Ancient Aliens s19e20 Episode Script

The Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs

Ancient paintings
of strange, humanlike figures,
rocks engraved
thousands of years ago
with images of flying machines,
and stone carvings
of what appear to be astronauts.
For more than a decade,
Ancient Aliens
has traveled the globe
to examine some
of the most extraordinary
and mysterious rock art
ever discovered.
Now, we're investigating
the Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs
that just may hold the proof
that Earth has been visited
by extraterrestrials.
On Ancient Aliens,
we have investigated
some of the most
mysterious carvings
and paintings ever discovered.
Our ancestors spent
countless hours
leaving strange images
and symbols on stone
to create a record
of what they experienced.
And at one site in Nevada,
the rock art is not only
some of the oldest in the world
but predates any known
civilization in North America.
At number ten on our countdown
of the Top Ten
Alien Petroglyphs:
The Rock Art of Winnemucca Lake.
In the dried-up bed
of what was once Winnemucca Lake
are several limestone
boulders that are covered
with what appear
to be ancient carvings.
In Nevada are some
of the most remarkable
petroglyphs found on Earth.
They're called
the Winnemucca Petroglyphs.
They are extremely large,
extremely deep-cut,
beautiful pans of leaves,
zigzags, spirals
and other motifs.
It's a remarkable site.
So far, researchers
have been unable
to determine what
the abstract patterns mean.
But what's even more mysterious
is the fact
that the local Paiute people
say the petroglyphs were not
created by their ancestors
but by a race of giants.
The Paiutes said that initially
they did not create petroglyphs,
that an ancient race, uh,
called the Si-Te-Cah did.
The Si-Te-Cah
was a race of giants
that was said to have
been white-complected,
having red hair,
and well over seven foot tall.
The Paiutes explained
that these giants
lived on the lake in Pyramid
Lake, on floating cities.
In 2013, samples
of the limestone were taken
to the University of Colorado
at Boulder
where scientists performed
a series of radiocarbon tests
on sediment within
the petroglyphs
to determine their age.
The results were astonishing.
They revealed
the carvings were etched
between 10,500
and 14,800 years ago,
making them
the oldest petroglyphs
ever found in North America.
And what's so special about
these is their extreme age
because no one
was supposed to be living
in North America at that time.
This is before the Clovis,
this is before
the first settlers
in North America,
so who could have done this?
Could the petroglyphs
at Winnemucca Lake
really have been created
by an ancient race of giants?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes
and suggest that the origins
of these mysterious beings
was even recorded
into the stone.
When we look at petroglyphs
with their incredible spirals,
the doorways, the strange
beings that are featured,
the stories that are told,
it suggests
that they all have an origin
with extraterrestrials
If you travel 800 miles
southeast from Winnemucca Lake,
you will come
to a remarkable site in Arizona.
It's a place where the Navajo
people carved thousands
of petroglyphs into rock walls
and cliffs centuries ago.
The images tell a story
of their encounters
with celestial visitors
called "the star people."
Number nine on our list:
Rock Art Ranch.
Ancient astronaut theorists
Giorgio Tsoukalos
and William Henry
have traveled to Rock Art Ranch
to investigate
one of North America's
most extensive
collections of petroglyphs.
This is sensational.
Joining them is
esteemed Navajo Tribal Ranger
Jon Dover.
Rock Art Ranch's 5,000 acres
are home to nearly
3,000 ancient petroglyphs,
and on nearly every panel
are figures that the Navajo
identify as star people.
Tell me, Jon, petroglyphs
are regarded as
picture books
that tell a story all at once.
That's right,
and also en-enmeshed
- in all this are religious symbols.
- Mm-hmm.
Things that tell you something
- about how they worshipped, pictures of gods.
- Mm-hmm.
- And when you say gods
- Gods, right.
what, in-in your culture,
what does that mean?
It could be anything
from somebody coming to them
and meeting with them
and imparting knowledge.
And in the case of the Navajo,
that's what
the Yeibichai represent.
In the case of the Hopis,
the Kachinas
represent those gods
- Right.
- that came to Earth
to give them knowledge.
And could one make the argument
that these
may have been visitations
by flesh and blood
- in ancient times?
- Oh, definitely.
From what we understand,
there's many different races
of alien that are coming
t-to this world.
Jon guides Giorgio and William
to another site
at Rock Art Ranch
with even more
strange petroglyphs.
- Wow.
- Look at this.
- I mean, look at the hollow body with the star inside.
- Mm-hmm.
One hand pointing to the sky,
the other down to Earth.
And just beneath that,
look at that is a Grey alien.
That triangular head.
- Very strange.
- That is.
You have all kinds
of different types of figures,
different representations
of gods.
Right. I mean, what we have to
fill in with our imagination
is that these beings
off the wall, 3D,
- walking amongst the people.
- Yeah.
Look at all the different
types of beings here.
And then all the way
across there,
y-you've still got
even more variety.
I mean, this is almost like
a meeting place
of all these different worlds
and different beings.
So, you know, you have giants,
you have little people.
And the giants
and the little people
are talked about
in th-the other world
that they came from before
they came to this world.
And seeing creatures
here having,
- for example, three fingers.
- Mm-hmm.
You know, as far as I know,
uh, except for
a couple of reptiles,
there aren't any
three-fingered creatures.
- No.
- You know? So, and especially nothing humanoid.
- Right.
- So, again, our ancestors
had impeccable powers
of observation.
- That's right.
- That's all they did all day.
- They-they observed.
- Mm-hmm.
And so your estimation,
then, too,
is that this was
not a bunch of kids,
you know, on a Saturday night
not knowing what to do.
Absolutely not.
These, these were people
that came here with a purpose.
And the purpose was to put
their history on the wall
showing where they came from,
where they were going.
Do the petroglyphs
at Rock Art Ranch
present a historical record
of extraterrestrial visitation
in the distant past?
For Jon and many who share
the traditional beliefs
of their ancestors,
the answer is a resounding yes.
I believe that these visitations
have been documented
in pictographs and petroglyphs.
They're not art, actually,
for art's sake.
The petroglyphs
have been done this way
for basically
thousands of years.
And that tells me
that there were a lot
of different types of beings
that were interacting
with early Natives,
with early Natives,
much more than
we even, uh, think.
Some of the most incredible
rock art I have ever seen
can be found on one of the most
remote islands on Earth.
And in my opinion
what the people who
carved it were depicting
was actually misunderstood
alien technology.
Coming in at number eight
on our countdown of the Top Ten
Alien Petroglyphs:
The Birdmen of Easter Island.
This remote landmass
in the South Pacific
is famous for
the colossal stone statues,
called moai, that dot its coast.
But on the southwestern tip
of the island
are a serious of equally
mysterious petroglyphs
that represent one of Easter
Island's oldest creation myths
the legend of Tangata manu,
or the birdmen.
According to the Rapa Nui,
the Indigenous people
of Easter Island,
when the great creator god
looked in the mirror,
he saw a bird over his shoulder
and thought the image was good.
And so he created a creature
that was a combination
of bird and human.
But the creator god
was still lonely.
So he created humans.
But the humans
worshipped the birdman
because that was
the great god's first creation.
One of the central focuses
of the rituals,
the annual rituals
at Easter Island,
was that of Tangata manu,
the birdman.
And the birdman
is a universal symbol
that we find
in many parts of the globe
that relates to ancestry
associated with figures,
characters in feather coats
who were seen
to be able to go between
this world and the next.
The birdman motif
is found in Egypt
with Horus the savior figure
and Thoth the god
of divine magic and alchemy.
We find birdmen in among
the Maya with Quetzalcoatl,
the feathered serpent,
a birdman.
We also find birdmen
in Cahokia, Illinois.
When we look
at the birdman legend,
it always has
a cosmic connection,
that these are humanoid figures
that also have
a celestial dimension to them.
They can fly, they can ascend,
therefore they're
referred to as birdmen.
For ancient astronaut theorists,
the most intriguing
depiction of birdmen
can be found
by examining the stories
of the Sumerian civilization
that emerged 5,000 years ago
and the beings they called
the Anunnaki.
The term Anunnaki means "those
who from the heavens came."
And our ancestors thought
they were being visited
by these divine magical beings.
In the ancient Sumerian texts,
they were described as bringing
knowledge and science.
They were often depicted
as bird-type people.
So we have to ask ourselves,
are these birdmen
actually representatives
of the Anunnaki
who are extraterrestrials
who appeared all over
the world in prehistory?
For ancient astronaut
theorists like me,
many of the mysterious images
created by our ancestors
provide compelling clues
that suggest extraterrestrials
visited Earth
thousands of years ago.
However, at one site
in Northern California,
the carvings aren't just
records of the distant past
but depict UFOs
that are still seen today.
Number seven on our countdown:
The Petroglyphs
at Lava Beds National Monument.
60 miles northeast
of Mount Shasta,
at Lava Beds National Monument,
are thousands of petroglyphs.
These large geometric carvings
were created
as much as 6,000 years ago
by ancestors of the Modoc tribe.
Lava Beds
has probably over 5,000
different petroglyphs.
And a lot of these
were done down in caves.
A lot of the rock art
you find in Lava Beds
is very different and unusual
from rock art you find
in other places of America.
One of the most striking
images you find in Lava Beds
is an image of Mount Shasta
carved into a cliffside,
and inside of it is a depiction
of some kind of being.
According to the Modoc,
this figure represents
their creator, known as Skell.
The local people
believe that in ancient times,
the great Sky Chief Skell
came down from the sky
to live in Shasta
and has been there
ever since and protects it.
Is it possible this petroglyph
represents an otherworldly being
that the Modoc people
encountered centuries ago?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes
and suggest further
evidence can be found
by examining the bizarre stories
that have been associated
with Mount Shasta for centuries.
I was driving back
from, uh, Klamath Falls.
It was, eh, around 7:00 in
the evening in the summertime.
All of a sudden
I seen the whole mountain
toward Yreka side open up.
And then this big ship came
and hovered for a minute
and then went right in.
And the next thing you know,
the mountain closed,
and I was like,
"What is going on?"
Almost everyone who lives there
has-has seen something unusual.
One of the most remarkable
UFO sightings I've heard of,
it took place in 2008.
Witnesses in the town of McCloud
saw a UFO that looked
like a giant glowing jellyfish
move over the town and then
fly off into the distance.
For many hundreds of years,
Mount Shasta
has been known
for mysterious lights.
They seem to just manifest
out of the mountain.
So, what is it
that might be responsible
for causing this activity?
I believe that places
like Mount Shasta
are in many ways Earth portals.
They are places of connection
between this world
and somewhere else altogether.
Is it possible that
the mysterious winged figure
at Lava Beds National Monument
is connected
to the UFO sightings
that continue to be reported
around Mount Shasta?
The petroglyph that shows
something coming out
of the mountain,
that's basically what,
what I seen right here
when it happened to me.
That's what I seen.
And I-I guess maybe
I had to see it, too,
before I could believe.
In 2014,
a mysterious cave painting
was found in India
that I believe
contains some
of the best evidence yet
that our ancestors encountered
extraterrestrial beings.
Number six on our countdown:
Charama Rock.
Central India, July 2014.
While exploring caves
in the region of Charama,
Indian archaeologist J.R. Bhagat
makes a stunning discovery.
He finds an incredibly
10,000-year-old cave painting
that depicts
several large humanoid figures.
Very recently,
in the Charama region of India,
there was a cave
that was discovered with
paintings that appear
to show creatures
with kind of
distorted-looking faces,
no noses, no mouths.
They seem to be holding weapons.
Archaeologists said
that some of them
appeared to be
wearing space suits.
The Times of India
actually proposed the idea,
what if what we have
depicted here
are some type of
or at least some type
of flying craft?
Because it's the basis
for much of
the Hindu pantheon of gods.
Ancient Hindu texts
feature stories
about intelligent beings
existing on other planets,
like the Mahabharata,
which tells of the gods coming
to Earth in flying machines.
In the Mahabharata,
there they write that one day,
gigantic cities
surrounded the Earth.
They did not have a word
for "spaceship" at that time.
They say "cities."
And they make clear difference
that these cities
were in the firmament,
not in heaven.
And small vehicles came down
from these cities
on the firmament.
The old Indians called
these vehicles "vimanas."
And out of the vimanas,
the teachers came out.
No doubt they were visited
by extraterrestrials.
Might the figures
in the cave paintings
of Charama be depictions
of extraterrestrials
witnessed by our ancestors
as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?
Perhaps the answer can be found
in the local legends
of a mysterious race of beings
known as the Rohela.
The locals told them stories
of space beings,
Rohelas they called them.
Tiny beings that landed in craft
and would abduct
one or two humans at a time
never to return.
What's incredible about this is
that this is not
ancient astronaut theorists
looking at this art and saying,
"Hey, this looks like
"it could be some sort
of a space being
or extraterrestrial."
This is what
the locals are saying.
In the early 20th century,
archaeologists discovered
some very mysterious cave art
in the Sahara Desert,
and the experts who studied it
found it to be
out of this world.
Number five on our list:
The Tassili Astronauts.
Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria.
Located on a vast plateau
of the Saharan Desert
lies an incredible collection
of prehistoric cave art.
The ancient paintings
cover an area
of 28,000 square miles
and are believed
to be 12,000 years old.
The scenes that you see
at Tassili n'Ajjer
are totally bizarre.
They're showing a Sahara
that was once fertile
with giraffes and antelope
and other animals
we find only
in Central Africa really.
And combined with them
are these bizarre pictures
of what even the archaeologists
have called
the Martians and the spacemen.
The petroglyphs that we find
there are incredible.
They look like
modern-day astronauts
with suits, with helmets,
with visors.
And even the ethnologists
who found those rock paintings
actually called it
"the astronaut."
It's called
the Tassili astronaut.
Might the figures
painted throughout
Tassili n'Ajjer
be depictions
of otherworldly beings,
as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?
Perhaps the answer can be found
in the oral history
of a mysterious
West African tribe
known as the Dogon.
There's a really
incredible story
of the Dogon that describe
an ancestor spirit called Nommo
that descended from the sky
in a loud, noisy whirlwind
that made the earth
shake when it landed.
And their knowledge
of everything
was given to them by that being
that descended from the sky.
In the 1930s,
when French anthropologists
were first discussing the Nommo
with these Dogon priests,
the Dogon priests
said that the Nommo
were coming from
the star system of Sirius.
Well, the French anthropologists
were amazed at that
and were confused as well.
According to the Dogon,
the Nommo didn't come
from Sirius A
a star that is clearly visible
in the evening sky
but from its tiny companion.
A dying star called Sirius B
that can only be seen
with advanced,
high-powered telescopes.
Here, we have this ancient
tribe that says that,
well, no, Sirius is
not a single star at all
but actually
a double-starred system,
and how could they
have known it,
given the fact that it
requires telescopes
to see the double star?
Well, one theory is,
maybe the aliens
gave them this knowledge.
It can't be ruled out.
That's one possibility
because they got it
right on the dot.
The Dogon have
always been focused upon
in the sense
that they have this story,
this information
about their ancestors
who somehow had this contact
with this nonhuman intelligence.
Now, the question is,
how did they attain this?
It really might come
from the Sahara Desert,
from specifically culture
pockets like Tassili n'Ajjer
and that the Dogon are
descendants from these people.
Is it possible that the beings
described by the Dogon
are the same figures
depicted in the cave paintings
of Tassili n'Ajjer?
I think the power of
observation of our ancestors
was as powerful and as accurate
as it is today.
was as powerful and as accurate
as it is today.
And to attribute that motif
simply to only coincidence,
in my opinion,
does not hold water.
So one has to wonder,
are these extraterrestrials?
When it comes to
mysterious petroglyphs,
one of the most
extraordinary examples
we've investigated can
be found in the Italian Alps.
In 2019,
William Henry got to study
this remarkable piece firsthand.
Number four on our countdown
of the Top Ten
Alien Petroglyphs:
The Spaceman of Val Camonica.
Val Camonica, Italy.
June 13, 2019.
Ancient astronaut theorist
William Henry
has traveled to this
UNESCO World Heritage Site
to investigate the area's
mysterious petroglyphs.
Hi, I'm William.
Nice to meet you. Pleasure.
Joining him is Luca Giarelli,
the head of the Val Camonica
Historical and Anthropological
This place is massive.
I'm ready, let's go.
I'm here at Val Camonica
because it is a treasure trove
of images from the ancient world
that have been well documented
and studied by scholars.
They don't agree
on the meaning of the images,
but some of them
are very open-minded
to the ancient astronaut theory.
Luca leads William to an area
with a panel
of ancient petroglyphs
that appear strikingly
familiar to modern eyes.
Oh, look at that.
- Spaceman, exactly. Look at the helmet.
- Astronaut.
It's like he's glowing.
The Camunian rose.
Archaeologists call
this mysterious object
the Camunian rose because
of its flowerlike shape.
While its exact meaning
is lost to history,
some believe it to be
a religious symbol
or a representation
of the movement of the stars.
But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest
it might also depict
something else
the vessel that brought
these helmeted figures
to Val Camonica.
Luca, that-that looks
like a spaceship.
It's like you look up
in the sky,
and you would see this kind of
twirling, spinning ship
in the sky.
It seems to me,
just looking at it,
they are trying
to talk about beings
coming from other worlds,
maybe to this place.
Tell me about
that five-pointed star.
Sometimes the-the stars
mean energy,
like energy from the stars
would come to this place,
or star beings
would come to this place.
Okay, so this is
like a newspaper then.
It says, this was in the sky
above us at some point,
and this spaceman
came down and maybe met
the Camunian people.
According to ancient stories,
the nearby city of Turin
was founded by a character
from Greek mythology
called Phaethon,
who came to Earth
from the stars.
Legend states that Turin
was founded by the god Phaethon,
who is a son
of the sun god Helios,
and in the myth of Phaethon
we learn the story
of how he descended
to Earth in a fiery chariot
perhaps crashing
into Mount Musinè.
This also led to
something fortuitous
because he brought gifts
to this place,
he had great skills,
was a metallurgist,
and taught this
to the local people.
When we look at myths
such as the myth of Phaethon,
here is really
the story of a UFO
landing on a mountain
and interacting with the locals.
When we look
behind this myth of Phaethon,
perhaps this is what we're
also seeing at Val Camonica.
I think, given the connection
with the spacemen
that are etched into the rock,
we have to be open
to the possibility
that what the ancient artist
is trying to portray
is something that he
actually saw in the sky,
something coming out
of the heavens.
For ancient astronaut theorists,
the Spaceman of Val Camonica
and the legends that surround it
are evidence that our ancestors
were visited
by extraterrestrial beings.
But an even more
compelling depiction
of these possible visitors
can be found on
the opposite side of the world
in the rock art of Australia.
Number three on our countdown:
The Wandjina.
Northwestern Australia.
Here, in a rugged desert region
known as Kimberley,
are dozens of caves
that are covered
in paintings of mysterious
figures called the Wandjina.
If you look at these Wandjina
figures in the cave art,
they have big, white faces.
They have really
no mouth to speak of.
They have very large,
black eyes,
and there's a field
around their heads.
To the Aboriginal people
who have lived in Australia
for thousands of years,
the Wandjina
are important figures
in their creation myths.
The Aboriginals have
all kinds of ancient stories
of Wandjina figures,
of great heroes
and sky gods who manipulated
the continent,
created the rivers
and mountains,
and fought amongst each other
and then they left.
We all have stories
of people in crafts
coming from the stars,
going to the stars, and so on.
In order to keep them, pass them
down to next generation
we carved them, we painted them.
We sung them.
We danced them in stories
to guarantee
that they passed down.
So when the visitors left,
we didn't forget about them.
And we never forget about
the things
that they passed down to us
and the knowledge
they passed down.
In many ways,
these Wandjina figures
look exactly like Grey aliens.
And you have to wonder, then,
if the cave art is depicting
The Wandjina petroglyphs
are actual physical
of what the First Nation
people of Australia
of what the First Nation
people of Australia
actually witnessed.
So this to me is
an incredible treasure trove
for the ancient
astronaut theory.
Of all the mysterious
we've examined
on Ancient Aliens,
some of the most astounding
can be found
in the American Southwest.
The region is chock-full
of carvings
that show strange
humanoid figures
who came down from the sky.
At number two on our countdown:
The Rock Art of Utah.
Nine Mile Canyon, Eastern Utah.
Often described as "the world's
longest art gallery,"
the red sandstone cliffs that
border this 46-mile-long canyon
are covered with more
than 10,000 petroglyphs.
Many depict hunting scenes
and contain images of animals
found in the region.
But one mysterious panel
seems oddly out of place.
One of the most
important galleries
is referred to
as the Family Panel.
What's interesting
about this one
is that it shows
these apparently luminous
humanoid-type beings
that appear
to have space suits on,
a helmet, even antennae.
The Navajos themselves claim
that these petroglyphs were from
people who were
before the flood,
before this cataclysm
had come to the Earth.
And they maintain
that these images
were many thousands
of years old.
Just 70 miles
south of Nine Mile Canyon,
in Sego Canyon,
another panel of petroglyphs
shows nearly identical figures.
They look like spacemen.
You have these strange creatures
that for all intents
and purposes
seem to be floating
up in the sky.
They appear to wear helmets.
Very strange.
So you have to ask, what was it
that inspired
these unusual images?
Is it possible
that they depict sky beings
who came down from the stars
to help the people,
which is what
the Native legends say?
According to the traditions
of the Navajo,
Fremont and Ute peoples
who have lived
in this area for centuries,
these figures represent visitors
who descended from the sky.
In talking about star people,
all Native American tribes
have these, uh, traditional
oral histories
that people came
from the stars to visit them.
And it's universal,
all across the United States
that these gods,
as we call them today,
came to Earth and visited
to provide knowledge.
The creation story,
if you understand it correctly,
we are all from the cosmos.
Our ancestors
were extraterrestrial.
The story is told
to Indigenous people
for thousands of years
through oral histories
and through the petroglyphs
and pictographs
and the sacred sites
that continue to be part of
our Native cultural traditions.
The Native Americans
traditionally use
a oral tradition.
Everything is spoken.
The oral traditions actually
go back thousands of years.
It's just the way it was.
And we've maintained
that tradition even to this day.
If in fact what we're seeing
are portraying visitors
from the stars,
it would make sense why they're
wearing these space suits.
Because they would
conceivably need protection
from Earth's atmosphere
and Earth's environment.
Do the petroglyphs
at Nine Mile Canyon
and Sego Canyon
point to Utah being a place
of ancient alien visitation?
Native American people
have been very clear
when they speak of celestial
beings that imparted knowledge.
when they speak of celestial
beings that imparted knowledge.
And so, if you compare that
to the ancient astronaut theory,
that's exactly
what it talks about,
that the knowledge was imparted
by beings who visited us.
While Utah has thousands
of petroglyphs
that feature mysterious beings,
one stands apart.
It depicts a group of figures
meeting with what appears to be
an extraterrestrial.
Number one on our list:
The Holy Ghost Panel.
Horseshoe Canyon, Utah.
Located within
Canyonlands National Park,
the sandstone walls
of this five-mile-long ravine
feature some of the most
remarkable petroglyphs
in the United States.
The intricate designs depict
Native American shamans
and the otherworldly creatures
they claimed
to communicate with.
Well, here we have
a classic shaman,
with the hourglass figure,
feet pointed outward,
arms which have bird's feet
at the end,
which signifies spirituality.
And it's got the horns
with the fringes coming out.
But one section
is of particular interest
to ancient astronaut theorists.
It's called the Ghost Panel.
When you see the Ghost Panel,
you see
what are seven or eight
very tall figures
in unusual garments.
They look like space suits.
They're wearing some long robes,
and it looks like they
have helmets and things on.
They're quite large
and very strange looking.
And certainly they look
like some kind of spacemen
or extraterrestrials
who have come down.
For researchers,
the most perplexing
part of the painting
is a curious detail
on the large central figure.
The central ghost-like figure,
which is called the Holy Ghost.
If you look at the head
of the Holy Ghost,
you'll see his two eyes
in the front of his face.
But if you look to the left,
you'll see the side of his head.
This is a device
which you do not see
in any prehistoric art,
and this motif is one
of the reasons why I-I feel
that this represents a-an event.
Archaeologists suggest
the Ghost Panel
was created 10,000 years ago.
Just who made these
images remains a mystery.
But ancient astronaut
theorists believe
clues can be found
within ancient traditions.
The Navajo, they tell us
that this rock art
was actually created
by their ancestors
who lived there long, long ago
and in fact were
the survivors of a flood.
The Navajo
referred to themselves
as descendants
of the Holy People.
And that these Holy People
in fact helped them
emerge after a cataclysm.
The story of mysterious,
humanoid beings
assisting Native peoples
has been recounted
for centuries
in the American Southwest.
Many researchers believe
these encounters
were so significant
that they were carved in stone.
For hundreds of years,
the Native Americans
who lived in that area
called the Ghost Panel
the Panel of the Star People.
Clearly, they are strangers
of some kind to these people.
And if that's what it was,
then we might assume that they
are depicting extraterrestrials.
The moment you lay eyes
on the Holy Ghost Panel,
you know you're looking
at something extraordinary.
And it's much more
than a mere coincidence
that all around the world
our ancestors made
carvings and paintings
of mysterious beings
that they believe
came from the sky.
Could it be
that these illustrations
are all telling the same story?
That we were visited
in the distant past
by extraterrestrials.
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