Ancient Aliens s21e03 Episode Script
The Top Ten UFO Crashes
An acorn-shaped object that
crashed in the woods of Pennsylvania.
A mysterious craft that
washed ashore in Japan.
And an Earth-shaking impact
in Britain that defies explanation.
Over the years, ancient Aliens has
examined dozens of accounts of
extraterrestrial spacecraft
crashing to Earth.
Now, we're going to explore 10 of the most
remarkable UFO crashes ever reported.
Crashes that add to the
growing body of evidence
that Earth has been
visited by extraterrestrials.
The idea of an Alien spaceship crashing to
Earth has fascinated us since stories of
flying saucers were first
reported in the 1940s.
And while the government has never
acknowledged recovering an
extraterrestrial craft, there
are plenty of eyewitness
accounts that describe
UFOs plunging from the sky.
And believe it or not,
there are even UFO crashes
that were witnessed
thousands of years ago.
Like this first event,
which was recorded on
ancient stone disks
found in a cave in China.
Number 10 on our countdown of the Top 10
UFO Crashes, the Dropa Stones.
Qinghai Province, China, 1938.
Archaeologist Dr. Chi Pu Tei is exploring
a cave in the Bayan Kara'ula Mountains
when he and his team discover chambers
that appear to be man-made.
And what they find within them is highly
Archaeologists discovered cave systems in
China that contained hundreds of disks.
And these disks were about this wide,
and it seemed that they had some type of a
groove in them reminding of modern-day
vinyl records.
According to an article published in a
German magazine in July 1962, entitled
UFOs in Prehistoric Times,
archaeologists unearthed 716 of these
disk-shaped objects from the
caves, later termed Dropa Stones.
The article states that
archaeologists at Beijing
University dated the Dropa
Stones to roughly 10,000 BC.
Each stone had a small hole in the center,
measured roughly a foot in diameter,
and had grooves containing
microscopic inscriptions.
In 1962, the Beijing Academy
of Ancient Studies released their
first translations of the
inscriptions on the Dropa Stones.
And the inscriptions were stunning.
An incredible story was revealed.
It tells of extraterrestrial beings called
the Dropas, who were tiny beings within
large heads and slender bodies who
crashlanded on the Earth and were unable to
rebuild a spacecraft in
order to return to their home.
Shortly after the article
about the Dropa Stones
was printed, the disks
disappeared from public view.
But is it possible that the published
account of the mysterious stones and their
record of a UFO crash
in ancient China is true?
The story of the Dropa
disk is very interesting.
The information on these
disks could be evidence of one
of the earliest UFO encounters
in all of ancient history.
The next UFO crash on our
list also predates the modern
UFO era, having been reported
over 200 years ago in Japan.
It involves multiple accounts of a strange
disk-shaped craft that was found floating
in the ocean, carrying
inside of it a mysterious visitor.
At number nine, Utsuro Bune.
Hitachi Province, Japan, 1803.
Local fishermen are working
on Hisaki Beach when they
spot an unusual object
floating out in the ocean.
They sail out to investigate and come upon
a mysterious metallic vessel.
Whatever this strange craft was,
it clearly wasn't a boat or ship because
it was actually shaped like an ancient
Japanese incense container.
So they towed it back to the shore and
essentially scratched their heads looking
at it, trying to figure
out what on Earth it was.
The fishermen looked into the window and
they saw this beautiful woman sitting
inside and they opened up the hatch and
she came out and they said that not only
did she have a physical appearance that
was unlike ours, but her hair was
different and also the clothes that she
was wearing were different.
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
this event, known as the legend of
Utsuro Bune or hollowship,
provides compelling evidence that an
extraterrestrial spacecraft
crashed off the coast of Japan.
The story of the strange Utsuro Bune craft
appears in three different Japanese texts.
Now these texts are accompanied by
multiple illustrations.
of the woman and the craft.
This craft is almost literally a flying
disc, a flying saucer.
The historical accounts found in China and
Japan are certainly intriguing,
but perhaps the most incredible story of a
UFO crash reported before the modern era
comes from right here in the United
In the 1800s, during the days of the Wild
West, residents in a small town in Texas
claimed to witness a
strange vehicle crash to Earth,
leaving a trail of wreckage
and a deceased Alien visitor.
At number eight on our countdown,
the Aurora UFO incident.
Aurora, Texas, April 17th, 1897.
In the early morning hours, residents in
this rural town are working in their fields
when suddenly they see a strange
cigar-shaped object hurtling towards Earth,
then crashing in a fiery blaze on
the property of Judge J.S. Proctor.
In those days, this was before
television, before jet aircraft,
any big noise got your
attention, plus the ground shook.
So they knew something tremendous had
Two days after the crash
on April 19th, 1897, the
incident was reported in
the Dallas Morning News.
It's sad that when the explosion
has happened, people run
out and find that there is
actually a creature lying about.
This creature is of otherworldly origins,
that it is non-human.
What they decide to do is actually to bury
the creature in the local cemetery.
The event quickly faded from memory and
was largely forgotten until the 1970s,
when Ufologists decided
to revisit the case.
I consider the Aurora spaceship crash the
smoking gun of the UFO controversy,
because in 1897, this was six years before
the Wright brothers flew.
And yet here is a
well-documented UFO, six years
before there was anything
man -made in the air.
Is it possible the mysterious
airship that crashed
in Aurora, Texas was a
visitor from another world?
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
the ultimate
proof might be buried
in the pilot's grave.
But when investigators took
up the case in the 1970s, they
found that the tombstone that
marked the grave site was missing.
I first got onto the Aurora story back in
1973 and was there before the tombstone
went missing, and actually
probably one of the few people
around who still remember
where the actual grave site was.
Now, the little grave is located right
It was a short little grave.
That was a child or very small person.
And the little hidden stone, the marker,
was right about there.
Is it possible that an extraterrestrial
being is buried at the Aurora cemetery?
Despite this astonishing
possibility, requests
to examine the remains
have been denied.
Researchers wanted to
exhume the body, but the
local cemetery association
wouldn't let them.
Just what crashed in
Aurora, Texas and who was
buried in the small
grave remains a mystery.
But in 1976, this strange
chapter in the town's history was
memorialized on a plaque at
the entrance to the cemetery.
Today, people continue to visit and leave
offerings for the supposed Alien being.
And for many researchers,
the peculiar encounter from 1897
remains one of the most compelling
UFO crashes ever reported.
I believe the Aurora spaceship story is a
legitimate account of a UFO crash.
One of the most important
factors to keep in mind when
evaluating a UFO report is
the credibility of the witness.
And that's why the next entry on our list
is so compelling.
It is a strange, acorn-shaped
object that crashed in the woods
of rural Pennsylvania and was
seen by hundreds of people.
At number seven on our list of the Top 10
UFO Crashes, the Kecksburg incident.
December 9th, 1965.
On a clear, cold night, thousands of
people across southern Ontario,
Michigan, and Ohio watch as a brilliant
fireball streaks across the sky.
Witnesses actually claimed that this
strange object caused what appeared to be
Sonic bulbs and it was seen to come down
in a wooded area.
Witnesses in the town of Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania reported that the object came
crashing through the trees and dropped
down into a wooded ravine.
Volunteer firemen and policemen were
brought from all over the region and at
least 10 got into a forest
and described a bell or
acorn-shaped craft and at
the top it was copper colored.
This became known as the Kecksburg UFO and
what they said that they found on this
bell -shaped object were strange
hieroglyphic writing all along the base.
Just minutes after the firefighters
arrived at the location of the crash,
they were met by a convoy of military
personnel and ordered to leave.
The military was immediately
on the scene grabbed
everything up and then
said nothing happened.
The whole thing was essentially hushed up.
Now the official explanation is that this
was just a meteor passing over the United
States but there is a clear mystery here,
one that has never been solved.
Is it possible that the object that
crashed in the woods of Pennsylvania
wasn't a meteor but an extraterrestrial
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
not only is this a distinct possibility,
but this UFO event bears a striking
resemblance to mysterious flying craft
described by people who lived in India
thousands of years ago.
The craft itself is an acorn-shaped craft.
Immediately that's
reminiscent of what the
ancient Indian text
described as the Vimana.
In the Mahabharata and
many of the ancient Vedic
texts, they speak about
the so-called Vimanas.
The Vimanas were flying vehicles with
which to reach the celestial realm.
Could the legends of flying craft called
Vimanas have been vehicles flown by other
world beings and might
the same type of craft
have crashed in the
woods of Pennsylvania?
According to the witnesses in Kecksburg,
the object they saw that night was in fact
an Alien spacecraft and the event had such
an effect on the town that in 1990.
residents erected a monument to mark the
site of the incident.
Those men who stood around this object
knew it was no meteorite.
They said at the time this was this big
craft from outer space.
Kecksburg isn't the only place where
hundreds of people witnessed a UFO crash.
In 1974, a dramatic aerial
incident unfolded over the
rural countryside of Wales
that was seen for miles around.
And in 2017, I got the chance to meet an
eyewitness to what would become one of the
most extraordinary
UFO cover-ups in history.
At number six, the Berwyn Mountains UFO.
Llandrillo, Wales,
January 23rd, 1974.
It's a quiet evening and residents of this
rural community in the Berwyn Mountains
are preparing for bed when
the peace is suddenly shattered.
The number of people in the area perceive
something anomalous like a fleet of UFOs.
Now, at the same time that these strange
lights were seen, whatever they were,
there was an impact on
the Berwyn Mountains.
The small Welsh village is rocked by what
locals think is an explosion.
Everything shakes,
crockery falls off, wall units,
and everyone is saying,
what the heck just happened?
According to residents,
the police and military
showed up just minutes
after the explosion.
The initial theory is that there's been a
plane crash.
The locals who are following this can see
lights of vehicles, powerful flashlights.
It's clear a major operation is underway.
Eventually, rumors
start to do the rounds that
maybe this wasn't a
plane crash after all.
Has there maybe been a UFO crash?
And that's the rumor that takes hold.
In 2017, Ancient Aliens contributors
Giorgio Tsoukalos and Nick Pope met up with
Hugh Lloyd, an eyewitness to the Berwyn
Mountains incident.
On the night of the event, Lloyd drove a
police inspector to higher ground where he
could get a better view of the area where
the object crashed to Earth.
Now, he's taking Giorgio and Nick to the
same location.
So down there
When this light appeared, did it seem to
you as if it was an explosion?
This was definitely very strong white
light from the ground.
And how long was it shining for?
No, more than 15 seconds.
According to Hugh, after observing the
white light in the distance, he and the
police inspector got back in the car and
drove towards it.
But just as they were about to reach what
they believed was the impact point,
the inspector received
an order to stay away.
We went back down that way a quarter of a
mile and turned left on the track.
And then this radio message came and said,
come back at the first light.
So it sounds like it
was a stand-down call.
That bugs me till today if they were
looking for a crash site.
When you were half a mile away from where
we wanted to go, they were called down?
This makes sense.
Is it possible that the police officer who
accompanied Hugh that night was ordered to
stand down because the military was hiding
a crashed extraterrestrial craft?
When the Ministry of Defense finally
provided an official explanation for what
occurred in the Burwin
Mountains that night, it involved
a coincidence that many
found too incredible to believe.
The story is apparently that there was an
earthquake that hit the village in the
Burwin Mountains, but at the
same time, there was a bright
fireball meteor breaking
up in the Earth's atmosphere.
So not one extraordinary event,
but two at exactly the same time.
Over the years, the UFO
community has become
convinced that this
was indeed a UFO crash.
We're coming up on the halfway point of
our countdown.
And this next entry involves Italy's most
famous UFO event.
According to reports, when a UFO crashed
in the Italian Alps, a brilliant inventor
was asked to reverse engineer it by one of
history's most feared leaders.
At number five on our countdown of the Top
10 UFO Crashes, Mussolini's UFO.
Northern Italy, June 13th, 1933.
On a clear and quiet
evening, an unusual object
is spotted streaking
across the night sky.
Dozens of people
report seeing a large
disk-shaped craft disappear
into the Italian Alps.
In 1933, it's claimed that a UFO crashed
in the Lombardy region of Italy.
This was apparently
an object around 50 feet
in diameter, like two
saucers joined together.
It was described as being
grayish in color and metallic.
And apparently it was then taken by the
military and studied on the personal
orders of the then
dictator Benito Mussolini.
According to reports, the craft
was found to be unoccupied
and unlocking its secrets
was Mussolini's top priority.
An elite unit of scientists and government
officials, code-named RS-33, was set up
and began investigating
not just this crash, but other
strange sightings that were
being reported at the time.
To lead the committee, it's said Mussolini
enlisted the Nobel Prize winning physicist
and famed inventor of the radio,
Guglielmo Marconi.
Mussolini said, find out what it is,
and because it seems to be so advanced,
build one.
Marconi apparently said, well,
we can't.
We can't figure it out.
Is it possible that a crashed UFO was
recovered by the Italian government in 1933?
And if so, what happened to it?
Some researchers suggest
news of the wreckage
attracted the attention
of Pope Pius XII.
The story is, in 1943, when Italy was
invaded and then changed sides and was
fighting with the Allies, the Vatican
intervened and the Pope personally
brokered a deal whereby this crashed UFO
would be shipped back to the United States.
So it's very interesting to
speculate that although Mussolini
was the first to get this, it
ended up with Americans.
It's crazy to think that Mussolini might
have been involved in reverse engineering
an Alien spaceship, but just as incredible
are reports from Russia that say in the
late 1940s, Soviet military pilots chased
a UFO until it eventually crashed and then
recovered not only the wreckage,
but Alien bodies.
At number four on our countdown,
Kapustin Yar.
Southern Russia, 1948.
In the years following
World War II, the Soviet
Union is racing to develop
its first nuclear weapon.
One of the primary facilities
for this research is a remote
military base along the Volga
River called Kapustin Yar.
Kapustin Yar is a critically important
rocket launch facility where all of the
major Soviet era and Russian rocket
launches take place.
Curiously, at the time, officials at
nuclear facilities and rocket launch sites
frequently witnessed mysterious objects
flying overhead.
In 1947, 1948, you find a number
of important UFO encounters
over American and Soviet
nuclear technology facilities.
There were UFO sightings
in the United States
over key atomic energy
development sites.
Similarly, over Kapustin Yar, we've got
significant UFO activity being reported.
On June 19, 1948, radar
operators detected an
Unidentified Flying
Object near Kapustin Yar.
Strange blips were seen on radar.
Something was tracked, performing
extraordinary speeds and maneuvers.
And a Russian fighter jet was sent to
intercept it.
The pilot saw a silver cigar-shaped object
and was told to shoot this thing down.
It managed to launch a missile and shoot
down the UFO.
We don't know exactly
what happened, but allegedly
they were able to actually
shoot this object down.
They found remnants of technology which
was recovered and taken to the local
bunker where they kept
it allegedly for years and
used it to reverse engineer
some of the technology.
According to reports,
along with the wreckage,
officials recovered
bodies from inside the craft.
We are told that there is an underground
facility under Kapustin Yar, similar
probably to facilities here
in the States, where a full
examination could be performed
on the pilots of these craft.
Is it possible that the Soviet
Union not only recovered a
crashed UFO, but also the
remains of extraterrestrial beings?
Perhaps clues can be
found by examining the
rapid development of
the Soviet space program.
Why were the Russians first into space?
Why did they manage to do
Sputnik 1 and then send Yuri
Gagarin up into orbit and
leave the Americans standing?
Because on paper you'd think that the US
government should have won that race,
but they didn't.
If the Russians got live Alien,
maybe they found out something from what
happened at Kapustin Yar that gave them
the edge in the space race.
The rumor is, is they were reverse
engineering UFO technology there.
And one wonders if it's possible
that they could reverse engineer
the craft that they believe
they had in their possession.
On ancient Aliens, we've
investigated numerous reports of
crashed UFOs that were
allegedly recovered by the military.
One that's not often
talked about occurred in a
small town along the banks
of the Mississippi River.
And many researchers
believe it's this event that
marks the beginning of
deliberate UFO cover-ups.
Number three on our countdown of the Top
10 UFO Crashes, the crash of Cape Girardeau.
April 12, 1941, Cape Girardeau,
Just after 9.30 P.M., Reverend William
Huffman gets a call from local police
informing him that there's been a crash
about 15 miles outside of the city.
He is needed to offer spiritual comfort to
the victims.
But when he gets to the scene,
it is nothing like what he expected.
The minister thought he was
just going to some automobile
accident or something like that
where there had been a fatality.
But when he got there, the military was
there, the FBI was there, there were
photographers taking photos of the scene,
they were cleaning up the crash site.
When William Huffman arrived to the area
where this had occurred, he realized that
this was a disk, a craft of some sort that
had crashed in Cape Girardeau.
And it wasn't human victims that were
inside of this thing.
He's taken and shown three individuals.
And these individuals are about four feet
in height and very clearly not human.
They were described as having long arms,
slightly oversized heads.
Once all of this wreckage was taken care
of and shipped off to destinations
unknown, William Huffman was told by
members of the United States Air Force
never to speak about what it just
And right then and there,
you had the beginning of yet
another UFO crash cover-up
by the United States military.
Reverend Huffman's account would remain a
secret until after his passing,
when his wife, on
her deathbed in 1984,
devotes the details
to the rest of the family.
Further information about
the military response has since
been leaked in a book titled
The Bombshell Before Roswell.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, from 1941,
appears to be where our retrieval as a
government of things that were described
as from another world began.
Did the military really recover a crashed
UFO in 1941?
And if so, what happened to it?
According to reports, the disk was taken
to a secret facility in Washington, D.C.
The story is that a military unit comes in
with orders to gather up this disk and fly
it to Washington, D.C., and that the
bodies were put in the craft in a
sub-basement underneath the nation's
capital, where they could be secure.
Today, the mysterious
crash at Cape Girardeau
remains a little-known
footnote in history.
But for many researchers, this obscure
event, which took place four years before
an object crashed in
Roswell, New Mexico, marked
a turning point in the
nation's handling of UFOs.
When we talk about UFO crashes,
wouldn't it be something if the ground
Zero for the whole UFO crash phenomena was
actually Cape Girardeau?
Cape Girardeau crash
was a preparation for
the military's response
to the Roswell crash.
And the military learned an awful lot
about how to handle these events,
how to cover them up, and
how to make sure that they
put a blanket of secrecy
over future crash events.
It would seem that the American government
has been aware of some Alien presence and
perhaps interacting
with them since at least
World War II, with the
Cape Girardeau crash.
But no matter what the actual truth is,
it would appear that we've been
interacting with and aware of
extraterrestrials for many decades.
You might be surprised
that the number two entry on
our list is the most famous
UFO crash ever reported.
It involves eyewitnesses,
strange unexplainable
wreckage, and even
a military cover-up.
At number two on our countdown of the Top
10 UFO Crashes, the Roswell incident.
July 1947.
Witnesses see a flash of light that
streaks across the night sky.
The incident crashes in the desert north
of Roswell, New Mexico.
Rancher Mac Brazel hears the impact and
investigates the next morning.
The field of debris was like nothing ever
seen before.
And the ranch reported finding what looked
like initially foil-like material.
This sort of suggested
the possibility that
something very strange
had come down at Roswell.
Brazel, of course, reports it to the local
Roswell sheriff, a man named George
Wilcox, and Wilcox
sends some deputies out
there, and the case just
gets crazier from there.
Roswell Army Airfield sends people out to
investigate it.
On July 7th, the airfield
dispatches Army Air force
Major Jesse Marcel to
investigate the mysterious debris.
My grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel,
back in July of 1947, was the head of
intelligence for the 509th bombing group
and was really the lead investigator into
what has become known as the Roswell
According to his grandson,
Marcel was so astounded
by what he saw that he
took the debris home with him.
He woke up his son, my father,
who was about 12 years old at the time,
and his wife, Vio, and said, you guys got
to come take a look at this.
He couldn't make heads or tails or any
sense out of what he was looking at.
While examining the wreckage, Marcel's family
discovered several mysterious markings.
My father picked up what was a beam about
11, 12 inches long, and all of a sudden,
he really came to the idea that whatever this
was, it was not made by human hands.
The next morning, the front page
headline of the Roswell Daily Record
reads Roswell Army Airfield
captures flying saucer.
That day, Major Marcel is summoned to Fort
Worth, Texas, headquarters of the 8th Air
Force, and is ordered to bring with him the
debris he recovered from the crash site.
He and Brigadier
General Roger Ramey are
scheduled to present
their findings to the media.
Jesse Marcel flies to Fort Worth to tell
the whole world about the crash of a
flying saucer at Roswell,
except Roger Ramey says to
Jesse Marcel, could you just go and
eat map room for a second?
I want to arrange some stuff out here.
According to Marcel, Roger Ramey removed
all the material recovered from the
Roswell crash site and gave Marcel
something else to present to the reporters.
They make Jesse Marcel, a radar trained
intelligence officer, stand in front of a
weather balloon and
admit that he was confused.
UFO researchers suggest that evidence
proving Jesse Marcel's story is true and
that the actual wreckage from Roswell was
indeed replaced with a weather balloon can
be found in a photograph of General Ramey
inspecting the recovered debris.
General Ramey had a document in his hands,
the so-called Ramey memo.
Modern forensic document analysis and
photographic enhancement has enabled some
researchers to zoom in on this and to
clarify at least some portions of the text.
What it tells us is astounding.
Some of the phrases in the memo are victims
of the wreck and disk which we will ship.
So clearly if the official story is true,
well this makes no sense.
Clearly something more
than just a weather balloon was
involved here and the memo
might just be the smoking gun.
Is it possible that the military's initial
report about the crash of a flying saucer
was true and that they actively concealed
this evidence from the public eye?
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
the answer is a resounding yes.
The question is always,
well where is the evidence?
Well if the evidence has
not yet been revealed,
that does not mean
the evidence is not there.
There is only one UFO crash left on our
countdown and you won't want to miss it
because this event reportedly
includes an actual Alien survivor.
We've reached the Top UFO crash on our
countdown which took place deep in the
Mojave Desert and while it occurred six
years after Roswell, what makes this one
so compelling is that reports claim that
there was an extraterrestrial survivor.
At number one, the Kingman UFO Crash.
Phoenix, Arizona, May 21st, 1953.
In the middle of the night,
government officials secretly
gather a team of scientists
for a curious assignment.
They are collected to investigate
a mysterious object that
crashed in the desert outside
the small town of Kingman.
There were 40 engineers that
boarded a bus and they took
a long three and a half hour
ride from Phoenix to Kingman.
When they got there, it was nighttime.
There were MPs on all corners of the
They had two high powered lights shining
down on it.
It's about a 40 foot diameter dish shaped
craft that was perfectly intact.
There wasn't a scratch on it.
According to reports, the wreckage
contained not only a spacecraft,
but extra terrestrial entities.
There were four beings
associated with this craft and what
they ended up doing is they
took an M25 tank transporter.
They put this craft on the tank
transporter on the trailer.
They built a cradle for it and they
shipped it to Groom Lake.
Groom Lake is the Area 51 region in
When Area 51 was just bare bones,
they took the craft and the Aliens out to
that location in the middle
of the Nevada desert because
it was so remote and
around that they built Area 51.
Hidden within a ring of mountains deep in
the Nevada desert, Area 51 is a top secret
military installation
that has long been
rumored to hold evidence
of Alien technology.
And there are even
stories that a special facility
at Area 51 once held an
Alien entity known as J-Rod.
J-Rod is an Alien who allegedly worked at
Area 51 over a period of years.
It was J-Rod's mission or duty to help
reverse engineer technology that was
apparently from the 1953
Kingman UFO Crash.
One man who claimed to have worked with
J-Rod is Captain Bill UHouse, a former
Air Force test pilot who was assigned
to Area 51 in the mid 1960s.
We had a long period of introduction into
meetings, you know, and I call him J-Rod.
That's the name that the linguists gave
And he'd try and answer your question,
you know.
Basically, it was only engineering advice
or science advice.
Is it possible that the United States
military worked with an extraterrestrial
being to develop cutting-edge
technology while the sensational
account of Bill UHouse
strikes many as outlandish?
In the years following the Kingman UFO
Crash, scientists at Area 51 developed
some of the military's greatest
innovations, including the U-2 spy plane,
the SR-71 Blackbird, and stealth
It's interesting to look at
the sudden explosion of
technology just about at the
time of these UFO crashes.
You see us go from propeller aircraft to
space rockets in just a few short years,
and many believe a lot
of technologies that
we do have, have been
acquired through UFO crashes.
Did an Alien pilot really
help reverse engineer
spacecraft at Area 51?
To some, the evidence
is certainly compelling.
And so is the fact that UFO crashes have
been reported all over the world,
from the American Southwest to northern
Italy and even the mountains of China.
The ten incidents we featured in this
episode are just the tip of the iceberg,
and with so many reported crashes,
it may only be a matter of time before our
governments can no longer hide the
physical proof of extraterrestrial visitation.
crashed in the woods of Pennsylvania.
A mysterious craft that
washed ashore in Japan.
And an Earth-shaking impact
in Britain that defies explanation.
Over the years, ancient Aliens has
examined dozens of accounts of
extraterrestrial spacecraft
crashing to Earth.
Now, we're going to explore 10 of the most
remarkable UFO crashes ever reported.
Crashes that add to the
growing body of evidence
that Earth has been
visited by extraterrestrials.
The idea of an Alien spaceship crashing to
Earth has fascinated us since stories of
flying saucers were first
reported in the 1940s.
And while the government has never
acknowledged recovering an
extraterrestrial craft, there
are plenty of eyewitness
accounts that describe
UFOs plunging from the sky.
And believe it or not,
there are even UFO crashes
that were witnessed
thousands of years ago.
Like this first event,
which was recorded on
ancient stone disks
found in a cave in China.
Number 10 on our countdown of the Top 10
UFO Crashes, the Dropa Stones.
Qinghai Province, China, 1938.
Archaeologist Dr. Chi Pu Tei is exploring
a cave in the Bayan Kara'ula Mountains
when he and his team discover chambers
that appear to be man-made.
And what they find within them is highly
Archaeologists discovered cave systems in
China that contained hundreds of disks.
And these disks were about this wide,
and it seemed that they had some type of a
groove in them reminding of modern-day
vinyl records.
According to an article published in a
German magazine in July 1962, entitled
UFOs in Prehistoric Times,
archaeologists unearthed 716 of these
disk-shaped objects from the
caves, later termed Dropa Stones.
The article states that
archaeologists at Beijing
University dated the Dropa
Stones to roughly 10,000 BC.
Each stone had a small hole in the center,
measured roughly a foot in diameter,
and had grooves containing
microscopic inscriptions.
In 1962, the Beijing Academy
of Ancient Studies released their
first translations of the
inscriptions on the Dropa Stones.
And the inscriptions were stunning.
An incredible story was revealed.
It tells of extraterrestrial beings called
the Dropas, who were tiny beings within
large heads and slender bodies who
crashlanded on the Earth and were unable to
rebuild a spacecraft in
order to return to their home.
Shortly after the article
about the Dropa Stones
was printed, the disks
disappeared from public view.
But is it possible that the published
account of the mysterious stones and their
record of a UFO crash
in ancient China is true?
The story of the Dropa
disk is very interesting.
The information on these
disks could be evidence of one
of the earliest UFO encounters
in all of ancient history.
The next UFO crash on our
list also predates the modern
UFO era, having been reported
over 200 years ago in Japan.
It involves multiple accounts of a strange
disk-shaped craft that was found floating
in the ocean, carrying
inside of it a mysterious visitor.
At number nine, Utsuro Bune.
Hitachi Province, Japan, 1803.
Local fishermen are working
on Hisaki Beach when they
spot an unusual object
floating out in the ocean.
They sail out to investigate and come upon
a mysterious metallic vessel.
Whatever this strange craft was,
it clearly wasn't a boat or ship because
it was actually shaped like an ancient
Japanese incense container.
So they towed it back to the shore and
essentially scratched their heads looking
at it, trying to figure
out what on Earth it was.
The fishermen looked into the window and
they saw this beautiful woman sitting
inside and they opened up the hatch and
she came out and they said that not only
did she have a physical appearance that
was unlike ours, but her hair was
different and also the clothes that she
was wearing were different.
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
this event, known as the legend of
Utsuro Bune or hollowship,
provides compelling evidence that an
extraterrestrial spacecraft
crashed off the coast of Japan.
The story of the strange Utsuro Bune craft
appears in three different Japanese texts.
Now these texts are accompanied by
multiple illustrations.
of the woman and the craft.
This craft is almost literally a flying
disc, a flying saucer.
The historical accounts found in China and
Japan are certainly intriguing,
but perhaps the most incredible story of a
UFO crash reported before the modern era
comes from right here in the United
In the 1800s, during the days of the Wild
West, residents in a small town in Texas
claimed to witness a
strange vehicle crash to Earth,
leaving a trail of wreckage
and a deceased Alien visitor.
At number eight on our countdown,
the Aurora UFO incident.
Aurora, Texas, April 17th, 1897.
In the early morning hours, residents in
this rural town are working in their fields
when suddenly they see a strange
cigar-shaped object hurtling towards Earth,
then crashing in a fiery blaze on
the property of Judge J.S. Proctor.
In those days, this was before
television, before jet aircraft,
any big noise got your
attention, plus the ground shook.
So they knew something tremendous had
Two days after the crash
on April 19th, 1897, the
incident was reported in
the Dallas Morning News.
It's sad that when the explosion
has happened, people run
out and find that there is
actually a creature lying about.
This creature is of otherworldly origins,
that it is non-human.
What they decide to do is actually to bury
the creature in the local cemetery.
The event quickly faded from memory and
was largely forgotten until the 1970s,
when Ufologists decided
to revisit the case.
I consider the Aurora spaceship crash the
smoking gun of the UFO controversy,
because in 1897, this was six years before
the Wright brothers flew.
And yet here is a
well-documented UFO, six years
before there was anything
man -made in the air.
Is it possible the mysterious
airship that crashed
in Aurora, Texas was a
visitor from another world?
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
the ultimate
proof might be buried
in the pilot's grave.
But when investigators took
up the case in the 1970s, they
found that the tombstone that
marked the grave site was missing.
I first got onto the Aurora story back in
1973 and was there before the tombstone
went missing, and actually
probably one of the few people
around who still remember
where the actual grave site was.
Now, the little grave is located right
It was a short little grave.
That was a child or very small person.
And the little hidden stone, the marker,
was right about there.
Is it possible that an extraterrestrial
being is buried at the Aurora cemetery?
Despite this astonishing
possibility, requests
to examine the remains
have been denied.
Researchers wanted to
exhume the body, but the
local cemetery association
wouldn't let them.
Just what crashed in
Aurora, Texas and who was
buried in the small
grave remains a mystery.
But in 1976, this strange
chapter in the town's history was
memorialized on a plaque at
the entrance to the cemetery.
Today, people continue to visit and leave
offerings for the supposed Alien being.
And for many researchers,
the peculiar encounter from 1897
remains one of the most compelling
UFO crashes ever reported.
I believe the Aurora spaceship story is a
legitimate account of a UFO crash.
One of the most important
factors to keep in mind when
evaluating a UFO report is
the credibility of the witness.
And that's why the next entry on our list
is so compelling.
It is a strange, acorn-shaped
object that crashed in the woods
of rural Pennsylvania and was
seen by hundreds of people.
At number seven on our list of the Top 10
UFO Crashes, the Kecksburg incident.
December 9th, 1965.
On a clear, cold night, thousands of
people across southern Ontario,
Michigan, and Ohio watch as a brilliant
fireball streaks across the sky.
Witnesses actually claimed that this
strange object caused what appeared to be
Sonic bulbs and it was seen to come down
in a wooded area.
Witnesses in the town of Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania reported that the object came
crashing through the trees and dropped
down into a wooded ravine.
Volunteer firemen and policemen were
brought from all over the region and at
least 10 got into a forest
and described a bell or
acorn-shaped craft and at
the top it was copper colored.
This became known as the Kecksburg UFO and
what they said that they found on this
bell -shaped object were strange
hieroglyphic writing all along the base.
Just minutes after the firefighters
arrived at the location of the crash,
they were met by a convoy of military
personnel and ordered to leave.
The military was immediately
on the scene grabbed
everything up and then
said nothing happened.
The whole thing was essentially hushed up.
Now the official explanation is that this
was just a meteor passing over the United
States but there is a clear mystery here,
one that has never been solved.
Is it possible that the object that
crashed in the woods of Pennsylvania
wasn't a meteor but an extraterrestrial
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
not only is this a distinct possibility,
but this UFO event bears a striking
resemblance to mysterious flying craft
described by people who lived in India
thousands of years ago.
The craft itself is an acorn-shaped craft.
Immediately that's
reminiscent of what the
ancient Indian text
described as the Vimana.
In the Mahabharata and
many of the ancient Vedic
texts, they speak about
the so-called Vimanas.
The Vimanas were flying vehicles with
which to reach the celestial realm.
Could the legends of flying craft called
Vimanas have been vehicles flown by other
world beings and might
the same type of craft
have crashed in the
woods of Pennsylvania?
According to the witnesses in Kecksburg,
the object they saw that night was in fact
an Alien spacecraft and the event had such
an effect on the town that in 1990.
residents erected a monument to mark the
site of the incident.
Those men who stood around this object
knew it was no meteorite.
They said at the time this was this big
craft from outer space.
Kecksburg isn't the only place where
hundreds of people witnessed a UFO crash.
In 1974, a dramatic aerial
incident unfolded over the
rural countryside of Wales
that was seen for miles around.
And in 2017, I got the chance to meet an
eyewitness to what would become one of the
most extraordinary
UFO cover-ups in history.
At number six, the Berwyn Mountains UFO.
Llandrillo, Wales,
January 23rd, 1974.
It's a quiet evening and residents of this
rural community in the Berwyn Mountains
are preparing for bed when
the peace is suddenly shattered.
The number of people in the area perceive
something anomalous like a fleet of UFOs.
Now, at the same time that these strange
lights were seen, whatever they were,
there was an impact on
the Berwyn Mountains.
The small Welsh village is rocked by what
locals think is an explosion.
Everything shakes,
crockery falls off, wall units,
and everyone is saying,
what the heck just happened?
According to residents,
the police and military
showed up just minutes
after the explosion.
The initial theory is that there's been a
plane crash.
The locals who are following this can see
lights of vehicles, powerful flashlights.
It's clear a major operation is underway.
Eventually, rumors
start to do the rounds that
maybe this wasn't a
plane crash after all.
Has there maybe been a UFO crash?
And that's the rumor that takes hold.
In 2017, Ancient Aliens contributors
Giorgio Tsoukalos and Nick Pope met up with
Hugh Lloyd, an eyewitness to the Berwyn
Mountains incident.
On the night of the event, Lloyd drove a
police inspector to higher ground where he
could get a better view of the area where
the object crashed to Earth.
Now, he's taking Giorgio and Nick to the
same location.
So down there
When this light appeared, did it seem to
you as if it was an explosion?
This was definitely very strong white
light from the ground.
And how long was it shining for?
No, more than 15 seconds.
According to Hugh, after observing the
white light in the distance, he and the
police inspector got back in the car and
drove towards it.
But just as they were about to reach what
they believed was the impact point,
the inspector received
an order to stay away.
We went back down that way a quarter of a
mile and turned left on the track.
And then this radio message came and said,
come back at the first light.
So it sounds like it
was a stand-down call.
That bugs me till today if they were
looking for a crash site.
When you were half a mile away from where
we wanted to go, they were called down?
This makes sense.
Is it possible that the police officer who
accompanied Hugh that night was ordered to
stand down because the military was hiding
a crashed extraterrestrial craft?
When the Ministry of Defense finally
provided an official explanation for what
occurred in the Burwin
Mountains that night, it involved
a coincidence that many
found too incredible to believe.
The story is apparently that there was an
earthquake that hit the village in the
Burwin Mountains, but at the
same time, there was a bright
fireball meteor breaking
up in the Earth's atmosphere.
So not one extraordinary event,
but two at exactly the same time.
Over the years, the UFO
community has become
convinced that this
was indeed a UFO crash.
We're coming up on the halfway point of
our countdown.
And this next entry involves Italy's most
famous UFO event.
According to reports, when a UFO crashed
in the Italian Alps, a brilliant inventor
was asked to reverse engineer it by one of
history's most feared leaders.
At number five on our countdown of the Top
10 UFO Crashes, Mussolini's UFO.
Northern Italy, June 13th, 1933.
On a clear and quiet
evening, an unusual object
is spotted streaking
across the night sky.
Dozens of people
report seeing a large
disk-shaped craft disappear
into the Italian Alps.
In 1933, it's claimed that a UFO crashed
in the Lombardy region of Italy.
This was apparently
an object around 50 feet
in diameter, like two
saucers joined together.
It was described as being
grayish in color and metallic.
And apparently it was then taken by the
military and studied on the personal
orders of the then
dictator Benito Mussolini.
According to reports, the craft
was found to be unoccupied
and unlocking its secrets
was Mussolini's top priority.
An elite unit of scientists and government
officials, code-named RS-33, was set up
and began investigating
not just this crash, but other
strange sightings that were
being reported at the time.
To lead the committee, it's said Mussolini
enlisted the Nobel Prize winning physicist
and famed inventor of the radio,
Guglielmo Marconi.
Mussolini said, find out what it is,
and because it seems to be so advanced,
build one.
Marconi apparently said, well,
we can't.
We can't figure it out.
Is it possible that a crashed UFO was
recovered by the Italian government in 1933?
And if so, what happened to it?
Some researchers suggest
news of the wreckage
attracted the attention
of Pope Pius XII.
The story is, in 1943, when Italy was
invaded and then changed sides and was
fighting with the Allies, the Vatican
intervened and the Pope personally
brokered a deal whereby this crashed UFO
would be shipped back to the United States.
So it's very interesting to
speculate that although Mussolini
was the first to get this, it
ended up with Americans.
It's crazy to think that Mussolini might
have been involved in reverse engineering
an Alien spaceship, but just as incredible
are reports from Russia that say in the
late 1940s, Soviet military pilots chased
a UFO until it eventually crashed and then
recovered not only the wreckage,
but Alien bodies.
At number four on our countdown,
Kapustin Yar.
Southern Russia, 1948.
In the years following
World War II, the Soviet
Union is racing to develop
its first nuclear weapon.
One of the primary facilities
for this research is a remote
military base along the Volga
River called Kapustin Yar.
Kapustin Yar is a critically important
rocket launch facility where all of the
major Soviet era and Russian rocket
launches take place.
Curiously, at the time, officials at
nuclear facilities and rocket launch sites
frequently witnessed mysterious objects
flying overhead.
In 1947, 1948, you find a number
of important UFO encounters
over American and Soviet
nuclear technology facilities.
There were UFO sightings
in the United States
over key atomic energy
development sites.
Similarly, over Kapustin Yar, we've got
significant UFO activity being reported.
On June 19, 1948, radar
operators detected an
Unidentified Flying
Object near Kapustin Yar.
Strange blips were seen on radar.
Something was tracked, performing
extraordinary speeds and maneuvers.
And a Russian fighter jet was sent to
intercept it.
The pilot saw a silver cigar-shaped object
and was told to shoot this thing down.
It managed to launch a missile and shoot
down the UFO.
We don't know exactly
what happened, but allegedly
they were able to actually
shoot this object down.
They found remnants of technology which
was recovered and taken to the local
bunker where they kept
it allegedly for years and
used it to reverse engineer
some of the technology.
According to reports,
along with the wreckage,
officials recovered
bodies from inside the craft.
We are told that there is an underground
facility under Kapustin Yar, similar
probably to facilities here
in the States, where a full
examination could be performed
on the pilots of these craft.
Is it possible that the Soviet
Union not only recovered a
crashed UFO, but also the
remains of extraterrestrial beings?
Perhaps clues can be
found by examining the
rapid development of
the Soviet space program.
Why were the Russians first into space?
Why did they manage to do
Sputnik 1 and then send Yuri
Gagarin up into orbit and
leave the Americans standing?
Because on paper you'd think that the US
government should have won that race,
but they didn't.
If the Russians got live Alien,
maybe they found out something from what
happened at Kapustin Yar that gave them
the edge in the space race.
The rumor is, is they were reverse
engineering UFO technology there.
And one wonders if it's possible
that they could reverse engineer
the craft that they believe
they had in their possession.
On ancient Aliens, we've
investigated numerous reports of
crashed UFOs that were
allegedly recovered by the military.
One that's not often
talked about occurred in a
small town along the banks
of the Mississippi River.
And many researchers
believe it's this event that
marks the beginning of
deliberate UFO cover-ups.
Number three on our countdown of the Top
10 UFO Crashes, the crash of Cape Girardeau.
April 12, 1941, Cape Girardeau,
Just after 9.30 P.M., Reverend William
Huffman gets a call from local police
informing him that there's been a crash
about 15 miles outside of the city.
He is needed to offer spiritual comfort to
the victims.
But when he gets to the scene,
it is nothing like what he expected.
The minister thought he was
just going to some automobile
accident or something like that
where there had been a fatality.
But when he got there, the military was
there, the FBI was there, there were
photographers taking photos of the scene,
they were cleaning up the crash site.
When William Huffman arrived to the area
where this had occurred, he realized that
this was a disk, a craft of some sort that
had crashed in Cape Girardeau.
And it wasn't human victims that were
inside of this thing.
He's taken and shown three individuals.
And these individuals are about four feet
in height and very clearly not human.
They were described as having long arms,
slightly oversized heads.
Once all of this wreckage was taken care
of and shipped off to destinations
unknown, William Huffman was told by
members of the United States Air Force
never to speak about what it just
And right then and there,
you had the beginning of yet
another UFO crash cover-up
by the United States military.
Reverend Huffman's account would remain a
secret until after his passing,
when his wife, on
her deathbed in 1984,
devotes the details
to the rest of the family.
Further information about
the military response has since
been leaked in a book titled
The Bombshell Before Roswell.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, from 1941,
appears to be where our retrieval as a
government of things that were described
as from another world began.
Did the military really recover a crashed
UFO in 1941?
And if so, what happened to it?
According to reports, the disk was taken
to a secret facility in Washington, D.C.
The story is that a military unit comes in
with orders to gather up this disk and fly
it to Washington, D.C., and that the
bodies were put in the craft in a
sub-basement underneath the nation's
capital, where they could be secure.
Today, the mysterious
crash at Cape Girardeau
remains a little-known
footnote in history.
But for many researchers, this obscure
event, which took place four years before
an object crashed in
Roswell, New Mexico, marked
a turning point in the
nation's handling of UFOs.
When we talk about UFO crashes,
wouldn't it be something if the ground
Zero for the whole UFO crash phenomena was
actually Cape Girardeau?
Cape Girardeau crash
was a preparation for
the military's response
to the Roswell crash.
And the military learned an awful lot
about how to handle these events,
how to cover them up, and
how to make sure that they
put a blanket of secrecy
over future crash events.
It would seem that the American government
has been aware of some Alien presence and
perhaps interacting
with them since at least
World War II, with the
Cape Girardeau crash.
But no matter what the actual truth is,
it would appear that we've been
interacting with and aware of
extraterrestrials for many decades.
You might be surprised
that the number two entry on
our list is the most famous
UFO crash ever reported.
It involves eyewitnesses,
strange unexplainable
wreckage, and even
a military cover-up.
At number two on our countdown of the Top
10 UFO Crashes, the Roswell incident.
July 1947.
Witnesses see a flash of light that
streaks across the night sky.
The incident crashes in the desert north
of Roswell, New Mexico.
Rancher Mac Brazel hears the impact and
investigates the next morning.
The field of debris was like nothing ever
seen before.
And the ranch reported finding what looked
like initially foil-like material.
This sort of suggested
the possibility that
something very strange
had come down at Roswell.
Brazel, of course, reports it to the local
Roswell sheriff, a man named George
Wilcox, and Wilcox
sends some deputies out
there, and the case just
gets crazier from there.
Roswell Army Airfield sends people out to
investigate it.
On July 7th, the airfield
dispatches Army Air force
Major Jesse Marcel to
investigate the mysterious debris.
My grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel,
back in July of 1947, was the head of
intelligence for the 509th bombing group
and was really the lead investigator into
what has become known as the Roswell
According to his grandson,
Marcel was so astounded
by what he saw that he
took the debris home with him.
He woke up his son, my father,
who was about 12 years old at the time,
and his wife, Vio, and said, you guys got
to come take a look at this.
He couldn't make heads or tails or any
sense out of what he was looking at.
While examining the wreckage, Marcel's family
discovered several mysterious markings.
My father picked up what was a beam about
11, 12 inches long, and all of a sudden,
he really came to the idea that whatever this
was, it was not made by human hands.
The next morning, the front page
headline of the Roswell Daily Record
reads Roswell Army Airfield
captures flying saucer.
That day, Major Marcel is summoned to Fort
Worth, Texas, headquarters of the 8th Air
Force, and is ordered to bring with him the
debris he recovered from the crash site.
He and Brigadier
General Roger Ramey are
scheduled to present
their findings to the media.
Jesse Marcel flies to Fort Worth to tell
the whole world about the crash of a
flying saucer at Roswell,
except Roger Ramey says to
Jesse Marcel, could you just go and
eat map room for a second?
I want to arrange some stuff out here.
According to Marcel, Roger Ramey removed
all the material recovered from the
Roswell crash site and gave Marcel
something else to present to the reporters.
They make Jesse Marcel, a radar trained
intelligence officer, stand in front of a
weather balloon and
admit that he was confused.
UFO researchers suggest that evidence
proving Jesse Marcel's story is true and
that the actual wreckage from Roswell was
indeed replaced with a weather balloon can
be found in a photograph of General Ramey
inspecting the recovered debris.
General Ramey had a document in his hands,
the so-called Ramey memo.
Modern forensic document analysis and
photographic enhancement has enabled some
researchers to zoom in on this and to
clarify at least some portions of the text.
What it tells us is astounding.
Some of the phrases in the memo are victims
of the wreck and disk which we will ship.
So clearly if the official story is true,
well this makes no sense.
Clearly something more
than just a weather balloon was
involved here and the memo
might just be the smoking gun.
Is it possible that the military's initial
report about the crash of a flying saucer
was true and that they actively concealed
this evidence from the public eye?
For Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
the answer is a resounding yes.
The question is always,
well where is the evidence?
Well if the evidence has
not yet been revealed,
that does not mean
the evidence is not there.
There is only one UFO crash left on our
countdown and you won't want to miss it
because this event reportedly
includes an actual Alien survivor.
We've reached the Top UFO crash on our
countdown which took place deep in the
Mojave Desert and while it occurred six
years after Roswell, what makes this one
so compelling is that reports claim that
there was an extraterrestrial survivor.
At number one, the Kingman UFO Crash.
Phoenix, Arizona, May 21st, 1953.
In the middle of the night,
government officials secretly
gather a team of scientists
for a curious assignment.
They are collected to investigate
a mysterious object that
crashed in the desert outside
the small town of Kingman.
There were 40 engineers that
boarded a bus and they took
a long three and a half hour
ride from Phoenix to Kingman.
When they got there, it was nighttime.
There were MPs on all corners of the
They had two high powered lights shining
down on it.
It's about a 40 foot diameter dish shaped
craft that was perfectly intact.
There wasn't a scratch on it.
According to reports, the wreckage
contained not only a spacecraft,
but extra terrestrial entities.
There were four beings
associated with this craft and what
they ended up doing is they
took an M25 tank transporter.
They put this craft on the tank
transporter on the trailer.
They built a cradle for it and they
shipped it to Groom Lake.
Groom Lake is the Area 51 region in
When Area 51 was just bare bones,
they took the craft and the Aliens out to
that location in the middle
of the Nevada desert because
it was so remote and
around that they built Area 51.
Hidden within a ring of mountains deep in
the Nevada desert, Area 51 is a top secret
military installation
that has long been
rumored to hold evidence
of Alien technology.
And there are even
stories that a special facility
at Area 51 once held an
Alien entity known as J-Rod.
J-Rod is an Alien who allegedly worked at
Area 51 over a period of years.
It was J-Rod's mission or duty to help
reverse engineer technology that was
apparently from the 1953
Kingman UFO Crash.
One man who claimed to have worked with
J-Rod is Captain Bill UHouse, a former
Air Force test pilot who was assigned
to Area 51 in the mid 1960s.
We had a long period of introduction into
meetings, you know, and I call him J-Rod.
That's the name that the linguists gave
And he'd try and answer your question,
you know.
Basically, it was only engineering advice
or science advice.
Is it possible that the United States
military worked with an extraterrestrial
being to develop cutting-edge
technology while the sensational
account of Bill UHouse
strikes many as outlandish?
In the years following the Kingman UFO
Crash, scientists at Area 51 developed
some of the military's greatest
innovations, including the U-2 spy plane,
the SR-71 Blackbird, and stealth
It's interesting to look at
the sudden explosion of
technology just about at the
time of these UFO crashes.
You see us go from propeller aircraft to
space rockets in just a few short years,
and many believe a lot
of technologies that
we do have, have been
acquired through UFO crashes.
Did an Alien pilot really
help reverse engineer
spacecraft at Area 51?
To some, the evidence
is certainly compelling.
And so is the fact that UFO crashes have
been reported all over the world,
from the American Southwest to northern
Italy and even the mountains of China.
The ten incidents we featured in this
episode are just the tip of the iceberg,
and with so many reported crashes,
it may only be a matter of time before our
governments can no longer hide the
physical proof of extraterrestrial visitation.