Ancient Aliens s21e05 Episode Script
The Top Ten Secret Projects
Official government reports of
extraterrestrial contact.
A clandestine group tasked
with silencing UFO witnesses.
And secret research programs to reverse
engineer Alien technology.
For over a decade, Ancient Aliens has
investigated covert groups, bases and
research sites that are connected to the
extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Now, we're taking a look
back at ten of the most
incredible secret projects
we've investigated.
Projects that could provide evidence of
government contact with extraterrestrials.
As an Ancient Astronaut
Theorist, I think it's great that
UFOs are becoming a regular
subject of today's headlines.
And what I find even more exciting is that
for more than 80 years, witnesses have
claimed that the government
has top secret programs
designed to study extraterrestrials
and their technology.
We'll start our countdown
with a famous incident in New
Mexico that the government
still denies to this day.
At number ten on our list of the Top Ten
Secret Projects, the Roswell Cover-Up.
Washington, D.C., April 2011.
The FBI posts thousands of previously
classified files to its new online vault.
And one file in particular
draws immediate attention
from the media and
independent researchers.
The memo, dated March 22nd, 1950,
is a briefing to FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover regarding
informant information about
three flying saucers that
were recovered in New Mexico.
Investigators immediately connect the memo
to the infamous Roswell incident,
a purported UFO crash
that many people believe
was covered up by
the military in 1947.
Perhaps the most famous UFO incident of
all time is Roswell.
Now this crash was brought to the attention
of the Army Air Force Base at Roswell.
And, famously, the base
actually put out a press
release and said a flying
disk has been recovered.
Just one day after this explosive
headline, the military changed its story
and claimed the recovered
debris had an earthly origin.
The world was told, nope,
just a weather balloon.
And for more than 30
years, that's where it was left.
Until witnesses started
to surface, saying,
in fact, it was an
extraterrestrial craft.
Is it possible that an Alien craft really
did crash near Roswell?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
say yes, and suggest the
cover-up was part of a
secret government project.
As evidence, they point to
statements made 50 years after
the event by retired United
States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso
in his book, The Day After Roswell.
Philip J. Corso made an incredible claim that
he worked at the Foreign Technology Division
within the Army Research
and Development and had
key access to ET technology
from the Roswell crash.
According to Colonel Corso's account,
military scientists were tasked with
reverse engineering the
debris collected at Roswell.
After the 1947 crash
in Roswell, New Mexico,
our technology took
off just like a rocket.
Silicon chips, laser
technology, fiber optics,
all of this stuff came
after the Roswell crash.
Not only did Roswell spark public interest
in UFOs, according to allegedly top secret
documents, it also
inspired the creation of a
classified organization
that has a really cool name.
Number 9 on our
countdown, the Majestic 12.
Burbank, California, December 1984.
Movie producer and UFO
researcher Jamie Shandera
is anonymously sent a
mysterious document.
It is a top secret memo
allegedly sent in 1952
from the CIA to President-elect
Dwight Eisenhower.
The document reveals the
existence of a clandestine
government think tank
called the Majestic 12.
Majestic 12 is supposedly the government
body that has responsibility for securing
extraterrestrial technology, crash
retrievals and investigating UFOs.
It comprises senior figures in the
scientific community, the military
community and within government,
particularly intelligence.
No one anywhere outside of
this group is to know anything
about UFOs, crash retrievals,
ETs, bodies, any of it.
According to the documents,
President Harry S. Truman
established MJ-12 in 1947,
shortly after
the infamous UFO crash
in Roswell, New Mexico.
The files also include
detailed instructions explaining
how to handle the debris
from an extraterrestrial crash.
The documents talk about how debris from
UFOs could be collected and sent to
specific military facilities and how Alien
bodies could be preserved.
So the documents essentially is a
guideline to handle UFOs.
The most important
document is a restricted SOM
101 Majestic 12 Group
Special Operations Manual.
And when you go to
page 10, there is an
extraterrestrial technology
classification table.
This is solid confirmation that our
government knew and was dealing with
extraterrestrial entities
and technology in the 40s.
Of all the top secret projects we've
covered on Ancient Aliens, perhaps the
most nefarious is a group of clandestine
government agents who will do whatever it
takes to keep extraterrestrial
encounters quiet.
At number 8 on our list, The Men in Black.
Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1952.
World War II Air Force veteran Albert Bender
establishes one of America's first
UFO organizations, the International
Flying Saucer Bureau.
The IFSB publishes a quarterly
journal, Space Review, to
share stories of UFO sightings
with its 600 worldwide members.
But just one year after launching,
Bender claims he was visited by three
strange men in black
suits who threatened
both his fledgling
organization and his life.
Albert K. Bender coined the term Men in Black
to describe the people who cautioned him not
to talk about UFOs, not to talk about
flying saucers, and above all,
not to talk about extraterrestrials.
The Men in Black are, without doubt, the
most feared and sinister beings in ufology.
The Men in Black go around threatening
people who've seen UFOs, who've been
abducted, even in some cases, people
who've found crop circles.
Encounters with the Men in Black have been
reported for more than seven decades.
But just who, or what,
are the Men in Black?
There's a lot of Men in Black stories that
have occurred over the years.
Enough to make you conclude that there is
an agency involved, or agencies involved
over the years, that
from time to time have
felt it was important to
silence UFO witnesses.
Are the Men in Black a secret government
agency that is tasked with both
investigating and concealing an
extraterrestrial presence on Earth?
Based on Albert Bender's account of his
experience with the Men in Black,
some researchers
believe these intimidating
figures may even be
Alien entities themselves.
He said, late one night, when he was
working in his attic room, these three
shadowy, fedora-wearing
figures literally
materialized through
the walls of the bedroom.
And, of course, the three men
were the Men in Black.
He thought they were an
extraterrestrial police force.
If the Men in Black are, in fact,
of otherworldly origin, could it be that
the government is
working with extraterrestrials
to keep their presence
hidden from the public?
Whatever the truth may be,
many in the UFO community are
convinced these shadowy
figures continue to operate today.
UFO sightings haven't
stopped quite the opposite.
So, if UFO sightings are still going on,
there's no reason to suppose that Men in Black
aren't still going around speaking
to witnesses, and if they're successful in
their mission, we don't
get to hear about it.
It's quite possible that the Men in Black
are still operating, still intimidating
witnesses, and still being the gatekeepers
of the UFO secret.
For UFO researchers, one of the most
intriguing secret projects that studies
extraterrestrial activity
is located in England.
Its headquarters are rumored to be hidden
within a series of underground rooms and
tunnels found beneath
a quaint country estate.
At number seven on our countdown of the
Top Ten Secret Projects, Rudloe Manor.
In England's southwest county of Wiltshire
stands Rudloe Manor.
On the surface, it appears to be nothing
more than a charming English country house.
But deep beneath this structure lie an
astounding 2.2 million square feet of vast
caverns divided into
many smaller chambers.
Rudloe Manor is an extremely mysterious
place, and at the heart of it is a very
hidden base, one that
is so secret that very little
is known today about
what actually goes on there.
During World War II, the caverns and
chambers beneath the estate were used by
the British Royal Air Force as an
underground aircraft factory.
But while the underground complex once
served as a clever way to hide military
production from German
bombers, today it is used
to protect even more
clandestine activities.
To this day, the underground facility
carries out work, which is highly
classified, shrouded in
secrecy, and people cannot
get information about
what the true mission is.
It's absolutely off-limits.
For years, it was home to a group called
the Provost and Security Services.
They're kind of like the James Buns of the
British Royal Air Force.
They do espionage investigations,
counterintelligence programs, things like that.
One of the more thought-provoking
aspects of Rudloe Manor is
this claim that it's sort of the
British equivalent of Area 51.
Rudloe Manor earned its reputation as the
British Area 51 in 1955.
After celebrated American journalist
Dorothy Kilgallen published a story with
the International News Service
that claimed the
British Royal Air Force
had recovered a UFO.
Kilgallen heard a story that the British
government had got its hands on a crashed
UFO, and the military then decided to
start investigating it at Rudloe Manor.
Now, for years, the Air Force and the
Ministry of Defence denied that any UFO
investigations were
going on at Rudloe Manor.
Then a document got released, and it
showed that, actually, yes, UFO
investigations had been
done from Rudloe Manor.
And, of course, a lot of people say, oh,
wait a minute, now we're getting interested.
So all this, of course,
just fuels the idea that
maybe there is something
to hide down there.
And whatever's going on down there,
it's big.
One of the most compelling
stories we've investigated on
Ancient Aliens features another
top-secret project in England.
It involves the 30-year
cover-up of what some
are calling the greatest
UFO photo of all time.
At number six, the Calvine Cover-Up.
August 15, 2022.
Newsweek Magazine publishes the
provocative headline, Best UFO Picture Ever,
the Calvine Photo, found after 30 years missing.
This photograph from the Calvine Hills in
Scotland is crystal clear, it's in color,
and it shows this just
magical-looking, 100-foot-long
diamond-shaped craft
that is clear as a bell.
Not only that, we also see a Harrier jet
trailing the object.
As soon as this photo was released to the
public, people went crazy.
It was a big deal.
According to the article, the photograph
was taken 32 years earlier, in August 1990.
It is one of six photographs
allegedly taken by two
hikers outside the small
Scottish village of Calvine.
The two hikers brought
the photographs to
Scotland's largest
newspaper, the Daily Record.
But then, the photographs
mysteriously disappeared.
They had six photographs, and they go to
the local newspaper to have them published.
And for reasons that are still not clear
to this day, this Scotland newspaper,
instead of immediately putting these six
incredible photos on the front page,
which is what I would have done as a
reporter, somebody calls the Ministry of
Defence in London, and they
are ordered to send the photos and
the negatives from the newspaper
to somebody in the government.
Among the people who saw the six
photographs was former Ministry of Defence
UFO Investigator Nick Pope,
who was present
for classified briefings
regarding the images.
The photographs and the
negatives went to Jarrick, which
is joint-air reconnaissance
and intelligence centre.
This is part of the intelligence community
that specialises in imagery analysis.
Their opinion was
that this was not a fake.
These were genuine pictures.
The photographs would remain hidden from
public view for over 30 years,
until one of the photos was shared with
Newsweek for publication.
In 2022, a former Royal Air Force press
officer named Craig Lindsay actually came
forward and said that
he had in his possession
a copy of one of the
Calvin UFO photos.
And he decided he wanted
to release it to the public.
Craig Lindsay was the Royal
Air Force press officer who
interviewed the original
hikers, who took the photos.
While the photographs shared
by Craig Lindsay caused a
sensation, the five other Calvin
photos have yet to be revealed.
But why?
Is it possible that the British government
has a secret project to keep evidence of
UFOs and extraterrestrials
out of the public eye?
According to some government insiders,
it's a distinct possibility.
We had the photographs,
we had the negatives.
Now, the Ministry of Defence
has not commented on whether
the Craig Lindsay picture
is or isn't the real thing.
And therefore, because
I'm still bound by the
Official Secrets Act, I can't
comment on that either.
But the pictures out there
in the public domain and
people can look at these
images and decide for themselves.
We're coming up on the halfway point in our
countdown of the Top Ten Secret Projects.
And this next one is
absolutely mind-blowing.
According to one military whistleblower,
in the 1980s, a team of government
scientists challenged the laws of physics
and opened a portal to another world.
At number five, Project Jackknife.
Lincoln County, Nevada, 1984.
officer Richard Doty begins
a new assignment at
the Nevada test site.
A top-secret U.S.
military facility used for the development
of nuclear weapons in the 1940s and 50s.
According to Doty, he was part of an
operation codenamed Project Jackknife.
A military experiment that was attempting
to open a gateway to another world.
I got involved in it to protect the
operation against any kind of espionage.
This particular experiment used a high-energy
laser and a large magnetic field.
And when they generated
this beam through this
magnetic field, what I saw
was a wavy orb appearing.
The orb became larger and larger and
larger and larger.
And behind it, there was a flashing light.
And when I asked a scientist who was
standing right next to me, what did we
just see, he said, we just
opened a fabric of space.
If we go in that, then we can go to
another dimension.
They call that a portal.
Also known as wormholes or
Stargates, portals are bridges
through space and time that
can connect to other worlds.
According to Doty, this is only one of
many secret experiments the U.S.
government has conducted to try to create
these conduits.
Ever since the Central Intelligence
Agency, Office of Scientific Intelligence,
realized that there were theories about
portals, they engaged in a number of
operations over the years to try to prove
portals were possible.
And I can guarantee you, even today, that
there's some type of experiment going on.
Could it be that for the past 50 years,
the United States government has had a
secret project to develop a real,
traversable Stargate?
While it may sound like science fiction,
to Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
this technology is not only possible.
But there is evidence it was
used in the ancient world.
All around the world, we
have myths and legends
of beings coming and
going through gates.
The Anunnaki Gods
in ancient Sumeria were
constantly coming and
going through gateways.
In Egypt, we learn of the portals of Pata
and the Pharaoh scaling the ladder to
heaven and going through
the portal of the Gods.
The idea of the Stargate as a
transportation system has been proposed as
one of the ideal ways for these
extraterrestrial beings to travel.
Deep in the barren desert
of Nevada is a clandestine
military installation that is
the world's worst-kept secret.
It's a series of runways, nondescript
buildings and giant hangers.
And according to some
government insiders,
it's also home to
extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Number four on our countdown of the top
ten secret projects, Area 51.
Throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s, dozens
of reports surfaced that suggested the U.S.
government was hiding evidence of
But for many UFO researchers,
the most important revelations
of all came in 1989 from a
physicist named Bob Lazar.
According to Lazar, he
worked on a top -secret
project at an Air Force
facility known as Area 51.
While there, he had a remarkable encounter
that he revealed to his close friend,
retired CIA pilot John Lear.
Bob Lazar used to
work at Los Alamos, had
the highest clearance
that you can get there.
And then he worked for two or four months
at Area 51.
It was December 6th of 1988.
He comes in, he sits down there at my
desk, and he said, I saw a disc today.
And I said, what?
He said, I saw a disc.
And I said, you saw a flying saucer?
He said, yeah, sure did.
If I saw them, I'd touch them.
They are real.
With Bob's permission,
Lear shared his story with a
reporter he knew at the local
KLAS TV station, George Knapp.
On May 15th, Knapp sat down with Lazar for
a live interview.
We'd have a five-minute live interview
segment every day on the five O'Clock
news, and we got a
cancellation at the last minute.
We got to fill this hole.
We call up Lear.
Hey, would your UFO buddy come on the air?
And Lear calls back in a little while.
We go up to John Lear's house.
We put Bob Lazar on the air, blacked out
his face, and he told this incredible story.
Exactly what's going on up there?
Well, there's several, actually
nine flying saucers, flying
discs, that are out there
of extraterrestrial origin.
And they're being test flown and basically
just analyzed.
Could Bob Lazar's
extraordinary claims that there is a
secret program studying Alien
technology at Area 51 be true?
The idea struck many as far-fetched until
August 2013, when the CIA not only
acknowledged the existence of Area 51,
but admitted that scientists at the
top-secret facility had developed some of the
military's most advanced technology from
the U-2 spy plane to
the F-117 stealth fighter.
When this announcement was first made,
some people said, wait a minute,
if Bob Lazar was right about Area 51,
what else was he right about?
Finally, these years of rumors that the
UFO community and the conspiracy theory
community had been claiming to be true,
had been validated.
When it comes to the UFO
phenomenon, one of the most
astonishing secret projects
was revealed in 2002.
A computer hacker claimed to have uncovered
NASA documents that suggest that the U.S.
has been collaborating with
extraterrestrial beings for decades.
Number three on our countdown,
the Secret Space Program.
London, England, March 19, 2002.
Shortly after 8 A.M., the National High-Tech
Crime Unit arrives at the home of
36-year old Scottish computer
engineer Gary McKinnon.
They are there to arrest him on behalf of
the United States Justice Department for
hacking into top-secret computers
at NASA and the Pentagon.
McKinnon not only admits to the crime, but
claims he uncovered evidence that the U.S.
government was working with
extraterrestrial beings.
I found the spreadsheet was actually titled
in the column, Non-Terrestrial Officers.
As well as officers' names, it had its
ship names.
None of these were ocean-going ships.
It was astounding.
They're not Navy, they're not in the Army,
and not even Air Force.
So, to me, I was thinking there must be an
off-planet space force, or space fleet,
at least.
According to McKinnon, the
most shocking file he came
across was on a computer at
NASA's Johnson Space Center.
Within a folder labeled Unfiltered,
he spotted a thumbnail image of a high-res
NASA satellite photo, which appeared to
depict an unusual spacecraft.
So, I double-clicked on an image,
and it came down slowly more and more.
But as it came down, you could see the
hemisphere of a planet.
And then, suddenly, a
ship started to appear.
It was tubular, or what we used
to call a cigar-shaped object.
Then, suddenly, that was it.
Blank screen.
So, it was my Eureka moment, and the same
moment I got caught, too.
Before he was arrested, Gary McKinnon
released what he had discovered online.
Could it be that his account
of what he saw when he
hacked into computers at the
Pentagon and NASA is genuine?
According to Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
the answer is a resounding yes.
It seems that what
he's talking about is real.
And even today, I mean, we have now the
space force of the American military.
And that would actually be combined in
with what Gary McKinnon was discovering
when he hacked into
the Pentagon's computers.
While there are many who question the
authenticity of Gary McKinnon's account,
other more notable figures have since come
forward with similar claims.
In 2013, former Canadian Minister of
National Defence, Paul Hellyer,
declared that the United States government
and other governments around the world are
working with organized
groups of extraterrestrials.
Paul Hellyer was really a senior political
leadership figure, and he essentially came
out and said
extraterrestrials are real, they
are visiting Earth,
and there is interaction.
I was privy to a lot of things,
and some of it, for me, very frightening,
very disturbing.
UFOs are real, the United States
government had been in contact with them.
Paul Hellyer is not the only government
official to come forward with alleged
knowledge of an extraterrestrial
presence on Earth.
Recently, the former Israeli Chief of
Space Security, Haim Eshed, came out and
said that there is a Galactic Federation,
and that indeed many world leaders know of
and are in talks with delegates
of the Galactic Federation.
Dr. Haim Eshed claimed that the
extraterrestrials in this Galactic
Federation were in contact with
governments around the world.
It's a fascinating idea, and
one that may well be true.
Is it possible that the so-called secret
space program, allegedly uncovered by Gary
McKinnon, is connected
to the supposed Galactic
Federation that politicians
have recently disclosed?
If Gary McKinnon's story is true,
it means that we have treaties with
extraterrestrials, and that we are up
there in space operating with them.
And that's an intriguing thought.
Without a doubt, one of the
most extraordinary government
projects to study extraterrestrials
came to light in 2017.
But this wasn't some wild
Internet rumor or conspiracy theory.
This classified program was featured on
the front page of The New York Times.
Number two on our countdown
of the Top Ten Secret Projects.
December 16, 2017.
The New York Times
publishes an explosive
story entitled, Glowing
Auras and Black Money.
The Pentagon's mysterious UFO program.
The story exposes a top-secret U.S.
government project.
To investigate UFO
reports, call the Advanced
Aerospace Threat Identification Program,
or ATIP.
The revelations
concerning the existence of
the Pentagon's ATIP
program are extraordinary.
It is the single biggest ever news in the
whole history of the UFO phenomenon.
It's not quite a spaceship
in a hangar smoking
gun, but it's the
closest we've ever been.
The article reported that the program had
been run by a former Pentagon official
named Luis Elizondo,
a senior career
intelligence officer with
top security clearance.
It was Elizondo's job to investigate
reports of unidentified flying objects and
to measure what threat they
could pose to national security.
Luis Elizondo is a long-standing intelligence
officer in the Department of Defense.
He has made it clear that the
information that's come to ATIP
over the years is quite
extraordinary and not explainable.
And these most important statements have
been along the lines of, look,
if we've ever thought
that these were Russian
or Chinese, we'd be
going crazy right now.
To everyone who's
able to read between the
lines, he's essentially
saying UFOs are real.
Elizondo ran ATIP for eight years,
from 2009 until he resigned in 2017.
During this time, the
program collected several
extraordinary videos of
military encounters with UFOs.
Taken by forward-looking infrared cameras
mounted on Navy jets, they were perhaps
the most spectacular and credible UFO
videos ever released to the public.
One of these videos, at least,
comes from the gun camera of an F-18.
And you don't just jump
out in your plane and fly
out and chase something
because you saw it go by.
You were told to do so, and it took a lot
of people to know this was going on.
These videos captured
the world's attention,
and suddenly it's like
we're in a new world.
We have these incredible videos shot by
Navy pilots, giving irrefutable evidence
that there is a technology out there that
is beyond anything our near peers have.
Perhaps the most shocking information to
come out about ATIP was that the
government had recovered strange metal
alloys of unknown origin.
Luis Elizondo has referred
to these as meta-materials.
The implication is that they're not
special magical elements or anything,
but they do seem to be materials that have
been studied.
According to Elizondo,
tests have been run.
The answer has come back.
Whatever these things were, they came from
You know, for years and years,
UFO researchers had talked about crash
retrievals of UFOs, that elements of these
objects had been recovered and were being
studied, and skeptics would
laugh at these claims, you know,
how ridiculous such conspiracy,
paranoid fantasies were.
Well, guess what?
Now we have it confirmed.
Although the complete findings of ATIP are
still considered highly classified and may
never be released, its very existence
provides proof that the United States
military has been secretly investigating
unidentified flying objects for decades.
One of the really
interesting things about ATIP
is how much information
hasn't been released.
Are there more videos?
They were doing this for like five years
or maybe even a lot longer than that.
I bet you there's a lot more.
We've reached the top spot in our
countdown of the Top 10 Secret Projects.
And for Ancient Astronaut Theorists like
me, this last one truly stands apart.
It was the subject of a televised
congressional hearing, where rumors about
unidentified aerial phenomena
became public record.
At number one, the UAP Recovery Program.
June 5th, 2023.
The debrief, a science news
website, publishes a sensational
interview with military
intelligence officer David Grusch.
In the article, Grusch revealed that the
Pentagon has a top secret task force to
recover and reverse engineer crashed craft
of non-human origin.
It is simply known as the
UAP Recovery Program.
Grusch stated that there are multiple
craft, Alien craft, let's be clear,
that the United States
government or its
licensed private contractors
have possession of.
He speculated it could be as many as 10 or
more or dozen or more.
A lot.
According to Grusch, the UAP Recovery
Program had secured vehicles that were
made of exotic materials and suggests they
are non-human in origin.
Grusch claims he
learned about this secret
project while serving
on the UAP Task Force.
David Grusch served on the
unidentified aerial phenomena
task force under the
directorship of Jay Stratton.
And he was representative of the National
Geospatial Intelligence Agency.
While I was on the UAP Task Force,
Dave Grusch was given the job to go and
start interviewing people who worked on a
previous UFO program.
And see what they were willing to tell us.
And he found a lot of things.
The dramatic revelation of a
secret UAP recovery program
in the debrief article
turned heads on Capitol Hill.
And on July 26, 2023, just seven weeks
after going public, David Grusch and two
other whistleblowers testified before
a congressional hearing.
I am taking every step I can to cooperate
this evidence over a period of four years
while I was with the
UAP Task Force and do my
due diligence on the
individual sharing it.
This is because of these
steps I believe strongly in
the importance of bringing
this information before you.
During his testimony, Grusch refused to
divulge specific details about the UAP
recovery program as the
project remains highly classified.
If you believe we have
crashed craft stated earlier, do
we have the bodies of the
pilots who piloted this craft?
Biologics came with some
of these recoveries, yeah.
And was this documentary evidence,
this video, photos?
The specific documentation I would have to
talk to you in a skiff about.
When pressed for some of these details,
he would frequently say, look,
I am going as far as I can legally go with
you here in this environment.
If we go into a skiff that is a secured
compartment and information facility where
we can discuss these classified topics,
I can go further.
I will be happy to go further.
Millions of people are watching it and
they're hearing this beyond dramatic
testimony that for the first time we're
told what everybody knows to be true.
The U.S. government has been hiding
secrets about UFOs for over 70 years.
The sworn testimony of David Grusch seems to
confirm what many have proposed all along.
That secret projects to study
extraterrestrials have existed for decades.
But whether it's a UAP crash and retrieval
program, a covert laboratory in the
English countryside, or even attempts to
open portals to other worlds, unlocking
the truth behind these secret
projects may finally reveal a
long history of extraterrestrial
visitation here on Earth.
extraterrestrial contact.
A clandestine group tasked
with silencing UFO witnesses.
And secret research programs to reverse
engineer Alien technology.
For over a decade, Ancient Aliens has
investigated covert groups, bases and
research sites that are connected to the
extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Now, we're taking a look
back at ten of the most
incredible secret projects
we've investigated.
Projects that could provide evidence of
government contact with extraterrestrials.
As an Ancient Astronaut
Theorist, I think it's great that
UFOs are becoming a regular
subject of today's headlines.
And what I find even more exciting is that
for more than 80 years, witnesses have
claimed that the government
has top secret programs
designed to study extraterrestrials
and their technology.
We'll start our countdown
with a famous incident in New
Mexico that the government
still denies to this day.
At number ten on our list of the Top Ten
Secret Projects, the Roswell Cover-Up.
Washington, D.C., April 2011.
The FBI posts thousands of previously
classified files to its new online vault.
And one file in particular
draws immediate attention
from the media and
independent researchers.
The memo, dated March 22nd, 1950,
is a briefing to FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover regarding
informant information about
three flying saucers that
were recovered in New Mexico.
Investigators immediately connect the memo
to the infamous Roswell incident,
a purported UFO crash
that many people believe
was covered up by
the military in 1947.
Perhaps the most famous UFO incident of
all time is Roswell.
Now this crash was brought to the attention
of the Army Air Force Base at Roswell.
And, famously, the base
actually put out a press
release and said a flying
disk has been recovered.
Just one day after this explosive
headline, the military changed its story
and claimed the recovered
debris had an earthly origin.
The world was told, nope,
just a weather balloon.
And for more than 30
years, that's where it was left.
Until witnesses started
to surface, saying,
in fact, it was an
extraterrestrial craft.
Is it possible that an Alien craft really
did crash near Roswell?
Ancient Astronaut Theorists
say yes, and suggest the
cover-up was part of a
secret government project.
As evidence, they point to
statements made 50 years after
the event by retired United
States Army Colonel Philip J. Corso
in his book, The Day After Roswell.
Philip J. Corso made an incredible claim that
he worked at the Foreign Technology Division
within the Army Research
and Development and had
key access to ET technology
from the Roswell crash.
According to Colonel Corso's account,
military scientists were tasked with
reverse engineering the
debris collected at Roswell.
After the 1947 crash
in Roswell, New Mexico,
our technology took
off just like a rocket.
Silicon chips, laser
technology, fiber optics,
all of this stuff came
after the Roswell crash.
Not only did Roswell spark public interest
in UFOs, according to allegedly top secret
documents, it also
inspired the creation of a
classified organization
that has a really cool name.
Number 9 on our
countdown, the Majestic 12.
Burbank, California, December 1984.
Movie producer and UFO
researcher Jamie Shandera
is anonymously sent a
mysterious document.
It is a top secret memo
allegedly sent in 1952
from the CIA to President-elect
Dwight Eisenhower.
The document reveals the
existence of a clandestine
government think tank
called the Majestic 12.
Majestic 12 is supposedly the government
body that has responsibility for securing
extraterrestrial technology, crash
retrievals and investigating UFOs.
It comprises senior figures in the
scientific community, the military
community and within government,
particularly intelligence.
No one anywhere outside of
this group is to know anything
about UFOs, crash retrievals,
ETs, bodies, any of it.
According to the documents,
President Harry S. Truman
established MJ-12 in 1947,
shortly after
the infamous UFO crash
in Roswell, New Mexico.
The files also include
detailed instructions explaining
how to handle the debris
from an extraterrestrial crash.
The documents talk about how debris from
UFOs could be collected and sent to
specific military facilities and how Alien
bodies could be preserved.
So the documents essentially is a
guideline to handle UFOs.
The most important
document is a restricted SOM
101 Majestic 12 Group
Special Operations Manual.
And when you go to
page 10, there is an
extraterrestrial technology
classification table.
This is solid confirmation that our
government knew and was dealing with
extraterrestrial entities
and technology in the 40s.
Of all the top secret projects we've
covered on Ancient Aliens, perhaps the
most nefarious is a group of clandestine
government agents who will do whatever it
takes to keep extraterrestrial
encounters quiet.
At number 8 on our list, The Men in Black.
Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1952.
World War II Air Force veteran Albert Bender
establishes one of America's first
UFO organizations, the International
Flying Saucer Bureau.
The IFSB publishes a quarterly
journal, Space Review, to
share stories of UFO sightings
with its 600 worldwide members.
But just one year after launching,
Bender claims he was visited by three
strange men in black
suits who threatened
both his fledgling
organization and his life.
Albert K. Bender coined the term Men in Black
to describe the people who cautioned him not
to talk about UFOs, not to talk about
flying saucers, and above all,
not to talk about extraterrestrials.
The Men in Black are, without doubt, the
most feared and sinister beings in ufology.
The Men in Black go around threatening
people who've seen UFOs, who've been
abducted, even in some cases, people
who've found crop circles.
Encounters with the Men in Black have been
reported for more than seven decades.
But just who, or what,
are the Men in Black?
There's a lot of Men in Black stories that
have occurred over the years.
Enough to make you conclude that there is
an agency involved, or agencies involved
over the years, that
from time to time have
felt it was important to
silence UFO witnesses.
Are the Men in Black a secret government
agency that is tasked with both
investigating and concealing an
extraterrestrial presence on Earth?
Based on Albert Bender's account of his
experience with the Men in Black,
some researchers
believe these intimidating
figures may even be
Alien entities themselves.
He said, late one night, when he was
working in his attic room, these three
shadowy, fedora-wearing
figures literally
materialized through
the walls of the bedroom.
And, of course, the three men
were the Men in Black.
He thought they were an
extraterrestrial police force.
If the Men in Black are, in fact,
of otherworldly origin, could it be that
the government is
working with extraterrestrials
to keep their presence
hidden from the public?
Whatever the truth may be,
many in the UFO community are
convinced these shadowy
figures continue to operate today.
UFO sightings haven't
stopped quite the opposite.
So, if UFO sightings are still going on,
there's no reason to suppose that Men in Black
aren't still going around speaking
to witnesses, and if they're successful in
their mission, we don't
get to hear about it.
It's quite possible that the Men in Black
are still operating, still intimidating
witnesses, and still being the gatekeepers
of the UFO secret.
For UFO researchers, one of the most
intriguing secret projects that studies
extraterrestrial activity
is located in England.
Its headquarters are rumored to be hidden
within a series of underground rooms and
tunnels found beneath
a quaint country estate.
At number seven on our countdown of the
Top Ten Secret Projects, Rudloe Manor.
In England's southwest county of Wiltshire
stands Rudloe Manor.
On the surface, it appears to be nothing
more than a charming English country house.
But deep beneath this structure lie an
astounding 2.2 million square feet of vast
caverns divided into
many smaller chambers.
Rudloe Manor is an extremely mysterious
place, and at the heart of it is a very
hidden base, one that
is so secret that very little
is known today about
what actually goes on there.
During World War II, the caverns and
chambers beneath the estate were used by
the British Royal Air Force as an
underground aircraft factory.
But while the underground complex once
served as a clever way to hide military
production from German
bombers, today it is used
to protect even more
clandestine activities.
To this day, the underground facility
carries out work, which is highly
classified, shrouded in
secrecy, and people cannot
get information about
what the true mission is.
It's absolutely off-limits.
For years, it was home to a group called
the Provost and Security Services.
They're kind of like the James Buns of the
British Royal Air Force.
They do espionage investigations,
counterintelligence programs, things like that.
One of the more thought-provoking
aspects of Rudloe Manor is
this claim that it's sort of the
British equivalent of Area 51.
Rudloe Manor earned its reputation as the
British Area 51 in 1955.
After celebrated American journalist
Dorothy Kilgallen published a story with
the International News Service
that claimed the
British Royal Air Force
had recovered a UFO.
Kilgallen heard a story that the British
government had got its hands on a crashed
UFO, and the military then decided to
start investigating it at Rudloe Manor.
Now, for years, the Air Force and the
Ministry of Defence denied that any UFO
investigations were
going on at Rudloe Manor.
Then a document got released, and it
showed that, actually, yes, UFO
investigations had been
done from Rudloe Manor.
And, of course, a lot of people say, oh,
wait a minute, now we're getting interested.
So all this, of course,
just fuels the idea that
maybe there is something
to hide down there.
And whatever's going on down there,
it's big.
One of the most compelling
stories we've investigated on
Ancient Aliens features another
top-secret project in England.
It involves the 30-year
cover-up of what some
are calling the greatest
UFO photo of all time.
At number six, the Calvine Cover-Up.
August 15, 2022.
Newsweek Magazine publishes the
provocative headline, Best UFO Picture Ever,
the Calvine Photo, found after 30 years missing.
This photograph from the Calvine Hills in
Scotland is crystal clear, it's in color,
and it shows this just
magical-looking, 100-foot-long
diamond-shaped craft
that is clear as a bell.
Not only that, we also see a Harrier jet
trailing the object.
As soon as this photo was released to the
public, people went crazy.
It was a big deal.
According to the article, the photograph
was taken 32 years earlier, in August 1990.
It is one of six photographs
allegedly taken by two
hikers outside the small
Scottish village of Calvine.
The two hikers brought
the photographs to
Scotland's largest
newspaper, the Daily Record.
But then, the photographs
mysteriously disappeared.
They had six photographs, and they go to
the local newspaper to have them published.
And for reasons that are still not clear
to this day, this Scotland newspaper,
instead of immediately putting these six
incredible photos on the front page,
which is what I would have done as a
reporter, somebody calls the Ministry of
Defence in London, and they
are ordered to send the photos and
the negatives from the newspaper
to somebody in the government.
Among the people who saw the six
photographs was former Ministry of Defence
UFO Investigator Nick Pope,
who was present
for classified briefings
regarding the images.
The photographs and the
negatives went to Jarrick, which
is joint-air reconnaissance
and intelligence centre.
This is part of the intelligence community
that specialises in imagery analysis.
Their opinion was
that this was not a fake.
These were genuine pictures.
The photographs would remain hidden from
public view for over 30 years,
until one of the photos was shared with
Newsweek for publication.
In 2022, a former Royal Air Force press
officer named Craig Lindsay actually came
forward and said that
he had in his possession
a copy of one of the
Calvin UFO photos.
And he decided he wanted
to release it to the public.
Craig Lindsay was the Royal
Air Force press officer who
interviewed the original
hikers, who took the photos.
While the photographs shared
by Craig Lindsay caused a
sensation, the five other Calvin
photos have yet to be revealed.
But why?
Is it possible that the British government
has a secret project to keep evidence of
UFOs and extraterrestrials
out of the public eye?
According to some government insiders,
it's a distinct possibility.
We had the photographs,
we had the negatives.
Now, the Ministry of Defence
has not commented on whether
the Craig Lindsay picture
is or isn't the real thing.
And therefore, because
I'm still bound by the
Official Secrets Act, I can't
comment on that either.
But the pictures out there
in the public domain and
people can look at these
images and decide for themselves.
We're coming up on the halfway point in our
countdown of the Top Ten Secret Projects.
And this next one is
absolutely mind-blowing.
According to one military whistleblower,
in the 1980s, a team of government
scientists challenged the laws of physics
and opened a portal to another world.
At number five, Project Jackknife.
Lincoln County, Nevada, 1984.
officer Richard Doty begins
a new assignment at
the Nevada test site.
A top-secret U.S.
military facility used for the development
of nuclear weapons in the 1940s and 50s.
According to Doty, he was part of an
operation codenamed Project Jackknife.
A military experiment that was attempting
to open a gateway to another world.
I got involved in it to protect the
operation against any kind of espionage.
This particular experiment used a high-energy
laser and a large magnetic field.
And when they generated
this beam through this
magnetic field, what I saw
was a wavy orb appearing.
The orb became larger and larger and
larger and larger.
And behind it, there was a flashing light.
And when I asked a scientist who was
standing right next to me, what did we
just see, he said, we just
opened a fabric of space.
If we go in that, then we can go to
another dimension.
They call that a portal.
Also known as wormholes or
Stargates, portals are bridges
through space and time that
can connect to other worlds.
According to Doty, this is only one of
many secret experiments the U.S.
government has conducted to try to create
these conduits.
Ever since the Central Intelligence
Agency, Office of Scientific Intelligence,
realized that there were theories about
portals, they engaged in a number of
operations over the years to try to prove
portals were possible.
And I can guarantee you, even today, that
there's some type of experiment going on.
Could it be that for the past 50 years,
the United States government has had a
secret project to develop a real,
traversable Stargate?
While it may sound like science fiction,
to Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
this technology is not only possible.
But there is evidence it was
used in the ancient world.
All around the world, we
have myths and legends
of beings coming and
going through gates.
The Anunnaki Gods
in ancient Sumeria were
constantly coming and
going through gateways.
In Egypt, we learn of the portals of Pata
and the Pharaoh scaling the ladder to
heaven and going through
the portal of the Gods.
The idea of the Stargate as a
transportation system has been proposed as
one of the ideal ways for these
extraterrestrial beings to travel.
Deep in the barren desert
of Nevada is a clandestine
military installation that is
the world's worst-kept secret.
It's a series of runways, nondescript
buildings and giant hangers.
And according to some
government insiders,
it's also home to
extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Number four on our countdown of the top
ten secret projects, Area 51.
Throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s, dozens
of reports surfaced that suggested the U.S.
government was hiding evidence of
But for many UFO researchers,
the most important revelations
of all came in 1989 from a
physicist named Bob Lazar.
According to Lazar, he
worked on a top -secret
project at an Air Force
facility known as Area 51.
While there, he had a remarkable encounter
that he revealed to his close friend,
retired CIA pilot John Lear.
Bob Lazar used to
work at Los Alamos, had
the highest clearance
that you can get there.
And then he worked for two or four months
at Area 51.
It was December 6th of 1988.
He comes in, he sits down there at my
desk, and he said, I saw a disc today.
And I said, what?
He said, I saw a disc.
And I said, you saw a flying saucer?
He said, yeah, sure did.
If I saw them, I'd touch them.
They are real.
With Bob's permission,
Lear shared his story with a
reporter he knew at the local
KLAS TV station, George Knapp.
On May 15th, Knapp sat down with Lazar for
a live interview.
We'd have a five-minute live interview
segment every day on the five O'Clock
news, and we got a
cancellation at the last minute.
We got to fill this hole.
We call up Lear.
Hey, would your UFO buddy come on the air?
And Lear calls back in a little while.
We go up to John Lear's house.
We put Bob Lazar on the air, blacked out
his face, and he told this incredible story.
Exactly what's going on up there?
Well, there's several, actually
nine flying saucers, flying
discs, that are out there
of extraterrestrial origin.
And they're being test flown and basically
just analyzed.
Could Bob Lazar's
extraordinary claims that there is a
secret program studying Alien
technology at Area 51 be true?
The idea struck many as far-fetched until
August 2013, when the CIA not only
acknowledged the existence of Area 51,
but admitted that scientists at the
top-secret facility had developed some of the
military's most advanced technology from
the U-2 spy plane to
the F-117 stealth fighter.
When this announcement was first made,
some people said, wait a minute,
if Bob Lazar was right about Area 51,
what else was he right about?
Finally, these years of rumors that the
UFO community and the conspiracy theory
community had been claiming to be true,
had been validated.
When it comes to the UFO
phenomenon, one of the most
astonishing secret projects
was revealed in 2002.
A computer hacker claimed to have uncovered
NASA documents that suggest that the U.S.
has been collaborating with
extraterrestrial beings for decades.
Number three on our countdown,
the Secret Space Program.
London, England, March 19, 2002.
Shortly after 8 A.M., the National High-Tech
Crime Unit arrives at the home of
36-year old Scottish computer
engineer Gary McKinnon.
They are there to arrest him on behalf of
the United States Justice Department for
hacking into top-secret computers
at NASA and the Pentagon.
McKinnon not only admits to the crime, but
claims he uncovered evidence that the U.S.
government was working with
extraterrestrial beings.
I found the spreadsheet was actually titled
in the column, Non-Terrestrial Officers.
As well as officers' names, it had its
ship names.
None of these were ocean-going ships.
It was astounding.
They're not Navy, they're not in the Army,
and not even Air Force.
So, to me, I was thinking there must be an
off-planet space force, or space fleet,
at least.
According to McKinnon, the
most shocking file he came
across was on a computer at
NASA's Johnson Space Center.
Within a folder labeled Unfiltered,
he spotted a thumbnail image of a high-res
NASA satellite photo, which appeared to
depict an unusual spacecraft.
So, I double-clicked on an image,
and it came down slowly more and more.
But as it came down, you could see the
hemisphere of a planet.
And then, suddenly, a
ship started to appear.
It was tubular, or what we used
to call a cigar-shaped object.
Then, suddenly, that was it.
Blank screen.
So, it was my Eureka moment, and the same
moment I got caught, too.
Before he was arrested, Gary McKinnon
released what he had discovered online.
Could it be that his account
of what he saw when he
hacked into computers at the
Pentagon and NASA is genuine?
According to Ancient Astronaut Theorists,
the answer is a resounding yes.
It seems that what
he's talking about is real.
And even today, I mean, we have now the
space force of the American military.
And that would actually be combined in
with what Gary McKinnon was discovering
when he hacked into
the Pentagon's computers.
While there are many who question the
authenticity of Gary McKinnon's account,
other more notable figures have since come
forward with similar claims.
In 2013, former Canadian Minister of
National Defence, Paul Hellyer,
declared that the United States government
and other governments around the world are
working with organized
groups of extraterrestrials.
Paul Hellyer was really a senior political
leadership figure, and he essentially came
out and said
extraterrestrials are real, they
are visiting Earth,
and there is interaction.
I was privy to a lot of things,
and some of it, for me, very frightening,
very disturbing.
UFOs are real, the United States
government had been in contact with them.
Paul Hellyer is not the only government
official to come forward with alleged
knowledge of an extraterrestrial
presence on Earth.
Recently, the former Israeli Chief of
Space Security, Haim Eshed, came out and
said that there is a Galactic Federation,
and that indeed many world leaders know of
and are in talks with delegates
of the Galactic Federation.
Dr. Haim Eshed claimed that the
extraterrestrials in this Galactic
Federation were in contact with
governments around the world.
It's a fascinating idea, and
one that may well be true.
Is it possible that the so-called secret
space program, allegedly uncovered by Gary
McKinnon, is connected
to the supposed Galactic
Federation that politicians
have recently disclosed?
If Gary McKinnon's story is true,
it means that we have treaties with
extraterrestrials, and that we are up
there in space operating with them.
And that's an intriguing thought.
Without a doubt, one of the
most extraordinary government
projects to study extraterrestrials
came to light in 2017.
But this wasn't some wild
Internet rumor or conspiracy theory.
This classified program was featured on
the front page of The New York Times.
Number two on our countdown
of the Top Ten Secret Projects.
December 16, 2017.
The New York Times
publishes an explosive
story entitled, Glowing
Auras and Black Money.
The Pentagon's mysterious UFO program.
The story exposes a top-secret U.S.
government project.
To investigate UFO
reports, call the Advanced
Aerospace Threat Identification Program,
or ATIP.
The revelations
concerning the existence of
the Pentagon's ATIP
program are extraordinary.
It is the single biggest ever news in the
whole history of the UFO phenomenon.
It's not quite a spaceship
in a hangar smoking
gun, but it's the
closest we've ever been.
The article reported that the program had
been run by a former Pentagon official
named Luis Elizondo,
a senior career
intelligence officer with
top security clearance.
It was Elizondo's job to investigate
reports of unidentified flying objects and
to measure what threat they
could pose to national security.
Luis Elizondo is a long-standing intelligence
officer in the Department of Defense.
He has made it clear that the
information that's come to ATIP
over the years is quite
extraordinary and not explainable.
And these most important statements have
been along the lines of, look,
if we've ever thought
that these were Russian
or Chinese, we'd be
going crazy right now.
To everyone who's
able to read between the
lines, he's essentially
saying UFOs are real.
Elizondo ran ATIP for eight years,
from 2009 until he resigned in 2017.
During this time, the
program collected several
extraordinary videos of
military encounters with UFOs.
Taken by forward-looking infrared cameras
mounted on Navy jets, they were perhaps
the most spectacular and credible UFO
videos ever released to the public.
One of these videos, at least,
comes from the gun camera of an F-18.
And you don't just jump
out in your plane and fly
out and chase something
because you saw it go by.
You were told to do so, and it took a lot
of people to know this was going on.
These videos captured
the world's attention,
and suddenly it's like
we're in a new world.
We have these incredible videos shot by
Navy pilots, giving irrefutable evidence
that there is a technology out there that
is beyond anything our near peers have.
Perhaps the most shocking information to
come out about ATIP was that the
government had recovered strange metal
alloys of unknown origin.
Luis Elizondo has referred
to these as meta-materials.
The implication is that they're not
special magical elements or anything,
but they do seem to be materials that have
been studied.
According to Elizondo,
tests have been run.
The answer has come back.
Whatever these things were, they came from
You know, for years and years,
UFO researchers had talked about crash
retrievals of UFOs, that elements of these
objects had been recovered and were being
studied, and skeptics would
laugh at these claims, you know,
how ridiculous such conspiracy,
paranoid fantasies were.
Well, guess what?
Now we have it confirmed.
Although the complete findings of ATIP are
still considered highly classified and may
never be released, its very existence
provides proof that the United States
military has been secretly investigating
unidentified flying objects for decades.
One of the really
interesting things about ATIP
is how much information
hasn't been released.
Are there more videos?
They were doing this for like five years
or maybe even a lot longer than that.
I bet you there's a lot more.
We've reached the top spot in our
countdown of the Top 10 Secret Projects.
And for Ancient Astronaut Theorists like
me, this last one truly stands apart.
It was the subject of a televised
congressional hearing, where rumors about
unidentified aerial phenomena
became public record.
At number one, the UAP Recovery Program.
June 5th, 2023.
The debrief, a science news
website, publishes a sensational
interview with military
intelligence officer David Grusch.
In the article, Grusch revealed that the
Pentagon has a top secret task force to
recover and reverse engineer crashed craft
of non-human origin.
It is simply known as the
UAP Recovery Program.
Grusch stated that there are multiple
craft, Alien craft, let's be clear,
that the United States
government or its
licensed private contractors
have possession of.
He speculated it could be as many as 10 or
more or dozen or more.
A lot.
According to Grusch, the UAP Recovery
Program had secured vehicles that were
made of exotic materials and suggests they
are non-human in origin.
Grusch claims he
learned about this secret
project while serving
on the UAP Task Force.
David Grusch served on the
unidentified aerial phenomena
task force under the
directorship of Jay Stratton.
And he was representative of the National
Geospatial Intelligence Agency.
While I was on the UAP Task Force,
Dave Grusch was given the job to go and
start interviewing people who worked on a
previous UFO program.
And see what they were willing to tell us.
And he found a lot of things.
The dramatic revelation of a
secret UAP recovery program
in the debrief article
turned heads on Capitol Hill.
And on July 26, 2023, just seven weeks
after going public, David Grusch and two
other whistleblowers testified before
a congressional hearing.
I am taking every step I can to cooperate
this evidence over a period of four years
while I was with the
UAP Task Force and do my
due diligence on the
individual sharing it.
This is because of these
steps I believe strongly in
the importance of bringing
this information before you.
During his testimony, Grusch refused to
divulge specific details about the UAP
recovery program as the
project remains highly classified.
If you believe we have
crashed craft stated earlier, do
we have the bodies of the
pilots who piloted this craft?
Biologics came with some
of these recoveries, yeah.
And was this documentary evidence,
this video, photos?
The specific documentation I would have to
talk to you in a skiff about.
When pressed for some of these details,
he would frequently say, look,
I am going as far as I can legally go with
you here in this environment.
If we go into a skiff that is a secured
compartment and information facility where
we can discuss these classified topics,
I can go further.
I will be happy to go further.
Millions of people are watching it and
they're hearing this beyond dramatic
testimony that for the first time we're
told what everybody knows to be true.
The U.S. government has been hiding
secrets about UFOs for over 70 years.
The sworn testimony of David Grusch seems to
confirm what many have proposed all along.
That secret projects to study
extraterrestrials have existed for decades.
But whether it's a UAP crash and retrieval
program, a covert laboratory in the
English countryside, or even attempts to
open portals to other worlds, unlocking
the truth behind these secret
projects may finally reveal a
long history of extraterrestrial
visitation here on Earth.