Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends (1984) s15e16 Episode Script

Kevin the Steamie

On the island of Sodor all the engines like to be busy.
They huff and puff, heave and haul, and lift and lower to be Really Useful.
One morning, the Steamworks was very busy.
Victor rushed and raced.
Thomas and Percy had just been cleaned.
They sparkled and shone like the sun.
I have to pick up a new boiler for Spencer.
Kevin, you will be in charge of the Steamworks while I am gone.
Work well.
Think hard.
Yes, boss.
Of course I will, boss.
Kevin was excited.
He rolled over to Thomas and Percy.
- Good luck, Kevin.
- You're the best.
Thomas pumped his pistons to puff away.
Then he biffed his buffers against a flatbed of oil drums.
They bashed and crashed into Percy.
Percy was surprised.
Flatten my funnel! Then Percy giggled.
Biff, bash, bosh, Thomas.
Thomas chuffed and chuckled.
Biff, bash, bosh, Percy.
Kevin watched Thomas and Percy's new shunting game.
It looked fun.
Kevin liked fun.
Can I play? Of course you can, Kevin.
Biff, bash, bosh! Kevin giggled and jiggled.
Biff, bash, bosh! Kevin bumped into the flatbed with a clang and a bang.
The flatbed tipped off the track.
The oil drums rocked and rolled to the ground.
Kevin gasped.
Heaving hooks! That wasn't supposed to happen.
Don't worry, Kevin.
But Kevin was worried.
He wanted to play the shunting game like Thomas and Percy.
I don't have buffers like you steamies, so I can't play the game.
Thomas and Percy didn't want Kevin to feel badly.
We'll do our jobs, then we'll hurry back, Kevin.
So you can try the biff, bash, bosh game again.
That made Kevin feel better.
Then an idea whirred in his wheels.
I'll work my hardest to shunt like a steamie.
Then I can play biff, bash, bosh with Thomas and Percy.
Just then, Emily wheeshed into the Steamworks.
Kevin! My buffers need buffing.
Of course, Emily.
Right away, Emily.
Kevin rolled towards Emily.
An oil drum was in his way.
Kevin smiled.
Practice makes perfect.
Kevin biffed the oil drum.
Biff, bash, bosh! It whizzed into Emily's wheels.
Fizzling fireboxes! That oil drum has scratched my wheels.
Kevin gasped.
Sorry, Emily.
Didn't mean to, Emily.
Slip of the hook, Emily.
Be right with you.
Then Spencer steamed sternly into the Steamworks.
I'm here for my boiler.
Kevin stuttered and stammered.
Of course you are, Spencer.
Be right with you, Spencer.
Kevin raced round the Steamworks.
But another oil drum was in his way.
Kevin smiled.
Practice makes perfect.
Biff, bash, bosh! Kevin biffed the oil drum.
It skidded into Spencer.
Rattle my rods! That oil drum has banged under my buffers.
Now I can't chuff.
Kevin stammered and stuttered.
Sorry, Spencer.
Didn't mean to, Spencer.
Slip of the hook, Spencer.
Be right with you.
Kevin rattled towards Spencer, faster and faster, right into another oil drum.
The drum rolled smooth and straight.
Hooray! Biff, bash, bosh! Just like a steamie shunts.
Victor chuffed in.
Then there was trouble.
An oil drum whizzed and whirled towards Victor and covered him in gloopy goo.
Heaving hooks! Victor was upset.
Fenders and funnels! What have you done, Kevin? I'm covered in gloopy goo.
My wheels are scratched.
And my wheels are jammed.
Kevin felt terrible.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to play biff, bash, bosh with Thomas and Percy.
So I was trying to shunt like a steamie.
But I can't shunt like a steamie.
And I didn't look after the Steamworks.
Just then, Thomas and Percy chuffed back into the Steamworks.
Hello, Kevin.
Are you ready to biff, bash, bosh? Kevin really wanted to play with Thomas and Percy.
But he didn't want to look silly again.
He wanted to be a Really Useful crane.
No, thank you, Thomas.
I have a lot to do.
So Kevin carefully lowered a new wheel from his hook.
It's new and perfectly polished for you, Emily.
Thank you, Kevin.
Next, Kevin had to help Spencer.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Spencer.
I'll have your wheels whirring in a flash of your fender.
Kevin's hook whisked the drum high and away.
Flickering fireboxes! I can chuff again.
Thank you, Kevin.
Kevin beamed.
He liked being Really Useful.
Now he had to clean Victor.
Coming over with the bubbles, boss.
But Spencer had to puff past.
Out of my way, please.
Of course, boss, uh, Spencer.
Kevin trundled to Victor.
Here I am, boss.
But Kevin, where are the bubbles? Kevin stopped.
Kevin stammered.
He couldn't see the bubbles.
But Thomas and Percy could.
- They're over here, Kevin.
- Behind the flatbed.
Oh! Hide and peek! That's a great game.
Hiding things with your hook is the best game of all.
That made Kevin very happy.
Soon Victor was clean and gleaming again.
Go, Kevin.
Now you are free to play your game.
So Kevin hid with his hook and Thomas and Percy hunted and huffed.
No steamie could ever hide as well as you can with your hook, Kevin.
Kevin jiggled with joy.
That's what's good about being a crane.
And everyone cheered to that.
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