Heartland (CA) s18e03 Episode Script

You Can Lead a Horse to Water

[Amy] Previously,
on Heartland…
[Tim] Cobra. I want you
to get him under saddle.
You ever thought about
colt starting competitions?
[Cobra whinnies]
[Logan gasps]
[metallic clang]
What's the verdict?
We're down two more feet.
How long before we run out?
I don't know.
"Pryce Beef, now available
at Garland Foods."
[Tim] We suspected all along,
but there it is, full colour.
Pryce stole Garland right out
from under us.
We're not taking this
lying down.
If he wants a war,
he's got one.

[birds chirp]
[eagle screeches]
[grass rustles]
[cows mooing]
[Jack] I've seen some
drought before,
but this feels different.
Like the land is tired.
These cows seem okay
to you, Grandpa?
No, they don't.
Something's off.
[tense music]
Do you want me to make
some more coffee?
Uh, if you want to.
It should only take half an hour
to fill the pot.
So, what are the options
for a well
that can't produce enough water?
The options are expensive.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
How come you didn't ride out
with Jack this morning?
Because I decided that I needed
to tackle some rodeo school
What's with the third degree?
I don't know, you just seem
more tense than usual.
I just– I got a lot
on my plate.
You know?
Nothing I can't handle.
[sighs] I gotta go check
on Logan and Cobra.
I got a feeling that colt's
got his number.
[clears throat] Maybe you
shouldn't have named him Cobra.
[Logan clucks tongue]
[Cobra snorts]
There you go. Steady.
[Cobra squeals]
[Cobra whinnies]
[hooves thud]
[Cobra whinnies]
[Logan] Easy!
[frenzied whinnies]
[Logan] Oh!
[Logan groans]
[Cobra grunts]
Guess I don't need to ask you
how it's going.
Yeah, this about sums it up.
One day it's a step forward,
and then the next,
two steps back.
Well, some horses need more
repetition before they get it,
Stick with it.
[cows mooing]
[shadow pants]
[hooves thud]
[Amy] Yeah, you're right.
That east pasture dugout's dry,
[Jack] Boy, this happened fast.
We need to push the cows back
to the smaller field,
and get 'em the water troughs.
But can our well handle
that output?
I mean, it's– it's already
having trouble keeping up.
It won't handle it
for long, though.
Heartland needs a new well,
and quick.
Otherwise, forget Lou's bison,
we'll be selling off
the whole damn herd.
[tense music]
And at the break of day ♪
You sank into the dream ♪
You dreamer ♪
Oh oh oh oh ♪
You dreamer ♪
You dreamer ♪
– Subtitle formatting by Alice –
So, the priority is keeping
the animals watered,
which means that we need
to take as much
pressure off the well
as we can.
Can we still shower?
Yes, you can still shower.
But keep 'em short,
water off when you shampoo,
that sort of thing.
I'll call my clients, maybe get
them to pick up their horses?
I don't like the idea
of you losing business.
I don't think she'll have to.
I've got an old buddy of mine
from my rodeo days
who has a water-drilling
I think he might help us out.
I'm gonna call my manager
at Fairfield.
I'm sure we have room to stable
the horses temporarily,
- if need be.
- I'd appreciate that.
Mommy, I could stop
brushing my teeth.
I don't think so.
[all laugh]
Come on, honey, let's go find
you a special cup for rinsing.
Well, I told Logan that I would
help him work with Cobra,
but I'll make sure all the
troughs are full first.
Has the, uh, ranch had
a water shortage before?
Yeah, the well we're using
right now was dug
by my grandfather after he went
through a similar thing.
And he used a divining rod
to find water, and tell him
where to dig.
Is that like a metal detector?
[Jack] In a way.
But divining rods, they've been
around a lot longer.
Sometimes they're–
they're metal,
sometimes they're more
of, like, a tree branch.
And the diviner can feel pulls
and tremors through the rod
when they walk over water
that's under the ground.
Unfortunately, we don't have
a diviner in the family.
[eagle screeches]
[Jack sighs]
[Lisa sighs]
Lis, you've got something
cooking, I can tell.
Oh, well… you know
fleet equine?
Uh-huh, that's the fancy
racing magazine
you're always bringing home.
They want to do a profile
about me, and Fairfield.
Sort of a spotlight piece
celebrating my long,
and storied career.
That is fantastic,
and you deserve the recognition,
and then some.
[both laugh]
Good for you.
- [groans]
- What am I missing here?
Shouldn't we be popping
I appreciate your enthusiasm,
I do.
But my horses aren't doing
very well lately.
I mean, platinum bow hasn't
even finished in the money.
Lis, you're being too hard
on yourself.
You can use this to talk about
Fairfield's future.
Tell them about that new filly
you're so happy about.
You know what,
it feels frivolous
to be talking to a journalist
when you're dealing
with this huge crisis.
I'm a rancher, I'm always
dealing with a crisis.
No, but not like this.
[sighs] You should go.
Enjoy it.
And, uh, maybe you could
bring back
some of those water jugs
with you.
[clucks tongue, chuckles]
[truck rumbles]
[Katie] Thanks, Grandpa.
[cell phone pings]
Ah! [groans]
[sounds echo, distorted]
[Tim groans]
Ah! Oh!
[Katie] Are– are you okay?
What's– what's wrong?
Should I– should I call
Uh… [sighs]
[water splashes]
[cows mooing]
[tense music]
[cows mooing]
[metal clanks]
There you are.
Everybody be polite, now.
Don't go knocking
anything over.
[cows mooing]
[Montana snorts]
[melancholy music]
[hooves thud]
So, how are things on the ranch?
Busy, I expect,
given your ever-growing market.
Busy, sure.
Mostly it's dry.
Well, thanks for doing
your part on the firebreak.
That's all I came to say.
Yeah, I'm surprised
you're speaking to me at all,
given, uh, what was Amy
calling it?
"The Beef Wars?"
I think my dislike is warranted.
I didn't tell Garland
to drop you.
Didn't even ask for an exclusive
spot on their shelves.
Yeah, but you're there,
in place of us.
You already had
crown shoppers,
but that wasn't enough.
You wanted more.
To be frank, I'm not sure
it's gonna matter,
if we don't get more rain
in the next
two or three weeks.
It's bad for you, too?
[Nathan] I've been
trucking in water.
I can't afford to keep it up,
even with the new buyers.
We're in the same spot.
Our well's on its last legs,
and we're gonna dig a new one,
if we can find
the right location.
My dad…
He always had a special way
of summoning rain.
He'd just plan a fishing trip.
Did it work?
Hah. Every memory I have
of fishing with him,
I'm soaked to the bone,
my boots are full of water.
How is Nate?
Is he coming up here
anytime soon?
[Nathan] He's moving a little
slower than he used to.
Still formidable, though.
I better get on.
Good luck with the new well.

[sighs heavily]
They, uh, run out of coffee
at Maggie's?
Water's better.
You should hydrate.
You're sounding more like
your mother every day.
And by the way, you should go
see the doctor.
Katie, I'm fine.
I– I got out of the truck
too fast.
Things happen, you know?
When you get to my age,
things happen all the time.
Come on, it looked
like more than that
from where I was standing.
Well, uh–
not a word to Jessica.
Not a word.
- But Grandpa–
- I'm fine. Thank you.
[Jessica] Hi.
Uh, is everything okay
with Katie?
Yeah, she's just being
a teenager.
[man in video] Keep him moving.
Yeah, steady…
[hooves thud]
[man in video] Have them aim
to make a circle.
Well, I think he feels
comfortable enough now
for the saddle.
- Yeah.
- [man in video] There we go.
- [man in video] Just relax.
- [scoffs] Okay.
[man in video] Good boy.
Now, I'm gonna bring him across.
I'm hoping he'll follow
the line.
[straps jingle]
[panicked whinny]
[Amy] Easy.
[low whinny]
See, what did I tell you?
I've literally spent three days
trying to get him
not to react to a cinch.
Yeah, well, maybe if you
actually gave him
your full attention,
it would be a little better.
I'm just, I'm studying videos
of colt starting competitions.
Since when do you want to enter
a colt starting competition?
Your dad suggested it to me,
and I don't know,
it might be a good way to make
a name for myself.
I just don't know if that's
the right path for you, Logan.
You did it.
You don't think
I'm good enough to compete?
I didn't say you're not
good enough.
It's just, those competitions
are all flash and no substance.
They encourage trainers to cut
corners for the sake of speed.
Yeah, well, maybe I need
a little flash.
Well, I think you should
be done for today.
He needs a break, too.
I gotta go.
[Logan sighs]
[Cobra nickers]

So, you're the driller.
I certainly appreciate you
gettin' out here so fast.
[Dougie chuckles]
Yeah, Dougie thinks this
is a great place to drill.
Right here, huh?
There's not much drilling
data to go off of,
but I like the look
of this land.
I say we give it a go,
see what we hit.
Yeah, yeah, sounds great.
Lisa, I'm such a fan.
My father was actually
a trainer at Assiniboia Downs.
So I grew up knowing the name
Lisa Stillman.
I'll take that as a compliment,
and try not to feel too old.
So, before we get going,
do you mind
if I have this transcribed?
Well, sure. Yeah.
So, you have this
phenomenal barn
with incredible legacy.
Can you tell me what
your favourite thing
is about your job?
Well, it's never boring.
Uh, working with horses
always keeps you on your toes.
Gets you out of bed
way too early.
Uh, lots of travel,
which makes you not want
to eat from hotels ever again.
But when your horses
cross that wire first,
that's my favourite part.
Sounds exhausting.
[drill rumbles]
[tense music]
Shut it down.
How's it goin'?
Hit water yet?
No, not yet.

[Dougie] We should have struck
by now.
Yeah, this is no good.
There's no water here.
I'm sorry.

[wind gusts howl]
[melancholy music]
Logan, I thought you were
calling it quits for today.
Uh, yeah, I was gonna,
but I didn't really like the
idea of ending on a bad note.
So I tried
a different technique.
Something I saw this trainer
from Texas do.
What kind of technique?
Well, he starts every session
by running a horse,
and then the work they do
is actually kind of a rest.
I tried it with Cobra,
and it worked.
Yeah, that works for some colts
because you get them so tired,
they're not gonna fight you
but it's just a shortcut.
Maybe, but just because it's not
how you do it doesn't mean–
Logan, Cobra needs you
to overcome his anxiety, okay?
Not make him too tired that
he's not gonna fight you.
You just don't get it, Amy.
No, I don't get it, Logan.
What, do you have another job
you have to get to?
Look, I know you need the money,
but you can't sacrifice–
No, it's not about money.
Okay, I'm not like you.
I don't have my mom's business
to build on.
I don't have a ranch
to live on.
I have to make a career
from nothing.
Okay, I literally can't afford
to just sit around
and wait for an opportunity
to knock.
[Cobra snorts]
How are you preparing
for the passing of the torch?
I don't understand
the question.
How are you planning
for your retirement?
Oh! Well, that's easy.
I'm not.
I'm not retiring.
Did someone suggest I was?
Honestly, that's been
the speculation.
You've gone through quite a few
trainers recently,
and haven't been really
attending races.
Ah, let's forget about
the question about retirement.
I obviously got that wrong.
Forgiven and forgotten.
I'm– I'm actually very excited
about Fairfield's future.
I recently purchased a filly
by AceBeatsKing.
Acebeatsking? Really?
You're not a fan?
He retired to stud undefeated.
I actually wrote an article
last year about a new study.
There were some geneticists
who were looking into
how to predict longevity,
and looking at DNA markers
for potential physical
breakdown, and all that.
Fascinating. I don't know
anything about that.
Yeah, AceBeatsKing was one of
the stallions that they studied,
and was actually found
to have a predisposition
for potential injury.
It may not be fashionable,
but I don't use blood tests
to pick my horses.
Of course. Old school.
Yeah. Old school.
Hope, I really appreciate you
choosing me for your article,
but if you want to write
about cutting-edge science
or celebrity trainers,
I– I don't think your readers
are gonna be interested in me.
Um… I think you should
find somebody else
for this month's profile.
- If you feel that way.
- I– I really do.
I do. Thank you.
And I wish you the very best.
Thanks, Claire.

What are you looking for?
Oh, I'm trying to find
my grandfather's divining rod.
I always meant to hang it
give it more pride of place,
but I guess it's gone.
This day has sucked
all around, then.
You didn't come down here
just to–
Just to dig through the dust
and the cobwebs
with your old GG?
I need some advice.
The cobwebs are just a bonus.
[both chuckle]
What's on your mind?
I– I know I'm supposed
to listen to,
and– and respect my elders
and all that,
but what if I know
that something an adult
is telling me is wrong?
Is it ever okay to disobey?
Well, that's a serious question.
Any more specifics
you want to share?
I can't.
Not yet, anyway.
Well, then.
Adults get it wrong
all the time.
Now, you're a bright,
wise young woman
with a good heart,
so I'd trust it.
Even if it means I could make
someone I care about mad at me?
Depends very much
on the situation, but maybe.
Thanks, GG.
You want me to help you keep
looking for the divining rod?
Nah. It doesn't matter.
It's just a stick, anyway.
I– I did a little bit
of research on divining rods.
They seem like they're magic,
but they're not.
Uh, it's actually all about
the– the diviner,
and how they know the land.
You know, the– the rod itself
is just an outlet
for their intuition.
Kinda like dumbo's
magic feather.
Dumbo's magic feather.
I like that.
It's too bad we lost ours.
But that's the point, GG.
We don't really need it.
So, when is your friend
gonna start drilling again?
He's coming back tomorrow,
and he's going to try
a different site.
And bring extra pipe,
in case he has to drill deeper.
Yeah, well, let's hope
this is the one.
Lis, how did the interview
with fleet magazine go?
Yeah, when can we read it?
I actually cancelled
the interview.
Didn't feel like my story was
a good fit with the magazine.
What? Lisa, you have
a great story.
Well, I just, uh, I'm not
interested in telling it,
or being in the spotlight
right now.
In the magazine
or at the dinner table.
Um, Amy, you're quiet.
- How was your day?
- It was a day.
You and Logan make any progress
with that colt?
It's not Cobra I'm worried
about, it's Logan.
I don't know, he just–
he's putting so much
pressure on himself.
I don't know if it's coming
from finances,
or something else.
Katie, have you talked to him?
I've barely seen him.
I was supposed to go to his
birthday party next week,
but Miley called,
and said it was cancelled.
Did she say why?
Just said Logan
didn't want a party.
I figured it was
because he's so busy.

[crickets chirp]
- [Jessica] Okay.
- Uh, Jess, I'm gonna head back
to the barn, and make sure
the horses are watered.
Okay, I'll be right behind you.
Uh, Jessica, can I talk to you
before you go?
Of course.
There's– there's been
something worrying me.
[screen door bangs shut]
Well, I did wonder,
because you left us in a hurry
this morning.
Grandpa asked me
not to say anything,
but I think telling you
is the right thing to do.
[Lisa sighs]
I know you're waiting
for me to tell you
what really happened
this afternoon.
I'm just sitting here,
sipping my wine,
listening to the crickets.
I didn't exactly cancel
the interview.
I basically walked out on it.
Because it was feeling
like an exit interview.
The journalist, hope,
was insinuating that I should
be developing a retirement plan.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
Well, I thought so, too,
at first,
and then she knew more about
my horse's pedigree than I did.
Okay, now I know
that's not true.
Okay, that new filly
that I'm so excited about.
Her sire is a test subject
in some scientific mRNA study.
So I looked it up,
and according
to his blood tests,
he can pass on a tendency
for physical injury.
I mean, I– I bought that horse
because of the way she moved,
- and how in your pocket she was.
- Mhmm.
I feel like my– my methods
are becoming obsolete,
and I'm being left behind.
Now, come on, Lis,
science can't replace
gut intuition.
Just because other people
start adopting some new fad
doesn't mean you have to.
The one thing I know for sure
is you already have
proven instinct.
And it's only getting
sharper with age.
- Careful.
- No, no! [laughs]
That's one of the good things
about gettin' old.
I would know.
[stall door clanks]
[horses whinny]
You, what's–
what's goin' on here?
[horse nickers]
Let's get this back up.
Get you guys ready.
[bucket clatters]
[sighs shakily]
Good night, everybody.
Love you!
- Good night.
- Good night, pumpkin.
Good night. Love you.
[bursts of air hissing in pipe]
You check the pump lately?
Right before dinner.
Okay, so what did I do?
Oh, you didn't do anything,
Our well just ran dry.
[faucet handle clicks]
[crickets chirp]
[horse whinnies softly]
[rustling noises]
[Tim] Ah!
Tim, are you still here?
[horse snorts softly]
- Ah!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- What happened?
- Uh…
- Tim!
[crows cawing]
[somber music]
[cows mooing]

- [Katie] Am I in trouble?
- [Tim] No.
No, in fact,
I owe you an apology.
I didn't mean to put you
in a tough spot.
I didn't want
to force you to lie, and…
You know, you get to my age,
I just tend to, uh,
dismiss my aches and pains.
- It's okay.
- Yeah.
You are going to go
to the doctor though, right?
I'm gonna get
all the help I need.
Thank you.
Don't worry.
Goodbye, sweetheart.
Thank you.
[Katie] Bye, Jessica.
Better not give away
too much of this stuff.
It's precious.
I'm not really in the mood
for your jokes.
I'm too busy being
furious with you.
J– Jessica.
No, I knew something was off.
And you made me doubt
my own instincts.
Headaches, blurred vision.
Why wouldn't you tell me?
Because I didn't have time
to deal with it,
and I didn't want you to worry.
Okay, well, you always have time
to take care of your health.
Well, what if it's something
that can't be taken care of?
Like what?
No cure.
So I don't see the point
of being poked
and prodded by doctors.
I've been down
that road before.
Mm-mm. I'd rather
just be present.
I understand.
I felt that way myself.
But do you remember when
I didn't want to call
my oncologist because I didn't
want bad news?
And you told me that I couldn't
live in fear?
Well, now I need you to take
your own advice.
Go and see a doctor.
[truck rumbling]
[engine rumbling]
[gravel crunches]
[engine shuts off]
You're sending clients home?
[Amy] The well dried up
completely last night.
We're gonna take
the Heartland horses
over to Fairfield
in the evening.
Amy, I'm sorry I got
so angry yesterday.
I think I knew you were right.
I was just mad at myself.
I appreciate the apology.
I'm not letting you
off the hook that easily.
We're goin' for a ride.
Don't you have, like,
a million things to do?
Yeah, and this is the most
important one on that list.
Come on.
[drill rumbles]
[Dougie] Shut it down!
That's not it, is it?
[Dougie] I'm sorry, Tim.
This isn't common,
but it's happening
more and more these days.
What, there's no water at all?
That's not possible.
[Dougie] It's these conditions.
Minimal spring runoff,
not much snow this winter.
The little rain we have
isn't making any difference
to what's happening
a hundred feet down.
You're just gonna have
to wait it out.
We can't wait, Dougie!
Our cattle are drinking the
last of the water as we speak.
Keep digging!
Look, I can keep trying
other spots.
Maybe I'd find something,
but it'll take more time
than I can give you.
Can't afford it.
I recommend you bring in
water tankers.
I gotta load up my rig.
[Tim] Thanks, Dougie.
There's a cheque for you
at the house.
This is one that I hate
to cash, but I appreciate it.
Look, good luck.
[somber music]
I think I'm gonna need to hear
you say it out loud, Tim.
The size of our herd?
We can afford water tankers
for about a week.
Then we have to start
selling off land.
No way.
Then we gotta sell
the herd, Jack.
Start over when we can.
Decades of work reduced
to a blank slate.

You wanna ride back with me?
[sighs heavily]
[hooves thud]
[Blue snorts]
[Jack chuckles]
[Blue nickers]
[Jack sighs]
[tree branch rustles]
[reverent music]
[leaves rustle]
[suspenseful music]
[hooves thud]

[tack jingles]
[hooves thud]
[birds chirp]
This place feels like something
from a whole other life.
A beautiful life.
A lot of happy memories here.
So, you got a birthday
coming up.
Katie let it slip that you
cancelled your party.
I don't really like birthdays.
You are way too young
to not like birthdays.
Yeah, Miley agrees.
We had an argument
about it, actually.
She just–
she doesn't understand.
You know, this sudden interest
in colt starting.
Wanting to make a name
for yourself.
Oh, I don't– I don't know
why I said all that.
No, I get it.
You feel under pressure.
Like you have to hit
certain milestones,
and accomplish goals
by a certain age.
This year's just extra tough,
you know?
This is the same age
as my mom was when she had me.
Which means in two years,
I'm gonna be the same age
as she was when she…
I get it.
I understand, Logan. I do.
There's just so much
I wanna do, you know?
I– I wanna make her proud.
Have a career,
and– and buy a house,
and a truck
that doesn't break down
the second it hits a pothole.
And you will do
all those things.
Logan, you have accomplished
so much.
And I'm proud to see
how far you've come.
I wanna ask Miley to marry me.
And not– not in five years.
Like, soon.
How soon is soon?
I don't wanna waste
any time, Amy.
[sighs heavily]
It doesn't make sense. I know.
It makes perfect sense, Logan.
You feel like the world
is wild right now.
It's– it's unpredictable.
But what doesn't make
sense to me
is why you have to keep
your fears to yourself.
I thought I could just grit
my teeth and get through it.
[sighs heavily]
That's probably why I'm having
so much trouble with Cobra.
He's anxious.
I'm even more anxious.
[Amy] Well, at least you found
a way to connect with him.
Think you're ready
to try again?
[sighs] Why not?
Can't go any worse, right?
[hooves thud]
[Blue whinnies]
Well, Blue, there's true grit,
and there's true stupid.
And I think I'm right
on the line.
You talking to your horse?
I am, but he's not much
of a conversationalist.
Thought I went back in time
for a second there.
You, uh, have any luck
with that thing?
Nah, I'm not even sure
I expected to have any, really.
Your digger didn't find water?
He did not.
Our water table's so low
that finding the right spot
would take more time
and money than we have.
[sighs] Sorry to hear that,
Yeah, and I'm sorry
about yesterday.
I, uh…
I, um…
I started off that conversation
kind of fierce.
[mysterious music]

- [Nathan] Here?
- Yeah.
- This is where you found water?
- Yep.
On the land you're leasing
from me?
So it is.
Look, Nathan,
you were frank with me,
so I'm gonna be frank with you.
Tim's making calls to auction
houses as we speak.
We're selling off our cattle.
No other option?
Thing is, I need answers.
I need to know if you actually
found water with that thing,
because if you did, you might
have saved both our ranches.
It'd only be fair
if I cover my share.
You'll pay half?
If there's water?
I think my money's safe, though.
There's no way those
divining rods actually work.
[both chuckle]
When it's your last shot,
you take it.
No matter how wild it is.
Where are you going?
I got a drilling rig to catch.
[hooves thud]
[hopeful music]
[gentle music]
All right.
[Logan grunts with effort]
[stirrups jingle]
[Cobra snorts]
[Cobra grunts]
Good boy, Cobra.
Well, I think he's ready.
Do you wanna be the first one
in the saddle?
[Cobra snorts]
All right. Easy.
[Cobra grunts]
[Cobra squeals]
[panicked whinnies]
[low whinnies]
Come on, Cobra.
[Lisa] Thank you for making time
to meet with me again.
I'm– I'm sorry
that our conversation
ended strangely last time.
I never had somebody walk out
of an interview before.
Felt kinda rock and roll.
The truth is that your
questions struck a nerve.
My confidence has been
a little shaky lately.
And in talking to you,
I was reminded how fast
this business moves,
with or without you.
[Lisa chuckles]
I get that.
I thought that people would want
to read about someone
in the midst of great success,
but after considering,
I don't think that's true,
because racing horses
involves great failure,
even for those of us
who are successful.
I question my instincts
all the time.
My horses lose,
and I don't want to hide that.
The vulnerability is refreshing.
What is success for you, then?
Sounds like it's not just
winning or making money.
Success is loving the job,
which I do,
even when it's exhausting.
Success is building a healthy,
loving environment
for my horses, loving them
like a family member,
not just an asset,
and I think that's what
makes great winners.
And no blood test can tell you
if a horse has heart.
Sometimes a human can,
if they're paying attention.
Lisa, I'm so relieved to hear
you're not retiring,
because honestly, I think
the racing industry needs you.
I'm gonna need you to repeat
that speech,
so I can get it transcribed,
word for word.
Sure. Thank you.
[hooves thud, echo]
[majestic music]
That was a wild feeling.
[Amy] You're hooked now, huh?
Yeah, definitely.
I'm not gonna let my ambitions
blind me again, though.
I won't cut corners.
I actually think that
colt starting
might be a good fit for you.
Just do it your way.
Don't put the clock first.
I think I could be really good,
Can I give you one more
piece of advice?
You're not walking the same
road as your mom.
Yeah, I know. I just…
I don't want to have
any regrets.
I get that.
But it doesn't mean living
like you're running out of time.
It means living
in a place of hope.

[Tim sighs]
Hey, what– what–
What did the doctor say?
Do they think it could be CTE?
She prescribed these.
Reading glasses.
She thinks that the blurred
vision could be caused
by stress and eye strain,
from too much screen time.
That is wonderful news.
I'm gonna look like Jack.
We'll get you nicer frames.
Classy ones.
They don't exist.
[Jessica and Katie laugh]
[truck door slams]
[Blue snorts]
Even if there is water,
which, like I said,
would be finding a needle
in a field of haystacks,
I'm still going to have
to trench twice as far
to get to the house.
Yeah, I know where we are.
[sighs] I just hate
to take your money
when I foresee a likely outcome.
Especially when things
are tight.
Well, "likely" is not certain,
We're gonna dig.
[drill rumbles]
[suspenseful music]
[sighs heavily]
This is really where
my grandpa chose to dig?
On your land?
Well, I didn't have a hand
in finding the spot,
if that's what you're thinking.
I am worried I offered a little
too much encouragement.
If there's water,
I said I'd go in with you.
Or, I guess,
you'd be going in with me.
Nathan, that's…
That's pretty generous.
It's a long shot.
But, I don't know.
Your, uh…
Your grandpa seems
to have a feeling,
and he knows this land.
Yeah, he does.
[tense music]
Is this what happened last time?
It's possible this is worse.
This is not the kind
of suspense I like.
[engine shuts off]
Do you want me to keep going?
At this point,
every foot that I dig
is just burning more money.
If there was water down there,
we'd have hit it by now.
Sweetheart, it's your call.
I don't know, Lis.
- I– I thought I–
- Hey, hey. I
That filly
that I was worried about,
won her maiden race today,
just as I was wrapping up
the interview.
You told me to be confident
even in the slumps,
and it paid off.
So, if you think
there's water here,
let's keep digging.

[Jack] Hi, honey.
Come with me.
[grunt of effort]
It's up to you.
I'm with you a hundred percent.
[engine starts]
[suspenseful music]
[Dougie] Yeah, we did it!
[all laughing and cheering]
Oh my gosh!
[all laughing]
Know that anything
could happen ♪
[laughs] GG did it!
- Oh, wow!
- Hey, Pryce!
I hope you have
your chequebook ready.
[all laugh]
Looks like our ranches are tied
together for a while, huh?
It would seem so.
[both laugh]
Oh oh oh ♪
It's the feeling ♪
[Amy laughs]
That anything could happen ♪
Oh, anything could happen ♪
Ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
– Subtitle formatting by Alice –
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