Criminal Minds s17e08 Episode Script

North Star

Previously on "Criminal
Minds: Evolution"
So this Gold Star isn't just one person?
No, it's a program.
Damien is the leader.
What if we lure Damien into a trap?
- You must be Jade.
- You brought some friends.
- Let's make a deal.
How do we get North Star?
North Star is where it all starts.
This Stuart House place
was the perfect crucible
to create serial killers.
A white paper that Jason
Gideon and I drafted
but never submitted.
Somebody got ahold of this paper
and created Gold Star out of it?
It began with North Star,
and North Star is us.
There's one more thing
I need your help with.
I need you to find something.
I'm going to give you a protocol
to reach out to a man named Damien.
And then you are going
to give Damien that case.
Dr. Jill Gideon, Jason's ex-wife.
We need you to come to Quantico
and help us with the white paper.
JILL: Hello, David.
[GASPS] Oh, fuck!
NARRATOR: The dominant
female seizes the moment.
She zeroes in on a calf that
has strayed from the herd.
She locks her jaws
around the calf's neck.
Its mother can only watch helplessly.
Help me!
Please. You have to help me.
Please. Please let me in.
[SOBBING] Please.
Okay. Uh, I'm calling the police.
No. Please. Please. My My boyfriend.
He's lost his shit.
He's trying to kill me!
- Please
- Yeah. Hang on. Hang on. I'm gonna call
- Don't leave me out here! Please!
- I got to call from the land
from the l house phone.
There's no
What do you want?
Have a seat.
Do I know you?
Not personally.
But you've had a big impact on us.
You were at Stuart House.
You. You, I don't recognize.
But you.
You're GS-One.
I don't know. Am I?
What were you told?
It's not as simple as you think.
Do you know how many
times we've heard that?
No. Wait. Just wait. Don't do
[SOBS] No.
Shut up!
PRENTISS: "The richest love
is that which submits to
the arbitration of time."
Lawrence Durrell.
ROSSI: Hey, I didn't want Jason to stay.
DR. GIDEON: They knew that if
you left, he would never leave.
How bad can it be, right?
They're old friends.
Mm, I think they were
more than just friends.
What? What? No.
What are you saying? That's impossible.
Jill told me she broke his heart.
Come on.
All those long conversations
on the jet over whiskey?
I mean, Rossi would have said something.
No way. Rossi is a vault.
Uh, Gideon, on the other hand
Ooh. He would've said something.
- Fine!
- Fine!
Oh, and one more thing.
When you said that bullshit
about needing to spend time
I mean, like you guys said,
there's a lot of history here.
What, like 30 years?
Well, back then, Jill probably
had to stay in the shadows
while two men took credit for her work.
GARCIA: Right, and
really, the only question
we need to know the answer to
is would one of those
gentle souls stoop so low
as to hurt the other one.
That would let you know how bad it got.
- I really
- Get out of my office!
- Out!
- It's not your office.
It's Jason's office,
and if you hadn't let him get
killed, he'd still be in it.
Oh, you've got some nerve.
Mind your business. Look busy.
Don't you ever,
ever blame me again for Jason's death!
Why not? You knew exactly
what would happen, didn't you?
Didn't you?
Yeah. So show me whatever
it is you need to show me.
The white paper foundational
principles keep showing up
in one of our cases.
We're hoping you might
know who leaked it.
- I do.
- GARCIA: Who?
It's not classified.
Jason and and David sat on it
because they thought it
could be dangerous, but I
They weren't wrong.
But I thought you could
reverse-engineer the process.
I-if you knew the variables that
identified teenage psychopathy,
you could intervene on it.
Right. Stop kids
before they became UnSubs.
Or, truly, any violent impulse.
I know. It sounds so naive now.
But if these kids
weren't on anyone's radar,
then there was no way to help them.
So I-I wrote up a proposal.
I thought it would be amazing
to have a behavioral-modification school
that helps troubled kids
before anything bad happens.
It sounds like a good plan.
Yeah. Well others thought so too.
So some company with big investors
put seed money into it, and we were off.
You know the name of the
company or any of the investors?
It was a shell company.
They didn't want us to know.
And before I could get
to the bottom of it,
my life fell apart.
I, um, I got divorced
and raised a kid and
buried an ex-husband.
We think that these two were
a part of a group of five
that were specially
selected for the program.
Do you recognize either of them?
I never got to work
with any of the kids.
- I was long gone before then.
- Why?
Do you ever get the sense
that you're hired for a job
because of your name
and sterling reputation,
and right from the start,
they begin to cut corners?
Oh, yeah.
- Uh, no.
- Sorry.
It was the same thing
here with these places.
Wait. "Places"?
- Plural?
- Yeah.
I recall there might have been a handful
of proposed sites from
around the country.
But the first one was
Stuart House in Utah.
I read some of the files of
patients they were considering.
These kids,
they needed so much more help
than any program could provide.
They didn't help any
of these kids, did they?
ROSSI: Yeah?
Do you want to talk about it?
I do not.
I knew you left the
BAU under a dark cloud,
but I didn't think it was, you know
"in love with your best
friend's wife" dark.
Oh, come on. It never
happened, all right?
It It No.
Okay. Well, something happened,
or you wouldn't be drinking like this.
Back then it was
just the three of us.
All we did was eat,
drink, and sleep this job.
And you know how Jason would
get when he was obsessed.
Not the easiest guy to be around.
Yeah. Well, Jill and I were
each other's support system.
When Jason would grind one of us down,
we would turn to each other.
And then you two fell into bed.
No. Never. Why would you think that?
Jill told me she broke your heart.
She said that? That's bullshit!
Then w-what is it?
Or was it?
I would have these thoughts.
That Jason wasn't good enough for her.
And and when I had
them, I would think,
"Sergeant Major Rossi, get
your head out of your ass."
But the thoughts, they just kept coming.
I-I wasn't as emotionally
mature back then as I am now.
So I stepped away from the BAU.
I thought it best that they, uh
go on as a family.
By the time they separated,
I, uh, was on my second wife.
Timing, huh?
Nothing would have been
long enough with Krystall.
It feels like
I could never get it right with anybody.
And it started with Jill.
She gave us a list.
Names of the other
psychologists she worked with
in and around Stuart House.
One of them is a Dr. Hank Dosela.
He was the one who hired her.
He lives in Berkeley
Springs, West Virginia.
J.J. and Luke will head
out to him tomorrow.
What can I do?
Enjoy your drink.
Think about timing.
As soon as we have something,
I will let you know.
Ready to have your world rocked?
Oh, absolutely.
[GASPS] Oh, my God.
No way! How?
Uh, Thank J.C. and Sons Plumbing.
Ah. Awesome. Thank you. You headed home?
I was about to ask you the same.
Well, there's some
shit going on over here.
Oh. Drama at the BAU.
- Ah. Funny.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Mm. Yeah. Very, very funny.
- I would never have guessed.
- You're great. Mm.
Please tell me that you're
gonna go to sleep right now.
Oh, no. That would be incredible.
But, uh, there's been a
hack of the U.S. Marshals.
- Shit.
- Mm-hmm.
The Marshals are being
pretty tight-lipped,
but they confirmed
with the WITSEC program.
Sydney and the girls
were not compromised.
What, you think Voit was behind it?
The security breach of a
massive government network?
It's his wheelhouse.
Yeah, but how would he manage it?
He hasn't left his cell since Iowa.
Exactly. I checked the visitor logs.
He's only talked to the
BAU and his attorney.
But Voit and his legal counsel,
- they just had their first in-person.
- Mm.
Vincent Orlov.
- Well, that's a name.
- Yeah.
- Ever heard of him?
- Should I have?
No, but it would've saved
me the initial deep dive.
Well, uh, I have no
idea who that guy is,
but I do know a guy who's in his office.
You want to go talk to him?
How's that?
Mm it's pretty good.
It's a good thing
our, uh, friend in Iowa
knows you're your own protector
since you can't depend on me.
Fuck him.
I don't know what's worse
the doctors who did
everything to get in our heads
or the wannabes who think they can try.
He's not so bad.
I'm lucky that I met him when I did.
- On his network?
- Yeah.
What did you guys talk about?
How we grew up.
He wanted to know what they
did to us at Stuart House.
And you told him?
I made him go first.
His, uh, parents died in a house fire.
Then he had this uncle who
beat the shit out of him
and taught him how to kill.
That's it?
That's what he said.
I wish that was all we had.
Fortunately for us,
even FBI patsies like him have value.
All right. Time to go.
You're Jade?
I'm supposed to talk to Damien.
He's here.
My client was very specific.
It was Damien or nothing.
Because if you were here
by yourself, then either, A,
you'd killed Damien or,
B, he'd abandoned you.
- In either case, I can't
- Look down.
I told you. He's here.
Aah! Aah! Damn it!
If I close my hand into a
fist, the next round kills you.
No! No.
Gotcha. [CHUCKLES]
So what's this package
your client promised?
It's in my trunk.
I-I'm I'm just reaching for my key.
Don't shoot.
What's the combination?
What is it?
It's just a GPS and a lockbox.
Some keys. It's a bunch of bullshit.
Listen, my client is aware
that you see his cooperation
with the FBI as a betrayal.
He wants to offer you
the resources you need moving
forward as a peace offering.
I don't have time for a treasure hunt.
Do you two think this
all ends with North Star?
It does not.
And without the contents of this case,
you will never know the truth.
So? Are we good?
DAMIEN: Yeah. We're good.
Well, there's gettin' away
and then there's bein' a recluse.
Well, he's connected
to the Stuart House,
so I'm not surprised he's hiding.
Probably won't be too keen
on answering questions.
Yeah. Well, especially
if there's bad blood.
Jill said she left on bad terms, so
I think this is gonna go well.
Dr. Dosela? We're with the FBI.
They think he's been
dead less than 12 hours,
and there was clearly
blunt-force trauma to his head.
This has to be Damien and Jade.
It's just a drastic change in M.O.
Staged suicide is a far
cry from enucleation.
Yeah, but it's a lot harder
to profile, harder to track.
If it weren't for Dosela's
records at Stuart House,
we wouldn't be connecting them at all.
Which, uh,
which means this might not
be their first staged kill.
Well, probably not their last either.
No signs of forced entry.
Nothing appears to be out of place.
Hey. Hang on a second.
These files go back quite a few years.
Hey, uh, according to this index,
there should be files
on Stuart House in there.
You think Damien and Jade
found what they were looking for?
All right.
Voit said that North
Star was just a hook
to get them down the
conspiracy rabbit hole.
Yeah. Well, they probably
interpreted it as
I don't know a directive
to target the doctors from Stuart House.
All right.
We got to follow up with that
list of names Jill gave us.
I'll check in with Penelope.
Hey, hey, hey.
- Fuck Fuck! Fuck!
- It's okay. It's okay. Hey, hey.
Hey. Hey. It's me. It's me.
It's me. It's me, right?
Hey. It's It's just me.
- Can I touch you?
- No. No.
- Okay.
- No.
What'd you see?
There. I was
I was back there and
And what what was happening?
They were holding holding me down,
and he
- Who?
- he came in, and I
He w I don't know.
I don't fucking know!
Hey. Hey. Wait. We
talked about this, right?
We talked about this.
[SNIFFLES] Mm-hmm.
I can't.
I can't go back inside.
- If we get caught
- Hey. That's not gonna happen.
No. You Listen to me.
I need you to promise me
that we will never go
back into a cage again.
I promise.
No matter what.
But we're gonna show them.
Yeah. We are.
An eye for an eye.
I need a favor.
But first, let's get
one thing out of the way.
You don't think I should
be working for the FBI.
Legally speaking.
I think it's reckless the
director put you on the payroll.
You are not good at this
whole asking-for-a-favor thing.
What have we got?
Vincent Orlov. We need leverage on him.
This is what I got from Justice.
American Independent University of Guam.
Started out as a public
defender in Albuquerque.
He's practicing law in D.C.
through admission by motion.
We know Voit only works with
people he can manipulate, so
We need to find Orlov's thumbscrew.
If you want to call it that.
Just like I did with
cloning Gasper's phone
- I don't want to know.
- Oh. Sorry.
Bring whatever you find directly to me.
Directly to you.
And thank you.
You're welcome!
You're welcome.
- GARCIA: Sir?
- What is it?
I have dreadful news.
About Hank Dosela?
And all of his colleagues. I
know where to start.
Uh, okay. This is Amelia Kane.
She's a psychotherapist
who OD'ed on sleeping pills.
This is Doctor Braden Welsh.
They say that he broke his neck
while he was taking a shower.
This is Dr. Christopher Rensel.
Uh, they say that he
lost control of his car
and it fell off a cliff.
All were ruled either
accidents or suicide?
Eleven so far.
And, Dave, get this.
Every person that Jill
remembers is now dead.
Six before the strike
team targeted Damien
and the Gold Stars
and five since they
encountered us in Iowa.
Wait. You said "so far."
Who's left on the list?
All of them?
As of last night, there was only
one survivor left from the program.
[SIGHS] Jesus.
We're going to protect you.
Oh, I can't believe
I'm I'm gonna need to call Stephen.
He and his wife were gonna come by.
Jill, I swear, nothing's gonna happen.
Mm. Don't.
I mean, I know.
you will do your best.
I'm sorry.
When I said Jason's death was your
- You know.
- I do.
I've been mad at you for 20 years.
I knew because you left, Jason wouldn't.
And I knew this job was gonna kill him.
I'm sorry too.
I know it was difficult
for you to come here.
And I didn't make it any easier.
But we needed you, and not
just for the white paper.
To profile, like the old days.
What are we gonna do, build
a profile that stops bullets?
Well, we can build a-a profile
that takes the gun out of their hands.
Now, come on. Work with me.
I think you know more than you know.
- Such as?
- Such as the kids. You made them your focus.
It's why you used our white
paper for your program.
You m Y-You must have been
part of the selection process.
No. I-I only read assessments
of patients they were considering.
W-were their names?
No. It was all anonymized.
They were minors.
Did you keep records? Notes?
- I I did.
- And where are they?
Um, s-somewhere in my house.
I-I haven't looked at those
files since Jason died.
What if I help?
MAN: Sir.
All right. Uh
Each of the strike team members
had a target GS-One through GS-Five.
GS "Gold Star." Duh.
All right. GS-Five
16-year-old girl with a sheriff father.
That's Jade Waters. What do you have?
Oh, this poor boy.
Oh, my God. This poor boy. GS-One.
We think his name is Damien.
This kid didn't have anyone
looking out for him
except for one foster dad who was upset
that his soon-to-be ex-wife
enrolled GS-One in Stuart House.
Does the foster dad have a name?
Mm. Brooks Larson.
Well, Damien would have
a different birth name.
Looks like Larson died eight years ago.
Well, it says "final exam" in here.
What's the final exam?
Um, it would have been some
kind of confirmation test
that they would've put
all the patients through
as a way to confirm their
behavioral modification.
But looking back,
I should have made sure
we were on the same side.
So now we look back
and we see what you missed
out on the first time.
It's the feds from Iowa.
They're protecting her.
That lawyer was right. North
Star isn't just doctors.
It's It's bigger than that.
It's all of them.
I can't do this alone.
We're not alone.
We have each other.
Yes, sir. Thank you.
- Luke?
You got anything?
Director Madison has
state highway patrol
searching every rest
stop and toll-booth cam
from here to Berkeley Springs.
- Okay. Maybe we'll catch a break.
- No.
If they're going after Jill
next, we can't count on breaks.
You ready to put your tracker cap on?
Right. You know I am.
- Let's go.
Ooh! I love a good geo-profile. So sexy!
What am I looking for?
Can you start with a map
of the crime scenes, please?
- There.
- Okay.
So it's about half a day
to a day's drive between all the kills.
Time of the attack is always night.
Yeah, and in an empty house.
Unlike the strike team,
they don't want any
collateral damage this time.
Yeah, yeah. Anchor points, man.
- Give me anchor points.
- Right. They're on the road a lot.
But they would stay off of
major highways and thoroughfares.
They'd need a place to stay.
Yeah. Yeah. A-a remote home base.
Somewhere where there are
no neighbors, no cameras.
Penelope, what's the average distance
between dispersed camping
sites and the crime scenes?
Uh 10 to 12 miles.
Okay. Highlight all the ones
to the west of the crime scenes.
Why west?
Damien's training, right?
The sun sets in the west, right?
What happens when you're
driving a car west into the sun?
It's irritating.
Right. So you put down the visor.
It works the same way in a house.
The setting sun blinds you
as you look out the window.
It heats up that west-facing room,
so you draw the curtains
because it's so hot
Leaving that part of the house
exposed for the two of them.
Yeah. We got our anchor points.
All right. Now give us the one
closest due west to
Joe Gideon's townhouse.
I'll start working on
getting an authorization
through the Virginia staties
to do a grid search with drones.
I told you. Sexy.
You weren't easy to find, Mr. Orlov.
Funny. I have never had that problem.
"Very accessible" is
the most common phrase
in my Yelp reviews.
Do you have a lot of
clients in the D.C. area?
And how was that
relevant? I'm just curious.
I'll remind you, Miss AUSA,
I'm only here as a courtesy
on behalf of my client.
I don't have a lot of time here,
so if you don't mind,
can you cut to the chase?
Put anyone in a cage,
they become an animal.
Excuse me? I'm confused.
Would you like me to
pass that message along?
Those are your words, Vincent.
These are logs of someone
chatting with the elusive head
of the Sicarius Network.
And they were traced back to your I.P.
I felt obligated to tell you
from firsthand experience
Sicarius really hates posers.
See, these paint a picture
of a heinous monster
keeping a girl locked in a
barbed-wire cage in his basement.
Photos. Horrifying stuff.
I don't know what this is.
Aside from the dandruff,
you're pretty clean cut.
You've got an estranged wife Cindy.
She's a jealous type.
Tracks your location.
Is more in control
than you'd ever admit.
You need something that's that's
It's all yours.
Am I close?
Our guess This is some
kind of porn you paid for,
a fantasy you don't have
the guts to do yourself.
Which, personally, I'm thankful for.
None of this is admissible.
No. It isn't.
But it is interesting.
What are the chances you and Elias Voit
are connected to the Sicarius Network?
I would work on my poker face.
Your client would be disappointed.
Do you know what he does
with people he doesn't need?
I don't take kindly to blackmail.
We're not blackmailing you.
But if you do find yourself
performing tasks for your client
that are, let's say, legally unsavory
we'll be there, waiting.
Well he didn't deny it.
No, he did not.
Want to keep an eye on him?
Doubtful he'll do anything
stupid for a few days,
but can't hurt.
I just cannot believe Voit
found his lawyer on the network.
- I can.
- I can.
Aww. Twinning.
Very cute. Very cute.
- Ew.
Oh. Well, we've been
doing some complicated math
ever since we apprehended this
serial killer named Elias Voit.
He had this network
where he talked about social
contagion with his followers,
and he gave me this whole rundown
of how generations are
being raised to see life
through the lens of conspiracy theories.
He's not wrong.
No, he's not, but but
it's not really the point.
It's more like, how
does a conspiracy theory
make a serial killer?
It's It's right here in front of us.
Start with first principles.
Uh, what do you need
to make a serial killer?
Genetic potentiality,
psychological embrace,
stressor, and trigger.
And for these Gold Star kids,
the first two were selected for.
And their stressor?
The rest of their lives.
Treated like shit until puberty,
then dropped into Stuart House,
where they're treated even worse.
And just when they're feeling worthless
and question their purpose
in life, they're given one
a big one that makes
their suffering a strength.
They're told they're chosen.
They're They're the
only ones who can help.
Now pull the trigger.
"Hey, kids. You'd do
anything to help others."
Mm. Do what we tell you,
and you can save others
who are just like you.
And after all that they've survived,
of course they'd do anything to
stop that from happening again.
GS-One through Five
are the test subjects.
But who is the puppet master
telling them to kill
everyone to save the children?
Well, they'd have to
profile as a pedophile,
a slow burner, f-fly under the radar.
And he'd be patient, take years to
to groom his victims.
In fact, he probably has a
history of abusing kids himself.
How do you put that guy behind bars?
Well, you break either Damien or Jade,
prove to them they've been lied to,
convince them to give him up.
That's gonna be tough.
These two ride-or-die believers
are experts at evading capture.
Except we know what they want.
They want me.
What if you use me as bait?
No. Absolutely not.
- Why not?
- It's too dangerous.
It's dangerous because of what we did,
what what what I did.
Hey, your research
idea was to help kids.
You didn't build Stuart House
into this horror show that it became.
W-we can't blame ourselves
for things other people do.
I learned that with
With who?
With Donnie Mallick,
the guy who killed Jason.
I'll tell you what I've learned.
I've learned that if you
don't take responsibility,
somebody else will.
Jason tried to go hide in his cabin.
Look where that got him.
Have you ever gone back to that cabin?
I-I can't.
I can't go back to where he was killed.
Stephen said he was, uh,
gonna remodel the place,
but I'd rather have my
memories, thinking of him singing
and cooking and that tiny kitchen
and not the
Why didn't you come to the funeral?
I couldn't look at, uh
It was a closed casket. He was Jewish.
I couldn't look at you.
Can you look at me now?
I should go.
No. Wait. Just wait.
Jill Jill, we can't.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I I thought that
L We need to see this case clearly.
I can't af
I have to go.
I have to go.
Jill found Damien's
Stuart House evaluation.
He was only labeled "GS-One,"
but it did have his foster
dad's name Brooks Larson.
Working my magics now.
Is there a photo of him?
Checking foster records.
Uh sweet son of Satan.
It's Damien.
Damien Booth.
Virginia staties just
snapped this drone image.
The car matches the
description we got from the guy
who Damien strapped the bomb to in Iowa.
All right. Let's roll.
Be safe. Seat belts!
Also, I want to be you when you grow up.
When I grow up. You know what I meant.
ALVEZ: Only one set of tire tracks here.
We just missed them.
They headed out on foot.
Have your officers search
the surrounding woods.
If they made it to the highway,
they're gonna need a car.
All right. I'll have Garcia
monitor stolen-vehicle reports.
I knew you'd come.
- DAMIEN: Did you?
- It was inevitable.
Where's Jade?
Jade doesn't play nice with
anyone who backs the badge.
So for your sake, I think it's
better that she's not here.
I-I need I need
to show you something.
- And what's that?
- It's not here.
You want to take me somewhere?
I do.
You got in without a sound.
You You can get out without one,
and my car is right down the street.
Agents outside will never know.
Oh, really? And where are we going?
To save a child, Damien.
Little boy.
He's hurting. He's in so much pain.
- And it's still happening?
You can still save him.
I promise.
Okay. Our UnSubs are Damien
Booth and Jade Waters.
They are both trained assassins.
You should consider them
armed and extremely dangerous.
They may be traveling in a silver sedan.
D.C. plates Lima
niner two Quebec seven
[VOICE ECHOING] Hello, David.
ALVEZ: Now that we have Damien's face,
we're spreading it to
all law enforcement
local, state, and federal.
Virginia state troopers
have roadblocks set up
at all entrances to
White Forest Ridge Park.
Now, Damien and Jade did
not leave Jill on site.
So that means that we
still have a chance.
All right. Let's head out.
If they see a police
checkpoint, they'll run.
And if they run
Hey. Hey, let's talk it out.
What's going on in your head?
- I let this happen.
- No, you didn't.
W-why did I leave?
I knew what they were capable of.
Okay. Let's start
there. Why did you leave?
Because we kissed.
We kissed.
Back up. You kissed Jill?
No. She kissed me.
She did. She kissed me.
Why did she kiss you?
Well it had been a long day.
We were talking about old times.
No. Dave think like a profiler.
Why would she kiss you?
She wanted to make me uncomfortable
so I would leave.
She knew Damien and Jade were coming.
She saved your life.
It's It's got to be more than that.
- Oh, Jesus.
- What?
She has a profile.
She's gonna try to talk
the gun out of their hands.
W-why would she do that?
Because she saw something I didn't,
something they couldn't
resist, some emotional button.
If she pressed it, then
they would have to
They would have to what?
She's taking them to North Star.
That's made up.
Not to her.
Not anymore.
What is this place?
I told you. It's where it started.
And where is the little boy?
Turn the light on.
This is not where it started.
It is.
This is my ex-husband's cabin.
This is where I helped to shape the idea
that created Stuart House.
Without that idea,
you could have had a
chance at a normal life.
You lied to me.
Where's the boy?
It's you, Damien.
This is a trick.
I read your file.
I know how your brain
was reshaped by abuse,
manipulation, a
conspiracy theory that w
It's not a conspiracy. It's the truth.
No. I've studied this
how even an idea can
tear families apart.
Children doubt their parents.
Parents hate their children.
I thought it could never
happen on a large scale.
But it did. It It did.
I have been told that I am
delusional my whole life.
- is not new.
To make sure someone
will do what you want,
you have to test them.
They have to be so
convinced of the conspiracy
that they'll hurt anyone,
even someone that they love.
But I would never hurt
someone that I love.
That's not true.
You loved Brooks your foster father,
and he loved you.
He never gave up on you.
He tried to get you out of
Stuart House, and that
- Shut up.
- made him a problem to the people in charge.
Shut the fuck up!
So they s-sent you to kill him.
They told me who he really was,
and they showed me what
he fucking did to kids.
That's right. That's right.
And you confronted him, and
the more you accused him,
the more he denied it,
and the more he denied
it, the angrier you got.
until you had no
choice but to kill him.
He He w He was the first one.
- No. No.
- The The first test.
- No.
- Wasn't he?
Shut up.
In the name of saving
the children, wasn't he?
Part of you knew, deep down,
that Brooks couldn't hurt children.
But the part that believed Oh, God
that part was louder.
And the reason it was louder
is because the abuse
reshaped your cerebral cortex.
- That
- [SOFTLY] No.
To In order to survive,
you had to see patterns
that weren't there.
And someone, starting at Stuart House,
they reinforced those
fictional patterns.
The people who made you GS-One.
They liberated me.
They didn't.
They sent you to kill Brooks.
Back then, you didn't have a choice.
But right here, right now, you do.
You have a choice. You have a choice.
It was a lie.
All of it.
But the more that someone tells a lie
anyone will start to believe it.
They're not going to hurt you.
I won't let them.
It's not your fault.
It's not your fault.
It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.
David, we are coming up,
but he is he is not armed.
Come out one at a time
and keep your hands
where we can see them.
Put your hands in the air!
Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God! No!
West-northwest, half a klick out!
- Status
- MAN: It's a remote firing rig.
Assailant is on foot, headed north.
Scramble all units. Alert local PD.
Suspect is a Jade Waters.
Go. Go.
[GROANS] This is my fault.
Let me take you home.
It's my fault.
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