Ancient Aliens s21e04 Episode Script

The Top Ten Unexplained Technologies

Mysterious golden orbs believed to be part
of an ancient power plant. A sacred wooden
box said to facilitate communication with
the heavens, and an elaborately carved
ancient tomb that appears to depict an astronaut.
For more than a decade Ancient
Aliens has examined evidence
of what could could be the
remnants of an advanced and
perhaps otherworldly civilization.
Now, we're going to explore
ten of the most compelling
examples of unexplained
technologies ever discovered.
Technologies that just
may hold the proof that
Earth has been visited
by extraterrestrials.
History and mythology are filled with
incredible stories of human encounters
with otherworldly beings, flying ships and
powerful weapons that defy explanation.
For ancient astronaut theorists like me,
these are descriptions of misunderstood
technology that might be extraterrestrial
in origin.
And some of the most compelling evidence
that our ancestors witnessed Alien
technology can be found in ancient artwork
like a mysterious carving in Egypt created
thousands of years ago
that appears strikingly
similar to an electrical
device from the modern world.
At number ten on our
countdown of the top ten
unexplained technologies,
The Dendera Light Bulb.
Dendera, Egypt, 370 miles south of the
Giza Plateau, stands the Hathor Temple.
This 2,000-year-old monument
is remarkably well-preserved
and covered with elaborate
artwork inside and out.
Among the hundreds of carvings,
a curious object can be found that,
according to Egyptologists, is a
representation of a lotus flower.
We have depictions of this so-called lotus
flower of Dendera.
And there are not just a
few inside the crypt, but
they're in fact also on
the outside wall on top.
So what are we looking at here?
Egyptology suggests that
this bulb-like thing is the
depiction of the beautiful
aroma of a lotus flower.
What's often not discussed is the
surrounding hieroglyphics that say that
this has something to do with a bringer of
When physicists and electrical engineers
and people look at this, they can readily
see that there appears to
be what is a filament inside
this tube that could be
interpreted as a glass tube.
It appears to be a blueprint for what we
would say is an incandescent light bulb.
It's got a filament inside it that looks
like a snake.
There's a cable coming out of the back.
It's then attached to a small box.
So here we have what appears to be a
depiction of an electrical device.
This means that the ancient Egyptians,
they knew about electricity.
They were actually lighting many of their
temples and tubes with electrical lights.
How did the ancient Egyptians light the
insides of their structures?
Because some structures are deep
underground and filled with hieroglyphics.
The ancient astronaut theory suggests that
perhaps the ancient Egyptians had access
to electricity and these
lighting materials were
given to the Egyptians
by the extraterrestrials.
The idea that ancient Egyptians had light
bulbs almost 2,000 years before Thomas
Edison introduced them in modern times is
truly amazing.
And in the 1930s an archaeologist in Iraq
discovered incredible artifacts that may
reveal just where they got the power to
illuminate the ancient world.
Number 9 on our
countdown of the top 10
unexplained technologies,
the Baghdad Battery.
Baghdad, Iraq, 1938 While combing through
the collection at the Baghdad
Archaeological Museum, a German
archaeologist discovers several terracotta
pots and copper cylinders dating to around
the 1st century BC.
Remarkably, the pots appear to have been
used for generating electricity more than
1,800 years before the invention of modern
The Baghdad Battery is a very interesting
piece of ancient technology.
They're made up of very simple materials
from that region, usually a clay pot,
copper and an iron rod surrounded by an
asphalt stopper.
In 2009, Ancient Astronaut
Theorist Jason Martell showed
Giorgio Tsoukalos just how the
so-called Baghdad Batteries work.
This is made out of a clay pot.
Clay just found naturally in that region
in southern Iraq.
And then they would use
a small copper lining and
an asphalt stopper
wrapped around an iron rod.
What we're going to do
is basically just fill the clay
pot with some weak acidic
acid, orange juice in this case.
We'll go ahead and put
the copper rod back in there.
And these all applied together,
creates electricity.
You can consistently get about 4 volts
with something about that large.
So if we think of a Baghdad
Battery around this size generating
4 volts, what if we increase
the size to around 6 feet?
That might generate 20, 30,
50 volts and have the sufficient
power to actually utilize
energy in a way that we do today.
So it's very possible that the
Baghdad Battery was being
utilized in conjunction with
other technological devices.
When we look at this through the ancient
astronaut lens, we see that throughout
history man has been given
technology by the Gods.
We have to wonder if Baghdad
Batteries aren't pieces of
technology that were given
to man by the extraterrestrials.
Next on our list is a weapon used by the
Roman Empire that was so powerful it
struck terror throughout
the ancient world.
But what's even more
intriguing is that this blazing
device has baffled
scientists for over 1600 years.
Number 8 on our countdown, Greek Fire.
Constantinople, 674 A.D.
The magnificent capital
of the Roman Empire is
under attack by a fleet
of 5,000 Arab ships.
To defend his city, Emperor Constantine IV
unleashes a powerful and mysterious new
weapon that destroys the Arab Navy in
It was the most devastating weapon of the
time and was called Greek Fire.
Greek Fire was a liquid that
could be pumped through hoses.
It was like the early
flamethrowers of the time.
And when it was ignited, as it came out of
these hoses, it would then be directed
onto ships or sometimes
onto docks and things like that.
And it would start a tremendous
fire and water could not put it out.
It was said to burn so
violently and so hot that even
in the greatest of rainstorms,
fire would not go out.
And when projected out
to sea, when it sunk into the
water, it would still burn
on the bottom of the ocean.
It gave them enormous technological
advantage in naval and land battles.
Some of the chronicles would say that
water would in fact enhance its ability.
Perhaps even more astounding than the
incredible power of Greek Fire is the fact
that scientists have not been able to
reproduce it even after 1,600 years.
The recipe for this Greek Fire had been
very closely guarded as a secret and it
still represents one of the greatest
enigmas in ancient history.
What was this mysterious technology?
And more importantly,
where did it come from?
One story goes that Greek Fire was given
to the Romans by an angel.
Just changed the word
angel to extraterrestrial
and all of a sudden the
whole story makes sense.
You have to ask, why
would an angel offer such
a powerful weapon and
advantage to the Romans?
Is this an example of extraterrestrial
interference in human affairs?
For ancient astronaut theorists like me,
some of the most intriguing accounts of
unexplained technology can be
found in the pages of the Old Testament.
Like the next item on
our list, which we all know
as the vessel used to hold
the Ten Commandments.
But it is also written that this
mysterious wooden box could part rivers,
destroy armies and even communicate with
otherworldly beings.
At number seven on our countdown of the
top ten unexplained technologies,
The Ark of the Covenant.
Mount Sinai, Egypt.
According to the Book of Exodus in the
Hebrew Bible, it was here that the prophet
Moses was instructed by
God to build one of the most
important artifacts in
Judeo-Christian tradition.
The Ark of the Covenant.
Moses was given very
specific measurements.
It was to be four feet long and about two
feet wide and two feet deep.
The container must be made of acacia wood,
that it must be covered with gold.
The top of the Ark was to be surmounted by
two cherubim that would face each other.
God commands Moses
to build this chest, which
the original Ten
Commandments was to be placed.
And the presence of
God would then be seen.
Sounds very simple, but yet there were
properties to the Ark that made it far
more than just a symbolic representation
of something religious.
Biblical accounts of the Ark portray it as
possessing mysterious powers that aided
the Israelites during their journey to the
Promised Land, helping to part rivers,
level mountains and destroy armies.
The most important thing about trying to
understand how the Ark of the Covenant
functioned is the fact that
specific instructions were
given by God to Moses about
how it was to be manufactured.
The exact size, how it was to be raised
off the ground, how it was to be carried.
And this tells us, almost certainly,
that we are dealing with technology.
Is it possible that the baffling powers
ascribed to the Ark provide evidence that
it held highly advanced and perhaps
extraterrestrial technology?
Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and
suggest clues can be found in rabbinical
texts that describe
what the Ark contained.
It is said that the Ark housed the actual
Hebrew word is kavod, or glory, of God.
Now, this in-quote glory of God was not
something symbolic, it was something
actual, something tangible,
something energetic.
We know from the Biblical story that when
the two sons of the high priest Aaron came
forth to make an offering, fire entered
into the nostrils and burned them from the
inside, leaving their
external forms intact.
We might refer to that
as an electrocution.
According to religious texts,
the Ark of the Covenant was
placed inside Solomon's temple,
and then it simply vanished.
But the extraordinary and unexplained
powers of the Ark continue to interest
researchers and ancient astronaut
theorists to this very day.
What are we missing here in the Biblical
understanding of this mysterious box?
It was clearly far more
than just a religious icon.
There was a technology involved here,
and that is what makes the Ark this day
one of the greatest
mysteries of our history.
Another ancient description
of the Ark of the Covenant
can be found in a sacred
Hebrew text called the Zohar.
And according to one translation,
the Ark contained another mysterious
device that supplied the Israelites with
limitless supplies of food.
Number six in our countdown,
The Manna Machine.
According to the Hebrew Bible's Book of
Exodus, after Moses helped the Israelites
escape across the Red
Sea, he led them into the
Sinai Desert, where
they lived for 40 years.
It is said that they survived by eating a
mysterious food called manna.
Manna is this magical
substance that's sort of
white, like cardamom
with a taste like honey.
You know, the Bible tells
us this is what feeds people.
Moses commands the people
to take some, put it in a jar, keep
it so that you can always tell
the story of how God fed you.
And that's one of the things that's put in
the Ark of the Covenant.
That's how special this is.
While the story of the Israelites
receiving manna from heaven
is traditionally understood as divine intervention.
Some researchers have suggested
that it could also be
interpreted as an event
involving some kind of
advanced technology.
In 1978, linguistic expert
George Sassoon and electrical
engineer Rodney Dale
publish The Manna Machine.
In it, they point to an ancient
rabbinical text called the
Zohar that describes manna
coming from a curious device.
George Sassoon and
Rodney Dale, by reading the
Zohar, determined that
the translation was wrong.
It was supposed to be the transportable
one of the tanks.
What does that mean?
So they actually came to the conclusion
that what is described was a type of a
machine that they proposed
was driven with nuclear power.
And that that produced the so-called manna
to the Hebrews wandering out in the desert.
Is it possible that the Ark of the Covenant
contained a nuclear-powered device?
Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and
point to clues in the Bible.
In the Bible, we have multiple stories of
people not only dying when they came in
contact with the Ark, but some
only died a week or two later.
And how did they die?
Because they had boils on their skin and
their hair started to fall out.
Well, that is a sign of
radioactive poisoning.
And the only way that such a result could
have been gotten is if the Ark is an
extraterrestrial device
that is radioactive.
We're coming up on
the halfway point in our
countdown of the top ten
unexplained technologies.
And the next item on our list can be found
across the globe in the form of mysterious
stone statues and strange figures painted
on canyon walls.
In my opinion, these images aren't just
products of our ancestors' imagination,
but instead are depictions
of space travelers.
Number five on our
countdown, Ancient Astronauts.
La Venta, Mexico, 1939.
American archaeologists
Matthew Sterling and Philip
Drucker begin an excavation
of an ancient pyramid mound.
Over the next two decades, the unearthed
extraordinary statues, carvings and
mosaics from a
previously unknown culture
The Olmecs, a civilization that
emerged around 1400 BC.
The discovery is a major
archaeological find and produced a
sensational piece of evidence
for the ancient astronaut theory.
At the Museum of Natural History in New
York City, there is a Olmec figurine.
And if you look at this
figurine, you can tell
that this guy is wearing
some sort of a suit.
He has some type of controls
with tubes on his chest.
On the side, you have six
wings coming out of him.
So you have to wonder
what is depicted here.
And in my opinion, it
is a smoking gun of our
ancestors having access
to aviation technology.
Could it be that a figurine
made more than 2400 years ago
depicts a person wearing some
sort of advanced flying technology?
Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes and suggest even more
compelling imagery can be found
1700 miles to the north in Utah.
Here, along the walls of Nine
Mile Canyon, dozens of ancient
cave paintings depict figures
wearing very curious attire.
One of the most important galleries is
referred to as the Family Panel.
What's interesting about this one is that
it shows these apparently luminous
humanoid type beings that appear to have
spacesuits on, a helmet, even antenna.
The Navajos themselves claim that these
petroglyphs were from people who were
before the flood, before this cataclysm
had come to the Earth.
And they maintain that these images were
many thousands of years old.
Could it be that these figures really
depict beings in spacesuits?
Halfway across the world, in Northwestern
Australia, are dozens of cave paintings
that depict other mysterious
beings who appear
to be wearing spacesuits
known as the Juanjina.
The Juanjinas are
incredible because they have
these gigantic heads
and these long bodies.
It seems as if they're inside
some sort of a pressurized suit.
Now, the stories behind the Juanjinas goes
that they descended from the sky and gave
knowledge and
jump-started civilization in
Australia thousands and
thousands of years ago.
Now, this is accepted
history in Australia.
So my suggestion is that the
extraterrestrials that came to Earth
thousands and thousands of
years ago didn't just visit Australia.
They visited each and
every continent on Earth,
and that is why we
have the similar motifs.
When it comes to evidence of unexplained
technology in the distant past,
sometimes the best examples
are hiding in plain sight.
Like the next item on our countdown,
which when you know how to look at it,
reveals what I consider to be an actual
depiction of an ancient astronaut.
Coming in at number four,
King Pakal's Tomb.
Southern Mexico, 1949.
Under a pyramid called the Temple of
Inscriptions at the ruins of Palenque,
archeologist Alberto Ruz-Louis
discovers a mysterious
underground stairway
obstructed with large stones.
Over the next three years, Ruz and his
team carefully clear the stairwell,
consisting of 71 steps.
When the door at the base of
the stairwell is finally opened,
they encounter room after
room of skeletons and artifacts.
And in the final room, they find the tomb
of King Kenich, Janab, Pakal.
The tomb of Pakal is
one of the most amazing
pieces of Maya art
that we've ever found.
On the top of the lid is a very elaborate
carving that we believe is a depiction of
Pakal falling into the
underworld upon his death.
Although many historians and archeologists
interpret the carving on Pakal's lid as
the king's descent into the
underworld, ancient astronaut
theorists suggest it depicts a
very different type of journey.
The sarcophagus of Lord Pakal
forever will remain one
of the smoking guns of
the ancient astronaut theory.
He is in a reclining position,
he has a breathing apparatus attached to
his nose, his hands are manipulating some
buttons, and his feet are on petals.
It looks as if Pakal is lifting off into
space inside some type of a rocket vehicle.
As far as ancient astronaut theorists are
concerned, the idea that King Pakal's
sarcophagus lid depicts a
journey to space is supported
by Maya writing that
surrounds the iconic carving.
Those Maya glyphs say that this is
King Pakal's journey to Xibalba.
Xibalba means underworld.
Well, archeologists about 15 years ago
revisited the term Xibalba and concluded
that actually Xibalba can also be
translated as Milky Way.
And all of a sudden this depiction makes
sense because what we have here is a
representation of King Pacal on his
journey to the Milky Way.
Located in central Mexico are
the ruins of a mysterious city
that is home to some of the most
impressive pyramids ever built.
While the purpose of this complex is still
unknown, archeologists have found evidence
of what appears to be the makings of an
advanced technological device.
Number three on our countdown of the top
ten unexplained technologies, Teotihuacan.
The Valley of Mexico, located just 35
miles northeast of Mexico City,
is one of the most unique ancient sites on
Called Teotihuacan,
this vast Metropolis was
discovered by the
Aztecs in the 15th century.
According to Aztec writings, this city was
once home to powerful, otherworldly beings.
The name Teotihuacan basically means
birthplace of the Gods.
And the Aztecs believed
that the Gods themselves out
of Aztec mythology were
born there at Teotihuacan.
The city of Teotihuacan
covers an area of eight square
miles, which is roughly the
same size as ancient Rome.
At its heart is a two-mile-long
thoroughfare named the
Avenue of the Dead that
connects three massive pyramids.
The Pyramid of the Moon sits at the very
beginning of the Avenue of the Dead.
The Pyramid of the Sun sits about midway
along the length of the Avenue of the Dead.
Those are their two big buildings.
Then they build
The Temple of Quetzalcoatl.
The Temple of Quetzalcoatl is the most
ornate building in all of Teotihuacan.
Its entire face is covered with mosaic
stones with the face of Quetzalcoatl,
or the plumed serpent.
With his feathers
coming off of his face and
his snake head coming
out of the building.
Most mainstream historians believe this
city was once a religious center.
But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest the city's
massive buildings once
served a more profound purpose.
And as evidence, they
point to an extraordinary
discovery made beneath
the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.
In May 2013, researchers
employed a small robot called
Talalok II TC to explore a
chamber under the pyramid.
Inside, archaeologists found more than a
hundred gold-colored metallic spheres.
These bolts are probably anything between
an inch to about five inches in diameter.
Nobody knows the purpose of them,
why they were made, or even who made them.
But the fact that they're
there tells us they're
of utmost importance to
what went on at the Temple.
Many archaeologists
believe the gold spheres are
representations of celestial
bodies observed in the night sky.
But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest they
could have served a
more profound purpose.
And point to another
discovery made almost a
mile away at the Pyramid
of the Sun in 1906.
At Teotihuacan, huge mica
seats have been found beneath
a layer of stone flooring
that were 90 feet square.
And they were placed directly on top of
each other, and yet you couldn't see them.
So they clearly weren't
decorative or aesthetic.
They were clearly functional in their use.
So what were they doing there?
We use mica today in
spacefaring technology.
It's a heat shield for high, very,
very high temperatures.
What is it doing at Teotihuacan?
Curiously, mica wasn't the only unusual
substance found within the ancient site.
They actually found Mercury under some of
the pyramids as well.
So what does this all mean?
Well, Mercury is used
in different electrical
components, and it
conducts electricity.
So can we suggest that they were using this
for some advanced technological purpose?
Mercury itself is very special.
It's a metal, it's a liquid,
it's an electrical conductor.
Mercury can be used for many, many
devices, all of which are high-tech.
So you have to wonder what is going on
here at Teotihuacan.
Are these small balls and the mica and the
Mercury all working together to create
some kind of electrical device that's
doing something?
That would seem to be the case.
In 2017, Eric von Däniken and I were
thrilled to visit the National History
Museum of Transylvania to examine one of
the most exciting artifacts I've ever seen.
It is a 40,000-year-old
aluminum relic that may provide
definitive evidence of
extraterrestrial visitation.
Number two in our
countdown of the top ten
unexplained technologies,
the wedge of Aiud.
Transylvania, Romania, 1974.
Workers digging a trench along the banks
of the Muresh River, unearthed two giant
bones, and with them, a mysterious metal
object buried 35 feet beneath the surface.
Intrigued by what they found, the crew
takes their discovery to a nearby museum.
The object was 10 meters in
depth, associated with some
bones, which they later
identified as mammoth bones.
Mammoth were extinct 40,000 years ago,
so considering the association with the
mammoth bones, then the object could be
older than 40,000 years ago.
This strange object, known today as the
wedge of Aiud, continues to baffle
archaeologists because it is made from a
mysterious alloy and appears to have been
created thousands of years before humans
were able to smelt or fabricate metal.
The wedge of Aiud weighs about five
It's about nine inches long.
And it is made out of about 89% aluminum.
And this was very curious
to researchers because
the wedge of Aiud had
to be a very old artifact.
Humans didn't really start working with
aluminum to well into the 1800s.
But when you look at this wedge and you
analyze it, it really has most of the
modern properties we would associate with
On January 18th, 2017, at the National
History Museum of Transylvania,
Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
Giorgio Tsoukalos and Erich von Däniken,
were offered a rare opportunity to get a
first-hand look at the wedge of Aiud.
Museum curator Anna Gruya has taken it out
of a storage locker, where it has been
deliberately hidden from the public since
the early 1970s.
This is exciting.
So this is it?
Oh, okay.
Here this is where they took the sample
out and here to make the analysis.
And here you see two pieces that are
broken off, sort of.
So maybe it was attached or something,
but very strange.
So what does the museum have to say about
This is a very strange piece.
It is a strange piece for us as well.
We don't know what it was used
for and we acknowledge these
uncertainties about its dating
and its composition as well.
We have a real mystery here.
But you see this patina over this whole
object and this creates another problem.
And because you cannot fake a patina.
The patina is a thin coating of various
metal compounds that forms on the surface
of the aluminum during exposure to
atmospheric elements.
It was covered with aluminum
oxide, which they said would
have taken three or four
hundred years to have developed.
And that also baffled scientists.
So, for what can you use this?
It looks like a hammer or a shovel,
Chocho, what is the word of an English
bakar shovel?
Oh, an excavator tooth.
Well, it looks like this.
It could have been something like it.
But these excavator tubes are never made
out of aluminum.
No, it's too weak.
It's too soft.
A lot of people dismiss this as a tooth on
an excavation bucket.
If you ever looked at these excavators,
they usually have a row of teeth in the
front and that's designed
to cut through the material.
I think, first of all, they would have
noticed they were missing one.
Second of all, they don't use aluminum and
they're usually made out of hardened steel.
If the wedge of IUD really
is over 40,000 years old,
could it be part of an even
more advanced technology?
According to ancient astronaut theorists,
the answer is yes.
And they suggest it is a fragment of an
extraterrestrial device.
An aeronautical engineer who saw the IUD
wedge looked at it and said, that's a
piece of a landing gear for a vertical
takeoff and landing aircraft.
Ancient astronaut theorists have also
looked at this wedge and surmised that
it's possible that it's part of a crashed
extraterrestrial craft.
Aluminum is often used in spacecraft
because it's a very light material.
So could it be that the object of IUD was
part of some type of spacecraft?
It certainly looks as if it
was part of a larger object.
And the question is, well, what object?
And at what time was this?
Perhaps there is an extraterrestrial
There is only one unexplained technology
left on our countdown.
And this one has truly stood the test of
We've reached the end of our countdown of
the top 10 unexplained technologies.
And this last one is as extraordinary as
it is massive.
It's a towering monument of
ancient Egypt built thousands
of years ago that some
believe was an energy generator.
Number one on our list,
the Great Pyramid Power Plant.
Giza, Egypt.
On the western bank of the
Nile River stands the most
extraordinary example of ancient
engineering, the Great Pyramid.
It towers above the
landscape at roughly 450 feet
tall and consists of over
two million stone blocks.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
is a marvel of architecture.
Every block was five tons and there is
about two million of them to create a
perfect pyramid shape that
is one of the seven ancient
wonders of the world, the
most ancient one of them all.
And the only one standing.
Inside the Great Pyramid are a number of
fascinating chambers and corridors,
like the Grand Gallery,
this towering stairway
that goes up into the
so-called King's Chamber.
Mainstream scholars theorize that the
Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for the
Pharaoh Khufu who reigned
from 2589 to 2566 B.C.
But many experts claim this dating is
based on highly questionable data and
suggest the origins of the three pyramids
at Giza are far more profound.
Archeologists and Egyptologists claim that
they were tombs for the pharaohs,
and yet no Egyptian pharaoh was ever found
in a pyramid in Egypt.
We have found the mummies of many Egyptian
pharaohs, but they're found in vaults deep
underground at the
Valley of the Kings in
Luxor, hundreds of miles
away from the pyramids.
We're taught in school that the Great Pyramid
is a tomb, but if you look at the
complexity of these buildings,
the precision with which they were built,
the features that you see on the inside,
these various shafts and passageways,
for me it looks like a machine.
The design of the tunnel system and
chamber rooms within the Great Pyramid
have convinced engineering
expert Chris Dunn that the massive
structure was actually an
advanced technological device.
I propose that the Egyptians built the
Great Pyramid to be a power plant.
The pyramids were actually geomechanical
In other words, they were attached to the
Earth, they were tuned to vibrate with the
frequencies of the Earth,
and they converted the
energies of the Earth into
electromagnetic energy.
That energy is broadcast from the pyramid,
it's picked up by the transmitters,
which are the obelisks placed
at key sites that are able to
be tuned to the specific
frequencies coming from the pyramid.
As far as ancient astronaut theorists are
concerned, the mysteries of the Great
Pyramid of Egypt require further study,
and perhaps someday soon advances in
technology will shed new
light on its true purpose.
Archaeology is rooted in interpretation,
just like the ancient astronaut theory.
Something extraordinary happened right
here in ancient Egypt, perhaps under the
tutelage of extraterrestrials,
teachers from another star system.
Was the Great Pyramid of Egypt
a massive power plant?
The answer may never be known,
but one thing is clear.
From fire that can burn underwater,
to a 40,000-year-old aluminum artifact,
and a biblical relic that could topple
stone walls and feed the masses,
the ancient past is
filled with evidence that
highly advanced civilizations
were here on Earth.
And perhaps once we solve the riddle of
these unexplained technologies,
we will finally unlock the
secret of our extraterrestrial past.
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