Heartland (CA) s18e04 Episode Script

Into the Unknown

Previously, on Heartland.
What exactly are
your intentions with my sister?
She deserves a good person.
- That's not me.
- I don't know. Is it?
I am teaching
a creative writing class
at the library.
You should sign up.
(chair clatters)
I've seen some drought before,
but this feels different.
I just met with the manager
of a hospitality group.
- They need us to provide bison.
- But we don't raise bison.
Not yet, but we could.
I'm Brandon. A.K.A. Top Gun.
How is Nate? Is he coming
up here anytime soon?
He's moving a little slower
than he used to.
Still formidable, though.
Looks like our ranches are tied
together for a while, huh?
It would seem so.
(Nathan chuckles)
(Amy sighs)
(uplifting music)
(soft music)
(horse grunts)
- OK, thank you for the ride.
- Lisa, I know you're nervous.
I'm not nervous!
I–I just can't imagine
what there's left for me to deal
with around Dan's estate.
The lawyer made it sound urgent.
How weird is that, considering
how much time has passed?
I don't… heh!
I think I'm nervous.
I guess I'm nervous.
I'd be happy to come in
with you if you'd like.
No, no. You go do
your appointment,
and I'll fill you in
on everything after.
Come here.
OK. Bye.
(soft music)
I got it!
I got the job.
What job?
I am going to be
the official photographer
for the team studying
endangered wild horses
in the American West.
They're on your head.
Most people have never even
laid eyes on these horses.
And I am going to be
right there, up close,
with unfettered access.
It's like a dream come true.
But I have so much
that I have to do.
I have to make sure that
the gallery is taken care of,
and I'm going to have to get
way more film.
What's the rush?
How long do you go for,
a weekend?
Well, I leave in a week…
- For a month.
- A month?
I know it's fast,
and it's unexpected,
but it's just a once
in a lifetime opportunity.
I'll see you at dinner.
- I can't believe I got it.
- Congratulations.
(pensive music)
(tense music)
(car engine starts)
(dog barks)
- Hey.
- Nice to see you.
How are things at the ranch?
Better, now that the water
situation's figured out.
Uh, that's actually
why I'm here.
Lou wants you to sign
the agreement
for the shared well access.
Uh, that's not
what it looks like.
Yeah, just drop that
by the ranch when you can.
See you.
("Dreamer" by Jenn Grant)
♪And at the break of day ♪
You sink into ♪
A dream ♪
You dreamer ♪
You dreamer ♪
You dreamer ♪♪
– Subtitle formatting by Alice –
(intriguing music)
Amy, I am so sorry.
I meant to talk to you
before Rick came over,
but things
just happened quickly.
Meant to talk to me
about what?
He's having trouble
with Maestro here,
and I kind of told
him you would help.
Uh, promised Amy would help?
Yeah, well, that's accurate.
I didn't even know
you had a horse.
Oh, he's not mine.
Maestro's supposed to play
in a charity polo match
that I organized, but…
He's not all
he was promised to be.
(Amy sighs)
Lot of ranchers
hurting right now.
Hate to spill the tea, but…
I've been hearing whispers
about Heartland Beef.
Seems they've been
bleeding so much money
since Garland dumped them.
Word is, they are
quietly shopping the ranch.
Oh, for crying out loud!
Jack, heh-heh.
Didn't see you come in.
What? Where you going? Don't you
want a shave or a haircut?
All this talk about bleeding,
I'm not in the mood.
Oh, come on, Jack.
I was just–
Spreading rumours and hearsay.
As much as you hate
to do that, right, Leo?
(light music)
(Maestro grunts)
(Amy clicking her tongue)
Well, I don't play polo,
but Maestro
seems fast and agile.
Yeah. Well…
(Maestro screams)
Whoa. It's OK.
He's afraid of the mallet.
That's the first problem, yes.
He also doesn't like
other horses charging at him.
Well, those aren't great
qualities for a polo horse.
Yeah, I know.
Can't you just use
a different horse?
He's not just playing
in the match.
He's a gift for a distinguished
visiting dignitary
who may or may not have
ties to the royal family.
What? Rick, you didn't
tell me that part.
The town can't afford to gift
an expensive polo horse,
but Maestro is the same lineage
as the dignitary's favourite
horse who just passed away.
He's the perfect gift.
Yeah, except that
he hates polo.
But you can help him, right?
Why are you being
so persistent on this?
Heartland Beef is sponsoring
the charity event
and catering
the post-match dinner.
Ticket sales are already
a little sluggish.
The last thing I need is
for Maestro not to perform well.
The whole event could
end up being a disaster.
It's just not the kind
of publicity we need
right now, Amy.
(Amy sighs)
OK. I will try,
but no promises.
Of course. Thank you so much.
Told you.
(Lisa sighs)
There's a face
I don't like to see.
Everything OK?
Loose-lips Leo was
at it again.
Oh, he certainly earns
his nickname, doesn't he?
It was about us this time.
Apparently, we're
going out of business
and selling the ranch.
Where did he get that?
Oh, he didn't get it
from anywhere.
He's just a gossip.
Let's not dwell on it.
I'd rather… I'd rather
know how you are.
- What happened at the lawyer?
- The strangest news.
So, it turns out Dan
bought burial plots
when we were married
that got missed in the divorce.
So, I still own mine.
Well, that's
quite the discovery.
What are you
going to do with it?
Sell it.
Unless I want to be
buried next to Dan,
which obviously I do not.
You know, I should
tell Val it's for sale.
I'm sure she'd jump
at the chance
to snuggle up next to Dan.
Yeah, right.
(Jack chuckles)
Well, I guess
that's settled then.
Yeah, I guess it is.
Well, I'm sort of
glad that happened.
Well, we haven't talked
about our own plans
for after we, you know…
Kick the bucket.
But we probably
should discuss it.
Yeah, yeah, you're right,
but I'd really rather have
a big glass of wine
in my hand when we did.
That sounds like a good idea.
(Jack chuckles)
(light music)
A toast to my beautiful,
talented wife
- and her new gig.
- (all): Cheers.
I can't wait to see all
the images when you get back.
You're going to have a whole
new exhibit for the gallery.
It is so rare to get
this opportunity, honestly.
I can't believe it's happening.
And I'm just glad that
you're not leaving too early
or you would miss meeting
the polo-playing prince
at the charity match.
I want to meet a prince.
No, Rick never said
there was a prince.
I know, but maybe
it's not a prince,
but it could be
a duke or a viscount.
What's a viscount?
I don't know, actually,
but it's something royal.
Hey, Jess, I was wondering
if maybe you had time
to give me a hand.
I could use someone with
your polo-playing experience
to help me with Maestro.
Yeah, of course.
I'm free tomorrow morning.
That would be great.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
This match is very high profile,
and Maestro needs
to be in top form.
Heartland is the
exclusive sponsor.
- Mm?
- Mm-hmm.
The publicity is going
to go a long way
to building our brand back up.
And then, who knows?
Maybe we can revisit
the, uh, bison idea.
- Lou.
- What?
The water issue is solved.
Things are looking up.
Maybe you should tell them
what you heard in town today.
Oh, it's no big deal.
Just gossip at the barbershop.
Stuff about Heartland Beef
being in trouble.
It was ridiculous.
People saying we're putting
the ranch up for sale.
Jack, that's a huge deal.
Things can't be
that bad, can they?
No, of course not,
honey, but Dad's right.
I mean, Rick mentioned
the ticket sales are sluggish.
What if it's because
of these rumours?
Exactly. That's why we need
to stand up for ourselves.
No, we take the high road
and ignore it.
Eventually, they'll all get
tired of talking about us
and move on to something else.
Jack… rumours are
like fires.
You ignore them long enough,
they run out of control.
(sad music)
(bird of prey cries)
I think you might have
borrowed enough books
to start your own library.
(Katie laughs)
They'll maybe
last me the week.
Heh, OK.
Thanks for coming. I know
it's not really your thing.
Well, no, no. There were
some cool books in there.
So what's up this weekend?
Dirt biking?
Oh, and there's also
this cool monster truck rally
that I've always wanted
to go to.
It's so cool.
Sometimes the guy, he'll ride
his truck up on one wheel
and then he'll just do
a freaking backflip.
It's awesome.
But, um, I guess it's not
really your thing, is it?
No, no, it sounds cool.
Or different, anyways.
When is it?
(Announcer voice): Sunday,
Sunday, Sunday.
We'll sell you the whole seat,
but you'll only need the edge.
(regular voice): Uh…
Would you want to go?
If you want to, we could grab
some food at Maggie's before.
Sure, sounds fun.
As long as you keep doing
your announcer voice.
(Announcer voice): Get ready
for Hudson's event of the year
because the big rigs
are coming to town!
(pensive music)
I can't believe
Jack last night.
You know, I can't
just sit around here
while these rumours
about us run rampant.
Jess, what is that?
It's a letter from my dad.
I haven't talked
to him in decades,
and now all of a sudden,
out of the blue,
he sends me a letter.
I don't even know
how he found me.
What'd he say?
His health isn't good.
He's getting on in years,
and he wants me to come
and visit him in New Hampshire.
I guess he wants
to see me before.
Hmm. I get it.
I can go with you.
Well, I don't know
if I'm going.
Well, I know things weren't
good between the two of you–
I haven't talked
to him in 30 years,
and now what, I'm just supposed
to drop everything?
Give up my dream job
to be there for someone
who has never been there for me?
No, I'm not going!
I gotta get out and help Amy.
(lively music)
(grunts and snorts)
Well, that looks great.
How does he feel?
Well, it seems like he's got
a lot of potential.
You want to try the equipment?
Yeah, I was just
thinking the same.
I've done some desensitizing,
and he definitely feels
more comfortable,
but go slow.
I want to make sure
he's good with the mallet.
Jess? You OK?
Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. Ah.
(adventurous music)
(Maestro neighing)
Whoa! Oh!
(Jess exhales heavily)
- Jess? You OK?
- Oh, yeah.
I guess he wasn't ready, was he?
I'm sorry, Amy.
I really wanted to help.
I just…
I've got a lot going on
in my mind with this new job,
and I just… I don't know,
maybe now is not the right time.
No, it's OK.
I appreciate you trying.
(Jess sighs)
(tense music)
Now, what can I do
for you today?
Uh… just a trim.
You want me to go
around the hat or through it?
Need a little Intel.
Oh, yeah?
What do you need to know?
Where'd you hear
those Heartland rumours?
Oh, you know,
Tim, how it goes.
- Here and there, there and here.
- Cut the BS.
You know none of it's true.
Jack would never sell his ranch.
Even after
that Garland fiasco?
Fiasco? We're happy
to be rid of those guys.
They're not a family-run
grocery store anymore.
They're a faceless corporation,
and that's not our brand.
Ah, good for you.
Don't go down without a fight.
- We're not going down.
- No, of course not!
And I never believed any of
that stuff about your product.
What about our product?
Just stupid rumours that you
shouldn't pay any attention to
that Garland dumped you because
you were having quality issues.
- What?!
- That's what I said!
What?! Ridiculous!
- Who said that?
- What's it matter?
It's all lies, right?
(horses neighing)
It's OK.
It's OK. Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Brought the signed
agreement back.
I think Lou's in the house.
What's the, uh, what's
the story with this guy?
His name is Maestro.
He's supposed to compete
in a polo match in a few days,
and he's afraid of a mallet
and horses coming at him.
I could help you out,
if you want.
Maybe an easy trail ride
with Montana.
See if they get along.
Yeah, OK.
Just as long as you keep
your distance.
- For Maestro's sake.
- Yeah, yeah.
Whatever he needs.
What quality issues?
Where are these rumours
even coming from?
Why did you go there?
You're just pouring
fuel on the fire.
I had to do something.
Well, it didn't change
anything, did it?
At least I tried.
I'm with Dad.
We have to take action.
Oh, Lou.
I'm gonna make a few
phone calls. I have a plan.
(Jack sighs)
(approaching footsteps)
- Hey.
- Hey.
What's all this?
Just a little trip
down Memory Lane.
(Tim chuckles)
My dad bought me that horse.
Taught me
how to play polo on her.
You've never really told me
much about your dad.
Except that he left your mom
when you were a teenager.
Yeah, he left her
for his secretary.
- Oh.
- So cliché, right?
(Jess chuckles)
Started a new family with her.
Whole new life.
There were visits for a while,
and then once I went off
to college, he…
He didn't make any effort
to be a part of my life.
And then when I got cancer,
he… he sent me
some flowers with a note
that said, "Get well soon."
I got a more sincere message in
the note that my doorman sent.
I don't know. I just…
Working with Amy
and Maestro, it's just
brought back all these memories,
and I'm thinking maybe
I shouldn't ignore the letter.
But to give up my dream job…
You must think
I'm being really selfish.
No. Why would I think that?
Because you have
this really great relationship
with your kids, and…
I got a second chance
with my kids.
I had no expectations.
If they didn't want me in their
life, I would have understood.
Well, that's the thing.
I don't think my dad wants
to be a part of my life.
It's too late for that.
I think he just wants
to be forgiven.
I think he just wants
to be absolved of his guilt
at being such an abysmal father.
I don't think
I'm ready to do that.
(soft music)
Might be good to get
closer at some point.
Maestro's actually
being pretty good.
I think he's more relaxed
outside of the arena.
Why don't you try bringing
Montana towards us?
(Maestro snorts)
Just go slow.
Hey. Hey.
(Maestro grunts)
Alright. Hey. Hey. Hey.
You're alright.
It's just us
in a big open space. OK?
There you go.
Hey. Good boy.
(soft music)
(laughs softly)
(grate clinking)
(fire crackling)
(Jack sighs)
- So.
- So.
We have wine.
Yeah, so we do.
Would this be a good
time to have our talk?
Right. The death talk.
Yes. That talk.
I have to admit I don't
know how to start it.
Well, me neither.
(Jack sighs)
Why is this so hard
to talk about?
Maybe because it's a bummer.
Yeah, it is a bummer.
But I think planning for it
and knowing what we both want
will make it easier
when the time comes.
I'll start.
I would like to be buried
in the family cemetery
here at Heartland,
next to my parents
and grandparents
and my daughter, and Lyndy.
I assumed as much.
And there's a beautiful spot
for you there, too,
if that's what you'd like.
Thank you. I guess that leaves
me with three options.
Well, there's the plot next
to Dan, which I'm about to sell.
That's one down,
and then there is
the Stillman Family mausoleum.
(Lisa chuckles)
- And now Heartland.
- Hmm.
That should be a TV show:
Burial Plot Hunters.
(both laugh)
I thought I was ready
to talk about this,
and clearly I am not.
You've given it
a lot of thought, and…
If it's all right,
I'd like to do the same.
- Of course.
- OK.
(pensive music)
- Thanks for your help.
- Anytime.
Listen, uh, my place
the other day–
Oh, let's just forget
about that.
No, no. Look, I'm sorry
I didn't tell you more.
But I also don't think
you being upset with me is
entirely fair.
Why is that?
It seems to me
you've been wanting to put
some extra distance
between you and me lately.
Or am I wrong about that?
No, you're not.
Is it because of what
your family thinks of me?
No. I mean, that doesn't
make it easy, but…
A while ago, there was
this guy named Finn.
And he was the first person that
I've felt anything for since Ty.
But he kept a lot of secrets,
and it didn't end well,
and I don't want to go
through that again.
There's nothing between
the woman you saw and me.
So why can't you just
tell me who she is?
It's not that simple, Amy.
That's not an answer.
I don't want to push you to be
someone who you're not.
Maybe we should
just stay as we were.
Friendly neighbours.
(melancholy music)
(Maestro snorts)
Yeah. Yeah, thanks for trying.
- OK, bye.
- What was that all about?
I asked Rick to go
into the barbershop and talk up
our sponsorship
of the charity match.
And Leo saw right through it.
You know, I should
just do this myself.
There's no reason
I can't go over there
and give them
a piece of my mind.
It didn't work for Tim.
What makes you think it's going
to be any different for you?
I don't know,
but I have to do something.
Our reputation is being
dragged through the mud.
- Doesn't that make you angry?
- Of course it does.
But what bothers me most is
Heartland used to be respected,
and now it's just fodder
for town gossip.
- So what do we do?
- I don't know, just…
Taking the high road
obviously isn't working.
Denying the rumours
isn't working.
Just… give me some time
to figure it out
before you go barging
into that barbershop
guns a blazing, OK?
OK. I'll leave it be.
For now.
(receding footsteps)
(soft music)
Good job, Maestro.
Now let's see how you do
when it's more than one horse.
(Amy chuckles)
Good boy, Maestro.
Good boy.
Now we just have to add
some speed.
Looks like you're
making progress.
Didn't think I'd see
you back so soon.
I've been thinking about
our conversation yesterday.
Felt like I need to put
my cards on the table, too.
What do you say you, uh, you…
Come over to my place tomorrow?
Nathan, why can't you just put
your cards on the table
right now?
Tomorrow's better. Trust me.
Trust you.
I'm trying. I really am.
I promise I'll clear things up.
- OK.
- Thank you.
(pensive music)
Nothing in this story made me
feel like Annabelle would dump
the fiancé she's been
in love with for years.
OK. That seems to be
the consensus.
Does anyone feel differently?
I actually really liked it.
Sometimes when you're scared,
you do the opposite
of what you'd normally do,
and it shows an interesting
side to the character.
Well, I didn't buy it.
We're all capable
of more than we realize,
and Annabelle feels more deeply
than anyone else around her,
so her fear is no different.
That's why she acts in
this perfectly surprising way.
I like that.
Very nice.
Well, I guess that's
all we have time for.
Great class, everyone.
Really nice.
See you.
- See you at the bar.
- Bye, have a good one.
Hey, thanks for sharing.
I appreciate how open you are.
It's not an easy thing
to do, especially when
disagreeing with others.
It's no big deal.
Just… saying what I felt.
I really love that I can talk
about writing like this here.
I don't get to do it
anywhere else.
You know, we could really use
some of that Katie honesty
in our post-class discussions,
you feel like joining us?
- Sure. Yeah, I'd love to.
- Yeah? Amazing.
- OK, great.
- I'll catch up.
(phone beeps)
(soft music)
(pensive music)
Good boy, Maestro.
I'm proud of how far
you've come.
I think you can conquer
your fear of the mallet, too.
I might have an idea
to help with that.
I'm all ears.
But first,
I owe you an apology.
I told you
that I would help you,
and I didn't follow through.
- I'm sorry.
- It's OK, Jess.
Well, no. It's not.
But maybe I can make it better.
Maestro just needs to realize
that a swinging mallet is
nothing to be afraid of.
So I'm thinking…
(distant neighing)
We put it
in his stall overnight,
and hopefully he'll realize
it's nothing to be afraid of.
It's worth a try. Thank you.
What made you think of that?
Something my dad taught me.
A million years ago.
- Good night, Amy.
- Good night.
(receding footsteps)
(indistinct chatter)
(Katie): Thanks.
- Yeah, I'm glad I could come.
- I know. This is great.
You sure you don't want
to try any?
It's really elegant.
I love a wine when the flavour
hits your palate slowly.
Yeah, yeah, me too.
But, uh, I have to be up
early tomorrow morning.
- For work.
- Right.
So, are you committed
to the day job and writing plan,
or have you thought
about college?
Uh, I've thought about it.
Well, what about you?
What was your path
to becoming a writer?
I always wanted to write.
But it wasn't 'til I moved
from my small town,
Quesnel, to Vancouver,
that I really started
to take it seriously.
I went to the Vancouver
Fine Arts School for college,
and it just changed
me for the better.
Yeah. That's so cool.
My dad lives in Vancouver,
and I just love the vibe there.
Oh, yeah. I loved
every second of it.
It was the best.
I'm just going to go pick up
Katie at Maggie's.
She went to a monster truck
rally. Can you believe that?
She's on a bit
of an adventure streak lately.
- Yeah, she really is.
- I'm going to turn in early.
- I'm exhausted.
- OK. Oh!
- How's it going with Maestro?
- Good, actually.
Nathan helped me get him used
to other horses.
I think he might even be ready
for your mystery dignitary.
Great. Um, I'm just surprised
to hear Nathan was helping you.
I thought you were drawing
a line with him.
We had a really
honest conversation.
I'm going to his house tomorrow.
- On a date?
- I don't…
No, it's just…
We're just going to talk.
OK. Um…
Just don't get hurt.
(tense music)
(upbeat music)
(vehicle approaching)
Now what is this?
(Lisa laughs)
Well… I was right.
Val snapped up that burial plot
quick as you please.
And I thought
I would spend the money
on a little treat for myself.
Taking this baby for a test,
see if I can catch anyone's eye.
Oh, yeah.
How's that working out?
Well, it depends.
Care for a ride, cowboy?
(Jack chuckles)
Well, a car like this is worth
way more than a burial plot.
You're right.
If I decide to buy it, it's
going to be a bit of a splurge.
- Ah, you deserve it.
- Aww.
Listen, I feel like
I need to explain
my reaction during
our chat the other night.
Oh, it's OK.
I get that it bothered you.
Me talking about
being buried near Lyndy.
No, no. That's not it at all.
Then what is it?
(Lisa sighs)
I have a hard time
thinking about the end.
I'd rather stay focused
on the here and now, you know?
And all the living
we have yet to do.
But that said,
when the time comes, of course,
I want to spend eternity
next to you, Jack Bartlett.
- If you have room for me.
- Of course, there is.
Yeah, speaking of living
in the here and now, can you
give me a lift somewhere?
Hop in.
(both laughing)
Put your seatbelt on.
(soft music)
(country music playing
over speakers)
(entry bell rings)
I thought you were
never coming back.
Now, you know I don't believe
the scuttlebutt
thrown around here.
All I know, Leo,
is you couldn't
keep your mouth shut
if you tried.
So, here's a little something
that you can let slip
to all the townsfolk
who seem to have nothing better
to talk about
than Heartland Beef.
Our product, our family,
and our land
ain't going anywhere.
As a matter of fact,
we're expanding.
Heartland's going
into the bison business.
Have a good day.
Please tell me
you pulled this off, Amy.
See for yourself.
(Maestro whinnies)
(adventurous music)
Come on, Maestro! Let's go!
- (Lou): Go, Jessica!
- Yay, Maestro!
- (Lou): Woo!
- That's amazing, Amy.
Thank you. Not that I should
have doubted it.
Well, I couldn't have
done it without Jessica.
She sure knows her polo horses.
Ah. You wanna play some more?
- Heck yeah.
- Yeah, let's go.
So, I'm afraid to ask,
but did the rumours
affect the ticket sales?
I'm happy to say
we've nearly sold out.
What? Rick, that's amazing.
This match is gonna be perfect.
When do I get
to meet the prince?
What did you tell her?
Lyndy, I'm so sorry, honey,
but there's no prince.
But you can meet
a city councillor
from Catesby, England,
if you'd like.
That's the big-shot dignitary
you've been going on about?
Tony Keane happens to be
the second cousin twice removed
from the royal family.
It has some sway,
but what really matters
is that with Maestro's success,
I'll have secured Catesby
as Hudson's
first-ever sister city.
Congratulations, Rick.
That's going to be really
good for tourism.
You know,
I'm really proud to see
what an amazing job
you're doing as mayor.
Thank you, Lou.
(soft music)
(horse snorting softly)
(car door shuts, engine starts)
Did I pick a bad time again?
No, not at all.
Come on.
(tense music)
Oh, the, uh…
The notes are for my dad.
He's been struggling
with Alzheimer's
for a little while now.
Nathan, I'm sorry.
I had no idea.
The woman you saw, uh…
She's a nurse who comes
and helps out sometimes.
What your family must be
going through…
(Nathan inhales sharply)
Do you want to meet him?
(indistinct speaking)
(sentimental music)
I gotta teach you
how to do this, son.
I never did, and it's…
It's time I corrected that.
No, you…
Teach me later, Dad. I want
to introduce you to somebody.
Don't be ridiculous.
I'd recognize Marion anywhere.
- No, Dad, this is–
- it's OK.
Mr. Pryce,
it's great to see you.
Always happy to see
my favourite trainer.
Don't know where I'd be
if you hadn't helped Sammy.
- He's my best horse.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'm always happy to help.
- Yeah.
(soft music)
(upbeat music)
(Lisa sighs)
Wow. Great-looking car.
Glad you approve, Tim.
- Did you just buy this?
- (Lisa): I just did!
Yeah, Lisa bought the car,
and I thought,
oh, what the heck.
I think I'll buy
a herd of bison.
- What?
- Have you finally lost it?
- What are you thinking?
- It's the action we need
to take to change the direction
of Heartland Beef.
You know I love the idea,
but it's a big investment.
Where are we gonna
get the money?
We'll work it out
with the bank.
The important thing is it's
the right move for the ranch.
What do you say, Tim?
I guess we're
in the bison business.
(Jack and Lou laugh)
(Jack): Good.
Because I just told Leo,
so the whole town
is gonna know by dinnertime.
(pensive music)
(indistinct chatter)
(door opens and shuts)
Brandon, hey, have you heard
of the Vancouver
Fine Arts School?
Yeah, I don't really want
to hear about that
right now, Katie.
What's wrong?
You ditched me last night.
You really don't get
how much that sucked?
I'm sorry.
I just figured
you'd go with Ellie.
I didn't want to go with
Ellie, I wanted to go with you.
The two of us.
Uh, you didn't say.
I thought we were just friends.
Yeah, well, I guess
I should have been more clear.
I was nervous.
I like you, Katie.
Look, Brandon…
When I met you and Ellie
and we all started hanging out,
I was so happy.
I don't want that to change.
Can we just be friends?
Yeah. OK. I gotta go.
(melancholy music)
You ready for
the great American West?
I am…
But I'm making a stop
in New Hampshire first.
Well, I talked
to the people who hired me
and it took a little bit
of cajoling, but they agreed
to let me join a few days late.
OK, well, that's great.
I don't know
if I'm ready to see my dad.
Well, my offer stands.
I'll go with you.
No. I think whatever happens
in New Hampshire,
I have to face on my own.
But I would like
to see you after,
so maybe you could
join me in Arizona
on the expedition,
just for a few days.
Yep. Whatever you
need, I'll be there.
I just…
I have so many things
that I need to tell him.
I need to look him in the eye.
And I need to say to him
that he missed out
on raising
a really great daughter.
And that I turned out
okay without him.
He's still my dad.
I don't want to be angry.
I want to forgive him.
I want to hold on
to the memory…
(voice breaking): Of that dad
that taught me how to play polo
all those years ago.
Because I really loved that dad.
Oh, God.
(sentimental music)
Uh, sorry about
the confusion in there.
It's been happening
more and more lately.
No, don't be. It was nice
to hear a story about my mom.
Can I ask you a question?
Why did you feel like you
have to keep this a secret?
I mean, to go
through it all alone…
This is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do.
Seeing my dad like this…
His bad days.
Trying to help him while…
Keeping alive the business
that he built.
Yeah, but don't you
have any family
or friends
that could help?
No. Not really.
Not close by, anyway.
I haven't told anybody
because I don't want
people to see my dad this way.
And truthfully, I…
I can't imagine
passing off his care
to somebody else.
I don't know how much time
I have left with him.
Thank you
for sharing this with me.
It means a lot.
♪A fire burns ♪
(chuckles and sniffles)
Honestly, uh, it…
It's a relief to tell someone.
Quiet songs
that give us hope ♪
It has not been easy
doing this on my own.
Close your eyes ♪
Yeah, but you're not.
Embrace the sound ♪
You have me.
Trust the silence ♪
When it gets too loud ♪♪
– Subtitle formatting by Alice –
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