Ancient Aliens s21e02 Episode Script
The Top Ten Mysterious Monoliths
A 500-ton monument that appears to hover
above the ground.
Giant statues said to have
been created with advanced
technology and ornate pillars
that depict otherworldly visitors.
Throughout the world, enormous stone
monuments have stood for thousands of
years, and many are said to have an
otherworldly connection.
Now, ancient Aliens is taking a look back
at 10 of the most mysterious monoliths
we've investigated towering
standing stones that point
to extraterrestrial
intervention on planet Earth.
Across the globe,
there are towering stone
monuments that date
back thousands of years.
They're called monoliths, and there are
more than 50,000 of these mysterious
standing stones that often weigh tens or
even hundreds of tons.
But how were they built?
What purpose did they serve?
And why are so many of them associated
with stories of otherworldly beings?
We start our countdown with
the tallest stone in England,
which also happens to be a
hotspot for strange hovering orbs.
At number 10 on our countdown of
mysterious monoliths, the Rudston monolith.
Rudston, England.
At the north end of this quaint village in
Yorkshire stands a 12th century parish
church that is famous throughout the
region, not because of the church itself,
but because of an ancient monolith
that towers above the church cemetery.
The Rudston monolith is the tallest
standing stone in Britain.
Currently it is 25 feet in height and it
weighs 40 tons.
Archaeologists believe the Rudston
monolith dates back to at least 2000 BC.
And according to local historians,
the giant standing stone has been
associated with strange phenomena in the
area for centuries.
We have reports of high strangeness in the
region, dating back to the 10th century.
We have accounts of lights
in the sky, intelligent light
forms that seem to have a
purpose and a will of their own.
So you have to wonder,
is the Rudston monolith
there because of all
these strange effects?
Or perhaps the Rudston monolith itself is
helping create some of these effects.
Could this ancient monolith be a magnet
for unusual phenomena?
And if so, how?
According to Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
there may be a connection to the fact that
the Rudston monolith stands at a convergence
point of what are known as ley lines.
Ley Lines are identified
when numerous significant
ancient sites line up in
perfectly straight lines.
And researchers have
found that along these Ley
Lines there are strong
Earth energy currents.
The Rudston monolith
apparently is at a junction of three
Ley Lines and there's an
energy associated with these.
It's a subtle energy but it's there and it
can be amplified by these standing stones.
The ancients knew what they were doing.
They would place
them in stones from in
specific spots and it
would affect the energy.
But were they working with other beings to
do this?
You have to ask these kind of questions
because why would they do it?
It seems as if it was the result of some
kind of contact with entities,
perhaps even extraterrestrials.
One of the most remarkable things I've
ever seen is a giant monument in the
countryside of Japan
that is one of the
largest and oldest
monoliths anywhere on Earth.
And what's even more intriguing is that
ancient lore claims that this massive
stone was carved to resemble a ship that
flew through the sky.
Number nine on our countdown, the
Ishi no Hõden monument.
Takasago, Japan.
This small city just west
of Osaka is home to one of
the most extraordinary
wonders of the ancient world.
A colossal monolith called Ishi no Hõden or
the floating stone.
Standing 18 feet tall, 21 feet wide,
and almost 24 feet thick, the Ishi no Hõden
is estimated to weigh 500 tons, making
it one of the largest monoliths on Earth.
In 2017, Giorgio Tsoukalos
traveled to the Yoshiko shrine
to investigate the colossal monolith.
He is joined by fellow ancient astronaut
theorist Takeharu Mikami.
Wow, it's gigantic.
I need to walk around.
I had no idea how massive this is.
Archaeologists have been unable to date
its construction, but according to
Japanese mythology, the Ishi no Hõden could
be more than 16,000 years old.
The massive monument
is made of volcanic tuff and
was carved in place out
of the surrounding bedrock.
Its name, floating stone,
comes from a unique
feature that can be
seen under the huge rock.
So, do you want to just look down below
It looks like it's floating over the
It really does.
But what interests Georgiou the most is
what the monolith is said to represent.
So this monolith is said to be related to
one of the first Gods that descended from
the heavens to Japan, and
he is said to have traveled
over the country on a sky
ship made out of a giant rock.
So what you're telling me is that there is
an ancient Japanese legend that speaks of
a deity flying around in the sky with a
gigantic vehicle made of stone?
The fact that they used this water mirror
underneath the stone to show as if it is
hovering and floating in the air,
to me, is one of the smoking guns by our
ancestors to show that these things were
actually in the sky.
Our next mysterious monoliths are an instantly
recognizable symbol of ancient Egypt.
They are the most
perfectly carved stones in
existence, and some
of the largest as well.
But what most people don't
know is that these towering
pillars were seen as points
of contact with the Gods.
At number eight on our list, obelisks.
Thousands of years ago, the people here
produced some of the most enduring
monuments on Earth, including massive
pyramids, elaborate temples, and some of
the largest monoliths ever created,
called obelisks.
The Egyptian obelisk is
one of the most unique
pieces of architecture
in ancient Egypt.
Every obelisk you look at, it is
geometrically perfect.
They were always made of granite,
and they were foursided, and towered
upwards, and eventually ended in this
perfect pyramid.
Most obelisks are between 70 and 100 feet
tall, and they can weigh over 100 tons.
But what compelled the Egyptians to carve
such perfect monoliths in the first place?
Perhaps the answer can
be found by taking a closer
look at the unique
properties of this stone.
Obelisks are a piece
of crystalline granite,
and within the granite
is quartz crystal.
So obelisks themselves are, in a sense,
a crystal tower.
It's an antenna, and
any antenna can receive
a broadcast, and it
can give a broadcast.
Could it be that 4,000-year-old obelisks
were antennas?
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest the writings of
the ancient Egyptians
themselves support this idea.
According to hieroglyphic records known as
the Edfu texts, a 130-foot-tall obelisk
once stood at Abu Ghorab in Memphis, where
the people could commune with the Gods.
Abu Ghorab was known as the place of the
And what's so interesting is that most
mainstream Egyptologists are actually
saying that we know it as a place where the
ancients connected with divine energies.
The ancient astronaut theory
is suggesting that ancient
Egyptians were in direct contact
with those extraterrestrials.
I find it fascinating that many of the
monoliths we've investigated on ancient
Aliens are covered in symbols or writing
that point to another worldly connection.
One of the most compelling
examples of this can
be found in an ancient
Mayan city in Honduras.
At number seven on our list of the top 10
mysterious monoliths, the Stelae of Copan.
Copan, Honduras.
This ancient site, located deep in the
jungle, served as one of the most
important city centers of the Maya
At the peak of its power in the 9th
century AD, the kingdom of Copan had a
population of at least 20,000 people and
covered an area of over 100 square miles.
Copan is a classic Maya city that sits at
the far eastern edge of the Maya world.
Most of the Maya world
is built out of limestone and
a lot of those limestone
monuments have now melted.
But Copan's sculpture, because it's in
volcanic tuft, is beautiful.
It's deep relief and still very visible.
Among the most remarkable
carvings discovered at Copan
are the more than 80 monolithic
statues known as Stelae.
The most fantastic part
of Copan is the carved
monuments which
are carved in the round.
They're not what we
call plano convex, like
a slab with a, you
know, low relief carving.
These are carved in a
sort of Michelangelo way
in the round and they're
absolutely fantastic.
Copan is full of big Stelae that stand
10-12 feet above the surface of the Plaza.
They are single monolithic
stones carved with
all sorts of hieroglyphs
and images of rulers.
The most well-known of Copan Stelae were
built during the 43-year reign of the
ruler Wachaklahun Ubukaweel, better known
by the nickname Eighteen Rabbit.
On one of the Stelae of Copan,
Eighteen Rabbit portrayed himself as the
foremost patron God of Copan, the
all-encompassing God, Chanteau, and on the
Stelae he basically gives a dissertation
on the cosmos.
For all intents and purposes, Eighteen Rabbit
is depicted like modern-day astronauts.
You see tubes, you see weird boxes,
you see weird canisters and tanks,
you see boots.
It looks more technological in origin.
Does the monolithic statue of
Eighteen Rabbit commemorate
the Maya's interactions
with extraterrestrials?
As far as Ancient Astronaut Theorists are
concerned, the answer is a resounding yes.
The Maya, in their own words, tell us that
the founders of the Mayan civilization
were in fact star beings that had come
down in the distant past.
It would seem that these Gods of the
ancient Maya were real physical beings,
and they were interacting with the Mayans,
giving them knowledge, and were really
instrumental in creating this advanced
culture in Central America.
2500 miles south of Copan, high in the
Andes Mountains of Bolivia, is a massive
doorway carved from a single piece of
It stands near one of the most
extraordinary ancient sites on the planet
called Puma Punku, and carved into the
monolithic doorway are strange winged
beings that, from the perspective of an
Ancient Astronaut Theorist like myself,
clearly represent extraterrestrial
Number six on our countdown, the Gate of
the Sun.
Bolivia, 1549.
While searching for the southern capital
of the Inka Empire, Spanish Conquistador
Pedro Sieza de Leon comes upon a
mysterious site, a vast, abandoned city
near the shore of Lake Titicaca that the
locals call Tiwanaku.
The ruined city contains
temples, huge Megalithic
structures, and vast
ceremonial buildings.
Tiwanaku was huge.
It spanned for miles
and miles and had a
population of perhaps
as many as 20,000 people.
Among Tiwanaku's most impressive ruins is
a terrace mound called Puma Punku,
containing dozens of stone blocks,
cut with extraordinary precision,
and at the opposite end of the complex,
at the entrance to a large, sunken Plaza,
stands a giant carved doorway called the
Gate of the Sun.
Cut and shaped from a single andesite
stone, the massive monolith is 10 feet
tall, 13 feet wide, and weighs more than
10 tons.
The Gate of the Sun is the icon of
Tiwanaku, if not for all of South America,
and it is an amazing sculpture that's
carved with some very elaborate iconography.
It features the Inca God Viracocha,
who's the God of creation, who's portrayed
as a sort of a humanoid figure with rays
coming off his head.
Viracocha was the primary deity of the
Andes, going back many thousands of years.
It was thought to be the founder of all
the ancient sites we see in Peru and
Bolivia today, including Tiwanaku,
Cusco, Saxe Wuman, Machu Picchu,
and many others.
When European explorers rediscovered the
monolithic doorway in the 19th century,
it was lined flat on the ground and broken
into two pieces.
Today, it stands where it was found.
But many archaeologists believe this is
not its original location.
It's standing there and we all know it's
not where it used to be.
It's architecture and the way the stone is
cut in these right angles.
The only other place in all of Tiwanaku
that we see that is Puma Punku.
Puma Punku is one of the most enigmatic
places on planet Earth.
Some of the stone
blocks are over a hundred
metric tons at an altitude
of almost 13,000 feet.
And the legend is that this place was
built by the so-called Gods.
Is it possible that Puma Punku was built
by otherworldly beings, as legend suggests?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes and
believe further clues can be found by
taking a closer look at the
depiction of Viracocha carved on
the gate of the sun and the
strange beings that surround him.
Viracocha is flanked with 48 winged
Now why would these beings have wings
attached to them?
Well, because our ancestors tried to
signify flight.
What I think is depicted on the gate of
the sun is a type of a celestial Pantheon,
suggesting that whoever came and imparted
knowledge at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku were
beings that had a celestial connection,
meaning they came from the sky.
We're nearly halfway through our countdown
of the top 10 mysterious monoliths.
And while the monuments we have investigated
so far are tall standing stones,
archaeologists have also discovered
monoliths that are perfectly round.
At number five, the stone spheres.
Zavidovići, Bosnia, 2016.
Archaeologist Dr. Sam Osmanage and a small
team of researchers are hiking along the
Bosna River when they
spot what appears to be an
enormous stone sphere
hidden in the forest floor.
We started clearing it, realizing that it
was huge, monumental in size.
Once we cleared almost all of it,
we've done the measurements.
It is more than three meters in diameter.
The specific weight, 37 tons.
So this was the largest stone sphere
discovery in the world.
While the giant stone sphere in Bosnia is
impressive, it is not unique.
From Kansas to Kazakhstan, we find these
stone spheres.
Some of them are massive.
And the key thing that links all of them
is this incredible mystery about how were
they created, why were they created,
and ultimately, what is their purpose?
What compelled ancient people to create
monoliths in the shape of spheres?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
suggest clues can be found by
examining a discovery made deep
in the jungles of Central America.
In the 1930s, workers in Costa Rica found
hundreds of giant stone spheres.
About 300 have been discovered so far.
Some of them are huge, between eight and
nine feet tall and wide.
They look like they're created in a
Archeologists believe that the Diki
civilization carved the spheres with
simple stone tools, and they are thought
to be at least a thousand years old.
But just what purpose did they serve?
We do not know the original location of
most of these spheres.
You just start to wonder, what
if we could go back in time and
see the exact location of all the
spheres, what would they show?
Would they show a pattern?
Would they show a constellation map?
Would they be like the Nazca lines, like a
pattern that you could only see from above?
How and why Costa Rica's monolithic spheres
were created has been lost to history.
But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest that local
legends reveal a connection
to other worldly beings.
One very interesting explanation for the
Costa Rica spheres is that they were
created by Tara, the God of thunder,
who used some sort of a blow pipe to
shoot these spheres out of the pipe in
order to push back hurricanes.
Ancient astronaut theory says that within
legends like this there's often a kernel
of truth, and so you have to wonder,
is this a calling card from some
extraterrestrial entity, a sky God,
Tara, with some sort of message?
The fact that our ancestors created such
perfectly round spheres is truly
fascinating, and even more intriguing is a
collection of huge monoliths that are not
only round, but are also carved with
mysterious human features.
At number four on our
countdown of the top
10 mysterious monoliths,
the colossal heads.
Tres Zapotes, Mexico.
Smithsonian archaeologist Matthew Sterling
makes a remarkable find.
He discovers a colossal stone head buried
in the ground.
Over the next few years, 16 more heads are
discovered, partially buried at four
locations in Mexico, including 10 in San
Lorenzo and four in La Venta.
These monolithic statues are carved from
basalt and vary in height from nearly five
feet to over 11 feet tall, the largest
weighing approximately 50 tons.
Archaeologists believe
the stone heads are some
3,000 years old and were
created by the Olmecs.
The Olmecs, they're often called the
mother culture of Mesoamerica.
They are the first
complex culture of any size
and significance in
that part of the world.
For decades, archaeologists
assumed the colossal stone heads
were carved to honor important
figures in Olmec society.
But just who they depict has been the
source of debate among researchers.
The controversy is that
many of the beautifully
carved statues and Stelae
seem to show African men.
They appear to be not
native to the new world,
but are in any of the
sub-Saharan Africa.
This is not scientific
physical anthropology, but just
the appearance of these
things is pretty suggestive.
Is it possible that the Olmec stone heads
are a record of ancient visitors who
traveled thousands of miles to central
According to ancient
astronaut theorists, these
monoliths might serve a
more profound purpose.
And as evidence, they point to research
done by a team of scientists at Harvard,
Yale, and MIT that
revealed the colossal
stone heads have unusual
magnetic properties.
The Olmec were craftsmen at finding these
magnetic fields in basalt rock.
And they would
actually hunt down large
stones, take it back,
and carve it into heads.
And they were so precise with
knowing where the magnetic
fields were that they actually
carved around these anomalies.
When we look at how the ancients were
selecting certain stones that were
magnetic or had certain
energies, we wonder how they
could know about all of the
properties of these stones.
Are they getting this information from
Could it be that the ancient people of
Mesoamerica received instructions to
sculpt these giant basalt heads from
extraterrestrial visitors?
But if so, why?
According to ancient
astronaut theorists,
they may have been
designed for data storage.
Certain stones like basalt hold a magnetic
field and can be magnetized.
A basalt stone could actually act like a
hard disk for a computer.
When we look at how we store information
today, we have to understand that an
extraterrestrial civilization might
approach this from a different angle.
So is it possible that
extraterrestrials have embedded
ancient sacred knowledge
in statues or in monuments?
And if we were able to extract this
information, there could be a wealth of
information ready waiting at our
Running through the countryside of
northwestern France are thousands of
standing stones that are aligned in
perfectly straight rows.
And while their purpose
is unknown, some believe
they were part of a
long-lost technology.
At number three on our countdown of the top
10 mysterious monoliths, the Carnac stones.
On the northwest coast of France lies the
most famous and mysterious collection of
ancient standing stones found anywhere in
the world.
Stretching across an astonishing two miles
of rolling countryside, more than 3,000
giant monoliths are organized in neat
They are collectively known as the Carnac
The megaliths of Carnac in Brittany are
just amazing.
Some of them stand about 30 or 40 feet
There's multiple avenues of stones going
right over hills.
No one's really worked out exactly what
their purpose is.
These are arranged in four huge
Some of them are in parallel lines,
some of them are fan-like.
Archaeologists believe the monoliths were
erected more than 6,000 years ago,
making them older
than the Great Pyramid of
Egypt and the stone
circles of Great Britain.
But just why the stones are in such
precise alignments remains a mystery.
One of the most interesting is the
alignment of Menac.
When viewed from above,
we can see these 11 almost
perfect parallel lines that
stretch out for almost a mile.
So the Menac alignment is so pristine and
created with such perfection.
We can't even imagine how it would have
been done in ancient times.
We have to wonder what these lines were
I think in Carnac our ancestors did not
know what they were creating.
The entire region has over 4,000 stones.
Somebody told our ancestors why to move it
there and above all how to move it there.
Carnac, at some point, was an
extraterrestrial hotspot.
Is it possible that the
position of the Carnac
stones was directed by
extraterrestrial visitors?
As Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest,
perhaps clues can be found by examining a
discovery that may
point to these mysterious
monoliths having served
an energetic purpose.
In 1992, a French engineer named Pierre
Merot did a study of the Carnac stones and
what he found was that
the stones were aligned
and placed over areas
that had quartz fissures.
The standing stones themselves are also
made of quartz.
And if there are quartz
crystals within the stone, those
crystals can actually be
vibrating and storing energy.
Today, quartz is used in watches,
speakers, and computer storage systems.
Is it possible that the Carnac stones,
with their high quartz content and
strategic placement, had some kind of
technological function?
It's really interesting that these stones
are standing in just the right locations
where you could create a phenomena like
You can store and create electromagnetic
energy in these types of stones.
Somebody understood something about the
quartz in the ground, the standing stones,
and the fault lines.
It's too big of a coincidence for them not
to have understood that.
Were the Carnac stones created to be part
of an electrical grid, one that was
designed by
extraterrestrial visitors to tap
into the natural energy
produced by the Earth?
If so, what exactly were they using the
energy for?
Energy can be amplified by these standing
stones and it can be emitted as well.
Much like we use antennas and towers,
radio towers and things like that,
we have to wonder does it have to do with
extraterrestrials and spacecraft?
What if somebody came here who has been
around longer than us and has figured out
how to harness the energy of the planet
through use of standing stones?
The stone rows in Carnac Brittany to me
are a calling card.
It's a message that somebody was here in
the past and they were our teachers.
Thousands of miles off the coast of South
America is a tiny island in the South
Pacific where hundreds of massive stone
statues stand guard on the shoreline.
Archaeologists believe that these
sentinels could be more than 800 years old.
But just whom they depict and how they were
moved into place is an intriguing mystery.
Number two on our countdown, the Moai of
Easter Island.
More than 2,000 miles off the coast of
Chile, a rocky island rises from the ocean.
Called Rapa Nui by the locals, it is best
known as Easter Island.
Due to the fact that Dutch
explorer Jacob Roggeveen
discovered the island
on Easter Sunday, 1722.
As recorded in the ship's
log, Roggeveen and his crew
were astonished by what
they saw along the shore.
We noticed certain remarkably tall stone
These stone figures caused
us to be filled with wonder, for
we could not understand how
it was possible to erect them.
Some of these statues were a good 30 feet
in height and broad in proportion.
Known as the Moai, more
than 1,000 of these monolithic
statues are scattered across
Easter Island's grassy cliffs.
The statues on Easter
Island, which we call Moai, are
one of the great archaeological
wonders of the world.
They are unique.
And we believe that overall
they carved something
like a thousand of these
Moai over some centuries.
You don't realize that they're really
buried right up to their chest and that
these statues are two
or three times as large as
we can see because most
of them is below ground.
Many of the statues are oftentimes sort of
sideways looking up.
Most Moai stand between 13 to 20 feet tall,
but some reach as much as 30 feet high.
According to archaeologists, the native
Polynesian inhabitants of Easter Island
constructed the Moai between the 12th and
17th centuries AD.
Why did these people go to such great
effort to build these giant statues?
No one else in Polynesia was doing that.
When you talk to the people of Easter
Island today, the Rapa Nui people,
they say that they were
doing them to honor
certain important
ancestral ariqui or rulers.
These Moais are images of great ancestors.
As far as Ancient Astronaut Theorists are
concerned, these monolithic figures aren't
just depictions of ancient rulers,
but visitors from another world.
The thing about these Moai is that they
have these very strange faces,
very elongated.
They don't look quite human.
They're humanoid, but they're somehow
different than ordinary humans.
They look almost Alien in appearance.
And you have to wonder, what do they
ultimately represent?
You cannot exclude that they are
representation of celestial ancestors.
We have all these
status and the faces of the
status do not look like
the Easter Islanders.
The status they created, they look like
robots with long, narrow noses,
with narrow lips.
They have nothing which compares the
Easter Island people.
Is it possible that the
Moai depict extraterrestrial
beings who were once
present on Easter Island?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
say yes, and suggest these
visitors also helped in the
erection of the giant statues.
According to the local Rapa Nui people,
their ancestors possessed a type of divine
energy called mana that allowed them to
levitate the Moai.
The king was given the gift of mana from
the great creator God Maki Maki.
Mana is a magical energy and it seemed to
be capable of extraordinary feats.
And the king used the power of mana to
command that the great stone statues walk.
In my opinion, mana was
some type of extraterrestrial
technology that allowed these
stones to be levitated into place.
We're heading towards the number one entry
on our countdown of the most mysterious
monoliths, and some consider these standing
stones to be the most enigmatic on Earth.
We've reached number one on our countdown
of the top 10 mysterious monoliths,
and this collection of
massive standing stones
has baffled historians
for hundreds of years.
It's a neolithic monument that some believe
has a profound connection to the cosmos.
At number one, Stonehenge.
Wiltshire, England.
The neolithic monument known
as Stonehenge has dominated
the landscape here for no
less than five thousand years.
This iconic stone circle
consists of an outer ring of 30
monoliths topped by connecting
horizontal lintel stones.
And within this ring are five even larger
stone arches.
Some of the stones Stonehenge weigh
between 50 and 70 tons.
Some of the stones are even heavier.
So how could you have moved these into
If we go to the traditions of ancient
England about how the stones were moved,
we know that there are
stories of Merlin somehow
levitating the stones
all the way from Ireland.
Merlin, the powerful wizard of British
According to some
researchers, Merlin was not
only real, but a figure
who was not of this world.
The great 20th century French philosopher
and historian Jean Markale wrote over 40
books on the Celtic traditions
and was adamant that
Merlin was an incredibly
powerful otherworldly being.
And in a number of legends, Merlin brought
the understanding of how to utilize these
stones in some extraordinary way in terms
of technology, communications, energy.
Could the legend of Merlin really be the
story of an ancient Alien visitor,
one who helped to build
the mysterious Stonehenge
monument for some kind
of technological purpose?
The point is that the standing stone
formations that we find all around the
world are pieces of the puzzle of the
ancient astronaut theory that long ago we
received visits from outer
space and we were visited
by none other than our
first teachers on planet Earth.
But if Stonehenge really was of
extraterrestrial design, the question remains.
What purpose might this Megalithic stone
circle have served?
According to some ancient
astronaut theorists, the
site might have been a
portal to another world.
Archaeologists now are speculating that
the bluestones that are part of the
Stonehenge complex,
they are a type of black blue
dollarite that has very bright
nodes of quartz in them.
So you have electrical qualities when the
quartz is kind of crushed and then you
have magnetic qualities as well within the
same stone.
So this could have been used to manipulate
Earth energy currents.
You have to wonder if it's a way to create
a special portal area.
It's got a special energy
perhaps being manipulated
and created by these
Megalithic structures.
What is it that compelled
ancient people to
construct enormous standing
stones across the globe?
It's a question that
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
believe has an
extraterrestrial answer.
And whether they were used as energy
sources, or as signals to be seen from
above, or even as points of contact with
otherworldly visitors, the more we learn
about the ancient
monoliths, the closer we will
come to revealing the
truth about our Alien origins.
A 500-ton monument that appears to hover
above the ground.
Giant statues said to have
been created with advanced
technology and ornate pillars
that depict otherworldly visitors.
Throughout the world, enormous stone
monuments have stood for thousands of
years, and many are said to have an
otherworldly connection.
Now, ancient Aliens is taking a look back
at 10 of the most mysterious monoliths
we've investigated towering
standing stones that point
to extraterrestrial
intervention on planet Earth.
Across the globe,
there are towering stone
monuments that date
back thousands of years.
They're called monoliths, and there are
more than 50,000 of these mysterious
standing stones that often weigh tens or
even hundreds of tons.
But how were they built?
What purpose did they serve?
And why are so many of them associated
with stories of otherworldly beings?
We start our countdown with
the tallest stone in England,
which also happens to be a
hotspot for strange hovering orbs.
At number 10 on our countdown of
mysterious monoliths, the Rudston monolith.
Rudston, England.
At the north end of this quaint village in
Yorkshire stands a 12th century parish
church that is famous throughout the
region, not because of the church itself,
but because of an ancient monolith
that towers above the church cemetery.
The Rudston monolith is the tallest
standing stone in Britain.
Currently it is 25 feet in height and it
weighs 40 tons.
Archaeologists believe the Rudston
monolith dates back to at least 2000 BC.
And according to local historians,
the giant standing stone has been
associated with strange phenomena in the
area for centuries.
We have reports of high strangeness in the
region, dating back to the 10th century.
We have accounts of lights
in the sky, intelligent light
forms that seem to have a
purpose and a will of their own.
So you have to wonder,
is the Rudston monolith
there because of all
these strange effects?
Or perhaps the Rudston monolith itself is
helping create some of these effects.
Could this ancient monolith be a magnet
for unusual phenomena?
And if so, how?
According to Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
there may be a connection to the fact that
the Rudston monolith stands at a convergence
point of what are known as ley lines.
Ley Lines are identified
when numerous significant
ancient sites line up in
perfectly straight lines.
And researchers have
found that along these Ley
Lines there are strong
Earth energy currents.
The Rudston monolith
apparently is at a junction of three
Ley Lines and there's an
energy associated with these.
It's a subtle energy but it's there and it
can be amplified by these standing stones.
The ancients knew what they were doing.
They would place
them in stones from in
specific spots and it
would affect the energy.
But were they working with other beings to
do this?
You have to ask these kind of questions
because why would they do it?
It seems as if it was the result of some
kind of contact with entities,
perhaps even extraterrestrials.
One of the most remarkable things I've
ever seen is a giant monument in the
countryside of Japan
that is one of the
largest and oldest
monoliths anywhere on Earth.
And what's even more intriguing is that
ancient lore claims that this massive
stone was carved to resemble a ship that
flew through the sky.
Number nine on our countdown, the
Ishi no Hõden monument.
Takasago, Japan.
This small city just west
of Osaka is home to one of
the most extraordinary
wonders of the ancient world.
A colossal monolith called Ishi no Hõden or
the floating stone.
Standing 18 feet tall, 21 feet wide,
and almost 24 feet thick, the Ishi no Hõden
is estimated to weigh 500 tons, making
it one of the largest monoliths on Earth.
In 2017, Giorgio Tsoukalos
traveled to the Yoshiko shrine
to investigate the colossal monolith.
He is joined by fellow ancient astronaut
theorist Takeharu Mikami.
Wow, it's gigantic.
I need to walk around.
I had no idea how massive this is.
Archaeologists have been unable to date
its construction, but according to
Japanese mythology, the Ishi no Hõden could
be more than 16,000 years old.
The massive monument
is made of volcanic tuff and
was carved in place out
of the surrounding bedrock.
Its name, floating stone,
comes from a unique
feature that can be
seen under the huge rock.
So, do you want to just look down below
It looks like it's floating over the
It really does.
But what interests Georgiou the most is
what the monolith is said to represent.
So this monolith is said to be related to
one of the first Gods that descended from
the heavens to Japan, and
he is said to have traveled
over the country on a sky
ship made out of a giant rock.
So what you're telling me is that there is
an ancient Japanese legend that speaks of
a deity flying around in the sky with a
gigantic vehicle made of stone?
The fact that they used this water mirror
underneath the stone to show as if it is
hovering and floating in the air,
to me, is one of the smoking guns by our
ancestors to show that these things were
actually in the sky.
Our next mysterious monoliths are an instantly
recognizable symbol of ancient Egypt.
They are the most
perfectly carved stones in
existence, and some
of the largest as well.
But what most people don't
know is that these towering
pillars were seen as points
of contact with the Gods.
At number eight on our list, obelisks.
Thousands of years ago, the people here
produced some of the most enduring
monuments on Earth, including massive
pyramids, elaborate temples, and some of
the largest monoliths ever created,
called obelisks.
The Egyptian obelisk is
one of the most unique
pieces of architecture
in ancient Egypt.
Every obelisk you look at, it is
geometrically perfect.
They were always made of granite,
and they were foursided, and towered
upwards, and eventually ended in this
perfect pyramid.
Most obelisks are between 70 and 100 feet
tall, and they can weigh over 100 tons.
But what compelled the Egyptians to carve
such perfect monoliths in the first place?
Perhaps the answer can
be found by taking a closer
look at the unique
properties of this stone.
Obelisks are a piece
of crystalline granite,
and within the granite
is quartz crystal.
So obelisks themselves are, in a sense,
a crystal tower.
It's an antenna, and
any antenna can receive
a broadcast, and it
can give a broadcast.
Could it be that 4,000-year-old obelisks
were antennas?
Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest the writings of
the ancient Egyptians
themselves support this idea.
According to hieroglyphic records known as
the Edfu texts, a 130-foot-tall obelisk
once stood at Abu Ghorab in Memphis, where
the people could commune with the Gods.
Abu Ghorab was known as the place of the
And what's so interesting is that most
mainstream Egyptologists are actually
saying that we know it as a place where the
ancients connected with divine energies.
The ancient astronaut theory
is suggesting that ancient
Egyptians were in direct contact
with those extraterrestrials.
I find it fascinating that many of the
monoliths we've investigated on ancient
Aliens are covered in symbols or writing
that point to another worldly connection.
One of the most compelling
examples of this can
be found in an ancient
Mayan city in Honduras.
At number seven on our list of the top 10
mysterious monoliths, the Stelae of Copan.
Copan, Honduras.
This ancient site, located deep in the
jungle, served as one of the most
important city centers of the Maya
At the peak of its power in the 9th
century AD, the kingdom of Copan had a
population of at least 20,000 people and
covered an area of over 100 square miles.
Copan is a classic Maya city that sits at
the far eastern edge of the Maya world.
Most of the Maya world
is built out of limestone and
a lot of those limestone
monuments have now melted.
But Copan's sculpture, because it's in
volcanic tuft, is beautiful.
It's deep relief and still very visible.
Among the most remarkable
carvings discovered at Copan
are the more than 80 monolithic
statues known as Stelae.
The most fantastic part
of Copan is the carved
monuments which
are carved in the round.
They're not what we
call plano convex, like
a slab with a, you
know, low relief carving.
These are carved in a
sort of Michelangelo way
in the round and they're
absolutely fantastic.
Copan is full of big Stelae that stand
10-12 feet above the surface of the Plaza.
They are single monolithic
stones carved with
all sorts of hieroglyphs
and images of rulers.
The most well-known of Copan Stelae were
built during the 43-year reign of the
ruler Wachaklahun Ubukaweel, better known
by the nickname Eighteen Rabbit.
On one of the Stelae of Copan,
Eighteen Rabbit portrayed himself as the
foremost patron God of Copan, the
all-encompassing God, Chanteau, and on the
Stelae he basically gives a dissertation
on the cosmos.
For all intents and purposes, Eighteen Rabbit
is depicted like modern-day astronauts.
You see tubes, you see weird boxes,
you see weird canisters and tanks,
you see boots.
It looks more technological in origin.
Does the monolithic statue of
Eighteen Rabbit commemorate
the Maya's interactions
with extraterrestrials?
As far as Ancient Astronaut Theorists are
concerned, the answer is a resounding yes.
The Maya, in their own words, tell us that
the founders of the Mayan civilization
were in fact star beings that had come
down in the distant past.
It would seem that these Gods of the
ancient Maya were real physical beings,
and they were interacting with the Mayans,
giving them knowledge, and were really
instrumental in creating this advanced
culture in Central America.
2500 miles south of Copan, high in the
Andes Mountains of Bolivia, is a massive
doorway carved from a single piece of
It stands near one of the most
extraordinary ancient sites on the planet
called Puma Punku, and carved into the
monolithic doorway are strange winged
beings that, from the perspective of an
Ancient Astronaut Theorist like myself,
clearly represent extraterrestrial
Number six on our countdown, the Gate of
the Sun.
Bolivia, 1549.
While searching for the southern capital
of the Inka Empire, Spanish Conquistador
Pedro Sieza de Leon comes upon a
mysterious site, a vast, abandoned city
near the shore of Lake Titicaca that the
locals call Tiwanaku.
The ruined city contains
temples, huge Megalithic
structures, and vast
ceremonial buildings.
Tiwanaku was huge.
It spanned for miles
and miles and had a
population of perhaps
as many as 20,000 people.
Among Tiwanaku's most impressive ruins is
a terrace mound called Puma Punku,
containing dozens of stone blocks,
cut with extraordinary precision,
and at the opposite end of the complex,
at the entrance to a large, sunken Plaza,
stands a giant carved doorway called the
Gate of the Sun.
Cut and shaped from a single andesite
stone, the massive monolith is 10 feet
tall, 13 feet wide, and weighs more than
10 tons.
The Gate of the Sun is the icon of
Tiwanaku, if not for all of South America,
and it is an amazing sculpture that's
carved with some very elaborate iconography.
It features the Inca God Viracocha,
who's the God of creation, who's portrayed
as a sort of a humanoid figure with rays
coming off his head.
Viracocha was the primary deity of the
Andes, going back many thousands of years.
It was thought to be the founder of all
the ancient sites we see in Peru and
Bolivia today, including Tiwanaku,
Cusco, Saxe Wuman, Machu Picchu,
and many others.
When European explorers rediscovered the
monolithic doorway in the 19th century,
it was lined flat on the ground and broken
into two pieces.
Today, it stands where it was found.
But many archaeologists believe this is
not its original location.
It's standing there and we all know it's
not where it used to be.
It's architecture and the way the stone is
cut in these right angles.
The only other place in all of Tiwanaku
that we see that is Puma Punku.
Puma Punku is one of the most enigmatic
places on planet Earth.
Some of the stone
blocks are over a hundred
metric tons at an altitude
of almost 13,000 feet.
And the legend is that this place was
built by the so-called Gods.
Is it possible that Puma Punku was built
by otherworldly beings, as legend suggests?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes and
believe further clues can be found by
taking a closer look at the
depiction of Viracocha carved on
the gate of the sun and the
strange beings that surround him.
Viracocha is flanked with 48 winged
Now why would these beings have wings
attached to them?
Well, because our ancestors tried to
signify flight.
What I think is depicted on the gate of
the sun is a type of a celestial Pantheon,
suggesting that whoever came and imparted
knowledge at Tiwanaku and Puma Punku were
beings that had a celestial connection,
meaning they came from the sky.
We're nearly halfway through our countdown
of the top 10 mysterious monoliths.
And while the monuments we have investigated
so far are tall standing stones,
archaeologists have also discovered
monoliths that are perfectly round.
At number five, the stone spheres.
Zavidovići, Bosnia, 2016.
Archaeologist Dr. Sam Osmanage and a small
team of researchers are hiking along the
Bosna River when they
spot what appears to be an
enormous stone sphere
hidden in the forest floor.
We started clearing it, realizing that it
was huge, monumental in size.
Once we cleared almost all of it,
we've done the measurements.
It is more than three meters in diameter.
The specific weight, 37 tons.
So this was the largest stone sphere
discovery in the world.
While the giant stone sphere in Bosnia is
impressive, it is not unique.
From Kansas to Kazakhstan, we find these
stone spheres.
Some of them are massive.
And the key thing that links all of them
is this incredible mystery about how were
they created, why were they created,
and ultimately, what is their purpose?
What compelled ancient people to create
monoliths in the shape of spheres?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
suggest clues can be found by
examining a discovery made deep
in the jungles of Central America.
In the 1930s, workers in Costa Rica found
hundreds of giant stone spheres.
About 300 have been discovered so far.
Some of them are huge, between eight and
nine feet tall and wide.
They look like they're created in a
Archeologists believe that the Diki
civilization carved the spheres with
simple stone tools, and they are thought
to be at least a thousand years old.
But just what purpose did they serve?
We do not know the original location of
most of these spheres.
You just start to wonder, what
if we could go back in time and
see the exact location of all the
spheres, what would they show?
Would they show a pattern?
Would they show a constellation map?
Would they be like the Nazca lines, like a
pattern that you could only see from above?
How and why Costa Rica's monolithic spheres
were created has been lost to history.
But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest that local
legends reveal a connection
to other worldly beings.
One very interesting explanation for the
Costa Rica spheres is that they were
created by Tara, the God of thunder,
who used some sort of a blow pipe to
shoot these spheres out of the pipe in
order to push back hurricanes.
Ancient astronaut theory says that within
legends like this there's often a kernel
of truth, and so you have to wonder,
is this a calling card from some
extraterrestrial entity, a sky God,
Tara, with some sort of message?
The fact that our ancestors created such
perfectly round spheres is truly
fascinating, and even more intriguing is a
collection of huge monoliths that are not
only round, but are also carved with
mysterious human features.
At number four on our
countdown of the top
10 mysterious monoliths,
the colossal heads.
Tres Zapotes, Mexico.
Smithsonian archaeologist Matthew Sterling
makes a remarkable find.
He discovers a colossal stone head buried
in the ground.
Over the next few years, 16 more heads are
discovered, partially buried at four
locations in Mexico, including 10 in San
Lorenzo and four in La Venta.
These monolithic statues are carved from
basalt and vary in height from nearly five
feet to over 11 feet tall, the largest
weighing approximately 50 tons.
Archaeologists believe
the stone heads are some
3,000 years old and were
created by the Olmecs.
The Olmecs, they're often called the
mother culture of Mesoamerica.
They are the first
complex culture of any size
and significance in
that part of the world.
For decades, archaeologists
assumed the colossal stone heads
were carved to honor important
figures in Olmec society.
But just who they depict has been the
source of debate among researchers.
The controversy is that
many of the beautifully
carved statues and Stelae
seem to show African men.
They appear to be not
native to the new world,
but are in any of the
sub-Saharan Africa.
This is not scientific
physical anthropology, but just
the appearance of these
things is pretty suggestive.
Is it possible that the Olmec stone heads
are a record of ancient visitors who
traveled thousands of miles to central
According to ancient
astronaut theorists, these
monoliths might serve a
more profound purpose.
And as evidence, they point to research
done by a team of scientists at Harvard,
Yale, and MIT that
revealed the colossal
stone heads have unusual
magnetic properties.
The Olmec were craftsmen at finding these
magnetic fields in basalt rock.
And they would
actually hunt down large
stones, take it back,
and carve it into heads.
And they were so precise with
knowing where the magnetic
fields were that they actually
carved around these anomalies.
When we look at how the ancients were
selecting certain stones that were
magnetic or had certain
energies, we wonder how they
could know about all of the
properties of these stones.
Are they getting this information from
Could it be that the ancient people of
Mesoamerica received instructions to
sculpt these giant basalt heads from
extraterrestrial visitors?
But if so, why?
According to ancient
astronaut theorists,
they may have been
designed for data storage.
Certain stones like basalt hold a magnetic
field and can be magnetized.
A basalt stone could actually act like a
hard disk for a computer.
When we look at how we store information
today, we have to understand that an
extraterrestrial civilization might
approach this from a different angle.
So is it possible that
extraterrestrials have embedded
ancient sacred knowledge
in statues or in monuments?
And if we were able to extract this
information, there could be a wealth of
information ready waiting at our
Running through the countryside of
northwestern France are thousands of
standing stones that are aligned in
perfectly straight rows.
And while their purpose
is unknown, some believe
they were part of a
long-lost technology.
At number three on our countdown of the top
10 mysterious monoliths, the Carnac stones.
On the northwest coast of France lies the
most famous and mysterious collection of
ancient standing stones found anywhere in
the world.
Stretching across an astonishing two miles
of rolling countryside, more than 3,000
giant monoliths are organized in neat
They are collectively known as the Carnac
The megaliths of Carnac in Brittany are
just amazing.
Some of them stand about 30 or 40 feet
There's multiple avenues of stones going
right over hills.
No one's really worked out exactly what
their purpose is.
These are arranged in four huge
Some of them are in parallel lines,
some of them are fan-like.
Archaeologists believe the monoliths were
erected more than 6,000 years ago,
making them older
than the Great Pyramid of
Egypt and the stone
circles of Great Britain.
But just why the stones are in such
precise alignments remains a mystery.
One of the most interesting is the
alignment of Menac.
When viewed from above,
we can see these 11 almost
perfect parallel lines that
stretch out for almost a mile.
So the Menac alignment is so pristine and
created with such perfection.
We can't even imagine how it would have
been done in ancient times.
We have to wonder what these lines were
I think in Carnac our ancestors did not
know what they were creating.
The entire region has over 4,000 stones.
Somebody told our ancestors why to move it
there and above all how to move it there.
Carnac, at some point, was an
extraterrestrial hotspot.
Is it possible that the
position of the Carnac
stones was directed by
extraterrestrial visitors?
As Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest,
perhaps clues can be found by examining a
discovery that may
point to these mysterious
monoliths having served
an energetic purpose.
In 1992, a French engineer named Pierre
Merot did a study of the Carnac stones and
what he found was that
the stones were aligned
and placed over areas
that had quartz fissures.
The standing stones themselves are also
made of quartz.
And if there are quartz
crystals within the stone, those
crystals can actually be
vibrating and storing energy.
Today, quartz is used in watches,
speakers, and computer storage systems.
Is it possible that the Carnac stones,
with their high quartz content and
strategic placement, had some kind of
technological function?
It's really interesting that these stones
are standing in just the right locations
where you could create a phenomena like
You can store and create electromagnetic
energy in these types of stones.
Somebody understood something about the
quartz in the ground, the standing stones,
and the fault lines.
It's too big of a coincidence for them not
to have understood that.
Were the Carnac stones created to be part
of an electrical grid, one that was
designed by
extraterrestrial visitors to tap
into the natural energy
produced by the Earth?
If so, what exactly were they using the
energy for?
Energy can be amplified by these standing
stones and it can be emitted as well.
Much like we use antennas and towers,
radio towers and things like that,
we have to wonder does it have to do with
extraterrestrials and spacecraft?
What if somebody came here who has been
around longer than us and has figured out
how to harness the energy of the planet
through use of standing stones?
The stone rows in Carnac Brittany to me
are a calling card.
It's a message that somebody was here in
the past and they were our teachers.
Thousands of miles off the coast of South
America is a tiny island in the South
Pacific where hundreds of massive stone
statues stand guard on the shoreline.
Archaeologists believe that these
sentinels could be more than 800 years old.
But just whom they depict and how they were
moved into place is an intriguing mystery.
Number two on our countdown, the Moai of
Easter Island.
More than 2,000 miles off the coast of
Chile, a rocky island rises from the ocean.
Called Rapa Nui by the locals, it is best
known as Easter Island.
Due to the fact that Dutch
explorer Jacob Roggeveen
discovered the island
on Easter Sunday, 1722.
As recorded in the ship's
log, Roggeveen and his crew
were astonished by what
they saw along the shore.
We noticed certain remarkably tall stone
These stone figures caused
us to be filled with wonder, for
we could not understand how
it was possible to erect them.
Some of these statues were a good 30 feet
in height and broad in proportion.
Known as the Moai, more
than 1,000 of these monolithic
statues are scattered across
Easter Island's grassy cliffs.
The statues on Easter
Island, which we call Moai, are
one of the great archaeological
wonders of the world.
They are unique.
And we believe that overall
they carved something
like a thousand of these
Moai over some centuries.
You don't realize that they're really
buried right up to their chest and that
these statues are two
or three times as large as
we can see because most
of them is below ground.
Many of the statues are oftentimes sort of
sideways looking up.
Most Moai stand between 13 to 20 feet tall,
but some reach as much as 30 feet high.
According to archaeologists, the native
Polynesian inhabitants of Easter Island
constructed the Moai between the 12th and
17th centuries AD.
Why did these people go to such great
effort to build these giant statues?
No one else in Polynesia was doing that.
When you talk to the people of Easter
Island today, the Rapa Nui people,
they say that they were
doing them to honor
certain important
ancestral ariqui or rulers.
These Moais are images of great ancestors.
As far as Ancient Astronaut Theorists are
concerned, these monolithic figures aren't
just depictions of ancient rulers,
but visitors from another world.
The thing about these Moai is that they
have these very strange faces,
very elongated.
They don't look quite human.
They're humanoid, but they're somehow
different than ordinary humans.
They look almost Alien in appearance.
And you have to wonder, what do they
ultimately represent?
You cannot exclude that they are
representation of celestial ancestors.
We have all these
status and the faces of the
status do not look like
the Easter Islanders.
The status they created, they look like
robots with long, narrow noses,
with narrow lips.
They have nothing which compares the
Easter Island people.
Is it possible that the
Moai depict extraterrestrial
beings who were once
present on Easter Island?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
say yes, and suggest these
visitors also helped in the
erection of the giant statues.
According to the local Rapa Nui people,
their ancestors possessed a type of divine
energy called mana that allowed them to
levitate the Moai.
The king was given the gift of mana from
the great creator God Maki Maki.
Mana is a magical energy and it seemed to
be capable of extraordinary feats.
And the king used the power of mana to
command that the great stone statues walk.
In my opinion, mana was
some type of extraterrestrial
technology that allowed these
stones to be levitated into place.
We're heading towards the number one entry
on our countdown of the most mysterious
monoliths, and some consider these standing
stones to be the most enigmatic on Earth.
We've reached number one on our countdown
of the top 10 mysterious monoliths,
and this collection of
massive standing stones
has baffled historians
for hundreds of years.
It's a neolithic monument that some believe
has a profound connection to the cosmos.
At number one, Stonehenge.
Wiltshire, England.
The neolithic monument known
as Stonehenge has dominated
the landscape here for no
less than five thousand years.
This iconic stone circle
consists of an outer ring of 30
monoliths topped by connecting
horizontal lintel stones.
And within this ring are five even larger
stone arches.
Some of the stones Stonehenge weigh
between 50 and 70 tons.
Some of the stones are even heavier.
So how could you have moved these into
If we go to the traditions of ancient
England about how the stones were moved,
we know that there are
stories of Merlin somehow
levitating the stones
all the way from Ireland.
Merlin, the powerful wizard of British
According to some
researchers, Merlin was not
only real, but a figure
who was not of this world.
The great 20th century French philosopher
and historian Jean Markale wrote over 40
books on the Celtic traditions
and was adamant that
Merlin was an incredibly
powerful otherworldly being.
And in a number of legends, Merlin brought
the understanding of how to utilize these
stones in some extraordinary way in terms
of technology, communications, energy.
Could the legend of Merlin really be the
story of an ancient Alien visitor,
one who helped to build
the mysterious Stonehenge
monument for some kind
of technological purpose?
The point is that the standing stone
formations that we find all around the
world are pieces of the puzzle of the
ancient astronaut theory that long ago we
received visits from outer
space and we were visited
by none other than our
first teachers on planet Earth.
But if Stonehenge really was of
extraterrestrial design, the question remains.
What purpose might this Megalithic stone
circle have served?
According to some ancient
astronaut theorists, the
site might have been a
portal to another world.
Archaeologists now are speculating that
the bluestones that are part of the
Stonehenge complex,
they are a type of black blue
dollarite that has very bright
nodes of quartz in them.
So you have electrical qualities when the
quartz is kind of crushed and then you
have magnetic qualities as well within the
same stone.
So this could have been used to manipulate
Earth energy currents.
You have to wonder if it's a way to create
a special portal area.
It's got a special energy
perhaps being manipulated
and created by these
Megalithic structures.
What is it that compelled
ancient people to
construct enormous standing
stones across the globe?
It's a question that
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
believe has an
extraterrestrial answer.
And whether they were used as energy
sources, or as signals to be seen from
above, or even as points of contact with
otherworldly visitors, the more we learn
about the ancient
monoliths, the closer we will
come to revealing the
truth about our Alien origins.