Heartland (CA) s18e02 Episode Script

Bird's Eye View

- [Amy] Previously on Heartland:
- Whoa! Ah! Ah!
Caleb, you are one of the most
important people in my life.
And the next time, come and work
for me at the rodeo school,
you don't need to go to Pryce.
Keep it in the family.
Uh, Amy, this is–
this is Tristan, my ex-wife.
Nathan, I know how much
Tristan hurt you.
Back when we were married,
Nathan was always a closed book.
He never let me in.
[Tim] Boo, meet Stetson.
Any chance you've got some time
for a little meet-up?
I don't think so.
Your friendship
is so important to me.
Thank you, Amy,
because your friendship
means the world to me, too.
- So we're good?
- Yeah, we're good.
She's got some fancy job
in Kelowna.
She wants to take Carson
with her.
You'll figure out a way
to be a part of his life.
I'm moving to Kelowna, too.
I'm gonna miss you.
I'm really gonna miss you, too.
[uplifting music]
[key jingles]
[engine rumbling]
[plane rumbling]

[hooves thud]
[Loki snorts]
[inspiring music]
[hooves thud]
[huffing breaths]
[Amy] Well, he is a handsome
horse, Mr. Pender.
Mr. Pender?
- Do I look 70?
- [laughs]
- Call me Daryl, will you?
- Of course, Daryl.
Your email said that you were
just passing through town?
[Daryl] Yeah, I'm from Manitoba.
Headed to Calgary to meet up
with one of the head honchos
at Equine majesty.
- You ever heard of it?
- Yeah,
that's like that Cirque
du Soleil show with horses.
- That's the one.
- Well,
I can see why they would want
a horse like Loki on stage.
Yeah, an Icelandic horse
is an eye-catcher.
But there's a problem.
Well, he won't come in
from the field,
or let me near him
with the halter.
[Amy] And is this
a new behaviour?
It started this past week.
Has Loki had any prior owners?
No. Raised him up from a foal.
Well, maybe it's from
the travel.
[Daryl] No, he was doing it
before we left.
I mean, if this guy from the
show sees him making strange,
I'm out of a deal.
Well, why don't you show me
what's going on?

[Jack] You see those small
blood vessels?
That means a baby chick
is alive in there.
Something moved inside the egg.
Yeah, that's the chick.
It means he's getting ready
to come out.
Well, wish me luck.
Hold that. Hey.
Lou, Lou, I don't know why
you're so adamant
about doin' this.
Because you and Dad are busy,
and I'm part
of the ranching team now.
[sighs] You sure you're okay
working with someone from Pryce?
Yeah, I'm sure Nathan will just
send some random ranch hand
who has nothing to do with
his shady business practices.
Well, I can't believe
how low they've sunk.
Nathan Sr. and I were never
close friends,
but we were always friendly.
How can he just sit by,
and let his son cut us out
of Garland's?
I don't know, but it has
nothing to do with us
needing a firebreak.
You're right.
And I do like that it's on
the property line,
- so we can share the cost.
- Mhmm.
You let me know if you want me
to spell you off.
I'll be there in a heartbeat.
Grandpa, I will be fine.
I want to stay more involved
in the day-to-day,
and this is the perfect
Every time I try to put
the halter on, he runs away.
[Loki grunts]
See, that's what I've been
dealing with.
Can you fix him?
I think so.
Good, because I've gotta be
in Calgary in two days.
Two days.
That's– that's pretty quick.
I'm not gonna make
any promises,
but I'll be happy
to give it a try.
Hey, I don't know if you need
somewhere to stay,
but my sister,
she runs a dude ranch.
No, I'm good.
Uh, I rented a ranch.
How did you know
you'd be staying?
Comments on your site
said you were the best.
And look at this guy.
Who could resist
working with Loki?
Now, stop acting like a jerk,
and listen to the lady,
you hear?
Call me when he's good to go.
- [Amy] Yeah.
- The sooner the better.
[cell phone chimes]
[plane engine rumbles]
[intriguing music]
[landing gear rattles]
[plane rumbles]

Hey, Amy.
What do you think
of my new ride?

And at the break of day ♪
You sank into the dream ♪
You dreamer ♪
Oh oh oh oh ♪
You dreamer ♪
You dreamer ♪
– Subtitle formatting by Alice –
[Amy] Since when do you fly
an airplane?
[Caleb] For about a year now.
Well, I mean,
doing the training,
logging my hours.
- [Amy] Seriously?
- [Caleb] Yeah, I know.
It's crazy, right?
[Amy laughs]
I actually got my licence
in Kelowna,
and I already found a job.
Yeah, I'm flying
supplies from Hudson
to a work camp up north,
so it looks like I'll be
around quite a bit.
Caleb Odell, you never cease
to amaze me.
Hey, that cagey text?
Sorry about that.
But the look on your face
when I got out of the plane?
It was totally worth it.
Now, could you give me
a ride into town?
I came a few days early
to hang out with some friends
- before I head off.
- Yeah, of course.
- Where are you staying?
- At a hotel.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna try
to climb in
through the window,
like I did last time.
No, I just mean, we have room
at the ranch.
- You sure?
- [Amy] Yeah.
Besides, I could use your help
with this horse I have there.
My dad's stolen Logan
for a few days.
All right.
[gate clanks]
[horse whinnies]
[hooves thud]
[horse panting]
[driving music]
[horse huffs]
[riders applaud]
[low whinnies]
[tack jingles]
[Tim] That's how you do it.
Like the finals at the Stampede.
Well, that's the point.
Treat every training run like
it's a million-dollar jackpot,
That's all for today,
but next practice,
bring your a game, yeah?
[rider] Mhmm.
Okay, gang.
- [Logan] Hey, hey, hey.
- [laughs] Hey.
It's good to see you in action.
Ah! Well, I like showing
off for you.
Yeah, well,
don't get used to it.
Tim's only paying me
for a couple more days.
Yeah, well, I'll take
what I can get.
Hey, no flirting with
your girlfriend on my dime.
Well, I better let you
get back to it.
- Yeah.
- Um…
But, hey, can you do lunch
- Uh, here?
- No, at the Polo Club.
[scoffs] Seriously?
Isn't that, like,
super expensive?
Well, it's on my parents.
They really wanna meet you.
Oh, um…
Yeah, yeah, I guess I could.
I just, um, I gotta ask–
ask Tim first, you know, he–
Oh, he'll be fine.
He's not paying you enough
to say no.
See you tomorrow.

[hooves thud]
[Stetson snorts]
Easy, boy. Easy!
Hey, whoa.
Whoa. Easy.
[Stetson whinnies]
Whoa! Settle.
[groans] Jeez.

[Nathan] Well…
[sighs heavily]
Looks like the bulldozing crew
did a good job.
There's still, uh, more stumps
and roots to clear
than I thought.
How long is this going to take?
A couple days, at least.
I'll, uh, I'll deal
with the chain,
and getting the stumps
in the front-end loader.
You can man the tractor.
I can man the tractor?
You know what I mean.
What makes you think you're
the boss in this situation?
And why are you even here?
I thought you were
gonna to send a ranch hand.
I want to make sure
it's done right.
Despite the lack
of neighbourly love.
[Lou laughs wryly]
[Lou] Are you kidding me
right now?
You had Garland Foods drop us.
- What neighbourly love?
- That's–
- It's not what happened.
- Oh, you know what,
don't even try to defend
your cutthroat business tactics.
- Not interested.
- Hey.
I was just trying to give you
the easy job.
But if you want to wrestle with
stumps and roots, be my guest.
I will, thank you.
Want to hear their names?
Uh, I should really get going
to my writing class.
But I want you to see
Jessa move.
Lyndy, I told you,
they're supposed to stay
in the Incubator.
Put it back.
How long was it out?
30 seconds, like you said.
[Katie] I think we had
a few of the eggs out
longer than that.
- Oh.
- Okay, I really have to go.
Okay, see you.
[Katie] Bye.
Are the chicks gonna be okay?
They're going to be just fine.
But leave 'em in there
from now on, okay?
Okay, GG.
[gentle music]
[Jasmine] I thought
it was great.
What I really appreciated
was how you summed up
the underlying subtext
of Barney's fears.
- Mhmm.
- Really nice.
- Sorry I'm late.
- That's okay.
We're just discussing the themes
in the books we're reading.
I just finished Rebecca.
Yeah? What'd you think?
[Katie] I couldn't put it down.
Right? The author's main themes
are pretty apparent in that one,
- aren't they?
- Yeah, hard to miss.
I mean, the whole book
is about death,
but I think her most
interesting take on it
is the way she expresses it
through Mrs. De Winter's
emotional state.
Hmm. And how would you
describe that?
I guess she's so–
she's so mired
in this morbid obsession
with death that, well,
she's kind of sabotaged
her own ability to live.
- [woman] Huh.
- That's a very interesting take.
I might have to steal that.
[classmates chuckle]
[Amy and Caleb] Hey.
[Loki whinnies]
[Amy and Caleb] Come on.
Easy, boy. Whoa, whoa.
[panicked whinny]
Shh! Shh! Shh!
You're okay.
Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!
[Loki grunts]
[tense music]
[bit jingles]
[panicked whinny]
- Whoa! Hey!
- Oh! [laughs]
[Amy sighs]
I have not worked out
this hard in a while.
Yeah. This guy does not want
to be haltered.
- Huh.
- [Jack] Well, well.
Are you the famous
Caleb Odell?
[laughs] Why, yes, I am.
Hope you two are working up
an appetite out here.
- Yes, we are.
- [Jack] Well, good.
Because I'm gonna do
a big welcome-home barbecue
tonight, just for you.
[chain rattles]
Ah, come on.
[Lou sighs]
[chain rattles]
[stump creaks]
[Lou groans]
Need a hand, or what?
I got it.
Maybe we should switch places.
[sighs heavily]
I said, I got it.
[chain rattles]
[panting] You just keep
manning the tractor.
[chuckles] Okay.
[Nathan sighs]
[tractor engine rumbles]
[rending thud]
Thank you so much
for lending this to me.
Oh, of course.
I loved your take on this.
Hey, we have to give up
the room,
but a bunch of us
are getting together
to keep the discussion going.
Would you want to join?
- Yeah, I'd love to.
- Nice.
We're walking up
to that new wine bar.
Oh. Uh, I totally forgot.
I, uh, I promised to meet up
with a friend for dinner,
so, maybe next time.
Yeah, for sure.
We tend to make a habit
of this, so, next time.
- See ya.
- See ya.
[birds chirp]
So, you can barely drive a quad.
Now you're flying a plane?
See, this is exactly why
I didn't tell anyone
until I got my licence.
[Lyndy] You get to go up
in the clouds?
- Yes, I do.
- Do you see any birds up there?
All the time. In fact,
today, I saw an ostrich.
No, you didn't.
- They don't even fly.
- [laughs]
Okay, you got me.
But speaking of birds,
I hear you have some
of your own on the way.
Yeah, their names are Daisy,
Jessa, Giselle, Mabel–
Lyndy, I told you
that's bad luck.
I had to, how else
will they know
who I'm talking to
in their shells?
[all laugh]
Well, actually,
Caleb flew in just in time,
because I need help
with this Icelandic horse,
and somebody stole Logan away.
[Tim] Sorry about that, honey.
But it's nice
to have a guy around
who has a way with horses.
Hah! Wow. Yeah, you're
making up for the last month.
You must have really missed me.
Somebody's a lot quieter,
and a lot hungrier than usual.
I wouldn't be directing
your hilarious digs at Lou.
She was working
on the firebreak all day.
With the neighbour, no less.
- Like, Nathan?
- Mhmm.
Luckily, he was, uh,
in the tractor most of the day,
so we didn't have to talk
that much.
He made you do
all the grunt work?
I insisted.
I'm not showing him any
weakness in business
or in the field.
[truck rumbles]
Speak of the devil.
[tense music]
What's he want now?
Um, I missed his text.
He just has to drop
something off.
[tense music]
Sorry, not the best timing.
[Amy sighs]
Yeah, you're not exactly
Mr. Popular around here,
after the whole "Garland-gate."
Yeah, we're splitting all the
costs for the firebreak, so…
Here's my half
for the bulldozing.
Shouldn't you just give that
to Jack?
Like you said, he's not
my biggest fan right now.
[clears throat] Plus, uh…
I haven't–
I haven't seen you since–
Well, since we didn't go
on a date, so…
It felt like there
was something between us.
Guess I want to know
what's going on.
You're a man of mystery, Nathan.
What does that mean?
You shut me out a little. I–
About what? My ex?
Because that's– that's water
under the bridge.
I don't know, you don't…
You don't tell me anything.
You don't share your feelings,
open up about your past.
You can't live in the past.
No, but you can talk about it.
I'd rather focus on the here
and now, stay present.
And if that's what works
for you, then…
Who am I to judge?
But it doesn't work for you.
[mournful music]
[Amy sighs]
I guess I'm just at a stage
in my life
where I don't have
the time or energy
to be unraveling mysteries.
- I should get back to dinner.
- I, um–
[sighs heavily]
Why haven't they come out yet?
Maybe because there's a giant
always hovering over them.
I'm not a giant,
I'm their mommy.
- Oh, be patient, pumpkin.
- Okay, GG.
[Lou groans]
Holy cow, you look
stiff as a board.
I think maybe I should
be the one who–
No, Grandpa, I’m– I'm fine.
I started the job,
I'm gonna finish it.
I just was about
to walk over there now.
You're walking there?
Maybe it'll help me loosen up.
[Jack] Come on, Lou,
it's too far.
Just have yourself a coffee.
I'll get Stetson tacked up.
If you won't let me take
a shift on the firebreak,
at least let me do that.
Okay, thank you.
Okay. [chuckles]
Oh, hey. I forgot to ask.
How is this writing
class coming?
Great. Like, really great.
- The teacher is amazing.
- Hmm.
Her name is Jasmine,
and she really likes my ideas.
Of course she does.
Yeah, she even invited me
to meet up with her
and a couple other students
after class sometime.
Talk about books, and writing.
That sounds so fun.
You have to join them.
Yeah, I'd love to.
It's just, uh…
I don't know.
They're all a little, uh…
They just all seem
really, really smart.
You're gonna fit right in.
Okay. Maybe I will join them.
Good. Now, I better get going,
before my muscles
completely seize up.
[Katie] Good luck.
[rope whooshes]
[tense music]
I'm not sure this is the best
way to do this.
[Caleb] Yeah, you said
you're in a time crunch.
This is the quickest way.
[hooves thud]
[rope whooshes]
[Loki grunts]
[Loki whinnies]
[Amy] It's okay, Loki.
You're all right.
[low whinny]
You're safe.
This isn't gonna hurt you.
I know.
It's okay.
[Loki nickers]
Good boy.
There you go.
Nice work, Fleming.
Thanks, but this feels like
a bit of a cheat.
We can't use the rope
every time.
[Caleb] Hey, it worked,
didn't it?
What do you think caused Loki
to get like this?
[Amy] It could be a number
of things.
Maybe his owner
didn't take the time
to maintain their connection.
Maybe he works him too hard.
He's already breathing
down my neck.
He called me this morning
to see if Loki was ready to go.
This guy needs to ease off.
[Amy] Yeah. We've still got
a lot of work to do with him,
so let's try again,
without the rope.
Yes, ma'am.
[hooves thud]
[Stetson grunts]
[whinnies forcefully]
[Lou] Whoa, whoa.
Easy. Come on, Stetson.
[Stetson panting]
What's going on there?
Uh, nothing.
Just avoiding a gopher hole.
Really? Because it, uh,
looked like you were having
a hard–
Can we get to work?
I want to get this over with.
Okay. I'll–
- I'll start on the ground today.
- No, I got it.
[sighs heavily] Fine.
I'll climb back up
into my cage.
[Stetson snorts]
[laughs] Look at this guy.
[Logan] Thanks for giving me
the afternoon off.
I'm just about to head
to the Polo Club now.
All right. Well, have fun.
The small fork's for the salad.
Don't slurp your soup.
Hey, Tim?
Uh, look, I just…
I wanted to ask you,
and I completely understand–
Spit it out!
Can I borrow your truck?
What? Why?
Miley's parents are… rich,
and I’m– I'm not.
Like, really not.
I mean, you know,
what if they're disappointed?
Miley, she could date anyone,
and she's gonna show up–
Yeah, but she wants to date you.
What she wants is what matters.
Plus, you shouldn't feel
the need to pretend
you're something you're not.
You worked hard
to buy that truck.
That's something to be proud of.
Just be yourself.
Okay? You look great.
Have fun.
[low whinny]
Good boy.
I know.
Good boy.
See? That was easy.
There you go.
[Loki snorts]
Amy, you really are amazing.
[Amy] All right. Your turn.
Well, why don't you let me
get my rope?
Uh, I don't think so, cowboy.
Hey, so…
Nathan coming around last night.
He's pretty bold.
So… are you guys a thing now?
No. He just was dropping off
a cheque.
What makes you think that?
There's some
body language stuff.
At one point, maybe we were
gonna be something,
but– [sighs] Nathan's just,
he's a brick wall.
He's a hard guy to get to know.
So, no.
Well, single life ain't easy.
You know, I went on a date
last week.
- Did you?
- It was a disaster.
[laughs] Explain.
[laughs] Okay, well, she asked
me to tell her about myself.
And I started with,
"I'm a recently divorced
single dad,
making a career change,
pretty much starting my life
from scratch."
[laughs] How did that land?
Oh, terrific.
Really, really terrific.
Right up until she got an
emergency text from her sister,
and had to run.
I pretended she hadn't
just told me
- that she was an only child.
- Ohh!
- [laughs]
- That bad, huh?
- Yeah.
- Well.
I'm glad you're at least
getting back on the horse.
Back on the horse?
Dating feels a lot more like
getting stepped on by a horse.
[Amy sighs]
But you know what?
I think I'm ready for it, and…
It is kind of exciting.
Just never stop being
so open and honest.
You could teach a course
to a lot of men out there.
Not to name any names.
[chuckles] I think I'll stick
with flying for now.
One new career change
at a time.
- Okay, my turn.
- Okay.
Wish me luck.

[truck rumbles]
[clanking bang]
[steam hissing]
[engine shuts off]
[Logan sighs]
No! Not again.
[steam hisses]
Oh! Come on.
It's– it's okay.
No, no, it's not.
[sighs] Tim must have
botched something.
I think it's the radiator.
That doesn't sound good.
Yeah, look, you're– you're
gonna have to call your parents,
and let 'em know we're not
gonna make it.
[truck rumbles]
[Miley] Oh, no need.
That's them.
[Miley chuckles]
[Lou grunts with effort]
Time for a break?
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
You working hard
up in that tractor?
[laughs] Somethin' like that.
Want some jerky?
[sighs] Deja vu.
Flashback to teenage Nathan.
You used to love this stuff.
What's not to love?
Plus, one piece gives you
your recommended salt intake
- for an entire month.
- [chuckles]
So, Stetson's your horse now?
Yeah, my dad gave him to me.
Mind if I mount up?
I guess not.
[Stetson blows]
Hello, Stetson.
I'm sure you've heard that I’m
the bad guy around these parts.
Please… [grunts]
Don't buck me off.
[clucks tongue]
[Stetson whinnies]
[hooves thud]
[Lou] Hey!
What are you–
what are you doing?

Okay. Easy.
That's it.
Good boy, Loki.
[Amy laughs]
[Loki nickers]
Okay, you try.
Just go real slow.
Talk to him.
Hey there, buddy.
[low whinny]
Yeah, let's do this.
[agitated grunts]
Let's make Daddy some bank.
[shrill whinny]
- [sighs]
- What the hell was that?
I don't know. He was fine
with both Caleb and I.
Well, unless you two
want to come to Calgary,
that doesn't do me much good.
And while I love sitting
on a river's edge
staring up at the Rockies,
I didn't come here
for a vacation.
I came to sell a horse.
- I understand that.
- [Daryl] I don't think you do.
If he can't be haltered
by tomorrow, I'm hooped.
How old is Loki?
Why does that matter?
He's four.
Okay. Um…
I'm just trying to process
why a horse would change
his behaviour all of a sudden.
Why don't you leave him with me
for a little bit?
I'll see what I can do.
[halter jingles]
Maybe you should be working
with Loki and that guy.
Yeah, except I don't trust him.
Neither does Loki.
I can tell by looking at him
the horse isn't four.
He says he raised him
from a foal,
but Loki acts like
he's a complete stranger.
So, what's the next move?
Figure out what's going on
between Daryl and Loki.

[somber music]
[Miley sighs]
You should have gone
with your parents.
Yeah, like I'd just leave you
alone on the side of the road,
waiting for a tow truck.
Hey, it's not that big a deal.
You'll get it fixed.
No, you don't get it, Miley.
This is gonna cost me
everything I made
working for Tim.
You have no idea what it's like
to spin your wheels,
and never get ahead.
Where is this coming from?
[clucks tongue]
Sorry, it's just…
We're from different worlds.
You know?
I mean, you saw the way
your parents looked at my truck,
and at me.
What are you talking about?
I thought my parents
were super helpful.
Yeah, they were.
They were, but they
were also judging me.
Logan, you're making that up.
I wouldn't expect you
to pick up on it.
It's something you can only see
if you're like me.
[somber music]

[hooves thud]
[Stetson snorts]
Where did you go?
To check out these problems
you're having with your horse.
I'm not having problems.
How'd you get him
to stop so smooth?
Stetson's got a really
sensitive mouth.
You ought to lighten up
on your hands.
Quit yanking on the reins.
I'm not yanking on the reins.
Am I?
Well, let's see.
[birds chirp]
[Lou clucks tongue] Come on.
[Stetson grunts]
[Lou clucks tongue]
You're using the reins
to balance more than you think.
To him, that feels like
you're hitting the gas
and the brakes at the same time.
[Stetson snorts]
Ease your grip.
Extra light touch.
[gentle music]
That's it.
[Stetson grunts]
Okay, bring him back to me.
Just, no pulling.
Close your fingers
around the reins.
There you go.
You got it.
That's all I had to do.
[Nathan] Yeah.
Just give up a little control.
I understand how tough
that might be for you, though.

[insects buzz]
- Find anything?
- Nothing.
There is no record of a horse
owner named Daryl Pender.
Oh! Honey, they still
haven't hatched
since you checked
ten minutes ago.
Can I sleep here tonight,
in case they hatch?
[laughs] No.
Caleb gets the couch tonight.
Staying up all night to watch
over some animals
reminds me of something you
and Ty would have done.
You were friends with my dad,
Best friends, actually.
You know, Lyndy, your dad
was the kind of guy
who would always do
the right thing,
even when it was very,
very hard.
He made everybody
around him better.
But he also had
a mischievous side.
[laughs] Really?
Mhmm. Yeah, we used to go on all
kinds of crazy capers together.
[Lyndy] Like what?
Like what?
Well, there was this one time,
this bad man, he tried to steal
your GG's prized longhorn.
Well, your dad and I, we decided
that we were gonna get him back,
in the middle
of a very cold winter night.
Lyndy, you should have seen us.
I roped that longhorn,
but the ground was so frozen,
we both slipped,
fell on our butts,
and he dragged us around the pen
like a couple of rag dolls.
[Lyndy and Caleb laugh]
No matter what we did, we just
couldn't get our feet under us.
It was like rodeo on ice.
We should have won buckles
for bringing that bad boy home.
Well, I don't know that
I can top that bedtime story,
but it is time for you
to go to bed.
- Goodnight, Caleb.
- [Caleb] Aww!
You have a wonderful sleep,
Okay. [laughs]

[insects buzz]
Oh. You–
You're in your underwear.
I just thought everyone
would be sleeping.
- Sorry. [laughs]
- It's okay.
Bedtime took
a little bit longer,
because Lyndy wanted to know
all of the shenanigans
that you and Ty
used to get up to.
Yeah, I'm sorry about that,
[Amy] No, she loved it.
Especially the story of how
you two crashed a bathtub
on wheels.
[laughs] Yeah.
That rodeo clown
was pretty choked.
It was really sweet
for Lyndy to hear
about that side of her dad,
and what a great friend
he was to you.
It's all true.
I just hope that even a tiny
piece of what made him so great
is part of who I am now.
It definitely is, Caleb.

Have a good sleep.
Goodnight, Amy.
[birds chirp]
They still haven't hatched.
Well, what did I tell you
about being patient?
Did I keep them out too long
the other day?
Maybe they won't hatch.
Oh, of course they will.
They're just being
fashionably late.
What's fashionably late?
Well, it's what Lisa tells me
we're supposed to do
when we're going
somewhere fancy.
- [laughs]
- Hey, munchkin.
Can you go get dressed, please?
I'll make you some breakfast.
- Okay, Mommy.
- Thank you.
[Lyndy giggles]
They probably should've
hatched by now.
Oh, no.
Do I need to prepare myself
for an uncomfortable
conversation with Lyndy?
Well, I wouldn't go there
just yet, but…
[sighs heavily]
- Thanks, Grandpa.
- You bet.
[Caleb] Amy, check it out.
I found something.
Oh! Sorry.
- Morning to you, too.
- My bad.
Did you find something
about Daryl?
No, Loki.
Okay, remember
I was telling Lyndy
the story about how
the longhorns got taken?
- Yeah.
- Well, I hopped online,
and did a search for "stolen
Icelandic horses, Canada".
- [Amy] That's Loki.
- [Caleb] Yeah.
The article said he was taken
with these other two horses.
- Daryl?
- Mhmm.
It's lucky we have Loki,
but we should contact
the real owners.
[sighs] Okay, well, I'll talk to
the site, and see if I can get
the information from them.
But where are those
other two horses?
I mean, Daryl said he was
renting a ranch around here.
And he said it's right
along a river.
Yeah, with a view
of the Rockies.
Caleb, I know
this is asking a lot.
What is it?
You think maybe you could
do a little search?
- Like–
- From the sky?
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Hell, yeah.
Okay. Thank you.
[uplifting music]
[plane rumbles]

So, how'd it go
at the Polo Club?
It didn't.
The radiator blew on the way.
You're kidding.
Well, I could have a look
at it for you.
No, no.
I took it to a real mechanic.
[Logan] I wish you'd just
let me use your truck.
Miley's parents saw mine
going up in smoke.
It was a great
first impression.
Oh, come on, Logan.
[Logan sighs] Why is Miley
even wasting her time with me?
[Tim] All right,
now you're spiralling.
No, I'm serious, Tim.
What– what am I doing
with my life?
You're following your dream
to work with horses.
Amy thinks you're a natural,
and she would know.
She's made a good living at it.
Yeah, but I'm not Amy.

[plane rumbles]

[horse whinnies]
Got you, buddy.

[cell phone buzzes]
[button beeps]
Hi, Daryl.
Yeah, um, actually, I'm making
some really good progress
with him.
I was just wondering if I could
bring him to your ranch,
and work with him there?
Sometimes a change
of scenery helps.
If you just give me
some directions, I could–
Okay. No, that's– that's fine.
I'll– I'll just keep
working with him here.
Yeah, um, I'll call you back.
[truck door slams]
Amy, I found it.
I saw them.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Turns out Icelandic horses
are pretty easy to spot,
- even from a thousand feet.
- Okay.
They're right by the Neely
Ranch, along the Sheep River.
Okay, okay, well,
I'll call the cops,
and we have to get
over there quick,
before Daryl makes his move.
I don't think he's going
anywhere without Loki.
I just talked to him,
and I asked him for directions,
so he might think
that we're on to him.
Okay, um, the police
will probably get there
from the highway,
but the property backs
onto a service road.
Maybe we should go off
and block it off,
so he can't get away?
[Amy] Okay, can we drive there?
Better to go on horseback.
I don't know, it's just Daryl–
[Caleb] I know. It's risky.
But this is one of those times
I ask myself…
- What would Ty do?
- Exactly.
Well, like you said to Lyndy,
he'd do the right thing.
- Let's do this.
- I'm on it.
[phone buttons beep]
[line ringing]
[woman] Hudson Police,
can I help you?
Thank you for your help
with Stetson.
It can be tricky, living up
to the expectations
of lifelong ranchers.
Something tells me
you're harder on yourself
than they are.
[tools clatter]
Well, since you went digging
into my personal business
with Stetson,
I have a question for you.
About Amy.
What about her?
What exactly are your
intentions with my sister?
Look, I know I can be
a little overprotective, but…
She deserves a good person
to be her person.
- And I'm not?
- I didn't say that.
But she needs someone who can be
open and honest with her.
Right. And that's not me.
I don't know. Is it?
Because if it's not,
I hope you do the right thing,
and you just leave her be.
[Nathan sighs]
[chuckles wryly]
[hooves thud]
[Amy] Hold up.
- Why are we stopping?
- Listen.
[truck rumbles]
Okay, I'll block him in.
You need to–
Yeah, I know what to do. You go.
[tense music]
[truck rumbles]
[truck engine revs]
[hooves thud]
[gravel crunches]
Get the hell out of my way!
Jig's up.
You got stolen horses in there.
You're done.
I said, get out of my way,
or I'll drive right through you.
I'm not going anywhere.
[sirens wail distantly]
[gravel crunches]
[clanking thud]
[truck engine revs]
[siren wails]
[horse snorts]

[metal clanks]
I finished raking the chutes.
I think, uh, that about does it.
Okay. Good job.
This, uh, should be enough
to cover about half
of my engine repair.
Okay, well, I'm gonna finish
packing up.
I'll give you a ride home.
But I first want to talk
to you about something.
[sighs] Look, man,
I'm kind of done
talking about Miley right now.
Not Miley. Cobra.
[Tim] I want you to get him
under saddle.
Oh, okay.
And how does that help me?
You ever thought about
Colt starting competitions?
No, I don't– I don't think
I'd be any good
against the clock.
Why? Why not?
You'd be using everything
that Amy taught you.
There's good money in it.
You start winning.
You wonder what you're doing
with your life?
This might be it.
You could use him for practice.
I'd be paying the other half
of your repair bill.
Think about it.
Uh, yeah.
It could be fun, actually.
I'm in.

[Cobra snorts]
[Cobra whinnies]
[low whinnies]
[clucks tongue] You're free.
[Amy and Caleb laugh]
[Caleb sighs slowly]
Well, we did it.
Yes, we did.
Their real owner's coming
tomorrow to pick them up.
I wonder if Daryl
will serve time for this.
I'm just glad
they caught up with him.
It's out of our hands now.
[Caleb] It's a pretty crazy
day, huh?
My heart is still beating
through my chest.
Yours? I'm the one that almost
got hit by a truck.
[both laugh]
But I guess it was a pretty
huge adrenaline rush.
You know, it kind of reminded
me of something that…
Me, too.
You know, I think he would
have been really proud
of both of us today.
Yeah, we would have.

Mommy! Mommy!
You have to come inside!
[screen door bangs]

[chicks peeping]
[Katie laughs]
Look at that.
- They all hatched.
- Yes, they sure did.
Because you did a good job
taking care of them.
Aww! Do you, uh, have
another perfume on?
It's a muscle rub.
And I'll be wearing it a lot
more after days like today.
[all chuckle]
Mommy, look!
Mabel's kissing me!
[all laugh]
[Katie] Do you mean pecking?
That's how they kiss.
[all laugh]
[chicks peeping]
– Subtitle formatting by Alice –
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