8 Out Of 10 Cats (2005) s21e04 Episode Script
Katherine Ryan, Johnny Vegas, Alex Brooker, Anna Richardson, Sophie Duker
Tonight on 8 Out Of 10 Cats - Match of the Day - it's Gabby Logan.
Can you feel the love tonight? It's Phil Wang.
And their team captain - Aisling Bea.
And facing them tonight - Breaking news - it's Krishnan Guru-Murthy.
Show me the funny - it's Rosie Jones.
And their team captain - Rob Beckett.
Now welcome your host - Jimmy Carr.
Hello and welcome to 8 Out Of 10 Cats, a show about opinion polls, surveys and statistics.
Did you know, for example, Candy Crush is the most downloaded game on Smartphones? And that's because Tinder is not technically a game.
Although I am a player.
In the past two years, 25% of UK adults have bought plus size clothing.
If you don't know what plus size clothing is, it comes in XL, XXL and fucking 'L'! And 25% of Brits employ a cleaner.
I once had sex with my cleaner.
I bloody love that Henry the hoover.
Right, let's get started.
What Are You Talking About? That's the name of our first round.
It's our panellists' job to guess the public's top three most popular talking points.
Rob's team, what do you think the nation has been talking about this week? I think it's got to be the old snap election that's been going on - for about three years.
- It has been going on a while, hasn't it? - Oh! - With this, "Oh, it's going to be so quick!" - And it keeps changing.
I don't know who I'm voting for, I don't know what's going on any more.
I just can't keep up.
Rosie, do you know who you're voting for? Well, between you and me, - I'm disabled - LAUGHTER We thought you'd been drinking.
To be fair, Jimmy, I have.
But I don't know who I'm voting for.
It really depends on the day, when I'm in the polling booth, where my hand goes.
Krishnan, what do you think's going to happen in this election? I think it's really exciting.
It's become really exciting in the last two weeks.
Cos two weeks ago, they said, right, it's going to be a landslide for the Tories, they're going to have a 170-seat majority, Labour are going to be wiped out.
And then something in the last two weeks has gone, actually There's a couple of things.
I mean, first of all, Theresa May hasn't been as good as everybody thought she would be and she's dodged interviews and debates and all that kind of stuff.
And Jeremy Corbyn hasn't imploded, which a lot of people thought would happen.
So he has been much better than anybody thought and she's been worse than people thought.
What I've enjoyed is Theresa May, cos like, she's quite good if you send her out with a script and she delivers her message but as soon as she has got to answer a question or improvise, she starts panicking.
She gets like visual tics, her face starts going Agh, agh, agh! And she starts panicking and going back to her stock phrase.
"Agh, Brexit means Brexit! "Oh, God, strong and stable! Oh, malfunction, malfunction!" AISLING BEA: I think it's because she's Marge Simpson.
Well, dressed up as Marge Simpson but secretly underneath, she's Mr Burns.
She's like, "Hey, Homer, can I get you a beer?" But underneath, she's like, "Ah, the dementia tax, excellent!" Shall we have a look at Theresa May? So, obviously, May's policies on the NHS didn't go down well with one member of the audience.
Take a close look at what he's mouthing.
We all rely on the health service.
We all know people either who work in the health service like yourself, who's been through the health service, who've had great care and attention from the fantastic staff in the health service.
That's why we're ensuring that we are putting more money into the NHS and more money for the future as well as what is happening I'd quite like him to do like an Anchorman and see him and go, "Utter bollocks" as if he were her autocue, you know? He's reading her lines! I can't believe how uncomfortable she looked ad-libbing.
She does need to do a circuit, some stand-up, a few months out doing the pubs, the small venues.
Get a hold of that stuff.
Cos she's a really impressive woman when she seems to have an autocue.
She seems to be quite an impressive orator and then take that away and she's I kind of like the idea that a politician should look like, you know, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn.
I like the idea that they're not that polished.
Otherwise, you put me in charge.
I'm bloody good off-the-cuff.
So, Jeremy Corbyn went on Women's Hour this week - and-and he didn't do great.
- No.
He did what I like to call a Diane Abbott.
Let's have a look.
Let me understand then, how much will it cost to provide un-means-tested childcare for 1.
3 million children? Erm, it will cost, erm It will obviously cost a lot to do so, we accept that.
- I presume you have the figures? - Yes, I do.
- You don't know it? - Erm You are logging into your iPad here.
You've announced a major policy and you don't know how much it'll cost? Can I give you the exact figure in a moment, please? Is this not exactly the issue with people and the Labour Party? All of our manifesto is fully costed and examined.
And But you are holding your manifesto, you're flicking through it, you've got an iPad there, you've had a phone call while we are in here, and you don't know how much it is going to cost.
Can we come back to that in a moment? LAUGHTER I feel like there's a lot of lazy stereotypes about Jeremy Corbyn.
Like, "Oh, Jeremy Corbyn is made out of hay".
"Jeremy Corbyn writes his e-mails by hand.
" "Jeremy Corbyn is secretly the child from the TV show Woof "and at night-time he turns back into a shaggy dog.
" We've got a clip of him on The One Show answering some very tough questions about his allotment.
It's a chance to grow things, a chance to reflect on things and a chance to just unwind and be yourself and chat to all the other allotment holders, exchanging plants and all that, and there's something magic, when you grow your own beans, you're growing your own potatoes, you grow your own corn, take it home and And we are thrilled with this.
And you grow fruit trees and then you turn the fruit trees into jam and I would like to present The One Show with a jar of my jam.
Thank you very much! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! She just gave that to him! You all just saw that, she gave him the jam and he went, "Yeah, "I'd like to present this to you.
" That's her jam! It sounded like he was doing a birds and the bees talk to his teenage son.
Sort of going like, "And then you grow your own bean and then "you take it on to the potatoes and you make jam!" This is why he is working.
He is ridiculously laid-back about everything.
You can ask him about jam, you can ask him about meeting the IRA GABBY LOGAN: Just don't ask him about costing childcare! I do feel a bit sorry for politicians in a way, though, because, whatever you say, they get constantly scrutinised and these people that go in to the thing and ask them questions, and they're so righteous when they ask, "Why aren't you going to do this? What are you going to do about that? I'd love to see a politician do a bit of research on them and go, "Yeah, that's fine.
When are you going to clear out your shed? "Months you've been saying you'll do that.
"Why don't you sort your shed out and then come back at me?" Phil, what do you think is going to happen in this election? I'm really enjoying this election, it's really exciting now, because it's unpredictable.
It's like Game of Thrones, you know, in that I've not paid to watch it.
Theresa May is like Cersei.
She's miscalculated the threat that the High Sparrow holds, you know? The High Sparrow is obviously Jeremy Corbyn.
And now it turns out he's embarrassing her in front of all of King's Landing.
- Are you maybe a Ukip fan? - Myself? - Yeah.
- Yeah, I go to their rallies.
- Mm-hmm.
I throw chow mein at them.
And you know what? They eat it, they eat it.
They're passionate but they're hypocrites.
Rosie, who is the best party for disability benefits? Why are you asking me? Rob has more problems than I do.
That's the thing, I'm having a real nightmare applying for benefits, because they sent me this massive form so I thought, "Right, bugger you", and I hand-wrote the whole form.
And they rang me up and said, "Sorry, erm, "but we can't read your writing.
" And I went, "Oh, really? "Maybe that's because I'm disabled!" OK, let's have a look and see if the election is up there.
Of course.
The election campaign is the most talked about thing.
Choosing between the Tories, Labour, SNP, Lib Dem, Ukip, the Green Party and Plaid Cymru, it's like deciding which STI to get.
A recent YouGov poll revealed that if only people under 40 were allowed to vote, Jeremy Corbyn would win.
That said, if only people under four were allowed to vote, the next Prime Minister would be Peppa Pig.
I think Theresa May seems a little artificial.
It looks like the people who did my hair and teeth also did her personality.
Aisling's team, what do you think the nation have been talking about over the last week? I think that it was the season finale of football.
The season finale - of football? - Oh, Jimmy, it's great news.
Finally, after all these years, football's finished, we're done, it's over.
Cos sometimes I was watching football, thinking, when will this ever be solved?! - But now, I've been told that it's over.
- Can I ask, erm, whodunnit? - I didn't see it.
- Wenger did it.
- Wenger was out.
- Arsene Wenger.
Yes, Gabby! We should probably ask Gabby about this.
Gabby, what is football? So the season is finished and then every two years, you get a complete break for a couple of months because there's no World Cup, there's no European Championship That's when I hit the clubs to look for the lads.
There's leagues, league leagues, cup leagues? - Like, what? - You have different leagues and they all get winners and then you have a Cup competition that goes all through the season and finishes Who has the best cup? That's the FA Cup and that was won by Arsene Wenger's Arsenal, much to the annoyance of Chelsea who won the league, obviously.
Well, that's one each, that's fairer.
I don't really want to talk about the football, Jimmy, - cos I've got in a row.
- AISLING GASPS I've upset the entire town of Huddersfield - AISLING: Oh, no! - ROB: .
on Twitter.
If you are going to upset a town, not a bad one to pick.
You can't slag off Huddersfield Well, you can if you know anything about it.
Well, I lived in Huddersfield for three years.
So I've earned the right to slag it off.
You haven't.
So, what did you tweet, Rob? I was just annoyed that no proper clubs are getting promoted.
It was all boring ones.
- Well, some people came back.
- Yeah, they went mental at me.
One person tweeted - APPLAUSE My favourite, someone - I'm presuming from either Huddersfield or Reading - someone came back with - - Delightfully succinct.
- I know! But "Milky Bar Boy" is so degrading, isn't it? Not even "Kid"! How emasculating! "Boy"! Rosie, do you follow football? Well, to be honest, I don't know a lot about football, but I am an expert in dribbling.
Same, same.
Same, same.
Krishnan, do you follow the soccer ball? I've become a football fan because of my son, who is a big Liverpool fan.
So I've now become a Liverpool fan again.
- How did they do in the soccer ball? - Well, they made it through to - Well, almost to - To the judges' houses? - Yeah.
I don't know if you got your kid into Liverpool or he got you into it.
Take a look at what this dad did.
Ooh, Liverpool kit.
HE LAUGHS SHE CRIES THEY BOTH CRY APPLAUSE I mean Presumably, those kids are Huddersfield fans.
Who do you support, Gabby? Who is your team? - My team got promoted this season as well.
- Ooh! - Yeah, Newcastle United.
IN A BAD GEORDIE ACCENT: Newcastle United? I didn't know you couldn't do a Geordie accent? - Phil, are you? You're not footbally, are you? Sporty? - I'm Chinese people aren't really into football.
It's too confusing GABBY: They are, they're buying all the best players in the world.
PHIL: They're trying to build it up but traditionally, it's tricky for us because red cards are good luck for us.
So if someone does a bad challenge, the ref comes over and goes, "Good luck", you go, "Thanks, man" and you go Pretty soon it is just 11 on 11 kung fu.
Gabby, what would be a good gateway sport for non-sporty cats like us? I think you'd start off with the beach sports.
- Bit of Frisbee - Frisbee! ROB: That's not a sport! Don't get the British Frisbee Association on your back, Rob.
I'll stick 'em on my Huddersfield lift, go fuck yourselves! APPLAUSE Let's have a look and see whether the end of football is up there.
AISLING: The end of football! Yes, it's the end of the football season.
Winning a place in the Premier League was worth £170 million to Huddersfield.
For that kind of money, they could just knock it down and start again.
You can't say that! I just did! Damn it! That's it for part one, see you after the break.
APPLAUSE AND CHEERING CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Welcome back to 8 Out Of 10 Cats, where we're still trying to guess the nation's most popular talking points.
OK, fingers on buzzers, one more thing to get.
- BUZZ - Is that the return of Love Island? Oh Do you watch Love Island? I quite like it, yeah.
I just I'd quite like them to do a spin-off called Hate Island LAUGHTER .
and they'd put like Trump, Piers Morgan and Katie Hopkins on it, with a velociraptor.
LAUGHTER What is Love Island? Oh, it's like a game show, it's a bit like pass the parcel, but the parcel is always dick.
LAUGHTER Talk this through the rules of engagement, here.
There's like say five gals and six guys, and they have to Oh, my God, I love this show so much.
LAUGHTER they have to couple up at the start, and then there's one guy spare, and then over the course of the week he has to try and sort of lure one of the gals to be his gal, and then the other guy will be voted off.
And they all have to sleep together in the bed - I mean, it sounds really dark.
- LAUGHTER They're forced to sleep together while we, the nation, watch it.
But they must get bored of shagging, cos it's just constant shagging.
- Do they actually shag? - Do they actually have sex? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, they do! - LAUGHTER I'm shocked this is television.
Yeah, this is when you're on, this is what I'm watching when you're doing your thing.
LAUGHTER Shall we treat ourselves to look at this year's Love Island contestants? My biggest turn-off when it comes to men is someone who is so arrogant and cocky, and wants to like be with every single girl.
Like, keep your pants in one bed, mate.
That's That's it.
The name of my girls' group Whatsapp is Life.
- We call ourselves lifers.
- SHE CHUCKLES If I could describe myself in bed Passionate, 100%.
Energetic, and actuallyflexible.
Very flexible for someone short.
Right, from being in the Blazin' Squad to now, my pulling game is actually better now.
Have you seen me now? Like, I'm literally like Wow! LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE I liked the guy that was flexible in bed.
Yeah, I could I'm very flexible, I could do Tuesdays.
LAUGHTER What's mental is though like now like if you go to an old people's home, it's sort of like, "Oh, that's Freddie, he served in Normandy.
" But what's going to happen when this generation gets to that age? "Oh, see her over there? She got fingered by Calum Best in Fiji.
" LAUGHTER Phil, have you seen Love Island? I used to live with Iain Stirling, who is the narrator on Love Island.
- Oh, yeah! - So Ian's gone from the most sexless house in Britain LAUGHTER .
to the most sex-full house in the world.
I watched a bit, I try and support my friends.
LAUGHTER But no friendship is that strong.
LAUGHTER Do you know Ian Stirling? He's a comedian, and he's the guy - What's his? What's his accent - Scottish! - His accent is THICK, BROAD SCOTS: And now, in Love Island, they're about to start the fingering game.
Whoever fingers the most will be this week's king and queen, and be immune from eviction.
LAUGHTER Do they really have a fingering game? They don't really have a fingering, Gabby.
LAUGHTER Actually, here's a fun fact.
Fingering is the only thing I'm fast at.
LAUGHTER You don't know where it's going to go! How exciting! APPLAUSE Imagine going in to clean the house.
Oh, it would be like that scene in ET.
LAUGHTER Yeah, if they go in there with one of those blue lights from CSI it's going to be It'd be like Christmas! LAUGHTER I didn't know Jason Pollock was on it this year! - Jason Pollock? - Fuck! LAUGHTER Is he related to Jackson Pollock? Shit.
Jason Pollock? You know Jason Pollock! LAUGHTER Fucking Jason! LAUGHTER I'm actually looking forward to the spin off.
It's actually a disabled special called cripples with nipples.
I think it's okay when she says it.
Well, I can tell you the return of Love Island is not up there.
But if you've never seen Love Island, the concept is very simple.
11 people enter a villa and then each other.
Okay, fingers on buzzers, one more thing to get, what else have people been talking about? - What do you reckon? - Is a Donald Trump and covfefe? - This is Donald Trump breaking the Internet, I believe.
- Yeah.
With a misspelt tweet.
Here it is.
- Covfefe.
- Covfefe.
ROB: I think I went covfefe all-inclusive in 2007.
I was pissed most of the time, but I swear it was covfefe.
What do you think he was trying to say? Somebody else came out and said he was supposed to be saying kerfuffle.
- Kerfuffle.
- ROB: Oh, kerfuffle.
I thought it was coverage.
The negative media coverage.
I think it was after a tweet, the phone's broke, and he can't access his account, he can't remember the password.
And then, five hours later, he deletes it.
Then he's back in the game.
Sean Spicer came out and said, "Oh, yes, but it might not make sense to you, "but it made sense to the President "and it made sense to a small group of people.
" Well, we've got that clip.
Here's what Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer had to say about Trump's tweet.
I imagine the small group of people who know what he meant are the Kremlin.
Maybe covfefe's like a Russian codeword for fire the missiles now.
What would you ask him if you interviewed him? - Or have you interviewed him? - I have interviewed him, I interviewed him before he was President.
Before he was even - Well, let's - And then your interview made him become president? Well, it's interesting, these are the hard-hitting questions that you asked.
Take a look.
Just finally, Mr Trump, you're wearing a hat today and obviously you're famous for your hair.
Recently, you divulged the secrets of your hair to Rolling Stone magazine, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind, doing the same for us on television now.
Well, sure, I'd love to take off my hat.
It's actually my hair, you know, I have lots of witnesses, so it is, but, erm, hey, it's mine.
It may not be pretty, but it's mine.
Some pretty hard-hitting journalism there.
You noticed he had a hat on almost immediately.
So well done.
Nothing gets past me.
The truth is, that's a six-minute interview all about the Scottish National Party and the environment and his golf course.
And you just use the little bit at the end, that was meant to end with a laugh.
Yeah, cos the rest of it was pretty dull.
Okay, it's easy to make a mistake when you're tweeting.
Our politicians have done it.
Ed Balls famously tweeted back in 2011 After nearly 100,000 retweets, 28th of April became known as Ed Balls' day.
This is my favourite ever fail on Twitter.
So, Susan Boyle's PR team sent twitter into meltdown when they tweeted this Send your questions to Su's anal bum party! I love the fact that the anal bum party's got a headquarters.
Oh, it's important to be organised.
Well, I can tell you that Donald Trump's misspelled tweet is not up there.
But who knew Donald Trump couldn't control his hands? Literally every woman he's ever met.
Okay, fingers on buzzers.
One more thing to get.
- What do you think, Rob? - Is it the old BA chaos? Oh, yeah, this looked pretty miserable.
A whole weekend of no flights.
- Yeah, and this is because - We don't know.
I mean, they claim it was a power surge and everybody's going, - well, there wasn't a power surge.
- No.
I think they've got all their computers running off one extension lead from Costco.
It was the most massive malfunction, whatever it was.
That there was no backup, though.
You'd hope, wouldn't you, a company of that size and the scale of what it's got to do, would have some kind of backup system? The Daily Mail got outraged on behalf of everyone, as per uzhe.
They were like, "Oh, British Airways "should drop British from their name.
" But, like, people were queueing on a bank holiday Monday, angry about the heat in small rooms.
That's the most British thing I've ever heard.
I think they should just drop airways and leave it as British.
ROB: I think it was the only time Ryanair passengers have felt smug.
Walking through the airport like, "What's that, BA? "You get two pieces of hand luggage? "We get one, but we get a fucking plane.
" I never got the IT problem.
Cos why didn't they just turn it on and off again? The problem with turning it off and then on again is on an airline, I think that's what Malaysian Air tried.
CROWD: Ooh! Oh! Phil, you must defend Malaysian Airlines.
The food is quite good.
I had a little touch of the Jimmy Carr lifestyle when we went - to Alicante last week.
- Oh, right, fancy.
And we went on BA and I took my parents.
I got them upgraded to the business It's not like proper business class, but you get a little bit more space at the front, a meal, and you get to go in the lounge at the airport.
I took Mum and Dad and you should have seen them in that lounge.
It was like Black Friday.
It was a 6:30 AM flight, right.
When we landed at nine, guess how many brandies my mum had had.
LAUGHTER She'd had a bottle of brandy.
She went, "I'm getting my money's worth.
" She come out on a profit.
I once got so badly delayed in a lounge in Newcastle after a football match I was watching.
IN BAD NEWCASTLE ACCENT: Newcastle United was playing.
I don't believe it.
What you doing?! No idea.
And there were four guys and me in the lounge and then they ended up putting us on a coach and taking us to Middlesbrough and then putting us on a And I ended up going out with one of the guys.
I ended up having an actual relationship.
How long did you go out for? Oh, a few months.
So what you're saying is a good alternative to Tinder is to go to Newcastle United for a match and then get a replacement bus service.
I mean, that's Aisling, I'm really sorry.
- Yeah.
- But we're all thinking it.
When you do a Newcastle accent are you really trying to mock me? It does sound like that.
It does sound a lot like that.
I mean Let's take a look and see if the BA chaos is up there.
Yes, it's the British Airways' IT crash.
So those were the nation's most popular talking points, but in other news, a clip of a Russian newsreader being rudely interrupted during her TV broadcast went viral this week.
Take a look.
Think the dog was a cameraman and he was trying to, like, trying to rejig the chairs or something like that.
Krishnan, has anything like that ever interrupted you? I'm usually the one doing the interrupting.
PHIL: Didn't Quentin Tarantino shut your butt down? He said he was going to.
He didn't actually do it.
He said he was going to shut your butt down? Yeah, I don't know what that would have entailed.
GABBY: You would have been able to go to Susan Boyle's anal bum party.
At the end of that round, Rob, Krishnan and Rosie have two points, Aisling, Gaby and Phil have one point.
So, that's it for part two, see you after the break.
Welcome back to 8 Out Of 10 Cats.
And The Winner Is is the name of our final round.
Here's your first one.
Um, when you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like, "covfefe.
" What's the worst thing that's happened to you at work? Gabby? I coughed over the Chelsea manager Conte after the FA Cup final.
- That was quite embarrassing.
- Did you get any spitty bits out? I started having a proper coughing fit, but he carried on answering the question and then I started pinching myself because I thought, if I pinch myself, it might hurt more than the cough that wants to come out and I'll stop coughing.
- Oh, God.
- So I was closing my eyes and I was pinching myself and then I started crying.
And then I thought, I'm going to have to cough, so I turned to cough, not knowing that his wingman was stood right behind me What do you mean, his wingman? Was he trying to chat you up? Phil, have you ever been embarrassed at work? Well, I work on my own because I just sit at home and write things.
So, the only person I have to embarrass myself in front of is me, which does happen, sometimes I'll catch myself naked and be like, "Oh, sorry.
" You know, sometimes I'll do a fart and no-one 'fesses up to it Or sending the e-mail and forgetting the attachment.
And then you have to send another one, "Oh, the attachment might help," and it's just like, oh It's embarrassing.
Well, you're very close there with sending the e-mail.
- Erm, maybe, including the people it's about.
- Yes! Well, yeah, I'll give you that.
- Sending the e-mail to the wrong person.
- Oh, yeah.
You don't think? You're wrong.
It's shitting yourself.
If you shit yourself at work, it's the worst thing - Classic number two! - You're telling me that if you're at work at your desk, you shit yourself, that isn't as bad as going, "Oh, I sent that to him.
" How often do you think that happens in the workplace? I've never sent an e-mail to the wrong person ever.
- But you've shit yourself? - I've shit myself two or three times this week.
I can smell it.
OK, yes, the most embarrassing thing to happen at work is sending an e-mail to the wrong person.
A really embarrassing moment at work is when you're standing next to a guy at the urinal and you lose your erection.
OK, another question.
- What do you think? - Having a bath.
- What? - I can't work out how to clean myself.
I can't work out how to do the cleaning.
I don't ever feel clean after a bath.
I just sort of sit in it like In order to clean your bits, you've got to You can't just If you put the soap or the shower gel on your hand and then you go in and it's sort of gone in the water before it's touched the skin You have to sort of pop it out and go When you're popping out to do the little clean, do you have to do that face? Cos I think that face is the issue.
Well, no-one's watching me have a bath, so it doesn't matter what my face is doing, does it? This is degrading.
I don't like that, I'm no good at going upstairs, my legs ain't the right length for stairs.
They're too long for one step at a time but not long enough for two.
So I either have to lunge up or do little shuffles.
I can't take memory sticks out of my computer, it tells me off.
"That was taken out unexpectedly.
" No, it weren't.
I knew I was going to do it.
APPLAUSE OK, Rosie, what do you wish you were better at? This question annoys me because I'm perfectly perfect how I am.
Why should I wish I was better at anything? - I mean - Apart from online gambling.
I'm really, really bad at that.
- So, you wish you were better at being lucky? - Yeah.
What thing do you wish you were better at? Gabby, what do you think? Do you know, I have been running since I was about one.
What from, Gabs? I've pretty much run my whole life, you know? - And I've never got any better at it.
- Yeah.
So, I said to Paula Radcliffe, how can I get better at running? I thought, I'll go straight to the top and work with Paula, she gave me this, like, long technical answer that involved hard work And I just thought, I'm going to carry on doing running.
Can you ask her what her most embarrassing moment at work was? - What do you think it was? - I'm telling you now, it ain't sending an e-mail to the wrong person.
Sent it to Flora instead of Virgin, oh! I think maybe I'd like to finally solve the mystery of how to wash a bowl after Weetabix have been in it.
Why, why Weetabix? Why don't they use Weetabix to put like buildings together or bricks? Have you tried not eating Weetabix? Cos it doubles up.
Cos Weetabix is disgusting.
- Yes.
- So, top thing people wish they were better at? - Sex.
Sex is number eight on the list.
Do you wish you were better at sex? No, but I think other people should wish they were.
Do you know, my mum's complete chat about the birds and the bees was when I was 15 and she My sister and I were discussing sex and she came into the bathroom and she just looked at me and she went, "How do you know you'll be any good at it?" And walked out.
That was it.
Oh, my God.
Well, she knew I was a very competitive person, so she put me off another two years cos I just wanted to make sure I nailed that.
- She was very clever.
- What do you do at the gym to prepare for that? - Oh, no, it was more about watching, reading.
- Oh, OK, the theory! - Phil's got a lot of the theory.
- He could ace the theory.
- Oh, God.
The practical, who knows? Any day now.
- OK, it's a school subject.
- Maths! - Maths! - It's something you would learn at school.
- Languages.
Languages is exactly right.
Yes, the top thing people wish they were better at is foreign languages.
I'm fluent in the language of love but sometimes I speak too quickly and my girlfriend ends up having to chat to herself.
BUZZER Well, that sound tells me it's the end of the round and of the show which means the final scores are Rob, Krishnan and Rosie have two points.
Aisling, Gabby and Phil are the winners with three points.
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Thanks to all of our panellists and our wonderful studio audience and to all of you watching from home.
That's it from us, goodnight! CHEERING AND APPLAUSE
Can you feel the love tonight? It's Phil Wang.
And their team captain - Aisling Bea.
And facing them tonight - Breaking news - it's Krishnan Guru-Murthy.
Show me the funny - it's Rosie Jones.
And their team captain - Rob Beckett.
Now welcome your host - Jimmy Carr.
Hello and welcome to 8 Out Of 10 Cats, a show about opinion polls, surveys and statistics.
Did you know, for example, Candy Crush is the most downloaded game on Smartphones? And that's because Tinder is not technically a game.
Although I am a player.
In the past two years, 25% of UK adults have bought plus size clothing.
If you don't know what plus size clothing is, it comes in XL, XXL and fucking 'L'! And 25% of Brits employ a cleaner.
I once had sex with my cleaner.
I bloody love that Henry the hoover.
Right, let's get started.
What Are You Talking About? That's the name of our first round.
It's our panellists' job to guess the public's top three most popular talking points.
Rob's team, what do you think the nation has been talking about this week? I think it's got to be the old snap election that's been going on - for about three years.
- It has been going on a while, hasn't it? - Oh! - With this, "Oh, it's going to be so quick!" - And it keeps changing.
I don't know who I'm voting for, I don't know what's going on any more.
I just can't keep up.
Rosie, do you know who you're voting for? Well, between you and me, - I'm disabled - LAUGHTER We thought you'd been drinking.
To be fair, Jimmy, I have.
But I don't know who I'm voting for.
It really depends on the day, when I'm in the polling booth, where my hand goes.
Krishnan, what do you think's going to happen in this election? I think it's really exciting.
It's become really exciting in the last two weeks.
Cos two weeks ago, they said, right, it's going to be a landslide for the Tories, they're going to have a 170-seat majority, Labour are going to be wiped out.
And then something in the last two weeks has gone, actually There's a couple of things.
I mean, first of all, Theresa May hasn't been as good as everybody thought she would be and she's dodged interviews and debates and all that kind of stuff.
And Jeremy Corbyn hasn't imploded, which a lot of people thought would happen.
So he has been much better than anybody thought and she's been worse than people thought.
What I've enjoyed is Theresa May, cos like, she's quite good if you send her out with a script and she delivers her message but as soon as she has got to answer a question or improvise, she starts panicking.
She gets like visual tics, her face starts going Agh, agh, agh! And she starts panicking and going back to her stock phrase.
"Agh, Brexit means Brexit! "Oh, God, strong and stable! Oh, malfunction, malfunction!" AISLING BEA: I think it's because she's Marge Simpson.
Well, dressed up as Marge Simpson but secretly underneath, she's Mr Burns.
She's like, "Hey, Homer, can I get you a beer?" But underneath, she's like, "Ah, the dementia tax, excellent!" Shall we have a look at Theresa May? So, obviously, May's policies on the NHS didn't go down well with one member of the audience.
Take a close look at what he's mouthing.
We all rely on the health service.
We all know people either who work in the health service like yourself, who's been through the health service, who've had great care and attention from the fantastic staff in the health service.
That's why we're ensuring that we are putting more money into the NHS and more money for the future as well as what is happening I'd quite like him to do like an Anchorman and see him and go, "Utter bollocks" as if he were her autocue, you know? He's reading her lines! I can't believe how uncomfortable she looked ad-libbing.
She does need to do a circuit, some stand-up, a few months out doing the pubs, the small venues.
Get a hold of that stuff.
Cos she's a really impressive woman when she seems to have an autocue.
She seems to be quite an impressive orator and then take that away and she's I kind of like the idea that a politician should look like, you know, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn.
I like the idea that they're not that polished.
Otherwise, you put me in charge.
I'm bloody good off-the-cuff.
So, Jeremy Corbyn went on Women's Hour this week - and-and he didn't do great.
- No.
He did what I like to call a Diane Abbott.
Let's have a look.
Let me understand then, how much will it cost to provide un-means-tested childcare for 1.
3 million children? Erm, it will cost, erm It will obviously cost a lot to do so, we accept that.
- I presume you have the figures? - Yes, I do.
- You don't know it? - Erm You are logging into your iPad here.
You've announced a major policy and you don't know how much it'll cost? Can I give you the exact figure in a moment, please? Is this not exactly the issue with people and the Labour Party? All of our manifesto is fully costed and examined.
And But you are holding your manifesto, you're flicking through it, you've got an iPad there, you've had a phone call while we are in here, and you don't know how much it is going to cost.
Can we come back to that in a moment? LAUGHTER I feel like there's a lot of lazy stereotypes about Jeremy Corbyn.
Like, "Oh, Jeremy Corbyn is made out of hay".
"Jeremy Corbyn writes his e-mails by hand.
" "Jeremy Corbyn is secretly the child from the TV show Woof "and at night-time he turns back into a shaggy dog.
" We've got a clip of him on The One Show answering some very tough questions about his allotment.
It's a chance to grow things, a chance to reflect on things and a chance to just unwind and be yourself and chat to all the other allotment holders, exchanging plants and all that, and there's something magic, when you grow your own beans, you're growing your own potatoes, you grow your own corn, take it home and And we are thrilled with this.
And you grow fruit trees and then you turn the fruit trees into jam and I would like to present The One Show with a jar of my jam.
Thank you very much! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! She just gave that to him! You all just saw that, she gave him the jam and he went, "Yeah, "I'd like to present this to you.
" That's her jam! It sounded like he was doing a birds and the bees talk to his teenage son.
Sort of going like, "And then you grow your own bean and then "you take it on to the potatoes and you make jam!" This is why he is working.
He is ridiculously laid-back about everything.
You can ask him about jam, you can ask him about meeting the IRA GABBY LOGAN: Just don't ask him about costing childcare! I do feel a bit sorry for politicians in a way, though, because, whatever you say, they get constantly scrutinised and these people that go in to the thing and ask them questions, and they're so righteous when they ask, "Why aren't you going to do this? What are you going to do about that? I'd love to see a politician do a bit of research on them and go, "Yeah, that's fine.
When are you going to clear out your shed? "Months you've been saying you'll do that.
"Why don't you sort your shed out and then come back at me?" Phil, what do you think is going to happen in this election? I'm really enjoying this election, it's really exciting now, because it's unpredictable.
It's like Game of Thrones, you know, in that I've not paid to watch it.
Theresa May is like Cersei.
She's miscalculated the threat that the High Sparrow holds, you know? The High Sparrow is obviously Jeremy Corbyn.
And now it turns out he's embarrassing her in front of all of King's Landing.
- Are you maybe a Ukip fan? - Myself? - Yeah.
- Yeah, I go to their rallies.
- Mm-hmm.
I throw chow mein at them.
And you know what? They eat it, they eat it.
They're passionate but they're hypocrites.
Rosie, who is the best party for disability benefits? Why are you asking me? Rob has more problems than I do.
That's the thing, I'm having a real nightmare applying for benefits, because they sent me this massive form so I thought, "Right, bugger you", and I hand-wrote the whole form.
And they rang me up and said, "Sorry, erm, "but we can't read your writing.
" And I went, "Oh, really? "Maybe that's because I'm disabled!" OK, let's have a look and see if the election is up there.
Of course.
The election campaign is the most talked about thing.
Choosing between the Tories, Labour, SNP, Lib Dem, Ukip, the Green Party and Plaid Cymru, it's like deciding which STI to get.
A recent YouGov poll revealed that if only people under 40 were allowed to vote, Jeremy Corbyn would win.
That said, if only people under four were allowed to vote, the next Prime Minister would be Peppa Pig.
I think Theresa May seems a little artificial.
It looks like the people who did my hair and teeth also did her personality.
Aisling's team, what do you think the nation have been talking about over the last week? I think that it was the season finale of football.
The season finale - of football? - Oh, Jimmy, it's great news.
Finally, after all these years, football's finished, we're done, it's over.
Cos sometimes I was watching football, thinking, when will this ever be solved?! - But now, I've been told that it's over.
- Can I ask, erm, whodunnit? - I didn't see it.
- Wenger did it.
- Wenger was out.
- Arsene Wenger.
Yes, Gabby! We should probably ask Gabby about this.
Gabby, what is football? So the season is finished and then every two years, you get a complete break for a couple of months because there's no World Cup, there's no European Championship That's when I hit the clubs to look for the lads.
There's leagues, league leagues, cup leagues? - Like, what? - You have different leagues and they all get winners and then you have a Cup competition that goes all through the season and finishes Who has the best cup? That's the FA Cup and that was won by Arsene Wenger's Arsenal, much to the annoyance of Chelsea who won the league, obviously.
Well, that's one each, that's fairer.
I don't really want to talk about the football, Jimmy, - cos I've got in a row.
- AISLING GASPS I've upset the entire town of Huddersfield - AISLING: Oh, no! - ROB: .
on Twitter.
If you are going to upset a town, not a bad one to pick.
You can't slag off Huddersfield Well, you can if you know anything about it.
Well, I lived in Huddersfield for three years.
So I've earned the right to slag it off.
You haven't.
So, what did you tweet, Rob? I was just annoyed that no proper clubs are getting promoted.
It was all boring ones.
- Well, some people came back.
- Yeah, they went mental at me.
One person tweeted - APPLAUSE My favourite, someone - I'm presuming from either Huddersfield or Reading - someone came back with - - Delightfully succinct.
- I know! But "Milky Bar Boy" is so degrading, isn't it? Not even "Kid"! How emasculating! "Boy"! Rosie, do you follow football? Well, to be honest, I don't know a lot about football, but I am an expert in dribbling.
Same, same.
Same, same.
Krishnan, do you follow the soccer ball? I've become a football fan because of my son, who is a big Liverpool fan.
So I've now become a Liverpool fan again.
- How did they do in the soccer ball? - Well, they made it through to - Well, almost to - To the judges' houses? - Yeah.
I don't know if you got your kid into Liverpool or he got you into it.
Take a look at what this dad did.
Ooh, Liverpool kit.
HE LAUGHS SHE CRIES THEY BOTH CRY APPLAUSE I mean Presumably, those kids are Huddersfield fans.
Who do you support, Gabby? Who is your team? - My team got promoted this season as well.
- Ooh! - Yeah, Newcastle United.
IN A BAD GEORDIE ACCENT: Newcastle United? I didn't know you couldn't do a Geordie accent? - Phil, are you? You're not footbally, are you? Sporty? - I'm Chinese people aren't really into football.
It's too confusing GABBY: They are, they're buying all the best players in the world.
PHIL: They're trying to build it up but traditionally, it's tricky for us because red cards are good luck for us.
So if someone does a bad challenge, the ref comes over and goes, "Good luck", you go, "Thanks, man" and you go Pretty soon it is just 11 on 11 kung fu.
Gabby, what would be a good gateway sport for non-sporty cats like us? I think you'd start off with the beach sports.
- Bit of Frisbee - Frisbee! ROB: That's not a sport! Don't get the British Frisbee Association on your back, Rob.
I'll stick 'em on my Huddersfield lift, go fuck yourselves! APPLAUSE Let's have a look and see whether the end of football is up there.
AISLING: The end of football! Yes, it's the end of the football season.
Winning a place in the Premier League was worth £170 million to Huddersfield.
For that kind of money, they could just knock it down and start again.
You can't say that! I just did! Damn it! That's it for part one, see you after the break.
APPLAUSE AND CHEERING CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Welcome back to 8 Out Of 10 Cats, where we're still trying to guess the nation's most popular talking points.
OK, fingers on buzzers, one more thing to get.
- BUZZ - Is that the return of Love Island? Oh Do you watch Love Island? I quite like it, yeah.
I just I'd quite like them to do a spin-off called Hate Island LAUGHTER .
and they'd put like Trump, Piers Morgan and Katie Hopkins on it, with a velociraptor.
LAUGHTER What is Love Island? Oh, it's like a game show, it's a bit like pass the parcel, but the parcel is always dick.
LAUGHTER Talk this through the rules of engagement, here.
There's like say five gals and six guys, and they have to Oh, my God, I love this show so much.
LAUGHTER they have to couple up at the start, and then there's one guy spare, and then over the course of the week he has to try and sort of lure one of the gals to be his gal, and then the other guy will be voted off.
And they all have to sleep together in the bed - I mean, it sounds really dark.
- LAUGHTER They're forced to sleep together while we, the nation, watch it.
But they must get bored of shagging, cos it's just constant shagging.
- Do they actually shag? - Do they actually have sex? - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, they do! - LAUGHTER I'm shocked this is television.
Yeah, this is when you're on, this is what I'm watching when you're doing your thing.
LAUGHTER Shall we treat ourselves to look at this year's Love Island contestants? My biggest turn-off when it comes to men is someone who is so arrogant and cocky, and wants to like be with every single girl.
Like, keep your pants in one bed, mate.
That's That's it.
The name of my girls' group Whatsapp is Life.
- We call ourselves lifers.
- SHE CHUCKLES If I could describe myself in bed Passionate, 100%.
Energetic, and actuallyflexible.
Very flexible for someone short.
Right, from being in the Blazin' Squad to now, my pulling game is actually better now.
Have you seen me now? Like, I'm literally like Wow! LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE I liked the guy that was flexible in bed.
Yeah, I could I'm very flexible, I could do Tuesdays.
LAUGHTER What's mental is though like now like if you go to an old people's home, it's sort of like, "Oh, that's Freddie, he served in Normandy.
" But what's going to happen when this generation gets to that age? "Oh, see her over there? She got fingered by Calum Best in Fiji.
" LAUGHTER Phil, have you seen Love Island? I used to live with Iain Stirling, who is the narrator on Love Island.
- Oh, yeah! - So Ian's gone from the most sexless house in Britain LAUGHTER .
to the most sex-full house in the world.
I watched a bit, I try and support my friends.
LAUGHTER But no friendship is that strong.
LAUGHTER Do you know Ian Stirling? He's a comedian, and he's the guy - What's his? What's his accent - Scottish! - His accent is THICK, BROAD SCOTS: And now, in Love Island, they're about to start the fingering game.
Whoever fingers the most will be this week's king and queen, and be immune from eviction.
LAUGHTER Do they really have a fingering game? They don't really have a fingering, Gabby.
LAUGHTER Actually, here's a fun fact.
Fingering is the only thing I'm fast at.
LAUGHTER You don't know where it's going to go! How exciting! APPLAUSE Imagine going in to clean the house.
Oh, it would be like that scene in ET.
LAUGHTER Yeah, if they go in there with one of those blue lights from CSI it's going to be It'd be like Christmas! LAUGHTER I didn't know Jason Pollock was on it this year! - Jason Pollock? - Fuck! LAUGHTER Is he related to Jackson Pollock? Shit.
Jason Pollock? You know Jason Pollock! LAUGHTER Fucking Jason! LAUGHTER I'm actually looking forward to the spin off.
It's actually a disabled special called cripples with nipples.
I think it's okay when she says it.
Well, I can tell you the return of Love Island is not up there.
But if you've never seen Love Island, the concept is very simple.
11 people enter a villa and then each other.
Okay, fingers on buzzers, one more thing to get, what else have people been talking about? - What do you reckon? - Is a Donald Trump and covfefe? - This is Donald Trump breaking the Internet, I believe.
- Yeah.
With a misspelt tweet.
Here it is.
- Covfefe.
- Covfefe.
ROB: I think I went covfefe all-inclusive in 2007.
I was pissed most of the time, but I swear it was covfefe.
What do you think he was trying to say? Somebody else came out and said he was supposed to be saying kerfuffle.
- Kerfuffle.
- ROB: Oh, kerfuffle.
I thought it was coverage.
The negative media coverage.
I think it was after a tweet, the phone's broke, and he can't access his account, he can't remember the password.
And then, five hours later, he deletes it.
Then he's back in the game.
Sean Spicer came out and said, "Oh, yes, but it might not make sense to you, "but it made sense to the President "and it made sense to a small group of people.
" Well, we've got that clip.
Here's what Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer had to say about Trump's tweet.
I imagine the small group of people who know what he meant are the Kremlin.
Maybe covfefe's like a Russian codeword for fire the missiles now.
What would you ask him if you interviewed him? - Or have you interviewed him? - I have interviewed him, I interviewed him before he was President.
Before he was even - Well, let's - And then your interview made him become president? Well, it's interesting, these are the hard-hitting questions that you asked.
Take a look.
Just finally, Mr Trump, you're wearing a hat today and obviously you're famous for your hair.
Recently, you divulged the secrets of your hair to Rolling Stone magazine, I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind, doing the same for us on television now.
Well, sure, I'd love to take off my hat.
It's actually my hair, you know, I have lots of witnesses, so it is, but, erm, hey, it's mine.
It may not be pretty, but it's mine.
Some pretty hard-hitting journalism there.
You noticed he had a hat on almost immediately.
So well done.
Nothing gets past me.
The truth is, that's a six-minute interview all about the Scottish National Party and the environment and his golf course.
And you just use the little bit at the end, that was meant to end with a laugh.
Yeah, cos the rest of it was pretty dull.
Okay, it's easy to make a mistake when you're tweeting.
Our politicians have done it.
Ed Balls famously tweeted back in 2011 After nearly 100,000 retweets, 28th of April became known as Ed Balls' day.
This is my favourite ever fail on Twitter.
So, Susan Boyle's PR team sent twitter into meltdown when they tweeted this Send your questions to Su's anal bum party! I love the fact that the anal bum party's got a headquarters.
Oh, it's important to be organised.
Well, I can tell you that Donald Trump's misspelled tweet is not up there.
But who knew Donald Trump couldn't control his hands? Literally every woman he's ever met.
Okay, fingers on buzzers.
One more thing to get.
- What do you think, Rob? - Is it the old BA chaos? Oh, yeah, this looked pretty miserable.
A whole weekend of no flights.
- Yeah, and this is because - We don't know.
I mean, they claim it was a power surge and everybody's going, - well, there wasn't a power surge.
- No.
I think they've got all their computers running off one extension lead from Costco.
It was the most massive malfunction, whatever it was.
That there was no backup, though.
You'd hope, wouldn't you, a company of that size and the scale of what it's got to do, would have some kind of backup system? The Daily Mail got outraged on behalf of everyone, as per uzhe.
They were like, "Oh, British Airways "should drop British from their name.
" But, like, people were queueing on a bank holiday Monday, angry about the heat in small rooms.
That's the most British thing I've ever heard.
I think they should just drop airways and leave it as British.
ROB: I think it was the only time Ryanair passengers have felt smug.
Walking through the airport like, "What's that, BA? "You get two pieces of hand luggage? "We get one, but we get a fucking plane.
" I never got the IT problem.
Cos why didn't they just turn it on and off again? The problem with turning it off and then on again is on an airline, I think that's what Malaysian Air tried.
CROWD: Ooh! Oh! Phil, you must defend Malaysian Airlines.
The food is quite good.
I had a little touch of the Jimmy Carr lifestyle when we went - to Alicante last week.
- Oh, right, fancy.
And we went on BA and I took my parents.
I got them upgraded to the business It's not like proper business class, but you get a little bit more space at the front, a meal, and you get to go in the lounge at the airport.
I took Mum and Dad and you should have seen them in that lounge.
It was like Black Friday.
It was a 6:30 AM flight, right.
When we landed at nine, guess how many brandies my mum had had.
LAUGHTER She'd had a bottle of brandy.
She went, "I'm getting my money's worth.
" She come out on a profit.
I once got so badly delayed in a lounge in Newcastle after a football match I was watching.
IN BAD NEWCASTLE ACCENT: Newcastle United was playing.
I don't believe it.
What you doing?! No idea.
And there were four guys and me in the lounge and then they ended up putting us on a coach and taking us to Middlesbrough and then putting us on a And I ended up going out with one of the guys.
I ended up having an actual relationship.
How long did you go out for? Oh, a few months.
So what you're saying is a good alternative to Tinder is to go to Newcastle United for a match and then get a replacement bus service.
I mean, that's Aisling, I'm really sorry.
- Yeah.
- But we're all thinking it.
When you do a Newcastle accent are you really trying to mock me? It does sound like that.
It does sound a lot like that.
I mean Let's take a look and see if the BA chaos is up there.
Yes, it's the British Airways' IT crash.
So those were the nation's most popular talking points, but in other news, a clip of a Russian newsreader being rudely interrupted during her TV broadcast went viral this week.
Take a look.
Think the dog was a cameraman and he was trying to, like, trying to rejig the chairs or something like that.
Krishnan, has anything like that ever interrupted you? I'm usually the one doing the interrupting.
PHIL: Didn't Quentin Tarantino shut your butt down? He said he was going to.
He didn't actually do it.
He said he was going to shut your butt down? Yeah, I don't know what that would have entailed.
GABBY: You would have been able to go to Susan Boyle's anal bum party.
At the end of that round, Rob, Krishnan and Rosie have two points, Aisling, Gaby and Phil have one point.
So, that's it for part two, see you after the break.
Welcome back to 8 Out Of 10 Cats.
And The Winner Is is the name of our final round.
Here's your first one.
Um, when you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like, "covfefe.
" What's the worst thing that's happened to you at work? Gabby? I coughed over the Chelsea manager Conte after the FA Cup final.
- That was quite embarrassing.
- Did you get any spitty bits out? I started having a proper coughing fit, but he carried on answering the question and then I started pinching myself because I thought, if I pinch myself, it might hurt more than the cough that wants to come out and I'll stop coughing.
- Oh, God.
- So I was closing my eyes and I was pinching myself and then I started crying.
And then I thought, I'm going to have to cough, so I turned to cough, not knowing that his wingman was stood right behind me What do you mean, his wingman? Was he trying to chat you up? Phil, have you ever been embarrassed at work? Well, I work on my own because I just sit at home and write things.
So, the only person I have to embarrass myself in front of is me, which does happen, sometimes I'll catch myself naked and be like, "Oh, sorry.
" You know, sometimes I'll do a fart and no-one 'fesses up to it Or sending the e-mail and forgetting the attachment.
And then you have to send another one, "Oh, the attachment might help," and it's just like, oh It's embarrassing.
Well, you're very close there with sending the e-mail.
- Erm, maybe, including the people it's about.
- Yes! Well, yeah, I'll give you that.
- Sending the e-mail to the wrong person.
- Oh, yeah.
You don't think? You're wrong.
It's shitting yourself.
If you shit yourself at work, it's the worst thing - Classic number two! - You're telling me that if you're at work at your desk, you shit yourself, that isn't as bad as going, "Oh, I sent that to him.
" How often do you think that happens in the workplace? I've never sent an e-mail to the wrong person ever.
- But you've shit yourself? - I've shit myself two or three times this week.
I can smell it.
OK, yes, the most embarrassing thing to happen at work is sending an e-mail to the wrong person.
A really embarrassing moment at work is when you're standing next to a guy at the urinal and you lose your erection.
OK, another question.
- What do you think? - Having a bath.
- What? - I can't work out how to clean myself.
I can't work out how to do the cleaning.
I don't ever feel clean after a bath.
I just sort of sit in it like In order to clean your bits, you've got to You can't just If you put the soap or the shower gel on your hand and then you go in and it's sort of gone in the water before it's touched the skin You have to sort of pop it out and go When you're popping out to do the little clean, do you have to do that face? Cos I think that face is the issue.
Well, no-one's watching me have a bath, so it doesn't matter what my face is doing, does it? This is degrading.
I don't like that, I'm no good at going upstairs, my legs ain't the right length for stairs.
They're too long for one step at a time but not long enough for two.
So I either have to lunge up or do little shuffles.
I can't take memory sticks out of my computer, it tells me off.
"That was taken out unexpectedly.
" No, it weren't.
I knew I was going to do it.
APPLAUSE OK, Rosie, what do you wish you were better at? This question annoys me because I'm perfectly perfect how I am.
Why should I wish I was better at anything? - I mean - Apart from online gambling.
I'm really, really bad at that.
- So, you wish you were better at being lucky? - Yeah.
What thing do you wish you were better at? Gabby, what do you think? Do you know, I have been running since I was about one.
What from, Gabs? I've pretty much run my whole life, you know? - And I've never got any better at it.
- Yeah.
So, I said to Paula Radcliffe, how can I get better at running? I thought, I'll go straight to the top and work with Paula, she gave me this, like, long technical answer that involved hard work And I just thought, I'm going to carry on doing running.
Can you ask her what her most embarrassing moment at work was? - What do you think it was? - I'm telling you now, it ain't sending an e-mail to the wrong person.
Sent it to Flora instead of Virgin, oh! I think maybe I'd like to finally solve the mystery of how to wash a bowl after Weetabix have been in it.
Why, why Weetabix? Why don't they use Weetabix to put like buildings together or bricks? Have you tried not eating Weetabix? Cos it doubles up.
Cos Weetabix is disgusting.
- Yes.
- So, top thing people wish they were better at? - Sex.
Sex is number eight on the list.
Do you wish you were better at sex? No, but I think other people should wish they were.
Do you know, my mum's complete chat about the birds and the bees was when I was 15 and she My sister and I were discussing sex and she came into the bathroom and she just looked at me and she went, "How do you know you'll be any good at it?" And walked out.
That was it.
Oh, my God.
Well, she knew I was a very competitive person, so she put me off another two years cos I just wanted to make sure I nailed that.
- She was very clever.
- What do you do at the gym to prepare for that? - Oh, no, it was more about watching, reading.
- Oh, OK, the theory! - Phil's got a lot of the theory.
- He could ace the theory.
- Oh, God.
The practical, who knows? Any day now.
- OK, it's a school subject.
- Maths! - Maths! - It's something you would learn at school.
- Languages.
Languages is exactly right.
Yes, the top thing people wish they were better at is foreign languages.
I'm fluent in the language of love but sometimes I speak too quickly and my girlfriend ends up having to chat to herself.
BUZZER Well, that sound tells me it's the end of the round and of the show which means the final scores are Rob, Krishnan and Rosie have two points.
Aisling, Gabby and Phil are the winners with three points.
CHEERING AND APPLAUSE Thanks to all of our panellists and our wonderful studio audience and to all of you watching from home.
That's it from us, goodnight! CHEERING AND APPLAUSE