American Dad s19e18 Episode Script
Oh Brothel, Where Art Thou?
Garbage day!
Stan, you gotta come
check out this new truck!
- Nope.
- These things are top of the line.
Absolutely brutalize the bins.
Yeah, get some! What's this?
- Small group of people outside
So, the neighbors have finally noticed
our new solid gold lawn orb. About time.
they're over at Greg's house
- What?
- Stan, could you scoot over?
Oh, I'll scoot over.
I'll scoot all the way
over to Greg's house
to see what the great big deal is.
Move it, geek! Comin' through!
"This house has been designated
a historic place of note
by the Langley Falls
Historical Society."
It turns out James K. Polk
once spent the night here,
and a few of us are
extremely mildly impressed.
- Stan, may I tie your robe for you?
A notable house for a notable man.
I mean, Greg is a prominent
member of the community,
not some anonymous,
regular-degular nobody like you or me.
Anyhoo, better get back.
I left Ma all alone at the house.
Allie! Help!
Damn! I thought I locked her in.
Good morning, USA ♪
I got a feeling that it's
gonna be a wonderful day ♪
The sun in the sky has
a smile on his face ♪
And he's shining a salute
to the American race ♪
Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪
Good morning, USA ♪
Good morning, USA ♪
Oh, Jeff, you wouldn't know
anything about a $200 charge
from Right Angler Bait and Tackle,
would you?
No! I mean, what? Uh, weird.
Must've been cybercriminals.
Pockets, mister.
Damn it, Hayley, I'm a grown man!
And how am I supposed to
make my Super Mega Worm World
in the backyard without these?
- What's in the box?
- Okay,
as we all know,
I was no angel in my younger days,
back before I cleaned up my act.
So there I am today,
hiding under an overpass
about to carjack this deaf nun,
when what do I find?
A delivery truck I'd stolen years
ago and totally forgotten about!
So, what's in the box?
No idea. But there's 132 of 'em,
so hopefully something I can sell.
Gold? Dildos? Golden dildos?
The 1987 edition of the
Encyclopedia Britannica?
Oh, not to worry, though.
Because with a positive
attitude and a little patience,
I can sell anything!
Francine, do you want
to buy 132 encyclopedias?
- No.
- Damn. How about you, Stan?
Stan? Stan!
I agree! We do need a plaque of our own!
Ah, there is one golden dildo in here.
Franny? Hayley?
Francine, would you describe us
as a "notable Langley family?"
Family? I've always considered us
more like a group of roommates
that are related to each other.
And no,
we're not all that notable either.
- That's about to change.
[IN MONOTONE] Glen Hanover,
Langley Falls Historical Society.
Glen-dog! Come on in, brah.
What can I snag ya?
White Claw? Absinthe?
Some [SNIFFS] party favors?
What's your pleasure?
- I'm actually
- Hungry? I can do ya a smashburger.
You said on the phone that
several Founding Fathers
are known to have stayed in this house?
If you say so.
Which Founding Fathers, exactly?
Oh, all the big ones, George Washington,
Johnny Appleseed,
and a whole lot of Benjamin Franklins.
- I can't take this briefcase.
- All right, let's cut the crap.
What'll it take for us
to get our plaque?
Mr. Smith, I'm afraid
only merit will suffice.
- You can have one night with my wife.
- What?
Thank you for your interest
in the Historical Society.
Please accept this Historic Langley
coffee table book as a parting gift.
Two nights. Two nights with my wife!
And a Historic Langley
coffee table book?
Three days and not sell one 'pedia.
Rogu, there's no shortcuts
to making an honest sale.
All I have to do is
remember my three P's.
With "positivity" and "patience,"
anything is "possible."
Well, I haven't gotten inside a single
door and I've been shot six times,
but that first sale is
just around the corner.
Where'd you get that?
Don't play with that thing!
Family portrait's just a bit askew.
- Aah!
Hmm. Just comes right
through to the living room.
Stan! What the hell are you doing?
Look! Right here in the book
my buddy Glen-dog gave me.
The "Silken Saltbox
Parlor & Comfort House"?
Super famous brothel back in the 1870s!
Look familiar?
- No.
- Not really.
Yeah, I've never met
this house before, Mr. S.
Sure you have. That's our house!
Turns out our house has been
a historic landmark all along!
All we need now is some evidence.
Stan, stop!
Why are you so obsessed with this
idea of being "notable," Dad?
Is there some formative trauma
in your past we don't know about?
No. Actually, wait. Let me think.
These society types may not have
ever paid us much notice before.
But by God, they'll notice you now.
Now go be somebody, Stan.
- Be somebody!
- Yes'm.
- Out of the way, nobody!
Didn't notice you there, kid!
Someone, please! Help.
[WOMAN] Did you hear somebody?
[MAN] I'm sure it was nobody.
Or at least a nobody.
So I guess that might have
something to do with it.
My poor little Daddy.
Maybe there's a tiny resemblance
to this old whorehouse?
Let's tear this place apart!
Well, that was a mistake.
[SPUTTERS] Sixty-nining skeletons?
S-Skeleton sex swing?
Did you find anything?
Well, what do you think?
Mr. Smith, this is quite possibly
the most notable historic place
I've ever encountered.
[IN MONOTONE] As you can tell,
I'm getting quite worked up here.
- So is it plaque-worthy?
- Plaque-worthy? It's museum-worthy.
Museum-worthy? Now, that's noteworthy.
Noteworthy and pin-worthy.
[GASPS] It's like a plaque for my body.
Say you have a report due on
gray wolves for biology class.
What can you use?
You'd need an encyclopedia just to
figure out how to use this darn thing.
Now, for a truly
user-friendly experience.
Gray wolves. You simply flip
through the "G" volume to
Hmm. Not finding it here.
Must be under "W."
Nope, not seeing it here, either.
Maybe under "D" for dog?
You know what, probably just need to crack
the two-volume quick reference guide first.
Wow, this is really confusing.
Could you google "how to use
Britannica reference guide" for me?
You know what? Never mind.
I think you get the point,
and see the value of truly having
knowledge at your fingertips.
Ow! Paper cut. Anyway,
How many sets can I put you down for?
Oh, I don't know.
They do seem nice, but
Would you care to stay for some tea?
I'm going to need a little
time to think about it.
Ma'am, you take all the time you need.
How about now, will you buy it now?
I'll need a little more time.
No problem.
The brothel was founded by land baron
Cyrus Talmadge in 1868.
But it was found by me,
Stan Smith, last week.
Hi, I'm Stan Smith. I live in a museum.
Stan! There's cars all over the damn
lawn and mud all over the damn house!
[ALL] Ooh.
Sorry, dear. Just the price
we pay to bring history to life.
Clean up that mud
or I'll bring fistory to life.
Is this it?
It's kind of just a dusty old room,
isn't it?
Yeah, this place is kind of boring.
Babe! Did you seriously cut off
my Venmo teen credit card?
If you want money, babe,
maybe you should try working.
Oh, I don't work? Day in, day out,
I'm up to my goddamn elbows
in squishy little wormies.
Well, those aren't
the only wormies around here
that have been all squishy lately.
Oh, snap!
Dude, you gotta check out this fight.
It's nuts.
I just saw the blonde chick
shotgun an entire box of wine.
This family is pretty interesting.
Entertaining. Interestaining.
Yes, we are. Follow me.
Why don't we get you a bit
more comfortable, mon cheri?
Just gotta get this clasp.
Damn it! This thing is impossible!
What am I,
Harry [BLEEP] Houdini over here?
Can I get you anything
before you go to sleep?
A glass of warm milk or
a goddamn encyclopedia?
What's that now?
I said would you like
to buy an encyclopedia?
Oh, I'll need a little more
time to think about that.
Welcome to MoMaf, the Museum
of the Modern American Family.
Jeff, I Hey, watch it lady!
I could swear I had a 20 in here.
Oh, what, now you think I stole
from you to buy worms? Look.
- Check his hat!
- What the hell, bro?
[ALL CHEER] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
And here we see just a fraction of
the varied, and at times surprising,
self-pleasure material found
under Steve's mattress.
Martha Stewart Living?
He's gonna crank it right now!
Based on her scat,
our scientists believe the extreme
lack of roughage in Francine's diet
is the cause of her
frequent constipation.
- Stan!
- Ooh!
That's right. It's me, Stan.
How ya doin'? Stan Smith.
Nice to see you.
- Is something wrong?
- No, Stan. Everything's wrong!
Why is the Historical Society
even taking part in this?
The Historical Society
made some bad crypto bets,
so we really need the revenue
from the ticket and cafe sales.
What cafe?
Okay, so we got two Arizona ice
teas and a wet egg salad sandwich
that's been smushed down to
the thickness of a quesadilla.
That'll be $54.
Want to make it a lunch combo?
For just 18 bucks more,
I can throw in some Pop
Chips and a shitty apple.
I wonder what kind of tree that is.
You know a good way to find out?
Those encyclopedias I'm selling.
You sell encyclopedias?
I do. Would you like to buy one?
Oh, I'll need some time
to think about it.
Ugh, Jeff, was that you?
Wait, why are you all in here?
Because everywhere we go,
every hour of the day,
people are watching us!
That's right.
If it truly is an attention economy,
we're gazillionaires!
Then again, if it's a normal economy,
we're bankrupt,
because I signed the house over to the
Historical Society back when this all started.
- What?
- What's the problem?
We're being noticed, being seen!
We want to not be seen for a while,
you self-obsessed jackass!
I had no idea you were
so angry about this.
Let's get out of here.
- Okay, and go.
- What?
All that raw anger was way
too good to keep backstage.
Ooh. Start with that thing about
me being a self-obsessed jackass.
- Nice and big.
- Stan, you [BLEEP] lunatic!
- Oh, yeah, that's even better!
- We can't do this anymore.
We're gonna leave and hide out
somewhere no one can find us.
We want you to come with.
You have to choose, Stan.
Us or the museum.
Look at all these people,
Stan, all looking at you,
a real somebody.
You can't give that up now.
I don't know what you're looking over
there for. There's only one of me, Stan.
I'm staying.
Then you're staying alone.
[KLAUS] Here, Stan.
That'll be $8.
He do anything yet?
Nah. Dude is forlorn as shit.
I'm starting to regret
buying a yearly pass.
Tell me about it.
I paid 14 bucks for
this God-awful coffee
and found a big chunk of muffin in it.
Oh, I'm gonna have to charge you
for a coffee and a muffin then.
Sixteen more dollars.
This place sucks now.
Stan, your whole energy of late has
really put a damper on attendance.
I just miss my family so much.
- Do you know where they are?
- I don't.
And you need to start asking
me before you hold my hand.
- May I hold your hand?
- No.
Listen, we're bringing in some new blood
to the house to boost ticket sales.
Lisa Vanderpump, Logan Paul.
People the museum-going public
would be interested in seeing.
Oh. well, I look forward to working,
and living with them.
You're not understanding, Stan.
We're firing you from the museum.
I see.
- May I hold your hand now?
- Okay, but just for a minute.
Then you have to get the hell out.
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- What did you wish for?
To be honest, ma'am,
my one, true, fondest wish
would be for you to please, please,
please just buy an encyclopedia.
Let me just get my checkbook.
I know it's right here in the
You're never going to believe this.
Thank you for your time, ma'am.
You have yourself a lovely day.
Okay, so this one didn't quite pan out,
but Ahh!
Rogu hungry.
Oh, my God, Rogu!
We gotta get you to a Mickey D's, stat!
I don't know how I forgot
to order anything for you.
But what's this now?
I just wanna check this out,
won't be long.
Don't touch my apple pie.
The website says it's a
Benjamin Franklin museum.
Things change. And don't I know it.
- Roger?
- Stan?
Whatcha got going on here?
After my so-called "buddy"
Glen-dog fired me from my own house,
he at least set me up with a position
at this Benjamin Franklin museum.
So it is a Benjamin Franklin museum.
No! I've turned it into
something much more meaningful,
a tribute to the beautiful family
I so foolishly chased out of my life.
There's my little Steve,
hitting the books.
Keep up the good work, champ.
Don't stay up too late studying.
And there's Hayley, flying her kite.
Way to go, baby girl.
You got it up all by yourself.
Daddy's so proud of you!
And there's the lovely Francine,
negotiating with King Louis XVI
for more funds to support
the American Revolution.
She always loved doing that.
Perchance a kiss, my sweet?
Stan, why are you doing all this?
In the hopes that someday
they'll hear about this place,
come see how truly sorry I am,
and then hopefully,
eventually forgive me.
Oh, Papa, we already have!
Yeah, Dad, you seem like
you've been through enough.
Steve! Hayley! And Francine!
Oh, I've missed you so much, baby!
If you're ever in Duluth, call me.
I for one don't know if I'm
quite ready to forgive you yet.
Sure you're sorry,
but you still don't seem to get it.
You still put us all on display here.
We want our privacy back.
We want our lives back.
We want our worms back.
We want our house back.
I think I have a plan to do just that.
With a little help from
our robotic replicas here.
Hanover! Give us back our house.
You mean our house.
The Historical Society, that is.
Oh, yeah? Remember the brothel?
The reason the deed was
transferred in the first place?
Well, I dug it, I staged it,
I faked the whole thing.
- You did?
- What?
- I could tell.
- Meaning that the
deed was exchanged
under false pretenses
Ooh! Say "ipso facto,"
this is the perfect opportunity
to say "ipso facto."
- And therefore
- Ugh.
- null and void.
You say the brothel was fake? Prove it.
I can't.
I think I know how to
solve this problem,
with a little help from my
trusty encyclopedia here.
He's right.
There's an entry about the
Silken Saltbox in here,
and it clearly states it
was located in East Langley.
This house couldn't be it!
Oh. I was just gonna kill him with it,
but your way works too.
I know I was obsessed
with being a somebody,
but there's nobody I'd rather be with
than you beautiful nobodies right here.
Oh, Stan, when are you finally going
to realize what I've always known?
That absolutely nothing is
more important than family.
Oh, my God. I left Rogu
at a gas station in Newark.
You know what, he's a tough cookie,
he'll be fine through the weekend.
I promise all of you
I'll never again lose sight
of what this all should've been
about in the first place, the plaque.
Oh, not that plaque.
Bye bye! See you soon!
Garbage day!
Stan, you gotta come
check out this new truck!
- Nope.
- These things are top of the line.
Absolutely brutalize the bins.
Yeah, get some! What's this?
- Small group of people outside
So, the neighbors have finally noticed
our new solid gold lawn orb. About time.
they're over at Greg's house
- What?
- Stan, could you scoot over?
Oh, I'll scoot over.
I'll scoot all the way
over to Greg's house
to see what the great big deal is.
Move it, geek! Comin' through!
"This house has been designated
a historic place of note
by the Langley Falls
Historical Society."
It turns out James K. Polk
once spent the night here,
and a few of us are
extremely mildly impressed.
- Stan, may I tie your robe for you?
A notable house for a notable man.
I mean, Greg is a prominent
member of the community,
not some anonymous,
regular-degular nobody like you or me.
Anyhoo, better get back.
I left Ma all alone at the house.
Allie! Help!
Damn! I thought I locked her in.
Good morning, USA ♪
I got a feeling that it's
gonna be a wonderful day ♪
The sun in the sky has
a smile on his face ♪
And he's shining a salute
to the American race ♪
Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪
Good morning, USA ♪
Good morning, USA ♪
Oh, Jeff, you wouldn't know
anything about a $200 charge
from Right Angler Bait and Tackle,
would you?
No! I mean, what? Uh, weird.
Must've been cybercriminals.
Pockets, mister.
Damn it, Hayley, I'm a grown man!
And how am I supposed to
make my Super Mega Worm World
in the backyard without these?
- What's in the box?
- Okay,
as we all know,
I was no angel in my younger days,
back before I cleaned up my act.
So there I am today,
hiding under an overpass
about to carjack this deaf nun,
when what do I find?
A delivery truck I'd stolen years
ago and totally forgotten about!
So, what's in the box?
No idea. But there's 132 of 'em,
so hopefully something I can sell.
Gold? Dildos? Golden dildos?
The 1987 edition of the
Encyclopedia Britannica?
Oh, not to worry, though.
Because with a positive
attitude and a little patience,
I can sell anything!
Francine, do you want
to buy 132 encyclopedias?
- No.
- Damn. How about you, Stan?
Stan? Stan!
I agree! We do need a plaque of our own!
Ah, there is one golden dildo in here.
Franny? Hayley?
Francine, would you describe us
as a "notable Langley family?"
Family? I've always considered us
more like a group of roommates
that are related to each other.
And no,
we're not all that notable either.
- That's about to change.
[IN MONOTONE] Glen Hanover,
Langley Falls Historical Society.
Glen-dog! Come on in, brah.
What can I snag ya?
White Claw? Absinthe?
Some [SNIFFS] party favors?
What's your pleasure?
- I'm actually
- Hungry? I can do ya a smashburger.
You said on the phone that
several Founding Fathers
are known to have stayed in this house?
If you say so.
Which Founding Fathers, exactly?
Oh, all the big ones, George Washington,
Johnny Appleseed,
and a whole lot of Benjamin Franklins.
- I can't take this briefcase.
- All right, let's cut the crap.
What'll it take for us
to get our plaque?
Mr. Smith, I'm afraid
only merit will suffice.
- You can have one night with my wife.
- What?
Thank you for your interest
in the Historical Society.
Please accept this Historic Langley
coffee table book as a parting gift.
Two nights. Two nights with my wife!
And a Historic Langley
coffee table book?
Three days and not sell one 'pedia.
Rogu, there's no shortcuts
to making an honest sale.
All I have to do is
remember my three P's.
With "positivity" and "patience,"
anything is "possible."
Well, I haven't gotten inside a single
door and I've been shot six times,
but that first sale is
just around the corner.
Where'd you get that?
Don't play with that thing!
Family portrait's just a bit askew.
- Aah!
Hmm. Just comes right
through to the living room.
Stan! What the hell are you doing?
Look! Right here in the book
my buddy Glen-dog gave me.
The "Silken Saltbox
Parlor & Comfort House"?
Super famous brothel back in the 1870s!
Look familiar?
- No.
- Not really.
Yeah, I've never met
this house before, Mr. S.
Sure you have. That's our house!
Turns out our house has been
a historic landmark all along!
All we need now is some evidence.
Stan, stop!
Why are you so obsessed with this
idea of being "notable," Dad?
Is there some formative trauma
in your past we don't know about?
No. Actually, wait. Let me think.
These society types may not have
ever paid us much notice before.
But by God, they'll notice you now.
Now go be somebody, Stan.
- Be somebody!
- Yes'm.
- Out of the way, nobody!
Didn't notice you there, kid!
Someone, please! Help.
[WOMAN] Did you hear somebody?
[MAN] I'm sure it was nobody.
Or at least a nobody.
So I guess that might have
something to do with it.
My poor little Daddy.
Maybe there's a tiny resemblance
to this old whorehouse?
Let's tear this place apart!
Well, that was a mistake.
[SPUTTERS] Sixty-nining skeletons?
S-Skeleton sex swing?
Did you find anything?
Well, what do you think?
Mr. Smith, this is quite possibly
the most notable historic place
I've ever encountered.
[IN MONOTONE] As you can tell,
I'm getting quite worked up here.
- So is it plaque-worthy?
- Plaque-worthy? It's museum-worthy.
Museum-worthy? Now, that's noteworthy.
Noteworthy and pin-worthy.
[GASPS] It's like a plaque for my body.
Say you have a report due on
gray wolves for biology class.
What can you use?
You'd need an encyclopedia just to
figure out how to use this darn thing.
Now, for a truly
user-friendly experience.
Gray wolves. You simply flip
through the "G" volume to
Hmm. Not finding it here.
Must be under "W."
Nope, not seeing it here, either.
Maybe under "D" for dog?
You know what, probably just need to crack
the two-volume quick reference guide first.
Wow, this is really confusing.
Could you google "how to use
Britannica reference guide" for me?
You know what? Never mind.
I think you get the point,
and see the value of truly having
knowledge at your fingertips.
Ow! Paper cut. Anyway,
How many sets can I put you down for?
Oh, I don't know.
They do seem nice, but
Would you care to stay for some tea?
I'm going to need a little
time to think about it.
Ma'am, you take all the time you need.
How about now, will you buy it now?
I'll need a little more time.
No problem.
The brothel was founded by land baron
Cyrus Talmadge in 1868.
But it was found by me,
Stan Smith, last week.
Hi, I'm Stan Smith. I live in a museum.
Stan! There's cars all over the damn
lawn and mud all over the damn house!
[ALL] Ooh.
Sorry, dear. Just the price
we pay to bring history to life.
Clean up that mud
or I'll bring fistory to life.
Is this it?
It's kind of just a dusty old room,
isn't it?
Yeah, this place is kind of boring.
Babe! Did you seriously cut off
my Venmo teen credit card?
If you want money, babe,
maybe you should try working.
Oh, I don't work? Day in, day out,
I'm up to my goddamn elbows
in squishy little wormies.
Well, those aren't
the only wormies around here
that have been all squishy lately.
Oh, snap!
Dude, you gotta check out this fight.
It's nuts.
I just saw the blonde chick
shotgun an entire box of wine.
This family is pretty interesting.
Entertaining. Interestaining.
Yes, we are. Follow me.
Why don't we get you a bit
more comfortable, mon cheri?
Just gotta get this clasp.
Damn it! This thing is impossible!
What am I,
Harry [BLEEP] Houdini over here?
Can I get you anything
before you go to sleep?
A glass of warm milk or
a goddamn encyclopedia?
What's that now?
I said would you like
to buy an encyclopedia?
Oh, I'll need a little more
time to think about that.
Welcome to MoMaf, the Museum
of the Modern American Family.
Jeff, I Hey, watch it lady!
I could swear I had a 20 in here.
Oh, what, now you think I stole
from you to buy worms? Look.
- Check his hat!
- What the hell, bro?
[ALL CHEER] Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
And here we see just a fraction of
the varied, and at times surprising,
self-pleasure material found
under Steve's mattress.
Martha Stewart Living?
He's gonna crank it right now!
Based on her scat,
our scientists believe the extreme
lack of roughage in Francine's diet
is the cause of her
frequent constipation.
- Stan!
- Ooh!
That's right. It's me, Stan.
How ya doin'? Stan Smith.
Nice to see you.
- Is something wrong?
- No, Stan. Everything's wrong!
Why is the Historical Society
even taking part in this?
The Historical Society
made some bad crypto bets,
so we really need the revenue
from the ticket and cafe sales.
What cafe?
Okay, so we got two Arizona ice
teas and a wet egg salad sandwich
that's been smushed down to
the thickness of a quesadilla.
That'll be $54.
Want to make it a lunch combo?
For just 18 bucks more,
I can throw in some Pop
Chips and a shitty apple.
I wonder what kind of tree that is.
You know a good way to find out?
Those encyclopedias I'm selling.
You sell encyclopedias?
I do. Would you like to buy one?
Oh, I'll need some time
to think about it.
Ugh, Jeff, was that you?
Wait, why are you all in here?
Because everywhere we go,
every hour of the day,
people are watching us!
That's right.
If it truly is an attention economy,
we're gazillionaires!
Then again, if it's a normal economy,
we're bankrupt,
because I signed the house over to the
Historical Society back when this all started.
- What?
- What's the problem?
We're being noticed, being seen!
We want to not be seen for a while,
you self-obsessed jackass!
I had no idea you were
so angry about this.
Let's get out of here.
- Okay, and go.
- What?
All that raw anger was way
too good to keep backstage.
Ooh. Start with that thing about
me being a self-obsessed jackass.
- Nice and big.
- Stan, you [BLEEP] lunatic!
- Oh, yeah, that's even better!
- We can't do this anymore.
We're gonna leave and hide out
somewhere no one can find us.
We want you to come with.
You have to choose, Stan.
Us or the museum.
Look at all these people,
Stan, all looking at you,
a real somebody.
You can't give that up now.
I don't know what you're looking over
there for. There's only one of me, Stan.
I'm staying.
Then you're staying alone.
[KLAUS] Here, Stan.
That'll be $8.
He do anything yet?
Nah. Dude is forlorn as shit.
I'm starting to regret
buying a yearly pass.
Tell me about it.
I paid 14 bucks for
this God-awful coffee
and found a big chunk of muffin in it.
Oh, I'm gonna have to charge you
for a coffee and a muffin then.
Sixteen more dollars.
This place sucks now.
Stan, your whole energy of late has
really put a damper on attendance.
I just miss my family so much.
- Do you know where they are?
- I don't.
And you need to start asking
me before you hold my hand.
- May I hold your hand?
- No.
Listen, we're bringing in some new blood
to the house to boost ticket sales.
Lisa Vanderpump, Logan Paul.
People the museum-going public
would be interested in seeing.
Oh. well, I look forward to working,
and living with them.
You're not understanding, Stan.
We're firing you from the museum.
I see.
- May I hold your hand now?
- Okay, but just for a minute.
Then you have to get the hell out.
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- What did you wish for?
To be honest, ma'am,
my one, true, fondest wish
would be for you to please, please,
please just buy an encyclopedia.
Let me just get my checkbook.
I know it's right here in the
You're never going to believe this.
Thank you for your time, ma'am.
You have yourself a lovely day.
Okay, so this one didn't quite pan out,
but Ahh!
Rogu hungry.
Oh, my God, Rogu!
We gotta get you to a Mickey D's, stat!
I don't know how I forgot
to order anything for you.
But what's this now?
I just wanna check this out,
won't be long.
Don't touch my apple pie.
The website says it's a
Benjamin Franklin museum.
Things change. And don't I know it.
- Roger?
- Stan?
Whatcha got going on here?
After my so-called "buddy"
Glen-dog fired me from my own house,
he at least set me up with a position
at this Benjamin Franklin museum.
So it is a Benjamin Franklin museum.
No! I've turned it into
something much more meaningful,
a tribute to the beautiful family
I so foolishly chased out of my life.
There's my little Steve,
hitting the books.
Keep up the good work, champ.
Don't stay up too late studying.
And there's Hayley, flying her kite.
Way to go, baby girl.
You got it up all by yourself.
Daddy's so proud of you!
And there's the lovely Francine,
negotiating with King Louis XVI
for more funds to support
the American Revolution.
She always loved doing that.
Perchance a kiss, my sweet?
Stan, why are you doing all this?
In the hopes that someday
they'll hear about this place,
come see how truly sorry I am,
and then hopefully,
eventually forgive me.
Oh, Papa, we already have!
Yeah, Dad, you seem like
you've been through enough.
Steve! Hayley! And Francine!
Oh, I've missed you so much, baby!
If you're ever in Duluth, call me.
I for one don't know if I'm
quite ready to forgive you yet.
Sure you're sorry,
but you still don't seem to get it.
You still put us all on display here.
We want our privacy back.
We want our lives back.
We want our worms back.
We want our house back.
I think I have a plan to do just that.
With a little help from
our robotic replicas here.
Hanover! Give us back our house.
You mean our house.
The Historical Society, that is.
Oh, yeah? Remember the brothel?
The reason the deed was
transferred in the first place?
Well, I dug it, I staged it,
I faked the whole thing.
- You did?
- What?
- I could tell.
- Meaning that the
deed was exchanged
under false pretenses
Ooh! Say "ipso facto,"
this is the perfect opportunity
to say "ipso facto."
- And therefore
- Ugh.
- null and void.
You say the brothel was fake? Prove it.
I can't.
I think I know how to
solve this problem,
with a little help from my
trusty encyclopedia here.
He's right.
There's an entry about the
Silken Saltbox in here,
and it clearly states it
was located in East Langley.
This house couldn't be it!
Oh. I was just gonna kill him with it,
but your way works too.
I know I was obsessed
with being a somebody,
but there's nobody I'd rather be with
than you beautiful nobodies right here.
Oh, Stan, when are you finally going
to realize what I've always known?
That absolutely nothing is
more important than family.
Oh, my God. I left Rogu
at a gas station in Newark.
You know what, he's a tough cookie,
he'll be fine through the weekend.
I promise all of you
I'll never again lose sight
of what this all should've been
about in the first place, the plaque.
Oh, not that plaque.
Bye bye! See you soon!