Criminal Minds s17e09 Episode Script

Stars & Stripes

Previously on "Criminal
Minds Evolution"
Each of these members of the strike team
had a specific target, two
of which you've already ID'd.
So, this Gold Star isn't just
one person, like we thought.
I-It's a program, and
these are its participants.
Five members, five points of the star.
How does a conspiracy
theory make a serial killer?
GS-One through Five
are the test subjects.
But who is the puppet master?
- What is it?
- GPS and a lockbox.
I don't have time for a treasure hunt.
Without the contents of this case,
you will never know the truth.
Vincent Orlov.
We know Voit only works with
people he can manipulate.
We need to find Orlov's thumbscrew.
These are logs of someone
chatting with the elusive head
of the Sicarius Network.
They were traced back to your IP.
What are the chances you and Elias Voit
are connected to the Sicarius Network?
I don't take kindly to blackmail.
I knew you'd come. I need
to show you something.
You want to take me somewhere?
- I do.
- Where are we going?
To save a child, Damien.
I read your file.
I know how your brain
was reshaped by abuse.
Shut the fuck up!
Someone, starting at Stuart House,
made you GS-One.
It's not your fault.
Keep your hands where we can see them.
You were born with
glue instead of spine ♪
Liar ♪
I can't go back inside.
Promise me if we get caught
Hey, that's not gonna happen.
No. Listen to me.
I need you to promise me
that we will
never go back into a cage again.
I promise.
Ha ha ha ha, of you I ♪
Ha ha ha ha, tied to a ♪
You got this thing
that really makes me hot ♪
You got a lot ♪
And more when you get caught ♪
- Morning, miss.
- Hi. Good morning.
Happen to know how fast
you were traveling just now?
- Too fast?
- Ding-ding-ding. That is correct.
- Tell the lady what she won.
- Oh, I won?
- No, I was just being silly.
- Oh.
License and registration.
Sure. Um
I, um
really am sorry.
My mom's in the hospital.
She got into a bad accident.
I was just trying to get to her as
as soon as I could.
Ma'am, I'm gonna need you
to get out of your car.
- Is there a problem?
- Out of your vehicle.
Hands where I can see them.
Hands on the back of the vehicle.
Yes, sir.
Miss Jade Waters, I'm
placing you under arrest.
Hm. Congratulations, Trooper-Man.
I don't think you realize,
but you're about to become a big hero.
What'd I tell you?
You did.
Miss America's Most Wanted.
Yeah. Wow.
This is gonna be good.
- Let's get that out of the way.
- Please don't kill me.
5-7, do you require
any additional assistance?
It's good to have friends.
5-7, do you copy?
5-7, please respond.
I'm begging you, please.
My My wife. We just had a baby.
I promise you,
I am not gonna have my
friend Dana here kill you.
No, because I need you
to do us a big, huge favor.
No, no, no, no.
"Betrayal is the
only truth that sticks."
Arthur Miller.
- Officer.
- Sir.
Open up 438.
Thank you.
You're late.
Damien Booth is dead.
Let me guess. Shot by Jade Waters.
That's right.
Young love. Always a tragedy.
Apparently, their plan to
kidnap and kill a Dr. Jill Gideon
was somehow upended by the FBI.
You mean upended by the BAU.
Your David Rossi and friends, yes.
- Dr. Jill Gideon, huh?
- She is?
The ex-wife of David Rossi's
ex-partner Jason Gideon.
Yeah, yeah. That's right.
Anyway, do you think Jade
is going to reach out again?
No. The contents of the
case you delivered to her
will give her everything she needs.
Besides, aren't you under surveillance?
Rebecca Wilson thinks that she's clever,
but I could have a judge remove
her immediately from the case.
She's the devil we know.
So, no.
Alright. Everything else is all set.
In the next 24 hours,
after your court hearing,
you'll be moved to FCI Collymore,
where you will serve out
your agreed-upon sentence
of seven years.
out in five.
If you say so.
I do.
This wasn't your fault.
You're just lucky Damien didn't
put a bullet in your head.
It wasn't luck. I had the profile
that was gonna take the
gun out of that kid's hand.
And I knew, in a moment of clarity,
probably speaking to Emily,
you'd figure out why I kissed you.
- And what kind of bullshit was that?
- It was necessary to distract you.
I needed time to
de-escalate the situation.
Jill, come on. It was reckless.
It was not without risk. Yes.
And I will admit, what
I didn't account for
was that Damien and
his fellow Gold Star,
this Jade Waters, would make
some kind of suicide pact.
They were not going to allow one another
to be locked up in a cage ever again.
Suicide pact?
You think Jade might
take her own life now?
No, I-I misspoke.
It's more like a mutually
agreed upon mercy kill.
Think "Of Mice and Men,"
like how George kills Lenny.
Because now Jade must
feel confident enough
to know that she can go on without him.
Plus, she still has reinforcements.
There are two other Gold Stars out there
to help her if need be.
What do you know about them?
Well, besides one is Dana H.
and the other Peter B., nothing.
Dave, I need to see you in my office.
It's now official.
Director Madison is honoring
Voit's plea agreement,
which means he is going to be
transferred to FCI Collymore,
a minimum-security federal prison.
Fucking Club Fed.
How exactly does the director
figure Voit has fulfilled
his part of the agreement?
Even with Damien Booth dead,
Gold Star remains an ongoing threat
with three fugitives
Jade Waters, Dana H., and Peter B.
Plus, we know Voit has tried
to communicate with them
secretly, first in Morse code,
- then probably through his lawyer.
- Which we cannot prove.
Not yet. I'm working on it.
Keep working. But yeah, what can I say?
At the moment, it is what it is.
It's a mistake, is what it is.
It's only a matter of time
before Voit breaks out of there.
It's not as if there's no security.
Not enough to hold him.
Hey, anything from the list
of Joe Gideon's colleagues?
Stand back. It's up there.
I'm irresistible when
being this brilliant.
I have unleashed my break in
case of emergency algorithm.
I've named her Penny. She's
going through financials now.
Look at Penny go.
All we can do is put on our
imaginary rose-colored glasses
over our regular glasses,
fill our hearts with hope
that Penny the algorithm
is going to recognize
some kind of pattern
that connects everybody
in an unusual transaction,
or maybe two.
And how long is that going to take?
Well, Spencer says the human brain runs
10 to 100 cycles per second.
This computer is about
10 billion times faster
than that plus 10
- So not long.
- slower than
I mean, yeah. Not long.
Whoa. See, this is
what I'm talking about.
Penny has just made
our dreams come true.
She's connected all
11 Stuart House doctors
and George Kelby and Adam Ulrich.
Those are the sheriff's deputies in Utah
- that Jade murdered.
- They sure were.
Okay, they're all connected
because they were paid
through this encrypted routing number,
which goes to an offshore
account linked to
Aida Limited.
You've heard of them?
A long time ago, when I was a Ranger,
I knew some guys that worked for them.
They're a private security company
contracted by the US government.
But their contract was voided
after they were accused
of criminal misconduct.
Germane to what you are saying
right now, it looks
like their dear leader,
el jefe, CEO Mr. Frank Church,
uh, this fella was brought up on charges
which were later dropped.
Frank has friends in high places.
And these days, Mr. Church and Aida
are known around the globe
for their security expertise.
Meaning guns for hire.
They're mercenaries.
I mean, we do know
that a private security company
paid for the strike team.
Yeah, we do.
- And if this is the guy that did that
- Yikes.
Maryland State Trooper
Martin Sanz was attacked
during what he thought
was a routine traffic stop.
He recognized Jade Waters,
attempted to make an arrest,
but somehow she got the upper hand.
The bright side is he's still alive.
Yeah, but she gouged out his eyes,
took his badge,
and she told him to talk
to no one but the FBI.
What's his condition now?
He's out of surgery and recovering.
Before, these acts of enucleation
were postmortem signatures.
But this is a definite
escalation of sadism.
She wants us to feel her pain.
Right, but she wants to punish
us for protecting the conspiracy
that abuses children and for
forcing her to kill Damien.
The trooper pulling
her over like this
it wouldn't have been as easy
for Jade to get the jump on him.
She might have had help.
Another Gold Star?
Well, we'll know for
sure once you and Tara
- get Trooper Sanz's statement.
- All right.
Uh, Luke and I will
head to the crime scene
and see if Jade left anything
in her stolen vehicle.
Good. Penelope, what else do we have
on Frank Church and Aida Limited?
Not nearly enough.
Okay, I think Tyler
might be able to help
flesh out some background for us.
Tyler, I need you to
dig up whatever you can
on a guy named Frank church.
He runs Aida Limited.
Then you and I are going to
bring him in for questioning.
What are you looking for?
What is this?
I'm not sure.
Who gave you those keys?
- It's a friend of Damien's.
- What friend?
They've met on the darknet
during the pandemic.
- Fuck, Jade. You don't know
- I talked to him, too.
And you trust him?
Damien trusted him.
Let's check out what's down there.
What is this shit?
It's the end of the conspiracy.
Hey! Look at me.
You. Me. Aiden. Peter. Damien.
We have been through hell.
And no matter what anybody else
says, blood don't mean shit.
You choose your family.
And the five of us,
we chose each other.
Yeah, we did.
So until you and me,
we find Peter,
I trust nobody else but you.
But if this is what I think it is,
we need help.
We need to go home.
I know.
Trooper Sanz?
I'm SSA David Rossi.
I'm standing here with SSA Tara Lewis.
That's right.
Well, they sure made it clear
that this was for your eyes only.
Sick fucks.
There was more than one assailant?
Yeah, there was two of
these crazy fucking bitches.
One shot me, the other one took my eyes.
Why'd she have to take
my fucking eyes, man?
You'd recognized Jade Waters.
Now, do you think you could
identify the second female?
I'll never forget her.
Some Black chick in her 20s.
Jade called her Dana.
Dana. She was the one that shot you?
Shot me right in the chest.
Didn't want to kill me,
but to just disable me.
I wish she just would have killed me.
No, you don't.
I know that you're
in a lot of pain, son.
But your family is extremely grateful
that you'll be coming home soon.
It's fucking hard.
I know.
And I'm not gonna lie to you.
You've got a long road ahead.
But there's always hope.
Listen. You gonna get them?
Yes, we are.
And I don't just mean
bring them to justice.
We know what you mean.
And I know that some
of your comrades in arms
have the same feeling
about it as you do.
But there's a bigger picture.
Which I sure as hell can't see.
You know what? Why don't we, uh
- Why don't we give you a little bit more time?
- No, no, no.
Look, I'm sorry, okay? Jesus. I just
Look, this this Jade,
she wanted me to tell you that
That I never meant to hurt anyone.
she never meant to hurt anyone.
I had no choice.
Now I just want to go
home and find peace.
Sparing your life is about
all the mercy that I have left.
All the mercy she had left.
If you choose to go after her
- If they choose to come after me
- she swears
I will fucking take them down.
- And the streets will run with blue blood.
- the streets will run with blue blood.
That's what she wanted me to tell you.
I'm begging you. Please help me.
My wife
Trooper Sanz, we thank
you for your service
and we promise you we will get justice.
I mean, it doesn't
take a profiler to know
Jade isn't really looking
to go home to find peace.
No, but her choice of words is telling.
She wants to go home.
But you guys are saying
this home hired the men
who tried to kill her?
They tried to groom these
perfectly pliable assassins.
But at some point along the
way, something went wrong.
Maybe Damien struggled with doubts.
Maybe they all did,
and whoever ran the program
decided to cut their losses.
And cover their asses.
But bear with me.
What if these Gold
Stars never recognized
the strike team had been
sent by their puppet master,
but rather as proof that
they were rocking the boat,
that they were striking at the
very heart of the conspiracy?
Anything's possible.
No, no. But what I'm talking about is
whether or not they were
capable of distinguishing
between friend and foe.
If you were manipulating
them with a conspiracy theory,
you would want to make
sure they couldn't tell
- the difference between the two.
- Oh, you'd make it impossible.
You'd gaslight these kids into
thinking everybody is an enemy
except for your fellow
Gold Stars and yourself.
Exactly. So it could be
that to Dana and Jade,
home is their original training ground.
But if I was Aida and I was trying
to erase every trace of Gold Star,
I'm dumping that site.
They could be using one
of the alternate Stuart House sites.
Oh, speaking of, these are the
ones from your records, correct?
All right. Let's concentrate
on the ones closest to Jade's
last known location.
Dave. You're not going to believe this,
but we recovered a Haeberlin case
from Jade's stolen Cherokee.
A kill kit?
Yeah. It's empty. There's
nothing to suggest what was inside.
That son of a bitch.
But that's not all.
The cupping patterns in the
tire impressions left behind,
they match a stolen
Charger that was just found
abandoned near Castell Creek
outside of Rockville, Maryland.
Penelope, bring up the map
of Voit's buried kill kits.
Castell Creek is awfully close.
And I don't believe in coincidences.
Dave, we're heading
to that location now.
We're right behind you.
All right, given what
happened to Trooper Sanz,
the locals will be restless.
We need to take charge of this scene.
You think they'll be out for blood?
I do, and it's exactly
what Jade is hoping for.
We tried to warn them.
But Sanz's captain didn't want to wait,
so he breached with two other officers.
Bunker was booby trapped with
IEDs filled with shrapnel.
God damn it!
- Is there anything left inside?
- Of course there is.
That's why it wasn't rigged
with an incendiary device.
We knew he read all your books, David.
This This is something else.
Jesus Christ. There's no way
he compiled all of this research.
He didn't have to do
the research himself.
He had his network do it for him.
"From Sicarius to Gold Star with love."
He's put the target on our backs.
You think you can get away
with threatening my team?
You motherfucker! Open
up this Goddamn cage!
No! Do not open it!
Agent Rossi, you need to calm down.
You seem upset.
You got this schmuck to
deliver a kill kit to Jade,
which led her to your bunker
and then to your target list.
David, we have been over all of this.
Benjamin Reeves,
AKA the so-called
"Sicarius Killer," is dead.
I don't know, maybe Jade Waters had
a personal relationship with him.
I heard Benji was quite the ladies' man.
Shut up.
I'm just spitballing here,
but maybe the crazy chick that Jade was,
she slept with a serial killer,
got his secrets, and then dug
up that kit and bunker thing.
- Bully for her.
- You're not getting out of here.
- It's not up to you.
- Yeah, it's a done deal.
But I will miss our
special time together.
I know you think you could
Houdini out of Collymore,
but Gen Pop is no place
for a serial killer.
Dahmer. Kibbe. Harvey.
All of them died at the
hands of other prisoners.
Because you build prison cred
by spilling blood like yours.
Almost sounds like
you're threatening me.
I'm just telling it like it is.
Well, just so that you
don't have to worry about me,
I am not going into Gen Pop
as the rumored serial killer Elias Voit.
- Tell him, Vinnie.
- Based on the BAU's own affidavit,
my client is being prosecuted
and sentenced under his birth name.
Lee Duval.
And no one really knows
who that guy is, do they?
I really think you need
to leave, Agent Rossi.
Back the fuck up, counselor.
Frank Church in the flesh.
That's not what I expected.
Upon closer examination,
Mr. Church fails to
meet many expectations.
Starting with his military background.
While the Aida Limited website
boasts of Church's many honors,
truth is he only served the three
years required to pay for college.
So you're saying he's more of a salesman
- than a soldier-of-fortune?
- Exactly.
It seems over the past few years,
he's been pitching his company's ability
to provide an elite group
of "specialized mechanics."
Specialized in what way?
We'll need to ask him.
Unit Chief Emily Prentiss.
- Have we met?
- No.
I saw your mug shot on Politico.
- You've been reinstated, I see.
- I have.
And who is this "visitor"?
- Tyler Green.
- What are you doing here?
He's with military intelligence.
Is he? How can I help you?
During the course of a
federal homicide investigation,
we uncovered a series
of payments made by
your Aida Limited to the
clinicians on this list,
as well as these
deputy sheriffs in Utah,
all of them connected to
a troubled youth facility
called Stuart House.
You've identified an
offshore account of ours.
I'm curious because I
never received a warrant.
As I said, it was
uncovered during the course
of a homicide investigation.
Multiple homicides.
Everyone on this list is dead.
Tell me, Mr. Green, can you
read my micro-expressions?
How did I respond when Agent Prentiss
not so subtly accused me of,
if not outright murder,
then conspiracy to commit?
- Your eye twitched.
- Mm. Did it?
Might all of this have something
to do with a program called Gold Star?
That same offshore account
transferred cryptocurrency
into an escrow
that paid these five men
to murder these five young people,
three of whom we've identified.
So, yes, Gold Star.
You know, the first time
I heard about Gold Star
was from this online
lunatic, Brian Garrity.
Had to get a restraining
order against him.
But I don't need to tell you
because you assaulted the man.
Mr. Church, your answers are
all textbook non-denial denial.
Miss Prentiss, your questions are
textbook gumshoe intimidation.
Which leaves me with a profound concern
for the future of
federal law enforcement.
But I guess I shouldn't be surprised
when good men like Deputy
Director Douglas Bailey
are cut down and women
like you are championed.
I'm putting a halt to this.
By order of Director Madison.
Rebecca, Church walked in here
of his own Goddamn volition.
- That's not the point.
- No. The point is,
the Director has been running
interference against us
from the very beginning.
He's in Church's pocket, isn't he?
Just hold on.
I'll admit, at the start I thought
Madison was compromised,
but it turns out he's not.
In fact, all of his
actions, including this one,
have been meant to protect the BAU.
Oh, protect us?
Doug Bailey told Madison
about Gideon and Rossi's
white paper weeks before Voit
ever even mentioned Gold Star.
Madison showed me Bailey's report.
Bailey? How?
It was suspected that
whoever ran Gold Star
leaked the information as a warning.
Because any investigation into Gold Star
would reveal the white
paper's existence,
and it would look as though
the BAU was responsible.
Now we've got Jade Waters on the loose,
you invite Frank Church in,
and Madison hears some rumor
that there's a reporter doing a story
with the headline "FBI's
BAU Grooms Cop Killer."
Oh, that is such bullshit.
It's a classic threat of using the press
to release a bunch of disinformation.
Call it whatever the hell you want.
You should have profiled that
you can't go head to head
with a guy like Church
unless you're ready
to take the gloves off,
because he'd like nothing
more than an excuse
to set fire to the
reputations of every division
- of law enforcement.
- Bring it on.
Be careful what you wish for.
She's right. We get one swing at Church.
- That's all we'll need.
- But if you miss
We bring the Bureau down with us.
Douglas Bailey are cut down,
and women like you are championed.
I'm putting a halt to this
by order of Director Madison.
I've never seen Church before,
and no one I worked
with ever mentioned him.
But the man's malignant narcissism is
impossible to miss.
Yeah, you can see how
much he wants to brag
about what he's done.
It was practically killing the
guy, having to hold it all in.
He does have what the kids call "rizz."
Yep. He does. He reminds
me of a cult leader.
I mean, you could see how
it wouldn't be a problem
for him to beat these
kids into submission
and then turn right around and
present himself as their savior.
Which means it's possible
Jade wants to come home to him.
And since Jade passed the test,
maybe now he won't want to kill her.
Yeah, she passed her version
of the final exam, hasn't she?
Wait. I'm sorry. Test? Final exam?
For Church to May I?
For Church to make sure his
conspiracy had taken hold,
he'd conduct a confirmation test.
In this case, Jade killing Damien
was confirmation of her commitment.
and I get that he hired a
strike team to erase Gold Star.
But I find it highly improbable
that Mr. Charisma here
is just going to accept failure.
No, he would not.
He'd start over.
But then where would he find
his fresh batch of troubled teenagers?
And where would he groom them?
Gold Star.
Let them through.
They're here.
Bring them in.
Jade, I was worried I
wouldn't see you again.
I am so glad Dana found you.
Welcome home.
Thank you.
Dana, well done.
Well done.
Jade and I We can't find Peter.
What about Aidan and Damien?
They're dead.
The FBI killed Aiden in
Utah, and they caught Damien.
- But
- But you wouldn't let him suffer.
I couldn't let them
put him back in a cage.
That's right.
Benton, take Jade to the dormitory.
You can relax. Eat something.
Dana, could you stay
behind for a few moments?
I think there may be a way
we can track down Peter.
Did she resist coming here?
Not at all.
But she is in contact
with a friend of Damien's
who is still in federal custody.
He directed her to this secret bunker
filled with intel about
a special unit of the FBI.
The Behavioral Analysis Unit?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Is that it?
I still have questions.
I know you do.
What have I told you?
- The feelings, they
- They cloud judgment.
Without clarity, you will
not live to fight another day.
Our enemies are too many to
attack without discipline.
I understand.
All right, let's run it out.
Go, go, go! Come on.
Mila has overcome so
much. She has come so far.
She reminds me of you.
You know, you and the other Gold Stars,
you made all this possible.
You've helped to free
these young people.
Give them their lives back.
And afforded us the opportunity
to teach them the skills
they're going to need to
defend themselves in the future.
I don't understand.
The The doctors Damien killed,
the cops I killed
these kids had nothing to do with that.
- They weren't even there.
- I understand it's difficult to see,
but the truth is,
what you and Damien did
struck at the heart of the conspiracy.
They were forced to retreat.
We were able to save
all these young people.
And once Dana brings Peter home
we'll be able to move
on to the next phase.
Come here. I want to show you something.
We had to surrender our
original training site,
but fortunately we were
able to get this one
up and running very quickly.
Move it! Get moving! Move!
- You motherfucker!
- Get your ass in there!
Jade, take my hand!
Get the fuck off me!
I know this place
reminds you of Stuart House.
It used to be one of
theirs, but we liberated it.
As you can see, we have everything
we need to fulfill our mission.
Except Damien.
I know how difficult that
must have been for you.
I just wasn't going to let
them get their hands on him.
Yes, you did what you had to do.
What Damien wanted you to do.
Because you are so very strong.
You are an example.
A true inspiration
to these young people.
Okay, we've got six possible sites,
but we just can't go
storming into each one
looking for Jade and Dana.
No, that would be rash, so thank Goddess
I have discovered something
that will narrow your storming.
So I took brilliant Jill's description
of the kind of troubled youth
that Church might be selecting.
And then I did a search
of missing juveniles
with those markers.
And this young human
has come to my attention,
16-year-old Mila Sandoval.
Now, her personal history reads
not unlike that of Jade waters.
Yeah, right down to the domestic abuse.
That's right. Now, Mila has
been missing nearly eight months.
So behold this super
suspect still photo.
Now, that is a still from
a security camera located
a mile away from Driscoll State Forest.
It was taken two weeks ago.
And that is Mila talking
to a local deputy.
So why is she still missing?
Because this was never reported.
How is that possible?
Well, the same thing
happened back in Utah.
Deputies Kelby and Ulrich,
the ones that Jade killed,
they were being paid off by Stuart House
to track down and return runaway teens.
Penelope, can you ID this deputy
from the patrol unit number?
I can. I will. I just did.
Clarence Millbrae.
Okay. Have JJ and Luke bring him in.
Let's find out who
he's moonlighting for.
I'm sorry to bother you.
Not at all.
Are you GS-Five?
Yeah, I am, but you
can just call me Jade.
I've seen you. You're vicious.
I've tried to be like you.
They tell us stories about
you and the other Gold Stars.
Are you okay?
Come here.
You can talk to me.
They tell me I'm still
suffering from memories
of an awful place.
- From where they rescued you?
- Yeah.
Do you have nightmares?
Uh, yeah.
I have this one in
particular over and over.
It feels so real.
I wake up and I feel really sick.
Like I'm going to throw up.
And I can't see
because there are these
weird goggles over my eyes,
and I can't move.
And someone comes into the room.
It's a man.
How do you know?
Because I can feel his hands on me.
And when he's done with me
the goggles slip off just enough that
I can see his face.
It's Mr. Church.
Do you have a nightmare like that?
I do.
Come on.
Do you have nightmares?
I don't dream.
Not anymore.
Lucky you.
What they did to you
you had it so much worse than any of us.
Sometimes I think I see his face, but
I know it's a lie because
the face I see is Mr. Church.
What's wrong?
What if it's not a lie?
What are you talking about?
- I don't know.
- Church
told us they could make
us believe things that aren't true.
They could turn us against
each other if we're not careful.
No, I know, I know.
- I just
- What?
I just wish I'd protected you.
So with Deputy Millbrae's
law enforcement career
pretty much in the shitter,
he was more than willing
to give us the location
of his part-time employer.
According to him,
Aida's youth training
center is right here
in an unincorporated area
that borders the Driscoll State Forest.
I got it. Judge just approved it.
We have a warrant to
search the training center
- for Mila Sandoval.
- Fantastic.
Now have Penelope start
coordinating with HRT and SWAT.
Now, when we get on scene,
I want to divide and conquer.
Guys, uh, sorry,
but I've worked alongside this
type of mercenary overseas.
And as far as they're concerned,
this might turn into more
than just a police action.
They're combat ready.
Okay. Important safety tip.
Suit up. You're coming with.
We found Aida's training center.
- You need to come with us.
- Why?
To help with the kids. With Jade.
- I can't.
- They're going to need your help.
They needed my help years ago.
Jill, this isn't your fault.
I bear some responsibility.
You don't.
David, please.
Besides, you know I
can't bear to carry a gun.
I know.
Hang on.
You be safe.
No. No!
You were always my favorite, Jade.
This is for your own good.
Main gate. Requesting backup.
Copy that, main gate.
Backup's on their way.
Luke, are you and Tyler in position?
We're covering the southern
access road onto the property.
- Hold until I say so.
- Copy.
Unit Chief Emily Prentiss, FBI.
We're here to execute a
legal search warrant on
I don't give a shit what
that piece of paper says.
You are not setting
foot on this property.
The FBI is here for Mila.
- I know.
- We've got them held up at the gate,
and I'm sending reinforcements.
But they have a search warrant.
Get Mila.
Put her back down in The Ward with Jade.
Once that's done, radio me.
And I'll show the FBI around
the "whole" facility myself.
Copy that, sir.
Mila. Mila. Hey, Mila.
- Hey, I need you to get up.
- Jade?
You and the others are in danger.
- Danger?
- But you're okay.
You got this and you you're ready.
I just need you to get
everyone down to the access road
at the south end, okay? Do you hear me?
You don't let anyone stop you, okay?
- Okay.
- Anyone.
You radio me when you get there.
What about you?
I will be right behind you.
I'll tell you, people got no
respect for the law these days.
What the hell is happening?
A lot of guys with guns
telling us you shall not pass.
Emily, seriously, do not
escalate the situation.
It doesn't matter that
the law is on your side.
The guys with the guns are
the reality on the ground.
Please be careful.
Yes, Emily, I second
and I third that emotion.
Do not stir the hornet's nest.
Well, this seems eerily familiar.
What, a cult leader
threatening Armageddon?
Tara, let's head around the perimeter.
Try to get a better sight
line on the dormitory.
Let's do it.
Well, what do you think?
If this douchebag wasn't such
a narcissist like David Koresh,
I'd think he was bluffing.
Yeah. Me too.
But there's actually a
chance he'd be willing
to fire on federal agents
executing a search warrant.
Sir Jade, Mila, all of them.
They're all gone.
- Emily.
- What do you got?
Rear of the dormitory building.
Copy that.
Go ahead and shoot me.
Everybody move in now!
Agent Prentiss is on the property.
- Stand down.
- Wise decision, boys.
Everyone move.
On me!
Get your positions in front and behind.
All sectors, hold your
fire, but maintain position.
All units, all units,
Agents Prentiss and Rossi
have entered the building.
I repeat, hold your positions.
Khaki-Clad Guard #1:
Anybody got eyes on the kids?
We got agents near the access road.
We got agents all over the place.
Jade, come in.
I'm here.
We're clear.
Are you coming?
I can't.
Why? What's wrong?
I can come back for you.
No, Mila. No. You have
to keep running, okay?
Do you hear me?
I don't understand.
You have to save the children.
Mila, I need you to trust me, okay?
Do you Do you trust me?
I do.
Then you have to keep going.
Don't ever stop.
Jade, come in.
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