claimed
it was unbreakable.
When you use it
like a normal person, Capp,
not when you use it to lever
a 15,000-pound fire rig!
At least let us help you fix it.
Yeah, I'll go get the MIG welder.
No. Hell no.
I don't want your mutant paws
near this ever again.
It's a precision tool.
It requires a precision repair.
And quiet.
I'm going to the briefing room alone.
OK, hey, hey, hey, actually, Joe,
Severide and Kidd, they're in there.
They're having a video
conference with the adoption agency,
so they'll be finished in a minute.
All right?
Yeah, all right.
Hey, here, do me a favor.
Keep Larry and Curly away
from this thing, will you?
I'm going back to get the MIG welder.
But yeah, I remember
feeling loved by my parents
and my aunt and uncle.
So that was always priority one, that
making sure my child knows
whatever they do,
however they might screw up,
they're loved.
And Kelly, anything in particular
that you want to talk about
in terms of,
you know, your parents' influence
on how you see becoming a father?
My parents weren't
the greatest role models.
They were pretty wrapped up
in themselves.
But Benny, my dad,
when I was little, sometimes,
he'd bring me to the firehouse.
And he'd show me how to roll a hose
and work the controls on the trucks,
polish the tools.
And I always thought
of the guys like superheroes.
Still do.
So I guess, yeah, I
I'm pretty psyched to
hopefully be able to do that
with my little one someday.
Well, I think that's a good
way to end the interview.
Thank you for your time, guys.
I'll be in touch soon.
- Sounds good.
- Thanks, Terry. Yeah.
You're amazing.
I cannot believe those two incompetents.
What the hell were they thinking?
Every crazy idea
that comes into their head,
they got to try it.
Until they get bored
and they move on to the next thing.
I can't trust them
with something this important.
That's for damn sure.
I think that the
the adoption, you know, interviewer
What? Herrmann. What?
I think that he was still connected.
I mean, what if he heard
everything we just said?
What did we say?
Uh, "Those two incompetents.
"I mean, they just do
whatever pops into their head,
and they move on" oh, boy.
I mean, what if he thinks
that we were talking
about Severide and Kidd?
What? No.
Herrmann, you're being paranoid.
Why would they think
we're talking about them?
"You can't trust them
with anything this important."
- Oh.
- Yeah.
What the hell are we going to do?
Heard you were looking for me.
I was.
Have a seat.
So I was going over the report
of today's fire.
And after talking
to everyone who was on scene,
some things aren't adding up.
In what way?
Well, the time difference
between when Jenner
emerged from the building
and you radioed the mayday
is really substantial.
Can you explain that?
Like I said, I moved
towards the back of the shop.
So I think that probably might
be a question for Jenner.
Damon, if there's something, anything,
that happened in that fire
that you should tell me about,
I need to know the truth.
So when Terry says
he'll let us know soon
but when is that?
Is that tonight? Tomorrow? When?
I don't know.
They deep dive all this stuff.
It's not like they're going
to give us a call right away,
even if we're the perfect candidates.
There's a missed call from my brother?
I didn't even hear it ring.
What's up, Herrmann?
Eh, not much. I just
hey, you guys
you guys are real handy
with the whole video
conferencing thing, right?
And I'll bet that you guys know
all about the whosits and whatsits.
Sure. Why?
It's just you know, I
I have Cindy's
her book club later, you know, on Zoom.
- Uh-huh.
- And it's my first time in a
well, I want to make sure
that, you know,
I got everything down,
you know, for example, like,
when you guys do you
double tap the Leave button
when you exit? Is that right?
Yeah. Yeah, tap twice.
Or if the other person leaves first,
it'll automatically disconnect.
But it's not brain surgery.
OK, so what you guys are saying is that
you never double-check,
you know, when you log off?
What the hell are you
talking about, Herrmann?
[LAUGHS] He's just scared
that he's going to
make an ass of himself.
You know Cindy and that book club.
It's like, she'll just
86 him right out of there.
I told you I will give you a tutorial.
I sorry.
Carry on.
Hi, guys.
- Hello.
- Mrs. Pascal.
Good to see you again.
Good to see you. Is Dom around?
Absolutely. He's in the briefing room.
How you been, Mouch?
I am fine. Thanks for asking.
That's a very nice watch.
Don't see a lot of ladies
wearing watches today.
- It's very elegant.
- Isn't it?
It's actually my sister's.
I borrow it from time to time.
I like the classic nature of watches.
I'm a classics man myself.
- Ooh.
- Right in here.
- Thank you.
- You bet.
Hey, babe.
Is everything OK?
You worry too much.
Hazard of the job, I guess.
Sometimes a visit is just a visit.
I think you'll be happy about this one.
Talked to Olivia about the dinner,
suggested we move it to another night
so just the two of us can go
out on our anniversary.
Well, I gotta admit, I'm happy.
What made you change your mind?
Olivia was starting to be
kind of a control freak
about planning things, so I decided
she could mend fences with you
some other time.
Friday is now just about us
and 15 years on the roller coaster.
The highs are pretty damn high.
And the lows mm.
I'm going to take you out
to the best dinner of your life.
I can't wait.
Uh, excuse me.
The lady out there,
she said that you are in charge
of the Severide-Kidd
adoption application.
OK, well, I'm Captain Herrmann,
and this is
- Joe Cruz.
- Yeah.
We all work with Stella
and Kelly over at Firehouse 51.
And if my voice sounds familiar,
it's because you heard it
before on the
the Zoom yesterday.
OK. Well, about what you heard.
- It's a funny story.
You see, these two, Tony and Capp,
they are the incompetents, see?
Harold Capp. Nice to meet you.
All right.
So Severide and Kidd,
they are actually the opposite.
They're responsible and dependable.
They're lieutenants.
It's their job
to keep knuckleheads
like us alive, so
You could not ask for two better people
or a better family, actually,
to welcome in a beautiful child.
I should know because
I got five of the suckers
back at my house, and I would let
Severide and Kidd take any one of them.
I would gladly ship
all five of them today.
I have two myself.
My oldest, Javi oh.
He's adopted, actually.
Great kid. I love him to death.
But he's a wise-ass teenager now,
so Severide and Kidd, they can have him.
look, guys, I'm going to
have to apologize, but
I don't have the slightest idea
what you're talking about.
OK, well, you know when you're on Zoom
and then you hit Leave twice?
He didn't hear us, Herrmann.
When? Now?
So you didn't hear what we said, huh?
I did not.
So sorry to trouble you, sir.
We will see ourselves out.
No, I
I was trying to keep
my head down, like you said.
But when she confronted me
directly, I couldn't lie.
That's a tough position,
but you made the right move.
It's just after everything
that went south at 51,
me not telling you the truth,
it's a lesson I won't forget.
I agree with Kelly.
You had no choice.
And the guys at your firehouse,
they got to know that
at the end of the day.
Mm, I'm not so sure.
They're all pretty tight.
I'm still just an outsider.
I think I'll just pull Jenner
aside when he's not so hot
and just try to make him
see the corner I was in.
Hopefully he's the type
of guy who will listen.
I mean, not like
they'd call at night, anyway.
Still no word from the adoption agency?
- Not yet.
- Not yet.
When we were going through
the adoption with Javi,
they made it pretty clear
that my high-risk job was a negative.
But at least I had Chloe.
Severide and Kidd?
Yeah, they're
they're both front liners.
I just hope that us barging in there
and rambling about firehouse business
didn't shine a spotlight on it.
- Well
- Hey.
I had my meeting with Zemansky today.
I gotta say, Pascal was right.
It does seem like a great house.
Great people.
But it's not my house
or my people.
All right.
So that's that?
As far as I'm concerned.
But the way Zemansky was talking,
the meeting didn't feel
like just a gesture,
more like Pascal really wants
to make this move happen.
But Chief can't force you to go.
I mean, so what's this
all about, anyway?
Beats the hell out of me.
I mean, what's the saying?
A a riddle wrapped in a mystery?
That's Pascal for you.
Hey, where's Flynn tonight?
You know, I was
I was busy running errands today,
and I didn't get a chance
to call him back.
Also, I think he has
friends in town, so
Aww. Sad face. Damon's leaving.
I thought we were going to hang.
Sad face? Because of Damon?
I think distance is making
the heart grow fonder.
OK, well, thanks for listening.
- It's good to see you.
You going to tell the lieutenant
that you made a mistake, what you said.
No way I'm getting suspended
because of you and your rookie heroics.
Hey, this ain't your bar.
I knew you couldn't stand
on your own two feet.
Of course your brother runs to help.
Kelly, I got this.
Bring it, Severide.
- Don't do this, man.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Just stand down. All right?
We're trying to get approved
to be parents, for Christ's sake.
It's time for you to go.
I'll forget this happened.
Get your hands off of me.
You take back that crap
you told the lieutenant,
then I'll forget.
That Jenner guy is crazy
coming to Molly's.
He's lucky he got out of there
in one piece.
I've floated at houses like 20.
One bad apple, poison the whole worm.
I miss Carver.
Look, Chippy is not a bad guy,
even if he is the king of metaphors
and always with apples for some reason.
No, I really miss Carver,
like, more than I thought I could.
Chippy said you were looking for me.
Yeah, that was a half an hour ago.
Was it?
I was just finishing up some paperwork.
Sorry about that.
I got a call from Zemansky.
He had some very nice things
to say about you, Mouch.
Well, Lieutenant seems like a good guy.
He is.
You find your wife a gift yet?
And I've been looking. Trust me.
I just haven't found the perfect gift.
When Monica was here last shift,
I noticed a very pretty watch
on her wrist.
Apparently, it's her sister's.
Yeah, she borrows it some
you know what, Mouch?
That's a that's a great idea.
Why didn't I think of it?
Maybe you're too close.
I want you to seriously
consider that lieutenant position.
Chief, I'm sorry, but I got to ask.
Why are you pushing this so hard?
Is it so you can stay here at 51?
Because even if I leave,
Herrmann's going to take
that chief test in a couple months.
To be perfectly honest,
I'm not so sure he will.
Uh, why not?
Did he say something?
No, but I've been
paying close attention.
I don't even think
Herrmann wants to be chief,
even if he doesn't
realize it yet himself.
You stay here, you pass up
these opportunities
when there's so little time
before your mandated retirement
I think you're wrong.
And Herrmann is my best friend.
I know him inside and out.
Well, maybe you're too close.
I appreciate you looking out, Chief.
I really do.
But I'm not going anywhere.
So what do you think?
I'm not really feeling
any big news energy
- coming off of Severide or Kidd.
- Yeah.
If the agency told them
something, good or bad,
I think we'd know about it by now.
You're probably right.
So what did Pascal say?
Is he pushing you to take the job?
He's going to let that go.
- Good.
What do you want?
Seriously, guys?
Come on. What, are we in high school?
I don't know what Damon
could do to make it better.
He's not going to change
his story with the lieutenant.
And Jenner's got all the guys
at 20 against him.
Yeah, I thought about
reaching out to Boden.
But, you know,
talking to any higher-ups,
it seems like it'll just make
it worse for him over there.
And if he does go looking
for another house,
that'll be the third one in a year.
That'll raise serious flags against him.
There is another option.
What's that?
We could bring him back to 51.
Are you serious?
I mean, that was a tough situation.
I know, but he's learned
a lot from it, right?
I mean, he's a different guy now,
a different firefighter.
Yeah, I agree.
But Pascal would never go for that.
Maybe not.
But if anybody could
convince him, it's you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You talk to Chief?
- No, he left early.
Apparently, it's his anniversary.
- Damn.
- Hm.
Hi, Terry.
Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- Hi.
You want to go inside
the firehouse, have a seat?
No, thanks.
Look, I was on my way home,
and I wanted to come by
and talk in person.
It never does seem right
delivering this information
over the phone, so
I'm here with good news.
You've been approved
as adoptive parents.
It's a huge responsibility
raising a child.
And having high-risk jobs like
you both do just adds to that.
But based on my experience
with your application process,
I've learned that the people here,
they go the extra mile for you.
And that's a lucky group
for any child to be a part of.
Ambulance 61, Truck 81,
Engine 51, Squad 3
That's us.
Thank thank you.
Thank you for everything.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
We'll be in touch
about the next steps soon.
All right. We can't wait.
Check out the traffic lights.
Yellow on all sides.
- Must be on the fritz.
Stay in your car!
Sir, get back in your
- sir!
- Lieutenant, wait!
Hey! Hey!
- Hey. Hey, don't get up.
- Hey. Don't get up.
- I'm good. I'm good.
I'm good. Check on him.
- What are you doing?
That was way too close.
You're telling me.
- What happened?
- You were in a car accident.
All right, let's take a look at
that laceration on your head, OK?
Let's go. Ready?
All clear!
All right, Lieu, charge the line.
Guys, stand by.
We got one victim,
major sidewall intrusion.
All right, we gotta go in
through the other side.
- Mouch.
- On it.
Yeah, we're jammed up here too.
Chippy, jaws!
Ma'am, can you hear me?
Coming in.
Here we go.
Ma'am, can you hear me?
We're going to get you out of here.
Pulse is weak.
Head's bleeding bad.
Get me a C-collar and a backboard.
Copy that.
Oh, my God.
It's the chief's wife in here.
It's Monica Pascal.
Oh, my God.
Let's go.
One, two, three.
OK. Wait, wait.
Let's get a blanket on her.
Here. Let's bring her up.
You drive. I'll start an IV.
Copy that.
Guys, we should call the chief.
I found her. I'll do it.
Can I ride with them to Med?
- Of course.
Yeah, we'll be right behind you.
I'm going to start a second
line for the trauma team.
Her abdomen is rigid and distended.
She's bleeding internally.
Novak, drive faster.
- Mouch, pull some tape for me.
- Copy.
Thank you.
All right, Monica. Hold on, please.
Hold on.
Please, please hold on.
Caught in traffic?
Chief, you need to come to Med.
Monica's here.
Where is she?
Trauma One.
She's going to be OK. She's strong.
You're wrong!
I'm so sorry, Dom.
I was thinking
that maybe we start a family.
Opening our home
to a child who needs it.
That sounds just right.
We still have to go
through background checks,
do a complete adoption home study.
Eh, I'm sure you'll pass it
all with flying colors.
I don't want you
to waste any more time
trying to live up to or fight
against the name Severide.
Go out there, and you make Damon a name.
She needs help now.
Calling 911 right away like that,
you helped save her life tonight.
I'm happy for you, Ray.
I plan to follow in your retirement
footsteps pretty soon myself.
Well, hopefully, they'll find
a solid replacement
and the firehouse is in good hands.
I'll tell you what,
I might know somebody who fits the bill.
Let me let me do some digging.
You bet.
Talk soon, Ray.
Retiring soon, my ass.
Well, you never know.
You, me, the fjords of Norway.
Sounds pretty damn good right about now.
It does.
I'm not holding my breath yet.
So I just got a text from my sister,
and she wants to throw us
a dinner party on Friday
to celebrate our anniversary.
No offense, but what's our
anniversary got to do with Olivia?
Come on. I think it's sweet.
It's her way of trying
to mend fences with you.
All right.
Well, if that's what you want.
You know, that kiss works
every time, and you know it.
[LAUGHS] Well, thank God.
It'll be a dark day when it doesn't.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
We'll make it fun.
It's impressive how thorough
your house inspections are.
Well, it's a big decision
to place a child with a family.
Obviously, we take it very seriously.
Of course, yeah.
Oh, and I'm sure you noticed
in the other room,
but we childproofed all the outlets.
I did, which is good to see.
But you haven't placed any covers
over the corners of the furniture.
Oh, we totally plan on doing that.
I ordered them a few weeks back,
but there just was some delay.
Well, that about does it for me.
I'll be in touch about
the last round of interviews
a little later today.
- Great.
- OK.
Yeah, we appreciate you stopping by.
It is my job.
Right. Of course.
Thank you.
Thank you again.
[WHISPERING] We did good, right?
I think so.
How is that more stressful
than fighting an inferno?
- Good morning.
- Morning.
What's up, ladies?
Hey, Lutz, you hear from
Lieutenant Gregory off shift?
What about?
Why is she riding my ass, huh,
saying that third shift complained
about a missing harness
like I'm the only one
who could have done it?
Truck 68, Engine 20,
structure fire,
650 West Belmont
Great. Didn't even get breakfast.
- What's going on?
- I think someone's down there.
You think or you know?
The owner, Otto.
Sometimes he comes in early.
I tried his cell, but there's no answer.
Truck 68, primary search. Let's move.
Copy that.
- Hit the lock.
- Copy.
Damon, Jenner, take the D side.
Lutz, you're with me.
Firefighters, call out!
Firefighters, call ah!
- God damn it!
- You OK?
I'm fine. Forget it.
Hang on. Nobody's here. Let's fall back.
The owner might be in there.
Well, if he is,
it's a recovery, not a rescue.
It's hot as Hades in here.
- My gut says he's in there.
- Yeah?
Well, I got a wife and kids,
and I'm not about to risk
my life because of your gut.
Now, let's go!
I'm going in. You do what you want.
Damn it!
Fire department, call out!
Firefighters, call out!
I got an unresponsive victim
in the back office.
I'm bringing him out now.
Copy that, Damon.
Mayday, mayday. Damon, Truck 68.
I'm trapped in the basement
with an unconscious victim.
Copy that. What's your location?
Charlie, Delta corner.
Barred windows on the Delta side.
Copy that, Damon. Hang tight.
Help is on the way.
Ladder coming in.
Got it.
All right. Pull him up.
One, two, three.
Ladder coming back.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
- You good?
- You good?
- Yeah, thanks to you.
Good to go.
You don't have to hover. I'm fine.
What was your plan if we
couldn't make it through those bars?
You know you're missing
overhaul right now.
I know that's your favorite part.
They can get started without me.
Hey. Damon, that was one hell of a save.
Lieutenant Severide,
thanks for the assist.
Yeah, anytime.
Now, what the hell happened in there?
Why weren't you two together?
The smoke was thick as molasses.
We got separated.
I look one way, look back,
Damon was gone.
I just kept moving forward.
And the next thing I knew,
I was on my own.
Lucky for me, I ended up
in the back of the office
where the owner was.
Well, I'd say the victim
is the one who got lucky.
You saved his life.
- You taking a trip to Med?
- No.
- Medics just cleared me.
- Great.
- Let's roll out.
- Yeah.
- Have fun with overhaul.
- Will do.
By the time we got the owner
to Med, he was already awake.
And his oxygen levels were pretty good.
I am telling you, Damon got him
out of there just in time.
- Wow.
- What a save.
Sounds like the kid's developed
into a first-rate firefighter.
Not surprising. It's in the blood.
Apple tree doesn't fall
far from the woods,
as the saying goes.
So no update from Carver?
No. No.
Not yet, but, you know,
I doubt we'll hear anything
until after he gets out of rehab.
Right, I just figured maybe
he'd give an update on schedule,
but he probably doesn't know yet, so
When is your video conference
with the adoption guy?
Scary Terry?
- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.
Later today.
And then hopefully
after a month of paperwork,
interviews, and visits,
the agency will finally
make their decision.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
To be honest, I'm not sure
that I would approve us.
We don't know what the hell we're doing.
No one does, as far as I can tell.
You two are going to be amazing parents.
What's up, Chief? You wanted to see me?
I'm going around in circles here.
I do not know what to get
Monica for our anniversary.
I might not have great advice
on that front, boss.
Trudy has pretty specific tastes.
Still, maybe it's helpful. Like what?
Last anniversary, I got her
a signed photo of Sigur Sigurssen.
Big Nordic noir film star.
Yeah, you're right. Not great advice.
Yeah. Sorry.
Jewelry's too cliché, right?
Seems to me
you can't go wrong with that.
This present has to be a winner
after the year we've had.
I'll just I'll keep looking.
Well, good luck.
If I think of anything,
I'll let you know.
Ah, no. Hold up a second.
That's not why I asked you in here.
Actually, I wanted to let
you know an old friend of mine,
Ray Zemansky, he's retiring,
so there's an officer slot
at his firehouse
that's going to be opening up.
I think you should put your name in.
Oh, well, I appreciate that, Chief,
but you know my plan.
Stay here at 51 till Herrmann
I do know, but this is
a top-notch firehouse,
busy part of town.
You've been taking temp
lieutenant slots at other houses.
Maybe it's time
you take a permanent one.
Think on it.
Will do.
Thank you, Chief.
I bet you think
you're some big hero now, huh?
I did the job.
- Oh, and I didn't?
- Just take it easy, Jenner.
I could have said
that you bailed on me in there,
but I didn't.
What happened in that fire
stays between us.
You know, everybody knows
that you're Severide's brother.
And you coast on that.
I've been in the CFD a long time.
If you ever try to use
that call against me,
I can have you blackballed
so fast, your head will spin.
And your career will be over.
What's messed up is, he left me.
I could have died in there.
Same with the victim.
He's just pissed that
you're not a coward like him.
And now you both know it.
So what do I do?
The officer part of me wants you to go
straight to your lieutenant,
but the firefighter in me says
it's just going to make things worse.
The thing is, if I don't speak up,
is Jenner a guy
you ever want on your hip?
There's a lot of hotshots in the CFD,
but there's also some that are just
counting the days until
their full pension kicks in.
At least you got his number now.
You won't be caught off guard.
Yeah, I guess.
I say keep your head down, keep working.
And hopefully, he'll let it go.
Odds are, he's going to shoot
himself in the foot with something else.
Don't let him get in your head.
I better be getting back.
Technically, I'm here to drop off
equipment requests to Chief Pascal.
How's it going?
Good. Really good.
I'm sure you heard,
but your victim was doing well
when we dropped him.
Oxygen was at 90, so hell of a save.
Well, thanks, Novak.
Um, so wait.
Are you going to Molly's tomorrow?
Because if you're not, you should
you should swing by.
Is something going on?
Well, yeah, I will be there,
so that's that.
No doubt.
OK. Yeah. I'll see you then.
- What?
- You were flirting with him.
I guess I was, huh?
And I distinctly remember you saying
you weren't interested in Damon.
Yeah, well, a big hero save
does things to a girl.
Besides, we don't work
at the same firehouse anymore,
so might as well have
a little fun, right?
Hey, Mouch.
- I have some news.
- Oh, yeah?
Spoke to Lieutenant Zemansky,
told him you'll meet him
tomorrow at his firehouse.
He'll reach out to you with the time.
You gonna go meet with the guy?
That didn't sound like a request.
It sounded like an order.
All right, you said
you reminded the chief
that we got a plan.
Yeah. I did.
But the guy who's retiring is a friend.
Maybe Chief just wants
to make the gesture,
show he's putting the word out.
I could buy that.
What the hell were you guys thinking?
It was an accident, Joe.
You got a pretty funny
definition of accident.
Whoa. What happened?
The MythBusters here decided to, quote,
"test the limits of the Slamigan."
You're the one who claimed
it was unbreakable.
When you use it
like a normal person, Capp,
not when you use it to lever
a 15,000-pound fire rig!
At least let us help you fix it.
Yeah, I'll go get the MIG welder.
No. Hell no.
I don't want your mutant paws
near this ever again.
It's a precision tool.
It requires a precision repair.
And quiet.
I'm going to the briefing room alone.
OK, hey, hey, hey, actually, Joe,
Severide and Kidd, they're in there.
They're having a video
conference with the adoption agency,
so they'll be finished in a minute.
All right?
Yeah, all right.
Hey, here, do me a favor.
Keep Larry and Curly away
from this thing, will you?
I'm going back to get the MIG welder.
But yeah, I remember
feeling loved by my parents
and my aunt and uncle.
So that was always priority one, that
making sure my child knows
whatever they do,
however they might screw up,
they're loved.
And Kelly, anything in particular
that you want to talk about
in terms of,
you know, your parents' influence
on how you see becoming a father?
My parents weren't
the greatest role models.
They were pretty wrapped up
in themselves.
But Benny, my dad,
when I was little, sometimes,
he'd bring me to the firehouse.
And he'd show me how to roll a hose
and work the controls on the trucks,
polish the tools.
And I always thought
of the guys like superheroes.
Still do.
So I guess, yeah, I
I'm pretty psyched to
hopefully be able to do that
with my little one someday.
Well, I think that's a good
way to end the interview.
Thank you for your time, guys.
I'll be in touch soon.
- Sounds good.
- Thanks, Terry. Yeah.
You're amazing.
I cannot believe those two incompetents.
What the hell were they thinking?
Every crazy idea
that comes into their head,
they got to try it.
Until they get bored
and they move on to the next thing.
I can't trust them
with something this important.
That's for damn sure.
I think that the
the adoption, you know, interviewer
What? Herrmann. What?
I think that he was still connected.
I mean, what if he heard
everything we just said?
What did we say?
Uh, "Those two incompetents.
"I mean, they just do
whatever pops into their head,
and they move on" oh, boy.
I mean, what if he thinks
that we were talking
about Severide and Kidd?
What? No.
Herrmann, you're being paranoid.
Why would they think
we're talking about them?
"You can't trust them
with anything this important."
- Oh.
- Yeah.
What the hell are we going to do?
Heard you were looking for me.
I was.
Have a seat.
So I was going over the report
of today's fire.
And after talking
to everyone who was on scene,
some things aren't adding up.
In what way?
Well, the time difference
between when Jenner
emerged from the building
and you radioed the mayday
is really substantial.
Can you explain that?
Like I said, I moved
towards the back of the shop.
So I think that probably might
be a question for Jenner.
Damon, if there's something, anything,
that happened in that fire
that you should tell me about,
I need to know the truth.
So when Terry says
he'll let us know soon
but when is that?
Is that tonight? Tomorrow? When?
I don't know.
They deep dive all this stuff.
It's not like they're going
to give us a call right away,
even if we're the perfect candidates.
There's a missed call from my brother?
I didn't even hear it ring.
What's up, Herrmann?
Eh, not much. I just
hey, you guys
you guys are real handy
with the whole video
conferencing thing, right?
And I'll bet that you guys know
all about the whosits and whatsits.
Sure. Why?
It's just you know, I
I have Cindy's
her book club later, you know, on Zoom.
- Uh-huh.
- And it's my first time in a
well, I want to make sure
that, you know,
I got everything down,
you know, for example, like,
when you guys do you
double tap the Leave button
when you exit? Is that right?
Yeah. Yeah, tap twice.
Or if the other person leaves first,
it'll automatically disconnect.
But it's not brain surgery.
OK, so what you guys are saying is that
you never double-check,
you know, when you log off?
What the hell are you
talking about, Herrmann?
[LAUGHS] He's just scared
that he's going to
make an ass of himself.
You know Cindy and that book club.
It's like, she'll just
86 him right out of there.
I told you I will give you a tutorial.
I sorry.
Carry on.
Hi, guys.
- Hello.
- Mrs. Pascal.
Good to see you again.
Good to see you. Is Dom around?
Absolutely. He's in the briefing room.
How you been, Mouch?
I am fine. Thanks for asking.
That's a very nice watch.
Don't see a lot of ladies
wearing watches today.
- It's very elegant.
- Isn't it?
It's actually my sister's.
I borrow it from time to time.
I like the classic nature of watches.
I'm a classics man myself.
- Ooh.
- Right in here.
- Thank you.
- You bet.
Hey, babe.
Is everything OK?
You worry too much.
Hazard of the job, I guess.
Sometimes a visit is just a visit.
I think you'll be happy about this one.
Talked to Olivia about the dinner,
suggested we move it to another night
so just the two of us can go
out on our anniversary.
Well, I gotta admit, I'm happy.
What made you change your mind?
Olivia was starting to be
kind of a control freak
about planning things, so I decided
she could mend fences with you
some other time.
Friday is now just about us
and 15 years on the roller coaster.
The highs are pretty damn high.
And the lows mm.
I'm going to take you out
to the best dinner of your life.
I can't wait.
Uh, excuse me.
The lady out there,
she said that you are in charge
of the Severide-Kidd
adoption application.
OK, well, I'm Captain Herrmann,
and this is
- Joe Cruz.
- Yeah.
We all work with Stella
and Kelly over at Firehouse 51.
And if my voice sounds familiar,
it's because you heard it
before on the
the Zoom yesterday.
OK. Well, about what you heard.
- It's a funny story.
You see, these two, Tony and Capp,
they are the incompetents, see?
Harold Capp. Nice to meet you.
All right.
So Severide and Kidd,
they are actually the opposite.
They're responsible and dependable.
They're lieutenants.
It's their job
to keep knuckleheads
like us alive, so
You could not ask for two better people
or a better family, actually,
to welcome in a beautiful child.
I should know because
I got five of the suckers
back at my house, and I would let
Severide and Kidd take any one of them.
I would gladly ship
all five of them today.
I have two myself.
My oldest, Javi oh.
He's adopted, actually.
Great kid. I love him to death.
But he's a wise-ass teenager now,
so Severide and Kidd, they can have him.
look, guys, I'm going to
have to apologize, but
I don't have the slightest idea
what you're talking about.
OK, well, you know when you're on Zoom
and then you hit Leave twice?
He didn't hear us, Herrmann.
When? Now?
So you didn't hear what we said, huh?
I did not.
So sorry to trouble you, sir.
We will see ourselves out.
No, I
I was trying to keep
my head down, like you said.
But when she confronted me
directly, I couldn't lie.
That's a tough position,
but you made the right move.
It's just after everything
that went south at 51,
me not telling you the truth,
it's a lesson I won't forget.
I agree with Kelly.
You had no choice.
And the guys at your firehouse,
they got to know that
at the end of the day.
Mm, I'm not so sure.
They're all pretty tight.
I'm still just an outsider.
I think I'll just pull Jenner
aside when he's not so hot
and just try to make him
see the corner I was in.
Hopefully he's the type
of guy who will listen.
I mean, not like
they'd call at night, anyway.
Still no word from the adoption agency?
- Not yet.
- Not yet.
When we were going through
the adoption with Javi,
they made it pretty clear
that my high-risk job was a negative.
But at least I had Chloe.
Severide and Kidd?
Yeah, they're
they're both front liners.
I just hope that us barging in there
and rambling about firehouse business
didn't shine a spotlight on it.
- Well
- Hey.
I had my meeting with Zemansky today.
I gotta say, Pascal was right.
It does seem like a great house.
Great people.
But it's not my house
or my people.
All right.
So that's that?
As far as I'm concerned.
But the way Zemansky was talking,
the meeting didn't feel
like just a gesture,
more like Pascal really wants
to make this move happen.
But Chief can't force you to go.
I mean, so what's this
all about, anyway?
Beats the hell out of me.
I mean, what's the saying?
A a riddle wrapped in a mystery?
That's Pascal for you.
Hey, where's Flynn tonight?
You know, I was
I was busy running errands today,
and I didn't get a chance
to call him back.
Also, I think he has
friends in town, so
Aww. Sad face. Damon's leaving.
I thought we were going to hang.
Sad face? Because of Damon?
I think distance is making
the heart grow fonder.
OK, well, thanks for listening.
- It's good to see you.
You going to tell the lieutenant
that you made a mistake, what you said.
No way I'm getting suspended
because of you and your rookie heroics.
Hey, this ain't your bar.
I knew you couldn't stand
on your own two feet.
Of course your brother runs to help.
Kelly, I got this.
Bring it, Severide.
- Don't do this, man.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Just stand down. All right?
We're trying to get approved
to be parents, for Christ's sake.
It's time for you to go.
I'll forget this happened.
Get your hands off of me.
You take back that crap
you told the lieutenant,
then I'll forget.
That Jenner guy is crazy
coming to Molly's.
He's lucky he got out of there
in one piece.
I've floated at houses like 20.
One bad apple, poison the whole worm.
I miss Carver.
Look, Chippy is not a bad guy,
even if he is the king of metaphors
and always with apples for some reason.
No, I really miss Carver,
like, more than I thought I could.
Chippy said you were looking for me.
Yeah, that was a half an hour ago.
Was it?
I was just finishing up some paperwork.
Sorry about that.
I got a call from Zemansky.
He had some very nice things
to say about you, Mouch.
Well, Lieutenant seems like a good guy.
He is.
You find your wife a gift yet?
And I've been looking. Trust me.
I just haven't found the perfect gift.
When Monica was here last shift,
I noticed a very pretty watch
on her wrist.
Apparently, it's her sister's.
Yeah, she borrows it some
you know what, Mouch?
That's a that's a great idea.
Why didn't I think of it?
Maybe you're too close.
I want you to seriously
consider that lieutenant position.
Chief, I'm sorry, but I got to ask.
Why are you pushing this so hard?
Is it so you can stay here at 51?
Because even if I leave,
Herrmann's going to take
that chief test in a couple months.
To be perfectly honest,
I'm not so sure he will.
Uh, why not?
Did he say something?
No, but I've been
paying close attention.
I don't even think
Herrmann wants to be chief,
even if he doesn't
realize it yet himself.
You stay here, you pass up
these opportunities
when there's so little time
before your mandated retirement
I think you're wrong.
And Herrmann is my best friend.
I know him inside and out.
Well, maybe you're too close.
I appreciate you looking out, Chief.
I really do.
But I'm not going anywhere.
So what do you think?
I'm not really feeling
any big news energy
- coming off of Severide or Kidd.
- Yeah.
If the agency told them
something, good or bad,
I think we'd know about it by now.
You're probably right.
So what did Pascal say?
Is he pushing you to take the job?
He's going to let that go.
- Good.
What do you want?
Seriously, guys?
Come on. What, are we in high school?
I don't know what Damon
could do to make it better.
He's not going to change
his story with the lieutenant.
And Jenner's got all the guys
at 20 against him.
Yeah, I thought about
reaching out to Boden.
But, you know,
talking to any higher-ups,
it seems like it'll just make
it worse for him over there.
And if he does go looking
for another house,
that'll be the third one in a year.
That'll raise serious flags against him.
There is another option.
What's that?
We could bring him back to 51.
Are you serious?
I mean, that was a tough situation.
I know, but he's learned
a lot from it, right?
I mean, he's a different guy now,
a different firefighter.
Yeah, I agree.
But Pascal would never go for that.
Maybe not.
But if anybody could
convince him, it's you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- You talk to Chief?
- No, he left early.
Apparently, it's his anniversary.
- Damn.
- Hm.
Hi, Terry.
Hey, guys.
- Hey.
- Hi.
You want to go inside
the firehouse, have a seat?
No, thanks.
Look, I was on my way home,
and I wanted to come by
and talk in person.
It never does seem right
delivering this information
over the phone, so
I'm here with good news.
You've been approved
as adoptive parents.
It's a huge responsibility
raising a child.
And having high-risk jobs like
you both do just adds to that.
But based on my experience
with your application process,
I've learned that the people here,
they go the extra mile for you.
And that's a lucky group
for any child to be a part of.
Ambulance 61, Truck 81,
Engine 51, Squad 3
That's us.
Thank thank you.
Thank you for everything.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
We'll be in touch
about the next steps soon.
All right. We can't wait.
Check out the traffic lights.
Yellow on all sides.
- Must be on the fritz.
Stay in your car!
Sir, get back in your
- sir!
- Lieutenant, wait!
Hey! Hey!
- Hey. Hey, don't get up.
- Hey. Don't get up.
- I'm good. I'm good.
I'm good. Check on him.
- What are you doing?
That was way too close.
You're telling me.
- What happened?
- You were in a car accident.
All right, let's take a look at
that laceration on your head, OK?
Let's go. Ready?
All clear!
All right, Lieu, charge the line.
Guys, stand by.
We got one victim,
major sidewall intrusion.
All right, we gotta go in
through the other side.
- Mouch.
- On it.
Yeah, we're jammed up here too.
Chippy, jaws!
Ma'am, can you hear me?
Coming in.
Here we go.
Ma'am, can you hear me?
We're going to get you out of here.
Pulse is weak.
Head's bleeding bad.
Get me a C-collar and a backboard.
Copy that.
Oh, my God.
It's the chief's wife in here.
It's Monica Pascal.
Oh, my God.
Let's go.
One, two, three.
OK. Wait, wait.
Let's get a blanket on her.
Here. Let's bring her up.
You drive. I'll start an IV.
Copy that.
Guys, we should call the chief.
I found her. I'll do it.
Can I ride with them to Med?
- Of course.
Yeah, we'll be right behind you.
I'm going to start a second
line for the trauma team.
Her abdomen is rigid and distended.
She's bleeding internally.
Novak, drive faster.
- Mouch, pull some tape for me.
- Copy.
Thank you.
All right, Monica. Hold on, please.
Hold on.
Please, please hold on.
Caught in traffic?
Chief, you need to come to Med.
Monica's here.
Where is she?
Trauma One.
She's going to be OK. She's strong.
You're wrong!
I'm so sorry, Dom.