Doctor Who (1963) s26e04 Episode Script

Battlefield, Part Four

Surrender to me what is mine by right of conquest.
Give me Excalibur.
Never! Then you shall be given over to the Destroyer.
And become his handmaidens in hell! Tell Morgaine to call off the Destroyer.
Surrender to our justice and the children will live.
Your justice? Tell her to call it off or I will decapitate you.
Now we shall see what is happening.
He must care for you very much to threaten my son so.
Fear not.
It is a deception.
He is bluffing.
We know you of old, Merlin.
You will not kill.
I wouldn't count on it.
Come then, look me in the eye.
End my life.
It is a weakness, this lack of spirit.
Try me.
Ware this man, Mordred.
He is steeped in blood.
-Brigadier, this is not the way.
-I'm sorry, Doctor.
-Can Morgaine hear me? -Yes.
Listen to me, Morgaine.
Leave my world or your son dies.
Deathless Morgaine.
Save me! Die well, my son.
Mother! Knight Commander.
Your Majesty.
Recommence your attack.
Take no prisoners.
No! This is our path, to fight and die.
That's what we're paid for.
So let's do it with some style! My mother will destroy you.
Just between you and me, Mordred, I'm getting a little tired of hearing about your mother.
Get in.
Hold tight.
Your friends will soon be dead.
Now, give me Excalibur.
If you're so powerful, why don't you come and get it? An excellent suggestion.
-The sword is protecting you.
-The Doctor was right.
You can't touch us while we're in the circle.
Not while we've got the paper knife.
This is true.
I cannot break such an enchantment.
But I can.
If you're so bad, why haven't you done anything yet? First I must be freed.
This mortal has me chained.
With silver.
It burns.
She fears me.
I fear nothing.
Then free me and let me claim this world.
What does he want the world for? Why, to devour it.
What else? Ace! Doctor! No! Morgaine! If they're dead Ace! Doctor, I'm afraid that Mordred Ace? Shou Yuing? We're here, Professor.
-What happened? The hotel fell on us.
There was this woman, with a pet demon.
And I seem to remember a chalk circle that was supposed to protect us from harm.
Yes, I get the idea, Ace.
Where's Excalibur? -The woman seemed to want it very badly.
-Very, very badly.
-So we gave it to her.
But it's not our fault.
I mean, if I'd had some nitro then maybe I could What do you mean, good? Exotic alien swords are easy to come by.
Aces are rare.
-What do you make of this? -I don't know.
-Which way did Morgaine leave? -A flash of light and gone.
Where is my army? Gone the way of all flesh.
A good fight.
Where is she now? At the other end of that interstitial vortex.
So what's our next move? Well, first we go through this.
-Brigadier, I'll go first.
Ace -Stay here.
And you.
Now, high drama is very similar to comedy.
It's all a matter of Timing! They're going to be killed.
You saw the Destroyer.
Morgaine could control the Destroyer.
She had it chained up with silver chains, get it? -The silver bullets! -Keep an eye on the vortex.
-It's fading.
-Got them! It's going.
What're you going to do, throw them through? Do me a favour.
Geronimo! You would do well to release me, Morgaine.
Release you? Merlin is mighty and cunning.
I cannot destroy him while I'm chained.
What matter? I have Excalibur.
Without it, Arthur sleeps forever.
Merlin cannot find me ere I leave.
See! The gateway home is almost complete.
He comes even as we speak.
How? He cannot come through the vortex.
You have allowed him access.
Why? So that you would be forced to release me.
-Well, nothing ventured, Doctor.
Nothing gained.
That was uncalled for! Your move, Merlin.
You haven't won the game yet, Morgaine.
I could always defeat you at chess, Merlin.
Who said anything about playing chess? I'm playing poker.
And I have an Ace up my sleeve.
-Very funny.
-Destroy him.
Release me.
What is it to be, Morgaine? Who do you fear more? This is no idle threat, Merlin.
Give me Excalibur or I will loose the Destroyer upon the world.
Don't be a fool.
Nice work, Doctor.
But I thought she was bluffing.
You fool, Morgaine.
-Do you think this will solve anything? -Yes.
Too late, Merlin.
The gateway is open.
I am gone and you have lost.
-Doctor! -Mother! -Mordred? -About time! -You live.
-In spite of thee, false parent.
Witch! -I thought you dead.
-Thought or wished it so? Mordred, no.
That was not the way of it.
Doctor, can I have a word? -Doctor? -Brigadier, you're going the wrong way.
Ace! At last! -What was that? -That, Brigadier, was the beginning of the end of the world.
Same as ever, eh, Doctor? I hunger.
It's no good! It's not good at all.
I can have an air strike here in minutes.
That's no good, Brigadier.
Conventional weapons won't harm it.
No, I didn't think so.
-Ace, give me the silver bullets.
-How did you know? -Silver bullets will do the trick.
-How did you know I had them? It's all a matter of timing, Ace.
Give me your gun.
Those will stop the Destroyer? What, you just shoot the bullets into it? Simple, isn't it? Just like most killings.
Is that a spaceship? You scumbag! Sorry, Doctor, but I think I'm rather more expendable than you are.
This world shall be mine.
And then another, and another.
Little man.
What do you want of me? Get off my world.
We've got to stop him.
Can this world do no better than you as their champion? Probably.
I just do the best I can.
No chance.
He's had it.
Sergeant, where's that coffee? Sergeant! The battle's not over yet.
You stupid, stubborn, pig-headed numbskull.
You were supposed to die in bed.
I could've handled it.
Do your job.
-Nonsense, Doctor.
-You're supposed to be dead! Oh, really, Doctor.
You don't think I'd be so stupid as to stay inside, do you? -Well -Really, Doctor, have a little faith.
-Yes, Brigadier.
I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
He's all yours from now on.
-I'm going home to Doris.
-Doris? Yes, my wife.
-Ha! So she caught you in the end.
Shouldn't we be getting back? -Yes, Ace is right.
I suspect there's some clearing up to be done.
Yes, just a small nuclear missile bogged down in a nature reserve.
It's a nuclear missile.
The blast will kill you as well.
We shall be long gone ere that happens.
Now, tell me.
What is the secret incantation? I don't know what you're talking about.
The magic words.
The failsafe release code.
I've no idea.
Oh, I doubt that.
What is the code? Ancelyn, replace Excalibur and Arthur will arise.
I think the honour belongs to the Brigadier.
-Oh, the Doctor should do it.
-No, my lord, you were the victor.
Give me that.
-Ace, have you no sense of occasion? -No.
Listen, she is alive.
Which is more than can be said for Arthur the freeze-dried.
-This is very odd.
-Well, you put him there.
I will put him there.
What's wrong, Doctor? Where is the King? -Doctor, this is for you.
-What does it say? ''Dear Doctor.
King died in final battle.
-''Everything else propaganda.
'' -Who signed it? -The Doctor.
-Ah, well, that sorts that out.
Morgaine has just seized control of the nuclear missile.
'' I could've given myself more warning.
Brigadier, you and Ace see to this ship.
-Explosives, Doctor.
-Now you're talking! Yes, we'll give Arthur a warrior's burial.
-Too late, Merlin.
-Is it? Not while there's an abort button.
If this missile explodes, millions will die, you will die.
I shall die with honour.
All over the world, fools are poised ready to let death fly.
Machines of death, Morgaine, screaming from above, of light, brighter than the sun.
Not a war between armies nor a war between nations, but just death, death gone mad.
A child looks up into the sky, his eyes turn to cinders.
No more tears, only ashes.
Is this honour? Is this war? Are these the weapons you would use? -Tell me! -No.
Then put a stop to it, Morgaine.
End the madness! Then tell Arthur to face me with honour in single combat.
Arthur is dead.
-He's dead, Morgaine.
Merlin, prince of deceit.
Another trick.
-I don't believe you.
-Don't you? -It can't be.
He died over a thousand years ago.
Arthur, who burned like star fire.
-And was as beautiful.
Where does he lie? I would look at him one final time.
He's gone to dust.
Then I shall not even have that comfort.
I shall never see him again.
We were together in the Woods of Celadon.
The air was like honey.
I'm sorry, Morgaine.
It's over.
I do not fear death, Mordred.
You've slain my beloved, there's no life without her.
So be it.
'Tis time! Time and Time Lords wait for no man.
Ah, Brigadier, before Mordred recovers, lock him up.
And while you're at it, lock up his mother.
Peaceful, isn't it? Silence after battle, Doctor.
I'm sorry, I'm not being a very good host.
Are you all right out here? Oh, just admiring the garden.
I don't suppose you've seen Doris, have you? Bye! I think the battle may be about to begin.
-You going somewhere, dear? -Out.
-Out? -Out with the girls.
I thought you said this was a piece of antiquated junk.
-Did I say that, Professor? -Yes.
We'll try not to break too many speed records.
-Or traffic laws.
-Hey, what's that! -Do you want to drive, Doris? -Oh, no.
I'll drive on the way back, okay? -Allow me.
-Thank you, Doctor.
Whee! Um, are you intending to go far, Doris? Well, I don't know.
But there's lots of work to be done in the garden.
-Roll the grass.
-What about supper? Oh, that's a good idea.
Have something really delicious ready for us when we get home, okay? Ah, are they not magnificent? Yeah.
You any good with a lawn mower, Ancelyn? I'll cook supper.

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