Ancient Aliens s19e10 Episode Script

The Giants of Malta

Enormous megalithic structures
of mysterious origins.
There are huge walls,
gigantic limestone blocks.
They've been there
for thousands of years.
A vast underground complex
This is a remarkable structure,
hewn from solid rocks.
containing the remains
of what some believe
to be otherworldly beings.
We find this enormous collection
of elongated skulls.
Are we dealing
with extraterrestrials?
Could the ancient mysteries
that exist
on the Mediterranean
islands of Malta
be connected to local legends
of alien visitation
and giant hybrid beings?
This right here
is a smoking gun.
We have to accept the fact
that there were teachers
from the sky.
There is a doorway
in the universe.
Beyond it is
the promise of truth.
It demands
we question everything
we have ever been taught.
The evidence is all around us.
The future is
right before our eyes.
We are not alone.
We have never been alone.
In the center
of the Mediterranean Sea,
between Italy and Africa,
lies a three-island archipelago
that makes up
the Republic of Malta.
Malta is this really small
island nation
just south of Sicily.
And it's so small, it's only 122
square miles in its entirety.
But because it's dead center
of the Mediterranean Sea,
Malta really packs
a punch historically.
Malta has been
a strategic outpost
for many of the most powerful
cultures in the world,
from the Phoenicians
to the Romans
and even the British Empire.
But what makes Malta
one of the most
unique locations on Earth
are its massive stone ruins,
whose origins could date back
thousands of years
before any known civilization
ever set foot on her shores.
It was assumed that Malta
was a long-lost Greek colony
from the Mycenaean period.
And this goes from,
you know, maybe 800 BC
to sometime before 1200 BC.
However, because
of radiocarbon dating
in the mid-20th century,
we discovered that Malta
is actually one of the oldest
megalithic sites in the world.
Mainstream archaeologists
now know
that Malta's oldest
megalithic structures
were built at least
5,600 years ago.
But little is known about who
these ancient builders were
and how long
their culture existed.
One of the most
pressing questions about
the megalithic builders is,
what happened to these amazing,
super smart guys
who built all this stuff?
Because the last known
evidence of them being there
is about 3,000 years ago.
They were there one minute,
archaeologically speaking,
and gone the next.
While the world's
first known human civilization,
the Sumerians,
is said to have emerged
in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC,
some researchers believe
the ancient inhabitants of Malta
lived on
the Mediterranean islands
thousands of years earlier.
As evidence, they point
to mysterious carvings
found throughout the area
called cart ruts.
Something that Malta is very
well known for archaeologically,
besides the megalithic temples,
are the cart ruts.
These are ruts literally
in the limestone rock.
The traditional view
is that they were
eroded into the rock
literally by carts
being pulled over the soft rock.
We have cart ruts
that go into
the Mediterranean Sea.
And then they also
come out on the other side.
How is this possible?
Some of the cart ruts
that extend from dry land
down into the sea
have reportedly been found
at depths of as much
as 140 feet.
This presents a critical clue
as to just how long ago
they must have been created.
I suspect that some of these
cart ruts are really ancient.
And when I say really ancient,
that is going back
to before the end
of the last ice age,
approximately 12,000 years ago.
The Ice Age ended,
we know, by incredible warming,
incredible rises in sea level.
So if some of these cart ruts go
back to an early enough period,
what looks like
it's going into the water,
that would have been dry land
when sea levels were much lower.
If you propose the idea
that 12,000 years ago,
which is a fact, the worldwide
water levels were lower,
then all of a sudden
these cart ruts that go
into the Mediterranean Sea
make sense.
The last time that area
was free of water
and when also Malta
was connected to Sicily
and to Italy with a land bridge,
that was 12,000 years ago.
So the fact that
these cart ruts exist
to me illustrates
that an advanced civilization
must have existed at that time.
Could the cart ruts
provide evidence
that civilization existed
on the islands of Malta
as much as 12,000 years ago?
Until recently,
mainstream scholars
would have considered such
a notion to be impossible.
But then, in 1994,
archaeologists discovered
the ruins of Göbekli Tepe
in Southeast Turkey.
It is
the first archaeological site
in the world that proves its age
dating as far back
as 12,000 years,
around 10,000 BC.
The discovery
and the official acceptance
of Göbekli Tepe's dating
has changed the history
of archaeology.
Göbekli Tepe is a series
of kind of oval-shaped
stone circles that have
T-shaped pillars as the stones
with two central pillars
in the center.
The thing is, many of these
stones are over 20 feet tall.
They're huge,
they're serious monoliths,
and this was the era
of hunter-gatherers.
So who could have done it?
We really don't know.
I've studied Göbekli Tepe
in great detail.
The Malta temples,
by conventional dating,
go back maybe 6,000 years ago.
But I wonder,
and this is based on
my own work and analysis,
if the origins of
the Malta temples
may go back
to a much earlier period, also.
We have to be open
to the possibility that whoever
built the structures on Malta
were not in fact human beings,
but were perhaps
a separate race.
And their existence
and even their origins
is completely shrouded
in mystery.
Could it be that the incredible
megalithic structures on Malta
are as much as 12,000 years old?
If so, who created them?
Perhaps further clues
can be found
by closely examining
the island's mysterious temples
and the local traditions
about a giant being
who came from the stars.
The Republic of Malta.
Situated across the island
nation's 122 square miles
sit the remains of
seven megalithic sites.
These include the two temples
of Ggantija,
Hagar Qim and Mnajdra,
Ta' Hagrat
and Skorba.
These marvels of ancient
were all built with the same
type of Maltese limestone,
which was extracted
from local quarries.
The fact that they
were moving around
these multi-ton blocks,
building these temples
and actually,
when you look at them,
moving the blocks within very,
very narrow confines.
Okay, it's one thing
to move a block
out in the open
that's multi-ton,
but to then
place it systematically
and very carefully
next to another one,
next to another one,
next to another one
to form these beautiful
temple structures,
that's a real engineering feat.
While there are some
researchers who believe
that Malta's megalithic temples
could be as much
as 12,000 years old,
mainstream scholars
believe they were created
no earlier than 3600 BC,
during what is known as
the Neolithic Age.
And they also theorize
that the massive structures
were built by a human culture
that used only
primitive stone tools.
Archaeology suggests
at the time,
we barely invented the wheel.
We barely had tools.
There was no known language,
and we had no writing.
Well, let's step back for
a moment and think about this.
From an evolutionary and
technology, uh, perspective,
that makes no sense
because you begin with simple,
you continue bigger, bigger,
and then biggest.
But you start small.
What we have in the case
of the Maltese structures
is that the biggest
are the oldest.
So, that makes zero sense
from a logical perspective
because there was no
evolution in technology.
The archaeologists,
they agree with this.
To construct similar temple
after similar temple,
um, with the same material
without evidence of writing,
shows a high degree
of communication.
And we find terracotta models,
in fact, of temples.
And archaeologists have
suggested perhaps
that this is an early
architect's rendering.
This is more evidence
of the high level
of thought and ability
that went into
the construction
of these temples.
No written records
have ever been discovered
to explain who built
the megalithic temples in Malta.
However, local traditions
of the Maltese people
have offered
a stunning possibility.
They claim that
the massive structures
were built by a race
of giant beings
who came to Earth
from the stars.
There is a story
that a meteorite came down
from the heavens and
turned into a goddess, a giant,
named Sansuna.
And the locals, of course,
were terrified of this giant.
But at a place called Ggantija,
she started building a temple
and moved stones much larger
than any human
could ever move and assembled
this structure
that was so massive,
it remains to this day,
still a place of mystery,
still a giant's construction.
When you see these
Cyclopean stones,
some of them weighing
as much as 50 tons,
you can appreciate why
we have the story
of this giantess Sansuna.
The local legends of Sansuna
may sound incredible to some.
However, in the 17th century,
a Maltese nobleman named
Gian Francesco Abela claimed
to have found forensic evidence
that these legends may
have been based in fact.
In the early 1600s,
Gian Francesco Abela
was living
on the island of Malta,
and he actually wrote about
the fact that giants
were involved
in the construction
of these sites.
One of the reasons
he wrote this is because
he said he found bones,
skulls and even giant teeth
all across the island,
and there were other reports of
them coming forth at this time.
In order to investigate
the local legends connecting
giant extraterrestrial beings
to the massive structures
on Malta,
in 2022, ancient astronaut
theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos
traveled to Malta's oldest
megalithic structures,
the temples of Ggantija
on the island of Gozo.
There, he met with
Frans Van Avendonk
I'm Giorgio.
Pleasure to meet you.
an expert
in Maltese history
who has lived on the island
since 1991.
Look at this. I mean
- Gigantic.
- It is gigantic.
Ggantija means
the giant goddess,
and it makes sense why.
Because right now,
I feel like an ant.
We are so small, and especially
when you're right next to it.
- It's very impressive.
- Truly.
And, uh, in my opinion,
still a massive question mark.
There are still questions
here now, definitely.
What can you tell us
about the dating?
Well, when it was excavated,
because we don't
talk about discovery,
-it was always visible,
people thought it was
a Phoenician temple.
- Okay.
- Much later, they realized
it must have been prehistoric.
So it was put in
the 2000s before Christ.
Then it moves back to the 3000s.
Now we're saying 3600 at least.
Technology has improved,
different ways
of looking at things,
so therefore
they're getting older.
They were built much earlier
than we thought before.
When viewed from above,
the two adjacent temples
of Ggantija
are designed with large apses
resembling a cloverleaf.
Each housed an altar,
and artifacts
suggest a wooden roof
covered the entire temple.
Many of the stone blocks
stand 20 feet tall,
and some weigh
in excess of 50 tons.
Is it possible that we've lost
some type of masonry knowledge?
Because you could create it
using smaller stones.
Clearly, this required planning.
- It required logistics.
- Yes.
In my opinion, master builders
were at work here,
and mainstream archaeologists
are suggesting
that whoever built this
did not have any writing.
Well, not only would
it require writing,
but you have to have
- And leadership.
- Exactly.
With the evidence of how old
or when it was built,
- who built it and how it was built
- Mm-hmm.
might be there,
but we haven't found it yet.
I can imagine that people
saw this and thought
this must have been
the work of a giant.
Throughout the Mediterranean,
you see an association
with giants
constructing megaliths.
For instance,
in Mycenaean Greece,
there is a structure
called the Lion's Gate.
Aristotle mentioned that
this construction style
was called Cyclopean masonry
because of the large stones.
The ancient Greeks
figured that only
a giant called Cyclops could
have had the strength
to move these.
Well, the same sort
of Cyclopean masonry
is present in
the Maltese temples as well.
These stories of giants
have been an integral part
of our entire human history
since the beginning of time.
So, is it possible
that the reason why
we have these stories
of these giants
is because at one point
they actually existed?
And the answer to that is yes.
Could it be possible
that the temples at Ggantija
were built by gigantic,
otherworldly beings
who inhabited the islands
of Malta thousands of years ago?
To search for further clues,
Giorgio will next visit
one of Malta's most mysterious
megalithic complexes,
where he is joined
by his longtime
friend and mentor,
Erich Von Däniken.
The island of Malta, 2022.
While investigating
local legends
that a race of giant
extraterrestrial beings
once inhabited this area
more than 5,000 years ago
We're here.
- We're here again.
- We made it.
Giorgio Tsoukalos meets
with his longtime friend
Erich Von Däniken,
author of the 1968
international bestseller
Chariots of the Gods,
which established
the foundation for
the ancient astronaut theory.
They have arranged to visit
one of the most mysterious
sites on the island,
called Hagar Qim,
which archaeologists believe
might be Malta's second
oldest megalithic structure,
built shortly after Ggantija.
Hagar Qim is a Maltese
temple complex
that has multiple
temples on it as well.
The oldest one
in the northern temple
dates to the mid-fourth
millennium BC.
You see colossal, huge stones,
huge walls and doorways,
and it's clear
that it's very, very old.
It's something that would
be almost indestructible,
and in fact,
it's been there
for thousands of years.
Located near Malta's
southern shores,
the temples of Hagar Qim
are believed by mainstream
to have been constructed by
the same primitive culture
who created the temples
of Ggantija
on the neighboring island
of Gozo.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
- How are you?
- Pleasure.
- Fine, thank you.
Erich Von Däniken.
Joining Giorgio once again,
is local historian
Frans Van Avendonk.
Incredible. Look at this, guys.
And so what are we
talking about here?
- How tall is it?
- About six meters.
Wow. So that's
about 17, 18 feet?
Yeah, something like that.
Maybe it was even bigger
because of erosion.
It could have been a bit higher,
- and surely had a roof.
- Mm-hmm.
I mean, just incredible.
Now, whether it was
a stone roof or a wooden roof,
there is still discussion
about it, but it was covered.
And the whole wall must have
reached at least this height.
And the whole temple is
orientated astronomically?
Yes. So the sunrise
on the winter solstice,
you'd be here at the back,
you would see the sun coming up
- over the horizon through the entrance.
- Mm-hmm.
And if you are patient and
you stay here till the evening,
you'll see over there
another temple
which will have
a light phenomena
during the sunset
on the same day.
It's all oriented,
so it had to do something
with the stars,
with the universe. Definitely.
This must have been a very
important building for them,
and that's why they put so much
effort in creating the building.
Mainstream historians
continue to debate
what purpose the temples at
Hagar Qim might have served,
but a recent discovery
has led some to suggest
that the site
has an otherworldly connection.
And this is known
as the oracle room.
And the room
has something special.
Look at the oval inside.
There is a very strong magnetic
field inside that oval.
It's believed that women
went in there
and they would have
certain experiences,
hear sounds, see flashes.
It was contact with the gods.
The so-called "oracle chamber"
is believed to have been used
thousands of years ago
as a place where worshippers
with their goddesses.
And it is here
that a statue was discovered
which is believed to represent
one of those deities.
In this room,
behind the partition,
they found a number of statues.
Among them,
the famous Venus of Malta,
which is a statue
of the goddess.
Mainstream researchers believe
the Venus of Malta
is approximately 5,000 years old
and was used
in fertility rituals.
But ancient astronaut theorists
suggest it served
an even more profound purpose,
and it depicts
an otherworldly being.
As evidence, they point
to similar effigies
of Sansuna, the giant goddess
who was said to have built
the temple of Ggantija.
Sansuna was this
huge person, a giant,
and she was carrying
a half-human, half-giant,
uh, child of hers.
So she's a giant
like the extraterrestrials,
but she's mating with a human.
We also have the same story
found in other areas as well.
Curiously, similar accounts
of giant beings
mating with humans can be
found in the traditions
of ancient civilizations
all around the world,
including those of Mesoamerica,
and even in scriptures
contained in the Holy Bible.
There are tales of giants
in all corners of the Earth.
Various monumental structures
have been attributed to giants.
But we have scriptures
that there were giants
among men.
In the Bible, these giants
are called the Nephilim.
We first meet the Nephilim
in the book of Genesis,
chapter six, and where it
tells us that
the sons of God came upon
the daughters of men
and that they beget
these giant children
called the Nephilim.
Is it possible that Malta
was once home
to a race of
extraterrestrial giants,
as ancient tradition suggest?
Perhaps further evidence
can be found
by examining another of Malta's
engineering masterpieces,
one that doesn't tower
above ground, but tunnels
deep beneath it.
The island of Malta. 1902.
While constructing
a new housing development
in the town of Paola,
a team of laborers makes
a perplexing discovery.
They uncover the entrance
to a massive underground
cavern system
that has been ingeniously
carved out of the bedrock.
The accidental discovery
is considered by many
to be the greatest engineering
feat of the entire Neolithic Age
and comes to be known as
the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni.
Archaeologists realized
that this was a huge
underground network
of chambers and corridors.
You enter down into it
and there are a series
of three different levels.
All of them are interconnected.
The three levels of the Hypogeum
descend more than 30 feet
below ground.
The connecting chambers,
halls and passageways
cover more
than 5,000 square feet.
This is a remarkable structure,
particularly when
you bear in mind
they didn't have metal tools,
but it's-it's subterranean.
Hewn from solid rocks somehow,
and it's just mind-boggling.
Based on pottery sample analysis
and examination
of human remains,
mainstream archaeologists
have dated
the Hypogeum to around 3700 BC,
and believe it was made
by the same people
who built Malta's
aboveground structures.
However, ancient astronaut
theorists suggest
that just like with
the megalithic temples,
there is evidence
that the Hypogeum
could be more than
12,000 years old.
There was this bull fresco
that was painted in black.
It was actually recorded
and written about
by various archaeologists
up into the 1970s and '80s.
It has been noted
that this bull fresco
resembles Paleolithic cave art
that goes back to 15,000,
20,000 years
in places such as Spain
and other European countries.
And this particular design,
which was made of black
manganese oxide,
which we know
was used in Paleolithic times,
was actually cleaned away
and rubbed out, if you like,
by just one of the workers
there in the 1980s.
So, these sites
could be much older
than what the archaeologists
are telling us.
For reasons of preservation,
access to the Hypogeum
is currently restricted
by the Maltese government.
So to learn more about
the subterranean structure,
Giorgio Tsuokalos
and Erich Von Däniken
travel to Malta's National
Museum of Archaeology.
Good to see you again.
How are you? Okay.
There, they are once again,
joined by local historian
Frans Van Avendonk
to examine a miniature
scale model of the structure.
Has anybody, uh, figured out
why any of these
chambers existed
and was there chambers
that existed earlier,
or did all
of this happen at once?
It started with a cave,
and on top of that cave,
a surface temple was built.
And then they started
expanding the cave
slowly, slowly downwards
and also horizontally.
And they developed
a maze of-of chambers
and of different sizes
and different functions.
Look at this. You have
a spiral staircase going down.
And I remember being
there in the late '80s,
and if you stood back there
and you whispered
and you had another person
over here,
they could hear you perfectly.
So the acoustics
in there are amazing.
Yes, there are
very special acoustics.
Voices of a certain timbre
are heard magnified,
but others, they are not audible
in-inside other parts
of the underground structure.
Why they did it like that,
we can't explain.
In February 2014,
archaeoacoustics researcher
Linda Eneix assembled a team
of audio, geology and
archaeology experts
to test the acoustic properties
of the Hypogeum oracle room.
Archaeoacoustics is a
multidisciplinary study
to explore what was going on
with sound in ancient places
and how people were using it.
I was very familiar
with Malta's Hypogeum
and the sound effects that were
quite peculiar in that place.
And when I learned
about archaeoacoustics,
it sort of lit a fire.
What Linda
and her team discovered
while examining
the Hypogeum was sensational.
The oracle chamber resonates
at several frequencies
that are very close
to 110 hertz.
The number, uh, 110 hertz can be
identified clearly with a note,
with A on the musical scale
at a lower octave
within the baritone range.
In 2013, Dr. Ian Cook,
the associate director
of the UCLA Laboratory of Brain,
Behavior, and Pharmacology,
conducted an experiment
to determine if the 110 hertz
sound frequency
has any effect
on the human brain.
His tests were
on a group of volunteers.
At 110 hertz,
he found something happened.
There was a shift
in brain activity.
That frequency will deaden
certain brain patterns
and bring alive others.
And there is a sense
of connection
with the otherworldly.
So it would seem
that whoever created
the Hypogeum did this
with the specific
reason of whoever went in there
could attain communion
with the gods themself.
Is it possible that
the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni
functioned as a place
where humans could interact
with otherworldly beings
thousands of years ago?
And was this subterranean
structure connected to Malta's
ancient legends of giants
that came down from the stars?
Perhaps further clues
can be found
by examining
an incredible discovery
that was made deep
within the Hypogeum:
thousands of elongated skulls.
Five years after the discovery
of the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni,
archaeologists excavating
the subterranean chambers
begin to uncover human remains.
In total, they find
an estimated 7,000 skeletons,
and reportedly,
a great many of them
have skulls that are
noticeably elongated.
It was found
that some of the skulls
were actually elongated.
They were almost like
the head going backwards
rather than upwards.
Does that represent the fact
that they were doing
head binding,
and they were pressed into shape
when these people were babies?
Head binding, also known as
artificial cranial deformation,
has been a practice of numerous
primitive cultures
around the world,
dating from prehistoric times
all the way
into the 20th century.
It involves tightly wrapping
the heads of infants
before their skulls
fully harden,
resulting in an elongated shape.
and anthropologists
agree that this was done
because of worshipping
some type of deity.
A deity with an elongated skull?
That's interesting.
Where did they get
this inspiration from?
So, I am suggesting
that our ancestors
were visited by beings,
flesh and blood beings,
that had actual elongated skulls
and that that was their
natural appearance.
Our ancestors wanted
to imitate their gods.
And so they did
artificial head binding
so that the skull would grow
in this elongated fashion.
And this happened on
all continents around the world,
including Europe
and on the island of Malta.
Who could these elongated
skulls have belonged to?
Are they the result
of head binding?
Or could they
have belonged to beings
who are of otherworldly origin?
Today, only a handful
of the elongated skulls
that were discovered
in the Hypogeum still exist.
They now belong to Malta's
National Museum of Archaeology,
where Giorgio and Erich
have been examining
the model of the Hypogeum.
Although the skulls
have been temporarily removed
for scientific study,
Erich and Giorgio
are given rare access
to a custom piece
of the museum's collection.
We previously had,
um, an exhibit
of the original skulls,
- but at the moment it's being studied.
- Mm-hmm.
But these are a perfect replica,
- that you can handle and examine.
- Wow. Wow. Wow.
The museum replica
is modeled after
one of the actual
elongated skulls
Giorgio had the opportunity
to examine in person
on a previous trip
to Malta in 2014.
Something is wrong here.
- Something is definitely wrong here.
- Exactly.
- Look at this. You're missing the sagittal suture.
- The fontanelle.
The sagittal suture
connects to the sides
and roof of the cranium.
This suture is open
when a person is born
and closes around the age of 35.
So I actually brought a picture
of what a human sagittal suture
would look like,
which would go across here,
and it is missing.
This is not, in our opinion,
the result of artificial
head binding.
- No, no, no, no.
- But this is authentic. It's real.
So the ones that do not
have the sutures,
in my opinion,
could be the extraterrestrials.
The conclusion is so easy.
The facts are facts
that these skulls are not human.
Do the skulls represent
a genetic trait
possibly linked with giants
with the local population,
and the genetic alterations
then occurred?
And so we're looking at possibly
almost like a different type of
human existing in ancient Malta.
Could the few elongated skulls
that have survived from
the excavation of the Hypogeum
provide a clear link
to extraterrestrial beings
that may have once
inhabited Malta?
For Giorgio Tsoukalos
and Erich Von Däniken,
there is one site on the islands
that may tell the story
of Malta's otherworldly past
better than any other:
the megalithic temple
Of Mnajdra.
For more than 5,000 years,
Malta's megalithic temples
and incredible
underground structures
have stood as testament
to a once great culture,
of whom very little is known.
And some researchers believe
that this civilization
existed on the islands
thousands of years earlier
than mainstream
archaeologists suggest.
To further investigate
this intriguing theory,
Giorgio Tsoukalos
and Erich Von Däniken,
along with local historian
Frans Van Avendonk,
have traveled to another
one of Malta's
most mysterious ancient sites:
the temple of Mnajdra.
So what are we looking at here,
with this corridor here?
It is believed this
is one of the oldest
solar, uh, calendars
in the world.
We find that that stone
at the winter solstice,
the right edge is lit up.
Alternatively, this is
the summer solstice stone.
So at sunrise,
light will fall through
the entrance and touch
upon this stone.
Now, if you look at it today,
the alignments
are maybe different
than it was in the past,
in the very, very far past.
But the oldest culture,
roughly 4,000 or 5,000,
according to archaeology?
According to archaeology,
this is around
3,300 before modern era.
But then we have
another solution,
which one of your local
Dr. Micallef came forward, too.
Right. And Micallef calculated
that with one of these stones,
for it to line up correctly,
it would have to correspond
to a date of 10,200 BC.
In his 1992 paper,
Mnajdra: A Calendar in Stone,
Maltese land surveyor
and cartographer Paul Micallef
proposed that based
on celestial alignments,
the temple of Mnajdra
appears to have been built
far earlier than mainstream
archaeologists claim.
We know for a fact that the tilt
of the Earth has changed,
but with modern-day
computer technology,
we can sort of rewind
the night sky
to the time as it was back then.
And he determined
that was 10,200 BC,
when the light
on both the winter
and the summer solstice
would actually line up exactly
on both ends of that slab.
So clearly we have another
connection to the stars,
a celestial bridge, so to speak.
And, you know, Frans said
this is the oldest
- part of the temple.
- It is.
Which means far back,
maybe 5,000 years or more,
these people
were watching the stars.
They were looking for something.
They were hoping for something.
Maybe they were waiting
for the return of the gods.
The old question remains:
which gods?
While excavations
of ancient sites
continue throughout Malta,
many scholars agree
that the archaeological wonders
found both above ground
and below
provide an unparalleled glimpse
into the planet's
earliest human societies.
And as far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,
Malta holds the secrets
of a profound past
that we have only begun
to uncover.
When you put
all the pieces together
of what we see
in these temples on Malta,
the engineering knowledge
that was required,
the astronomical knowledge
that's encoded within them,
and you realize you're dealing
with a primitive time,
someone had to have brought it
from somewhere.
Who were these beings?
If we can ultimately answer
this question,
it's going to lead to
a revelation of perhaps
some of the greatest mysteries
of all of human history.
Is it possible that Malta
was once home to giant beings
who were part human
and part extraterrestrial?
And might the most
extraordinary evidence of all
lie hidden in some ancient
underground chamber
still waiting to be discovered?
Perhaps the latest
excavations on Malta
will lead to
the profound revelation
that the island's
megalithic temples
serve not as monuments
to the gods
but to our alien origins.
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