Law & Order Special Victims Unit s26e03 Episode Script

Divide & Conquer

In the criminal justice system,
sexually based offenses
are considered especially heinous.
In New York City, the
dedicated detectives
who investigate these vicious felonies
are members of an elite squad
known as the Special Victims Unit.
These are their stories.
Man, this thing
is hard as a rock.
Well, it has been
in the freezer for a year.
You're using
my best sushi knife
on frozen wedding cake?
I'll put it in the dishwasher
when the party's done.
James, you're putting
my knives in the dishwasher?
I told you,
it can dull the blades.
I will not have you mad at me,
on our anniversary.
You know
every year,
will be better than the last.
- Mm.
- I love you.
I love you too.
And as hot
as you look right now
- Yeah, you like it?
- Mm-hmm.
Company's coming.
Put on real clothes.
- Sergeant.
- Captain.
Oh, your first
citywide briefing
for the Intelligence Division,
Yeah, last time I was at one
of these things was with you.
- That's right.
- Hey, Sergeant.
Hey, uh, Detective Corgan,
- this is my former captain
- Olivia Benson.
- Have we met?
- No
But I am with
the Intelligence Division.
- Fair.
- Yeah.
- See you inside, Sarge?
- Sure.
Wow, I see you got
yourself a new partner.
- Mm.
- How's it going?
Don't take this
the wrong way.
I love it.
It's like getting to eavesdrop
on the whole world.
- And get paid for it.
- Yeah, there's that.
And I wanna thank you
for putting in a word for me.
- Are you kidding me?
- And
For, steering me
in the right direction.
I I miss my family
with all these long hours,
but before this,
I missed who I was even more.
It is so good to see
this version of you again.
Thanks to Detective Zaragoza,
with the Gun Violence
Prevention Task Force,
for the update,
and to the Corrections
Department for their report.
Next order of business,
now speaking for
the Intelligence Division,
the newly anointed
Sergeant Amanda Rollins.
Thank you,
Deputy Commissioner.
Detective Corgan and I
have updated information
on the four-man robbery crew
we're been tracking.
Crime tourists from Albania.
These guys fly
into different cities,
they do a handful of jobs,
and then they are on a plane
in less than 48 hours.
And we have credible intel
that the crew may be headed
into Manhattan this weekend.
Their MO is to chase
potential targets
private residences,
high-end offices.
We expect they have access
to inside information,
contacts in construction,
cleaning crews.
They move quickly,
leaving very little
in the way of prints or DNA.
As of now, Interpol
has yet to put names
or faces on any of these guys.
- [LAUGHS] Thank you.
- All right, good night.
Get home safe.
I hope they're taking a cab.
Who drinks that much anymore?
Polished off an entire bottle
of our champagne by themselves.
Well, not quite.
Happy anniversary, you two.
Oh, thank you.
And, thanks to my husband
for knowing my taste.
- Aww.
Are you
paying attention, honey?
Our anniversary is in a month.
Okay, time for us to go home.
not until we help clean up.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
We got this.
Don't be a martyr.
It won't take long.
Jeez, man,
you've blasting those lats.
Well, it's a dangerous world
out there.
- You gotta stay ready, you know?
You should actually stop by
one of my gyms
with me sometime.
- All the exercise I can take.
- Oh, you know what?
That's probably Mitch
coming back
to get our last good bottle
of champagne.
- Get back!
- Whoa! Hey!
- Yo, what do you want?
- The safe, where is it?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey!
Stop, stop, please!
- I said, where is it?
- What are you doing?
Shut the hell up.
- Oh, my God, what's going on?
- Start in the basement.
- Move! Move!
- Do what he says.
Go back there.
- Now.
- Come on.
- Oh, my God.
- Keep moving.
What did they say? Go back.
Just go.
- I'm coming.
Just take whatever you want.
My wallet's on the dresser.
Take my necklace.
I have more jewelry
in the bedroom safe.
Yeah, no kidding.
We're looking for
the other one.
We found it.
25-cube safe.
What's the combo?
- The number.
- No, no, no.
- Aldrit!
The combination.
- You want help with the safe?
You've done enough.
Stay here.

- No, please.
- Hey, hey!
There's no need for that.
Just take what you want!
I will.

We don't know anything
about that safe.
Take your clothes off.
No, no, please!
Don't, don't, don't!
Just do what he says!
You heard the man.

So, one of the two
female victims was raped?
Yeah, we just pulled up.
What are we looking at?
A home invasion,
armed robbery, and a rape.
Are you thinking
this is your crew?
It could be.
- It's a different MO though.
- Because of the sexual assault.
- Eastern European accents.
- Right.
- Yeah, I gotta look into it.
- Yeah.
Whose case is this?
Looks like it's both of ours.

what are we looking at?
Four perps in some kind of
construction masks, armed.
- How'd they get in?
- Just rang the bell.
Owners were having
a dinner party.
One of the vics was shot?
Homeowner, James Fletcher.
Direct shot to the kneecap.
He's on the way to Mercy.
What about the rape victim?
Nora Fletcher,
the guy's wife.
- Went with him in the ambo.
- All right.
Was she able to tell you which
one of them assaulted her?
she wouldn't tell us anything.
Well, how do you know
she was raped?
Friends of the homeowners,
uh, Valerie and Graham Martin,
were right there in
the same room when it happened.
You're telling me that
she was sexually assaulted
- in front of her friends?
- And her own husband.
We'll take it from here,
Divide and conquer?
The last guests had left.
Uh, we were cleaning up.
Doorbell rang.
James answered.
And the robbery crew pushed in.
Four of them,
in masks, armed.
- With?
- Shotguns, handguns.
They took, uh, the four of us
into the kitchen and,
um, zip-tied us.
They say anything?
One guy.
Seemed like the leader.
And they knew exactly
what they were looking for.
Meaning what?
A safe in the basement, evidently.
I'm James' best friend.
I didn't even know he had one.
Why'd they shoot him?
He wouldn't give up the combo.
Younger guy,
seemed like the muscle.
He shot him in the knee.
- The leader was pissed.
- How so?
He yelled at the guy
in some foreign language.
Our Albanians.
They brought all of us in here.
- And this is where he tied you up?
- Yeah.
At first, it seemed
like he just wanted
the combo to James' safe.
And what about your friend?
The one that was raped.
Nora doesn't know
I told the cops about that.
She asked me
not to say anything.
Do you have any idea why
she didn't wanna report it?
- I
- But you reported it anyway.
- Someone needed to.
- Yeah.
About the rapist,
is there anything else
you could tell us?
He was some kind of psycho,
just unhinged.
It seemed like he got off
on the power,
making us watch.
James especially.
Keep canvassing
Traffic cams, Ring cams.
The neighbors who called it in,
I need a full statement.
Thank you, Fin.
Uh, were you able to talk
to the homeowners?
The doctors say that James
is still in surgery.
- And where's Nora now?
- She's in the cafeteria.
And I wasn't gonna talk
to her without you, of course.
But what is the play here?
Because her friend says
she doesn't wanna cooperate.
Well, we can't force her
to get a rape kit.
I know that, but
this is a change
in pattern, Liv, all right?
These guys don't normally rape.
So this is about ID'ing
your unsubs?
Point blank, yes.
They could be
on the next flight out.
If this guy did leave DNA,
it could be our only chance
- at getting this crew.
- I understand that.
But my main concern, Sergeant,
is getting the man who raped Nora.

Mrs. Fletcher.
Hi, I'm Captain Benson
from SVU.
This is Sergeant Rollins
from Intelligence.
- Do you mind if we sit?
- I don't want the police involved.
I know.
I certainly understand that,
but, um.
- Your neighbor
- across the street called it in.
You don't get it.
The men who broke into my home
know where we live.
We're gonna have to move,
leave the city.
Not if we catch these guys.
And if you don't?
We will, because one of them
made a big mistake.
A mistake that could lead
to us taking them all down.
And what was that?
Assaulting you.
Valerie told you.
I made her swear
not to say anything.
Listen, your friend
is worried about you.
And you need medical attention,
Mrs. Fletcher.
No, I don't care
what happens to me, okay?
I just want my marriage
to survive this.
A few hours ago,
I was mad at him
for putting knives
in the dishwasher.
He made James watch.
My tough guy
just became a puddle.
Help us find the men
who did this to you.
If I help
If l help
James can never know that
I told you how he reacted.
He will never
hear it from us.
We just wanna get these guys
Before they get on a plane
and leave the country.

Okay, Captain.
Benson and Rollins got our vic
to agree to a rape kit.
With any luck, we'll be able
to pull the guy's DNA,
link him to something overseas.
I'm guessing
in your line of work,
you don't get
too many rape cases.
Nah, I've never seen
anything like this.
Yeah, even for us,
this one's pretty cold.
What the hell
you think that's about?
The guys we're dealing with,
not too much thinking
is involved.
Welcome to the cesspool
of human depravity.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Come on in.
CSU says
you got something for us?
Found it outside
the Fletcher house.
Trail cam.
One of those things
hunters use?
What are the chances
the Fletchers put it there themselves?
As well as it was hidden,
I highly doubt it.
So somebody's been
recording the comings
and goings of the Fletchers.
You been able to pull
any footage off it yet?
Still working on it.
All right, so the homeowner
was shot in the knee
he's still in recovery
but the rape victim
- agreed to a kit.
- A rape?
Are we sure that we're looking
at your crew, Rollins?
the rape is off-pattern,
but the MO is the same.
So tell me
that we've got something.
Not a lot.
A few stills from
the neighbor's security cam.
Those bags look heavy.
The safe was cleaned out.
We found it in the basement,
open and empty.
Any idea what was in it?
We asked the wife.
She has no idea.
We haven't been able
to talk to the husband.
- Was anything else taken?
- They left a lot.
Paintings still on the walls,
rings on fingers,
watches on wrists.
Wife has
a new diamond necklace,
and the guy has five Rolexes
in the bedroom safe alone.
Rolexes, two safes
what does this guy
- do for a living?
- He owns a chain of gyms.
He's worth about 50 mil.
This crew knew exactly
what they were going after.
- So CSU find anything?
- Not a print, hair, or fiber.
They're still combing through.
Yeah, but one thing,
we found a trail cam out front.
A trail cam?
Yeah, these robbery crews
use trail cams
to develop a pattern of life
for their targets.
TARU's tracing the serial
numbers and pulling images.
So, what about the car?
Did we run the plates?
We can't trace the number.
Likely ghost plates,
but TARU's working on that too.
Okay, so clearly, whatever
they wanted was in that safe.
Well, the wife and
the friends might have no idea,
but somebody must.
Well, these people
are rich, right?
They have a staff?
Sure, a housekeeper,
a gardener,
a couple of handymen
Nora has to have
all those contacts.
Let's start there.
I just could not sit
in that cafeteria any longer.
My house still a crime scene?
We'll let you know
as soon as we're done.
Not that I ever
wanna go back there.
So, did you find anything
from my rape kit?
There was DNA.
Um, unfortunately,
there's no matches
in our database.
We're also running it international.
- It may take time.
- So what?
We just wait?
No, we're we're working
the other evidence.
Um, we found a trail cam that
was hidden in your planters
- in the front of your house.
- A trail cam?
Yeah, the crew was using it
to stake out your place.
How how long
were they watching us?
Well, we don't know that,
but Nora, what we'd
like to ask you for
is there somebody
who can ID
anybody who's had access to your home?
- Uh
Oh, excuse me.
Oh, it's the hospital.
Uh, this is Nora Fletcher.

Uh, um I'll
I'll be right there.
Uh, I have to go.
- What what is going on?
- James has a blood clot.
They have to put some kind
of filter in his chest.
He's gonna go back into surgery?
I don't know. I'm sorry.
I have to go.
Good news?
James is out of surgery,
but he's still unconscious
and unable to talk.
what do you got from the list
of employees Nora gave us?
We showed the housekeeper
- an image from the trail cam.
- And?
Well, she didn't recognize
the shorter guy.
Neither did Nora, but they
both ID'd the taller guy.
And who is he?
He's James Fletcher's
business manager.
- Business manager?
- Dennis Maynard.
He was helping James
open up a couple
new locations of his gym.
Well, obviously James
trusts him with his money,
so find out if he knows
what was in that safe
and who else he brought
to the apartment that day.
Got a hit on
the DNA from Interpol.
- Great.
- Aldrit Neziri,
from Tirana, Albania, 25.
Picked up for sex assault
in Antwerp a year ago.
Made bail, managed to skip
out of town before trial.
Okay, did the rape happen
during a robbery?
Totally unconnected.
He drugged a stripper.
That's why he never crossed our radar.
Do we know how
he's connected to the crew?
We're working on it,
one of Aldrit's girlfriends
posted bail for him in Antwerp
Anya De Vries, Dutch national.
She has an apartment in Queens.
Let's pay her a visit.
Open up!
- Police!
- We have a body down!
- Police!
- Stand down!
- Aldrit Neziri?
- Bathroom's clear.
- Hallway clear.
Looks like he's staying here.
At least he was.
Now he's bleeding out
and on the run.
Why the hell would he rip up
his own passport?
My guess?
He didn't.
Whoever broke in here,
shot his girlfriend,
and tried to kill him did.
Okay, so his crew
tried to clean up
the mess he made by raping Nora.
They botched the job.
A lot of blood here.
He's not gonna get far.
Okay, we need a citywide
hospital canvass,
drugstores, and clinics.
And if he does survive,
he's gonna make
one hell of a witness.
His own team tried to kill him.
That'll make him
easy to flip.

So we finally ID'd
a suspect,
- but he's in the wind?
- But he's wounded.
And leaking.
So don't worry, we'll catch him.
The blood trail stops
a block from his apartment.
We're checking traffic cams,
What about ballistics?
You get those yet?
We found a gun that was
registered in Georgia
to none other
than the homeowner.
- James Fletcher?
- They took it from the safe.
But we still don't know
what else was in there?
No, but we ran James
Fletcher's financials
- Uh-huh.
- And it turns out
that he cashed out half
of his portfolio last month.
Okay, the business manager,
Dennis Maynard.
- Did we talk to him?
- Not yet.
Maynard's office
says he's out of town.
He's not answering
his cell phone.
That's inconveniently
We have a home address?
Yeah, he has
a townhouse in Chelsea.
You and Curry
pay him a visit.
And in the meantime,
let's find out if Nora
knew why her husband
had an AR-15 in that safe.
Did we get the DNA back
from her rape kit?
That's how we ID'd him.
Well, I'd like to get as much
leverage on this guy as I can.
So let's show her a six-pack.
I mean, it's hard to tell.
He was wearing a mask.
So focus on the eyes.
Yeah, okay.

That's him.
Dead eyes.
How is your husband doing?
He's still in recovery.
So you guys managed to ID
the man who raped me.
What about the rest?
We're still working on all of it.
So, Nora, we recovered a gun
that was registered to your husband.
There was a gun in the safe?
Yeah, an AR-15.
What do you think he's doing with
a high-powered weapon like that?
He was worried about my safety.
Did something happen?
Six months ago,
some random guy
sucker punched me
on the street.
I was fine, but James just
got really overprotective.
He's worried this country is
gonna descend into a civil war.
He even applied for
a citizenship in the EU.
So, we also found out that
he cashed out,
several million in stocks.
- You didn't know?
- No.
Did you talk to Dennis,
James' business manager?
We will.
So what can you tell us about him?
He handles our finances.
What did James do
with that money?
We don't know yet,
but from what
you're telling us,
it sounds like he was preparing
for the end of the world.
And somehow this crew
found out about it.
I apologize about that
out-of-town misunderstanding.
- Misunderstanding?
- I have a new office girl.
- Okay, well, we're here now.
What happened
to James and Nora, terrible.
I've helped him grow his
business for the past ten years.
So James must be one
of your longest clients.
He's like a brother to me.
We go golfing
at least once a week.
- Have you caught these guys yet?
- Not yet.
We're hoping you could shed
some light on their motive.
- Why me?
- You pay his bills, right?
You ever seen this guy before?
He's one of the guys
who robbed James?
And raped Nora.
All right,
let's be blunt, Mr. Maynard.
We know that James cashed out
half his portfolio.
I advised against it.
I had him heavily invested in tech.
The market's never looked better.
What was in the safe?
From what we could tell,
it was heavy.
- He bought gold.
- How much?
10 million.
Did anyone else
know about this?
Other than me,
uh, his wife, maybe.
Why don't you ask him?
Oh, we will,
once he's conscious.
Well, then, uh,
I've told you all I can.
One more thing.
Who's this gentleman?
That would be an appraiser
for the insurance company.
James asked me to take out
a policy on the gold.
We had to have it appraised.
Do you have a copy?
I'd have to look for it.
And without
James' permission
Okay, well,
we can get a subpoena.
No need for that.
It's around here somewhere.

Here it is.
And when did James
ask you to do this?
I am starting to feel uncomfortable.
I'm not in the habit of discussing
my clients' personal business.
Good thing it's dated.
A week before the robbery.
We're gonna need
a copy of this.
Take that one.
It's a duplicate.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a 3:00.
I think I have been
forthcoming enough.
You can see yourselves out.
We'll be in touch.
So James took out
an insurance policy on his gold
a week before the robbery?
You think he set this all up
- to collect on the policy?
You can ask him yourself.
He just woke up.
I just got out of surgery,
I've barely talked to my wife,
and you're asking me about
some insurance policy?
We need to know if you signed it.
Is this your signature?
No, it's not.
Dennis must have signed it.
Is that unusual?
He has power of attorney.
He signs a lot of things for me.
What is unusual is I had no idea
that insurance policy even existed.
Okay, so why didn't you
call the cops
after your house was robbed?
And your wife got raped?
You think I wanted
to see her get raped
- right in front of me?
- Okay.
- Huh?
- All right,
let's just calm down.
You wanna know why
I didn't call the cops?
It's because I froze, okay?
A man has two jobs,
to protect and provide for his woman,
and I'm a failure at
the most important one.
I mean, somehow these guys
knew that you had $10 million
in gold in your basement.
How'd they find out?
I don't know.
Didn't let it slip to
a friend or somebody at work?
I didn't even tell Nora.
So James
and his business manager
are the only two
who knew about the gold?
Yeah, but I don't think
James is good for it.
Okay, so what about
his insurance appraiser?
He had to have known about it.
according to his office,
the guy's been missing
for two days.
My guess is three Albanians
gave him a swimming lesson
- in the East River.
- Hold on.
How does a middle-aged
financial manager
get in touch with a crew of
international crime tourists?
We went through
Maynard's client list.
He's got a lot of contacts
in the Diamond District.
Diamond District?
Okay, it's not hard
to do the math.
I mean, his townhouse alone,
his trophy wife
this guy's life isn't cheap.
And it's about to get
a whole lot more expensive.
Bring him in.

So what's
the short guy's name again?
The appraiser?
Kyle Schwartz.
Just pulled him out
of the East River,
- full of shotgun pellets.
- Yeah, that sounds familiar.
Okay, here he is.
- You wanna do the honors?
- Hell, no.
I'm in Intelligence.
We keep it clean.
I can't say for sure
until we do ballistics,
but from the look of it,
this is the same shotgun
gauge used by the Albanians.
He's gotta have
more holes than a colander,
and we still
haven't found the guys.
We need to widen the search.
Well, you can handle that.
Just picked up Maynard.
All right.
I never meant
for anyone to get hurt.
I was told these guys
weren't violent.
Who told you that?
Another criminal?
Who was your contact?
We give that up,
and what kind
of consideration do we get?
Mr. Carter,
you already have my patience.
So my consideration
for murder one,
- you're not gonna get.
- Murder one?
Someone's dead?
These guys killed one of
their accomplice's girlfriends.
And from the looks of it,
they tried to kill him too.
and maybe your appraiser.
- What?
- Yeah, Kyle Schwartz
from Blackstone Fidelity.
When's the last time
you heard from him?
We just saw his body
in the morgue.
My client's gonna need
We can do that.
So, Dennis,
how did this all start?

I had already brokered
James' gold deal.
So you knew he was sitting
on $10 million worth.
You had power of attorney,
so you took out an insurance
policy without him knowing.
And let me guess, you were
gonna get paid twice.
Yeah, the robbery crew was
gonna cut you in on the gold,
and then you were gonna
cash out the policy.
I thought
these guys were pros.
They were going to go in,
get the gold, and get out.
No one was supposed
to get hurt.
Yeah, well, a woman
got raped because of you,
and your client damn near died.
We're here to cooperate.
Well, then you better start talking.
Are these guys still in town?
It's not easy to unload
$10 million worth of gold.
Not like they're gonna
take it on a plane.
Well, this is what
you're gonna do.
You're gonna get
in touch with them,
and you're gonna tell them
you have a buyer.

If these guys do fall
for this fake buyer setup
Then we arrest them
and your case is closed.
And your rapist is still out there.
With no leads.
Either way,
you and I need to let
James and Nora know
that their business manager
was the one who set them up.
Maynard had those guys rob our house?
He was heavily leveraged.
He was deeply in debt.
What about the man
who raped me?
Maynard said that
wasn't part of the plan.
And you believe him?
Whether we do or we don't
isn't the issue.
But the
The fact of the matter is,
he did embezzle
the $10 million.
Oh, my God.
I, I just feel like
this is all my fault.
I was just trying to have a plan
to protect you in the future
in case the world collapsed,
and I put you in danger.
I told you just to do
whatever he wanted.

Are we ever gonna be okay again?
I think the most important thing
is that you're both here,
It's Corgan.
Excuse us for a sec.
A 911 call just came in.
A doctor at a downtown clinic,
was just held up at gunpoint,
by a man with wounds from buckshot.
Is that the guy?
Yeah, that's him.
We were just closing up.
He burst in.
And what did he
ask you to do?
He had a wound in his side,
one in his leg.
He tried to
Krazy Glue them shut,
but it wasn't helping.
He held a gun on me,
demanded medical attention.
He had an accent?
Sounded Eastern European.
I did what I could.
Took some pellets out,
gave him gauze, painkillers.
And then what happened next?
- He just left.
- Did you see him get into a car?
- No, his condition, he won't get far.
- All right.
Thank you so much, Doctor.
All right, team, listen up.
Uh, I need this
entire area searched.
We know he's on foot,
and we have a description.
- Go.
- We're gonna need air support.
Officers saw a guy
matching the description
- bleeding on Greenwich.
- We're heading there now.
- Let's go.
- All right.
He's armed.
Everybody vest up.
There's no sign of him yet.
Maybe we should have
jumped in the car.
In this crowd?
I think we're better off on foot.
- What?
- Yo, watch it!
- He's going downstairs.
- We got him.
He's headed upstairs.
- What what are you doing?
Everyone back!
We got a gun behind the bar.
It needs to be secured.
- NYPD, watch it.
- Police!
- Where the hell is he?
- We split up.
You take the upstairs.
I'm gonna go this way.
Watch it.
Watch it.
- Get out of my way!
He's heading
towards the roof.
Liv, I'm on his heels.
Don't move!
- It's over.
- You're hurting me.
Aldrit Neziri?
- I don't know who that is.
- Oh, you don't?
Guess what?
We do.

Come on.

Valerie, what's going on?
It's Nora.
I called the hotel,
and the concierge sent me here.
- Nora's in that bar?
- Yeah.
And from the way she's acting,
she's been there for hours.
She won't talk to you?
She refuses to even look at me.
She thinks I betrayed her trust.
By telling us, that she was raped.
Okay, listen to me, Valerie.
You did
you did the right thing.
I'm not so sure now.
I've never seen her like this before.
She's never been
sexually assaulted before.
It has a way of changing people.
It's changed you too.
Yeah, it's been tough
to forget what we saw,
but, Graham and I
are getting through it.
Listen, it's not about forgetting it.
It's about dealing with it.
- That's why I called you.
- Of course, of course.
I'll, uh
I'll talk to her.
This place feels
a little lowbrow
for your style, isn't it?
Well, this is how
I'm feeling, so
and I don't need company.
Well, I'm not gonna let you
beat yourself up alone,
so, you might as well
tell me what's going on.
That story that you told us about
getting punched in the
face by a passerby
you said that James got
overprotective after that?
Yeah, he did.
How did it affect you?
Well, in hindsight, I think,
I was just more worried
about James' reaction.
But you were the one
that was victimized.
I mean, in hindsight,
I think I just,
was more worried about how James felt.
Because James would feel worse.
Is it possible that that's,
what you're doing now?
How do I get out of this?
What happened to you was horrific,
but it wasn't just you.
Your friends saw,
your husband saw.
Your first instinct,
was not to report your rape
To spare them all the pain?
I don't know.
I thought I was being strong.
That's not strength, Nora.
That's avoidance.
You know, you, uh
you don't have to do it now,
here, in front of me,
but at some point today,
I want you to talk to your husband,
about how this affected you.
And then after that,
I want you to tell him
that you're not as far away
from justice as you feel.
What do you mean?
We caught the guy.
That's right.
You pick up the other three Albanians?
Alex Neziri, Zef Sokoli
and Sandro Nikolla
were arrested at
the sting Dennis set up.
They're in Rikers
awaiting arraignment.
- They say anything?
- They lawyered up.
But we recovered the gold
and the masks
from the rental they had up
in the South Bronx.
That's good enough
for a grand jury indictment.
Hey, by the way,
Interpol's been calling.
They want us to ship
these guys back overseas.
Well, we're fighting it.
New York crime,
New York case.
Don't worry, they're gonna do
their time in New York,
and then we'll consent
to extradition.
What about Aldrit?
He's guilty for
the shooting and the rape.
Oh, he's still
in the hospital.
Is there any chance this guy
would testify against his buddies?
I mean, these guys are
gonna plead not guilty.
They're gonna milk this
as long as they can.
Well, they did kill his girlfriend,
so, yeah, maybe.
Nothing like arraigning
a guy in a hospital bed,
just to up the pressure.
There's the hardball ADA I married.
On the charges of robbery
in the first degree,
assault one, and rape one,
how do you plead?
- Not guilty.
- People on bail?
Given that he's
a foreign national
with no ties to the community
I'll grant remand.
- Unless you have any objections.
- No, Your Honor.
Mr. Neziri,
you will be sent to Rikers
pending trial after your
release from this hospital.
Do you understand?
Just answer the judge.
Then we are adjourned.
Come on.
My client may be willing to cooperate.
I'm listening.
Once the crew found out
Aldrit took a deal, they all folded.
What kind of time
are we looking at?
15 years each
for the armed robbery.
What did they give Aldrit?
20 years for the robbery
and assault.
- And what about the rape?
- Another five,
to be served consecutively.
Then he'll be extradited to Antwerp
to face the sex assault charges there.
Assuming his partners,
don't finish the job they started,
and execute him in Rikers.
Either way,
nice work, Counselor.
- Can we go home now?
I'll meet you there.
- I'm out.
- Yeah.
So the man who raped
me will go to prison?
He's gonna testify
against the others first,
but, he's gonna do serious time.
And what he did to you,
he's done to others before.
Multiple countries want this guy,
and he'll be in a prison
somewhere in Europe for life.
Uh, and what about
James' business manager?
So Maynard, it's, uh,
a bit of a different story.
He took a plea deal,
but, from what we
understand, he has lost
every single client
he ever had.
And his marriage.
Speaking of which,
how are you and James doing?
Trying to get him to
take a second look
at how he sees the world.
We talked about
moving out of the city.
And how do you feel about that?
I made it clear that
I'm never going back
to that house again.
And I'm not gonna live in fear
that the world's gonna fall apart.
You know, hope
Can never be underestimated.
Yeah, well, I hope
he and I can get past this
together, as a couple.
You know, Nora, if I can, uh,
offer you this
one thing that you might
wanna focus on now
is taking care of yourself.
Because my experience is,
we cannot truly support another person,
until we deal with our
own individual trauma.

Well, that was an adventure.
Oh, is that what we're calling it?
I'm not gonna say
I'm happy that a crew
of crime tourists came into our lives,
but, it was nice to work
with you again.
Well, it never hurts
to have a little juice
with the Intelligence Division.
Hey, if I ever get
any intel on an SVU case,
you'll be my first call.
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