Ancient Aliens s20e11 Episode Script

Mysteries of the Maya

In the jungles
of Central America,
the Maya people thrived
for more than 2,000 years.
The Mayans were very,
very sophisticated.
They built huge pyramid cities.
They created the only writing
system in all of the Americas.
The Maya possessed knowledge
that defies explanation.
How did they understand
the long, vast orbits
of the Earth
through the Milky Way galaxy?
And new evidence has revealed
a civilization
more extraordinary
and more ancient
than we ever imagined.
We have discovered
a lost chapter of human history.
But could the Maya's
greatest secret
involve contact with visitors
from beyond Earth?
The early Maya themselves
said we were taught by
extraterrestrial beings.
There is a doorway
in the universe.
Beyond it is
the promise of truth.
It demands
we question everything
we have ever been taught.
The evidence is all around us.
The future is
right before our eyes.
We are not alone.
We have never been alone.
Throughout Central America
stand the ruins of the Maya,
considered by many to be
the greatest civilization
in the history of the Americas.
While archaeologists
and historians have been
studying this ancient culture
for over four centuries,
there are still many questions
left to answer
since much of the Maya's history
is still hidden
within the jungles
of Mexico and Guatemala.
The roots of the Maya
are very obscure,
but traditional
Maya scholarship says
that historically you have
the more primitive
pre-Classical Maya
and then you've got
the Classical Maya,
who are more advanced.
For centuries,
scholars considered the height
of the Maya civilization
to be during the Classic era,
between roughly 250 and 900 AD.
Before this was
the pre-Classic era,
that began around 2000 BC
and was believed to be
made up of nomadic people
who lived in simple dwellings.
There was a thinking
that the Classic period
was really where
they started building cities.
But then in the '60s and '70s,
as we got deeper
into the jungle,
we realized
there were older cities
that were as big,
and in some cases, bigger
than the Classic ones.
Today, archaeologists believe
that the Maya built cities
throughout Central America
and thrived as a civilization
for more than 2,000 years.
They were responsible
for some of the most impressive
architecture in the entire
North American continent,
and this is just one of
their many accomplishments.
The Maya really stand out
among ancient civilizations
in terms of their achievements.
They created
the only writing system
we know in all of the Americas.
And through that writing system,
they were able to conduct
very scientific investigations,
and they became masters
of mathematics and astronomy.
The Maya were arguably
the ancient world's
best astronomers,
even excelling the Greeks.
Many of the Maya sites
all through the Yucatán,
Guatemala, Belize,
and throughout Mexico are
kind of astronomically aligned.
Now, they even have
as parts of the site,
the most famous being,
really, at Palenque
and at Chichén Itzá,
for instance,
where they have literally places
where they would
observe the stars.
Why the Maya were so preoccupied
with tracking the stars
remains a mystery.
But scholars agree
that they possessed
a remarkably advanced
understanding of astronomy,
which is perhaps most evident
within their
highly sophisticated
and complex calendar system.
Librarian Ernst Förstemann
uses his extensive knowledge
of mathematics to decipher
the dots and symbols
of a 12th-century Maya text
known as the Dresden Codex.
In doing so,
he unlocks the secrets
of the Maya calendar.
The Maya have
what's widely understood
as the most sophisticated
ancient calendar ever made.
It involves
so many different cycles.
It's so sophisticated, in fact,
that early scholars thought
that the Maya were,
as they called,
esoteric time worshipers.
The Maya are very interested
in the cycles of life.
So a lot of their calendars
were created
to track those cycles and look
for harmonies between cycles
to better harmonize themselves
with the natural world.
The long count calendar
of the Maya
lasted for 5,125 years.
It was backdated to have begun
in 3114 BC,
which meant
that it actually ended
on December 21, 2012.
And many of us will remember
how it was believed
that there was gonna be
a time of great transformation,
possibly the end of the world.
In 2012,
over a thousand years
after the fall
of the Maya civilization,
their calendar became known
to people all around the world.
Many believed that
the final date on the calendar
was intended to mark
an apocalyptic event.
The idea that the Maya predicted
the end of the world was really
just a Western misunderstanding
of how their calendar works
and what they were using
their calendar for.
Westerners see time as a line,
it goes back into the past
and forward into the future,
and we're the point
in the middle.
The Maya saw time
as a cycle that kept going
like the hands of a clock.
When it hit 12,
it didn't just explode,
it just went back
around for another loop.
So Maya calendar systems
were set up
to be never-ending cycles.
While the Maya were exceptional
at tracking time
and observing the heavens,
archaeologists were astounded
when they discovered
that this ancient culture
was tracking what is known
in astronomy as precession.
Precession is the wobbling
of the Earth on its axis
which changes the location of
constellations in the night sky.
It's actually a huge cycle
that lasts 26,000 years.
And the Maya,
without a shadow of a doubt,
were calculating precession.
They were able to say,
back in the distant past,
this planet would've been
in that constellation.
Scholars remain mystified
as to how the Maya came to have
such an advanced understanding
of astronomy, mathematics
and timekeeping,
and answers have been
difficult to come by,
since a large portion of
the Maya's writing and artifacts
have been lost or destroyed
over the centuries.
There was a big cultural shift
between about 900 and 1200 AD,
and one of
the prevailing theories
about the end of
Maya civilization was that
they taxed their resources,
that they created
an unstable landscape
that then lent itself
to landslides, to fires,
to floods,
and that can lead
to societal collapse.
In the 16 century,
Spanish conquistadors arrived
in the Maya cities
of the Yucatán Peninsula.
They found the sites sparsely
populated or even abandoned,
with many structures
already in ruins.
And while Spanish colonizers
were the first Europeans
to record their accounts
of the Maya culture,
they were also responsible
for destroying
much of the Maya's own history.
When the Spanish showed up,
they wanted to
convert them to Christianity.
Step one in that process
is dividing them
from their traditional wisdoms.
And those were
written in the books.
So, the Spanish
on purpose burned
every document they could find.
They destroyed
as much as they could.
Today we have
four surviving books that
at least scholarship has been
able to study and know about.
There are probably more,
almost certainly,
hiding in the mountains
in Guatemala.
And the Maya, for good reason,
hide them.
Have the secrets of the Maya
and how they built
such an advanced civilization
more than a thousand years ago
been lost forever?
Ancient astronaut theorists
there are still answers
to be found
in the Maya texts
that have survived,
and their accounts
of powerful beings
who came down from the sky.
The Getty Museum
opens an exhibition
displaying the oldest book
ever discovered in the Americas,
called the Maya Codex of Mexico.
Like other Maya codices,
the roughly 900-year-old text
consists of illustrations
and hieroglyphs
written on tree bark pages
that were bound together
like a book.
The Mayans had hundreds,
thousands of codexes that were
describing the Mayan history
and the gods
and everything that
they wanted to write down.
And four Mayan codices
are known to exist
and to have survived.
In addition to
these manuscripts,
archaeologists have found
Maya hieroglyphs
carved on temples
that date to as early as
the third century BC.
But since the great majority
of the Maya codices
have been lost or destroyed,
scholars have only recently
begun to decipher
the ancient writing system.
It's been a long process to
translate Maya hieroglyphs,
and we're not done.
Experts estimate we've got
maybe 80% of it translated,
and there are still
glyphs that elude us.
About 70 years ago,
Maya archaeologists
started to unravel
the Maya hieroglyphic world,
and by the '70s, the '80s,
more and more of the language
was understood in terms of
its interface with the glyphs.
As scholars slowly learned
how to read Maya hieroglyphs,
they discovered
the codices contain
richly illustrated
astronomical charts,
divination tables
and instructions
for religious ceremonies.
But the most important story
found in the codices
is a historical record
known as the Popol Vuh.
Their creation story
is called Popol Vuh.
And its opening chapters
outlined that the gods,
which they call
the makers and modelers,
set up the world.
But the story
really centers around
two boys, a pair of twins
they call the Hero Twins,
Hunahpu and Xbalanque.
And they battle with
the lords of death,
and they make the world safe
for creation, us, to occur.
According to the story,
after the Hero Twins
have prepared the Earth
for humanity,
they are followed by
a larger pantheon of gods.
Their beginning of creation,
and they have a date for it,
is the 11th of August,
3114 BC.
The Popol Vuh says
that on that day,
the road of the stars
descended from the sky,
and the gods, 13 of them,
descended from
the heavens down to Earth
and imparted knowledge
to the local population.
While researchers have
documented more than
250 Maya gods,
this original pantheon
of 13 beings
taught the ancient Maya
agriculture, mathematics
and astronomy.
The most prominent of
all the Maya gods
described in the Popol Vuh
is the flying serpent Kukulkan.
Lofty thinking and knowledge
was a gift from Kukulkan,
who gave them sophistication,
the art of speech,
also mathematics.
Kukulkan was the second deity
in the Maya pantheon.
And the name means
both "wind" and "giver."
You find Kukulkan connected with
a lot of the happenings
in the sky,
whether it's, you know,
thunder, lightning,
storms, rain.
And his appearance
was as a serpent,
which is a very common
symbol for wisdom.
What ancient astronaut theorists
find particularly intriguing
about Kukulkan is that this god
is not always depicted
as a flying serpent,
but is sometimes shown
as a humanoid face
emerging from
the serpent's mouth.
In Mayan iconography,
Kukulkan is shown as
a serpentine being
with a humanoid head
that flies through the sky.
And it makes you wonder
what is going on here?
It's very possible that
it's some sort of a craft
that is interpreted
as a feathered serpent
and a god being
emerges from that craft
and is a culture bearer.
Kukulkan looks like a snake
shooting across the sky.
If you look at
a modern-day plane,
that looks like a flying snake
if you don't have
the vocabulary
with which to describe
the fuselage and the wings,
for example.
So, of course,
we have stories of flying snakes
because those were
the best terms
with which to describe
what they witnessed.
Is it possible that the gods
described in the Maya writings
were otherworldly visitors
witnessed by
their earliest ancestors,
as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?
The first known Maya codices
containing the Popol Vuh
date to the 16th century AD.
But archaeologists have
clearly identified figures
from the Popol Vuh
featured on Maya temples
that are hundreds
of years older,
and ancient astronaut
theorists suggest
they provide further evidence of
an extraterrestrial influence.
Like the carvings found at
the ruins of Quiriguá
in Guatemala.
What's interesting is that
often repeated motif
of what seems to be
people in helmets.
In Quiriguá, Guatemala,
there is this helmeted person
sitting in what seems
very reminiscent of
something technological
in nature,
what looks to be some
type of a spacecraft.
Perhaps the most
extraordinary Maya depiction
of a being that
descended from the heavens
can be found on a pyramid
in the ancient city
of Chichén Itzá.
The Maya said the guardians
of the sky descended.
And they showed it
in their temples.
For example,
the temple of Chichén Itzá,
every year on March 21st,
you can see the descending
of god Kukulkan,
the feathered serpent
coming down.
The sun goes up,
and because of
the astronomical orientation,
because of the steps,
you see a triangle shadow
going down the step,
the step exactly in
the center of the pyramid.
These discoveries support
the Mayan legends of
how the god Itzamná
came down and, and gave
knowledge of writing and books,
while the feathered serpent
Kukulkan came
and he gave them knowledge
of astronomy and agriculture.
It would seem
that the core Mayan knowledge
came from these gods
who were probably
Could it be that
stories of the Popol Vuh
aren't fictional mythology,
but are, in fact,
recorded history of
ancient Maya interaction
with beings who descended
from the sky?
Perhaps further clues
can be found by
examining a Maya city
in Honduras
that was literally built
to reflect the cosmos.
This ancient site,
located deep in the jungle,
served as one of the most
important city centers
of the Maya civilization.
At the peak of its power
in the seventh century AD,
the kingdom of Copán had
a population of at least
20,000 people
and covered an area
of over 100 square miles.
Copán is a Classic Maya city
that sits at the far eastern
edge of the Maya world.
Most of the Maya world
is built out of limestone,
and a lot of those
limestone monuments
have now melted.
But Copán's sculpture,
because it's in volcanic tuff,
is beautiful.
It's deep relief
and still very visible.
The city of Copán is probably
one of the longest known
and most investigated
Maya city today.
These fantastic
carved stones of Copán
evoke the imagination
and the mystery of this place.
It was called
the Athens of the Maya world.
Among the most remarkable
carvings discovered at Copán
are the 15 stone statues
known as "stelae"
that connect the city's
ancient rulers with the gods.
The most fantastic
part of Copán is
the carved monuments
which are carved in the round.
They're not what
we call plano-convex
like a slab with a, you know,
a low-relief carving.
These are carved in a sort
of Michelangelo way
in the round, and
they're absolutely fantastic.
The most well-known
of Copán's stelae
were built during
the 36-year reign
of the ruler
Waxaklajuun Ub'aah K'awiil,
better known by
the nickname "18 Rabbit."
On one of the stelae of Copán,
18 Rabbit portrayed himself
as the foremost
patron god of Copán,
the all-encompassing god
K'intay Ahau.
And on the stelae,
he basically gives
a dissertation on the cosmos.
For all intents and purposes,
18 Rabbit is depicted
like modern-day astronauts.
You see tubes,
you see weird boxes,
you see weird canisters
and tanks.
You see boots.
It's stuff that looks
more technological in origin.
And what's fascinating
is that in Tikal, in Guatemala,
one of the stelae
shows this being
with a tube that comes
straight down in the front
and then it goes to the left
and it culminates
in some sort of a tank.
It all looks very technological
in origin.
It would seem that these gods
of the ancient Maya
were real physical beings,
and interacting with the Mayans,
giving them knowledge,
and were really instrumental
in creating
this advanced culture
in Central America.
Do the incredible ruins
of Copán serve to commemorate
the Maya's interactions
with extraterrestrials?
As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,
the answer is a resounding yes.
And they suggest
further evidence can be found
by examining the artwork
at another famous Maya site
400 miles to the northwest.
Under a pyramid called
the Temple of Inscriptions
at the ruins of Palenque,
Alberto Ruz Lhuillier
discovers a mysterious
underground stairway
obstructed with large stones.
Over the next three years,
Ruz and his team
carefully clear the stairwell
consisting of 71 steps.
When the door at the base of
the stairwell is finally opened,
they encounter room after room
of skeletons and artifacts.
And in the final room,
they find the tomb
of King K'inich Janaab' Pakal.
One of the best-known
and famous Maya ahau
or "royal lord,"
was Pakal, who ruled
in the seventh century AD.
And he ruled for 68 years
at this site,
thus making him
the longest-lived ruler
in the Americas that we know of.
While Pakal became
a famous leader
during his lifetime,
today he remains one of the most
well-known Maya kings
because of the magnificence
of his tomb and sarcophagus.
The tomb of Pakal is one
of the most amazing pieces
of Maya art
that we've ever found.
On the top of the lid
is a very elaborate carving
that we believe
is a depiction of Pakal
falling into the underworld
upon his death.
Although many historians
and archaeologists
interpret the carving
on Pakal's lid
as the king's descent
into the underworld,
ancient astronaut theorists
it depicts a very different
type of journey.
The sarcophagus of Lord Pakal
forever will remain
one of the smoking guns
of the ancient astronaut theory.
He is in a reclining position.
He has a breathing apparatus
attached to his nose.
His hands are manipulating
some buttons.
And his feet are on pedals.
It looks as if Pakal
is lifting off into space
inside some type
of a rocket vehicle.
As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,
the idea that King Pakal's
sarcophagus lid
depicts a journey to space
is supported by Maya writing
that surrounds
the iconic carving.
Those Maya glyphs say
that this is King Pakal's
journey to Xibalba.
"Xibalba" means "underworld."
Well, archaeologists,
about 15 years ago,
revisited the term "Xibalba"
and concluded
that, actually, "Xibalba"
can also be translated
as "Milky Way."
And all of a sudden,
this depiction makes sense
because what we have here
is a representation
of King Pakal on his journey
to the Milky Way.
Could it be that the carving
on King Pakal's sarcophagus
depicts the cockpit
of a spacecraft?
Do the artifacts
of Palenque and Copán
support the notion that the Maya
did not just write stories
about gods
who came down from the sky
but had real encounters
with otherworldly visitors?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,
and suggest further evidence
can be found
at the oldest Maya site
ever discovered.
A site that,
until the 20th century,
had remained hidden
in the jungles of Guatemala
for more than 1,000 years.
The Mirador Basin,
northern Guatemala, 1978.
A team
of American archaeologists
launches a project to excavate
a mysterious ancient site
that has been discovered
deep in the jungle.
Called El Mirador, it features
two gigantic pyramids
now known as El Tigre
and La Danta.
The Mirador Basin
is very deep in the jungle.
You can fly a plane over it,
but you don't
really see anything.
Everything is covered in trees.
So, we assumed,
if humans were ever in there,
they weren't building
anything of substance.
But as we got in on the ground
and we could see
from the bottom of the trees
instead of on the top,
we realized that a lot
of the things
we mistaked for mountains
were actually gigantic pyramids.
Artwork carved on the pyramids
at El Mirador identified them
as belonging to the Maya.
La Danta, the bigger of the two,
is larger in volume
than the Great Pyramid of Giza
in Egypt.
La Danta,
it's not just a pyramid,
it's a pyramid
with pyramids on top of it.
I mean, this is
a massive structure
that's rivaling or even bigger
than any other known
Maya temple complex.
Researchers for the Mirador
Archaeological Project,
which ran from 1978 to 1983,
were astonished to find
such massive Maya structures
in this remote jungle area.
And it begged the question,
could this be one of the oldest
Maya sites ever discovered,
built at a time when the
environment was more hospitable?
The answer would be provided
by archaeologist Richard Hansen,
who was in charge
of the Tigre Complex
in the western sector
of the site.
In March of 1979,
Richard Hansen was excavating
a room within a structure
called the Jaguar Paw Temple.
At the time,
these structures were understood
to be from what they call
the Classic Maya period,
which dates from
about 250 AD to 900 AD.
And that's because
archaeologists didn't think
the Maya were capable
of building
large structures like this
before that time.
But Hansen came upon
ceramic artifacts
that he immediately recognized
as Chicanel,
which means that these are
artifacts from around 200 BC.
And, of course, he was shocked.
Richard Hansen himself said
that he suddenly realized
the whole evolutionary model
for the Maya was wrong.
And in that moment,
he was the only person
in the world who knew it.
Since Hansen's discovery,
other scientific data
has revealed
that El Mirador
dates to at least 600 BC,
and could be even older.
This is long before
the Classic Maya era,
which is the period when
most archaeologists had believed
the Maya started building
monumental structures.
The debate on how
to subdivide Maya history
has actually gone on for as long
as we've been studying the Maya.
But for decades,
there was an understanding
that, before the Classic period,
they had more humble,
village-style living.
It's in the last 50 years or so,
including information
from places like El Mirador,
that we have, as archaeologists,
come to both understand
and appreciate the fact
that a great civilization
actually predates
the Classic period.
For ancient astronaut theorists,
the discoveries at El Mirador
support the idea
that the Maya stories
of sky gods are, in fact,
historical accounts
of extraterrestrial visitation.
The Maya said
that they were in contact
with the gods and that
they were given this knowledge
directly by these
extraterrestrial beings.
And what we have discovered
is the pyramids
that were constructed,
likely, to honor
these otherworldly beings.
In 2003, 24 years
after his first incredible
discovery at El Mirador,
Dr. Richard Hansen
got the opportunity
to conduct a survey of a much
larger area of the basin
using a sophisticated remote
sensing method called lidar.
Lidar is a laser-imaging
detection and ranging device.
It uses light in the same way
a radar uses radio
for detection and ranging.
A compact system can be flown
on a small airplane.
In four to five hours,
we can map 200 square kilometers
at really high resolution,
something that will take
years or decades
for a ground crew to do
using traditional techniques.
Dr. Hansen spent
nearly two decades
performing his lidar survey
and what he uncovered was
that the pyramids of El Tigre
and La Danta provide
only a small glimpse
of what is hidden
in the Mirador jungle.
19 years
into the vast lidar study
of the Mirador Basin,
Dr. Richard Hansen
and his archaeological team
announce their findings.
lidar surveys covering
1.6 million acres of the jungle
have revealed nearly
1,000 ancient Maya settlements
including houses, palaces
and colossal pyramids.
And they are believed
to date back
at least 3,000 years
long before the height
of the Maya civilization.
These are some
of the largest buildings
that were ever made by the Maya.
Some of these buildings include
things like ball courts,
temple structures,
palace structures,
residential compounds,
plaza groups.
It boggles the mind.
What's amazing is
we've found what seems to be
an entire civilization
that's rival
of the Egyptian civilization
that the Mayans had built
a long time ago
we never knew were there.
There are pyramids there
that rival
the pyramids in Egypt.
The results of the lidar study
established the pre-Classic Maya
as being just as advanced
as other great
early civilizations
like the Egyptians
and the Greeks.
And archaeologists were
by how much the Maya built.
The data revealed
that hidden within the jungles
of the Mirador Basin
are more than 110,000
ancient structures.
Archaeologists realize
that this area was at one time
densely populated.
And they built
huge pyramid cities.
There were
hundreds of thousands,
if not even millions
of people living there.
It's really awesome
when we can go
and find a city that's
unknown to modern science.
I mean, that's incredible.
And for me, some of the,
like, really cool things,
it's actually being able
to see features that remind us
that the Maya were
just like you and I.
And being able to see
stuff like a market.
I mean, we think about pyramids
and, like, temples
and stuff like that,
but finding some structures
that archaeologists interpret
to be a market
where people came
from different places
to exchange goods
and services, that's amazing.
Dr. Hansen's lidar survey
produced one incredible
revelation after another.
But for archaeologists,
the most astonishing of all
was an elaborate
network of causeways
or elevated roads.
El Mirador had
these elevated causeways
superhighways is the way
the archaeologists
described them
and they were actually
also covered with white plaster
so that they would reflect
the light of the moon
so that then they could travel
during the-the nighttime hours.
These ancient Maya
causeways are considered
more sophisticated than those
of other civilizations
of the time,
like the Greeks and Romans
due to the fact that they were
elevated over many miles.
The longest
causeway that we know
is over a hundred
kilometers long.
The largest portion
of the causeway connects
the site of Mirador
to other sites.
Some of these causeways
were the size
of a four-lane highway.
They are probably between two
and five meters in elevation
with relationship
to the lowlands.
So it was a massive undertaking.
Name another city in 1000 BC
that had elevated roadways
that are as wide
as a four-lane highway.
There is none.
The discoveries that continue
to be made in the Mirador Basin
are completely upending
our understanding of the Maya,
and present new questions
as to how
this sophisticated culture
emerged seemingly out of nowhere
more than 3,000 years ago.
What we have discovered
right there
is a lost chapter
of human history.
Because they now determined
that even a thousand years
before the Classical Maya period
they had an entire
network of roads
with buildings, with structures.
I mean, my mind is blown
because this is a complete
rewriting of Maya history.
We have a whole
new scenario here.
The evolutionary theory
of how the Maya came along
is wrong.
It's completely upset
by this discovery.
How is it
that the early Maya developed
sophisticated cities
and structures
at a time when it is thought
the entire
North American continent was
by primitive nomadic people?
Could it be that the Maya
creation story is, in fact,
a historical account
of extraterrestrial visitation?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes and suggest
further evidence can be found
by examining
the Maya's connection
with the Pleiades star cluster.
Located over
400 light-years from Earth,
near the constellation
of Taurus,
is a star cluster known
as the Pleiades.
It is commonly recognized
as seven bright stars
referred to
as the Seven Sisters.
But there are, in fact,
around 3,000 stars
in the Pleiades star cluster.
This area of the night sky
held great significance
for the Maya civilization.
The Maya themselves associate
the celestial beings
that had contact
with their own ancestors
with the Pleiades constellation.
In more recent years,
this has come through the work
and the teachings
of a writer and researcher
by the name of José Argüelles,
who during the 1970s
spent a long time
in the Maya lands,
having his own experiences
talking to the Maya themselves,
and coming to the conclusion
that the founders
of the Mayan civilization were,
in fact, star beings that had
come down in the distant past.
That had given the Maya
the knowledge and wisdom
to create the foundations
of their civilization.
Could it be
that the Maya identify
the Pleiades
as the home of the gods
because this was told
to their ancestors
by extraterrestrial visitors?
As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,
that question was
answered by the recent
lidar studies at El Mirador.
Because what they revealed
is that, incredibly,
the ancient structures
of El Mirador
appear to have been
intentionally positioned
to mirror the seven
brightest stars of the Pleiades.
Some archaeologists have
suggested that El Mirador is
aligned with the Pleiades
and that the pyramids
and other structures there
are actually recreating
the Pleiades star system
on the grounds
in the El Mirador basin.
In my opinion,
those structures are
calling cards
of our visitors long ago.
Does the layout of El Mirador
provide the ultimate proof
that Maya society
was the product
of extraterrestrial
While ancient astronaut
theorists find
this possibility intriguing,
they believe even more
profound discoveries
are yet to be made.
The things that we've
actually been able to excavate,
it's just a fraction,
a sub-percent of what's actually
out there to see.
I can say with confidence
that we have dug
less than one percent
of the Maya world.
Even in cities we know well,
like Palenque for example,
I made a map of Palenque.
I mapped almost 1,500 buildings.
We've excavated 33.
And that's a well-known city.
We have barely begun to scratch
the surface
of what's still remaining
of ancient Maya society.
As a tourist
or an archaeologist going
into the Maya lowland,
it's quite remarkable to see
pyramids sticking out
of the canopy of the jungle.
And you're tempted to think,
"Well, wow, there must be
thousands of sites
that are remaining
to be discovered."
When we look at what is
happening in Maya country now,
it's a resurgence
of a civilization long lost,
but that is truly
among the most magnificent
in all human history.
The modern Maya have to be
incredibly proud of this.
This is their lineage.
This is their ancestors
that built
these magnificent cities
that are now being
unveiled and uncovered.
I think what we're
gonna be finding here is
some incredible
new discoveries among the Maya.
And it's ultimately
gonna point to the Pleiades
and extraterrestrials
as the ones that were
the teachers
of this civilization.
Could the lost cities
of the Mirador Basin
that archaeologists are
only now beginning to explore
hold incredible
new evidence about,
not only the Maya
but the origins
of human civilization?
Are the jungles
of Central America hiding
the ultimate proof
of ancient alien visitation?
Perhaps as we continue
to unravel
the mysteries of the Maya,
we will learn that
their stories of sky gods are,
in fact, historical accounts
of our extraterrestrial past.
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