Criminal Minds s17e10 Episode Script

Save the Children

Previously on "Criminal
Minds: Evolution"
Director Madison is honoring
Voit's plea agreement.
He is going to be transferred
to a minimum-security federal prison.
Aida Limited. CEO Mr. Frank Church
hired a strike team to erase Gold Star,
but it didn't work, so
he'd just accept failure?
PRENTISS: No, he would not.
For Church to make sure his
conspiracy had taken hold,
he'd conduct a confirmation test.
Jade killing Damien was
confirmation of her commitment.
ROSSI: But there's two Gold Stars left.
- What do you know about them?
- Well, besides one is Dana H.
and the other Peter B., nothing.
GARCIA: Church must have
a new training ground
with children like Mila Sandoval.
Her personal history reads
not unlike that of Jade Waters.
Do you have nightmares?
Someone comes into the room.
When he's done with
me, I can see his face.
It's Mr. Church.
We're here to execute
a legal search warrant.
Everybody move in now!
Mila, I just need you to get everyone
down to the access road.
You have to save the children.

REBECCA: No, sir. Nothing yet.
GARCIA: Come on, come on!
It's been, uh, 20 minutes
since we lost connection.
Yes. I'll keep you posted.
I need to reboot the system.
- What about GPS?
- It says they're still in sight.
"Are you okay? Call me."
Is that someone from the team?
No. My mom.
FEMALE NEWSCASTER: Initial reports state
that a large explosive went off
on the east side of the Aida building.
The west side appears undamaged,
but reports are still coming in.
reached out to the FBI,
and they have not
commented at this time.
Bob, can you zoom out so
we can get a better look?
What the [BLEEP] was that?!
Oh, God.

Do you ever think if I hadn't
opened my mouth about Gold Star,
none of this ever would have happened?
You don't bother me anymore.
Oh. Really?
You're a totem.
What do you represent this time?
Maybe I'm just here to keep
you company while you die.
LEWIS: Dave! Dave! Are
you in here?! Dave?!
MAN: Yeah. Right here.
Oh. Okay. Listen to me.
We're getting you out of
there, okay? Right now.
There's an ambulance
outside. The team is okay.
Alright? Just hang in there.
Come on. Let's go. Let's go right now.

Hey. Are you okay to get up?
Yeah. Yeah.
- Hey. You're alright.
- What about Emily?
W-We split up looking for the kids.
No, no, we've got the kids.
Mila Sandoval surrendered
to us when the bomb went off.
And we found Dana's body.
She was shot execution-style.
Tara. Where is Emily?
We searched.
Emily, Jade, and Frank
Church are all MIA.
Come on. Let's get you outside.

Don't say a word. She's watching.
Who is?
Jade. She spared us for some reason.
She didn't spare us.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Frank Church, you've been charged
with the crime of pedophilia.
How do you plead?
Jade. You know me.
How do you plead?
It was her. Her team.
They wrote a white paper
that got all this started.
All I ever wanted was
to save the child

- Tara?
- TARA: Good news, most of us are okay.
Bad news, we can't find Emily.
Okay. Uh, okay. How can we help?
We cleared the building.
I've got Tyler tapping
into the main servers.
Penelope, I think I'm doing this right.
I just sent you an invitation
for admin privileges.
- You get it?
- Yes. Yes, I just got it.
- What am I looking for?
- Surveillance footage.
See if you can find Prentiss.
Okay. I'm connecting now.
Come on, Em. Let me find you.
Okay. Not yet, not yet, not yet.
[GASPS] There she is.
She's looking for the kids.

REBECCA: Oh, my God.
Oh, no! She's injured!
Oh, shit.
Who's that?
No idea.
But this is where
everyone we love and hate
disappears from all available cameras.
Does Jade have a new partner?
It looks like she does.
And if so, there's only
one person she would trust.
The last Gold Star.

MAN: Time to go judge Prentiss.
Yeah, just give me a second.
MAN: Okay. But make it quick.

MAN: Come on! Get moving! Move!
ass in there!
You little fucker!
That's what you get for
grabbing my tits, you asshole!
MAN: You're Jade, right?
Yeah. Do I know you?
Jade, we don't have a lot of time.
You need to take my hand.
Fuck off. That kind of
shit's why I'm in here.
Please. Trust me. Look. It'll hurt less.
No matter what they do
to you, I've got you,
and I won't let go.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! What
the fuck are you doing?
- What the fuck are you Get the fuck off me!
- Take my hand!
- Jade, come here!
- Motherfucker!
Jade, come on!
Who are you?
I'm Damien.

Emily Prentiss, how do you plead?
Well, uh, before I plead
I need to know what the charges are.
Conspiracy to commit murder.
Whose murder?
Damien's? I didn't kill Damien.
I know what you're doing.
What am I doing?
Trying to get in my head.
Supervisory Special Agent Prentiss.
Abducted and interrogated
by Benjamin Cyrus in 2008.
Abducted and interrogated
by Ian Doyle in 2011.
Abducted and interrogated
by Peter Lewis in 2017.
Did I get that right?
Yeah, that's right.
Did Voit give you all
that in his little bunker?
That and what happens next.
That you'll manipulate me long enough
for your team to come and rescue you.
But that won't happen.
Am I a United States citizen?
Because i-if we're still on U.S. soil,
I am allowed certain inalienable rights.
Or are you no better
than the Deep State you claim to hate?
What rights do you have in mind?
The right to confront my accuser,
t-to see the evidence against me
and to present a defense.
MAN: Stand down. Put her on trial.
We can show her the
evidence against her.
We'll show you your case.
W Who's "we"? Who's "we", Jade?

What do we know about this
last Gold Star, Pete B.?
Damn near nothing. I mean, he's
been off of our radar the whole time.
Let's start with the obvious.
H-He's got to have another
location for him and Jade.
And likely a safe house.
GARCIA: Regarding
places, I checked all of
the Aida properties
that Jill Gideon gave us,
and they're all empty,
but a company like that
could have places
that never were public.
I get why they'd want
Church, but why Prentiss?
Why now?
It wasn't now. It's been all along.
- It has?
- There's been a conspiracy
following Emily this whole time.
Do the math.
Right. Right.
Brian Garrity resurfaces
and then frames Prentiss
for a crime she didn't commit.
Then someone leaked her mugshot.
Yeah, then Jade and Pete B.
go out of their way to take her.
Means that she's as important as Church.
But we know Jade's history.
She was on a spree in Nevada
when Emily was in lockup.
Then it's Pete. He
staged Prentiss' arrest
as the beginning of
a harassment campaign.
He must hold her
responsible for something.
VOIT: Like I told you, Dave.
You ever think if I
just kept my mouth shut
about this whole Gold Star thing,
none of this ever would have happened?
God damn it.

- MAN: Opening door 2!

- I fold.
- That's all you ever do.


Hey! No, uh No housewarming gift?
That's rude, but fine, I guess.
I got stuff. I got stuff.
I got filtered water.
I got a fan.
Natural light. Check this out.
It's true what they say about vitamin D.
My mood, it's just so, hmm, you know.
You're uncomfortable.
Why would you make me uncomfortable?
No, it's not me. It's the space.
You miss your old cell.
No. The only thing I miss is you.
And if you are here,
it means you need
something from me again.
Emily Prentiss has been abducted.
Jade took her. She's
with the last Gold Star.
I think I know who it is,
but I need you to confirm it,
since you've known who he is all along.
Oh, I will neither confirm nor deny
anything you are saying.
Unless, of course, you have
something of significance to offer me.
No, I, uh, don't think
I need to do that.
Your body language will
tell me if I'm right or not.
Look, Prentiss has been stalked
ever since we took this case,
and we could never figure out why.
And then I was thinking
it had to be something
from the beginning,
from when you first said
those words "Gold Star"
to Deputy Director Douglas Bailey.
I know you're not the "man in charge,"
but you're definitely the
one who likes the Gold Star.
But then we we couldn't understand
why Bailey did what he did next,
which was go in alone to confront you.
And why did you kill him?
Well, now I know.
Hey, Pete. It's me.
I, uh I just want you to know
that I'm thinking about you.
Pete B. is Pete Bailey,
Douglas Bailey's younger brother.
Hey, man, I know you can't respond,
but can you just e-mail me back
and let me know you're okay?
You jerk. [CHUCKLES]
And he holds Prentiss responsible
for what you did to Doug.
Hey. Me again. Look.
I know this is hard.
I know Mom and Dad
don't get this, but I do.
E-mail me.
Turn it off!

Does this body language
tell you anything?
You can come out now.

It is so nice to
finally meet you, Emily.

Are you okay?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
You know, the first time I was
out in the field, I threw up.
No. I was just trying
to make you feel better.
So if Dad is a libertarian,
that means Mom is
A lady who lunches?
You're an only child,
right? You scream only child.
- No. Younger brother.
- Hm.
Yeah. I have a sister.
It always seems like
you're either super tight
or drive each other crazy.
Yeah, well, in our case, it was both.
So what's he up to now?
UnSub's name is Scelsa?
- Yeah. Frank Scelsa.
Let's go to work.

Why weren't you at Doug's funeral?
Your father gave a nice eulogy.
Do you want me to
tell you what happened?
I know what happened.
Then you know Elias Voit killed Doug.
That's not what happened.
If I'm on trial for his murder,
why don't you just
tell me what happened?
My brother knew that I was in Gold Star.
That made him a liability to
the very cabal you work for.
So your team killed him.
Elias Voit is a false flag!
No, he's a killer.
Who has only helped us
Because it serves his interest!
I forgot. He's "Sicarius."
Never mind that the
Department of Justice
named an already dead
suspect as Sicarius.
If you're gonna lie to me, Emily,
at least put a little zhuzh in it.
It's not a lie! There were
Voit had lucky breaks go his way.
Such as?
Such as the deal he
made with the Director
that gets him out of
prison in five years.

Say that again.
The last part.
Elias Voit made
A deal.
With ?
The Director.
Of ?
The FBI.
- I didn't mean it like that.
- I think you do.
I think you accidentally
told me the truth.
Now, let me make sure
that I understand this.
Elias Voit,
the patsy you pinned
my brother's murder on.
Apparently, his deal goes
all the way to the top.
I didn't mean it like that.
It's nice to know where
your loyalties finally lie,
Ms. Wilson.
Maybe I'm tired of people dying
because they're not on
a need-to-know basis.
GARCIA: Well, it appears all
the chickens and tigers and bears
have come to roost for
the Bailey brothers.
Were you able to find anything?
I talked to his dad, who
is not a fan of the FBI,
but h-he doesn't want
to bury both his sons.
If I may, we all remember
our departed Deputy Director,
Douglas Bailey.
You know, he was a very
by-the-books person
super squares-ville.
His brother, Pete, on the other hand,
is a person of a different shape.
In his teens, Pete was involved
in an anti-government group.
He vandalized an IRS
office, among other things.
When did Aida enter the picture?
I-In juvie.
Pete was offered an experimental
diversionary program called
you guessed it Project Gold Star.
Pete was the test subject.
We know the rest of this story.
He never saw his family again?
Yeah, actually, you don't,
because Pete would go
and visit his family
during the holidays.
- What?
- I know. It shocked me, too.
Well, I mean, if he was there first,
they might have wanted to
test his reentry into society.
Right? See how someone they
brainwashed copes in the modern world.
Oh, he did not cope well.
According to his father,
that's when things got really awkward.
So, Pete would come home
and tell his family his job
was to break up child trafficking rings,
specifically among the elite
who were "doing bad things to children."
When his brother,
Douglas, pressed him
who are these elites,
where these children were
Pete got cagey, and then
it would just devolve with
the brothers into, like, a
knock-down, fisticuffs situation.
Did Doug tell anyone else
about this in the Bureau?
Well, having a
conspiracy-theorist brother
is a political liability when
you're the Deputy Director,
so there is one agent he confided in.
Yes, I knew what Douglas was up to.
Why didn't you tell us?
Gold Star was SCI Classified.
I couldn't if I wanted to.
Let me make something clear.
If we lose Prentiss because of this,
no classification in the
world is gonna save you.
I've had my career threatened by
better politicians than you, Dave.
I'm not threatening your career, Ray.
REBECCA: Hey, can we turn down
the testosterone for just a second?
None of this makes any sense.
Why classify a case
and then hand it to the BAU to solve?
Because Douglas Bailey asked me to.
When Gold Star bullets
were left as calling cards,
Doug got worried.
Right before he flew out
to Burney to confront Elias Voit,
he asked me for a favor.
DOUGLAS: Sir, if the Gold
Stars are killing contractors
and Elias Voit somehow knows,
something has gone wrong.
We need to classify this case.
Billy. It's not just
two dead contractors.
I've got six dead scientists
connected to a BAU white paper.
This thing's a powder keg.
I just need enough
time to find my brother.
What happens if you find him
but you still can't save him?
I'll tell myself that at
least he's still alive.
If this case blows up,
they will get to Pete
before I can and kill him.
But then it did blow up
when Voit killed Bailey.
And that's when I knew I had a crisis.
If the wrong people
discovered that a blueprint
for a serial-killer
program started at BAU,
that shuts you down permanently.
But you also knew we wouldn't back off,
not once Voit was involved.
It was a camel-in-the-tent
or out-of-the-tent situation.
And I was trying to honor
Doug's final request.
I was tap-dancing as fast as I could.
Well, Aida's off the board now.
So how do we find Pete Bailey?
No idea.
All I can give you is this.
If you have a Hail Mary,
throw it, and I'll block for you.
- Yeah?
Hey. Uh, someone needs to talk to you.
- Him or me?
- Oh. Neither. Her.

What does Voit want now?
A Pilates instructor?
Elias Voit has suffered
in solitary confinement for months.
That's a form of cruel
and unusual punishment.
He deserves cruel and
unusual punishment.
He thinks he deserves to be
released into general population.
- Why?
- He's a social creature.
Nothing's free. What do
you bring to the table?
Elias may or may not have information
relevant to Agent
Prentiss' current location.
- Fuck you.
- I'm not done.
I will also need immunity, in writing,
for any extracurricular
attorney-client privileges
I might have engaged in as
part of representing him.
How convenient.
A serial killer plays a game of chicken
with two conspiracy theorists,
and you get everything you want.
You're wrong.
About the game.
It's not chicken.
No? Then what is it?
You ever hear some idiot say
he's playing four-dimensional chess?
Drives me crazy.
Anyone who says that understands
neither chess nor physics.
Because what is the
fourth dimension, Rebecca?
So I suggest you give the BAU this offer
with a reminder of the game
we are actually playing.
It's their chessboard.
It's their pieces.
But it's my clock.

That's the deal on the
table. What do you want to do?
Can I just say I'm sick of
relying on Voit for information?
Yes, you can say that.
He's just gonna screw us around again.
I agree, but this is Emily.
Yeah. We can't afford to say no.
No, we can't.
And I made the call,
so none of you have to.
MADISON: In light of the
exigent circumstances,
I've facilitated the transfer.
He would have been here an hour ago,
but he wanted to wear comfy clothes.
Wait. This asshole's coming here again?!
Let's do this!
Back at it like a crack addict!
Come on! Let's go get our girl!
Oh, oh, oh! Hey. Can
I get a signed photo
of you guys to take back to prison?
My new buddies don't believe
me when I say I know the FBI.
Who is excited?! I am excited.
Well, I can't say this
hasn't been fascinating.
Right? This is how
child abductions happen.
They're overwhelmingly committed
by someone the child knows.
Thank you for your time, Agent.

You didn't buy any of that, did you?
He's with the Child Abduction
Rapid Deployment Team.
Why would he lie?
Maybe he doesn't know.
Because that's how deep this
If you say, "That's how deep
this goes," I will I will
What? You'll what?
What are you gonna do?
I will open up a can
of patented Bailey whoop-ass on you.
As I've proven many times,
- you can't Bailey another Bailey.
- Yes, you can.
- No, you can't.
- Yes, you can.
Watch. Here. Here's how it happens.
- See, it goes like this.
- Hey!
- See? Say it. Say it's fake.
- Doug. Doug
I'm gonna ruin your suit, Doug.
We're all a bunch of liars!
Agent Bailey. Agent Bailey!
This is my, uh, brother, Pete.
I need the revised budget.
Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
- You're in trouble.
- Ah! That's my boss, you dick!
Look, I appreciate what you're doing,
but I promise you I'm
on the right side here.
Yeah, and the last
threat assessment I read
said child-abduction
conspiracy theories
are a growing domestic terror threat.
Domestic terror? Dude! Come on!
Pete. I'm just saying.
What if you're wrong?
If I'm wrong, then I'll admit I'm wrong.
Dougie, what if you're wrong?
God forbid you end up on that wall.


FBI fabricated a manhunt
in Burney, California.
Why? As a false flag
to cover up the assassination
of one of their own
Deputy Director Douglas Bailey.
I have it on good authority
that Bailey was planning
on revealing our government's
deepest, darkest secrets.
- What are they?
- I love this guy.
This guy gets it.
Every time I asked him to do something,
he was up for it
even getting beaten up.
You can't buy loyalty like that.
Brian Garrity. That was you?
Using him against me?
Not always against you.
The secret message,
"Theresa's in trouble,"
that was me, too. You want to know why?
Because, unlike the FBI,
I don't believe in innocent
people getting hurt.
Want to know why you
believe what you believe?
I can tell you.
Yes. Yes. Doug told me about this part.
This is where everybody
stops what they're doing
and listens to your profile.
Please go ahead. I'm just dying
to hear what you think of me.
Conspiracy theories amplify anxiety,
fear, helplessness,
but they also help you
make sense of your distress.
It starts by making you doubt
what you normally wouldn't
and ignore sources you usually trust.
Sources like the media?
Like the FBI?
You're proving my point.
Anybody can be a source these days,
especially if they validate
what you already think.
DAMIEN: Take my hand!
Who are you?
I'm Damien.
Say his name.
Say. His. Name.
Damien Booth.
God damn it. I bit through my tongue.
He's dead because of you!
Because of what the FBI would
do to him if they got him.
That's the truth!
Your boyfriend's dead
because you shot him, babe,
and you killed him for no reason!
O-kay. So
I found out about Gold Star
from talking to Damien on the network,
and Damien told me that Pete was getting
video messages from his brother, Doug.
All Doug had was a
burner e-mail address,
but Pete never responded.
Well, there's a reason for that.
Some of the videos were legit,
but sometimes the light
would shift a little bit
or the edges of the image
would be a little bit fuzzy,
which means those videos
were going from real
to fake like deepfake.
Why deepfake videos from his brother?
Doug was looking for Pete.
Someone was screening those videos.
Maybe Frank Church. Maybe
someone else at Aida.
So if Doug tried to put a message in
that they didn't approve
of, they'd edit it out.
VOIT: That was Pete's suspicion, too,
so I wrote up a special app for him.
Think of it as a silver bullet.
It could help you identify even
the most sophisticated deepfakes.
How does that help us find Pete?
It helps us find Pete
because the silver
bullet attaches a GPS mark
to any deepfaked footage that it finds.
Phones home, alerts the offended party
so that they can find it
and stop it from spreading.
But, Jenny, I told you about this.
Remember when we were in
our special time in the cell
a-and we were having our chats?
Okay. L-Look. I can
run the silver bullet.
I can see where Pete watched the videos.
We find Pete, we find Prentiss,
we can smell you later.
Oh, slight problem with
that one, my friend.
Uh, my super-special
computer got exploded
when Ben Reeves decided
to blow everything up.
Jesus. We're still playing this game?
[CHUCKLES] Okay, okay.
Calm down, big guy.
I've got a plan B, alright?
I just need to look
at the original videos
with the fakes, matching
apples to apples.
And if Aida is the culprit
responsible for editing these videos,
well, then you're gonna need me as
boots on the ground looking for them.
You want to be let out again.
What can I say, Dave?
Freedom's got a certain smell, like
Fine. Alvez, Jareau,
Garcia, you'll accompany him.
Well, no, they won't.
Last time I was in the
field with these people,
that one punched me in the face.
I-I don't feel safe around them.
Then what do you want?
Security detail.
I have someone specific in mind.
And if I say no?
Voit doesn't go
and Emily dies.
Just as a thought experiment,
what if I hurt Voit in the field?
Uh, he could say that his civil rights
were violated and he could go free.
So it's in his interest
to get under my skin.
You know, kid, in this job,
you need to deal with
some unpleasant people
in the name of defending a law
you don't always agree with.
But right now we need the kind of agent
that can follow not just the spirit
but the letter of the law.
Seriously? You're telling me that?
Yeah. I know.
That's why I'm not going.
You are.

Hey, Ty-Ty. Lucas is mad-dogging me.
It's making me nervous.
Can you stay close?
- Keep moving!
- Ooh!
- Get off!
- VOIT: Whoa!
Major sense memory right there.
Those words. "Get off of me."
I've heard that exact
same intonation before.
Like sister, like brother.
- GARCIA: Hey, hey, alright.
- JENNIFER: Hey. Hey, hey. Stop.
Stop it!

VOIT: Uh-oh.

Let's do what we came here to do.

ALVEZ: Let's go.

Okay. I'm in. What am I looking for?
Well, I need to download
and install silver
bullet onto your computer,
ergo, you are gonna have
to put in your password.
Turn around.
Okay. Hi.


Who's "chocolate, underscore, thunder,
dash, tilda, umlaut"?
- Can you focus, please?
- I am focused.
I'm looking for a cookie that looks like
it self-destructs and
actually transmits location.
And that's a bingo.
Altered and/or faked Doug Bailey videos
pinged in the last two
hours to those coordinates.
Okay. It's a facility.
There's no public record.
Is that one of Frank
Church's properties?
Maybe. It wasn't on
Jill's list or any of ours.
But it is only 20 miles away.
Alright, Penelope, let's have
Dave and Tara meet us on site.
GARCIA: Yes, yes, you got it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop.
This is as far as you go.
What?! Me and Ty-Guy
don't get to find out if Emily's alive?
No. Ty-Guy does. You don't. Hm.
Hey. Did you BAU-Gate yet?
You did, didn't you?
Give us a sec.

I love this for us. It's a chance
to come full circle right now.
So, what'd you do after you watched it?
My homework.
Oh. Did you research where to get
some of those outfits I put you in?
How to source the original footage
a deepfake is based off of.
Kinky. I didn't know you
were into that sort of stuff.
Neither does your wife.
Yeah? Now, you didn't use
her for all the images.
That would be real stupid.
But you used her enough
that I could tell you were filming her
without her permission.
Well, lucky for you,
I can bury things, too.
But, Elias
you better pray that
anything with my face on it
stays hidden better than
one of your little bunkers.
- Yeah?
- Hmm.
Oh. Hey, uh, JJ
Good luck. I mean it.

I'm sure you do.

Please stop.
We will when you tell us the truth.
Okay. Okay.
I didn't like Doug Bailey at first.
He was a bureaucrat, a blue flamer.
- Is that why you killed him?
I changed my opinion.
I watched him save people's lives.
And he had a drive that was
I used to have it.
And now I know
where that came from.
I didn't kill Doug Bailey,
but I do feel responsible for his death.
But, Pete, I swear to you,
Elias Voit pulled the trigger.
Not me. Not my team.
That's not a confession.
You said you wanted the truth.
- Emily Prentiss, we find you guilty
of conspiracy to commit murder.

What are you doing?
We're delaying your sentence.
Delaying? For what?!
You already told me that
my team is looking for me!
There it is.
All that information that Voit gave you
about the BAU

We know the cavalry's coming.
We're counting on it.

PETE: Voit gave us this idea when
he rigged the shipping container.

Jade would have taken you
out at the training facility,
but she had to direct
the blast away from you
to make sure the kids were safe.
But this time
This time, everybody dies.


JADE: The cavalry has arrived.
They're here. Right on time.

All they have to do is open the door.

Yeah, I'm almost there.
They still have power,
and they have rigged
their own Internet hookup there.
What? Oh.
- Hello.
- What is it?
They have an off-the-shelf
security camera,
and that is hella easy
for me to hack into.
Good. We need to know if we've
lost the element of surprise.
Oh, yeah. Let's see what we can see.
They're watching us. Now
they know it's a standoff.
Shock and awe are off the table.

GARCIA: Here's what we're seeing.
Is there a speaker or a microphone?
Can we talk back?
No. That's just one door.
One way in, one way out.
Open it.


Could be a funnel.
We can't afford to get
trapped at the door.
Something's not right.
What is it?
When we split up, Voit
wished me good luck.
It's how he said it.
He shot a finger gun at me.
If I say send it, you send it.

It's a trap.
How do you know that?
Voit. It's his one last chance to gloat.
What's happening?
Hang on. Just hang on.
We have to find another way in.
We're dealing with two
conspiracy theorists
who think that we're the enemy.
There's not gonna be another way in.
Garcia, how did Pete
get those videos from his brother?
Uh, from his phone,
which he then streamed
to a digital projector.
Can you access the projector
so that we can show a
different video on it?
Y-Yeah, I-I guess so. Why?
We can't tell Pete and Jade the truth,
but we can show them.
- Rebecca!
- Yeah?
This is where you come in.
Come on.
MADISON: When my best AUSA asks
why you shot Deputy Director
Douglas Bailey in the head,
what are you gonna say to that?
VOIT: I was "standing my ground."
The FBI's second-in-command
paid me a house call
to shut me up.
So I protected my
family and I shot Bailey.
PETE: What is this?
JADE: I don't know. it
just started on its own.

Garcia, can you punch in on Voit
and replay what he
just said? Yes, I can.
why you shot Deputy Director
Douglas Bailey in the head,
what are you gonna say to that?
I was "standing my ground."
PETE: Who is that?
JADE: That's Voit.
Come on, Pete. Be smart.
Use what Voit gave you.
The FBI's second-in-command
paid me a house call
to shut me up.
So I protected my
family and I shot Bailey.
Run this through the
app. Tell me if it's real.


It's real.

If I'm wrong, then I'll admit I'm wrong.
JADE: Pete.
Stand down.
I don't mind dying, but
I'm not dying over a lie.
You gotta stand down.

The explosives are disarmed.

How do we get out of this alive?
Alright. Both of you
need to get on your knees
and put your hands in the air.
Do not shoot!
Jade and Pete have surrendered!
ALVEZ: Prentiss, are we clear?!
- You're clear!
- MAN: We're clear.
Alright. Let's go!
Freeze! Freeze!
We're clear.
Jade, no!
Back off! Everyone!
MAN: Okay. Hold it, hold it.
Do you know that feeling
when you're staring up at the ceiling
and you're thinking
"What if it's all bullshit?"
Maybe it's after a-a preacher's sermon
or your dad yelling at you or
Or some man is done holding you down.
So you know.
I do.
So you know that that the only way
to make it through is to just
buy all the bullshit.
Because the alternative
is way too fucking hard.
Jade. Mila is alive because of you.
And Damien's dead.
That's why we need you.
We need you to tell us
about Damien and Stuart House.
We need you to tell us your truth.
Will you listen to me this time?
Yes. We will.
Karma police ♪
Arrest this man ♪
He talks in maths ♪
He buzzes like a fridge ♪
He's like a detuned radio ♪
This is what you get ♪
This is what you get ♪
This is what you get ♪
When you mess with us ♪
For a minute there ♪
I lost myself ♪
MADISON: You wanted to talk?
What gave you that idea?
Well, I'm no profiler, but I am a dad,
so I know a passive-aggressive
after-action report when I read one.
Was it worth it
making that deal with Voit
instead of coming clean
from the beginning?
Eleven scientists. Five
strike team members.
Aiden Keller and his victims.
Jade's father and his buddies.
Damien. Frank Church.
Probably more that we
don't even know about.
Was it worth it?
Everybody thinks they know
what it takes to be a leader.
But they don't.
Not really.
Not like we do.
Yeah. So what is it that we know, Ray?
That discretion is the
better part of valor.
Elias Voit. BAU-Gate.
You know better than anyone.
You stop a secret from
becoming a conspiracy
by keeping it a secret.
What happens to Pete and Jade?
They'll be prosecuted for their crimes
like any other criminal.
But they're not any other criminal.
They're victims.
That's justice, Emily.
Not if they get life sentences
and Voit gets out in five.
If they plead guilty,
I'll recommend FCC Butner.
It's the prison with the
best psychological services.
That's not enough.
Emily, you're the unit
chief of a branch of the FBI
that takes up one-half
of 1% of my budget.
You have the same capital
when it comes to making demands.
That was true.
But not anymore.
Not when your valor
depends on my discretion.
What'd you have in mind?

Are you okay?
You saved me.
Thank you.

Son! Son!
- SHIRLEY: Peter!
- Dad?
- SHIRLEY: Oh, my God!
- Mom.
We thought we lost you.
SHIRLEY: We missed you so much!
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

- ALL: Hey! Nice. Nice.
So, what is this I'm
hearing on the streets
about a certain résumé being submitted
by a certain someone to Quantico?
You know about that?
Obviously you know about that.
I'm omnipresent.
You'd think a boy would
know that right now.
Yeah. I have given HR my résumé.
They haven't said yes yet,
but They're gonna say yes.
Well, if they do, I'm not, uh,
sure what I'm gonna do.
Well, what are you not sure about?
You, me, us. Working together.
We're okay.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
But I appreciate you being not sure.
And voilà!
It seemed appropriate.
"Hooray, you're alive!"
Hey! Come on!
That is something that
we don't celebrate enough.
- Yeah. You're right.
- Yeah.
Absolutely. Oh. I'm so sorry. Wait.
JJ, finish your story.
So you were so high
you couldn't get off the couch?
- I thought I was dying.
I have never been that high ever.
Now, Emily, on the other hand
ROSSI: Every time I think I know her,
she surprises me with another secret.
Oh, uh, speaking of secrets
how long has this been going on?
What? What? What?
Fine. Busted. Busted.
A couple weeks.
We, you know We decided that we're
more miserable apart than together.
I don't know if you guys know
the worst part of dating a guy
- no offense.
- None taken.
Um. Is the shoes, man.
Like, I couldn't wear heels
because these insecure guys
were, like, all sad about looking
at my belly button all the time.
I'm like, you know, "You're welcome."
Yeah, I'm just glad somebody
addressed the height disparity.
REBECCA: Oh, well, it's
why we fit together.
She's Schwarzenegger. I'm DeVito.
Penny for your thoughts, kid.
- Voit's bugging me.
Why are you saying his
name in my personal lair?
Gold Star is gone. Thank God for that.
But he's he's not out of our lives.
Correction. We're not out of his, okay?
We haven't run out of ways to nail him.
I hear that, but isn't
it weird to anyone else
that Voit wants to be
in general population?
Yeah. He does like being by himself.
Yeah. Underground. Away from people.
Hey! Sorry I'm late.
What did I miss?
Nothing at all. You're just in time.
I'm making an executive decision here.
For tonight, Elias Voit no longer
occupies space in our heads.
Cin cin!
ALL: Cin cin!

MAN: Run the gate!

Uh, can I help you fellas?
You're Elias Voit, aren't you?
No. Uh, Lee Duval.
You got the wrong guy.
No. You're Voit.
We heard all about you.

God damn it!


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