The Murdoch Mysteries (2004) s18e12 Episode Script

The Star of Mandalay

The final resting
place of Djedmaatesankh,
buried along the west bank of
the Nile over 2,800 years ago.
Now, over here
Thank you so much for accompanying me.
- Thomas is playing golf with city council.
- Golf?
I've been told the Chief
Constable abhors the game.
Oh, he does. But it's better
to be on the inner circle
of the council than to be
on the outside looking in.
- Mm.
- Mm.
(GASPS) Look.
That's Mr. Olyphant.
He's a Broadway
producer and (GASPING)
- That's Rose Mae Kirby!
- Who?
She's the heiress to the
Cyclone Carpet Sweeper fortune.
It's a marvellous device.
Mechanical gadgets are a
slippery slope, Mrs. Brackenreid.
First, the machines
work for us, but soon,
we'll be serving the machines.
If we're not already.
What are you on about?
Oh, take the telephone.
We sit by it, wait for it,
we rush to it when it calls.
Are we not slaves to its power,
- are we not
- Oh, shush! He's speaking.
outgrowing its modest confines.
That is why I have secured promises
from the governments of
Ontario, Canada and Great Britain
to establish a new home for
Canada's finest artifacts.
Soon, crowds from across the country
will flock to see world-class
exhibits of archeology,
geology, mineralogy,
paleontology and zoology,
all under one roof.
Oh, my!
What a wonderful fur.
I wouldn't touch that.
Who knows what manner
of mites call it home.
But we need your help.
This weekend we are
hosting a fundraiser.
Thank you to Mrs.
Margaret Brackenreid
- Oh!
- And the Ladies' Auxiliary
- Thank you.
- for planning the gala.
Thank you.
As our most distinguished patrons,
we offer you the first opportunity
to be a part of the finest
institution in Canada,
the Royal Ontario Museum.
And what do you have in store,
beyond the current collection?
All manner of artifacts.
But our newest and
greatest treasure surely is
the Star of Mandalay,
- the largest ruby in the world.
Oh, my.
Can we see it?
It will be delivered later today,
but it shall not be
unveiled until the gala.
Now, I've one last wonder to show you,
if you will follow me.
This is the burglar annunciator,
a state-of-the-art silent alarm.
If a sensor is tripped at the museum,
an automated call will be
placed to the constabulary
advising us of the break-in and
of its precise point of ingress.
This telephone will then ring,
and this light will blink red.
- And the thief will be none the wiser.
Had this existed when I
was working in New York,
some of the biggest
bank robberies in history
might have been foiled.
Nothing before its time, Inspector.
I interviewed the guard.
He's still a bit woozy.
- Did he get a look at the intruder?
- Unfortunately not.
Well, we've confirmed
that the annunciator
was fully functional
at the station house.
And, what's more,
the intruder had the
combination to the vault.
A curious conundrum.
We'll have to check
all of the sensors here
to ensure that they're working properly.
The Star of Mandalay!
It was supposed to be
right here in the vault.
And now it's gone!
- This is an indelible stain upon my reputation.
- Mr. Chaney!
Ah, there's no need to worry.
An error in transit forms
delayed the delivery of the ruby.
It'll be arriving later today.
Thank God for small miracles.
- Who might you be?
- Dr. Elise Tremblay.
Ah, this is my department.
Ah. Detective William
Murdoch, Toronto Constabulary.
- Detective Watts.
- So, has anything been stolen?
I don't believe so.
I'll check with the other departments.
Perhaps you could show us where
the intruder entered the building?
Only a Philistine would
attempt a theft such as this.
A very clever Philistine.
The intruder used a
diamond-tipped glass cutter.
What's more, this window is the closest
to the junction box of the
system's electrical circuit.
Hm! Meaning?
Meaning the intruder knew precisely
where to enter the building
in order to turn off
the alarm the fastest.
Who would have access
to that information?
The only copy of the
annunciator's schematics
are here with the university.
- Oh my stars.
- Then the thief must be
someone working at the university.
It's an inside job.
Uh, Marx wrote extensively about this:
replacing workers with machines.
The revolution comes in many forms.
And then, one day,
there'll be no need for us.
Let it rest, Detective.
The museum founders
have been calling all day
and I'm beginning to
develop a migraine headache,
and you are not helping.
- Sir
The annunciator works as intended.
The perpetrator disabled the
alarm at the junction box.
How could he have managed that?
Mr. Chaney has a copy
of the annunciator's
schematics in his office.
Do you think he is involved?
Apparently, they were not
kept under lock and key,
- as I instructed.
So whoever is responsible
had intimate knowledge
of the annunciator system.
Sounds like an inside job.
Well, sir, Mr. Chaney is still speaking
with other members of departments,
but apparently, nothing's been stolen.
The crook went through all
the trouble of breaking in,
but left empty-handed?
I find that hard to believe.
Perhaps the ruby was
the only intended target.
It was scheduled to arrive
yesterday, but then was delayed.
The ruby?
- The Star of Mandalay,
a very large Burmese ruby
on loan from the Crown.
Detective, I want you and
a small team of constables
to oversee the delivery of the ruby
and ensure its safety ahead of the gala.
- Yes, sir.
Headache averted.
You yourself have said
treasure hunters are thieves.
The British separated this
jewel from its country of origin,
and now they house it in a vault
to prevent others from
separating it from them.
Isn't it ironic?
Don't you think?
I really don't think that it's irony.
However it arrived here,
it is nevertheless our duty to
ensure it does not get stolen.
You're certain that the
combination has been changed?
Sir, if it were to be stolen,
exactly how much would a
ruby like this be worth?
Oh, the Star of Mandalay,
a one-of-a-kind gem
on loan from the British Crown.
Explains why we're getting overtime.
I don't believe
overtime pay is involved.
You see, now, that might be irony.
Just can't shake the feeling that
we're being watched by someone.
We've made the necessary
repairs to the annunciator
and all university personnel have
been escorted out of the building.
Who could be watching us?
Oh, I never ignore a gut feeling, sir.
Might be an idea from
time to time, Henry.
Right. Detective Watts and I will check
all of the other rooms to ensure
the system is working properly.
You keep an eye out. Oh, and Henry?
- Yes, sir?
- Don't touch anything.
Yes, sir.
- Hello there.
Oh, yes. (CHUCKLING)
The break-in may have a simpler solution
- than we realize, Detective.
- Is that so?
The British invaded Burma
in 1885 and deposed the king.
Things grew frosty between the nations
after British dignitaries
refused to remove their shoes
in the presence of the monarch.
(SIGHING) What else?
The King, his pregnant wife and children
had mere hours to escape the palace,
taking only what they
could carry in their arms.
You seem well-versed in all of this.
Well, I had dinner with Leopold Hudson
when he was last in town.
He knows Chaney from a dig in Egypt,
which brings me to my theory
as to the identity of our thief.
Have we considered
the King's descendants?
Perhaps a disgruntled heir is
looking to right this wrong?
- Watts.
- Hm?
Take a look at this.
When I was here yesterday
with Mrs. Brackenreid,
this pelt was on display
in the Great Hall.
It appears to have been
rolled up and fashioned
into a sleeping pillow of some sort.
Professors do tend to work long hours.
Uh, is anyone there?
Is it possible there's a draft?
With all of the exterior windows
and doors locked? I think not.
Someone has locked us in.
If someone has broken in,
the constabulary must have been alerted
by the annunciator and
they should be here soon.
That works too.
Henry! Henry, what's all
the smoke coming from?
Sir, I was patrolling the hall,
minding my own business,
touching nothing, sir, as ordered,
when smoke started billowing out
of the sarcophagus, and then
a mummy came to life.
- A mummy came to life?
- Yes, that's what I said!
Henry, it's impossible.
Well, someone was in there!
It's a homemade smoke bomb.
Potassium nitrate and sugar.
It wasn't a mummy that you saw, Henry.
The thief was hiding
inside the sarcophagus.
The vault doesn't appear
to have been breached.
Is that
Yes, it is.
The thief was going
to blow the vault open.
I don't see any sign of him.
Well, at least he
didn't get the ruby, sir.
But we didn't get him, either.
The explosive was made using
a solution called nitrostarch.
It would be more than
enough to crack the seal.
If our man is this insistent on
stealing a ruby of such renown,
he must already have a fence lined up.
- I'll put in some calls to New York City.
- Good point.
I'll have constables look into
known fences here in Toronto.
What happened to your hand?
It's a bruise I got in my
fight with the mummy last night.
Ah, it doesn't look like
any bruise I've seen.
Detective. Constable.
Ah, Miss Hart, could you
take a look at Henry's hand?
I could, but I'm no doctor.
If he were dead, you'd be
able to figure out what it is?
I can't be completely sure,
but it looks like contact dermatitis.
Is it contagious?
Well, to properly help,
I'll need to know what caused it.
Have you been in contact
with anything unusual lately?
We've looked into known
fences in the area.
Nobody fits the bill.
But the Hamilton Constabulary
has questioned one woman
regarding a number of armed robberies.
- Sirs.
- Thank you, Roberts.
Very good. Thank you. (SIGHING)
Little Wolfie Mandelbaum.
Pickpocket extraordinaire,
daughter of Marm Mandelbaum,
notorious New York fence
and bank heist financier.
You know these women?
I've arrested everyone in the
family twice in every borough.
I'd say so, yes.
Uh, the daughter doesn't appear
to have any official
arrests here in Canada.
- Is it possible she's cleaned up her act?
- Not likely.
Let's bring her in.
Wolfie Mandelbaum.
Detective William Murdoch.
All this time apart and this
is how you call after me?
It's been 15 years.
And it's Inspector Choi to you.
We're investigating the attempted
theft of the world's largest ruby,
- the Star of Mandalay.
- Hm.
Sounds like quite the undertaking.
How exactly do I fit into this?
We have reason to believe
that you are involved.
Albert. Really? What is this?
I thought you believed in
the rehabilitative nature
of the New York state prison system.
Can't a person change?
Miss Mandelbaum,
we know that someone of your stature
would, at the very least,
have knowledge of the break-in.
So, if you weren't directly involved,
it would behoove you to help us.
I own and operate a humble fruit market.
I'm afraid I no longer
associate with that sort.
Is that so?
Our constables have done some digging,
and while your record in
Canada may be spotless,
my informant tells me you're running
a crook college of sorts.
Apparently, you are
training and financing
a female crew of pickpockets,
confidence women and con artists.
Mmm, hearsay and slander.
- It'll never hold up in court.
- Wolfie Mandelbaum,
you'll tell us what you know right now,
or I'll sit you in a cell so quickly
you'll pass yourself going.
Nothing comes free in this world.
If I were to tell you
what I've heard, naturally,
- I would need something in return.
- Hm.
What might that be?
I hear there's a gala
occurring at the university.
Everybody who's anybody
will be attending.
Absolutely not.
Ah, don't behave like that.
I'm a pussycat!
Just a sucker for
these kinds of affairs.
Sir, she may be our best chance
at catching the thief. (SIGHING)
Fine. But you won't leave my side.
Now, I don't know for certain,
but I hear tell the
Panther has set up shop
at a warehouse on Richmond, off Spadina.
The Panther? The master thief?
I heard he was dead.
Oh, that's because coppers like
you are meant to think that.
Makes it easier for a body
to move around unfettered.
How can we trust that
you aren't the fence?
A long life in crimes is
measured in small steps,
not spectacular leaps.
The juice simply isn't
worth the squeeze.
Ah, Albert,
you can pick me up for the gala at five.
Try not to be tardy.
I hate to be kept waiting.
It would appear this Panther
fellow has moved on already.
He's been using this space
to practise breaking
into the university.
- After you.
- Hm.
Very good.
Photographs of the university.
Even the vault.
A copy of the schematics
for the annunciator.
Oh! Sir.
A rental agreement for the building?
Take a look at the name of the lessee.
Mr. Chaney. Doctor.
Inspector Albert Choi,
Toronto Constabulary.
- And what is this about?
- Dr. Tremblay?
Perhaps you should come
down to the station house
and explain a few things.
You are working with the Panther.
No, I'm not, I swear.
I only rented the warehouse
and provided the
combination to the vault.
And the schematics?
For the burglar annunciator?
Yes, I provided him with those as well.
- But that's all I did.
- Who is he?
I've never met him. He hasn't
even called on the telephone.
I dealt with him only
to aid and abet a master thief.
- Why? For money?
- No!
I told you I'm not his partner.
Then why?
I'm not some mastermind.
I'm an imposter.
Merely a scientist who
lied about her credentials.
Which credentials?
I never received a PhD from Laval.
In fact, I was never
officially enrolled there.
Did Mr. Chaney not
assess your references?
That's just it.
I did everything required
of a PhD under the guidance
of my mentor, Dr. Simard.
But the university's policies
wouldn't admit me officially.
Dr. Simard lied to Mr.
Chaney for my benefit.
Somehow, the Panther discovered this
and used the information
to blackmail me.
You would have lost your
job at the university.
Not only me.
Dr. Simard would surely
lose his career as well.
After all he's done for me,
I couldn't let that happen.
So you chose to help a master
thief to steal the ruby.
Initially. But I couldn't
go through with it.
I delayed the delivery in
hopes it would scuttle his plan.
It worked.
Even if what you say
is true, Dr. Tremblay,
you only succeeded in
delaying his scheme.
The Panther will not give up so easily.
So, what did you come in
contact with that night?
Ooh, well, ah,
I noticed that the horse statue
looked like it might fall over
and I righted it. Uh,
I found a bit of a smudge on
one of the suits of armour,
so I gave it a bit of a cleaning and
I danced with the bear.
Uh, but the sarcophagus! Uh,
that's where he was hiding.
I had to touch that.
Let's start there.
Uh, police.
Crime scene. Uh, evidence.
- Interesting.
- What is it?
It's impossible to tell.
It's certainly some
sort of ancient grime.
I wouldn't want to touch it.
I'll need to look at
it under a microscope.
But we can't take scrapings
from these antiquities.
Why not? All of this is stolen anyway.
We should have no qualms
about reappropriating
some scrapings in the name of medicine.
They might not like it.
Oh, they won't see a thing.
comely coquette, Cleopatra.
Are the scholars certain
she secreted herself
in a sack to seduce Caesar?
I had constables keep an eye
on Miss Tremblay's mailbox
in case the Panther
tried to connect with her.
No return address.
"It is time for us to meet face to face.
9 p.m., Windsor Hotel, Room 303."
I take it that's the
Panther's signature.
If he's written to her,
then he doesn't know we've arrested her.
- We're one step ahead.
- Perhaps.
You want me to do what?
You'll be taking on the
persona of Dr. Elise Tremblay,
a mineralogist at the
University of Toronto.
- And meeting with the Panther.
- The jewel thief.
- Yes.
- In order to ?
Find out how he intends
to steal the ruby.
Well, why don't you just wait for
him to show up and arrest him then?
We don't have enough evidence
to convict him of anything.
All we have is the real Tremblay's word
and she's never laid eyes on him.
We need to find out what he's
thinking so we can lay a trap.
Do I even look anything like this woman?
The Panther's never actually seen her.
Then why me?
Oh! It's because I'm
a woman, is that it?
We need you because the Panther
is the most brilliant
mastermind thief in the world,
and we need someone to trick
him into revealing his plan.
And you are the only person
that is clever enough to pull it off.
Good answer.
So, gentlemen, I believe
we've found our culprit.
Fungal spores.
- Fungus? Ugh.
- Contagious?
All right. Well, what's the cure?
Hurry up. This rash is killing me.
Well, this fungus is
only found on the corpses
of humanity's vilest souls.
Some believe the supposed
curses of ancient Egypt
are in fact the slowly
developing effects of this fungus,
which infects all who
dare disturb antiquity
with a fate worse than death.
There's no way. That can't be true.
Oh, no. I've read about this, Henry.
Whether or not it is truly a curse,
there is undoubtedly
a fungus found exclusively
in ancient tombs.
It infects first the
blood, then the brain.
Like a parasite, it wipes
out one's consciousness
and turns a man into
a soulless automaton,
groaning in endless pain. (GROANS)
Well, what's funny about that?
Oh, Constable Higgins.
Mix some of this copper
sulfate with soap and water.
You'll be fine in a few days.
- Ha.
- Henry!
Dr. Tremblay. We meet at last.
Mr. Panther.
Oh. I'm surprised at the warm reception.
I am, after all, an unwilling
participant in your endeavour.
I did not realize
I was blackmailing a woman
of such, uh beauty.
Well, I suppose people are
not always who they seem.
Meaning what?
Only that we all contain surprises.
Perhaps we should get down to business.
The gala.
Is it going ahead as planned?
As far as I know, yes.
And the ruby will be put on display?
So you're still planning to steal it?
Of course.
At the gala?
But that's impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
Will the ruby be on display all night
or will it be unveiled
at a specific point
during the proceedings?
They plan to deliver it to
the Great Hall at 7:30 p.m.
after the introductory remarks.
What of it?
What additional measures are in place?
I haven't a clue.
After your last attempt, they're
keeping their plan a secret.
The ruby will be under constant guard.
There'll be a hundred eyes
on the Star of Mandalay
in the Great Hall at every moment.
Well, that won't be a problem.
Why not?
Now, now.
You can tell me your little plan.
Don't leave me out
in the cold like this.
I thought you were an
unwilling participant.
Well, you've fanned the
flames of my darker nature.
Now I'm left to sit
here burning with desire.
I had no idea you were so
- wicked.
- Nor did I.
Didn't know being a part
of a criminal enterprise
could be so thrilling.
Some take to such iniquity with ease.
How does it feel
to take something you
know you shouldn't?
It is a sensation without equal.
Well, then let me take it.
Let me be the one to hold it
and feel it and deliver it
to ecstatic freedom.
- Hm. Naughty, naughty.
- Mm-hmm.
But that is my task and mine alone.
Well, you'll never
succeed with so many people
watching at the unveiling.
It will be in my possession
before it ever makes it to the hall.
Ah, then you plan to
crack the safe, do you?
Oh, that won't be necessary.
That which I desire
will be mine.
Doctor, please.
You can share in its
glory after I've stolen it.
Then our glory will
have to wait as well.
He intends to steal it
while it's in transit.
- From the vault to the gala.
- He all but confirmed as much.
Excellent work.
From the vault to the Great Hall,
this is the most direct route,
along the south corridor and in.
The kitchen gives access
to the south corridor.
He could hide in there and emerge
into the corridor to steal the ruby.
Except that the kitchen
will be in use for the gala.
Ah, yes. Mrs. Brackenreid and
the Ladies' Auxiliary Committee
will be preparing a Scandinavian buffet.
Oh! At their last function,
they had crab legs.
He'll have to use a disguise
as to not arouse suspicion.
A chef or a waiter.
What if we send the Star
of Mandalay the long way,
along the length of the building here
and down the north corridor and in.
That makes the path much longer.
More opportunities to
interrupt its journey.
Yes, but he doesn't
need to know about it.
We'll create a second,
fake ruby procession
that will go along the
original, direct route.
And lure him to steal it.
Allowing us to nab
the Panther red-handed,
without him being
anywhere near the ruby.
Excellent. One good
scheme deserves another.
Scandinavian buffet.
Welcome one and all.
Thanks to your generosity,
in only a few short years,
our world-class establishment
will be open to the public.
This museum will be the
jewel of Canada for decades.
Centuries. And, speaking of jewels,
very soon, you will
be treated to a viewing
of the world's largest
ruby, the Star of Mandalay.
To the Royal Ontario Museum!
(ALL): To the museum.
The guest then refills
his or her plate, ah,
with the delight of his or her choosing.
- I have to serve myself?
- Oh, yes,
but you are permitted to help yourself
as much or little as you like.
And it's all cold?
Well, it's the Swedish tradition.
I've heard of this. There's
a restaurant in New York City.
They call it a smörgåsbord.
- A what?
- A smörgåsbord.
All right. And if anybody sneezes?
- Oh, ah
- Because it is one thing
if it is on your own dinner,
but it is quite another
if it's on everybody else's.
What you need, right, is a
piece of glass all along here.
Indeed. We should do that.
It's quite smart.
Ah. Hm, right.
Chaney has been apprised of the plan.
The decoy will be on the move shortly.
I still haven't seen the Panther.
He'll show himself.
- Excuse me.
Ah, ah, ah.
Oh, my, you have a firm hand, Albert.
What do you think you're doing?
- I'm just having fun.
- Hm. Put it back.
I was just doing it to tease you.
If I wanted to pick someone's pocket,
do you really think I'd let you notice?
- Don't try that again.
- Or what?
It's not gossip, it's the truth!
She does all her own stunts.
I read it in The Sentinel.
Well, as her close and personal friend,
I can tell you that Ruth Newsome
- is a true heroine.
- You know her?
- I do.
- There he is.
Dressed as a waiter, just as we thought.
It appears our trap is going to work.
Let's hope so.
If you'll excuse me.
What are you doing?
How many times have I told you
that you can't leave a
tray for the guests to see?
And you haven't refilled the herring.
The key to a successful smörgåsbord
If he doesn't go for the ruby now,
our entire plan'll be for nought.
- She's
- I've got it.
- Mrs. Brackenreid!
- Wha ?
Apologies, but a guest is inquiring
into obtaining your
services for a luxury cruise.
- Oh!
- Quebec City to the Cape.
Oh, well, Cape Cod! How wonderful.
- When does it depart?
- There's no cruise.
- Oh.
- I'll explain later.
Well, that waiter.
He looks familiar.
It's the uniform. Thoreau warned us
of enterprises that
require a change of clothes.
Conformity crushes the individual.
Let's go.
Just give it to
I've always wondered what
happened to the dinosaurs.
What do you mean?
They were huge, fearsome creatures.
Why did they die out?
Maybe they didn't.
Then where have they been
for the last 60 million years?
Well, there are some in
Alberta, aren't there?
No. No, I don't think there are.
How could you know?
There's no way that people
could have checked everywhere.
I've never even been to Toronto Island.
Well, I've never been
to the moon, either,
but I'm certain there's
no dinosaur bones there.
Well, now you're just being
ridiculous. There's no
He went for it.
Going somewhere?
Well done!
That is a relief indeed.
He refuses to say anything,
but given that we caught
him with the decoy in hand,
I'd say we have a pretty strong case.
More importantly, it's safe
to bring out the real McCoy.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Thank you.
Everything all right?
I don't know.
If you're feeling that
it was all a tad too easy,
I share the sentiment.
Job well done.
Shall we toast?
- Hm. Yes.
- Yes.
Roberts, did you see that man?
- What is it?
- He has the same rash that I have.
How could he have
Oh, my God.
The Panther was in the sarcophagus.
But that would mean
Thank you.
There you have it.
There's no rash on his hands.
- And?
- The Panther was inside of the sarcophagus.
But I just saw a man
in the crowd who has
the same rash that I've got.
So this isn't the Panther, then.
Let's try to find that other man.
What what's this then?
Why aren't you refilling the trays?
We're suddenly unsure whether or not
we have the correct culprit.
Culprit? He's a waiter.
He's (GASPS) No! Are you an actor?
Yes, you are!
- An actor?
- Yes.
Thomas and I saw him onstage last week.
He did a play with John.
Um, Kenneth Sanborne, isn't it?
Oh, you were quite good.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- You're welcome.
So you really are an actor, then?
I thought this was all a performance.
What do you mean a performance?
I was told it was all part
of a show for the crowd.
Entertainment in the
town square, as it were.
- Who told you this?
- Mr. Pantera!
He promised to help my career.
Pantera is Italian for Panther.
He's one step ahead of us again!
- Oh, no.
The ruby's missing.
Sir, we need to lock
all of the doors now.
It may not have left
the building just yet.
But these men need medical attention.
Yes, sir.
Everyone! Attention, attention please!
- What are you doing?
- We need to lock the doors.
The ruby is missing.
Have the waiters lock the doors.
Don't let anyone leave.
Just don't create a scene, please.
We don't know precisely
how much time passed
between when the guards were attacked
and when they were found.
No more than two or three minutes.
But I suppose he could have
been out the door in one.
Possibly, but the ushers
claim no one left the building
in the moments prior to the commotion.
So it may still be in the building.
Certainly a possibility.
- Sir, I found someone!
What's going on now? Who's this?
I believe this is one of the guards.
Guards? Which guard?
The one guarding the ruby.
Then who was taken out to the ambulance?
This isn't the hospital.
This is Station House Number Four.
- And you're under arrest.
- What? How did you know?
It would seem that we were both cursed.
Take him to the cells, Henry.
Oh, but first.
The Star of Mandalay
has a date with the
Royal Ontario Museum.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Star of Mandalay!
Thank you, Inspector.
You have saved the Royal Ontario Museum.
Did the guests really not
notice anything was amiss?
Rumours were swirling that
a heist was narrowly averted.
But it seems to have done
nothing to hinder donations.
- Toronto does love a little scandal.
- Indeed.
- And madam?
- Wha ?
The smörgåsbord was magnificent.
Oh my goodness! (GASPS)
- Good thing my husband's not here.
Harrison Olyphant, the king of thieves.
You not only attempted
the robbery of the century,
you managed to drag two
innocent people into your scheme,
Mr. Sanborne and Dr. Tremblay.
A good thief uses the
tools made available to him.
Those are people you are talking about,
people whose lives you've
irreparably altered.
Are you even a Broadway producer?
Any dope can throw a
dime or an idea at a play
and call himself a
producer. No, I'm a thief.
An aging one at that.
With the advent of your security system,
it felt like the perfect time
to hit one last score
and retire for good.
Well, it's no cabin on the water,
but I do hear wonderful things
about the Kingston
Pen this time of year.
Dr. Tremblay.
Thank you for saving
the ruby, Detective.
I apologize for my part
in this terrible scheme.
I realize you felt as though
you had no other option,
but I can't guarantee you won't
be facing charges on this matter.
I understand.
What will you do now
if your time at the
university does come to an end?
I don't know.
But I think I'll feel
better without any secrets.
Indeed. All the best to you.
- Job well done, sir.
- Yes,
but running back and forth
through the university
has me ready for bed like never before.
- Is something missing?
- My key.
To my room.
Have I misplaced it, or ?
Excuse me.
I told you you wouldn't notice
if I actually wanted to
pick someone's pocket.
You are quite a devil, aren't you?
You got your man, Inspector.
Now it's time for you to get your woman.
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