Ancient Aliens s19e12 Episode Script

The Top Ten Mysterious Devices

A sophisticated device
for tracking the stars
recovered from
a 2,000-year-old shipwreck.
A mysterious energy source
that powered ancient Egypt.
And a magical ring used
to summon otherworldly beings.
For more than a decade, Ancient
Aliens has traveled the globe
and investigated
extraordinary ancient technology
found on every continent.
Now, we're examining
the Top Ten Mysterious Devices
that just may hold the proof
that Earth has been visited
by extraterrestrials.
People ask me all the time
for proof that
extraterrestrial beings
visited Earth
thousands of years ago.
While we have countless stories
and depictions of visitations,
we also have evidence
of mysterious devices
that just may have
been alien technology.
One compelling example is
a symbol of ancient Egypt
that was said to represent
a powerful energy source.
Number ten on our countdown
of the Top Ten Mysterious
Devices: The Djed Pillar.
Abydos, Egypt.
300 miles south of
the Giza plateau stands
the Temple of Seti the First.
This monument is
more than 3,000 years old,
and is elaborately decorated
with curious images,
including one that is
of particular interest
to ancient astronaut theorists.
It is a stone relief
that depicts the god Osiris
holding an object that is
known as the "djed pillar."
The djed pillar resembles a column,
and it's meant
to represent stability.
Carrying the djed pillar
was to keep you stable,
and to protect you from chaos.
The symbol of
the djed pillar, uh,
was very common in
ancient Egyptian architecture.
It is the symbol
of stability for a king.
But scholars are actually
not completely
in agreement about
what the djed pillar
actually is a symbol of.
Depictions of djed pillars
can be found
throughout ancient Egypt.
But some researchers believe
the djed pillar
was more than
just an important symbol.
They suggest
it actually represents
a powerful technological device.
What is curious about
the djed pillar
is its resemblance
to a Tesla coil,
or an electrical conductor.
The djed pillar looks very much
like an electrical device.
Researchers now believe
that the ancient Egyptians
apparently had electricity.
And so, therefore,
it may be, then,
that these djed pillars,
which people would
carry around as amulets
and things like that,
were actual electrical devices.
If you look at the carvings
and pictures that were painted
inside some of these
ancient tombs and temples,
there's no evidence that torches
were used in the process.
So, we're left to wonder just
how these areas were lit.
So, there's
a good possibility that, uh,
that electricity was being
used by the ancient Egyptians.
Is it possible
that ancient Egyptians
were able to harness
the power of electricity?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes, and as evidence,
they point to another
remarkable carving in Egypt.
In Dendera,
inside the Hathor Temple
in a subterranean crypt
underneath the temple,
there is a carving
that looks like a light bulb,
and there's a cable
at the bottom that
culminates in a box.
And the actual bulb
rests on a djed pillar.
And a djed pillar
is always referred to as
something to do with
significant power.
And so, in my opinion,
the ancient Egyptians
witnessed advanced technology
that they then
misinterpreted as magic,
and therefore, the djed pillar
were actual
technological components
that our ancestors
clearly witnessed after
the visit of the flesh and blood
Ancient carvings of djed pillars
are easy to find
throughout Egypt.
But not every device
on our countdown
can be seen by the public.
In fact, some seem to have
been deliberately hidden.
Number nine: The Dropa Stones.
The Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains.
Qinghai Province, China.
In 1936,
archaeologist Dr. Chi Pu Tai was
exploring a cave
in this remote area
when he made
a peculiar discovery.
He reported finding
multiple ancient graves,
and among them were
hundreds of strange stone discs.
There's a fascinating story
in China
where, allegedly,
a cave was found
with hundreds of discs.
And these discs were
about this wide.
And it seemed that they had
some type of a groove in them
reminding of modern-day
vinyl records.
And what's interesting
is that, allegedly,
some of these grooves contained
really tiny types of writing.
And when archaeologists
finally deciphered
or translated this writing,
it told this incredible story
of extraterrestrial beings
called the Dropas.
Those hieroglyphs told
about the crash landing,
in this remote mountain area,
of some people that flew
through the universe
and came upon the third planet
of our solar system.
after the initial research,
the discs, known today
as the Dropa stones,
were removed from public view.
But mysteriously, in 1974,
photographs surfaced
of what were alleged to be
two Dropa stones
on display at the Banpo Museum
in Xi'An City, China.
In 1994, a colleague of mine,
Hartwig Hausdorf,
and his colleague Peter Crusa,
went to China
to ask the whereabouts
of these stone discs.
I got to speak with
the present curator
of the museum.
I showed him the photographs
that were taken
20 years ago in his museum,
and he told me
the two stone discs
that were on display,
they have disappeared
without any trace.
I think the moment
an archaeological artifact
is hidden,
there's something there.
So, the fact
that they used to be on display
and now you can't
find them anymore,
leads me to think
that part of that story is true.
And I think
it had something to do
with an extraterrestrial craft.
Is it possible
that the Dropa stones are
a record of extraterrestrial
visitation in the distant past?
Whenever I am researching
ancient legends,
one word always piques
my interest, and that's "magic."
Because, more often than not,
myths about magical objects are
describing what I believe could
be misunderstood technology.
Like the next item on our list
of the Top Ten
Mysterious Devices.
At number eight:
Pachacuti's Mirror.
Cuzco, Peru.
In the 15th century,
this ancient city
was home to perhaps the most
influential Incan leader
Pachacuti rose to prominence
after he defeated
an invading army
by using a mysterious mirror
that had magical powers.
Pachacuti decided to stay behind
and die defending the city.
Just before the battle,
he's walking out in
his territory by a lake,
trying to figure out what to do
to try to get some inspiration.
And just at that moment,
a mirrored disc fell
from the sky, and it dropped
into the lake.
And he wades in
and he pulls it out.
In the reflection of this
mirror was a young Indian boy.
But he wasn't just any
kind of boy.
He had snake arms,
and he had a puma face.
And he had these rays
coming off of his head.
And he tells Pachacuti,
"You are going to be
a great ruler someday."
Aided by this mysterious object,
Pachacuti grew his small kingdom
into a vast empire
that spanned more than
2,500 miles.
Pachacuti always keeps
that disc with him.
And the myth is that he would
always look to that disc
to ask them how he was going
to defeat his enemies or expand
the empire, and that the disc
was giving him this magical
information and inspiration
that created the Inca Empire.
With this magic mirror,
Pachacuti had special powers.
Supposedly he could communicate
with the gods
through this disc
and presumably even
receive instructions
from the gods on
how to expand his empire.
Pachacuti's mirror
is depicted in Incan art
and statues to this day.
Historians have been
unable to determine
just what the mysterious disc
was that Pachacuti possessed.
But ancient astronaut
theorists believe
it was a device
that came from another world.
You have to wonder, was it some
kind of extraterrestrial
object that Pachacuti
was now carrying around
with him that allowed
him to communicate
with these extraterrestrial
gods that were guiding him?
Every now and then,
an artifact is discovered
that completely defies
conventional explanation.
That's exactly what
happened when scientists
set out to study
this next object.
They were so astonished
by what they saw
that they declared
it simply should not exist.
Number seven
on our list of the Top Ten
Mysterious Devices:
The Mitchell-Hedges Skull.
Mysterious Devices:
The Mitchell-Hedges Skull.
Lubaantun, Belize.
Here, in the jungles
of the Yucatán Peninsula,
lie the ruins of
an ancient Mayan city.
In 1924, explorer
Frederick Albert Mitchell-Hedges
and his daughter Anna discovered
a human-sized skull
made of clear crystal.
The anatomically perfect object
has a detachable jaw,
weighs 11 pounds, seven ounces,
and is carved out of
a single piece of quartz.
was told by the Mayans
that his skull
was over 3,600 years old.
This is fascinating because
this would predate
Mayan civilization.
According to the legend,
crystal skulls are containers
of great knowledge,
great wisdom, information.
And are said to have been left
behind by the earliest ancestors
way back in the mists of time.
When Mitchell-Hedges
passed away in 1959,
the skull was bestowed
to his daughter Anna.
She guarded the skull
for more than a decade
before allowing it
to be studied.
It was studied by a guy named
Frank Dorland, and what he found
was that the skull was
completely baffling to him.
He would come down at night
to find the room
completely glowing,
and the crystal skull was
literally lighting up,
like it was a light.
People would hear strange sounds
in the room with no explanation
but that it was
coming from the skull.
And so when you look
at all that,
you've just got to conclude
at some point that there
is something unusual going on.
This skull has been
subjected to a number of
detailed scientific analyses.
In all of those occasions,
what was found was that it was
almost impossible for
a human being to make this.
Why did they say that?
Because it was
milled or worked in a way
that went counterclockwise
to the creation of the crystal.
Crystal grows in
a certain direction.
And if you don't
mill or work the crystal in
that particular direction,
it'll shatter.
So, how was it done?
One of the scientists
that examined the skull
actually said,
"This skull
shouldn't even exist."
And that is really what led
to the idea that perhaps
these crystal skulls
were not made by humans at all.
If you look
at the Mayan civilization,
their entire mythology is based
on extraterrestrial
encounters in the past.
Mitchell-Hedges was told by
the locals that their ancestors
gave that skull to them.
My question is,
who were those ancestors,
and is their origin out there?
And the answer to that, in
my opinion, is a resounding yes.
Next on our list of
mysterious devices is a group
of objects so sacred,
they have been kept hidden from
public view
for hundreds of years.
Number six:
The Royal Regalia of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan. May 1, 2019.
Hundreds of dignitaries from
around the world have descended
upon the Imperial Palace
for a historic occasion.
In an elaborate series
of rituals, crown prince
Hironomiya Naruhito,
ascends the Chrysanthemum Throne
and becomes the 126th
emperor of the island nation.
As part of the ceremony,
Naruhito is presented with
several boxes that are filled
with treasures so secret,
they've never been seen
in public.
They contain
Japan's royal regalia.
The imperial regalia of Japan
was composed of a sword,
of a mirror and a jewel
that was utilized
by all the Japanese emperors,
and exists to this day.
According to tradition,
the divine mirror
is a symbol of wisdom.
The sword represents valor,
or courage.
And the third one is
the curved jewel,
or curved bead,
which represents benevolence.
Now, these three sacred
imperial regalia of Japan
have never been shown to anyone
outside of the imperial lineage,
with the exception, of course,
of high-ranking Shinto priests.
The imperial regalia
can be traced back
to Japan's first emperor Jimmu,
who ruled
almost 2,700 years ago.
Emperor Jimmu was born
in 771 BCE,
according to tradition.
And he was a descendant
the great, great grandson
of Amaterasu, the sun goddess.
All emperors
in the history of Japan have
claimed descent
from Emperor Jimmu
and indirectly, then,
from Amaterasu as well.
The most interesting part
of the story is that Jimmu
is a descendant of Amaterasu,
this celestial being.
And for nearly
2,000 years after that,
all who ruled Japan
claimed the same lineage.
So the imperial family
of Japan, allegedly,
is a direct descendant
of celestial beings
that visited Japan
in ancient times.
It is said that Jimmu
received the three
pieces of regalia from
the sun goddess Amaterasu
before uniting the islands
of Japan under his rule.
Ancient astronaut theorists
these artifacts might be
extraterrestrial technology.
Jimmu got a celestial mirror
with which the emperor could
see anything that they desired.
Well, what does that mean,
a magical mirror?
If you don't have
the terminology for it,
isn't a computer screen
a magical mirror with
which you can see everything?
See, the point is
that our ancestors didn't have
the terminology for
these objects, but they used
the terminology that they had
with which they could best
describe what they saw
or had in their possession.
I think that there are
sacred objects
in Japan, in Tokyo's
Imperial Palace,
that were directly given
by the celestial beings
to humans.
We're coming up on the halfway
mark in our countdown of the Top
Ten Mysterious Devices, and this
next one is truly extraordinary.
According to the accounts
of the ancient Greeks,
thousands of years ago,
there was a giant robot
built by a god.
At number five: Talos.
At number five: Talos.
Crete, the most populous
of the Greek islands.
It is home to more
than 600,000 people.
And according
to Greek mythology,
it has been a place of great
significance since antiquity,
when it was
protected by an enormous
bronze guardian called Talos.
The legend of Talos
is quite fascinating,
for not only was he a giant,
some 30 meters tall,
but he appears to
have been made of bronze
for the purpose of
protecting the island of Crete.
It was said that he would
go around the island
three times a day,
and that if anybody tried
to attack the island,
he had, like, this fiery breath
that he would shoot out
and destroy any ships
or individuals.
So, what was Talos?
Mainstream scholars
consider Talos
to be a creation of fiction,
but some researchers point out
that the descriptions of how
this bronze humanoid functioned
are eerily reminiscent
of modern technology.
Talos had, effectively,
an Achilles heel,
and that is he had a vein
that ran from his neck down to
his ankle, and it had one nail
that, if that nail was removed,
he would be switched off.
And sure enough, a sorceress
convinced him that if she could
remove that nail,
then he would have immortality.
And when she removed it,
he bled to death.
In the Argonautica,
Talos "bled to death" by
releasing this black liquid.
And one could argue that if this
thing was a mechanical device,
then perhaps the synthetic oil
or the hydraulic fuel
seeped out, and thus
rendered the machine inoperable.
As we look at it today,
that is very clearly
a description of a robot,
maybe even an artificially
intelligent being,
leading to this idea that
some extraterrestrial engineer
or robotics developer created
this extraordinary being.
According to Greek mythology,
the engineer who created
Talos was a god named
Hephaestus, who lived among
humans on the island of Lemnos.
Hephaestus was the Greek god
of smithcraft,
alchemy and technology.
He was most known for creating
the first human Pandora
but also for developing
magical weapons, the flying
chariot of Helios,
the breastplate of Athena,
the thunderbolts of Zeus.
Hephaestus was a blacksmith god,
and when we meet him late in
the story of the Iliad,
the goddess Thetis has come
to him and asked him to make
some armor for her son Achilles,
because he's about
to go back into battle.
And when she comes to
see him in his workshop,
what she discovers is that a lot
of the work is being done by
automated machines
that Hephaestus has created
tripods which can
move around themselves,
bellows and pincers and
things doing their own work.
The suggestion here is
that these are
fully thinking, fully automated
artificial intelligences,
as it were.
The basic premise of
the ancient astronaut theory
is that the Greek
pantheon of gods existed
in real life,
made of physical beings.
So, one has to wonder,
was Hephaestus one of
the extraterrestrials, or
did he receive the engineering
knowledge with which
to build these
synthetic creatures
by the extraterrestrials?
Could it be that Talos
was a highly advanced machine
developed by extraterrestrials?
For ancient astronaut theorists,
it is a distinct possibility,
and one that becomes even
more compelling when considering
the fact that similar
stories of humanlike machines
can be found in other ancient
cultures around the world
like the Jewish tale
of a clay figure called
the Golem, that could be
brought to life
by inserting a spell
into its mouth
descriptions of
"spirit movement machines"
in the ancient
Sanskrit texts of India,
and the Chinese story
of a humanoid robot
being presented to
King Mu 3,000 years ago.
There are stories
from many cultures,
from all over the planet, of
people who have either created
other humans, or machines
that were very much like humans.
When we look at
the story of Talos,
and we match him up to
other figures in human history,
the common denominator,
the thread running through all
their stories is that there
was a technology transfer.
Beings came from elsewhere,
brought this technology
to Earth, and taught humans
to utilize it.
As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,
the story of Talos provides
strong evidence
that our ancestors were
in possession of
extraterrestrial technology.
And they say an even more
powerful technology can be found
in an ancient story involving
the biblical King Solomon
and a device
given to him by an angel.
On Ancient Aliens, we have
investigated many accounts of
technology being given to
humans by the so-called "gods."
One powerful object
was described as being
able to actually summon
otherworldly beings.
Number four
on our countdown of the Top
Ten Mysterious Devices:
King Solomon's Ring.
In the tenth century BC,
this city was ruled by one of
the ancient world's most
famous leaders: King Solomon.
According to the ancient
Israelite accounts, King Solomon
was tasked by Almighty God with
building a spectacular temple
one that could
not be built by man alone.
Solomon prays to God, and
instantly the Archangel Michael
as if out of thin air.
And Michael says that he's going
to give Solomon a power that has
never before been seen on
Earth and never again shall be.
And he produces for him a golden
ring with a signet seal.
There are different descriptions
of what Solomon's
magical ring looked like.
One description of the ring
talks about it
as the seal of Solomon.
What we think of today
as the Star of David,
as the two
intersecting triangles.
Another story around
the ring is that the ring
contained four special stones,
and each of these stones
had a type of power.
And it is said that this ring
had the name of God
engraved upon it in
a very secret and cryptic way.
The ring was representative
of the authority
from beyond this world.
The wielder of that ring
would be able to compel
any and all
who recognized that source
of extraterrestrial power
to do whatever he wished.
According to the Talmud,
King Solomon used the ring to
control a group of otherworldly
beings known as demons.
Today in modern times
we tend to think of demons as
something related to the devil,
something satanic.
But the way that demons
were looked at
in the time of Solomon,
based on the literature,
is very different.
Demons in the ancient world
were a different kind of being.
They were mischievous.
Sometimes they were
industrious, but they weren't
necessarily evil.
It is said that with this ring
Solomon entrapped these demons
and used them to
help him build the temple.
Solomon, like any other
human being,
would not have had
access to this power.
The only way Solomon could have
had a ring like this is,
it was given to him
from an extraterrestrial source.
King Solomon's ring
is a compelling example
of extraterrestrials
providing our ancestors
with advanced technology.
But, curiously,
he was also given a device
that was described as
"a magic worm."
And that brings us
to number three
on our countdown:
The Shamir.
The Temple Mount, Jerusalem.
It was here that
King Solomon constructed
a temple to house
the holiest of Jewish relics.
Today, nothing of
the temple remains.
But according to mystical Hebrew
texts, when it was constructed
in the tenth century BC, it
wasn't built with human hands.
God commanded Solomon
to build a temple.
But the laws of the Torah
required that the building
of the temple
did not use any kind
of hammer or chisel
to cut and grind stone.
Solomon was in need
of a higher technology
in order to build his temple.
He knew that he had
to contact Ashmodai,
the king of the demons,
who had this technology.
Using the power of his ring,
King Solomon compelled Ashmodai
to give him a device that would
help him build the temple.
A mysterious object
called a Shamir.
Now, the Shamir is
described in traditional
literature as this
little worm that you put
on the stone and
it would cut it precisely.
The Shamir was barely bigger
than the size of a barleycorn,
which is about
a third of an inch.
Solomon was in complete control
of this worm and obeyed each
and every one of its commands.
To ancient astronaut theorists,
the Shamir is yet another
example of
misunderstood technology.
The Shamir was a "worm"
that could cut and drill
through even the hardest
of stones rather with ease.
What if the Shamir was some
type of laser-cutting device?
Ancient man did not
understand things like
lasers or a high-energy beam.
To them, the idea
that it was a magical worm
cutting the stone is
a very interesting description.
What if this was actually
extraterrestrials somehow
getting involved and
using advanced technology
getting involved and
using advanced technology
to assist in the building?
Many of the devices
featured on our countdown
have been lost to time.
Which is why the discovery
of our next object
is so fascinating.
When it was examined,
archaeologists called it
"an ancient Greek computer."
Number two:
The Antikythera Mechanism.
Number two:
The Antikythera Mechanism.
The Aegean Sea. April 1900.
Off the coast of the small
Greek island of Antikythera,
divers discover the remains
of a 2,000-year-old shipwreck.
Inside, they find
something extraordinary
a bronze box containing the
workings of a complex device.
The Antikythera device is
what looks to be
a complex machine
of gears, cranks and levers.
That's the best way
to describe what it is.
If you were to look at it,
it looks like a box.
Wooden on the outside,
with a crank.
And what the crank
would have done was moved
a series of levers and
gears around on the inside.
So it was a really
amazing device.
Archaeologists dated
this contraption
to the second century BC
but were unable
to determine what it was
or what purpose it served.
That is, until 1959,
when physicist
Derek John de Solla Price
published an article
in the journal
Scientific American
that made an astonishing claim.
He described
the Antikythera mechanism
as "an ancient Greek computer."
He realized that
it was a sophisticated
computer that could dial
up astronomical configurations.
And at the time
the American scientists
were so shocked at how
advanced this device was.
And they actually said
that discovering
the Antikythera device
was like finding a jet plane
in the tomb of King Tut.
To operate the device, a user
would enter information into
the mechanism using the complex
system of gears and levers,
and turn the crank to determine
specific astronomical positions.
What we can tell from
the inscriptions on it
and what we can tell
from the way the device works
is that it was a very
mathematically sophisticated
machine for showing,
even predicting,
where the stars, the Sun,
the planets and the Moon were
all going to be on a particular
date that you were looking for.
Really, for several thousand
years ago, this is a remarkably
Promethean invention, to put
together this machine in order
to give the user of the box, in
a sense, a vision of the future.
It was so amazing to them.
They had never, ever conceived
that the ancient Greeks,
at 200 BC,
would have had the knowledge
of mechanical devices like this.
That's completely changed
the way we perceive
ancient history.
Archaeologists have still
not determined
who built
the Antikythera mechanism.
But some researchers believe
its origins might
actually predate ancient Greece.
There's widespread speculation
as to who made this.
Some people pinpoint towards
the Greeks because obviously
it was found
off the coast of Greece.
But other people highlighted
the possibility that actually
we need to go further back in
time, back to ancient Babylon.
And so it might actually be
that the Greeks are just one in
a longer tradition of people
who were building these devices.
Could the Antikythera device be
proof that the ancient Greeks
had technology far in advance of
the times in which they lived?
And if so, where did
this knowledge come from?
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest the advanced mechanism
is yet another example of
extraterrestrial visitation.
Clearly our ancestors
understood that knowledge
of the cosmos,
knowledge of our solar system
was linked with the gods.
Our ancestors
actually told us that there
were entities, gods,
which actually informed us
about astronomy,
about our solar system.
And so there
are two possibilities when
it comes to
the Antikythera device.
One is that
our ancestors incorporated
the knowledge of the gods
into creating this device.
Or that this device
is a piece of technology
given to us by the gods.
There is only one device
left on our countdown,
and you will not want
to miss it.
Because as far as I'm concerned,
it provides undeniable
evidence that our ancestors
had access to
extraterrestrial technology.
We've finally reached
the end of our countdown
of the Top Ten
Mysterious Devices,
and for me this one
always gives me goose bumps.
It is a wooden box that could
part rivers, destroy armies,
and communicate
with otherworldly beings.
Our number one alien device:
The Ark of the Covenant.
Mount Sinai, Egypt.
According to the Book of
Exodus in the Hebrew Bible,
it was here that Moses was
instructed by God to build one
of the most important artifacts
in Judeo-Christian tradition.
The Ark of the Covenant.
According to the Bible,
it's a wooden box,
made of acacia wood,
that is overlaid in gold.
And then it has a cover,
a top, and on that cover are two
cherubim, and they're humanlike
figures that have wings.
God commands Moses to build this
chest, in which the original
Ten Commandments was to
be placed, and the presence
of God would then be seen.
Sounds very simple,
but yet there were properties
to the Ark that made it far more
than just a symbolic
of something religious.
Biblical accounts of the Ark
portray it as possessing
mysterious powers
that aided the Israelites
during their journey
to the Promised Land.
Parting rivers,
leveling mountains,
and destroying armies.
The most important thing
about trying to understand
how the Ark
of the Covenant functioned
is the fact that specific
instructions were given by God
to Moses about how
it was to be manufactured.
The exact size.
How it is to
be raised off the ground,
how it is to be carried.
And this tells us
almost certainly
that we are dealing
with technology.
Is it possible
that the baffling powers
ascribed to the Ark provide
evidence that it contained
highly advanced and perhaps
extraterrestrial technology?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes
and suggest clues can
be found in rabbinical texts
that describe
how the high priest
would interact with the Ark.
We know that the only one
who could approach
the Ark was
the high priest of Israel.
The high priest was
required by biblical law
to wear a special type
of a breastplate
which had special types
of gemstones on it,
and through the recitation
of certain holy names,
the stones upon the breastplate
would start to move,
vibrate and light up.
And this is the way that some
type of actual
communication was made
between the high priest
and whatever power
was connected to,
connecting with,
through the Ark.
The Ark of the Covenant is
one of the greatest pieces
in the ancient astronaut theory
because there was an actual
physical object
that had a connection to
the so-called celestial realm.
So, I mean,
the Ark of the Covenant
is one of the most enduring
ancient mysteries of all time.
According to religious texts,
the Ark of the Covenant
was placed inside
Solomon's Temple.
And then it simply vanished.
But ancient astronaut theorists
believe that if the Ark is
ever found, it will have
a profound effect on humanity.
The Ark might actually be
the proof that we have
been seeking
throughout human history
of contact with
the greater universe and world.
Indeed, if we could have
the Ark and operate it
and make contact,
who would we be talking to?
What would we be opening up?
The discovery of the Ark
of the Covenant would force
even the biggest skeptics
to reconsider
the accepted history
of this planet.
And as far as I'm concerned,
each of the devices on
our countdown deserves to be
investigated with an open mind,
and could offer potential
proof of alien visitation
in the remote past.
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