Ancient Aliens s19e02 Episode Script

The Crop Circle Code

Incredible designs found in
crop fields
all across the world.
You've got these
magnificent works
that span hundreds of feet.
Their origins
often defy explanation.
Scientists have found evidence
that microwave radiation
was present when
the crop circle was formed.
Many believe that these
formations are connected
to visitations
by otherworldly beings.
have reported seeing lights
above a field and then
within five minutes,
there is a crop circle.
But if so,
what is their purpose?
Is it extraterrestrials
trying to communicate with us?
Trying to show us
certain cosmic truths
that they want us to know?
These are messages,
and they're important.
There is a doorway
in the universe
Beyond it
is the promise of truth.
It demands
we question everything
we have ever been taught.
The evidence is all around us.
The future
is right before our eyes.
We are not alone.
We have never been alone.
A mysterious formation emerges
in a field of mustard plants.
The perfectly symmetrical
design is a phenomenon
known as a crop circle.
And it is just one of
many strange patterns
that appear in the English
countryside every year.
Crop circles are
basically, um, features,
illustrations of
high complexity in crops.
They tend to be complicated
designs of unknown origin.
In terms of the patterns
they've been undergoing
this amazing
sort of ramp-up
in sophistication.
You can find these huge
what they call pictographs
that span hundreds of feet
across a whole field,
and feature multiple components.
And they're arranged
with mathematical precision.
Crop circles appear
in more than 50 countries.
And there literally
have been thousands of them.
Maybe over 10,000 crop circles
that we're aware of
in the modern era.
Today, thousands of people
visit these formations,
including researchers who take
measurements of the patterns,
collect stalks and soil samples,
and record aerial images
for further study.
Documentation of these
mysterious impressions
may also include
eyewitness accounts
of strange lights and objects
seen around the same time
a crop circle appears.
Such accounts have been widely
reported since the mid-1960s.
The first modern example
of the discovery
of a crop circle
actually being made
was by George Pedley
in 1966 in Australia.
What George Pedley saw
was an object
rising out of a lagoon.
And then the object he
couldn't tell how they did it
the object actually
made a pattern
in the foliage in the lagoon,
a geometric pattern
from that object.
He finds a circular area where
the grass in the swamp
or the reeds are matted down.
This is reported in
the Australian press,
and they start labeling
these UFO nests,
or flying saucer nests.
While crop circles
have been documented
for more than 60 years,
there is evidence that
these mysterious formations
have been appearing in
farmers' fields for centuries.
A woodcut pamphlet
called "the mowing-devil"
is published that portrays
a devilish figure
creating a circle
in a field of oats.
It refers to
a supposedly true story
of a farmer that saw these
mysterious lights in a field,
and the next morning,
when he went out there,
he found these circular
depressions in his land.
You know,
actually within the crop.
The stalks weren't broken,
but they were folded over.
And people even started
to blame the devil,
what was called
the-the "mowing-devil."
While the mowing-devil
woodcut attributed
the mysterious crop formation
to an evil entity,
200 years later,
English scientist John Capron
applied a scientific analysis
to what he witnessed in 1880,
when he proposed
that a "cyclonic wind"
of unknown origin"
created perfectly circular
patches of flattened crops.
Capron might be the first person
to connect crop circles
to what we today call UAPs
or-or UFOs,
because he's describing
some kind of a whirlwind
that is coming out of the sky
and is having this effect
on the ground.
It's creating what
we call a crop circle.
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that these incidents,
along with modern
crop circle accounts,
provide evidence that
these strange formations
may be connected to visitations
by otherworldly beings.
The eyewitnesses who have
reported seeing crop circles
manifest have described
some extraordinary phenomena.
They describe tubes of light,
swirling beams of light.
Very famously back in the 1990s,
there was, uh, balls of light
flying across a field
that were actually seen
to lay the crops flat.
And within a space of
only a couple of minutes
they were filmed actually
producing one of those designs.
Many researchers suggest
there are now enough reports
of unusual activity
around crop circles to disprove
a highly publicized claim
made over 30 years ago
that all such formations
are man-made.
The Ministry of Defence
in the U.K. started
looking at the crop circle
mystery in
the late '80s
and the early '90s.
And in 1991, two men came
forward and said that they had
been responsible for the entire
crop circle phenomenon.
Doug Bower and Dave Chorley
said we fooled the world.
We've been making
these things for years.
For much of the general public,
Doug and Dave's claim of
creating the mysterious giant
patterns reinforced the belief
that crop circles were a hoax.
Yet the frequent appearance of
crop circles around the world,
and the geometric detail
found in many patterns,
left researchers with numerous
questions about how two men
could possibly be responsible
for the global phenomenon.
Doug and Dave said,
"we have created
"all of these formations
just using planks of wood
and lengths of rope."
But there are
thousands and thousands
of crop formations.
And it cannot possibly
be that two men made them all.
They were in what
I consider to be
the counterintelligence
units that were trying,
uh, to make everybody go away
and not take
crop formations seriously.
In their own admission,
which they said,
"we made the formations
in Hampshire
and we made the formations
in Wiltshire."
Well, there had been
formations in many
parts of England,
let alone 22 other countries.
And on their demonstration
of how they made
their formation,
they were off-kilter.
And for those of us
who have been
in real crop formations,
there's just no comparison.
Let's say that you're tired.
And you make one step
into that crop formation
and it is as if
you've entered into
a completely different
space, energy, frequency.
The way you can tell
that it's a man-made circle is
as you use the boards
to push everything down,
not only are the stalks
sometimes broken,
but they're in
complete disarray.
In one that's not man-made,
you can see that
the stalks are sometimes
braided and intertwined
with each other.
So many formations
had braids, and no creases.
Try as a human
to do that with wheat.
We have 300-plus
eyewitnesses of seeing
an authentic crop circle form.
And they have one
thing in common:
They see the flattening
of the crop happening
in a matter of minutes,
or even seconds, by this
mysterious force or source.
there are light phenomena
and sometimes strange sounds
But it happens in just
a very short time span.
Sometimes, there is a mist
hanging above the field,
the mist is gone,
and there is the formation.
So, the question then arises:
How was that done?
And who did it?
Do these eyewitness
accounts offer
compelling evidence
that extraterrestrials
could be responsible for
the crop circle phenomenon?
If so, what is their purpose?
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that the answers
may be encoded within
the crop circles themselves
And might have critical
implications for mankind.
U.S. billionaire
and philanthropist
Laurance Rockefeller
establishes a grant
to assist with
one of the largest studies
of crop circles in history.
The donation reflects
the growing interest
in the scientific study
of how and why
crop circles are created.
There was a scientist
by the name of w.C. Levengood
who did some very, very
interesting work, uh,
at various sites
in southern England
where crop circles
appeared in the 1990s.
And he found some very
strange things were going on.
For instance, he found
that some of the stalks
were blowing out,
which he felt
was only replicable
by microwave radiation.
Levengood also found traces of
other forms of radiation.
And he even found
that some of the corn
would yield much better growth
if it was actually taken
from a crop circle formation.
Dr. Levengood, he noticed
that inside the crop circle
the growth rate
was five times as fast
than what's going on
outside of that crop circle.
And when he investigated this,
he actually came up
with a technique called
molecular impulse response.
From this study he was able to
do a bit of reverse
engineering, and he created
electrical pulse technology
that is actually used
to accelerate plant growth.
Scientists were astounded
that the radiation research
of crop circles led to new
innovations in plant growth.
Radiation was also
believed to be the source
of so-called "ghost formations"
where the stark impression
of a crop circle
appears long after
the field has been cleared.
There's photographic
evidence of many examples,
where people have turned up
after the farmer has
harvested the crop,
and they can still see
elements of the design
Several people have
come forward to claim
that they actually witnessed
mysterious lights UFOs, UAPs
in the vicinity
of a particular field
and then the next day,
crop circles are actually found.
So, what is the relationship
between these mysterious
globes of light
and ghost formations
revealing this negative
of the crop formation that had
been there the previous year?
For ancient astronaut theorists,
the appearance
of aerial phenomena,
along with the emergence of
ghostly pre-existing patterns,
supports the theory that some
crop circles are not man-made,
but instead could be
an extraterrestrial creation.
And they point
to specific features
in certain formations
that may explain their purpose.
A crop circle bearing the image
of a strange figure
emerges in a wheat field.
At its base is
a disc-shaped object
containing what some believe
to be binary code,
a computer language
consisting of ones and zeros.
It wasn't one of these
breathtaking geometries,
but it was highly mysterious
and here is what happened.
In 2002 comes
this enormous image
of what you would have to call
the typical world's
of a grey Alien being
now holding a disc.
It's binary code
that had to be translated.
The binary code depicted
in the crop formation
was translated as,
"beware the bearers
of false gifts
"and their broken promises.
"Much pain, but still time.
There is good out there.
We oppose deception.
Conduit closing."
There is much happening here
that is profound, is important,
and we better pay attention
because it means
that there is something
that is non-human that
is trying to convince us
that this was the genuine
intelligence behind
the crop formations and that
it was depicting itself
as a grey and transmitting
in binary code.
Could the binary code
depicted in this crop formation
contain an otherworldly message
sent to assist humankind?
Perhaps clues can be found in
another remarkable crop circle,
one that appears
to be responding
to a message from Earth.
Astronomers at Seti,
the search for extraterrestrial
aim the world's largest radio
telescope at a cluster of stars
25,000 light-years from Earth
and transmit a message.
It contains binary-
encoded information
including the numbers
one through ten,
an image of human DNA,
a human figure,
and a graphic
of the solar system,
the position of Earth.
Remarkably, almost 26 years
after the Arecibo transmission,
a crop circle nearly identical
to the Seti binary message
appears in a field in
Hampshire county, England.
The formation that
appeared next to
the chilbolton radio
observatory in 2001
echoed the message sent by Seti,
but it seemed to show
a different system of planets,
suggesting that it's
a different solar system.
The DNA was not double helix
and instead of a human,
we see a humanoid being with a
larger head and a smaller body.
This was clearly a message
and perhaps even a response
to the message
transmitted by Seti.
Could the crop circle that
appeared in Hampshire, England
have been an
extraterrestrial response
to Seti's Arecibo message?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes
and suggest the formations
that appeared in both Hampshire
and Winchester, England
might also provide clues
about how to communicate
with Alien beings.
If these two formations
were made by extraterrestrials,
one possible interpretation
is they were telling us we were
on the right track
with the message beamed
from Arecibo in 1974,
that binary code and mathematics
more generally is
the language of the cosmos.
And that's how to
communicate with them.
Researchers suggest
that while the formations
that included binary code
appeared to be attempts
by otherworldly beings to
communicate with humans
Other crop circles contain
much more complex messages
and instructions.
And they believe that
further clues can be found
by examining a curious formation
in Wiltshire, England
that contains
a depiction of a wormhole.
Wiltshire, England.
July 13, 2011.
A crop formation featuring
two connected spirals
appears on
a prehistoric earthwork
known as windmill hill.
The same day, another formation
with a circular design
appears 20 miles
directly to the south,
at the ancient Megalithic
site of Stonehenge.
Intrigued by the appearance
of two crop circles
on the same day,
and in the same area,
at two historic sites,
researcher Jerry Kroth
studies them
to see if any other
similarities are apparent.
So, I see these two formations.
They occur on the same day
and I said how far are they?
20 miles apart.
I said, well, maybe put
those things together,
and I said, "oh, my God.
There's a 3D element here."
If you look at a neutron star,
it looks like the crop circle
with magnetic fields as those
swirling things
and the stars in the middle.
So, I thought maybe
that's a neutron star.
Do you know how wide
a neutron star is? 38 miles.
Like how could a star
be 38 miles in diameter?
Because it's so dense.
And neutron stars
sometimes collide.
They collide and sometimes
when they collide,
they make a magnetar,
which is a star
that's 18 miles wide.
So, those two circles
come together
and make this little tiny dot
and I said,
"is this talking about
a neutron star collision
and a magnetar being born?"
A magnetar produces
a magnetic field
that is 100 million
times stronger
than any man-made magnet
and causes distortions
in both space and time.
Because of this effect,
some scientists believe
the study of magnetars
could help us to develop craft
that can bend space-time
and travel faster
than the speed of light.
But could this have
been what was depicted
by separate crop circles
that appeared on the same day
in Wiltshire, England?
There are only around ten
magnetars in the Milky Way.
They're extremely rare,
the most magnetic objects
in the universe,
so I thought, "well,
nice theory, Jerry.
No way to prove it."
Could the spiral crop circles
represent the creation
of a magnetar?
Within 24 hours
of the mysterious
patterns' discovery,
Jerry Kroth's theory
would be played out in
a real-time astronomical event.
July 14th,
an astronomer in Madrid
and an astronomer in Sicily
say a magnetar
has just appeared.
Now, when they appear,
they shoot pulses
at like 700 revolutions
a minute.
Really, really fast.
And I wrote to them. Is
Could anyone have
seen it July 13th?
They said no.
A magnetar appears on July 14th
and is studied by every
astronomer in the world
and they're going nuts
about it and they're seeing
these spectral lines and pulses
and it goes on for six months.
But on July 13th,
there are two crop circles
doing this 24 hours before
and that's when I was
convinced this was a magnetar.
Is it possible that
created the two crop circles
in Wiltshire
to forecast the imminent
appearance of a magnetar?
And if so, what could
the purpose be?
Perhaps further clues
can be found
by examining another
crop circle formation
that many believe represents one
of Albert Einstein's theories.
On the 26th of July 2022,
a remarkable crop formation
appeared in tawsmead copse.
And this consisted
of three overlapping
series of concentric circles.
Some researchers
have interpreted this
as a two-dimensional form
of a Einstein-Rosen bridge.
In 1935, physicists
Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen
theorized that
with enough energy,
space could be bent in order
to connect two separate points
through what they called
an "Einstein-Rosen bridge."
This connection, it is believed,
could make it possible
to quickly travel to even
the most remote stars
in the universe.
When molecular biologist
and crop circle researcher
Dr. Horace Drew saw
the tawsmead copse crop circle
in 2022,
he remarked that the design
"clearly shows the image
of a space-time wormhole."
It seems very apparent
that crop circles are messages.
They're coded messages for us.
When we look at
that crop circle,
what Dr. Horace Drew
proposed is that
it has what appears to be
a tube or a portal that
links the vortices points
and also the bending
of space-time.
If you look
at a theoretical model
of an Einstein-Rosen bridge,
what is commonly
called a wormhole,
you see this formation
and how it looks,
you have to wonder,
are they extraterrestrials
telling us how they got here?
Is it possible
that astronomical events
and geometric patterns
displayed in crop circles
could be pointing humankind
towards future technologies?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes
and suggest some formations may
be telling us how to communicate
with extraterrestrials.
An intricate formation
of concentric circles,
featuring a number
of smaller semicircles
appears in a field of wheat.
While the design
may appear random,
some researchers believe
it contains a message
that can be both seen and heard.
Because it is a perfect match
for what is known
as a cymatic pattern.
When we talk about
cymatic patterns,
we're talking about
a frequency that will create
an image that
has a complexity to it.
So, specific frequencies
relate to specific patterns.
The origins of cymatics
among human civilizations
can be traced back more than
ten centuries to west Africa.
There, tribal rituals
involved sprinkling
grains of sand
on the surface of drums.
Striking the drums
created specific audio tones,
causing the sand to be instantly
shaped into distinct formations.
From the resulting formations
on the drum's surface,
tribal elders believed
it was possible
to predict future events.
With cymatics,
you have these patterns that
are a visualization really
of-of sound and vibration.
And physicists tell us that
the entire universe
comes down to vibration
and sound patterns,
and these patterns
that can be visualized.
In 1787, German physicist
and musician
Ernst Chladni offered
a breakthrough on the subject
when he published discoveries
in the theory of sound.
In the writing, Chladni
revealed that specific tones
consistently create
the same visual pattern.
By applying sound vibrations
to metal plates covered in sand,
he identified the images
produced by various frequencies.
When we look at
so many crop circles,
they're consistent with what
we see in research on cymatics.
We find the same shapes that
are created on Chladni plates.
We find the same shapes
that are created
in sound experiments.
So, there's a very key
that is to be made here.
Quite a few crop circles
are very similar
to the cymatic patterns,
again demonstrating
that there's a deep geometric
harmony at play,
something that appeals
directly to us.
But why would cymatic patterns
appear in crop circles?
Could extraterrestrials
be using audio frequencies
as a method of communication?
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest further clues
can be found by
examining the teachings
found in ancient
Hindu religious texts
known as Vedas.
The word "veda" means
knowledge in Sanskrit.
There is this close
association with
a special type of wisdom
or knowledge
that is transmitted
through the Vedas.
Now, originally the Vedas
were revealed by the Gods
to a certain class
of spiritual elect.
And they contain, again,
these primordial sounds
that are associated
with the creation
of the universe
and its proper functioning.
In the vedic texts,
it is said that the Gods
gave humankind a visual
guide to sacred sounds
in the form of elaborate
patterns called "mandalas."
Like Chladni's experiments,
the mandalas translate sound
into visual patterns,
but for a profound
and otherworldly purpose.
In Hinduism, mandalas
are considered to be
visual translations
of primordial sounds.
And these are the sounds
that gave rise
to the universe, and to
the very nature of reality.
And they are divine,
they were uttered cosmically
by supernatural beings, by Gods.
The Vedas tell us that the Gods
taught humans how to chant.
How to pray and to sing
in order to communicate
with the Gods.
The most powerful Hindu
mantra is the sound "aum,"
which is visually represented
by a simple circle
with a dot in the middle:
The fundamental element
of a mandala.
Incredibly, when
the "aum" frequency
is applied to a Chladni plate,
the exact same pattern emerges.
Higher-toned frequencies result
in more complex arrangements
that also identically match
the ancient mandala symbols.
Is it conceivable
that the writers
of the ancient vedic texts
were given advanced knowledge
on how sound frequencies
can be converted
into visual patterns?
Some of the crop circle designs
are very clearly
reflections of sound.
Is it therefore possible
that what we're looking at
is sound signatures and that
this is telling us in some way
that sound is
an important means of
communication with
such higher intelligences?
Many cultures around the world
believe it is possible
to commune with a higher realm
through ritualistic chanting,
singing and prayer.
Like mandalas,
could crop circles
contain an otherworldly
message for humanity,
one that is based
on sacred sounds?
I certainly think that
crop circles are messages by
other beings who are trying
to make contact with us,
or at least letting
us know they're there.
And the entire basis
of the universe
is vibration,
and sound is vibration.
When we talk about
different ways
with which to communicate
with different civilizations,
scientists have proposed
that can be achieved
with sound frequencies.
What they're doing is putting
sound and vibration
into a communication device
of some sort,
but exactly what they're
trying to communicate
to us is the big question.
Might extraterrestrials
be trying to communicate
with humans through
the visual representation
of certain sound frequencies?
And could these images
have a subconscious effect
on those who witness them?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,
and speculate that humans
could already
be in the process of responding
to these otherworldly signals
Without even knowing it.
When Doug Bower and Dave Chorley
came forward in 1991
to admit that they had
been making crop circles
throughout England,
they were labeled as hoaxers.
But today,
creating designs in crops
has become an artform practiced
by people all over the world.
Being an artist,
this seemed to sort of
resonate that you could go out
and you could make an artwork
in a field, um, anonymously.
I'd spend all night
making one of these things,
and then in the morning,
it appears on the Internet.
And from that,
it sort of gathers power.
But while artists have
become increasingly proficient
at making crop circles,
many of them say
they still see formations
that defy explanation,
and believe they
are carrying on the work
started by
extraterrestrial beings.
With some of these
man-made crop circles
the perpetrators will say
that they were inspired
to create these crop circles.
And they think
that extraterrestrials
are somehow contacting them
and influencing them
to go out and create these.
I've been making circles
for over two decades
mainly in and around Wiltshire,
but I'm not a skeptic.
We've had some pretty
interesting experiences
when we've been out
making circles
that are inexplicable.
You have experiences
which would lead you
to think that you're being
shown things, such as
flashes of light, or more
extraordinary events
in the night sky.
The strangest one,
we were leaving a field
and there was a great big
white burst of light,
enough to light
the whole area we were in
up for maybe a second.
And exactly where I was looking
a big orange ball
of light emanated from nothing
to a circular formation.
And then blinked out.
There's a rich
tradition with circle makers
of us seeing strange lights.
What I will say is
that the first person
I personally know
who made one, Doug Bower,
made it on the back
of an existing phenomenon.
So, the circles existed long
before human circle making.
Some circle-makers not
only report being compelled
to create crop formations,
but also claim to experience
other mental anomalies.
Monique klinkenbergh
of the crop circle information
and research centre
has personally experienced
what are known as "time slips."
We have people
losing track of time.
It also happened to me once.
It's very strange and, uh,
you are just blown away.
I was in a car driving
towards an appointment,
regarding crop circles.
And I remember
thinking, "oh, my God,
I'm too late,
I'm not gonna make it in time."
The next thing I knew,
I was on this parking lot.
And I was very much in time.
There is a theory
that something out there
is interacting
with our thoughts,
so basically you can
request or wish
for a formation to happen
and we did experiments with it
and we have many, many reports
of people thinking or discussing
a certain thing and then
it was manifested in the field.
Similar to
the cymatic experiences
of ancient tribes in Africa,
and the mandalas of Hinduism,
is it possible
that otherworldly beings
are communicating with,
and influencing humankind,
through the creation
of crop circles?
I've heard reports from some
of the circle makers
that they've created
a whole crop circle,
and they've gone back
to check it out the next day
and extra elements
have even been added to it
that none of them did.
And so you have this
strange kind of connection, uh,
like a human connection
between the mysterious forces
that may have made
the original ones
and the humans who
are making them today.
Could there be
a connection between
circle-makers and
an extraterrestrial force?
And is there
direct communication,
on a subconscious level,
that is guiding
the designs and execution
of these elaborate formations?
One of the things
was the makers would have
visionary experiences
like when they were going out
in the fields
and they would change
their plans in the moment.
And sometimes,
they would even turn up
at a crop circle location
where they planned to make one
and something had already
been created there
before they got there.
Are the crop circle makers,
the people who create
many of the formations,
are they themselves inspired
to create what they do?
I think the answer is yes.
Could it be that the most
shocking revelation
regarding the crop circle
is that even formations known
to be man-made contain
an extraterrestrial message?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,
and point to recent disclosures
involving UFOs
and the U.S. government.
Near an old British
Royal Air Force base
in the small Hamlet
of temple balsall,
an intricate crop circle
featuring an eight-
and 16-pointed star
around a central sun,
alongside pyramids
and oval-shaped "helmets."
Curiously, as researchers
attempt to investigate
the formation, they are
prevented from doing so
by the authorities,
leading many to question why.
A lot of people can't help but
wonder whether the government
and the military were as
curious as everyone else.
There has been some
British government
interest and activity on this.
Questions were formally asked
in the British parliament
about this.
What I do know for a fact,
that I've once been
contacted by someone
who said he was from the MI6
and he wanted to speak to me.
But I had to come on my own,
and it had to be under
the chatham house rule.
That's meaning you have to
keep all the information inside.
And that's the opposite
of what I want.
I wanted transparency,
so I declined.
But it makes you think,
why should a government
want to talk to me
about crop circles?
I just don't know.
Many of the crop circles
in England are happening
near the Salisbury plain,
which is a big military area.
So, that is curious in itself.
The high concentration
of crop circles
is very close
to a military base.
It's very conceivable that in
fact it's the British government
that is involved in making
the man-made crop circles
as a way to return the messages
that are coming from the stars.
For more than 60 years,
crop circles have made
headlines around the world.
And during that time,
the United States, England,
and other governments
have either ignored it
or dismissed crop circles
as nothing more
than elaborate hoaxes.
But like with
the U.S. government's leaked
investigation into
uap activity in 2017,
could a similar disclosure
concerning crop circles
be on the horizon?
With crop circles,
there has been always
this indication of
UFO or uap activity.
People are seeing lights,
they're seeing perhaps
flying saucers and other things
flying around in this area.
And perhaps with disclosure,
we'll eventually
be told and we'll find an answer
of why all these
crop circles are occurring.
What I think we're seeing
in the crop circles
is a calling card.
It's a message from a higher
intelligence that's asking us
to crack the code.
And as we crack the code,
we're gonna undoubtedly develop
new technologies and new
abilities to communicate.
Not just between ourselves,
but also with
these higher intelligences.
Is it possible that
many of the crop circles
found around the world
contain important messages
left by
extraterrestrial visitors?
Are they attempting
to communicate
critical warnings
about the future,
profound truths
about the cosmos,
and the keys to incredible
new technologies?
Perhaps as more
formations are deciphered,
we will continue to move
closer to a reconnection
with our Alien ancestors.
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